August 2, 2016 McKee Billings Attorneys 133 State St Augusta Me 04330 Dear Mr. McKee: lam one of the truly most blessed women in the world. i was given the chance to have Claudia my second mom my whole life. Her and my mom were great friends and i grew up as her daughters best friend Spending most weekends at her house and learning a great number of positive lessons to carry on in life and teach my kids. Actually Claudia's house was kids central as we grew up. it is where all us kids hung out so none of our parents had to worry about us after school. We were always hanging out at Claudia's and she was busy working in her office listening to us kids be as crazy and wild kids. 0r everyone pulling in knew to always be careful because us kids could be playing 4 square in the driveway, tag in the yard or just chasing each other around like kids loved to do when they are happy and content with life. Learning to never hate one another but to lo ve each other and help each other succeed and become the best that each of us could be come. Whether it is the Teacher, The Conductor of the Train, The mom everyone has babysit their kids now a clays because of the great values that person set for the kids, We all become something great because of the help Claudia gave to us and guided us with when we were there. Another great part was the time spent learning the value of family conversations spent sitting and talking over a cooked meal that her husband would cooked each night. They shared the household duties so well. Making us see that it takes two too make a marriage work and a family function so well together, And that it also took us kids help too and then things flowed so well together. i can remember so many times making plans for us girls to do things or getting ready to head out to dance classes and someone showing up to register their car even though it was well past o?ice hours and she needed to get out of the house but we would always stop and wait for her to do those registration for every person no matter even if it meant us little girls being late to dance class. She always put her customers first and made sure they were always taken care of no matter what they needed. She always did whatever they asked of her to make what they needed done to help them get by and have a legal car or taxes paid. I can also remember so many Saturday getting ready to do family things with them and having to wait for hours while customers would come in on her day off to register vehicles and she never said no. We always had to wait for those customers because she was there to cater to them she said and keep them happy and that is what she always did. She made sure her customers were happy and gave them everything she had to do that andl don't think that sometimes that they realized that meant taking away from the family she was trying to do things with. As we grew things never changed she always put her customers first. Really she always put everyone in front of herself. Whether it was her family or any of us kids that grew up there we always come ?rst. Especially if we were struggling. She always had a way of kno wing when we needed her heartfelt smile, hug and one of her long talks to help us over our problems. Even though she could be facing one of the toughest times of her life like losing her son and having to take on raising her grandson who was struggling with the lose of his father and then the struggling of being taken away from his mother. She still never missed a beat. She keep everyone happy at work and around her. She raised that boy with so much love showing him that life was going to be ok and helping him get through the struggle he was facing by knowing he needed counseling and getting him that help. Making sure he saw how wonderful he was and how great he could be and how he could excel at anything he set his mind too. He went from a struggling young boy to a boy who was doing great in school and very happy with life even though he had been dealt so many hard hands already at a very young age but thanks to all the hard work of Claudia he know all the wonderful things that lye within him and all the great things he can succeed at in life because he is believed in. Just like she always knew what a child needed and making sure as kids got what we needed and were taken care of the best we could be. Another story of Claudia great heart and kindness is when was looking for a job with a blown out back Claudia hired me not even thinking twice about it no questions asked. All she said was we will work with your injury and make it work for you tell me what you need and i will make that happen. She sent me to Augusta to take all the registration classes was going to need and had me become a notary. She trained me to the best i could be trained and i learned more things working in the office then people would ever think possible. i got to see how much people cared and loved this wonderful women and thought about all the great 4 things she did for the pe0ple of our community. i also got to see the things that people asked of her to do to help them out when it came to registering or paying the taxes. Something that until you worked in the office you did not know or see. She was someone that a lot of people relied on to help them get through when registering a car. Claudia also showed me what the time of giving in volunteering gave to society. With what lsaw her do with our Sunshine club helping people with needs for medical supplies. Also she always told us kids to do what we could so for any body that needed something in life. Never to judge someone because of what they had or looked like. So i spend what i can do now helping the kids i can in our school system volunteering to do what needs to be done at the school. lhelp anyway i can to help teach these kids to help others and keep them motivated to do what ever it takes to keep kids on the right track and keeping the pride in our school. She has taught me to give back to everything because you want to not be remembered for being selfish and a Dunkind person. You want to be the kind of person who is remembered for what you give back to your community and the mark you are going to leave on it. So i am working to make sure lleave the most positive mark on my community and making my kids do the some too. So as close this letter i hope you see that this women as taught me so many wonderful lessons in life about being good and. doing the right things in life. How to give all you have to the people around you and your community. That you never judge a person by the way they look or seem that you always treat them with the most respect because you do not know their story. Claudia is a women who's heart is the biggest that could ever be and she would give everything she had to who ever needed it even if it meant losing everything she had. i know because i have watched her numerous times bail people out and never ask for their payback even after they were to pay her back for her help. it was just always that i do what is right because i feel better about me and someday they will help someone out too because they remember me helping them out. Wanting to be a heartfelt and wonderful person is all Ciaudia has ever wanted to be besides the great Mom and Wife she is and she has always succeeded at them all because she cares about everyone no matter who you are. Duicie Welch Dim we (04 Lb ?ea/M71 Mow/Kw A17. jerk Mama K?cL/eamo/J. I ?>74 %f7//AN?Jdr4/, We. cur? 73' year 0/0/7776?? WA) (GI-J gag/W a. af?ict/V .970 75-21% den/Ja?f 777/ off/4:5 Mama m3 K?S/Ocal?' 73/0?, 724: (3906/ Q/araa?f? ?70 C?mnz?. kit/c5 74:07:: a/EN/ooILz7z .570 m?cpsa/v? 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J/a. wa?aa?mn/ Jermai- year 7772/ was ans aa/ fries Ayn), aa/C/ we. .42: pea-4&4. ez?x?reJ, 4/5. aq/?o/ C/czuc?ih 4277?.- 54c. ?m?J?7?cP 74?; 74/1: 725 [cf Mar/3A: Pc?cmec/ ('74 54/ng axle/bf alt/c: ?achJ/j a?g?ar?jw?a? year w/c/L/ we can? rcy? ra??I-f ex/o/ E?dJquc/?q 792077 ?c'ygrc. Q?evc/d/mL/ag/ 757/: ?ro??m aau?a/ 7Qch 75!; #:234wa $269M?7??m1 awn/?l?eo/as crr?'r? arrc/ 42:; ag??kaec/ craf- MC. (lau/C/?lyyeak (/19 ?27749.5 07B n/aJ [e/ec/ 7L/c777 1.47 a/aJa/J 407%a. 8777/4 J. ?1.5%va A/d7z/zk?7 1:4! m: Aw any q, 79,. 7m Aymaa/ exec/AM?" 07pm aJoA/o/?rA/J Masamm/kj, Clark/d} ?cafoas/ xiv/czch 2?40? (724'74251 Mac/Kr? I 7GP ?aky f??ia/ 74/13 Mama, I if years), KW August 18, 2016 Dearlustice Robert Mullen, I would ?st like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter regarding the character of Ms. Claudia G. Viles. My name is Leigh Ann Brown, I?m 41yrs old and live in Palm Harbor Florida, I state my age and residence because I truly believe that i wouldn't be alive or living a successful life in Florida ifit were not for the extreme love, kindness and generosity of Claudia Viles. i won't pretend to understand this case but I feel compelled to defend the honor of this woman who took such wonderful care of me and my sisters. We grew up in North Anson, Maine a block over from Claudia, we were the ?poor family" in town with the classic alcoholic abusive father and the silent battered mother. Claudia would do her best to make sure my sisters and were fed, taken care of and had warm winter clothes. She helped us out for years until my family moved to Oklahoma. We lived for several years in Oklahoma until the day I made a desperate call to Claudia to save our lives. Without hesitation Claudia had plane tickets booked for my sisters and to fly back to Maine, to escape the abusive hands of my father, within hours. dredge up these horrible memories to try to impose on you the kind of person this woman is, Claudia is the person who literally gives the ?shirt off her back? for others. Without pause lwill tell you that my .sisters and i are alive today because of her and she has helped shaped my life to strive to be the best person that i can be. i have always considered her a true Angel on Earth. She is a woman of great character and a beautiful person that is admired by many. This is my story but I know there are many others she has helped out in life and i pray that you will see that through the letters sent to you by the people who love and admire her. Thank you so very much for your time and please feel free to contact me ill can further elaborate or be ofany assistance regarding Claudia G. Viles. Sincerely, Leigh Ann Brown 727-413-5622 217 Driftwood Place Palm Harbor, FL 34683 moosebrownwaite? Walter McKee Subject: RE: Claudia Viles u??Original From: linda harvie Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2016 11:26 AM To: \Valter McKee Subject: Claudia Viles Justice Robert Mullen Your honor, Claudia Viles have been friends since kinder-garden. She is an angel walked this role since I can She touched man}r lives and always positive helping others see the glass half full. I can write a book about her and all the great things she has done since childhood. She has always had great core values: intrigulty, honesty, loyalty helping even a stranger with assistants. This angel has walked amoung our community her entire life, I have never know of anyone who had anything negative to say about her. I do remember in 1985 she, her husband, my friend and I were on Lake Embden in a boat. Claudia husband eyed a wood lot to be cut, that when he went in the logging business. My dad was only a trucker, he made good money hauling wood until his retirement 1990. Tomm}r Billion made excellent money in the wood business. Than her husband built roads for paper mills that too was pretty good money. Claudia and her husband really lived a modest life style. I can only remember 4 cars since the early 70's they were never new. That the biggest mistake a person makes is buying a new car. Claudia help me thru times with my dis Eunctlonal family life, giving me only positive feedback and pointing out the glass is half full. She is an excellent mentor, supporter of man}r people. Your ho?n'or, on 7-25 of this year I had an accident slip and had partial hip surgedr on 7-26 on 7?28 who appeared my angel and best friend with a great smile and flowers and offering anything she could do to help me. Again my dis?tnctional family whom were going to take care of me, didn't work own, who did Lcall my greatest friend and she. came to aid of anything she could do for me. I trust Claudia and only her to make life decisions. She is my emergency contact person, I am naming her in my life will, overseer of my-personnel-p roperry and life-insurance; Positive and goodness should prevail, In rod-a3;r world it bulling, to do harm to others the programing of society is unacceptable. This communion state and world need man},r more people like Claudia Viles to be role models to our community and society. She would never do harm. Her mother taught her a good great Foundation, her mother is admired by many. Claudia mother Betty extended help to my brother in law who was less fortunate as a child. Bless this angel for she ls honest, trustworthy, has only blessed and help many. Iuly 13, 2016 Dear lustice Robert Mullen, I am writing to you to bear witness to the character of Claudia Viles. I grew up in North Anson, Maine. I have been a middle school teacher for 13 years. As a teacher and mother I try to teach values such as reapect, trust and empathy. Empathy is the hardest value to teach because I feel it takes many years of witnessing people show empathy towards others to truly internalize and learn how to be empathetic. Unfortunately, I also believe that today we see less and less people with this quality. Claudia Viles has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. She was a very close friend of my late mother. Claudia and my mother babysat for one another at different times. I grew up around her children. Our families had similar values and their friendship grew stronger over the years. One Christmas I wanted a Cabbage Patch doll more than anything else and they could no longer be found in the stores. I learned years later that it was Claudia who gave my mother a Cabbage Patch doll so that I could have one that year. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in February of 2015 and Claudia was there to support her. When Mom died I had the priviledge of going through years and years of greeting cards from friends. Nobody had sent my mother more cards than Claudia. For years she had sent her thoughtful messages telling her what her friendship meant to her. After the diagnosis she sent more cards of encouragement than anyone else even though they lived in the same town. These messages meant a lot to my mother as they encouraged her and helped her stay positive. When my mother was very sick and dying many of her friends reached out to me, I believe now because they were trying to cling to their memory of her. When she died they withdrew and I did not hear from any of them except Claudia. She had not been sel?shly clinging to me as the others had done. She told me to come to her and I did. She talked with me. She listened to me. She shared books with me on grieving. She gave my family books that help children deal with grief. Her support never ended. She texted me on Mother?s day and my mother?s birthday remembering they would be a dif?cult days for us. When i visit her she asks how I am doing and how my son is doing in terms of our grief. She still reminds me that she is here for me. Claudia told me that she is telling herself that if my mother could face her cancer with courage than she can do no less when facing her current troubles. She worries about how this will take its toll on her family. She doesn?t talk about herself. She is staying strong for them. Claudia Viles embodies empathy. When I asked her if there was anything I could do she said I would be allowed to send a letter about her character. I have included the information about my mother because I am most certain my mother would have written a letter as well, so I am writing this for both of us. Most Sincerely, 74mm Jada Williams