. • ' UNDER SEAL '!I STATE OF WISCONSIN C 0 U R T OF A P P E A L S DISTRICT IV UNDER SEAL Case No. 20 13AP002504 W STATE ex rei. THREE UNNAMED PETITIONERS, Petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE GREGORY A. PETERSON, John Doe Judge, THE HONORABLE GREGORY POTTER, Chief Judge and FRANCIS D. SCHMITZ, as Special Prosecutor,. Respondents. Case No. 2013AP002505 W STATE ex rel. THREE UNNAMED PETITIONERS, Petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE GREGORY A. PETERSON, John Doe Judge, THE HONORABLE JAMES P. DALEY, Chief Judge and FRANCIS D. SCHMITZ, as Special Prosecutor, Respondents. Case No. 2013AP002506 W STATE ex rei. THREE UNNAMED PETITIONERS, Petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE GREGORY A. PETERSON, John Doe Judge, THE HONORABLE GREGORY POTTER, Chief Judge and FRANCIS D. SCHMIT~, as Special Prosecutor, Respondents. Case No. 20 13AP002507 W STATE ex rel. THREE UNNAMED PETITIONERS, Petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE GREGORY A. PETERSON, John Doe Judge, THE HONORABLE JAMES J. DUVALL, Chief Judge and FRANCIS D. SCHMITZ, as Special Prosecutor, Respondents. Case No. 20 13AP002508 W STATE ex rel. THREE UNNAMED PETITIONERS, Petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE GREGORY A. PETERSON, John Doe Judge, THE HONORABLE JEFFREY A. KREMERS, Chief Judge and FRANCIS D. SCHMITZ, as Special Prosecutor, Respondents. AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF THE RESPONSE OF THE SPECIAL PROSECUTOR (FILED UNDER SEAL) STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. MILWAUKEE COUNTY) Francis D. Schmitz, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that: 1. I am the Special Prosecutor appointed to the John Doe investigation challenged in the Supervisory Writ proceedings identified in the captions above. 2. I make this Affidavit in support of a Response to the Petition for a Supervisory Writ filed in the court of appeals. 3. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and correct copy of papers filed in the Milwaukee County John Doe Proceedings in Case No. 2012JD000023: a. The file stamped Order assigning the Honorable Barbara A. Kluka as the John Doe Judge. Exhibit 1.1 b. The Petition for Commencement of a John Doe Proceeding (Exhibit 1.2); and c. The Affidavit in Support of Petition to Commence the Milwaukee John Doe Proceedings (Exhibit 1.3); I am advised that the Order (Exhibit 1.1) was submitted to Chief Judge Jeffrey A. Kremers with the Petition and the Affidavit attached. Only the Order was file stamped by the Deputy Clerk. 4. Attached to this Affidavit are true and correct file stamped copies of the Petitions to Commence John Doe Proceedings in the Counties of: a. Columbia (Exhibit 2); b. Dane (Exhibit 3); c. Dodge (Exhibit 4); and d. Iowa (Exhibit 5). 5. Attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit 6 is a true and correct file stamped copy of the Affidavit dated December 10, 2012 submitted in the Milwaukee John Doe Proceedings in Case No. 2102JD000023. It is submitted here without exhibits. It is included herewith because this 2 Schmitz Affidavit 002 Affidavit (without exhibits) was incorporated by reference in the proceedings commenced in the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge and Iowa. 6. I have attached true and correct file stamped copies of the Affidavit in Support of Petitions to Commence John Doe Proceedings in the Counties of: a. Columbia (Exhibit 7); b. Dane (Exhibit 8); c. Dodge (Exhibit 9); and d. Iowa (Exhibit 10). Because the Milwaukee County Affidavits dated August 10, 2012 and December 10, 2012 are duplicated in all of these filings, they have not been included as part of the exhibits to my Affidavit. They are, however, on file in each of the counties named above, except I am advised that Exhibit 5 was inadvertently omitted from the copies filed in these counties. 7. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and correct copy of the Applications and Orders for Specific Judicial Assignment for the Honorable Barbara A. Kluka in the Counties of: a. Columbia (Exhibit 11 ); b. Dane (Exhibit 12); c. Dodge (Exhibit 13); d. Iowa (Exhibit 14); and e. Milwaukee (Exhibit 15). 8. Attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit 16 is a true and correct file stamped representative copy of the letter signed by the District Attorneys of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee Counties dated August 21 I 3 Schmitz Affidavit 003 22, 2013 to John Doe Judge Barbara Kluka. This representative copy (Exhibit 16) was filed in Columbia County. The same letter was filed in the Counties of Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. 9. Attached to this Affidavit are true and correct file stamped copies of the Orders Appointing a Special Prosecutor in the Counties of: a. Columbia (Exhibit 17); b. Dane (Exhibit 18); c. Dodge (Exhibit 19); d. Iowa (Exhibit 20); and e. Milwaukee (Exhibit 21 ). Under date of August 26, 2013, the State Prosecutors Office was forwarded a copy of these Orders by United States Mail. 10. On October 23, 2013, in the context of the Milwaukee County proceedings, I learned that the Honorable Barbara A. Kluka had recused herself. I received formal notice of the recusal on October 29, 2013. See Exhibit 22. 11. The Honorable Gregory A. Peterson was subsequently assigned to continue with the John Doe proceedings. See Exhibit 22. Attached to this Affidavit are true and correct copies of the Applications and Orders for Specific Judicial Assignments relating to the Honorable Gregory A. Peterson in the Counties of: a. Columbia (Exhibit 23); b. Dane (Exhibit 24 ); c. Dodge (Exhibit 25); d. Iowa (Exhibit 26); and e. Milwaukee (Exhibit 27). 4 Schmitz Affidavit 004 12. A record of these John Doe proceedings is being maintained by the Clerks of Court for all five counties. Except for the most recent of John Doe papers that have been filed, I certify that I have either filed or caused to be filed all John Doe papers with each of the five Clerks of Court and a complete record of the John Doe proceedings exists in all five counties. 13. Because the John Doe Judges conducting these proceedings live (and lived) a significant distance from the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, with the approval of the John Doe Judge, I have submitted papers in this proceeding to the John Doe Judge prior to filing. After the John Doe Judge acted upon the papers, I caused them to be filed with the five counties. There have in fact been delays in submitting papers to all five counties. After his appointment, I asked Judge Gregory A. Peterson to designate one primary county for the filing of papers. Judge Peterson chose Dane County. He further ordered that from "time to time" the remaining four counties shall be provided with copies of the papers that have been filed in the primary county, viz., Dane County. 14. I act with the prior permission, consent and authorization of the District Attorneys from Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee Counties, the prosecutors who originally commenced the proceedings in their respective counties. While I have assumed the responsibility for the investigatory decisions made in the John Doe proceedings, I myself have not made application for any form of subpoena, subpoena duces tecum or search warrant from the John Doe Judge. I have not appeared before the John Doe Judge to take oral testimony. To the extent that such activities have taken place in the John Doe proceedings since my appointment, investigators have submitted sworn statements to the John Doe Judge in all 5 Schmitz Affidavit 005 but one instance. In that one instance, Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney David Robles submitted an Affidavit to the John Doe Judge. 15. Attached to this Affidavit are true and correct copies of the Orders Commencing the John Doe proceedings signed by Judge Barbara A. Kluka: a. Columbia (Exhibit 28)~ b. Dane (Exhibit 29)~ c. Dodge (Exhibit 30)~ d. Iowa (Exhibit 31 ); and e. Milwaukee (Exhibit 32). Dated this - - day of December 2013. Francis D. Schmitz Special Prosecutor State Bar No. 1000023 Subscribed and sworn to before me at Milwaukee, Wisconsin on this __ day of December 2013 Notary Public, Milwaukee County State of Wisconsin My commission is permanent. 6 Schmitz Affidavit 006 THIS PAGE IN TEN TIONALLY LEFT BLANK 7 Schmitz Affidavit 007 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY FILED ORDER WHEREAS THE COURT, having received the Petition f r AUG 2 3 c mm~oIe this rnornlng. My sense Is that cvcrycn•'s hean (AfP, WtGOP, RSLC, RGA, CFG) is In the tight place but no 011~ Is dear on the enthe bJttle: pl.in. blld lh&t as leaving very vulnerable gaps ln both the plannk\c tlnd execution of 0'1 wtnnin.g strategy. StalinslM ohvious: It il crucial that it we provide the air cover in the con1ing few months that someone e lse ha s • top-notch absentee b3llot ~nd GOlV plan. It is crucl~llhal il l hose two things nr~ happenin& some olher cnllly has lolal respon sibility for collecting tho petitions In the 3·•110rgctc d d em ocra tic scna1e seals. Ills equally crucia l1haJ someone is providi11g talking poiniS ond a dally mesngc to a ll the Party's Jalking heads. Ills crucial thai • II these groups are reporting in on their progress a nd hining their meu1ts for succen. And 11 is crt~clallhal we have a legal plan In pqco to d~allenge erroneous petitions and J)fev~nt votrr ruuJCJ. The poinl l•m lrylns 10 make Is lhaclosino at any of theselowls: GOlV plan: p aid adverllslnc; earned m~tJi a; CQllecHng petit ions; lesar suotegy, metlns losing at oil levels. To resolve this we recom m end ge lling together face 10 lace on Wednesday or frlke them ham sandwiches. Gel firm. No need to do anything expemivc. 3} Corporations i'ul!ed Fortune's top 10 companies in Wisconsin, With il quick glance, only two have supponed Walker (NW Mutual maxed out. American Family gove l!ttle). i Johnson Con!mls S3 Milwnvxee 28.497.0 !J<:>r:!lmQ~.\Q11Lhlli1\!ill 115 MiiWllllkee 21,602.6 ~ 135 Manomonee Fatls 17.17B.O hlilllP.ower 113 Milwaukee 16,038.1 illJlqlican Fa mil:; i<)~UWf1~!1 Q(Q\lR 3~4 MJctison 6,453.4 Oshkosh 386 Oshkosh 5,433.3 tJwl~y~Q{ly\ll! 8~1!2i'lilllon . 20. On March 20, 476 2012 Camill~@donerfundraising.com) 1 4.83!!.6 ______________ Mllwaul\eu 4.332.5 ._..;_. Camille Moughon _, (using the e-mail address sent an e-mail to Governor Scott Walker related to a meeting with Carl lcahn on March 20, 2012 in New York, New York for the purpose of fund raising. (Exhibit 10) The email noted that lcahn has a net worth of $14 billion dollars. The e-mail advised Walker that, ~This meeting is for WiCFG Funds.~~ In the "talking points," Walker is to request a contribution of $100,000 to Wisconsin Club for Growth and provide an update on the recall. (Exhibit 10) 21. On March 30, 2012, ScottWalkerreceives a rness()g€} at swalkerwi@grn(:lil.com in which the sender lndicates, 'Til find out about party limits but make sure he gives it to WiCFG." (Exhibit 11) 22. I am advised that social welfare organizations organized under Title 2 U.S.C. 501(c)(4), can involve themselves in limited political activity, provided that "supporting or 9 Schmitz Affidavit 020 opposing candidates~~ does not become the organization's primary purpose. Corporations can lawfully contribute to a "501 (c)(4)" organization so long as expenditures are not coordinated or made with the cooperation, consultation or at the request of a candidate or 11 political party. The solicitation of contributions by Scott Walker to a 501 (c)4n organization to circumvent the reporting and contributions provisions of Wisconsin Stats. sees. 11.10(4), 11.06(1), and 11.27(1) could constitute a violation of Wisconsin Stats. Sec. 11.26, 11.27 and 11 .61 ( 1) (b). C. SUMMARY 23. As indicated above, during the review of e-mail obtained as a result of the May 3, 2012 search warrant as authorized in the Eighteenth Order Enlarging the Scope of the John Doe Investigation (in Case No. 2010JD000007), additional law violations became apparent. In order to facilitate the completion of the investigation in Milwaukee County John Doe case no. 201 OJD000007, and closure of that John Doe, and as requested in the Petition for Commencement of a John Doe investigation filed by Assistant District Attorney David Robles accompanying this Affidavit, I respectfully request that the court authorize the commencement of a new John Doe investigation as outlined herein and in 1}3 and 1}4 above. Robert Stelter Investigator Milwaukee County District Attorneis Office Subscribed and sworn to before me at Milwaukee, y~ Wisconsin on { this~ day of August 2012. .~ . .. . I --tf'J /. --- ~~~--::~~1,:~·;,\:~''\~:·•,,, ~~ ~~·:=:~;-·. ·.,.~-.:~:.-/.',.lf;,\, ubllcl Mtlwaukee Counw..l .,...·-" · ·".....,;, .......,·.r..,;->'r. Sta e of Wisconsin .?f ~..;». ··\·:~~ "· <..r,··/ ',.:I', My commission is perrnane&t.-~ ~,\ r·· •.. ';I) ~~. v~ ~~h ·1 'i~~~·. ·~·-. F:/501 (c)4 information/ .... 2012-08-07 \ I r· . . .. _; ~ ,,:.._ 's- ;· ··-. .:r;~ '"l>t Petitib~· Mfidavit for. J?.~,ry. Do~. ,II St~iter.doc 10 Schmitz Affidavit 021 Schmitz Affidavit 022 Page I of I From: Reince Priebus- Chairman's Offi ce (Reince.GOP@rnchq.org] Sent: Frid ay, March 25, 2011 2:02PM To: swalkerwi@gmail.com Subject: FW: WI Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Stat us: Red Did you meet with RJ? What was the result of that? HRP From : Nick Ayers Sen t: Friday, March 25, To; Scott Walker Cc: Reince Priebus - Chairman's Office Subject: Wl Spoke to Gillespie t his morning. My sense is that everyone's heart (AFP, WIGOP, RSLC, RGA, CFG) is in the r ight place but no one is clear on the entire battle plan, and that is leaving very vulnerable gaps in both t he planning and execution of a winning strategy. Stating th e obvious: it Is cn1cial that if we provide the air cover in the coming few months that som eone else has a top-notch absentee ballot and GOTV plan. It Is crucial th at if those two things are happening some other entity has total respons ibility for collecting t he petitions in t he 3-4 targeted democrat ic senate seats. It is equally crucial that someone is providing talking points and a daily message to all t he Party's talking heads. It Is crucial that all these groups are reporting in on their progress and hitting their metrics for success. And it is crucial t ha t we have a legal plan in place to challenge erroneous petitions and prevent voter fraud. The point I am t rying to make is that losing at any of th ese levels: GOTV plan; paid advertising; earned media; collecting petitions; legal strategy, means losing at all levels. To resolve t his we recommend getting togeth er face to fnce on Wednesd ay or Friday of next week in WI to bri ng everyone together to assign responsibility and create a command structure. Does thi s sound correct to you? Ed and I are available by phone if you want to discuss. 6128/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 023 From : Kate Doner [ mailto;kate(rndonerfundralsing.cg.r:n) Sent : Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:03 PM To: Jay Rosser; 'R. J. Johnson' Su bject: Gov. Walker follow up Jay, Thanks fo r visiting wi th R.J. Johnson this morning. We truly appreciate your support. I have included RJ on t his email for additional questions. Our goal is $9m in the next 6 weeks. We have a number of people helping who are give/raise money for the effort. With the huge influx of cash from the Union's- we need add the business commun ities help. As the Governor discussed with Mr. Pickens, he want s all the issue advocacy efforts run thru one group to ensure correct messaging. We had some past problems w ith multiple groups doing work on "behalf" of Gov. Walker and 1t caused some issues. In Wisconsin, a 501(c)4 is the legal vehicle that runs the media/outreach/GOTV campa ign. The Governor is encouraging all to invest in the Wisconsin Club for Growth. Wisconsin Club for Growth can accept Co rporate and Personal donations without limitat ions and no donors disclosure. We are a separate group from the national Club for Growth and do not have any Koch money involvement. Polit ical Background: Eight Republican Wisconsin State Senators are facing recall elections due to their vote to end collective bargaining. Governor Walker is personally helping to raise the money t o keep th em in office. Walker is committed to helping all8 State Senators- regardless of their polling numbers. Walker feels he must stand strong by his Senators and it will send a horrible message to other legislators. The Governor fee ls strongly th at the campaign needs to be run in-state due to past fumbles by ou tside groups. Lots of groups are using his name t o ra ise money- · but are not helping Walker direct ly. Here is the breakdown of th ose who are facing recall: 16 are facing possible recalls BGOP 8Dem 7 GOP seats, th e numbers were good. 1 GOP seat, the numbers weten't good, but the Senator won in 2008 when Oboma did better in that district then the recent liberal supreme court candidate did. 2 Dem seats, the numbers indicate o GOP candidate would beat tile incumben t. Appreciate your support and hope you can help. ·Let us know if you need additional information. Every dollar w ill be key. Thank you I Kate Doner 6/28/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 024 Page I of I From: Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 10:48 AM To: 11yan Murray; Scott W all ))ate: Mon, 20 Jun 201l 10:42:10 -0500 To: 'Kelly Rindflei Su bj ect: travel documents Lndles, Here are t he travel documents. I was promised that they don' t contain a virus. So sorry for the delay. Kate Doner Doner Fundralslng, Inc. 815 Sratos, Sui te 701 Austin, Texas 78701 512.476.41103 office 512.233.22q6 fax katc(!.~donerfundraislng.com 6/8/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 025 M onday, June 20 8:30pm June 21 6:30 am- 9: 00am Dinner Chris Lofgen CEO of Schneider National Frescos Tuesday, Squ awkBox 900 Sylvan Ave Englew o od Cliffs, NJ 07632 9:00-9:30 am M ar k Sch w abero President Mercury Marine *meet on set of SquawkBox 10:30am Goldman Sachs 200 West St reet (financial district/battery park) Attendees: l(athleen Drown (Jerry Brown's sister) Carolos Pineiro 12:00 -1:30pm Lunch with BlackRock Executives BlackRock Offices 55 East 52'"1 Street, 6 111 floor NY 10055 At tendees: Peter Hayes, Rick Rieder and Barbara Novick Asst: Misch a Edw ar ds, who works w it h Hick Rieder w ill greet you and escort everyone t o the conference roorn w here a buffet luncheon will be available. A fter ch ecking in with the security desl<, all can p roceed to our mnin recept ion area on t he 7th floor. It has been noted tha t t he Governor's security detail will not proceed onto the meeting and have therefore not been registered. 2:00- 3:00 pm Wall Street Journal Schmitz Affidavit 026 Date: Time: Monday, June 20, 2011 8;30 pm Attendees; Location: Walker, Chris Lofgren Fresco's Background: Chris Lofgren is president and CEO of Schneider National, the nation's largest privately owned truckload carrier. Headquartered In Green Bay, Wis., Schneider National has provided expert transpo1·tatlon and logistics solutions for nearly 75 years. A $3.7 billion company, Schneldef" National conducts business in more than 28 countries worldwide and continuos to grow its international service offerings. Talking Points: e Lofgren can help with the American Trucking Association members. Ask if he will reach out to his peers to assist with raising $2001<. f1 Would Lofgren give $50k? .. Lofgren n1ight be able to reach out to the "big box" stores. Ask him if there is a company he can call to financially help with the effort. e Stress that donations to WiCFG are not disclosed and can accept Corporate donations without llmits. Schmitz Affidavit 027 Date: Time: Attendees: Locatron: Tuesday, June 21 9:00 -·- 9:30 arn Walker, Mark Schwabero Set of SquiJwkBox Background: Mark Schwabero is President of Mercury Marine that isbased in Fond du lac, Wisconsin. Mercury Marine has engine & parts manufacturing plants in four countries and global distribution networks in more than 130 countries. A $1.6 billion company with 5000 employees worldwide. ft's parent company is Brunswick Corporation, headquartered In Lake Forest, Ill. Schwabero holds both a bachelor's of science degree and master's of sdence degree in Industrial and systems engineering from Ohio State University. Talking Points: & Discuss that the recall efforts have been finalized and Wisconsin will have nine special state Senate elections this sumrner: 6 repubHcans and 3 democrats. • We are rallying the business community's support with such a short timellne. Unlike the unions, we don't have access to that much cash to be competltlve. We were hoping to count on your support. o Can Schwabero help with his company and recruiting other companies to make a financial investment. Let him know companies are contributing between $101< and $1m. • Would he give $25k and ask two other guys to match your donation to your 501c4. Let him know that you can accept corporate contributions and it is not reported. Schmitz Affidavit 028 Date: Time: Attendees: location: Contact: Tuesday, June 21 10:30 am Walker, Kathleen Brown, Carolos Pinerio, Joe Dillon Goldman Sach's office 200 West Street Joe Wall Background: [(athleen Brown is the sister of Governor .Jerry Brown. l(nthleen is chairman of Goldman Sachs Investment Banking for the Midwest Region. She Joined Goldman Sachs in 2001 as a manc:Jging director. l_ 11tlVht. r.:J, l'-'~" ·.:-·...-_;::·:·;~J:Hlj~l~:.f?.~-:·~'0.--·c=~~-_,-_,_J~?;)_ Yournllrn 01J4u\1 h Gnlnn To P-.1'{Fot Ui (hJlln" \;y(Wll;$tP'I..!• .J,ltUII~;J.ii~H:·.),:'f) OllljJoot'WtOIWI't sr.~ r~. H••· 110 lYI~MtiU Hft:)h"fU' WI>!t..£.\'LWII ... l\l.J tt$JU.f Hl F.l.1r(1.t~~,( h~tPf''l~ \1( l.)•t t"' \•.1 ~·lot'~ H(' lUU ... ~·J --·-·---------·--------' . c~=-~~-~-~~---·····--- ;~-~-~~7bJ 1 .',Uru.~~c~b-~~~~~~-~!~~~~~~~-~~-·--====:J \'shth$~'1: Cbb).,.lli'rl\"~l.l\~(" )r ,!1)' I(H;N~Cii1Ml~I~IUt'tlntlmi~I.l1!fl.<':O'I>)It ~.~tJ:lt\u,, "' !fdtt~h:~ ,.h~li.~,:,m-t:Ll~l_,Jfo~uJ, v_, _;----~------~---~---·~--:----------,..-- ---~·--···-- ¥ - ·---·"" •····;-- --:-··-,-;;--;:-lof;~i----·;~4·:·:-,~~~-:·::· WimlfiiBf~rzL~~- Schmitz Affidavit 040 2H7_~-!1~"',1v~···.~)~;~:~il.{;~~~~!:{~~·:~--=-~: ........~~'"'::::='-=·"""'-~·-·=-=-..::::--__::~..,_~~3)€i~~-~~-.lg:;:~,~·~· ... ~.... c:..=)j{t! f~ ' .. .c~ 'w t+"Ot\u t~ 1~9 fril"'fC..ITI.ll"/lrV/J.W.J.(~"'\:I*l*CI~ l .thJkf'rp>il~t ~lJI• H~'lto,.,, I• ~Otl\ob..t\..t U ptn:t-.1 ttfollud IJ>i~ \9'\II'I<:IJt JIUt\b'olt.~H hfl{~tt'\llti!o~t\l..._.,tU:•. ~ llhl r.-.f l.HUU'Illo>.'UliJ'~il ttf>U.:fll'\tlthh *~<~U\ 4 IJI4: ntUuu\ ~.-.nJA.fl\ •tA.hll•t.•. \ht &rnt~MI hot\ pt~tn4 t4 UY'fl 1,$Wt\.)~'t'rltkst lrbah~ll. i4(h.ion, lht'J f'~:Ph~~;n W".llt\ "' tt~v!tt& \..) V.l\IU'WJJ,.h 11•)1 (IIJl}Uf• lhu lln\u lx~cl hof I stm:tur•l defl<.ll or oveo· $l llnll<>i Inti• lt\1\dlo~ llloi\IJII or OY~r Sl30mlllon (o, llto state employee bllAJV11ti>S .,.J ~~~rly ~JOP mllli~!.!~~L.!~~::; .. -:,_.,_,_-;;.=.-,; .~,.,~:;;.;_·~·~·- ~; .. ;~~~ ~~::--=-:::~c:_,_;:.~~:;, ~l!t~~::~:~~ tQJ)~~:.-:o=o:~.:~~:.·::..:.~:_P,'::I JlA [f..l 't.Mt tJ.Nifl.l t.-..11 }k'\t ;7;f~-~' It~.. .. The ~hb C4r Gro~ b a ~.th~~o'lolM\w~l; cf (t•..-r- IJHlNQlp~f~J Ml4-pJtf\vrltr (lit"' t~.~)Mm ~d"'"•,.•• tn~~n .u w~tu t{llt 4 ~\to M~f"6' V•H•"l~J:~•n~·~ lut~P \)"\l~ool',l (l.j.f~ GHMV11 '-'\\, k 4t"'llt~ t•l.'-'ttJ:Itn:, ~.JUCitl4llh4 U~tAJ 'h1unr tJ\'Mut\llr, ID .f:•ll:!U<.t •Mm•.;~J"~hlttU:tll.otl t•ut'lo\.i1\td4C4M~~"·'<' UO\,(.h,.II'.IH4111'.'UI'II'Y.t.l.tAI >n~&~tl lf:qll,n. .. ''""'""~"(".-\ l't c.r~ \k~tt'~~-cl th1\ el!ccO.\-t.u eut lttitn ~lAII' trtnbu .,._,~ (M h •tiU.tvuu' 111. Y->PFtl ftf~;.~ thto\ 1fU iCt-\<2Nc. "'No' JIW"JV\, Wi"t~~If)( 61"6,.."-bti'-"' l \.H.JtJAl~Wr.fl \Ul•S.Hl',.,thof~\tdk •!W ·~'lii\Kll• y,MC tllkith \\\lit b-•(Hoc;"lf( h 'flul.. lil.{f co•o&1Ht• to -.IJ.I>1t c.w •t~o~trJ wJ ~llf tl~\t Jtttl1,t.l. "•"(UUt.-\ U~\. le-rWG'.,IJttbJ'if'\·•t- •!.lll4tJUJ ,..._,,t.tW~ W II# l."'t Hri< 1-"1lf~~tn4 IOCnU\tytnJI.f~~U'Id '0'\.~'\ ~iteiUI~ '» t\lllt.\U iMot\!tU~ UU!: f""""u d lh• {r..o•,\U,.lf.. http ://wicfg. ((Om/index .cfi:p/m/2.&fm l;~l4~: \\\1(4n~h (\r..\ l~t GrrnM ~H. HJIYiul~tn .. (t.ul_tJbl kt" P.r¥!1h, t'&on~\, ~)\10 Schmitz Affidavit 042 Page 1 of2 __ ___ ....-..... , , From; -~-··-· .. ··- --·---------·----·-·--·· · -·- -- ~---··-- - -·- ··-------------------·-·----·--··.. Mary Stitt Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 5:22AM To: swalkerwi@gmall.com; 'RJ Johnson' Cc: 'Keith Gilkes' Subj oct: RE: Congratulations Maty I think you had a few fi nal ones to sign. Ted l~t tc: To: Wed, 10 Aug Cc: 'Keith Gilkes'. . . . . . . . . _ Sui>ject: RE: Congratulations Mru-y I replied to her with .... I've known you for almost 20 years and you've never been a LITTLE part of anything I From: rj@Jjjohnson.org [mailto:rj@rjjohnson.org] Sent : Wednesday, Au gust 10, 2011 9:55AM To: Mary Stitt; Scolt Walker Cc: 'Keith Gilkes' Subject: Re: Congratulations Mary More thru1 a little part! Sent from my U.S. Cellular Android device ----- Reply me:ssa~~e .. Fxo,~;11: ''Mary Stitt~' Date : Wed, Aug 10, am Subject: Congratulations Mary To: '"R. J. Johnson"'~cott Walker" Cc : "'Keith Gilkes"' . . . . . . . . . _ 6/8/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 043 Page 2 of2 THANK GOD. Please let Scott and the team know how great I think this is. we have overcome another huge hurdle and Pm glad I was able to be a small part Now we continue! Diane h Sent viH BlackBerry by AT&T 6/8/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 044 Page 1 of2 From: Kate Doner [kate@donerfundraising.conl) Sent: Wednesday, September 07 1 2011 6:39AM To: 'Keith Gilkes!; rj@rjjohnson. org; 'Scott Walker' Cc: 'Jennifer Bannister, Doner'; 'l<:elly Rindfleiscll' Subject: Walker Recall Fundraising Efforts~ thoughts Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Gentlemen, Here are my quick thoughts on raising money for Walker's possible recall efforts. I am happy to put into an offici a l 11 plan''. CFG: • • Make nice with RSLC Lock down$ commitrnents from RGA, RNC, AFP now Take Koch's money Get on a plane to Vegas and sit down with Sheldon Adelson. Ask for $1rn now. • Corporations. Go heavy after them to give. Didn't give much to the recall effort this summer. Create a new c4. Club for Growth narne has issues. Walker: 1} Finance Chair Get a kick ass finance chair who can do peer to peer asks. • Once Keith rnoves to the campaign·- have him rally the lobby/business comrrwnity where Walker can't ask 2) 3) PAC's • • Only one PAC has rnaxed out in 2011 to Walker. Not good You have raised $237,036.75 frorn PAC's. Collect the other $248 1 153.25 now. Invite them all to lunch with you for $25k each and make them ham sandwiches. Get finn. No need to do anything expensive. Corporations • Pulled Fortune's top 10 CO!lipanies in Wisconsin. With a quick glance, only two have supported Walker (NW Mutual maxed out. American Farnily gave little). 1 Controls 83 Milwaukee 28.497.0 2 Notihwostern .Mutual '115 MHwaukee 21,602.6 3 l<•- He has heavily invested in horse r acing and has established + a horse breeding operation. Carl atte nded Princet on University. He is 76 years old; he and his wi fe have two children. **Carl is a top RNC Donor 6/28/2012 Page 2 of2 Past Giving History to Walker: Carl has not contributed in t he past SUGGESTED TALKING POINTS: • Give an updat e on the recall • THE ASI<: contribute $1001< to WiCFG . .X: http:/fimagcs.lorbes.com/medla/llstst _j - Camille Moughon Doner Funclraising, Inc 6/28/2012 Schmitz Affidavit 048 ~olberg, Hann a From: SClnt : To: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Friday, March 30,2012 8:18AM swalkerwi@gmail.com Follow up Red I'll find out about party limits but make sure he gives it to WiCFO. Schmitz Affidavit 049 r.lLt:LJ JUL 2 2 2013 COLUMBIA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13 JD // PETITION FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING WHEREAS, I, Jane E. Kohlwey, District Attorney in and for the County of Columbia am responsible for the review and prosecution of possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which crimes may be committed by residents of Columbia County, State of Wisconsin; WHEREAS, in pursuit of these duties, l have had occasion to review information involving a person named Kelly M. Rindfleisch (DOB 10/25/1968), a resident of the City of Columbus, Columbia County, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, based upon a review of information thus far gathered by prosecutors and investigators as part of a John Doe proceeding now pending in Milwaukee County, Case No. 12JD000023, l believe that furiher information concerning possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes can be revealed utilizing a John Doe proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the information contained in my Affidavit that accompanies this Petition, showing evidence that criminal violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§ 11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61 (1 )(b), petiaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have been committed in Columbia County, I hereby request that a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Section 968.26, Stats., be conducted and that witnesses be subpoenaed and questioned on oath relating thereto. FURTHER, I request that these John Doe proceedings be secret for the following reasons. I believe it is reasonable to expect that any public filing about the existence of this investigation will generate substantial publicity, both from traditional (e.g., print and broadcast journalism) and non-traditional (e.g. Internet blog) information sources. This is because the individuals involved in this investigation are well-placed political operatives, closely tied with the current Governor of the State of VVisconsin. At this time, the investigation concerning the facts alleged in the accompanying Affidavit are not a matter of common, public knowledge. In fact, a portion of the investigation has been ongoing in Schmitz Affidavit 050 Milwaukee County since the Fall of 2012, and the secrecy of that proceeding has been maintained. I believe that the continued secrecy of the investigation is important to its success. For example, publicity will forewarn probable future John Doe witnesses of the State's interest in questioning them. Such warning may result in statements that are less likely to be entirely candid. Publicity arising from a pub!ic John Doe proceeding may also make it more likely that evidentiary records will be lost or destroyed before being subpoenaed. It is also my opinion that the formality of a John Doe proceeding before a judicial officer will increase the likelihood of complete and frank statements by persons who otherwise may profess a failed or an incomplete recollection to an investigating law enforcement officer in an informal interview setting. Finally, l also note that publicity surrounding a John Doe investigation may serve to unfairly publicize allegations of criminal misconduct that are in a pre-charging, investigative stage. In other words, publicity related to a public John Doe proceeding may unfairly damage the reputations of persons against whom -for whatever reason - no crirninal charges will ever issue. FOR THESE REASONS, I respectfully submit that the balance between- on the one hand -the public's right to be informed about this John Doe proceeding, and- on the other hand - the legitimate need to maintain the secrecy of these proceedings, must be struck, at this juncture, in favor of a secret proceeding. In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30, 260 Wis.2d 653, 660 N.W.2d 260 at ~66. FURTHER, notwithstanding any secrecy order, I request that the court allow the following persons to have access to the record of the John Doe proceedings to the extent necessary to perform their duties because such access will materially aid the progress of this investigation: Columbia County District Attorney Jane E. Kohlwey and legal secretary Ruth E. Kaczmarek. I request that prosecutors, investigators and others named who act in support of this John Doe proceeding be permitted to use the information, transcripts, documents and other materials that· wHl be ·gathered in this investigation for all appropriate law. enforcement purposes including, but not limited to, the interview of witnesses outside the context of John Doe hearings, in support of this investigation. FINALLY: as to the scope of the secrecy order, I request that the court order that 2 Schmitz Affidavit 051 secrecy be maintained during this John Doe proceeding as to court docket and activity records, court filings, process issued by the court, information concerning the questions asked and the answers given during a John Doe hearing! transcripts of the proceedings, exhibits and other papers produced during the proceedings, as well as to all other matters observed or heard ln the John Doe proceeding. See, generally, In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30 at ,-r62. Dated this 22nd day of July 2013. P.O. Address PO Box 638 Portage, WI 53901-0638 608-742-9650- Voice 608-742-9606- Fax 3 Schmitz Affidavit 052 DANE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF WISCONSIN IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING case No. 13jooooo_1- PETITION FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING . WHEREAS, I, lsmael R. Ozanne, District Attorney rn and for the County of Dane am responsible for the review and prosecution of possible crimes occurring under ~ Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which crimes may be committed by residents of the County of Dane, State of Wisconsin; WHEREAS, in pursuit of these duties, I have had occasion _ . to~ involving a person named Keith A. Gilkes (DOB 06120/1977), a resid [~ [ [L f t f t~lJ~o~~ty of Dane; and . 2013 U WHEREAS based upon a review of information thus far gath red hV1TATE OF WISCONSIN ' . n CIRCUiT COUHT FOR DANf: COUN TY prosecutors and investigators as part of a John Doe proceeding now pending in Milwaukee County, Case No. 12JD000023, I believe that further information concerning possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes can be revealed utilizing a John Doe proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the information contained in my Affidavit of that accompanies this Petition, showing evidence that criminal violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61(1)(b), pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have been committed in Dane County, I hereby request that a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Section 968.26, Stats., be conducted and that witnesses be subpoenaed and questioned on oath relating thereto. FURTHER, I request that these John Doe proceedings be secret for the following reasons. l believe it is reasonable to expect that any public filing about the existence of this investigation will generate substantial publicity, both from traditional (e.g., print and broadcast journalism) and- non-traditional (e.g. Internet blog) information sources. This is because the individuals involved in this investigation are well-placed political operatives, closely tied with the current Governor of the State of Wisconsin. At this time, the investigation concerning the facts alleged in the accompanying Affidavit are not a matter of common, public knowled e. In fact, a portion of the investigation has Schmitz Affidavit 053 Investigatory Linda Kohlmeyer-Searls; and, Myself. I request that those persons who act in support of this John Doe proceeding be permitted to use the Information, transcripts, documents and other materials that will be gath~red in this investigation for all appropriate law enforcement purposes, including but not limited. to the interview of witnesses outside the context of John Doe hearings, in support of this investigation. FINALLYl as to the scope of the secrecy order, I request that the court order that secrecy be maintained during this John Doe proceeding as to court docket and activity records, court filings, process issued by the court, information concerning the questions asked and the answers given during a John Doe hearing, transcripts of the proceedings, exhibits and other papers produced during the proceedings, as well as to all other matters observed or heard in the John Doe proceeding. See, generally, In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30 at 1[62. Dated this 2_. c:day of August 2013. lsmael R. Ozanne Dane County District A ney State Bar Number1 031954 lsmael. ozanne@da. wi.gov Mailing Address Dane County District Attorney's Office Dane County Courthouse 215 South Hamilton Street Room 3000 608-266-4211 -Voice 608-267-2545 - Fax 3 Schmitz Affidavit 054 STATE OF WISCONSIN DODGE COUNTY ClRCUfT COURT IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13JDoooo(fi:\ ..... ., ~' .,F.,;·"'"' PETITION FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING ·<~> '\ -~. /:>:. >x;;~)<<_<.\ ···( ~· -------------------------------------------------------/~Q~~·~.. Cl ':k ~<9 0?, 'l..../_V ~>~ ~ Countr~ttrQ;Qge C.:> 0/ -~">a. am responsible for the review and prosecution of possible crimes occurring und~" ~ ('). WHEREAS, 1, Kurt F. Klomberg, District Attorney in and for the Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which crimes may be committed by residents of the County of Dodge, State of Wisconsin; WHEREAS, In pursuit of these duties* 1 have had occasion to information involving a person named R.J. Johnson (DOB 04/04/1961 ), a resident of the County of Dodge; and WHEREAS, based upon a review of information thus far gathered by prosecutors and investigators as part of a John Doe proceeding now pending in Milwaukee County, Case No. 12JD000023, t believe that further information concerning possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes can be revealed utilizing a John Doe proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the information contained in my Affidavit of that accompanies this Petition, showing evidence that criminal violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27~ 11.38 and 11.61(1)(b), pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have been committed in Dodge County~ I hereby request that a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Section 968.26, Stats., be conducted and that witnesses be subpoenaed and questioned on oath relating thereto. FURTHER, I request that these John Doe proceedings be secret for the following reasons. I believe it is reasonable to expect that any public filing about the existence of this investigation will generate substantial publicity) both from traditional (e.g., print and broadcastjournatism) and non~traditionaL(e!g.lnt~ro~t k)tog) information sources. This is because the individuals involved in this investigation are well-placed political operatives, closely tied with the current Governor of the State of Wisconsin. At this time, the investigation concerning the facts alleged in the accompanying Affidavit are not a matter of common, pu , a portion of the investigation has Schmitz Affidavit 055 ~..J, _ ~ :;x been ongoing in Milwaukee County since the Fall of 2012, and the secrecy of that proceeding has been maintained. I believe that the continued secrecy of the investigation is important to its success. For example, publicity wilt forewarn probable future John Doe witnesses of the State's interest in questioning them. Such warning may result in statements that are less likely to be entirely candid. Publicity arising from a public John Doe proceeding may afso make it more likely that evidentiary records will be lost or destroyed before being subpoenaed. It is also my opinion that the formality of a John Doe proceeding before a judicial officer will increase the likelihood of complete and frank statements by persons who otheiWise may profess a failed or an incomplete recotlection to an investigating law enforcement officer in an informal interview setting. Finally, I also note that pub!;city surrounding a John Doe investigation may serve to unfairly publicize allegations of criminal misconduct that are in a pre-charging, investigative stage. In other words, publicity related to a public John Doe proceeding may unfairly damage the reputation of persons against whom -for whatever reason no criminal charges will ever issue. FOR THESE REASONS, I respectfutly submit that the balance between -on the one hand -the public's right to be informed about this John Doe proceeding, and- on the other hand - the legitimate need to maintain the secrecy of these proceedings, must be struck, at this juncture, in favor of a secret proceeding. In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30, 260 Wis.2d 653, 660 N.W.2d 260 at 'lJ66. FURTHER, notwithstanding any secrecy order, 1 request that the court allow the following persons to have access to the record of the John Doe proceedings to the extent necessary to perform their duties because such access will materially aid the progress of this investigation: District Attorney Kurt F. Klomberg & Special Prosecutor Robert G. Barrington; t request that those persons who act in support of this John Doe proceeding be permitted to use the information, transcripts, documents and other materials that wlll be gathered in ............................................... this investigation for an appropriate law enforcement purposes, including but not limited to the interview of witnesses outside the context of John Doe hearings, in support of this investigation. FINALLY, as to the scope of the secrecy order, I request that the court order that 2 Schmitz Affidavit 056 secrecy be maintained during this John Doe proceeding as to court docket and activity records, court filings, process issued by the court, information concerning the questions asked and the answers given during a John Doe hearing, transcripts of the proceedings, exhibits and other papers produced during the proceedings, as welt as to all other matters observed or heard in the John Doe proceeding. See, generally, In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30 at 'fl62. Dated this ;J_f day of 'Jvl 7 2013. 21 0 West Center Street Juneau, WI 53039 (920) 386-3610- Voice (920) 386-3623- Fax 3 Schmitz Affidavit 057 Ctrcult Cou·· wa County, W1 \ ,_c:o STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT JUL. 2 5 20l 3 IOWA COUNTY LIA N. GUST, CLERK IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13JDOOOO_l_ PETITION FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING WHEREAS, I, Larry E. Nelson, District Attorney in and for the County of Iowa am responsible for the review and prosecution of possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which crimes may be committed by residents of the County of Iowa, State of Wisconsin; WHEREAS, in pursuit of these duties, I have had occasion to review information involving a person named Eric S. O'Keefe (DOB 12/14/1954 ), a resident of the County of Iowa; and WHEREAS, based upon a review of information thus far gathered by prosecutors and investigators as part of a John Doe proceeding now pending in Milwaukee County, Case No. 12JD000023, I believe that further information concerning possible crimes occurring under Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes can be revealed utilizing a John Doe proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the information contained in my Affidavit that accompanies this Petition, showing evidence that criminal violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61 (1 )(b) , pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have been committed in Iowa County, I hereby request that a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Section 968.26, Stats., be conducted and that witnesses be subpoenaed and questioned on oath relating thereto. FURTHER, I request that these John Doe proceedings be secret for the following reasons. I believe it is reasonable to expect that any public filing about the existence of this investigation will generate substantial publicity, both from traditional (e.g., print and 9T99cl<:;?l~tJo~rn?li§JI1)?1JcJ.noiJ:-tr?cJitiqoal (f:}~g.lnterni3t plog) inforrnt:ltiQn$QWfG~?~ This is because the individuals involved in this investigation are well-placed political operatives. closely tied with the current Governor of the State of Wisconsin. At this time, the investigation concerning the facts alleged in the accompanying Affidavit are not a matter of common, pu ct, a portion of the investigation has Schmitz Affidavit 058 been ongoing in Milwaukee County since the Fall of 2012, and the secrecy of that proceeding has been maintained. I believe that the continued secrecy of the investigation is important to its success. For example, publicity will forewarn probable future John Doe witnesses of the State's interest in questioning them. Such warning may result in statements that are less likely to be entirely candid. Publicity arising from .- ' ·~ a public John Doe proceeding may also make it more likely that evidentiary records will be lost or destroyed before being subpoenaed. It is also my opinion that the formality of a John Doe proceeding before a judicial officer will increase the likelihood of complete and frank statements by persons who otherwise may profess a failed or an incomplete recollection to an investigating law enforcement officer in an informal interview setting. Finally, I also note that publicity surrounding a John Doe investigation may serve to unfairly publicize allegations of criminal misconduct that are in a pre-charging, investigative stage. In other words, publicity related to a public John Doe proceeding may unfairly damage the reputation of persons against whom - for whatever reason no criminal charges will ever issue. FOR THESE REASONS, l respectfully submit that the balance between- on the one hand -the public's right to be informed about this John Doe proceeding, and- on the other hand - the legitimate need to maintain the secrecy of these proceedings, must be struck, at this juncture, in favor of a secret proceeding. In re John Doe Proceeding, 2003 WI 30, 260 Wis.2d 653, 660 N.W.2d 260 at ~66. FURTHER, notwithstanding any secrecy order, I request that the court allow the following persons to have access to the record of the John Doe proceedings to the extent necessary to perform their duties because such access will materially aid the progress of this investigation: Larry E. Nelson, District Attorney; Jennifer H. Ramsden, Legal Assistant; I request that those persons who act in support of this John Doe proceeding be permitted to use the information, transcripts, documents and other materials thatwillbe gathered in this investigation for all appropriate law enforcement purposest including but not limited to the interview of witnesses outside the context of John Doe hearings, in support of this investigation. 2 Schmitz Affidavit 059 FINALLY, as to the scope of the secrecy order, I request that the court order that secrecy be maintained during this John Doe proceeding as to court docket and activity records, court filings, process issued by the court, information concerning the questions asked and the answers given during a John Doe hearing, transcripts of the proceedings, exhibits and other papers produced during the p~oceed~~g~, as well as to all other matters observed or heard in the John Doe proceeding. See, generally, In re John Doe Proceeding~ Dated this 2003 WI 30 at ~62. .2:5_ day of ']:V\1 2013. P.O. Address Iowa County District Attorney's Office 222 North Iowa Street Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533 608-935-0393 -Voice 608-935-7928 - Fax 3 Schmitz Affidavit 060 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING MILWAUKEE COUNTY Case No. 12JD000023 r-AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF A REQUEST FOR SEARCH WARRANl[S AND-----~-~:--. SUBPOENAS i ; ::_•!,:,-~ ROBERT STELTER, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says Lhat: L. 1. I am an Investigator in the Milwaukee County District Attorney's ··offic-e:· I···· · · .. .. "'"""" ·--.-·-··«-------. submit this affidavit in support of a request for search warrants and subpoenas for documents related to this John Doe investigation. 2. I have 27 years of experience as a law enforcement officer. I have held the rank of Detective and Lieutenant of Detectives within the City of Milwaukee Police Department. For two years, I worked at the Milwaukee High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force, (hereafter HIDTA), a state/federal taskforce with .law enforcement officers from the City of Milwaukee Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, West Allis Police Department, Wisconsin Department of Justice, Wisconsin State Patrol, and other jurisdictions. That experience included the investigation of and supervision of the investigation of complex and large scale organized crime in the Metropolitan Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Over these last 10 years, I have overseen multiple investigations and been involved in the supervision of investigations that involved federal court authorized wiretaps of wire and electronic communications as defined in the Federal Code. I also have participated in investigations involving individuals and organized group activity related to the distribution of drugs and controlled substances, and the laundering of drug proceeds and the concealment of assets purchased with drug proceeds. In the past two years I have been involved with the investigation of violations of Wisconsin election laws, campaign finance laws, use of government employees for the purpose of political service, and ethics violations. The investigations have resulted in pro~ecutions _J for theft, campaign finance violations, as well as political Schmitz Affidavit 061 service involving governmental employees. In particular I have been involved with the investigation in Milwaukee County John Doe case no. 10JD000007, which has resulted in charges against six individuals, and the conviction of five individuals to date. 3. In an order dated August 10, 2012, the Honorable Judge Neal Nettesheim authorized the use and disclosure of information in Milwaukee County John Doe proceeding case no. 201 OJD000007 as may reasonably be necessary in order to conduct an investigation into the allegations outlined in this affidavit. (Exhibit 1) This separate John Doe investigation was subsequently commenced based upon information developed in 2010JD000007. 4. On September 5, 2012, Reserve Judge Barbara Kluka authorized the commencement of a John Doe proceeding related to violations of Wisconsin Statutes §946.12, 939.30, 939.31, and 939.05; viz. Misconduct in Public Office (PTAC), and Conspiracy and Solicitation to Commit Misconduct in Public Office, and other violations of Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 5. I incorporate by reference the Applications, Affidavits and other papers, particularly those noted within, that have been submitted to the court in these John Doe proceedings, including any matters or testimony referenced in the paragraphs that follow. I base the following affidavit upon personal knowledge; information and belief based upon statements and information from fellow law enforcement officers and citizen witnesses; review of subpoenaed documents and documents obtained via search warrants; testimony taken during the course of the John Doe proceedings in 201 OJD000007, and other information as described herein believed to be reliable. 6. I have been authorized by a secrecy order to be made aware of these John Doe Proceedings. B. ENTITIES, INDIVIDUALS, AND RECORDS SUBJECT TO REQUEST FOR SEARCH WARRANTS AND SUBPOENAS. 7. This Affidavit sets forth a basis for my belief that evidence related to violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.27(1), 11.26(2)(a), 11.61(1)(b), 11.36, 939.31 and 939.05, viz. Filing a False Campaign Report or Statement (PTAC); 2 Schmitz Affidavit 062 Conspiracy to File a False Campaign Report or Statement, and Political Solicitation involving Public Employees 1 exist, and that the courts of Milwaukee County have jurisdiction over these offenses. I make this Affidavit in Support of search warrants and subpoenas pursuant to Wisconsin Stats §§968.135, 968.375, and 968. 12. I would note that this req uest for search warrants and subpoenas relates to the individuals and entities described in the Affidavit in Support of a Request to Commence a John Doe dated August 10, 201 2, for the evidence described below at the locations described below: a. United States Cellular- Subpoena Compliance Dept: respectfully request that the cou rt issue a subpoena for documents to United States Cellular- Subpoena Compliance Center, Custodian of Records, 1 Pierce Place, Ste 800, Itasca, Ill. 60143 for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s) for the timeframe of Jan uary 1, 2011 to July 31 , 2012: . Johnson); Wayne Hogan) 1 Wis. St ats §11.36 provides: " 11 .36 Political solicitation involving public officials and employees restricted. (1) No person may solicit or receive from any state officer or employee or from any officer or employee of the University of W isconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority any contribution or service for any political purpose while the officer or employee is engaged in his or her official duties, except that an elected state official may solicit and receive services not constituting a contribution from a state officer or employee or an officer or employee of the University of W isconsin Hospitals and Clinics A uthority wi th respect to a referendum only. Agreement to perform services authorized under this subsection may not be a condition of employment for any such officer or employee. (2) No person may solicit or receive from any officer or employee of a political subdivision of this state any contribution or service for any political purpose during established hours of employment or while the officer or employee is engaged in his or her official duties. (3) Every person who has charge or control in a building, office or room occupied for any purpose by this state, by any political subdivision thereof or by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority shall prohibit the entry of any person into that building, office or room for the purpose of making or receiving a contribution. (4) No person may entru- Qr remainl n ~building, office or room occupied for any pQ.rpose by _____ _ the state, by any political subdivision thereof or by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Au thority or send or direct a letter or other notice thereto for the purpose of requesting or collecting a con tribution." 2 This phone number was originally with U.S. Cellular and was ported to Cingular Wireless (now AT&T) at some point in time. For this reason records are requested from both service providers. 3 Schmitz Affidavit 063 b. Century Link - Legal Dept: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to Century Link, Custodian of Records, Law Enforcement, KSOPKJ 0402, 5454 W. 1101h St. , Overland Park, KS, 66211, for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: (R.J. Johnson); c. Charter Communications (D.B.A. Charter Fiberlink)- Law Enforcement Paralegal: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to Charter Communications- Subpoena Compliance, Custodian of Records, 12405 Powerscourt Drive., St. Louis, Mo. 63131 for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s)for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: (Eric Schutt); d. Sprint- Corporate Security- Subpoena Compliance: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to Sprint, Subpoena Compliance 6480 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66251 for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s)for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: - ichael Huebsch);. . (Jenn ifer Bannister- Doner Fundraising) e. AT&T Midwest (formerly Amerltech) - Records CustodianSubpoena Compliance: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to AT&T Midwest, Custodian of Records, 208 S. Akard St. , 10 1h Floor, Dallas, TX. 75202 for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s) for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: (Kelly Rindfleisch); f. AT&T Wireless (formerly Cingular Wireless) - Records Custodian -Subpoena Compliance: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to AT&T Wireless, 4 Schmitz Affidavit 064 Custodian of Records, 11660 N. U.S. Hwy 1, North Palm Beach, FL. 33408 (fax 888-938-4715) for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s) for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: (Ryan Murray); (Deborah Jordahl); (R.J. Johnson); (Jim Villa); Doner) g. Mid-Plains Telephone Company - Records Custodian Subpoena Compliance: I respectfully reques t that the court issue a subpoena for documents to Mid-Plains Telephone Company, Custodian of Records, 1912 Parmenter St., Middleton , WI. 535623169, for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s) for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: (James Buchen); (Keith Gilkes). h. Cellc o Partners hip (D.B.A. Verizon Wireless)- Records Custodian: I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena for documents to Cellco Partnership, Records Custodian, 180 Washington Valley Rd ., Bedminster, N.J. 07921, for the records and timeframe identified below for the following telephone number(s) for the timeframe of January 1, 201 1 to July 31, 2012: (Gov. Scott Walker) and (Keith Gilkes); i. GOOGLE - Legal Investigations Suppo rt I Sea rch Warrants. I respectfully request that the court issue a search warrant authorizing the production of e-mail and related documents from Google c/o Google Legal Investigations Support, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountafn- View,-cA 94043 with respecrro--the following Google accounts: Brian C. Baker 5 Schmitz Affidavit 065 j. Microsoft Online Services - Hotmail - Custodian of Records. I respectfully request that the court issue a search warrant authorizing the production of e-mail and related documents from Hotmail, 1065 La Avenida, Building #4, Mountain View, CA 94043 with respect to the following Hotmail account(s): Matt Seaholm k. AOL (America Online)- Custodian of Records. I respectfully request that the court issue a search warrant authorizing the production of e-mail and related documents from AOL, 22000 AOL Way, Dulles, Virginia 20166 with respect to the following AOL account(s); Michael Huebsch I. Yahoo- Custodian of Records. I respectfully request that the court issue a search warrant authorizing the production of e-mail and related documents from Yahoo, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94089, with respect to the following Yahoo account(s); Michael Grebe m. With respect to the request for search warrants described in 1J7(i) to 1!7(1) and the electronic communication service providers, I respectfully request a search warrant issue for the following timeframe (inclusive) -January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 or as specified, for the production of all communications stored in the account including all Incoming and outgoing e-mail; subscriber names, user names, screen names or other identities associated with the account; mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, other e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or other contact or identifying information for this account (in electronic or other form); billing records; contact lists, information about length --. of service, types of services or r elated information; connection logs_________ - .. and records of user activity, and any information related to sent and received communications, including any "chat" or "instant 6 Schmitz Affidavit 066 messaging" or related information for said account, any calendar or documents maintained in conjunction with the named account; and other records identified herein in 117 above. n. With respect to the request for subpoenas described in ~?(a) to 1J7(h) above, I respectfully request that the respective electronic telecommunication service providers produce for the following timeframe (inclusive) - January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 or as specified; any and all records including, but not limited to, any books, papers, records, computer or electronic data, and the copies of records related to the phone number(s) identified above, including but not limited to: 1) all call detail records including incoming and outgoing calls; 2) billing name and information, subscriber name and information including any application for service; 3) subscriber and/or billing address; 4) Length service, including start date and types of service utilized; of 5) Telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; 6) means and source of payment for the electronic communication service or remote computing service, including any credit card or bank information; o. BMO Harris I M and I Bank - Records Custodian. I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena duces tecum to BMO Harris (formerly M and I Bank), 180 N. Executive Drive, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53233, authorizing the production of bank records including but not limited to copies of signature cards, account application(s), periodic statements, deposit items, credit or debit items, wire or electronic transfers, withdrawals, and checks relating to theaccount(s)·Hsted ·beJow for the timeframe of January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012: i. Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce 7 Schmitz Affidavit 067 ii. Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce I Issue Mobilization Council p. Free Conference Call - Records Custodian. I respectfully request that the court issue a subpoena duces tecum and search warrant authorizing the production of records relating to the following accounts: from January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 for (605) 4754700, host and pariicipant access code 453846; from January 1, 2011 to November 30, 2011 for (530) 881-1200 access code 319841 and (218) 632-0550 access code 847249; (1) the production of all records including subscriber names, user names, or other identities associated with the account I and or phone numbers identified; mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, other e-mail addresses associated with the account; telephone numbers or other contact or identifying information for the accounts (in electronic or other form); billing records; contact lists, information about length of service, types of services or related information; connection logs and records of user activity; all phone toll records related to the accounts; all records pertaining to communications between Free Conference Call, and any person regarding the accounts, including contacts with support services and records of actions taken; means and source of payment (including any credit or bank account number) and 2) all communications in electronic or digital storage with respect to the accounts. Free Conference Call is a telecommunications service company providing conference call services, listing a contact address of 110 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802-4615. q. Line One Communications - Records Custodian. I respectfully rt:;qq~§tJbc:ttth~ 9Ql:lrti~§UE; §?LibPC>E?Ila duqe? tecum and search warrant authorizing the production of records relating to the following accounts: from January 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 for (866) 200-9760, participant pin 6624148; (1) the production of all 8 Schmitz Affidavit 068 records including subscriber names, user names, or other identities associated with the account I and or phone numbers identified; mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, other e-mail addresses associated with the account; telephone numbers or other contact or identifying information for the accounts (in electronic or other form) ; billing records; contact lists, information about length of service, types of services or related information; connection logs and records of user activity; all phone toll records related to the accounts; all records pertaining to communications between Line One Communications, and any person regarding the accounts, including contacts with support services and records of actions taken; means and source of payment (including any credit or bank account number) and 2) all communications in electronic or digital storage with respect to the accounts. Line One Communications is a tel ecommunication~ service company providing conference call services, listing a contact address of 3411 Capital Medical Blvd., Tallahassee, FL. 32308. r. I request that the court issue a search warrant or subpoena authorizing the production of the documents and records identified in W above, as said materials may provide evidence relating to violations of sections W isconsin Statutes §§11 .27(1 ), 11 .26(2)(a), 11.61(1)(b), 11.36, 939.31 and 939.05, viz. Filing a False Campaign Report or Statement (PTAC); Conspiracy to File a False Campaign Report or Statement, and Political Solicitation of Employees 8. With respect to jurisdiction, I know that Scott Walker resided at - Wauwatosa ,- Wisconsin in Milwa ukee Gounty -and at the- Executive Mansion in Dane County, Wisconsin during the timeframe of 201 1-2012 when 9 Schmitz Affidavi t 069 the alleged offense(s) were committed. 3 The court has jurisdiction over the above offenses pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. §978.05(1) that provides in pertinent part that the District Attorney of the prosecutorial district has the authority to prosecute all criminal violations that occur within that prosecutorial unit, as well as "all criminal actions arising from violations of chs. 5 to~~ subch. ill of ch. 13, or subch. Ill of ch. 19 and from violations of other laws arising from or in relation to the official functions of the subject of the investigation or any matter that involves elections, ethics, or lobbying regulation under chs. 5 to 12_, subch. Ill of ch. 13, or subch. Ill of ch. 19, that are alleged to be committed by a resident of his or her prosecutorial unit ... " 9. I use the terms "records" "documents" and "information~~ to include all items of evidence in whatever form and by whatever means they may have been created or stored, including any form of computer or electronic storage (such as hard disks, jump drives, thumb drives, COs, DVDs, external USB drives, 3.5>1 disks or other media that can store data); any handmade form (such as writing, drawing, painting); any mechanical form (such as printing or typing); and any photographic form (such as microfilm, microfiche, prints, slides, negatives, videotapes, motion pictures, photocopies), consistent vyith Wisconsin Stats sec. 968.13(2). 10. In particular, this affidavit incorporates by reference the other affidavit and exhibits in this John Doe, specifically the Affidavit of Robert Stelter dated August 10, 2012 in support of the Commencement of a John Doe, the affidavit of Robert Stelter dated September 5, 2012, and the Affidavit of Robert Stelter dated October 8, 2012. C. LEGAL BASIS FOR THE REQUEST FOR SEARCH WARRANTS AND SUBPOENAS simple 3 call; or Venue and jurisdiction can be established with a phone all single aCfln fl.1rtherance of a conspiracy, which is one of the constituent elements of the charge. In State v. Anderson, 280 Wis.2d 104, 122 (p. 24), 395 N.W.2d 731 (2005), the Court found that a phone call (an overt act evincing the intent to kill) which occurred in Jefferson County established venue and jurisdiction in a prosecution for first degree intentional homicide. 10 Schmitz Affidavit 070 11. The following principals of law apply to this request for subpoenas and search warrants: a. Wisconsin Statutes section 11.05(2g) provides that each candidate shall file a registration statement, with the filing officer providing information related to the name, mailing address and information required under §11.05(3). A personal campaign committee, or other entity registered under Wis. Stats. Sec. 11.05, shall make a full report of all contributions disbursements made, and prescribed by the registrant. received, obligations contributions incurred, on or a form A personal campaign committee registered under Wis. Stats. Sec. 11.05(2g) is such a committee. Friends of Scott Walker (FOSW) was the personal campaign committee of Scott Walker, gubernatorial candidate. Additionally, the personal campaign committees for Republican Senate candidates David Vanderleest, Robert Cowles, Alberta Darling, Sheila Harsdorf, Luther Olsen, Randy Hopper, Dan Kapanke, Kim Simac and Jonathan Steitz would be such a committee. b. Wisconsin Statutes sec. 11.1 0(4) provides: HNo candidate may establish more than one personal campaign committee. Such committee may have subcommittees provided that all subcommittees have the same treasurer, who shall be the candidate's campaign treasurer. The treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the campaign depository account. Any committee which is organized or acts with the cooperation of or upon consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate, or which acts in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate is deemed a subcommittee of the candidate's personal campaign committee." A "personal campaign committeen is defined in Wisconsin Stats. Sec. 11.01 (15) and a "committee" or "political committee" is defined in VVis. Stats. Sec. 11.01 (4). Accordingly, by 11 Schmitz Affidavit 071 operation of law, any "committee" acting in concert with or with the cooperation of or consultation with Scott Walker or FOSW, or the personal campaign committees of the above Wisconsin State Senate candidates are deemed by operation of law to be a subcommittee of the candidate's personal campaign committee. 4 c. Wisconsin Stats. Sec. 11.06(1) provides that the report shall include an itemized statement giving the date, full name and street address of each contributor who has contributed in excess of $20. If the cumulative contributions for the year exceed $100, the occupation, name and address and principal place of employment of the contributor must be included. For example, FOSW was obligated to report all the source's of contributions exceeding $20 to FOSW or any subcommittee acting in concert with or with the cooperation of, or consultation with Scott Walker or FOSW. d. Wisconsin Stats. Sec. 11.27(1) provides that, "No person may prepare or submit a false report or statement to a filing officer under this chapter." A person who intentionally violates Wis. Stats. Sec. 11.27 (1) by the filing of a false report, that involves more than $1 00 or does not involve a specific figure is guilty of a Class I felony, pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. sec. 11.61 (1 )(b). Accordingly, the intentional failure of FOSW to report to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board all the sources of contributions exceeding $20 to FOSW or any subcommittee acting in concert with or with the cooperation of or consultation with Scott Walker or FOSW would be a violation of Wis. Stats. sec. 11.27('1). e. Wisconsin Statutes section 939.31 provides that "... whoever, with intent that a crime be committed, agrees or combines with another to commit that crime may, if one or more of the parties to the 4 1n 2005, former Wisconsin State Senator Charles "Chuck" Chvala was convicted in Dane County Circuit Court Case No. 2002CF2451 of violating Wisconsin Stats. §§ 946.12(2) and 11.26(2)(b). The violations of Wis. Stats. §11.26(2)(b) arose out of the campaign coordination involving Chvala, personal campaign committees and "independent interest groups" that is analogous to the potential violations here. 12 Schmitz Affidavit 072 conspiracy does an act to effect its object, be fined or imprisoned or both not to exceed the maximum provided for the completed crime." f. Wisconsin Statutes section 939.05 provides that "Whoever is concerned in the commission of a crime is a principal and may be charged with and convicted of the commission of the crime although the person did not directly commit it and although the person who directly committed it has not been convicted or has been convicted of some other degree of the crime or of some other crime based on the same act." Additionally, they may be convicted under Wisconsin Stats. Sec. 939.05 if the person aided or abetted or conspired to commit the criminal offense. 12. Scott Walker was the Milwaukee County Executive from 2002 to 2010. In 2q06 and 2010, Walker was a candidate for the office of Governor of the State of Wisconsin. Scott Walker was elected to the office of the Governor on November 2, 2010. Governor were filed. On January 17, 2012, petitions to recall Scott Walker as As a result of the filing of the recall petitions, the Government Accountability Board ordered elections for the office of Governor and Lt. Governor be held on June 5, 2012. Additionally, recall petitions were filed against several Democrat and Republican Wisconsin State Senators. Recall elections for those individuals were held on July 19, August 9 and August 16, 2011. 13. John Hiller was treasurer of the Friends of Scott Walker (hereafter FOSW), the personal campaign committee for the gubernatorial campaign of Scott Walker for Governor. Shortly after Walker took office as Governor in 2011, Kate Lind became treasurer for FOSW according to filings with the Government Accountability Board. 14. R.J. Johnson was a paid advisor to ·the Friends of Scott Walker and was also involved with the Wisconsin Club for Growth (hereafter WiCFG), an organization formed under Title 26 U.S. C. 501 (c)(4). R.J. Johnson was also involved with fund raising for another "501 (c)(4) organization, Citizens for a 13 Schmitz Affidavit 073 Strong America, as reflected in reviewed e-mail. 5 Citizens for a Strong America (hereafter CFSA) was the recipient of substantial contributions from WiCFG. R.J. Johnson was also paid by CFSA. See Exhibit 3. 15. Deborah Jordahl worked with R.J. Johnson with respect to Wisconsin Club for Growth (WiCFG) and Citizens for a Strong America (CFSA). Jordahl was a paid employee of WiCFG and CFSAl and a signatory to the WiCFG bank account at M & I Bank. 6 Valerie Johnson! the wife of R.J. Johnson, was the signatory for the CFSA account at M & I Bank. 7 16. Kate Doner was a fundraiser with Doner Fundraising working on behalf of FOSW and in conjunction with the Wisconsin Club for Growth (WiCFG) in 2011 and 2012. Camille Moughon and Jennifer Bannister also worked with Kate Doner for Doner Fund raising. 17. Keith Gilkes was the campaign manager for Scott Walker when he ran for Governor of the State of Wisconsin in 2010. Gilkes then served as Chief of Staff to Governor Scott Walker from January 3, 2011 to about the end of September 2011 . He then served as a campaign advisor to the Friends of Scott Walker in 2011 through the recall campaign in June 2012. 18. Kelly Rindfleisch was employed in 2011 by FOSW, and paid by the Republican Party of Wisconsin until January 2012. Rindfleisch was subsequently employed by an independent company performing work for the Friends of Scott Walker. Rindfleisch was actively involved in coordinating fundraising by Scott Walker on behalf of the WiCFG organization. Rindfleisch previously was employed as deputy chief of Staff for then Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker. During the timeframe of that employment in 2010, Rindfleisch was an active fundraiser for then Lt. Governor candidate Brett Davis. Rindfleisch was subsequently convicted of one count of Misconduct in Public Office! with three counts dismissed and read-in in Milwaukee County Circuit Court case no. 12CF000438 related to political service and fundraising while a Milwaukee County employee. 5 6 7 See Exhibit 2, dated March 29, 2011. See Exhibits 3 and 4. See Exhibit 5. 14 Schmitz Affidavit 074 19. The Wisconsin Club for Growth (WiCFG), is an tax exempt "social organization" formed under Title 26 U.S.C. 501 (c)(4). 8 A review of State of Wisconsin online records related to incorporation reflects that "Wisconsin Club for Growth" (hereafter WiCFG) is a "non-stock" corporation. In the 2009 and 2010 federal income tax filing for the WiCFG, Eric O'Keefe was listed as the Director, Charles Talbot was listed as the PresidenUDirector, and Eleanor Hawley as the Director I Secretary/ Treasurer. Reviewed e-mail for 2011 and 2012 reflect that Eric O'Keefe worked with R.J. Johnson and Deborah Jordahl in directing political activities of the WiCFG. 9 Media accounts report that WiCFG is a organization whose board members have extensive ties to "Wall Street" and energy companies. R.J. Johnson is identified as a organizer and key adviser for WiCFG. 10 20. R.J . Johnson was a general consultant to FOSW in 2010 according to John Doe testimony. A review of R.J . Johnson's bank records, and e-mail between the Walker recall campaign (FOSW) and R.J. Johnson establishes that after the election of Scott Walker as Governor of Wisconsin in 2010, R.J. John~on served as a paid advisor to FOSW in 2011 and 2012. 11 In that same timeframe, R.J. Johnson also directed activities of WiCFG . D. · SUMMARY OF PROBABLE CAUSE 21. During 2011 and 2012, R.J. Johnson, Governor Scott Walker, Keith Gilkes, and others , conspired to use WiCFG to coordinate political activity in 8 See Wisconsin Club for Growth Website, http://wicf g.com, that identifies it as a "501(c)(4) organization, (Exhibil 6) as well in 2009 and 2010 federal tax filings. (Exhibit 7 and 8) 9 For example, on December 14, 2010, R.J. Johnson e-mailed Eric O'Keefe about the need to schedule a conference call for a board meeting with the "Club" via telephone. Johnson used the rj@rjjohnson.org e-mail and O'Keefe used the ~mail address. (Exhibit 9) On December21, 2010, there was an email comm~' Keefe and Johnson with a copy to Jordahl about no meeting because they had no response from Diane. (Exhibit 10). Later on December 21, 2010, R.J. Johnson also sent an e-mail to Keith Gilkes discussing the need to go 9..~9L.!lc;k _CIYtu:nef::lliag with G.!l~f::l§, R.f:li:>)9J9?hl§f'ld toe ~:fi!~?." ?Jtf:lrtb!:l !D~(:lt!l}g Ade the air cover In the comins few menths that someone else h•s • top-notch abJtntee bollot and GOTV plan.lt is crucial that iF lho>e ,..., things are happanlng some othe• enllty Ita\ total responsibility for collettlng the petfllons In the 3"1 tor,eted demoetalk: senate seats. It is equally crudal t hat someone Is providing talklnl points and a daly me>soge to all the Party's talklnc htads. lrls crucial that aP these groups are reponlns In on their progress and hitting their merrics for suaess. And It Is crucial that we have a legal pl•n In place to challenge erroneous petdvcrtiting; earned mt.:dii)i collettlns petitlons:; legitI strategy, means rosJng at all _levels. l'o resolve thl• we recommend getting togethe•face to foce on Wednesday or Friday o f next week In WI to bring everyone toge ther to assign rltsponslbility and create a command structure. Ooeslhls- sound correct to you? Ed and I are available by phone If vou want to discuss. 25. The e-mail was then sent by Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Party to Governor Walker, asking about the results of a meeting with R.J. Johnson. (Exhibit 16) 26. On March 29, 2011, R.J. Johnson sent an e-mail to Keith Gilkes with a copy to Governor Scott Walker in response to an earlier e-mail from Gilkes regarding the attendance of Governor Walker at the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) conference in Washington D.C. on April14, 2011. Johnson discusses strategy prior to Governor Walker attending the RSLC conference. Johnson advised Gilkes and Walker that he "locked in Eric O'Keefe to head up our national fundraising operations with donors we know from the Koch seminar and across the country as we discussed at the residence . I am hopeful that Nick (Ayers) will stay to his commitment..tG· call his folks,.-t_ell them.we are the group, -and that they should contribute liberally to what we propose." Eric O'Keefe led the Wisconsin Club for Growth, a 501 (c)(4) organization. Johnson tells Gilkes, "As far as Fitzgerald, I would tell him the Governor will be raising 5 million plus 18 Schmitz Affidavit 078 under Wisconsin control." Johnson tells Gilkes that he will need the Governor on "7-8 trips to get us where we need to be along with some in-state stuff." The Fitzgerald reference is likely to be Scott Fitzgerald, Treasurer for Committee to Elect a Republican Senate (CERS). Johnson tells Gilkes, "If you can't wait until we have an understanding with Nick and the RSLC, you are in effect committing to their program and control of our destiny." (Exhibit 2) 27. A conference call was then held on April6, 2011, as a result of an e-mail sent by Governor Scott Walker. In that e-mail, Walker advised Keith Gilkes and R.J. Johnson, "I think we need to bring the gang together tonight." (Exhibit 17) Records from Free Conference Call reflect that a conference call was held at approximately 8:00 p.m. using the official media conference ca ll line of Chris Schrimpf, Communications Director for Governor Walker. 12 Participants in the conference call included phones of the following individuals (at that point in time with unidentified numbers excluded): to contribute to economic and cultural 12 See Exhibit 18 and below information from Free Conference Call related to the phone line used lollici~l Medl.a t:onfere.~~'!.\)U J.,lne I I (?.J8) 86?.·1001 I 1023320 I . 5'/4146 I 4125/10 1;25:59 PM r J I I 19 Schmitz Affidavit 079 James Buchen Senior Vice President of Government Relations for. Wisconsin Manu facturers & Commerce. 28. After the April 6, 2011 conference call, a meeting and conference call was subsequently held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a call in for those who could not personally appear. 13 Keith Gilkes sent an e-mail with meeting details and call in information to the following individuals: POSITION I DESCRIPTION Former executive director of the Republican Governors Association from January 2007 to January NAM E Ayers, Nick ORGANIZATION Republican Governor's Association (RGA) Walker, Scott Friends of Scott Walker (FOSW) Johnson, RJ Wisconsin Club for Growth (WiCFG) Jankowski, Chris Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) Grebe, Michael Bradley Foundation Hogan, John Committee to Elect a Republican Senate (CERS) Thompson, Stephan Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) Republican National Committee (RNC) 201 1' Jefferson, Mark Gilkes, Keith ·· - ·· .... Governor and Gubernatorial Candidate Advisor, Wisconsin Club for Growth; also advisor and consultant toFOSW President of RSLC - a "leading strategist in state elections, state policy Issues and state government." President and Chief Executive of Bradley_Foundation· Former executive director; from January 2009 - August 2011 . Present employment- Chief of Staff at State of Wisconsin- Senate Majority Leader's Office (Scott Fitzgerald) Executive Director, Republican Party of Wisconsin Former Executive Director, RPW. Presently with RNC as the Midwest Reqional Political Director. Friends of Scott Walker (FOSW) Campaign Manager, FOSW Walker Gubernatorial Campaign; ... ... . ·-also Chiet- ot Staff Governor Scott ·Walker ~~··· 13 The call-in utilized the services of "Free Conference Call, with phone number 218-862-1 001 and access code 1023320. 20 Schmitz Affidavit 080 Schutt, Eric Office of the Governor, State of Wisconsin Chief of Staff- Governor Scott Walker (replacing Gilkes); former hief (See e-mail of April 6, 2011 from Keith Gilkes using and 19.2) 29. This coordination was discussed in an e-mail sent by Kate Doner, a fundraiser for Scott Walker, to R.J . Johnson and Jay Rosser on April 28, 201 1 at 12:03 p.m. Doner explained: "As the Governor discussed with Mr. Pickens, he wants all the issue advocacy efforts run thru one group to ensure correct messaging. We had some past problems with multiple groups doing work on "behalf" of Gov. Walker and it caused some issues. In Wisconsin, a 501(c)(4) is the legal vehicle that runs the media/outreach/GOTV campaign. The Governor is encouraging all to invest in the Wisconsin Club for Growth. Wisconsin Club for Growth can accept Corporate and Personal donations without limitations and no donors disclosure. We are a se parate group from the nationa l Club for Growth and do not have any Koch money involvement." (see attached, emphasis in original) (Exhibit 20) 30. On May 4 , 2011, Kate Doner sent an e-mail to Kelty Rindfleish and R.J. Johns'on regard ing arrangements for a phone call to Karl Rove soliciting at least a $1,000,000 contribution from "Crossroads, '' a 501(c)(4) orga nization. Doner indicated that Rove received a $7 million dollar contribution from Bob Perry that Perry thought was going to be used in Wisconsin. Walker was sent "talking points" that included, 1) telling Rove that $9 million dollars must be raised by June 15; 2) that Walker can't ask companies with lobby efforts in Wisconsin for money; 3) that Rove ask his "corporate connections" to give money to WiCFG. As part of the e-mail chain, Scott Matejov, secretary for Walker (using the account) sent an e-mail to Kelly Rindfleisch with a copy to Governof Scott Walker (at -swalkerwi@gmail.com) o nMay-4; 201-1 at 1.1:20a.m . -------- .. Matejov. advised Rindfleisch that Governor Walker should be able to do the ca ll at about 1:30 p.m. "today." Matejov said the Governor did not have the cellular 21 Schmitz Affidavit 081 phone number for Rove so requested that the number be sent by e-mail to the Governor. (Exhibit 21.1) 31 . Governor Scott Walker sent a follow-up e-mail to Karl Rove on May 4, 2011. In that e-mail, Walker described the response to the recall election and the role of R.J. Johnson in organizing that response. Walker stated, "Bottom-line: R.J. helps us keep in place a team that is wildly successful in Wisconsin. We are runn ing 9 recall elections and it wi ll be like running 9 Congressional markets in every market in the state (and Twin Cities)." (Emph;:lsis added) (Exhibit 21.2) 32. On Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. Kelly Rindfleisch sent an email (using the address Scott Walker (at swalkerwi@gmail.com) and Rindfleisch forwarded an e-mail from Kate Doner to Rindfleish with the subject heading, "Lowry Mays talking points." The email related to a phone call from Scott Walker to Lowry Mays on June 2, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. The e-mail included the following talking points for Governor Walker: a. Finalization of the recall efforts with nine special state elections b. The "union battle and budget issues." The economics of the situation and need as Governor for pro-business legislators. c. The national labor movement and Democrats using this as a way to "scare other Governors and legislators from tackling public unions. d. The need to raise $9 million dollars by June 15 (2011 ). e. A request for a $250,000 contribution to Walker's "501 c4." Walker was to let Mays know that they could accept corporate contributions that are not reported. Also noted is that Mays may help with Red McCombs, who they asked to give $100,000, as well as the friends of McCombs. (Exh ibit 22) 33. On June 20, 2011 at 10:48. a.m. Kelly Rindfleisch using the e-mail sent an e-mail to Ryan Murray (and Scott ·..... ··....... ·--··.. - .... --... . ·Walker.) The e-mail forwarded a communication from Kate Doner to Rindfleish address . ..... -· . ~ """ regard ing a fundraising trip in New York City from June 20 to June 21, 2011. The itinerary for the fund raising trip is attached to the e-mail. Included in the itinerary 22 Schmitz Affidavit 082 was a meeting with Chris Lofgren, identified in the e-mail as the CEO of Schneider National, the nation's largest privately owned truckload carrier. The talking points related to fund raising include Walker asking Lofgren to reach out to "his peers" and assist with raising $200,000; a request for a $50,000 donation from Chris Lofgren; and a note to "(S)tress that donations to WiCFG are not disclosed and can accept Corporate donations without limits. 14 to refer to the ~~Wisconsin I believe WiCFG Club for Growth." (Exhibit 23) 34. The itinerary described in ,-r32 included a meeting with Mark Schwabero of Mercury Marine, based in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin; the talking points included a request for Schwabero to have his company make a contribution, and to recruit other companies to make a contribution. Walker was to let Schwabero know that companies are contributing between $10,000 and $1,000,000. Walker was to ask Schwabero for a $25,000 contribution, and for Schwabero to "... ask two other guys to match your donation to your 501 c4." Walker was to let Schwabero know that corporate contributions can be accepted and it is not reported. 35. The itinerary described in ,-r32 included a meeting with "BLACKROCK/' an investment firm with $3.65 trillion equity according to the summary. The talking points included, "the business aspects of the recall effort and why it's important to keep the Senate. We are rallying the business community's support with such a short timeline. Unlike the unions, we don't have access to that much , cash to be competitive. We are hoping to count on their support.'' The talking points concluded with a request by Walker for a contribution of $100,000 to "your" (referring to Walker) "501 c4." 36. On July 13, 2011, R.J. Johnson directed an e-mail to Governor Scott Walker at "swalkerwi@gmail.com" that forwarded an e-mail from Chris Jankowski of RSLC. The substance of the e-mail concerned recall elections against Republican Wisconsin State Senators Alberta Darling and Luther Olsen, as well as efforts to recall Democrat Senator Jim Halperin and Dave Hansen. Jankowski 14 Wisconsin Statutes prohibit contributions from corporations; Scott Walker acknowledged that on March 22, 2012 during an interview. When asked about fund raising by the FOSW finance committee, and .a discussion of donors, Scott Walker stated," .. It wouldn't be corporate donors." (See Exhibit 99, Interview of Scott Walker, March 22, 2012, Pgs 83 to 85) 23 Schmitz Affidavit 083 told Johnson that u••• we are going to do a 500k ie on broadcast and cable against holperin over 4 weeks." Jankowski said over a month they spent "almost 500k" ($500,000) against holperin and hansen. Johnson for the mentioned ... " ~~actual Jankowski then asked R.J. plan or versions of it that add up to the 6.5 m you In response, Johnson e-mailed Jankowski, stating, "Here is the memo outlining the 1M they say they will have spent here. Again, I don't want to fight. I just need the half million and a matter of fact retort if he says RSLC is in for a million. We're spending like crazy. Alberta and Olsen are in trouble according to our recent polls. DO NOT REPEAT that to anyone. Thank you sir." See Exhibit 24.1 A reasonable interpretation of the e-mail is that memos and information were exchanged between RSLC and WiCFG, consistent with the earlier discu,ssions in April 2011. Earlier that day, R.J. Johnson exchanged email with Jankowski in which Johnson said, "Need to know that you are up and · the content of your spot. We are drafting radio to compliment. Also need to know if you plan to play any further in WI beyond Halperin." Exhibit 24.2 37. On August 30, 2011 at 11:53 p.m., Governor Scott Walker sent an e- mail to R.J. Johnson and Mary Stitt, asking if he sent out thank you notes to "all of our c(4) donors?" (emphasis added) Mary Stitt replied on August 30, 2011 at 5:22 a.m. to Walker, advising him, "I think you had a few final ones to sign. Ted Kellner, San Orr, Fred Kasten. I will work with Keith for times to set up calls for Diane and John Menard." (Exhibit 24.3) Based upon the above e-mail and a subsequent review of WiCFG Bank records, Ted Kellner, San Orr, Fred Kasten, and John Menard (thru Menard Inc.) made donations to WiCFG in response to solicitations by Governor Scott Walker. (Exhibit 25 and 26) The records of the WiCFG account at M&l Bank reflect a June 24, 2011 deposit of $1,000,000 of a check issued by Menard Inc. The records also reflect a second deposit of $1,000,000 into the WiCFG account at M&l Bank on April 16, 2012 of a check 38. The Wisconsin state senate recall elections were completed by August 16, 2011. In an e-mail dated August 18, 2011, Kate Doner distributed an agenda for a conference call to Governor Scott Walker, Kelly Rindfleisch, Keith Gilkes, 24 Schmitz Affidavit 084 and R.J. Johnson. The agenda was entitled, ''Wisconsin Conference Call Brief." The agenda included Governor Walker providing an overview of the recall election results, political update and future ramifications that was to be lead by R.J. Johnson, and how Wisconsin Club for Growth (WICFG) spent $12 million, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) spent $1 million, and the Republican State Leadership Committee spent $500,000. The conference call was scheduled for Aug~st 18, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. (Exhibit 27) The conference call number that was used is not known. 39. On August 18, 2011, Keith Gilkes sent comments to Governor Scott Walker from R.J. Johnson for the conference call on that date after the recall election. In the remarks attributed to R.J. Johnson with reference to the state senate recall elections, Johnson remarked, "Our efforts were run by Wisconsin Club for Growth and operatives R.J. Johnson and Deb Jordahl, who coordinated spending through 12 different groups. Most spending by other groups was directly funded by grants from the Club." (Exhibit 28). 40. In 2011, WiCFG also sponsored ads supporting Walker. (see Stay the Course ad at http://www.voutube.com/watch?v=SbflkDCcb o&feature=plcp, for example- Exhibit 29) 41. In September, 2011 after the Wisconsin Senate recall elections, a plan was proposed by Kate Doner in preparation for the recall efforts against Governor Walker. Doner suggested creating a new 501 (c)(4) (noted in the e- mail as "c4") because of perceived issues with the name, "Club for Growth." (See Exhibit 30, a portion of which appears on the next page) 25 Schmitz Affidavit 085 ~------------------~------------------------------, From: Kote Doner (l rally the lobby/business community w here Walker t an't ask 2} PAC'S Only one PAC has maxed out In 2011 to Walker. Not eood Vou hav e ral sod $237,036.75 from I'AC's. Collect the other $248,153.25 oow. Invite them all to lunch with you for $2~k each ond make them ilam sandwiches. Get firm. No need to do anythlne expensive. 3} c orporation• Pulle-d ForttJna-'i top 10 companies In Wisconsin. With a quidc glance, onty two have !up ported Walker {NW Mutoai maxed out. American Family ,ave little). ~hnsoo Co1\lrOis Mi._.,~-uketJ 83 28,497.0 No!ll!\\lestem Mu1upl 1 16 ~ 13& MenomoneeFNI$ 17, 176,0 Milw::~u k&o 16,038.7 ArnelfcAn fnni ly lnswjlilCg Groua ~44 Madl$00 6.4153.-l ~ 388 Osl,kosh 5,433.3 ~~430 MIIW8Uk(IO 4,838,6 Mhwaulcc& 4,332.5 Bookwe!IAut-omai!Qfl 476 42. November 15, 2011 was the first day groups or individuals could register with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board for the recall of Governor Scott Walker. 15 On that date, the FOSW campaign committee could also accept contributions related to the potential election of Governor Scott Walker. My understanding is that as a result of Wisconsin Stats. sec. 11 .26(3m), no contribution limits existed with respect to individuals; however, corporate J5 See Exhibit 31.1, where on November 1, 2011, Kate Doner requests help from Michael Grebe in having 1.5 million dollars in contributions ready on November 15, 2011 . Michael Grebe used the e-mail 26 Schmitz Affidavit 086 contribution continued to be prohibited to personal campaign committees such as FOSW. 43. Keith Gilkes directed an e-mail to Governor Walker on November 14, 2011, wanting to discuss contributions from particular donors. Based upon a review of the e-mail and subsequent donations, a reasonable conclusion is that Gilkes wanted to discuss and vet particular campaign contributions with Governor Walker prior to the actual acceptance of the contributions and subsequent public disclosure required by campaign finance laws. The 13 page e-mail 16 provided background information on several donors, including Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, and Kenneth Griffin, among others. Gilkes said he wanted Walker to be aware of the donor research so Walker was aware of what he "might need to defend in terms of contributions when these are disclosed." Gilkes then asked Walker to call that afternoon; Gilkes advised Walker that it (contributions) needed to be finalized before I'Kate makes final confirmations." Kate Lind was the campaign treasurer for FOSW at that time. Based upon a review of this e-mail and the contributors discussed, bank records of WiCFG, and Wisconsin GAB public campaign finance records, contributions were accepted from some of the individuals, others made no contributions, while others made contributions to WiCFG apparently in response to the vetting of the contributions from particular donors by FOSW. For example, the Wisconsin GAB public campaign finance information for the timeframe of July 1, 2011 to January 18, 2012 does not reflect any contributions to FOSW from Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson 17 , and Kenneth Griffin. However, WiCFG bank records reflect a contribution from Kenneth Griffin on November 29, 2011 for $25,000; a $100,000 contribution from Contran Corporation owned by Harold Simmons on December 15, 2011 as well as a $150,000 contribution from Harold Simmons on January 4, 2012; and a $200,000 contribution from Sheldon Adelson on May 22, _2012. 18 Other individuals identified in the November 14, 2011 e-mail that were reported as contributors to FOSW, including H.R. Perot, Jack Miller, Rick Carlton, Trevor 16 See Exhibit 31.2, dated November 14, 2011 from Keith Gilkes to Governor Walker. Adelson did make a $250,000 to FOSW that was reported on 3/30/12. 18 See Exhibit 32. 17 27 Schmitz Affidavit 087 Rees-Jones, Bob Perry, Lea Beaman, Foster Friess, Stanley Hubbard, John Ingram, Richard Uihlein. Several other individuals identified in that e-mail that did not make any contributions to WiCFG or to FOSW prior to January 18, 2012 were Jim Haslam II, Ray Hunt, Lee Barfield, Fred Malek, Charles Elcan, and Phil Gramm. 44. On December 16, 2011, Ciara Matthews of the FOSW campaign forwarded an e-mail to Keith Gilkes from Tom Evenson of the Governor's office that identified the public and private conference call line numbers used. The phone numbers identified in the e-mail (218-632-0550 and 530-881-1200) per public information were identified as belonging to Free Conference Call. (Exhibit 33) 45. The use of "Free Conference Call" by FOSW was evidenced by e-mail received by Keith Gilkes in April 2012. An example is an e-mail sent from "Free Conference Call" on April 16, 2012 listing the use of the service with phone number 610-214-0000 and access code 897141. (Exhibit 34.1). This conference call line was started in 2011, as evidenced in an e-mail dated May 30, 2011 from Keith Gilkes to Scott Walker. (Exhibit 34.2) 46. According to a December 19, 2011 e-mail, Governor Scott Walker was a participant in a conference call on December 22, 2011 arranged by James Buchen of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC). The purpose of the conference call was to discuss the pending recall elections. ·The e-mail invitation to the conference call reflected that Governor Walker "will join us for the first part of the call. The rest of the call will feature a review of the latest poll results and further discussion of the recall campaign.'' (Exhibit 35). A review of bank records from WiCFG reflects that WMC was the recipient of over $2.5 million dollars in 2012 from WiCFG. (Exhibit 36). WMC and WMC Issue Mobilization Council Inc. subsequently produced and aired advertisements promoting Governor Scott Walker and criticizing Mayor Tom Barrett; who was subsequently the Democratic candidate opposing scOtfWalker during the gubeinatOdalrecallcampaigri .. (see 1f67-68). 28 Schmitz Affidavit 088 47. The personal fundraising by Governor Scott Walker in 2011 and 2012 on behalf of WiCFG provided the organization with the funds to contribute to groups such as WMC and CFSA. 48. On December 27, 2011, Jennifer Bannister of Doner Fundraising advised Governor Walker that she was following up with David Herro, who was identified in the e-mail as a contributor "to the senate recalls." (Exhibit 37) David Herro subsequently contributed $30,000 to WiCFG in 2012. (Exhibit 38) 49. On December 27, 2011, Andrea Boom sent an e-mail to Governor Scott Walker with the schedule for his trip to California on December 29 and 30, 2011. Boom advised Walker that "the Doner team is working on finalizing the details and we'll get briefing papers to you as soon as we can tomorrow afternoon." The schedule included a dinner with donors on December 29, 2011 at the Balboa Bay Club; a meeting on December 30, 2011 with "New Majority Membersll at the Pacific Club and a meeting with Family Action PAC members. (Exhibit 39) After the trip on March 14, 2012, the WiCFG account reflected the deposit of a check dated March 2, 2012 from Green Step Productions, LLC of Hollywood California in the amount of $25,000. (Exhibit 40) 50. On January 24, 2012, Keith Gilkes sent an e-mail to Governor Scott Walker regarding "scheduling questions." Noted in that e-mail in the "events" section was "AEI World Forum," an event "Requested by Kate Doner as a High Dollar Conference with Key Contributors." (capitalization in original) Kate Doner included in the notes on the event, "... that this event has many of the remaining or outstanding donors that we are trying to connect with. As well, provides an opportunity for you to connect with some new prospects. AEI would have you speak at their Sunday Breakfast which has the highest attendance and most prominent event with their donors." (Exhibit 41) Subsequent e-mail reflects that Walker did attend the AEI conference on March 10, 2012, where Walker met individuals or representatives who made substantial contributions to WiCFG. See ,-(52··to 1[56··· herein: · Also noted······in this January 24, 2012 e;:;mail under the heading, "March & April" were potential future fundraising trips to Midland, Texas; New York, New York; Scottsdale, Arizona; and "Hayward, WI (Bill Johnson). 11 29 Schmitz Affidavit 089 51. On February 23, 2012, the itinerary of Governor Scott Walker reflected a conference call with David Hanna of Hanna Capitol, a private equity and investment capitol investment firm per the website of Hanna Capitol. (Exhibit 42) On February 27, 2012, the Wisconsin Club for Growth account at M&l Bank reflected a deposit (via wire) of $50,000 from the account of the David William Hanna Trust. (Exhibit 100) 52. On March 10, 2012, the itinerary of Governor Scott Walker reflects that he was at Sea Island (Georgia), the location of the AEI World Form. 19 The itinerary included a meeting with Michael Sullivan of SAC Capital Advisors, Frank Hanna, Joe Ricketts, Barry Maclean, Harvey Golub, among others. (Exhibit 44) Per public information, SAC Capitol Advisors is a hedge fund involved primarily in equity market strategies, and Stephen Cohen is a founder and manager. Bruce Kovner is the founder and chairman of Caxton Associates, an investment firm involved with hedge funds. Barry Maclean is the owner and C.E.O. of Maclean Fogg Company, a leading manufacturer of products for electric utilities, and telecommunications. 53. In a March 7, 2012 email from Kate Doner to Scott Walker and Keith Gilkes, Doner advised Walker that she will arrive at Sea Island on Friday (March 9, 2012). The email provided Walker with a schedule, as well as advice from Doner to Walker, such as "meetings to make happen while in Sea lsland .... Paul Singer: Grab him." Per public information, Paul Singer is the CEO of Elliot Management Corporation, a hedge fund investment firm. (Exhibit 44) 54. Scott Walker sent an email to Kate Doner on, March 10, 2012 at 1:23 p.m. stating that, "Bruce and Suzie Kovner said they want to give more 20 ." (Exhibit 45) 55. On May 8, 2012, $2o0,000 is deposited into the Wisconsin Club for Growth account via a wire transfer from the account of Paul Singer. (Exhibit 100) Earlier on April 7, 2011, Kelly Rindfleish sent an e-mail to Scott Walker, providing backgroundinformation onPaul Sin geL Singer···is ··identified as''; ; ; the founder 19 The AEI website reflects that from March 8-11, 2012 the entire Cloister Beach Club at Sea Island Georgia would be devoted to the AEI World Forum. (Exhibit 43) 20 GAB campaign finance records report Bruce Kovner gave $100,000 to FOSW on 1/12/12. 30 Schmitz Affidavit 090 and CEO of hedge fund Elliott Management Corporation and The Paul E. Singer Family Foundation. Billionaire who writes large checks. Chairman of the Board of the Manhattan Institute (free-market think tank). Singer gave money to your election efforts thru a number of 501c4 groups." (Exhibit 46) A review of deposits into the WiCFG account at M&l Bank from Paul Singer reflect four wire tran~fers 56. in 2011 totaling $1, 150,000 . (Exhibit 100) On March 22, 2012, the Wisconsin Club for Growth account at M&l Bank reflects a deposit of $50,000 from the account of Bruce Kovner, the founder and chairman of Caxton Associates. The memo line of the check reflects the check is for "501 c4 - Walker." On May 17, 2012, the WiCFG account at M&l Bank reflects a deposit of $100,000 from Maclean-Fogg Company, owned by Barry Mclean. On April 13, 2012, the WiCFG account at M&l Bank reflects a deposit of $1 ,000,000 from the account of Stephen (and Alexandra Cohen) via a wire transfer. Stephen Cohen is the founder and a manager at SAC Capitol Advisors. As noted above, Scott Walker met with a representative of SAC Capitol Advisors _on March 10, 2012 in Georgia prior to the $1,000,000 contribution. (Exhibit 47) 57. On March 12, 2012, the itinerary of Governor Scott Walker reflects a FOSW luncheon at Eddie Martini's in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin for Friends of Scott Walker at 8612 W. Watertown Plk Rd., Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. (Exhibit 48) On March 26, 2012, the Wisconsin Club for Growth account at M&l Bank reflects a deposit of a $5,000 check dated March 12, 2012 from the account of DeRosa Corporation. (Exhibit 49.1) Per public information, the DeRosa Corporation is a privately held corporation owning several restaurants, including Eddie Martini's, Chancery Pub and Restaurant, and Jose's Blue Sombrero. On March 12, 2012, fundraising conference calls were scheduled for Fred Sands and Richard DeVos using "Free Conference Call" phone number (605) 475-4700 (host and participant access code 453846). See Exhibit 49.2 The campaign also used another conference call line with Line 1 Communications at (866) 200-9760 (participant pin #6624148) to conduct conference calfs. (Exhibif4fL3) 58. On March 12, 2012, Scott Walker directed an e-mail to Jennifer Bannister of Doner Fundraising, advising her that he was asking Fred Sands to 31 Schmitz Affidavit 091 do a lunch on 3/29 or 3/30. Governor Walker asked what else was he doing "on this trip?" In response, Bannister confirmed a lunch with Fred Sands on the "29th or 30th. David Hanna is doing a dinner on the 29th. The New Majority is doing a breakfast on the 30th in Orange County. We'll fill the daytime with major donor 1 on 1's." (Exhibit 50) Previously on February 24, 2012, the official "political" calendar of Governor Walker reflected a conference call with David Hanna of Hanna Capitol, an investment firm. (See Exhibit 42) WiCFG bank records reflect a $50,000 contribution via a wire transfer from the David Hanna Trust on February 27, 2012. (See 1J51) 59. On March 19, 2012, Kate Doner sent an e-mail to Governor Scott Walker, Keith Gilkes, and others indicating that Carl Iehan wanted to meet later in the afternoon (on March 20, 2012) (Exhibit 51.1) Later on March 20, 2012, Camille Moughon sent an e-mail to Governor Walker with background for the meeting with Carl lcahn on March 20, 2012 in New York, New York for the purpose of fundraising. (See Exhibit 51.2, reproduced below) The e-mail advised Walker that "This meeting is for WiCFG Funds." The email noted that lcahn has a net worth of $14 billion dollars. In the "talking points," Walker is to request a contribution of $100,000 to Wisconsin Club for Growth and provide an update on the recall. 32 Schmitz Affidavit 092 ComiiiO lilotlghoy, M>rch z.o, 2012 - New York. NY 4:3D -5:00pm EASTERN Meeting wllh CorJ lrtlt year saying, •This Is not the time robe so obsessed ••lth the dt/lo mu<:lt monty bur who! Wt first nttd to do Is got fH!Op/1 bade to work ond I""' have lo spend money ro do r/rot • In 2004, he W>J honored by the Center for Educotfonallnnovatlon • PubUc Educotlon Association for Ill$ wor1c with tharter schools. In 2006, he was ~onored with the 100 Women In Hodco Funds EfltcUns Chonge Award for his outmonding r:onttlbutlons to lrnprovlns .WcaOon. Ht hu heavily lnlll!stod In hone racing and has establ!shod a horse breed In& operation. Carl attended Pmd with ndditional mat(Jrial. Schmitz Affidavit 115 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT For Otnofel Use Only DANE COUNTY In the Matter of John Doe Application and Order FILED for Specific Judicial Assignment 08-21-2013 Assignment Number: 2013SP020231 Ca.se No. 2013JD000009 CIRCUIT COURT DANE COUNTY, WI Case Jnformauon Current Court ornctal Elranch No. Code 2278 Cas~ Typo Juan B Colas Dale Case Filed 08,21-2013 10 lt:>luhicl No. 5 Class Cod t;J and Description John Doe 34001 ~John Doe Case St~tus Information Last Acllvlty lil Cago Da!6 Naxf Scheduled (or to b6 schoduled) Activity In Caso Date No scheduled or proposed activity. D Jury Trial 0 Bench Trial 0 Post-Judgment Casa D Other: AddUionallnformallon lhal wlll bE! Mlpfullo lha Ctllef .Judg~ and tho Judg(l to ba asslgnad (e.g., time I!mils waived or not waived, d6fendanlln custody, {lpeedy lnal demand, prlor Judicial subsUlutlons or dlsqualillcatlons. olher attorneys, ale.}: Information Olher Allomey{s} (and role; '().g., GAL, Adversa~y Counsel, eto.): llcatlon Reaaon for Assl Reason Descripllon Olher per Presiding Judge Juan B. Colas .-----C~u.;_rront Court Official Approval Application Prepared by: dknolt K]Approved Ooenled Explain: Applica tion Order and Order of As.slgnmont [)It Is Ordered the judge named below Is assigned this ca~e. D This asslgnnlent Is danled. Shlr1ey Abra hamson Chief Justice By: Eleotronically signed by A, John Voo lker, Director of Stale Courts Chief Judge/Dopuly Chler Jodga/OCNDlr()clot/Chlaf Justlco August 21, 2013 Oat~;~ I By: Electronically signed by_ Juan B. Colas Name of Judg e Assigned: Current Court ornclal August :21, 2013 Barbara A. KJu ka Dvle ~--------------------~~ ·-··-·------ I GF~1MS(CCAP). SCR 04/09 Appllcallon and Ordar (or 8peclllc Judicial As~;lgnmenl Thll} form ~thell nnl ba modlllsd. It may bl) qupp!ementsd 'with a ddlllonal mahnlal. ro. ~§7&7, W, 6Cl1.61.l. Wluoona!n Blatutoa l Schmitz Affidavit 116 DODGE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF WISCONSIN For Oft/cia/ Use Only Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment In the Matter of John Doe Assignment Number: 2013SP019548 Case No. 2013JD000006 Case Information Current Courl Official Branch No. Code 2 1422 John R. Storck Date Case Filed Class Code and Description Case Type 07~26v2013 IDis~ict No. 34001- John Doe John Doe Case Status lnforma1ion Last Activity in Case Date Next Scheduled (or to be scheduled} Activity in Case Dale No scheduled or proposed activity. 0 Jury Trial -------=-- D Bench Trial D Post-Judgment Case 0 Other: Additional information that witl be helpful to the Chief Judge and the Judge to be assigned {e.g., time limits waived or not waived. defendant in custody, speedy trial dernand. prior judicial substitutions or disqualifications, other attorneys, etc.): It has been requested that Reserve Judge Barbara Kluka be appointed. She has consented to be appointed and is currently presid!ng over other John Doe cases in other counties concerning the same issues raised by this John Doe. Attorney/Party Information Other Attomey{s) (and role: e.g., GAL, Adversary Counsel. etc.): Reason for Assignment Application Reason Reason Disqualification per Statute §757.19: Facilitate the prompt and efficient pr?cessing__of this case. Application Prepared by: Lynn Hron red the judge named below is assigned this case. ment is denied. !XI Approved 0 Denied Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice Explain: By: Electronically signed by A. John Voelker. Director of State Courts Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judge/DCNDirector/Chief Justice August07,2013 Date By: Electronically signed by John R. Storck Name of Judge Assigned: Current Court Official Barbara A. Kluka August 5, 2013 Date GF-168S(CCAP}. 04i09 Application and Q(der for Specific Judicial SCR 70, §§757.19, 801.58, Wisconsin Statutes Tllis form sllall not be modified. It may btt supplemented with additional materiaL Schmitz Affidavit 117 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT In the Matter of John Doe Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment Assignment Number: 2013SP019685 For Officiaf Use Only IOWA COUNTY Case No. 2013JD000001 --------------------------------------~------~------------~--~--~--~ FILED oa~o·r~2013 Circuit Court, Iowa Co L' N G t Cl k 1a . us , er Case Information Current Court Official Branch No. Code 1619 William D. Dyke Date Case Filed Case Type 07-25-2013 IDis;lct No. 1 Class Code and Description John Doe 34001 - John Doe Case Status Information Last Activity in Case Date I Next Scheduled (or to be scheduled) Activity in Case Date --- to be determined by new judge D Jury Trial D Bench Trial D Post-Judgment Case IX] Other: John Doe proceeding Additional Information that will be helpful to the Chief Judge and tha Judge to be assigned {e.g., time limits waived or not waived, defendant In custody, speedy trial demand, prior Judicial substitutions or disqualifications, other attorneys, etc.): Attorney/Party Information E.S.O. John Doe Other Attorney(s) (and role: e.g., GAL, Adversary Collnsel. etc.): Reason for Assignment Application Reason Administrative transfer Current Court Official A Appflcation Prepared by: Tad M. Engels Description roval [Xj Approved D Denied ication Order and Order of Assi nment d the judge named below is assigned this case. 0This r:::r:::i.nnlrnAnt is denied. !KJ It is Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice Explain: Administrative Transfer reqtJired. By: Electronically signed by A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judge/DCNDirector/Chief Justice August07, 2013 Date By: Electronically signed by Hon. William D. Dyke Name of Judge Assigned: Current Court Official GF-16flS(CCAP). 04/09 Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment SCR 70, §§757.19, 801.58, Wisconsin Stntuhw This form ::;hall not be modifiod. It may be supplemented with additional material. Schmitz Affidavit 118 STATE OF WISCONSIN For Official Use Only MILWAUKEE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT IN RE: JOHN DOE Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment -·------- FILED ---·- Case No. 2012JD23 Assignment Number: 2012SP008805 SEP - 5 2012 Case Information Current Court Official .101-!t,J Rt>DDr:r· :··--' Code · - - - Cle<=ri!i!!l'liMI' ~~anch No. 1324 Jeffrey A. Kremers-36 r----Date Case Filed Case Type 08/23/2011 --- _ ~=~~--- 1 ·---~~ Class Code and Description 34001 -John Doe John Doe --- --~--- .... --- ----"'"· Case Status Information Date Last Activily in Case ---·-------· ----·------- -···-~------ Date Next Scheduled (or to be scheduled) Aclivlly in Case -------- ·----- O Jury Trial 0 Bench Trial O Post-Judgment Case OOther: --------~ ...... ----------------------~----... -..-~--------·-..-------····· ···----- Additional information that will be helpful to the Chief Judge and the Judge to be assigned. (e.g., limo limits waived or not waived, defendant in custody, speedy trial demand, prior judicial substitutions or disqualificatlons, other allomeys, etc.): ----~---- '-------·····-···- Attorney/Party Information Other Attornoy(s) (and ro!e: e.g., GAL, Adversary Counsel, etc.): r Reason for Assignment Application eason Other ------Current Court Official Approval Application Order and Order of Assignment !!] It is Ordered the judge named below is assigned this case. Application Prepared by: D This assign.~-~nt i~-~enied. 88Approved D Denied (Explain): Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice Assignment Source: By: ·- Electronically signed by A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judgc/DCNDiroclor/Chief Justice SeQtember 05 1 20·12 September 05, 2012 Date Date ·---- -· Name of Judge Assigned: ___,______Barbara A. Kluka (#0608) GF- i68S(CCAP), 04!09 Application and Order for Specific Judlcl Attorney Schmitz should be authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate and if he so detennines, he should be given the authority to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. 2 §978.045(lr) grants authority to "comts of record" for the appointment of Special Prosecutors. However, John Doe judges are not courts of record. State v. Washington, 83 Wis.2d 808, 828,266 N.W.2d 597, 607 (1978). On the other hand, the third sentence of §978.045(1r) provides that a "judge" (rather than a "judge of a court of record") may appoint a Special Prosecutor at the request of a district attorney in "John Doe proceedings under 968.26." Consequently, §978.045(1r) may be express authority for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor in John Doe investigations. Schmitz Affidavit 122 We are authorized by Attorney Schmitz to represent that, if appointed, he will accept and will serve as a Special Prosecutor. Attorney Schmitz has agreed to work for an hourly rate of$130. Very truly yours, Date Ismael R. Ozanne District Attorney Dane County Date .... District Atto ey Dodge Cou ~~L~~ ~L/]_ elson tstri Attorney Iowa ounty John T. District Milwa bl Enclosure Schmitz Affidavit 123 STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 114 Eost, Stllte Capitol P.O. Box 7857 Mfldison 1 WT 53707-7857 608/ZoG-1221 TTY 1·800-947-3529 ()iL\t.:~r! \)t /.~-~i~:~tt~c:·::· /\X~·c:~·t!(?~i IViii··N~·l~.liC:';), V\fl (j.J?:.:·l::~ Mr. John T. Chisholm District Attorney, Milwaukee County 821 West State Street, Room 405 Milwaukee, WI 53233 RE: Request for Assistance Relating To Campaign Finance Investigation Dear District Attorney Chisholm: Earlier this year> we met with you at your request to discuss the developments in a John Doe investigation relating to potential campaign finance violations involving campaign coordination (and thus the possibility that at ]east one non-candidate committee and possibly Friends of Scott Walker filed false reports with the Government Accountability Board). Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovem, Deputy Attorney General Kevin St. John, and DCI Administrator David Matthews also attended that meeting. You were concerned that the investigation was leading to subjects outside of your office's prosecutorial jurisdiction, and thus were seeking the assistance of the Department of Justice. For the following reasons, we decline assistance at this time. First, I am concerned about potential_ conflicts of interests that arise by virtue of ow· ongoing representation of Scott Walker in his official capacity as Governor. I have previously stated the basis of my concern in a December 3, 2010 correspondence relating to a pdor investigation> and those concerns do not need to be repeated in detail here. While it is not clear that this investigation will indicate that Governor Walker has violated any Wisconsin laWs, it is reasonably foreseeable that this may be a subject of the investigation. When lawyers have conflicts, client confidence that the lawyer js acting in their interest can erode and clients will be less willing to share information that is essential to providing sound legal advice. Second, even in the absence of a true conflict by virtue ofmy representation ofGovernor Walker in his official capacity, I am concerned about the perception that my office can not act impartially, thus undermining public confidence in the investigation as a whole, particularly if the investigation does not result in an enforcement action; These perceptions may adse because of the general governmental relationship between the Administration and the Department of Schmitz Affidavit 124 Mr. John T. Chisholm Page 12 Justice or because of my personal relationship with the Governor. I know that you appreciate this concern. ln the past, you have requested my office review criminal complaints that were related to actions by the Milwaukee County Executive in his personal capacity and criminal complaints involving the conduct of a former state representative with whom you were personally acquainted. Third, beyond my relationship with the governor, this investigation is likely to involve subjects who are politically involved on the conservative side of the political spectrum. At this point, I do not know all of the potential witnesses and subjects (and these will only be known with further investigation), but suffice it to say, thjs is a campaign fmance investigation and there are a fmite number of conservative-minded political activists, campaign operatives, and major donors in Wisconsin. Therefore, it is reasonable to foresee that if this investigation develops further, it could involve additional individuals with whom I or my campaign have had significant personal or business relationships. This may exacerbate any public perception that my office~s involvement in an investigation would be biased. . To be sure, the statutory responsibilities of my office, which include both the legal representation of government officials and the enforcement of certain laws against all individuals and entities (including government officials), by their nature, create the potential for conflicts. In certain cases, the rules of professional conduct might not be strictly applied in order to accommodate statutory conunands. See, e.g., SCR Chapter 20, Preamble [18]. In some cases, conflict screens might be established to minimize the potential for conflict. This is not a matter, however, where such devices should be employed, even if they could be employed effectively. This is because there is no necessity, at this time, for my office's involvement because there are other state officials who have equal or greater jurisdictional authority without the potential disabilities 1 have mentioned. The Government Accountability Board has statewide jurisdiction to investigate campaign fmance violations, which may be civil or criminal in nature. Thus> there is no jurisdictional necessity to involve my office. Should the Government Accountability Board, after investigation, believe these matters are appropriate for civil enforcement, they have the statutory authority to proceed. Should the Govenunent Accountability Board determine, after investigation, that criminal enforcement is appropriate, they may refer the matter to the appropriate district attorney. Only if that district attomey and a second district attorney declines to prosecute would my office have prosecutorial authority. See generally Wis. Stat. § 5.05(2m). In many respects, the Government Accountability Board as a lead investigator and first decisiorunaker is preferable in this specjfic context. First, the potential violations involve statutes that the Government Accountability Board administers. The specific area of campaign fmance law that may be applicable in this case, coordination, is not a model of statutory precision or consistency. Compare Wis. Stat. § 11,06(7)(a) (specifying nature of oath of independent expenditures to .include no "cooperation or consultation" with the supported candidate) wit~. Wis ... stat ... §.11.06(4)(a).,(d) . (r~q~it'~I1g . <:l cai1~Jdate''g()I1!rgX, {)T ''4!t~9t ~ contdbutiori to be rep61;fiib1e). The dovernintn1t. Accountability Board s prior involvement administering and advising on these statutes increases the likelihood that they will be applied in 1 Schmitz Affidavit 125 Mr. John T. Chisholm "Page 13 this case in a manner consistent with prior interpretations. Second, this experience will better inform the discretionary determination of whether or not the civil or criminal enforcement is appropriate. Third, as a non~partisan entity, the Govemment Accountability Board's investigation may inspire more public confidence than an investigation led by partisan-elected officials. This approach has precedent. Previously> my ot11ce made an initial inquiry into the actions of a high ranking Wisconsin government official relating to a potential violation of laws that the Government Accountability Board administers and enforces. The information was shared with the Government Accountability Board and we determh1ed it was appropriute for the Government Accountability Board to conduct further inquiry while my office stepped back due to considerations similar to those expressed in this letter. * * * * * The decision to decline to be involved at this time is based upon the specific facts and circumstances that have been presented to me. Unlike many circumstances involving investigation of potential criminal activity that transcends multiple jurisdictions, here there is a capable agency with equal statewide jurisdiction, meaning that my decision to decline participation will not undermine the state's ability to enforce the law: Moreover, there is no indication that there is a public safety threat or that there are ongoing violations of the public trust -factors that could augur for force multiplication. In summary, there is no necessity for the· Department to exercise a discretionary authority where the exercise of that authority could also disable the Department's ability fulfill its other duties and responsibilities. Moreover, this decision is made recognizing that conflict and impartiality issues are stressed within the context of the dynamic nature of a campaign fmancing investigation that could foreseeably involve individuals with whom I have relationships - individuals whose involvement may very well depend on the discretionary decisionmaking of investigators. Should the investigation develop into a more concrete form and potentially require the Department of Justice exercise of a different duty or power, we will revisit the appropriateness of 01.1r involvement - as occuned when the 2010 Milwaukee County probe led to particular criminal prosecutions that my office supported in the appellate courts. Please contact me with any questions concerning this matter or if further explanation is required. Sincerely, ~~~ J.B. Van Hollen Attorney General Schmitz Affidavit 126 Mr. John T. Chisholm P 8 g e 14 Cc: Kent Lovem, Deputy District Attorney Kevin St. John, Deputy Attorney General David Matthews> DCI Administrator Schmitz Affidavit 127 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN II\J THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING CIRCUIT COURT Columbia County Case No.: :·t~»Q!D,Utl0 Hi · ~ ·• 13JD000009 Dane County Case No.: 13JD000006 Dodge County Case No.: 13JD000001 Iowa County Case No.: Milwaukee County Case No.: 12JD000023 FILED APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAl PROSECUTOR UNDER CHAPTER 978 AUG 29 2013 CIRCUIT COURT APPOINTMENT ORDER THE JOHN DOE JUDGE, having been apprised of facts and circumstances as set forth in a letter dated August 21, 2013 submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, does hereby find and order that: 1. In January 2013, the Wisconsin Attorney General was requested to proceed with the investigation and 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. prosecution of the criminal law violations as alleged in the Petitions and Affidavits filed in the abovereferenced John Doe proceedings. In a letter dated May 31, 2013, the Attorney General declined to assume responsibility for this investigation, primarily citing the reasons of conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety. A Special Prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient and effective conduct of the investigation, including any charging decisions that need to be made. Likewise, if charges are filed, a single prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient prosecution of such charges. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee all note that their individual status as partisan elected prosecutors gives rise to the potential for the appearance of impropriety. I find that a Special Prosecutor will eliminate any appearance of impropriety. For these reasons, Attorney Francis D. Schmitz is appointed Special Prosecutor for the State of Wisconsin. He is authorized to investigate the matters more fully described in John Doe papers previously filed in the above-referenced proceedings. Attorney Schmitz is further authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate, and if he so determines, he is authorized to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. I make this appointment in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the August 21, 2013 letter submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. I make this appointment under my authority as expressed in State v. Carlson, 2002 WI App 44, 250 Wis.2d 562, 641 N.W.2d 562. I find that a John Doe run by five different local prosecutors, each with partial responsibflity for what is and should be one overall investigation and prosecution, is markedly inefficient and ineffective. Consequently, I also make this appointment as part of my inherent authority under State v. Cummings, 199 Wis.2d 721, 735, 546 N.W.2d 406, 411 (1996). Compensation is to be paid at the rate of $130 per hour. Disbursements shall be submitted for payment, If incurred. The Department of Administration shall pay the compensation ordered by the Court. This Order is made as part of a secret John Doe investigation. The Order shall be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office and shall be made part of the John Doe file in the above-encaptioned John Doe files. This Order, however, shall remain secret. The State Prosecutor's Office is ordered to maintain Send a copy of this Appointment to: 1) Phil Werner, Director State Prosecutors Office Department of Administration P.O. Box 7869 Madison, WI 53707-7869 2) Clerk of Court Schmitz Affidavit 128 OATH AND CONSENT TO SERVE I accept this appointment and (swear) or (affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability (so help me God). oi:J::A Subscribed and sworn to before me -B 2013. ~;M;re~¥ ~r. tertt · My tomfillssiot ' expil es--" &:(,. t( Bar Number & Name Printed or Typed \02...\\0 rJ l2-7...\ t\:,vuA0~ P-o\, Address of Principal Office Telephone Number Schmitz Affidavit 129 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING CIRCUIT COURT Columbia County Case No.: 13JD000011 Dane County Case No.: tUBDDD.D..G0.9 >f 13JD000006 Dodge County Case No.: 13JD000001 Iowa County Case No.: Milwaukee County Case No.: 1ZJD000023 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL PROSECUTOR UNDER CHAPTER 978 I APPOINTMENT ORDER l_ ! . . ;: ,. ,;i.~ 1_; 1. ,.J;;., ;: THE JOHN DOE JUDGE, having been apprised of facts and circumstance~ ~i·~~rforth ilr{a: fetter··!~"·" dated August 21, 2013 submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, does hereby find and order that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In January 2013, the Wisconsin Attorney General was requested to proceed with the investigation and prosecution of the criminal law violations as alleged in the Petitions and Affidavits filed in the abovereferenced John Doe proceedings. In a letter dated May 31, 2013, the Attorney General declined to assume responsibility for this investigation, primarily citing the reasons of conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety. A Special Prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient and effective conduct of the investigation, including any charging decisions that need to be made. Likewise, if charges are filed, a single prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient prosecution of such charges. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee all note that their individual status as partisan elected prosecutors gives rise to the potential for the appearance of impropriety. I find that a Special Prosecutor will eliminate any appearance of impropriety. For these reasons, Attorney Francis D. Schmitz is appointed Special Prosecutor for the State of Wisconsin. He is authorized to investigate the matters more fully described in John Doe papers previously filed in the above-referenced proceedings. Attorney Schmitz is further authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate, and if he so determines, he is authorized to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. I make this appointment in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the August 21, 2013 letter submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. I make this appointment under my authority as expressed in State v. Carlson, 2002 WI App 44, 250 Wis.2d 562, 641 N.W.2d 562. I find that a John Doe run by five different local prosecutors, each with partial responsibility for what is and should be one overall investigation and prosecution, is markedly inefficient and ineffective. Consequently, I also make this appointment as part of my inherent authority under State v. Cummings, 199 Wis.2d 721, 735, 546 N.W.2d 406 1 411 (1996). Compensation is to be paid at the rate of $130 per hour. Disbursements shall be submitted for payment, if incurred. The Department of Administration shall pay the compensation ordered by the Court. This Order is made as part of a secret John Doe investigation. The Order shall be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office and shall be made part of the John Doe file in the above-en captioned John Doe files. This Order, however, shall remain secret. The State Prosecutor's Office is ordered to maintain . the secrecy ofthls ordeL · · Send a copy of this Appointment to: 1) Phil Werner, Director State Prosecutors Office Department of Administration 2) Clerk of Court P.O. Box 7869 Madison, WI 53707-7869 Schmitz Affidavit 130 OATH AND CONSENT TO SERVE I accept this appointment and (swear) or (affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability (so help me God). Bar Number & Name Printed or Typed \.02...\\C> tJ 12-2\ .\)evvAu~ ~o\ uJ i\0 ke.s:.hA uJ \ 53 1@9 . Address of Principal Office Z..b2... 5qq - 0 5J q Telephone Number Schmitz Affidavit 131 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING FILED IN THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT Columbia County Case No.: Dane County Case No.: 13JD000011 13JD000009 ID~~~ijTh1;Y.\i~tHNP,'~ ,._ .:il@~@(;\Q(;)(j}(,)E;.· ..•.'' "'~-.?~~.a¥r-~ ' Iowa·· couniY'c~se No.: Milwaukee County Case No.: 13JD000001.' 12JD000023 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAl PROSECUTOR UNDER CHAPTER 978 AUG 2 9 2013 Dodge County WI LynnM.Hron Cla1 k of Courts APPOINTMENT ORDER THE JOHN DOE JUDGE, having been apprised of facts and circumstances as set forth in a letter dated August 21, 2013 submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, does hereby find and order that: 1. In January 2013, the Wisconsin Attorney General was requested to proceed with the investigation and prosecution of the criminal law violations as alleged in the Petitions and Affidavits filed in the abovereferenced John Doe proceedings. 2. In a letter dated May 31, 2013, the Attorney General declined to assume responsibility for this investigation, primarily citing the reasons of conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety. 3. A Special Prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient and effective conduct of the investigation, including any charging decisions that need to be made. Likewise, if charges are filed, a single prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient prosecution of such charges. 4. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia 1 Dane1 Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee all note that their individual status as partisan elected prosecutors gives rise to the potential for the appearance of impropriety. I find that a Special Prosecutor will eliminate any appearance of impropriety. 5. For these reasons, Attorney Francis D. Schmitz is appointed Special Prosecutor for the State of Wisconsin. He is authorized to investigate the matters more fully described in John Doe papers previously filed in the above-referenced proceedings. Attorney Schmitz is further authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate, and if he so determines, he is authorized to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. 6. I make this appointment in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the August 21, 2013 letter submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. I make this appointment under my authority as expressed in State v. Car!son1 2002. WI App 44, 250 Wis.2d 562, 641 N.W.2d 562. I find that a John Doe run by five different local prosecutors, each with partial responsibility for what is and should be one overall investigation and prosecution, is markedly inefficient and ineffective. Consequently, I also make this appointment as part of my inherent authority under State v. Cummings, 199 Wis.2d 721, 735, 546 N.W.2d 406, 411 (1996). 7. Compensation is to be paid at the rate of $130 per hour. 8. Disbursements shall be submitted for payment, if incurred. 9. The Department of Administration shall pay the compensation ordered by the Court. 10. This Order is made as part of a secret John Doe investigation. The Order shall be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office and shall be made part of the John Doe file in the above-encaptioned John Doe files. This Order, however, shall remain secret. The State Prosecutor's Office is ordered to maintain · ·· · · · the secrecyofthfs order; Send a copy of this Appointment to: 1) Phil Werner, Director State Prosecutors Office Department of Administration P.O. Box 7869 Madison, WI 53707-7869 2) Clerk of Court Schmitz Affidavit 132 OATH AND CONSENT TO SERVE I accept this appointment and (swear) or (affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability (so help me God). Subscribed and sworn to before me on ~u.s±~ ,2013. AA~AAA ;~.?(~ ~evk~ My COffiirllssioR t!Xf'il e~~---:---- ~ser.Je-:J~e Signature t000023? £..-·AN c..\ S . z_ Bar Number & Name Printed or Typed ~2.-.t\0 rJ 12.-2.\ _1l}.fi0ke.~bA \)evvAO~ u.J l P-o\ .J. S'3 I@J______ Address of Principal Office Telephone Number Schmitz Affidavit 133 CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF WISCONSIN IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Columbia County Case No.: 13JD000011 13JD000009 Dane County Case No.: 13JD000006 Dodge County Case No.: 13JD000001 :: Iowa County Case No.: Milwaukee County Case No.: 12JD000023 ---------· ----- Circuit Court, Iowa County, WI APPOINTMENT Of SPECIAL PROSECUTOR UNDER CHAPTER 978 FILED AUG 2 7 2013 lA N GIIST, CbERK APPOINTMENT ORDER THE JOHN DOE JUDGE, having been apprised of facts and circumstances as set forth in a letter dated August 21 1 2013 submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, does hereby find and order that: 1. In January 2013, the Wisconsin Attorney General was requested to proceed with the investigation and 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. prosecution of the criminal law violations as alleged in the Petitions and Affidavits flied in the abovereferenced John Doe proceedings. In a letter dated May 31, 2013, the Attorney General declined to assume responsibility for this investigation, primarily citing the reasons of conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety. A Special Prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient and effective conduct of the investigation, including any charging decisions that need to be made. Likewise, if charges are filed, a single prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient prosecution of such charges. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee all note that their individual status as partisan elected prosecutors gives rise to the potential for the appearance of impropriety. I find that a Special Prosecutor will eliminate any appearance of impropriety. For these reasons/ Attorney Francis D. Schmitz is appointed Special Prosecutor for the State of Wisconsin. He is authorized to investigate the matters more fully described in John Doe papers previously filed in the above-referenced proceedings. Attorney Schmitz is further authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate, and if he so determines/ he is authorized to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. I make this appointment in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the August 21, 2013 letter submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane1 Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. I make this appointment under my authority as expressed in State v. Carlson, 2002 WI App 44, 250 Wis.2d 562, 641 N.W.2d 562. I find that a John Doe run by five different local prosecutors, each with partial responsibility for what is and should be one overall investigation and prosecution, is markedly inefficient and ineffective. Consequently, I also make this appointment as part of my inherent authority under State v. Cummings, 199 Wis.2d 721, 735, 546 N.W.2d 406, 411 (1996). Compensation is to be paid at the rate of $130 per hour. Disbursements shall be submitted for payment, if incurred. The Department of Administration shall pay the compensation ordered by the Court. This Order is made as part of a secret John Doe investigation. The Order shall be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office and shall be made part of the John Doe file in the above-encaptioned John Doe files. This Order, however, shall remain secret. The State Prosecutor's Office is ordered to maintain Send a copy of this Appointment to: 1) Phil Werner, Director State Prosecutors Office Department of Administration P.O. Box 7869 Madison, WI 53707-7869 2) Clerk of Court Schmitz Affidavit 134 ..... ~- OAlH AND CONSENT TO SERVE I accept this appointment and (swear) or (affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability (so help me God). Subscribed and sworn to before me Bar Number & Name Printed or Typed \tJ 2....'\ D tJ t z. :z. \ ?evu A 0 ~ P-o\ ·' Address of Principal Office Z.b2.---5qq -0511 Telephone Number Schmitz Affidavit 135 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT Columbia County Case No.: 13JD000011 13JD000009 Dane County Case No.: 13JD000006 Dodge County Case No.: 13]0000001 Iowa County Case No.: Milwaukee County Case No.: ~i:<;:~1.,4 IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING APPOINTMENT Of SPECIAL PROSECUTOR UNDER CHAPTER 978 APPOINTMENT ORDER ~-- L~UG 27 ---1 2;~3 I ! L_ __, ____ _ THE JOHN DOE JUDGE, having been apprised of facts and circumstances as·set forth in a letter dated August 21, 2013 submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee, does hereby find and order that: 1. In January 2013, the Wisconsin Attorney General was requested to proceed with the investigation and 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ... . prosecution of the criminal law violations as alleged in the Petitions and Affidavits filed in the abovereferenced John Doe proceedings. In a letter dated May 31, 2013, the Attorney General declined to assume responsibility for this investigation, primarily citing the reasons of conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety. A Special Prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient and effective conduct of the investigation, including any charging decisions that need to be made. Likewise, if charges are filed, a single prosecutor with jurisdiction across the severally affected counties is required for the efficient prosecution of such charges. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee all note that their individual status as partisan elected prosecutors gives rise to the potential for the appearance of impropriety. I find that a Special Prosecutor will eliminate any appearance of impropriety. For these reasons, Attorney Francis D. Schmitz is appointed Special Prosecutor for the State of Wisconsin. He is authorized to investigate the matters more fully described in John Doe papers previously filed in the above-referenced proceedings. Attorney Schmitz is further authorized to determine if criminal charges are appropriate, and if he so determines, he is authorized to issue charges and proceed through to disposition with any such charges. I make this appointment in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the August 21, 2013 letter submitted by the District Attorneys for the Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Iowa and Milwaukee. I make this appointment under my authority as expressed in State v. Carlson, 2002 WI App 44 1 250 Wis.2d 562, 641 N.W.2d 562. I find that a John Doe run by five different local prosecutors, each with partial responsibility for what is and should be one overall investigation and prosecution! is markedly inefficient and ineffective. Consequently, I also make this appointment as part of my inherent authority under State v. Cummings, 199 Wis.2d 721, 735, 546 N.W.2d 406, 411 (1996). Compensation is to be paid at the rate of $130 per hour. Disbursements shall be submitted for payment, if incurred. The Department of Administration shall pay the compensation ordered by the Court. This Order is made as part of a secret John Doe investigation. The Order shall be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office and shall be made part of the John Doe file in the above-encaptioned John Doe files. This Order, however, shall remain secret. The State Prosecutor's Office is ordered to maintain thesecrecyofthisordeL \\\lHtflblii········· ,,'\\..'NAUkt:/.''~t Send a copy of this Appointment t~' ~ 1) Phil Werner, Director State Prosecutors Office Department of Administration P.O. Box 7869 Madison, WI 53707-7869 0.,~ 0 ~ .z:_ • c;;.: ('):: .:' BY THE COURT: ~a.-voJ Hon able Barbara A. Kluka, ~ ~~'L~;_) Schmitz Affidavit 136 OATH AND CONSENT TO SERVE I accept this appointment and (swear) or (affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability (so help me God). __ t00002."!? Fr-ANc:.\ S Bar Number & Name Printed or Typed \02..\.\D tJ 12..2\ ?ev0Auk:.e.~ ~o\ \0 J1J h:: € S::\ A u.J \S 3 \8 form shall not bo mo~lfle Schmitz Affidavit 139 STATE OF WISCONSIN In lhe Matter of John Doe P. 3 No. 4846 Dec. 6. 2013 3: 52 PM DANE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT For Offlclal Use Only Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment Assignment Number: 2013SP023017 Case No. 2013JD000009 -- ·- .. Case lnformatlQn curnml Court Official Code Bronoh No. 0608 Barbara A. Kluka Dale Caso Fl!od '~· . Cia Em Codo and Doooriptlon Caso Type John Doe 08/21/2013 'Dls~rtct No. 34001 - John Doe Case Status Information La& I Aclivlty In Caso Dal6 Ne>:l Scheduled (or to bo schadul~d) AciMty In Ca~m Da!e OJury Trial D Bench Trial O Post-Judgmen! Case OOlher: Addlllonal lnfor,)l\'lliOI'IIhal will be helpful to the Chlar Judg& and lha Judg~ 10 ba ~&~lened. (ij,g,, Ume limits waived or not waived, dafaodant In ct.Jstody, speedy lrfa! dt?roMd, prior judicial subsUlullona or dlsquaiiOcatlons, other ~1\omeya, etc.): ·-· Attorney/Party lnformtJtlon Olher Allomay(s} (-and fOIEJ: G.g., GAL, Adverotny Counsel. e!c.): Reason for Assignment Application Roa.SO(l Dlsqualiflcallon per Statute §757, 19: Current Court Official Approval Appllcalion Prepared by: Application Order and Order of Assignment [!]It Is Ordered the judge named below Is ~ssigned this case. D This asslgtnnenlls denied. [!} Approved O Denied {Explain}: Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice Assignment Sourw: By: Electronically signed by DCA Office -- Voelker. John ChiM J~.tdge/Depuly Chler Judge/OCAJOircclor/Chlof Jusllca Novembal' 06 1 2013 Dalo November 11. 2013 Oa\1) Name of Judge Assigned: Gregory A. Peterson (#0847) GF·16llS(CCAP). 04/09 Appl~t!Qnllnd Order tor Specmc Judfdal A!Hilgnrnanl SCR 70, §§767.19, 001.68, Wu;comsln S!Blulna Tlllt> rollll shall not be modtnnd. It may bQ qupplemonlod wllh addlllonal n;atorliJI, Schmitz Affidavit 140 STATE OF WISCONSIN In the Matter of John Doe CIRCUIT COURT DODGE COUNTY Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment For Of!ifJjltJe Only . N THE CIRCUIT COURT NOV 15 2013 DODGE COUNTY, WIS Assignment Number: 20 13SP023185 Case No. 2013JD000006 LYNN M. HRON Case Information Current Courl Official Branch No. Code Barbara A. Kluka 0608 Date Case Filed Class Code and Description Case Type 07/26/2013 'Dis;ict No. 2 34001 - John Doe John Doe Case Status Information Last Activity in Case Date Next Scheduled (or to be scheduled) Activity in Case Date 0 Jury Trial 0 Bench Trial D Post-Judgment Case 0 Other: Additional information that will be helpful to the Chief Judge and the Judge to be assigned. (e.g., time limits waived or not waived, defendant in custody, speedy trial demand, prior judicial substitutions or disqualifications, other attorneys, etc.): Attorney/Party Information Other Attorney(s) (and role: e.g., GAL, Adversary Counsel, etc.): Reason for Assignment Application Reason Reason Disqualification per Statute §757.19: Current Court Official Approval Application Prepared by: [!] Approved D Denied (Explain): Assignment Source: Application Order and Order of Assignment (!]It is Ordered the judge named below is assigned this case. D This assignment is denied. Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice By: Electronically signed by Voelker, John Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judge/DCNDirector/Chief Justice November 12 2013 November 14, 2013 Date Date Name of Judge Assigned: Gregory A Peterson (#0847) GF-168S(CCAP), 04109 Application and Order for Specific Judicial Ass1 SCR 70, §§757.19, 801.58, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may ba supplemented with additional material. Schmitz Affidavit 141 ( STATE OF WISCONSIN ( IOWA t:OUNTY ~1RCUIT COURT In the Matter of John Doe Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment Assignment Number: 2013SP022984 For Official Use Only FILED Case No. 2013JD000001 --------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~--~ 11-1'1-2013 Circuit Court, Iowa Co L'ta N• Gus, t Cl or~,, Case Information Current Court Official IDis~rlct No. Branch No. Code 0608 Barbara A. Kluka Case Type Dato Case Filed 07-25-2013 Class Code and Description John Doe 34001 - John Doe Case Status Information Last Activity in Case Date Next SchcdLjfed (or to be scheduled) Activity In Case Dato Unknown 0 Jury Trial D Bench Trial D Post-Judgment Case D Other: Additional information \hat will bo helpful to the Chief Judge and the Judge to be assigned (e.g., time limits waived or not waived, defendant In custody, speedy trial demand, prior judicial substitutlons or disqualifications, other attorneys, etc.); Attorney/Party Information District Attorney E.S.O. John Doe Hon. Barbara A. Kluka Other 2013 38th St. Kenosha, VVI 53140-5326 OUwr Altorney(s) (and role: e.g., GAL, Adversary Counsel, etc.): Reason for Assignment Application Reason Other Description Present official requests reassignment Current Court Official Approval Application Prepared by: TariM. Engels 0Approved 0Denied Explain: ent red the judge named below is assigned this case. nment is denied. Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice By: Electronically signed by Voelker, John Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judge/DCNDirector/ChiHf Justice November 11 , 20 13 Date By: Name of Judge Assigned: Current Court Official Gregory A. Peterson Date GF-168S(CCAP), 04109 Application and Order for Specific Judicial AssJgnmont SCR 70, §§757.19, 801.58, Wlsconsln Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may bo supplemented wfth additional material. Schmitz Affidavit 142 MILWAUKEE COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT In the Matter of a John Doe Proceeding For Official Uso Only Application and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment Case No. 2012JD000023 Assi nment Number: 2013SP022680 Case Information Current Court Official Code Barbara A Kluka Dato Caso Filed 1 Class Code and Description Case Type 08/23/2011 District No. Branch No. 0608 John Doe 34001 - John Doe Case Status Information Last Activity in Case Date Next Scheduled (or to be scheduled) Activity in Case Date OJury Trial 0 Bench Trial D Post-Judgment Case OOther: Addilfonalinformatlon that will be helpful to the Chief Judge and the Judge lobe assigned. (e.g., time limits waived or not waived, defendant in custody, speedy trfal demand, prior judicial substitutions or disqualifications, other attorneys, etc.}: Attorne /Party Information Other Attorney(s) (and role: e.g., GAL. Adversary Counsel, etc.): Reason for Assignment Application Reason Reason Disqualification per Statute §757.19: Current Court Official Approval Application Prepared by: (!] Approved Application Order and Order of Assignment [!]It Is Ordered the judge named below is assigned this case. D This assignment is denied. Shirley Abrahamson Chief Justice D Denied (Explain): Assignment Source: By: Electronically signed by Voelker, John Chief Judge/Deputy Chief Judge/DCA/Dlrector/Chfef Justice October 29 1 2013 November 04, 2013 Date Date Name of Judge Assigned: Gregory A. Peterson (#084 7) GF-168S(CCAP), 04109 Appllca!!on and Order for Specific Judicial Assignment . -- SCH 70, §§757.19, 801.58, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not bo lllOd!fled. It may bo supphmwnted with additional material. Schmitz Affidavit 143 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN COLUMBIA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13JD000011 ORDER FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Based upon the Petition of District Attorney Jane E. Kohlwey and her supporting Affidavit, I hereby find that there is reason to believe that violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61 (1 )(b) , pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have occurred and that the crimes have been committed within the jurisdiction of Columbia County and the jurisdiction of this court; NOW THEREFORE I hereby authorize the commencement of a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Wis. Stats., Section 968.26. Dated at Portage, Wisconsin, this 21st day of August 2013. BY THE COURT: ~(!~ Reserve Judge Columbia County, Wisconsin FILED AUG 2 9 2013 CIRCUIT COURT COLUMBIA COUNTY Schmitz Affidavit 144 IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING ORDER FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Based upon the Petition of District Attorney lsmael R. Ozanne and his supporting Affidavit, I hereby find that there is reason to believe that violations of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61(1){b), pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have occurred and that the crimes have been committed within the jurisdiction of Dane County and the jurisdiction of this court; NOW THEREFORE I hereby authorize the commencement of a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Wis. Stats., Section 968.26. Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 21st day of August 2013. BY THE COURT: a;;J;ti ~a d , Reserve Judge Dane County, Wisconsin Schmitz Affidavit 145 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN DODGE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13JD000006 ORDER FOR COMMENCEMENT OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Based upon the Petition of District Attorney Kurt F. Klomberg and his supporting Affidavit, I hereby find that there is reason to believe that violations ·of Wisconsin Statutes §§11.26, 11.27, 11.38 and 11.61(1)(b), pertaining to Limits on Campaign Contributions, False Campaign Reports, and Contributions by Corporations, may have occurred and that the crimes have been committed within the jurisdiction of Dodge County and the jurisdiction of this court; NOW THEREFORE I hereby authorize the commencement of a John Doe proceeding, pursuant to Wis. Stats., Section 968.26. Dated at Juneau, Wisconsin, this 21st day of August 2013. BY THE COURT: ~/2·kL Reserve Judge Dodge County, Wisconsin FILED IN THE CIRCUIT COURT AUG 2 9 2013 Dodge County WI lynnM. Hron Clerk of Courts Schmitz Affidavit 146 COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN IOWA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING Case No. 13JDO