STATE OF WISCONSIN IN THE MATTER OF A JOHN DOE PROCEEDING BEFORE THE JOHN DOE JUDGE COLUMBIA COUNTY CASE NO. DANE COUNTY CASE NO. DODGE COUNTY CASE NO. IOWA COUNTY CASE NO. MILWAUKEE COUNTY CASE NO. 13JD00011 13JD000009 13JD000006 13JD000001 13JD000023 AFFIDAVIT OF ERIC O'KEEFE IN SUPPORT OF THE MOTION OF TIIE CLUB FOR GROWTII AND ITS DIRECTORS TO QUASH SUBPOENAS ERIC O'KEEFE, of lawful age, being duly sworn under oath, hereby deposes and states: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I am one of three Directors of the Wisconsin Club for Growth, Inc. (the "Club"), a corporation organized under the laws of Wisconsin and recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Club has two other directors, Charles Talbot and Eleanore Hawley. I have personal knowledge of the Club's activities bet\veen 2009 and the date of this affidavit. Alnong other things, I have personal kno\vledge of the individuals and entities who have supported the Club's mission and have donated their time and resources to the Club. I also have personal knowledge of the decisions the Club has n1ade to spend or donate its money and time in Wisconsin or in other states between 2009 and the date of this affidavit. 1 believe that n1y personal knowledge, or the information and belief I have gained through investigation, is coextensive with the knowledge and information of the Club relative to the topics addressed in this affidavit Many individuals and entities have donated money to the Club since 2009. These supporters have told me that they donate because they agree with the Club's beliefs regarding society and our democracy, and they kno\v that the Club will use its resources wisely to promote our shared vision. In return, \Ve solicit and accept donations from these individuals because they have expressed to us that they share our beliefs. The Club and its supporters were aware of an intense legislative and public policy debate in Wisconsin beginning in 2011 \Vhen the administration of Governor Scott Walker took office and began to pass reform legislation \Vith the help of allies in the Wisconsin legislature. The most significant piece of legislation-but not the only legislation that the Club and its donors supported-was Act 10~ a law containing several provisions intended to refonn the governance and collective bargaining activities of public sector unions. The Club and their supporters believed that the issues being debated in the Wisconsin legislature \Vere at the core of the Club's mission in Wisconsin of advancing liberty and fiscal responsibility. The Club worked to educate Wisconsin citizens and advance its beliefs during the legislative debate. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Ultimately~ the legislative allies of Governor Walker prevailed in the legislative and policy debate, and Act 10 passed. The legislative and policy debate did not end \Vith the passage of Act 10. Almost immediately after Act 10 passed, opponents began circulating petitions in 2011 to recall legislators and (later) Governor Walker based upon the stands they had taken on the legislative issues, most prominently Act 10. Wisconsin's recall provisions allow removal of officeholders in the middle of their terms while they are legislating and implementing policy, instead of during regularly-scheduled general elections. Additionally, in \Visconsin, an opponent may run against a candidate subject to recall. This means that recall elections typically focus on the official acts and legislative positions officeholders-and the promises of opponents to reverse those acts--even while officeholders are still legislating and implementing policy. Not all of the 2011 and 2012 petitions gathered sufficient signatures to trigger recall elections for their targets. However, because several petitions did n1eet the signature threshold, recall elections for several Den1ocratic and Republican legislators were held in 2011 and 2012. The recall election for Governor Walker was held on June 5, 2012. The Club and its supporters believed that the unprecedented public debate generated by these 2011 and 2012 elections provided an ideal forum for the Club to continue promoting the pro-liberty, pro-gro\vth tnessage it had advanced during the legislative debates of 2011. The Club paid for advertisements that advanced its pro-liberty~ fiscal responsibility, pro-Act 10 beliefs during 2011 and 2012. None of the advertisements expressly urged voters to vote for or against any candidate. The Club also gave grants to some organizations that then decided to use their money to express their own views-in accord with the Club's views-on public issues. To my knowledge, none of these other organizations' advertisements expressly urged voters to vote for or against any candidate. The intense public debate that occurred in 2011 and 2012-primarily over Act 10 but also over other legislation-benefited the Club and its supporters by increasing the audience for their pro-liberty, pro-growth tnessage. However, there was a dark side to the public policy debate. Individuals and entities like the Club who espoused controversial views-or who \Vere exposed as having contributed to or been n1ernbers of other entities that may have espoused controversial views-were subjected to harassn1ent and recriminations. These included boycotts, death threats, and other harassment. As a director of the Club, I observed or was made a\vare of this harassment, which was widely known and reported in Wisconsin during 2011 and 2012. Although it is only a representative sampling, I observed or was made a\vare of at least the following instances of official and private harassment and recriminations against individuals or entities who held pro-liberty, pro-fiscal responsibility, pro-Act 10 views like those of the Club. For exa1nple, contributors to the Scott Walker gubernatorial campaign from specific Wisconsin cities were targeted for boycotts by anti-Walker forces, including teacher's unions. Examples of this include the following: a. In February 2011, Marshfield, Wisconsin, teachers obtained the names of 58 local Walker contributors and circulated an email identifying the contributors and their employers. See Exhibit A, Mass Email Reveals Local Wisconsin Teachers Union Identified Walker Supporters for Boycott, Education Action Group Foundation, June 27, 2012. b. In Union Grove, Wisconsin, business owners were sent a letter by an American Federation of State, County, and Municipal En1ployees official, warning that any businesses without a pro-union sign would be subjected to a boycott. See Exhibit A. c. A "Boycott Scott Walker Contributors" Facebook group was formed on February 13, 2011, and, as late as June 27, 2012, still had 23,409 "likes." As of mid~October 2013, the vvebsite still had over 22,000 likes and contained tnany updated comments, See Exhibit B, Boycott Scott Walker Contributors Facebook page. d. M & I Bank in Milwaukee \Vas subject to a threatening letter sent by seven unions, which apparently believed that the bank had contributed to Governor Walker's campaign, and gave the bank until March 17, 2011, to publicly oppose Governor Walker's efforts or face a boycott. A bank branch in Greendale, Wisconsin, was vandalized ·with anti-Walker and pro*union spraypaint, and at least some customers boycotted the bank. See Exhibit C, Teachersj Firefighters} Cops Target 1.'11 & I with Boycott, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar. 10, 2011; see also Exhibit D, lvf & 1 Bank Vandalized 1-vith Anti-Walker Graffiti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar. 14, 201 L e. As of February 2011, the website, maintained a list of "Walker contributors for boycotting," including all contributors or employers of contributors of $5,000 or more. See Exhibit List of Walker Contributors for Boycotting, E,, Feb. 18, 2011, f. A March, 2011, online article, "Koch-Blocked: Judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti-Workers Bill," contained inflammatory attacks on presumed Walker supporters, stating that "the judge also said Walker should be hanged, by fireman. Hahajust kidding! She didn't say exactly that" The article then called on the public to boycott Dixie cups and Brawny towels because they were brands purportedly owned by "libertarian-extremist billionaires David and Charles Koch." See Exhibit F, Koch-Blocked: Judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti-Workers Bill,, Mar. 18,2011. g. A March 8, 2011, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article reported that a boycott list maintained by ScottWalkerWatch.con1 had more than 4.5 million hits in 3 weeks. Pressure from the boycott forced many Wisconsin companies to issue statements regarding Walker's policies or the political process. See Exhibit G, fiflebsites Back Boycotts of FValker Contributors, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, N1ar. 8, 2011. h. The ScottWalkerWatch website is still active, and contains links to subpages fbr (1) attacking presumed Walker donors '"Koch Brothers"; (2) "recall archives;" and (3) information on rumors and leaks used to 3 18. politically attack Walker and his supporters, relating to the previous John Doe investigation into employees and associates of the County Executive's office. See 1. On boycott websites, activists expressed feelings of anger and rage against companies whose employees had contributed to Walker, or \Vho were members of trade groups who had supported Walker. One commenter stated, "[T]he core issue is that we've reached a state of 'war.' Koch/Walker/etc. o\vn the [governor's office], the Senate and the Assembly ... So yes, in times of war, there \Vill be collateral damage.'' See Exhibit 11, Boycott of Businesses that Supported Walker Gains Steam on Facebook, Wisconsin State Journal, Mar. 10,2011. J. The website "Boycott Koch Industries" is still active, \Vith 9,1 02 "likes." See Exhibit I, Boycott Koch Industries Facebook page. Supporters of the Club's beliefs were also subject to physical intimidation and violence: a. On April 1, 2011, a woman from Cross Plains, Wisconsin, \Vas charged \\rith t\vo felonies for threatening to kill 15 Republican state senators who voted in favor of Governor Walker's collective bargaining proposal; she had emailed them that opponents of the legislation were planning "to assault you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head" and said '\ve have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we knov; that you frequent n See Exhibit J, 26-Year-Old Woman Charged with Sending Death Threats to GOP Senators in Wisconsin, Newscom, Apr. 1, 201 1. b. Similar threats were reported to have been received by the Mackinac Center, a research and educational institute that supports labor reforn1 and right to work lavvs. See Exhibit K, ivfackinac Center Received Bomb Threats and Death Threats Over FOIA Request, Michigan Capitol Confidential, Apr. 1, 2011. c. By early March, 2011, the Republican caucus in the Wisconsin legislature had received at least a dozen credible, specific death threats. See Exhibit L, Death Threats from the Left, Washington Times, Mar. 18, 201 L d. Numerous death threats were directed against Governor Walker after his recall victory in June 2012, prompting investigations by the Milwaukee Police Department See Exhibit M, Gov. Scott Walker Death Threats After Recall Victo;y Being Investigated by Police, NY Daily News, June 6~ 2012. e. In January 2013, it \Vas reported that Governor Walker and/or his family had received over 65 death threats since taking office in early 2011; most of the death threats were received shortly after he took office and announced his proposed legislation on collective bargaining. See Exhibit N, Justice Department not Investigating Gov. Scott Walker Death Threats, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 14) 2013. f. Supporters of Governor Walker-not just officeholders-have also been threatened. An 80-year-old LaCrosse-area business owner \Vrote a letter to the editor supporting Walker, and thereafter she and her family began to 4 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. receive threats of personal hann. A smear campaign was also begun against her business. See Exhibit 0, 80-Year-Old Supporter of Wisconsin Governor gets Death Threats, examiner.cotn, May 19, 2012. Opponents of the Club and its position on Wisconsin legislative issues have already targeted me and other presumed Club supporters, accusing us (or the Club) of being part of a vast conspiracy that should be investigated for violating Wisconsin campaign finance lavv'. See Exhibit P, Who Is Behind FVisconsin Club for Growth?, His Vorpal Sword, Feb. 22, 2011. The Club's supporters have told me that they are aware of the well-publicized harassment that occurred in Wisconsin against political allies of the Club or against individuals or entities who are presun1ed to have supported the Club's pro-liberty, pro-fiscal restraint, pro-Act 10 beliefs. These supporters are concerned that they will be subject to similar official and private reprisals and harassment if their financial support of the Club and its beliefs becomes known. Because the Club has been recognized as a tax-exen1pt social ·welfare organization under the Internal Revenue Code, it is not required to disclose its donors, and federal law generally prohibits the Internal Revenue Service from disclosing this information to third parties. See 26 U.S.C. 6103 and 6104. Accordingly, the Club advises donors that their identities are protected from disclosure by the Internal Revenue Service under federal law. Further, I have discussed with donors the fact that their donations would not be made public, and that this would protect thetn from the kinds of harassment that has occurred in Wisconsin against supporters of the Club's views. Since the 2012 recall elections, the Club has continued to monitor public policy issues in Wisconsin and comn1unicate with donors, supporters, and political allies and associates about plans for continued political speech in Wisconsin and other states. Donors and supporters have told me they remained concerned about disclosure of their identities and the disclosure of internal political communications and strategy. Additionally, even after the 2012 election cycle, harassment and recriminations against individuals and entities vvho were publicly identified as espousing views like those of the Club continued. As set forth above, many of the websites used to target and attack individuals who espouse the Club's beliefs are still active. The instant John Doe criminal proceeding has itself chilled and, in some cases, frozen, the Club's intimate associations with its political and ideological associates and allies. For example, many Club records were stored at the homes of Deborah Jordahl and R.J. and Valerie Johnson, who had contractual relationships with the Club. When the Club contacted these individuals to obtain access to documents after receiving the subpoena at issue in this motion, the Club learned that the docun1ents had been confiscated by law enforcen1ent in a surprise pre-dawn seizure. 5 ?Yib, 'tvt {<\ Subscribed and sworn before me this ~day of October, 2013. Notary Pub ic Robin J. Turetsky Notary PubJio, State of Michigan County of Kent My Commission Expires July 16, 2017 7- Mass email reveals local Wisconsin teachers union Identified Walker s,"cott- powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc. 10/17/13 1:12PM Mass email reveals local isconsi n 0 Ed Reform RADAR {natlomd daily newsletter} 0 Wisconsin School Reformer newsletter {weekly} (sub~nlt) alker supporters r boycott By Ben Velder,:man MARSHFIELD, Wis. - In late February of 2011, Marshfield business owner John Nikolai received a troubling email that dragged h!m into the middle of Wisconsin's messy fight over collective bargaining privileges fur public sector unions. The email contained a llst of 58 Marshfield residents who had contributed to Scott Walker's 2010 gubernatorial campaign, including how much they contributed and the names of their employers. "The attached list ofWalker contributors may be ofinterestfor whatever reason," read the message that was forwarded by teacher Peggy Hartwig to her fellow Marshfle~d Area Teachers Association members and two school administrators on February 20, 2011. The original email came from a man named Terry Gillespie, who is not listed as a school district employee. Hartwig forwarded Gillespie's email, adding her own comments above hls. "Thought you would like to see this!" Hartwig wrote to MTA members. "Thank you fur your continued support." Nikolai received a copy of the email from "a friend;" but he didn't believe the donor !lstwas being passed around "for whatever reason/' as the email suggested. The message was sent with a very specific reason: MTA members were being given a list oflocal, pro-Walker businesses that could be boycotted by union supporters. The email's implied threat offimmdal retribution against political opponents mirrored bullying union tactics used in other Wisconsin communities. In Union GtOB business owners were sent a letter by an American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees official, warning that any businesses without a pro-union sign In the window would be subjected to a boycott. The "Boycott Scott Walker Contributors" facebook group was also formed on February i 3, 2011 in order "to shine a spotlight on companies that support Scott Walker" in favor of "local small businesses that benefit our communities," according to the group's mission statement. flntYsmrs of Freedom: WJ;r:ons!n S<;hga!S ~;giog Milljons in Act 10 Era The group is still active, and currently has 23.409 "likes." It was this atmosphere in which Hartwig~s email was sent, and added to the perception that the teachers unlon was willing to intimidate or financially punish anyone who dared to support their enemy. Of course the bully tactics did not work. Walker retalned his office by a healthy margin. But the unions were ooce Page 1 of 3 http:/ /,.revea!s-local-wisconsin-teachers-union,.identlfied-walker-supporters-for-boycott/ EXHIBIT A Mass email reveals local Wisconsin teachers union identified Walker s ... cott- powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc. San Francisco uojon contract 10/17/13 1:12PM more exposed for being pushy, arrogant and willing to stoop to any level to get what they want ~ Miami·Pade union contract A citizen demands answers ~ ~ This wasn't Nikolai's first encounter with teacher union radicals. During the height of the union protests at the state capitol building in February of 2011, Nikolai was In Madison for the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Los Angeles union contr~&\ conference to network with fellow business owners and meet with legislators. Cleveland union contract ~ Phl!ade!phla union contract Several of those appointments were cancelled, due to the disruptive presence of the protesters. Nikolai and several other bus! ness leaders went to the capitol building to get a first~ hand vlew of the chaos. ~ New Jersey tenure mocess mm Detroit unlon contract analysis Minneapolis union contract ~ Milwaukee unjon contract ~ ~ Qld Da~s ofWisconsln Collective Bargaining Escaping the Financial Shackles gfWEA Trust To his surprise, several Marshfield teachers were at the protests, rather than in their classrooms. So Nikolai knew there were some hardcore political activists in the local teachers union. After discovering that his name was on the Walker donor !ist that had been circulated among MIA members, Nikolai decided to get some answers from school officials. On March 3, 2011, Nikolai sent an email to Patrick Saucerman, the Marshfield school district's director of business services, asking for an explanation. "Hi Pat.'' Nikotai wrote. "Can'ttel! you how proud lam to be on this !ist. Just wantto make sure thatthe teachers in this email were not on the taxpayer payroll when they were in Madison. I ful !y support their right to protest on their own time. "Also, not sure what 'mtastaff is, but was wondering lflt is school district affiliated, and if it ls, if! can use the email list as this private citizen d!d." But Nikolai didn't receive a satisfactory response, and he was still requesting answers from the district nearly three weeks later. ~ Commentary "! have had cause to send 13 emails {now 14 emails} about an email that was sent out on district computer Common Core equipment, on a district email list {not available to district taxpayers) with a list of people who have given donations to a political campaign/ Nikolai wrote ln a March 20, 20i 1 message to Saucerman. fM.i Exclusive Reports Indoctrination Other News Outrages ~ futfQrm Schoo! Choice Spending Test Cbeatlng 'We have local business owners being contacted by district employees and being told that boycotts of services will happen because of their support of the 'effendi ng' candidate. I asked you if anyone from the district has looked into this matter- you either missed the question or chose not to answer it. "Personal emalls should be protected ... but at my company or any other company in the district, whatever an employee writes via email on a company owned computer using a company owned server ... is subject to review and oversight by the company ownership," Niko!al wrote. Uncategor!:zfig ~ Teachet disciplined for sending email ~ Eventually, Nikolai spoke with then*Superintendent Bruce King, who to!d him the district had handled the problem. October 2013 {90) Seotember 2013 (144) August 2013 1: sm King "assured me that disciplinary action was being taken and that he personally spoke to all the teachers involved and assured me that everyone understood the emai! policy, so em ails used for union organizing would not be allowed on district equipment •• ,," Nikolal wrote in a letter to board members, ~(159) Jyoe 2013 (l4SJ May 2013 £1H4i April 2013 {LA} March 2013 ( 176) Februarv 2013 {P4) January 2013 \1 :n; December 2012 November 2012 (124) Qctgber 2012 ( September 20]2 ( August 2012 \!39) Peg Geegan, Marshfield's current superintendent, told EAGnews the teacher who orlginaHy forwarded the email was reprimanded by the district and sanctioned by her union. Considering that Walker survived his recall election, and no damaging boycotts appear to have materia!!zed ln Marshfield, some wm !abe! the email inddent as ancient history that's best forgotten. That wou!d be a mistake. If anything, the fact that business boycotts were even considered by the MIA reveals the depths unions will sink to fight their political battles. Teacher unions wm tear communities apart, just to get their way in the state http:/ /!n-teachers-union-!dent!f!ed-wa!ker-supporters-for-boyc:ott/ Page 2 of 3 Mass email reveals local Wisconsin teachers union identified Walker s ... cott- powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc. ~(il4) 10/17/13 1:12PM legislature or at the bargaining table. June 2012; >! 3 >l) Mav 2012 nJ:t) It's a lesson taxpayers must remember, because Wisconsin~s pub!k sector labor unions are still a force to be Aoril 2012 ( !00) reckoned wfth.lf people forget what they're capable of, the state may be doomed to relive its Big Labor nightmare, over and over again. Tags: ~~ kdmforrn. #education. tfscbools. #teacher~ #Wisconsin. ®AETunioo, fNEAiod~ Bjg LabQr nightmare,~ ~mttScmtibMtOI&, b0ftQtt~~ .~ tQ!!ective bargai~~2. EAGnews. gubernatorial campaign. J\lbn NikoiaL ~egisJatqrs. ~ Mm.h~ Marshfield Ares Teachers As;;oclati.on. Matshfteld tesl®nts. MIA. Natlooaf E!J~jt!On A$aciciatio!k ~ eattJck$l$ucirmari. PegGa~~n. Pe~ Harmh;P ~ sector Ynigm, te,~l ~lection, ~tt WaUset S!..Ul~!irtt&\00£!01 Bruat King. Terry Gillespie, ~igoruin Manufact!1firs and Commerce Posted on: June 27th, 2012 by Jason J. Comment,emall,,.reveals.,Joc:a!-wisconsin ..teachers-unlon-ldentlfied-wa!ker-supporters~for-boycott/ Page 3 of 3 ! 0+ l I Get C!'fA!it _ As:t(sttnc~ ... ..... ........ . . ............. .,,., ,_.:,,...._,...,, .I ~,., ~ .,..,-~;......,.-_......,..,_ .... -.- .... .... ........,.- .......... ......,-.. . ...... ~ ~ , ..,~ ~-~-_,...,,,_.,.;.,., __ ...,.;,....,...._,.,....,,.,_.__, ........ ,. ~ Boycott Scott Walker Contributors 2Z.S50 likfli • 2481alll1< ~tten to yout .: bure•u cr ll~kHO j j S4,9S/mo. L ~~-~.?'-~·~ :........ _" OvircomeAt'ly Ob>rade ro.dbtockchalfe om Pl>olo 1 Video PoSt. __._:=l! $• 2 • - - - F09pm - Olane P•ter$0n la Thl• ·Is tt!a beglnflll\9 of too flr:st para;Jr.l!lh or Wa1ket'.., 1 :. October II · !k>ycolt Sco tt Wilker Contributors sh>~cota!n Now's ph<>to. · 10 hours age> 1'"";,., II ' S.t Ali ftn~t• J 68 pee>p!e Ul. Lind• Conzi\les Actually, the cost is moen. much mor~..clllrfng the shutdown, the US hJ.d to borrow at lnO.n~nd f.VERYd~~cvi l . d {~~~~~~!~;~;~=~~-:=::.=..::-=::::=.: ~:J --- Ulte · Commem · Share ·1 20 14 Ra·m 25ot · i ln'(lte Your Frl•nds c.o tllce This l'age on Tell ywr rnetll< n.. Ro•dblock i ~~~:.~~:..:,~r: Boycott Sc.otl WJ.Iker: Contributors 10 hou" "110 Standard and Poor's estimates the cost of the government shutdown at 24 81LLION dollars. Thlnlc about that for a moment TWENTY FOUR BILUON DOLlARS. Think of how many reseo~rch grants that would have funded. Or how many small business gran!$ could have been made. Or how many teachers could have been h ired. Or how many veterans could have receiVed job training, And and on and on. l .. II 12 at 1' 56pm Mlchul Martin Mlchatl poue>to. ~ G'l& · O Uk<: · Comment · Share Christopher Paul Severson Condse and insightful artide, Thanks for llnklngl SG 2~ 63 peop!c Hke this ttguis ago v!a mobile· Lki! , II .>i:!t· Brad Nelson fear that obama w1H take from them to gwe t\3 the poor 22 hours ago · Uk(! V;cottlng a!! this stu if ~!nee the Walker 2011 days, Walmart before thar. Yet, the hardest thing t{) do without ls Nonhem bath tls~ue. l would certainly agree with that. Won't go Into a Kwik Trip either. Boycott Scott Walker Contributors shared a !ink, October 14 •Problem solving ahead of the politics.~ Personally l think she - Mary Burke air. ~ is a breath of fresh 10 hours ago· like I also think Kathleen Vinehout would be a fantastic governor - she's been working really, really hard for Wisconsin. c:J.l Boycott Scott Walker Contributors shared a ~ Octoberl3 Reposting this note - in it you will find links to tables w!th prices for health insurance offered on the Obamacare exchange for Wisconsin. Tables are sorted by county. Insurance policies are listed according to their metal level (catastrophic. bronze, silver, geld, platinum). Prices are shown for individuals, couples and families. Unks to tables with prices for health Insurance ln Wisconsin (unsubslcUzed, by county) Below are links to tab!es with prices for health in!.turance (unsubsidized} by Wl county. My computer had difficuity scrolling through the complete file so split the file into smaller files. I downloaded the data from the webs ... Burk~t: lrt ra(~ to wln Continue Readmg ... Candidate for governor fvtny Surke answers critk:s who say she's been anointed by party bosses. 9 !XO!Jle like this. Earl Schlueter !> thh by month, or yearly? October 13 at 744pm Boycott Stott Walker Contributor'S fiul Schlueter t by month. Gene Rankln Read her own October 13 at 8 S8pm . L•~" October l S at 9 39am word~. Brad laigns. "Individual employees may choose, at their own discretion and based on their political belie:&, to make contributions to political campaigns. Donors are typically required to identify their employer. Each campaign ... .., Scott Walker and Tom Barrett ..... received vohmtary contributions ftom individual M&I employees." EXHIBIT'pt/cpt?~re=o&titl~Teacherso/o2C+firefighters%2C+cops+target+M%261+\\aign or because the corq>anies are members ofWisconsin Marmfhc1lll"m & Commerce, a probusiness group that supported the governor, or an three. The groups fummlly asked the bank to express support ror public employee collective bargaining rights. The groups said they would encourage their tnembers to boycott :if the bank didn't express support. M&I Bank was the first company named as part ofthe boycott Later Monday, Jim Palmer, executive director ofthe Wisconsin Professional Police Association, denounced the vandalism. 'Wisconsin has established a new standard when it comes to civil discourse, and illegal acts like vandalism only serve to undermine what bas been a peaceful outpouring of support for WEconsitis public employees, .. Palmer said in a statement. "Voluntary OODSl.llner activism is one way to protest the position ofM&I and others who choose not to support collective bargaining. Vandalism, on the other band, is unacceptable." The bank bas said that it bas not taken, or will not take, a position on the governor's budget... repair bill The bank said in a statement that it bas not contributed to any candidate. EXHIBIT D "'!'pt!cpt?&JqJlre=&titfe=M%261+branch+wndalized+1Nith+anti~watler+graffiti&uriJD=4487983S2&sdlon=cpt&partneriDa394139&cid, ,. 112 find this article at: http:l/w w w s/statepolitics/117929494.htm D Oieck the box to Include the list of finks referenced in the art!cle. 10/17/13 11:25 AM llst of Walker contributors for boycotting - Democratic Underground DEMICIATIC Latest Greatest Lobby Journals Search Options Help Login . . . , . - . - - - - - - _ _ , . , y-·"==h»~»·"·~~.·~ .· .. Googie IIIEI.OUIILCirl List of Walker contributors for boycotting ~ Printer-friendly format 9 Email thls thread to a friend ~ Bookmark this thre(!d ,• . » ~!~!!!. » !!!!!![!~ Pi~S~!!!!! (1000+ posts)~ I Profl!e j Ignore Frt Feb~16-l1 03:16PM Original message List of Walker contributors for boycotting Please forward to your mailing list. There is a Facebook movement to boycott supporters of Scott Walker, Boycott Scott Walker Contributors. Most notable: TDS, Kwik Trip, Walmart.Jonsonville Foods, M&I Bank, Miller/Coors, SC Johnson. Please get everyone you know involved.! will be sending this to TDS and canceling our service! Don't go bobbing for Apples, ~.ttbJlJ:lkti:n; ~ for your Mac. Crucial® Memory for Mac® lead and halogen-free technology Increased Mac performance Read more_2t PACs, $5000 or more: Concerned Realtors Committee Realtors PAC KochPAC Natural Resources WI Dental PAC (WIDPAC) People for Rebecca Kleefisch Building a Better WI/Wisconsin Builders Association ABCPAC·WIS Wai-Mart Stores/WAL-PAC Tavern Industry PAC Republican Party of Wisconsin HNTB Holdings Ltd PAC AT&T Wisconsin Employee PAC (formerly SBC) Operating Engineers 139 PAC Republican Party Milwaukee Co Managed Health Services/Centene PAC Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance TDS Telecom WI Credit Union League Action Fund (WCULAF) Deere & Company PAC - WI FONEPAC Telecommunication$ & Computers Friends of Alberta Darling Ell Lilly and Company PAC c ..l,.., .... ..l ... o. 1\! .... a.... hl-. ........ ,..t n ... hl ... ,,,.. ... Page 1 of 19 http:/ /\vlew_all&address\\fll439x449772 EXHIBIT E Ust of Walker contributors for boycotting - Democratic Underground t I n::t tu;:, U. lltelyiiLJVI .::t VI 10/17/13 11:25 AM "-VLIU I V V.::t WeiiPAC Wellpoint Inc WI Insurance Alliance PAC WI Pipe Trades PAC Employers of Contributors of $5000 or more ABC Supply Co Agrecol Corp Allen Edmonds Shoes AMK Concepts & Services Anew Health Care Services Inc AO Smith Corp Apache Stainless Steel Artisan Partners Atlantic DQ Audio Implements/GKC Badger Meter Baraboo Growth Bevco Ergonomic Seating Blomquist Benefits Consulting Boerke Co Inc Bradley Foundation Brian Retzlaff Trucking Briggs & Stratton Burke Properties Burlington Northern Santa Fe .•. Call Solutions Campbell Wrapper Corp Carpenter CD Smith Construction Chambers & Owen Charro Restaurante Charter Manufacturing Church Mutual Insurance Cobalt Partners LLC Commonwealth Development Corp ... Continental Properties Co Inc County Concrete Couri Insurance Agency Custom Pak Products EBY-Brown Co Einhorn Associates Emergency Medicine Specialists Endeavors Group Fabco Equipment Inc Fashion Angels Enterprises Feather Larson & Synhorst••• Fiduciary Management First American Funding Fisher Barton Inc Glenora Co GMR Marketing Gogebic Taconite LLC Gold Leaf Development Hal Leonard Publishing Hammes Co Harris Associates Hay Creek Pallett Heartland Advisors Hexagon Investments High Crossing Development Corp http://www.democraticunderground .com/discuss/duboa.rd.php?az=view_ali&a.ddress=4 39x449772 Page 2 of 19 List of Walker contributors for boycotting - Democratic Underground 10/17/13 11:25 AM Holton Brothers Construction Horton Group Hovde Financial Hy Cite Corp !-Robot Iconica Inpro Corp Insight Industries Irgens Development Partners Johnson Controls Johnsonville Foods JSO Professional Services Inc Kapur & Associates KBS Construction Koss Corp Krier Foods Kwik Trip lorman Education Services lubar & Co M&I Bank Meissner, Tierney, et a! Michels Corp Midwest Neurosurgical Miiksource MillerCoors Minnesota Wild MJ Construction Inc Morrison Creek Cranberry Nicholas Company Inc Nova Surgical LLC Orthopaedic Associates of... PACUR Panduit Corp Paper Machinery Corp Payne & Dolan Pinstripe Inc Plastic Surgery Group Prent Corp Promotions Unlimited RCI FirstPathway Partners Reiman Publications Richardson Industries Rite Hite Corp Roehl Transport Salomon Smith Barney Sargento Inc SC Johnson & Sons Schneider National School choice Sendik1S Food Market Shannon Sales Inc SIG Financial Holdings Specialty Underwriters St John Properties Inc Standard Process laboratories Stark Investments Super Steel Products Tam a rack Petroleum Co Tankcraft Corp ThedaCare Tries & Rice I !ihl,:.ln \Milc:nn Arrhitarh:: http: // duboard.php?az=v!ew_aii&address,.4 39x44 9 772 Page 3 of 19 list of Walker contributors for boycotting - Democratic Underground 10/17/13 11:25 AM US Counseling Service US Oil Co V Duane Rath Foundation Wausau Homes Wausau Paper West Allis Salvage West Bend Clinic Zenith Tech {read Jess) More Offers and Articles ADVERTISEMENT Pr!oter Frjenc!ly drmeow (1000+ posts)~ 1Proflle 1Ignore Frl l f?erma!ink Feb~18-11 l I :Dm 03:20PM Response to Qrhai!ltt! nt®@§!i~ 1. I swear I gotta start shopping at WaiiMart ...439x449772 Page 4 of 19 10/19/13 3:07PM Koch-Blocked; judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti,.,Workers Bill \Vonkette • TIPS • Twitter • RSS • FACEBOQK • Ooogle+ • ADY:ERTISING (search) October 19,2013 CLASS WAR 12:09 pm March 18, 2011 Koch-Blocked: Judge Blocks Wisconsin AntiWorkers Bill by Ken Lta~ne Wisconsin judge has temporarily blocked Scott Walker's anti-workers bill from taking effect, saying the Wisconsin legislators' passage of the law was likely illegal as it violated the state's Open Meetings law. In other words, Walker's errand for the Koch Brothers seems to have failed, at least in the short term. The judge also said Walker should be hanged1 by firemen. Hahajust kidding! She didn't say exactly that. Page 1 of 20,.blocked ..judge-b!ocks-wisconsin-ant!-workers-bm EXHIBIT F Koch-Blocked; Judge Blocks Wisconsin Ant!,..Workers Bnl 10!19!13 3:07PM ANALYTICS Reimogine the possible with data anolytics. Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi [on] Friday issued a temporary order blocking implementation of Gov. Scott Walker's controversial measure limiting collective bargaining rights for public employees, saying a legislative committee likely violated the state Open Meetings Law when it rushed passage of the bill March 9. The ruling bars Secretary of State Doug La Follette from publishing the law, the last step before it can take effect. La Follette had planned to publish the law on March 25, which would cause it to take effect the following day. Hooray. Your move, Walker .... we mean, "your move, libertarian""extremist billionaires David & Charles Koch, who own such popular brands as BRAWNY paper towels and DIXIE cups and other forest-raping crap people don't need and should be boycotted forever." [Wi~cgnsin State Journal] Tagged • #wjunions, • oor, • kocbblocked, . • KQCh~u~kers, ~' • pt class war, • republicans intb~ ne1Ys~ • scott walkert • wis~onsin SPONSORED FROM AROUND THE WEB http: //!ocked.wjudge-blocks"'wisconsin-antl-workers-bill Page 2 of 20 10117/13 11:20 AM Budget Battle - Websites back boycotts of Walker contributors ~ Subscriber Login Watchdog Opinion Sports Business Food Entertainment Autos Lifestyle From Madison and around the state, to Washington D.C., a dally dose of political news and glimpses behind the scenes. BUDGET BATTLE Websites back boycotts of Walker contributors Some weU-known area companies make the target list Live v!deo: Obama makes statement on debt dea!, fiscal Issues By Don Walker of the Journal Sentinel EMAIL Through Facebook and at least one website, opponents or Gov. Scott Walker's policies are backing boycotts of companies whose executives or political action committees made major contrlbutkms to the governor's campaign. One Facebook page, called "Boycott Scott Walker Contributors/" has more than 9,000 fo!iowers. On the site; users can Hnk to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, which maintains a campaign finance database, to determine who made contributions. All Politics Blog Read aU budget~ related blog posts from March EL Homes IALL POLITICS BLOG Politics Photo Gallery 0 Today's Paper Walker calls special election for Rep. Stone's seat Supervisors leery of Chris Abele's proposed workers comp outsourcing View AU Bfog Posts Advertlmement Among the companies that have been targeted are M&I Bank, Northwestern Mutua! Insurance Co., Johnsonvme Sausage, the Wisconsln Realtors Association, the Wisconsin Automobile and Truck Deaiers Association and Georgla-Paclflt:, which Is owned by Koch Industrtes, a privately he!d company owned by David and Charles Koch, both of whom are Walker backers. The boycott opens a new fronUn the !deo!ogicai battle set off by opposition to Walker's budget-:repalr bill and the release of his budget plan for the next two years, On the Web, a site ca!!ed ~'i¢tt}N#!iqzrWatch.wm also maintains a boycott list. Related Coverage News Staiemate~ E-mails n:veai possible Walker concessions on union bill The Wisconsin Voter: Could Walker be the most polarizing governor In Amerka? Websttes: Boycotts of Walker contributors Car insurance: Assembly passes lower minimums Zoo Interchange: New t!mellne delays freeway widening work Opinions Sting!: 90-year-old protester continues family tradition Edft:orlah Patch Walker's request P!menteh Yes, you ail were duped by choice Entow: Choice p!an puts k!ds flrst Much of the campaign donation information comes from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a political watchdog group. TOP STO.R1ES Questions rn!sed about Mike McCabe, the group's executive director1 said that, in the past three weeks, there have been more than 4.5 million hits to the campaign finance database. "The boycott sites have been referring people to our website," McCabe said. "We don't know who ls behind this. H Though McCabe says his group is nonpartisan, McCabe's site has been critical of Walker. "We are definitely troubled by his proposal/ McCabe said. "We are concerned about the dlrection this state is headed ln." Companies respond Some companies have tried to be proactive about the boycott effort. Chris Snyder1 general counsel for the automobile group, said his organization sent out a suggested response to auto dealers telling them how to react to customers. The script in part reads: "We at {blank) share your concerns regarding actions that the state Is taking In an attempt to rectify Wisconsin's budget and economy woes. We have many customers who work for the state and any actions that have a detrimental effect on our customers' incomes and cost of living expenses Is something that we take notice of," The script also notes that the auto dealers and the trade association glve bill with tax credits to restore historic buildings More asbestos-i!ke material found at Iron ore mine site, geologist says Government open again, Obama bemoans damage McDonald's restaurants al!eged!y used to launder drug money MORE NEWS Questions raised about b!il with tax credits to restore historic buildings More asbestos-like material fuund at iron ore mine site, geologist says Assembly expected to pass Scott Walker's $100 mll!ion tax cut hill Page 1 of 4 http:/ /! EXHIBIT 10/17/13 11:20 AM Budget Battle - Websites back boycotts of Walker contributors to oom Kepuoucans ana uemocrats. \.Ommumcy CUIUffifUI!:>l;; Wisconsin's profile In courage Po!!tifact Rulings Mike Huebsch: catching up on that Capito! cleaning tiaim More ru!!ngs oo state budget rhetoric Jean Towell, a Northwestern Mutua! spokeswoman, said her flrm was aware of the boycott efforts. The company has political action committees In which money voluntarily donated by employees iS sent to campaigns of both partles. Policyholders' money Is not used, she said. At M&I Bank, the bank issued a statement last month about the boycott effort. "Marshall & Ilsley Corporation and M&I Bank have not made contributions to any political campaign ln Wisconsin. By iaw 1 corporations and businesses are not permitted to make direct contributions to political campaigns," the statement said. "lndlvklua! employees may d1oose, at their own discretion and based on their political beHefs, to make contributions to political campaigns. Donors are typically required to identify their employer. Each campaign " Scott Walker and Tom Barrett ~ received voluntary contributions from individual M&l employees." Related Documents :2011~'13 Budget In Brief (pdf, 77 pages) Budget Repair Sill summary {pdf) Current state budget Government open again, Obama bemoans damage Reaction of Wisconsin delegation splits along party i!nes O!d Pritzlaff buildings reborn as the Hfe of the party Thornton trles to sell wary legislators on unusual building sale plan O'Donnell Park garage accident haunts father NATIONAL POLITICS VIDEO M!ke Thea, head of the legal and public affairs department at the Wisconsin Realtors Association, said his group endorsed Walker In the gubernatorial campaign. But he said the association endorsed Walker within the context of Issues of Importance to members; such as property tax relief, land use piann!ng and economic development. Budget Coverage He said it was unfortunate hls group was on a boycott Hst, "People are not compelled to work with a Realtor," Theo said. At Johnsonville Sausage, Christine Wallace, a spokesman said the firm appreciated consumers' !t'lterest In the political process. "We respect the passion consumers have for this Issue and recognize the debate and dialogue we're seeing today is what makes our country great," she said. smtom Ongoing coverage of Gov. Scott Waiker's controversial budget-repair bl!i and the battle over the 2011~ ~l A Koch spokesman d!d not respond to a request for comment. 1THE WISCONSIN VOTER :SLOG The Journal Sentlne!'s Craig G!!bert explores politlcai trends In a purple state. '13 state budget 464 poop!& recommend this. Ba the first of your frlends. Comments>> Read and share your thoughts on this story. A Marquette Law School fellowship and brief hiatus for The Wisconsin Voter b!og The r!se of one-party rule in the states GOP governors try to keep their hold on battleground states E-mail Newsletter Th!!l latest local news delivered to your !nbox MondaywFriday during the 2 p.m. hour- or whenever tn Vh!!w All Slog Posts ewa. INSIDE STATE POLITICS Sign Up Now! Enter your &-mail address above and click "Sign Up Now!" to begin recelvlng your e-mail newsletter Login ar RagistM ttl manage d wave of opposition to Waiker1s controversial budget repair bill and spending plan for the next biennium. it gives those opposed to Walker's plans for deep spend!ng cuts and the virtual elimination of public unions a place to focus their outrage, Hokin said - by letting people know wtlich company's leaders and political action committees made big campaign donations to Walker. bargaining right from most s1ats employees and other budgaL Readrrore Related links i!Baslcaily the only thing corporations care about Is money," Hokin said In an Interview. f(!We can't really affect them by saying things or flashing (protest signs). The thing to do on a day-to-day basis Is to try to reduce their revenues.~ • Ongoing co\lerage of Gov. Walkers budget law and protests • Full text of 2011·13 budget bill To Identify Walker contributors, Hokln's page IInke to a campaign finance database maintained by the Wisoonsln Democracy Campaign. it also helps followers send letters of protest to companies, provides a place for updates and shares Ideas for more actMtles - such as organized pickets outside companies associated with Walker and a planned boycott of this years Brat Fest because it uses soma Johnsonville products. In fts place, a Virtual Brat Fast' Is baing organized that lets people donate online to try to replace the money that Brat Fest raises for local charities. And for those· uneasy Wth targeting local companies for boycotts at all, sister pages such as "Pledge to Spend11 have been created to promote businesses identified as ltstroogfy pro-labor/* Hokin said. in other business-related political opposition. tv«> groups of real estate agents- knoiiW'l as Realtors in Support of Public Employees and Realtors Against Governor Walkers Current Policies -formed recently, In contrast to the WISconsin Realtors Association, which contributed to Walker's campaign. Also, three popular Roman candle restaurants in the Madison area pulled out of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association because it endorsed Walker and refused to make a statement ln favor of collective bargaining. The association, in tum, pulled Its dining guide off Hs \1\iebsite, claiming protesters planned to use It to "harass our members,*' president Ed Lump said. Lump also noted restaurants are big donors to schools fur such things as scholarships, athletic programs and banda. Christine Wallace, a apokes~man for Johnsonville Sausage, said the company respected its customers' "passion for this issue" and their interest in the political process. "'We are hopeful both sides of this debate will '\NOrk to resolve the issues that are facing our state," the statement read. M&t Bank also reieased a statement noting that by law, Individual e~T~ployees r11Eike pol!tical contributions their O\Wl discretion," rather than the company Itself dlrectiy. And a statement from Menard Inc. said 11some of (our) team members may or may not have" glven money to Walkar•s campaign, adding. "We know some gave to (Democratic candidate Tom) Barrett as well." The rest of Menard1s statement read, "We feel badly that some want to boycott us. We have the lo\11/est and the biggest. most beautifu!·stores run by some of Wisconsin's friendilest, hardest..worklng folks. We are a family-omed Wisconsin company that employs a lot of good Wlsconsln citizsns throughout the state. We hope calmar heads 'Wift prevail soon for the sake of ail nost.madison.comfnewsllocaJlgO'A-aruJ..politlcsibo)coit· 214 concerned." Tags Boycott, Scott Walker, Governor, Menards, Facebook, Sam Hokln, M! Bank, Mary Possln, Johnson\1Ua Sausage, Small Business, Wisconsin Restaurant Association, Chrtstlne Wailace, Campaign Finance Database, Menard Inc., Roman Candia More Government And Politics Stories "'""' w.;.-x-.... ,..... ~ c?>,r , , , "'>"""'~"'''''.,... -~~~--~-.. ~~ f ~·=~~··:, ~],:: Stocla; rise, aided by Ford. 3M results failures surface at Hill hearing Southwest profit up on higher fares, cheaper fuel Avemge US rate on 30wyear mortgage at 4.13 pet. TRENDING OFFERS AND ARTICLeS ~ ' ... ·" ~ ,....... ~" ~ / :.- . wm tills . Recommendations '', ... l ~ ...,..,..... , ___ ·_:.,:,~ ..-;~ ' .,. ' o'uftiow'io uS&· stock explode? Can you tum $1,000 into $100,000? 5 things to know after Packers beat Sf'OV\/nS ' , ......, ~·' :-.,"'" ,~~ , -'"') 0 -: :-:".. 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According to reports from the Dane County, WI district attorney's office, Katherine Windels of Cross Plains admitted to investigators she was behind the March 9 emails, which were sent to 15 Republican senators on the night the Senate pttssed the controversial collective bargaining restrictions for state workers favored by Walker. Windels allegedly wrote that opponents of the collective bargaining law were planning "to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head 11 and said nwe have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent." Widels was charged on Thursday with four counts stemming from the emails, including sending threats via a computer and creating a bomb scare. Two of the charges are felonies and carry a potential 7 year sentence. According to the investigating documents, Windels acted alone out of frustration with Walkerfs law. Read the crimintd complaint here. The state department of Justice kicked off an investigation of the emails after one of the recipients, state Senate leader Scott Fitzgerald, shared it with authorities. Investigators say they traced the emails to Windels by following the IP address back to her home address. When a state investigator, Special Agent Ricardo Tijerino, went to Windels' home to interview her, she reportedly conceded she might have called the senators nassholes." But when Tijerina read aloud a sentence from her email -.. Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks"-- and asked if she was the author, she reportedly admitted she was. She said she was confused because she didn*t know why she wrote it, and reportedly told Tijerina she wasn't planning on following through on any of her statements. http;//;woman..,charged"·With-sending-deatn-threats~to-gop-senators-in-wisconsin Page 3 of 10 10/17/13 11:05 AM 25 Year-Old Woman Charged Wlth Sending Death Threats To GOP Senators In Wisconsin She also reportedly told the agent she was angry about what the Republican senators were doing. One verbatim portion of an email cited by authorities promises to "send the message to you since you are so •high' on Koch and have decided that you are now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship." One recipient of the emails, state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R), suggested to WlSN~IY the alleged sender was lashing out. "I hope this poor young gal hasn't ruined her life over a few minutes of over emotional stupidity," he said . • • • Email • Bookmark 7 by Taboo!a Mocked Pastor Banks 360% Profits on Best Buy! (See Video) Is This What's Putting Tanning Salons Out of Business? Smelly Washers, Sears Taken To Court Moneynews Tan Physics Reviewectcom 5 Exercises You NEED to Stop Doing ASAP Bobbi Kristina Brown: Grown & Engaged The 8 Least Expensive Places To Live in the U.S, Healthy Loop Mommy Noire Wall St Cheat Sheet http:/ / Page 4 of 10 Mackinac Center Received Bomb Threats and Death Threats Over FOIA Request By TOM GANTERT 1 April1, 2011 1 t: Follow Tom Gantert on Twitter The Mackinac Center for Public Policy received numerous death threats and bomb threats in the aftermath of national publicity about a Freedom of Information Act request it sent to three public universities. The messages were left on the Center's voice mail Thursday night and early Friday morning, but it is unclear at this point if one or two women were responsible for the threats. Mackinac Center President Joseph Lehman said the Mackinac Center has contacted law enforcement about the threats. "We, along with the authorities. are doing everything necessary to protect ourselves,~~ Lehman said. uNo threats will prevent us from showing the public how universities spend tax dollars." There were five messages left containing death or bomb threats. Four of them appear to be from the same caller. A fifth message \1'1/as from a Vi/Oman who left a death threat and, unlike the previous caller~ left her name and indicated she lived in a neighboring state. It vvas unclear if the second caller VJas the same as the first caller. In one message, a female voice said: "Scotty Walker is dead. So are you. We know where you live. The 11 vvoman then recited the Mackinac Centers address and said, #We are coming up to destroy you.~~ In another message, a female who left her name said: "You are on Main Street. You are the first place to be bombed." In another message, a female voice said: "We are going to destroy everybody. We are going to destroy an of you. All of you die. Midland, Michigan. Get ready. We are going to destroy all of you." The Mackinac Center for Public Policy has been in the spotlight after some national nevvs organizations reported that the Midland ..based think tank submitted a FOIA request to Wayne State University, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan. The FOIA asked for specific emails from professors in the labor studies departments that referenced Wisconsin collective bargaining, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker or MSNBC talk show personality Rachel Maddow. Mad dow had made comments on her show critical of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's emergency financial manager act. EXHIBIT K 111 Select n category: News Main MURDOCK: Death threats from the left Liberals respond to pro-union ultimatums with deafening silence Wisconsin demonstrators jeer at Republican state representatives with shouts of"shatne'' as they leave the Assemb)yroom ofthe Capitol in Madison after passing a bill. that limits collective bargaining. (Associated Press) By Deroy Murdock The Washington Titnes Friday, March 18, 2011 "We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is your last warning. u Is this a passage ftom Bram Stokers ''Dracula"? No, this e-mail reached Wisconsin State Sen Dan Kapanke, a Republican, on March 9, after he voted GOP Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget and labor ror EXHIBIT l 1/4 MURDOCK: Death threats from the left~ Wsshtngton T!mes reful'tm. Mr. Kapanke is not alone. While the mainstream media generally yawn, leftists threaten top Wisconsin Republicans with murder. ''Across the whole Republican caucus, I think we have received at least a dozen credible, specific death threats," one weD-pJaced legis1ative in Madison told me. 'This was not just 'go to Hell,' but threats that rose to a level that made people reel msafe." Wisconsiris Department ofJustice has identified the sender oftwo specific death threats e-mailed to 15 Republican state senators on March 10. It \vill not release the suspect's name while investigations continue. However, ponder the accused's chilling (excerpted but uncorrected) words: c Subject line .. 11Atten: Death threat! !!! Bomb! t!! n 'We reel tbat you and your republican dictators have to die. This is how it's going to happen: ·~· We have all planned to assult [sic] you by arriving at your house and putting a nice tittle bullet in your bead. However, this isn't enough ... So we have built several bombs that we have placed in vmious locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent ~ includes, your house, your car, the state capitoL and wen I won't ten you an of them because that's just no m .. c ''YOUR STAFF MEMBERS HAVE NOW BEEN ADDED TO THE HIT LIST ... PLEASE ADVISE TfiEl\.1 OF THE IMPENDJNG DANGER LEADING TO THIER [sic] DEATHS." Consider some ofthe pro-tmion left's other death threats: c Police in Eau Claire, Wis., arrested anti-WaJker protester Patrick J. Knauf; 43, on March 2. He reportedly phoned ina bomb threat against Heart1and Aviation, where Mr. Walker conducted news conferences on Feb. 28 and March 2. c On the morning ofMarch 3, 41 rounds of .22-caliber ammunition appeared on the Capitol grounds in Madison. "You can't do much with live ammunition without the gun," said University ofWisconsin Police Chief Susan Riseling, "but the presence ofit doesn't thrill me." c Someone slipped a note under GOP State Sen. Glenn Grothman's office door. In red letters, it said: 'THE ONLY GOOD Republican is a DEAD Republican .. c Wisconsin Tea Party Patriots coordinator Mike Hintz told WISN-TV what happened when his cen phone rang on March 12: "There was a male caner on the phone, and he said, '1 hope you•re wearing a bulletproof vesf and hung up.••. I took it to 111ean this person was threatening my lire by [threatening to shoot] me." c On Wednesday, Bill Spears e. . mailed one state Capitol stafrer this hon10phobiq :message: "You won't have your cushy job very much longer .. as soon as we get your boss the faggot [Scott] Fitzgerald recalled ... every damn one ofyou should be exterminated." Twitters giant graffiti wall features numerous calm for Mr. Walkers m:l'der, comp1ete with egregiom spelling and grammatical errors: 2/4 MURDOCK: Death threats from the left- Washington Times c Lauren Kauffinan (Screen name: :lauren_2121) wrote: "I hope scott walker dies. someone please shoot him?t" c Josh Harmon (jritsynme): "Scott wa1ker is destroying the state of Wisconsin!!! I wish a anvel [sic] would fall out ofthe sky and KILL the scumbag!! !" c Jeconti (J-Sback): •'Scott walker cut rood stamps its over he getting assassinated. tt• Are the right's hands spotless in Wisconsin? If they are not pristine, they seem fur less bloody. Democratic spokesman Graeme Zielinski told WISN-1V that volunteers aiming to recall GOP State Sen. Alberta Darling got roughed up on March 13. ''They were physically assaulted," Mr. Zielinski said. 'They bad their clipboards thrown, petitions destroyed, buttons tom offofthem n Whoever did this should be prosecuted, and their example never repeated - on the right, or elsewhere. Now, where is the condemnation against the anti-Walker Jeft fur its recent criminal behavior? Deroy Murdock is a syndicated columnist and media fellow with Stanford University's Hoover Institution. © Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here fur reprint permission. Top Stories • .Anti-terror rules relaxed to let Libyans get militmy training in U.S. • Ganster: 'I think I probablY should have done more' to cbeck fur drinking at party • Obamacare contractors: Working pieces ofhealtb care site undercut by flawed whole • He's no Tn1rnan: It seems the buck doesn't stop at Obama's Oval Oflice desk • GOP Rep. Fred Upton: Obamacare website should have been 'the easy part' Comm.ents Amerlca.'s bef!J! mdu.atly oo~butn more dtm,$246btl!!o.nto CW'«!!no1'l:lJ.. ·~ • Qpinion MURDOCK: Death threats from the left~ Washington Times • Elections • Sports • Books • L.ii! -~ • &mQ. • Special Sections ·~ • Coll.lD.lltlities All site contents C Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC 414 Gov. Scott Walker death threats after recall victory being investigated by police NY Dally News 10/17/13 10:26 AM PoEtics Thursday, October 17,2013 SITE l WEB BLOOS news sports showbiz opinion living photos video autos POUTICS Gov. Scott Walker death threats after recall victory being investigated by police Threats against the Wisconsin governor surface on Twitter after election Comment! { !95} BY MEGHAN NEAL i NEW YORK DAILY NEWS \NEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2012, ·t20 PM 241 COPY MOST POPULAR MOST READ MORRY The Milwaukee Pollee Department Is evaluating death threats made against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker via Twitter. MOST SHARED 1 Photo of public sex act actually rape, woman says 2 House stenographer unleashes bizarm outburst 3 4 Wiseguy held !n bust·!n at porn babe's flat 5 Sen. Ted Cruz's hometown paper yanks support 6 Aspiring model dies; possible road-rage fu!Y victim 7 Sulclde note found on teen who died in N,,.L crash, !dH!ng two 8 Welner says he'd be mayor if not for the Internet 9 Texas teen posted Facebook warning beforG schooi suicide Michigan dad pleads guilty to having sex with 3-year..a!d daughter 10 Congre$$ pasaes bnl to end shutdown and prevent default The Milwaukee Police Department said Wednesday it's evaluating death threats made against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Twitter following the governor's recall election victory. Political tensions in Wisconsin came to a fever pitch Tuesday night as the election results were announced. Multiple death threats surfaced on Twitter throughout the evening and into the morning. They were posted on the curation site Page 1 of 6 http:/fwww,"'-gov-scott-walker-recall-victory-artide-1.1090894 EXHIBIT M 10/17/13 10:23 AM just!ce Department not Investigating Gov. Scott Walker death threats o_. Subscriber Login Today's Paper 0 MllWAUKEE·WISCONStN JOURNAL SENTINEL Watchdog Opinion Sports Business Food Entertainment Lifestyle Wisconsin News Watch ~BY Justice Department not investigating Gov. Scott Walker death threats LANDMARK CREDiT UNiON PRINT EMA!L Madison- The Wisconsin Department of Justice has no open Investigations into death threats against Gov. Scott Walker, the agency said Monday after Walker's office reieased more than 100 pages of emails and other documents showing perceived threats made against him over the past two years, Waiker's office released 116 pages of documents Friday following an open records request from The Associated Press. Anything perceived by Walker's staff to be a threat was saved and referred to law enforcement, sald Walker's assistant !ega! counsel, Teri Hatchell, In a ietter accompanying the records. Hatche!i said the records were released after consulting with law enforcement to ensure doing so would not jeopardize any investigations, Department of Justice spokeswoman Dana Brueck said the agency has no open investigations. Walker's spokesman declined to comment. Most of the threats ln the documents provided to AP come from shortly after Walker took office ln 2011, when the Repubiican governor's proposal to effectively end colier:tive bargaining rights for most public workers resulted in massive protests that lasted weeks. The most recent emal! was from february 201:1L The threats came In the form of ema!ls, letters and tips from Walker backers pointing to postlngs on webs!tes such as Facebook:. The records include about 65 messages, Including at !east :25 from the same person. That person sent Insulting emai!s to Walker but also left his telephone number. The Department of Justice previously released details of threats It Investigated that were made against Walker and state lawmakers. Only one case where a person made threats against Walker or lawmakers has led to charges in Dane County. In that case, a Cross Plains woman ema!led death threats to 15 Republican state senators In 201L She pleaded guilty to making a bomb threat and was placed In a flrst~offenders program, 41 tm people recommend thls. Comments» Be the first of your friends. Read and share your thoughts on thls story. How to Use *51 to Trace a Phone Cal! (eHow) Crash at strip dub lot gives deputies morl;l than they bargained for M!sslng Girl Ablga!! 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Hayward Vice President of Policy) Center for Competitive Politics Stephen M, Hoersting Vice President and co-.founder, Center for Competitive Politics Eric O'Keefe Chairntan and Sean Parnell President, Center for Competitive Politics Bradley A. Srnith Chairman and Co-Founder; Center for Competitive Politics Blackmore-Naught Professor of Law, Capital University Law School .John Snider Shareholder, Financial Controllers~ Inc. On this page http: // 11/02/2 2/who-is-behind-wisconsin-dub-for-growth/ Page 3 of 12 Who Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth{ i his vorpa! sword 10/19/13 2:44PM • Find more recipients of Kgcbfgumiiltion mopey $1,967,000 received from Koch foundations 2oos-2oo8[Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: $3,923,457] The Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason Universityoffers scholarships and career training to libertarian students. Charles Koch is the .~~m;~LQJtl!~W~{.WWL!!t_gw~~~· In a recent artidet Mother Jones called the Institute for Human Studies a "haven for climate change deniers.» Several climate deniers have prominent positions at IHS, including: Robert Bradley~ member of the Academic Review Committee and author of Climate Alarmism Reconsidered {2003); and Fred Singer, Research Professor at IHS, A number of climate deniers are guest lecturers for IHS, such as Btyc~ :Xi,J:UU~, Sgnigr~sQ&:if!tS: V\-1th Political Econo:tny Research Center; and 1\~llJJ~th g;r(!e:tl, B,g§jgent ~&:hol~r with American Enterprise Institute. Cozy. They don't call it the "Kochtopus" for nothing~ kiddies. It~s MEANT to confuse you. But, like Theseus in the labyrinth, you can find the Minotaur and find your way out if you have a thread to lead you. In Wisconsin, the thread is named "Eric O'Keefe." It's all so cozy. Eric is the "strategist" of the old ~'Crane Machine" that walked out of the Libertarian Party en masse in 1983. He was also a founding board member of US Term Limits. and is acknowledged as the architect of their ~term limits" ballot drives of the 1990s. Here, in his own words, from Eric O'Keefe dot com: Eric O'Keefe is ehairrnan and CEO of Sarn Ada:rns A1Hance (SAlvi)§ a Chicago-based organization that promotes citizen activism and government accmmtabiHty. Eric was a board rnember ©fU.S. Term host of the podcast series, Engaging Democracy; and author of the book t11w Rules America about the Founders' view of representative government and the ertse for term Hnlits. When not promoting political reform, Eric is a private Graves. In the 23 states the initiative :t>rocess to Un1it the ter:rns of their These states were eventually thwarted by 5 Justices on the Supreme Court who ruled that Congress was exempt from term limits under the Constitution. O'Keefe often notes that politicians became less accountable and less responsible when state governments took over printing and distribution of ballots from private political parties. This resulted in lower turnover rates. In to advance limitations on the size and power began advocating that Arneri.cans should adopt approaches to achieving accountability and limits on government by being involved in the primary process. The "tea parties" started at Ericts doorstep as has beenrepgrted onHu(fington Postby A,lgxBra;ndt~Zawaq§k:y 1Jnd Dawn Teo (among others); and the Sam Adams AHiance produced a widely-distributed "reporf' on the "tea part'/' that was widely quoteQbv the clueless media: http: // ub-for-growth/ Page 4 of 12 Who Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth? ! h!s vorpal sword 10/19/13 2:44PM More recently, the Sam AdaJns AHiance reports that significant numbers of newcomers to the tea party movement are drqppimrtil~irnffHiatiQn V\ith the GOP: Forty-seven percent changed their political affiliation to 1 'Independent/unaffiHated," 20 percent changed to •tother;y 20 percent to "Tea Party/' and 13 percent to "Libertarian.'' fChristian Science Monitor& Sgpt. 15~ 2QJo) Let's focus on Wisconsin, then, shall we? I mean~ Eds;O'Keefeis on the board of ?-nd a Director of the Wisconsin Club for Growth (gUQ W§;S stu iiitt~Ddee W: the infamous Koch brothers §Oiree in Asi}?n, Colorado, as reported in th€1{ew York 1lr~. And bs; '~. g fegtyred s!{~§ki;r 11 Ief! Party Events. • !;lJ~~JlJ.bfQrQrowth. State Action: Howard Rich (and see HEM, and~.) • ~tgr~Club for Gruv.ih. Wisconsin~ Eric O'Keefe (one of only three board members in 2008, corrected 2-26) He still serves on the CFG Board of Directors, Yesterday the Wisconsin Club for Grm-vth won a huge victory for free and open political speech. A pane! of retired judges agreed not to enforce their new rule prohibiting groups like ours from conducting issue advocacy which mentions the name of a candidate on the September or November ballot within 30 or 6o days of the election. On August 2~ 2010, the Wisconsin Club for Growth and the liberal One Wisconsin filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court Western District of Wisconsin, seeking a declaratory judgment and preliminary injunctive relief from Wisconsin Government Accountability Board rule L2R The stipulation means that the Government AccmmtabHity Board does not have the ahiHty to regulate issue advocacy communications under Wisconsin's carnpaign finance laws. Club for Gro1tvth Board Eric o~Keefe "Individuals and organizations .need to be free to comment on public policy and the records of public officials, regardless of the time of year. That is not just our long-held position; it is the U.S. Supreme Court's long-held positio.n 1 applying the First Amendment.» http: // 11/02/22/who-is~behind-wlsconsin-dub ...for-growth/ Page 5 of 12 Who Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth? I his vorp>> AU UST 3, 2011: 11/02/22/who-is~behi nd-wlsconsin-dub-for-growth/ tion Page 8 of 12 Who Is Beh!nd Wisconsin Club For Growth? ! his vorpal sword 10/19/13 2:44 PM About these ads • Embark on the Modern Frontier • • • • Share this: StumbleUpon Twitter 6 Facebook 121 Like this: *Like Be the first to like this. Responses to liVho Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth? 12 Brandon 22 February 2011 at 7:14am I stumbled upon your blog when researching who exactly the "Wisconsin Club for Growth" is. This is most enlightening. The veins of democracy are rapidly becoming more constricted by interest groups such as these. Thank you for your research and presentation of the facts. Hart Williams 22 February 2011 at 7:42 am http: // 11/02 {2 2/who-is-behind-wisconsin-dub-for-growth/ Page 9 of 12 Who Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth? i his vorpal sword 10/19/13 2:44 PM My 'thanks' is that it's valuable to you~ Brandon. Wild Bill 22 February 2011 at 11:09 am I've been reading your posts for some time now, use to be when I saw one of your posts at C&L, then I got smart and signed up for your emails. You do an excellent job of exposing these people who are trying to hijack our government bit by bit. I've spread your posts among my progressive friends, and also annoy many of my right wing in-laws with certain posts that refute some of the nonsense that they spout. I'm sure there are many others like myself that appreciate what you do, but, sadly don't take a few minutes to tell you about it. I may be trapped here in west Texas among some of the dumbest people rve ever encountered, but, my computer knows no distance limits. Keep the faith. They can't \\in unless we quit. Hart Williams 23 February 2011 at S:35 am A very sincere 'Thank You,' Wild Bill. I will keep trying to bug your relatives.@ Pingback: Things Go Badder With KochTM 1 his vorpal sword Pingback: Hey TPMuckrakers! I his vorpal sword Sue Cohen 26 February 2011 at 11:42 am EXCELLENT! And who was the First President of the Club for Growth? Why it was Pat Toomey now the Republithug Senator from PA! So the Koch Krooks own 2 Supreme Court Justices, myriad of Congressmen and Governors and at least Toomey if not others too. Some democracy we have, huh? Hart Williams 26 February 2011 at 12:09 pm Thanks mucht Sue.,.-behlnd-wlsconsin-dub-for-growth/ Page 10 of 12 Who !s Behind Wisconsin dub For Growth? I his vorpal sword 10/19/13 2:44PM But the first President (and founder) of CFG was Stephen Moore (now libeling for the Wall Street Murdoch), who you might recognize from his rude jerkiness to Rachel Maddow on Real Time \vith Bill Maher last week (reran on HBO last night). He founded Club for Growth when he was a (paid) fellow at the Cato Institute, and held the dual positions for several years. He was "relievedtt of command (and his salary), and Pat Toomey was then installed. I have many of Toomey's weekly radio shows (see "One of these things is NOT like the Others") and Toomey was followed by former congressman Chris Chocola, who serves until they can install HIM in a Senate seat, I guess. 4 Oh, and here's the fun part: 'Lighting the Brushfires ofFreedum {sic)" Ifs short, and, I'm told, hilarious.* * PS: I just checked and *'Bob A Fett of KCUF in Ames, Iowa" is still registered. I downloaded their latest program, with the Maciver Institute's take on the situation in Madison. You can listen to it1 HERE. Alex Brant-Zawadzki 26 February 2011 at 3:22pm Oh, how I MISS Club for Growth and Howard Rich! It's been years and years... ever since he tried to drop Proposition 90 onto California. The goal here, people, is to bankrupt the government so that it cannot afford to provide basic services which will then have to be privatized; the govt. will not have the power to pass, let alone enforce, any sort of meaningful regulation, Anyone who says that private industry can regulate itself is either complicit or suicidally naive. Explain BP. Explain Blackwater. "Limited Government,. means HANDICAPPED government. hti~1~/ /hlogs,ocweekly.cornfnavelgazing/2006/IO/prop_90~enriching_Jhe~rich_makphp Pingback: Wisconsin Money Slush: O'Keefe and Jacob to Kliesmet I his vorpal sword NilddSrnka 2 March 2011 at 12:18 pm Hello, rve been researching the John Birch Society, the Kochs, and the Bradleys of Milwaukee, etc. etc. I thought I was nuts, but then I found your site, and I have renewed hope. It is really hard to find connections . , . everything leads somewhere else. So many names. I hadn't even considered Wisconsin Club for Growth. But, then, aU of this is connected. Just follow the money. I found a site with FBI files on JBS. It will take awhile to go through it all. I did notice, even the FBI said they were super 11/02/2 2/who-is-beh!nd-wisconsin=dub-for-growt:h/ Page 11 of 12 Who Is Behind Wisconsin Club For Growth? I his vorpal sword 10/19/13 2:44 PM secretive and difficult to track. And if THEY think so ... I'm almost sorry to say this, but your site has opened up a whole new world ... and ifs bigger and creepier than I EVER imagined. Hart Williams 9 March 2011 at 12:19 pm Nikki: I'm afraid that the world is always a lot bigger and creepier than we thought. But we still live in it, and we do not merely survive, but, as the Nobel speech goes, we prevail. No one has ever yet successfully eradicated the dandelionJ and try as they might, plutocrats and self-anointed aristocrats have never subdued the peasantry. One person can make a difference, and every one added increases the difference exponentially. •tEvery new opinion, at its starting, is precisely in a minority of one. -Thomas Carlyle" http:/ / Page 12 of 12