Facilitatori i Trn,tor A^i l, , Alt fro', lL't.,/ lat't9 ocT 0" - ,.{-t+rrt ,*saa /,,1,u,,"- t)tr fi,.,.\y fzro.gf '6\i,.l r''c - fL. i( .S-i"l \^ *:.CC /r^ a t-L\\ 'Ay'-7."J P"o .4A /u/Sa F Bl oirr,.r I - l"- bnuE c HutFR.T^lsKr vl- L q >- -./d \ 4,,/..,. D€P ,i -qs-) g'ro - I PEF i t{e'v ,cr bEP 'l- DT, rP 3L/,tH. o?, 331- t8,t 7 ---^ ^vl: ta tu:::3,'" ,rr -u* rl " c :f V-tn DEP $L- P - 6) @.e+.2-ztt- Pa.qov nlcrcr..riih Gl Pq -roc( Q 6A< '.L..1+s . f"v L7 ao,t^' e: e^s/P' c'a I 12- €e,ns V "'-_-.--'_sh-rohG e*t\? c..,r grq z (*\ '----'---. ' @z)az {x<""1 -,. - l.v - 88',1. JKL,,\ 1Za,*aE v <^;^;,'^ A 0a . ,4 e1L oE'tf 4tz- e"tnsG)P4,i9 V -u-r 5VLM JKL/1/t C t4.44 ;ri+..., 2L1 7 -T(L$,\ iiosr c. -&*rrccg- l\.!\ DEP v.2 la^J it".c\ '/r-nv sr - Friday, November 06, 2015 10:26 AM Panettieri, Michael Means, Jennife[ Farmerje, Randy; Sent: To: Ca: Subject: Attachments: rKLM Reply to pADEp:";;:;? n"pri", ro i'eorc Scott Blarr ilil;:"": I refi Lons 0rons@emsrp coml :ru-a;ffi ;";:";#*:1,:,l.,li?!p n oo""o""'"nt (p&A) pran V. 1. 1 Mike. Jennifer and Randy: On behalfofJ(tM, ptease find attached the subject replies to DEP'S comment on the p&A plan. Feel free to contact Scott Blauvelt directly should you have any questions or need for discussion- Thank you. ffi Jefrrey (, Watsh, pG I Vi€€ pr€sident 6 tvlansfietd, pA 16933 OP EN _S OU RC E Penn E&R, Inc. I 13lm Route ace : 267-718-7568 lt ofnce:570-724 17OO ) 6] x:570-724 e-mail: lwatsh@penn-€r,.om I El www.penn_e..com I .....Celebrating our lgth year :.7AO ! This message is intended onrv for the use ofthe individuarorentity to whom or to which it is addr€ssed and rnay contain lrfonnarion tha! is priviresed ar d/or confid enriar. tf the reader of itr;s *.ipient oran emproyee or agent responsiblefo' deliv€ring the message to the messa;,;;;il,;**" intended.ecipienr, you a;" 1."r"uv *v disseminatjon, cjistriburion or copyins ofthis communication rs strictty prohibired. tf you ""ill'".,n" have received th;r;;r",;;;;;" ," ptease nori, us rhiscornmunication andlor shred the materno ",,"r, ffif,:1"Ji];Ii::il:delete ""0 ""u",i".n,.*u "ithout readins, copyins o, eLeAse find our reolies a {underlined and sr€ Scott, Thankt. for the meetrng notes and pra ns for prugging and abandoning the Reese Horow gas well (2HU) and also for the installatior wells with respect to the 1) *" on". *" ,o,,#tn!nlmonitoring Since flush mount wells are proposed it is jmportant that competent seals and pads are in place that willwithstand the proposed site use. 2) V. 1. 1 monitoring wels (MWsi ln addition to the sampling conducted priorto the work on the plugging and abandonment of the gas well, another round of,ampt"s tf,e *o-niton:ng w"lsshould be collected immediately following the compietion"t ofthe pluggi"e"""J abandonment activities. MWs will .be sampled immediatelv after plueqjnq and abandonment of the 2HU as requested. The weekly sampling of the home wells should be coordinated to occur within 48 hours of the completion of the gas well plugging and abandonment. OP EN _S OU RC E 3) Durins th e home 4) qCLof the 2HU abandonn1e e ongo;ng routine weeklv samolins of performed within 48 h E t?f complet;on. a5sumins I Ople within that schedule. !g lrote that the ownershi WLlLUe Please submit the jnformation on the field screening methods wells to the department as soon as possible. ofthe monitoring ln-situ data lo simiJarto those a bein used to itor wells during MW installation will be utilized. Data lo rameters thatwill be used wiil include 5U er 5) Contingency plans should be developed and in place for what will be done if communication occurs with the monitoring wells during the plugging and abandonment activities. How would this impact the plugging and a;andonment activitjes, will there be additional rnonitoring of the home wells, etc.? tf communication is seen, Lhe Department shou,d be nojrlied ASAp. Contingencv plans will include the followine; Ges-;;ill also be operation"l ln the adiacent water supolv wells . 6iJeriurces {' currentlv without replacement water svstemS ' wilL be contacted befqg-lhq t to reouest that their wate!'!!!I!g!!9-ljl!.pCged-ald (bottled water rortinelv during the abandonment Replacement rved- See additional commert5 Dql-Q]! q-! will be 5 u pp lied rf 2HU abando watellgpl?9cM_!!!q!p c. V. 1. 1 .".*d With respect to the well abandonment, Please see the attached edits to the word documenl, 1l'e major conLernS are: Dumping gravel and sand from the sLldace may result in baidging and the material may not get to the intended depths Place material with a dump bailer and tag to ensure p'oper placemert 2) The Department does not believe the use of frac sand is appropriate for the sand filter. At our meeting it was proposed to use a 10 mesh sand, which would be more appropriate in this scenario Also, if communication occurs, the use of "f'ac sand" will be di{icJlt 1o explain lo tl^e public. OP EN _S OU RC E i) in the borehole {with a lost circulation condition) will ensure the loss circulation zone (fracture). As a precaution is olaced that no ce llbe oositioned t stated abov ers {as or and in situ d ts itor the four existine onsite monitoring wgll!?st4qlLlllhellygigq I Pleas-a note that some modest residential water wells (the ' wells for a s on-site moni level of conductivi nted above ns. As al.ead ration due collected via insoection and samPles will will be mo SU I analvses to ensure water qualitv- ln the very unlikelv event that th ch ins ooerations. steps will ntial water\/ellsare adverselv affected bvthe taken bv IKLM to implement a temporary or permanent (if be immedi necessary) rePlacement water. nt will not rnake contact wit so that t on ts enstn lv 372 to 380 ft. he loss circLtlation zone i.e.. the fracture located at a to have occurred. IKLM sl. wherein the release is th below eround s urface a tremnii f the bori in the bo cem on Dla fter the or a suitable alternati lel with the H&P 500 Ri m the bo circul s and oressures when ci boaeho willattem with the duce or er surt rnd t rina24' hin li Please don't hesitate to contact us if vou prease communicate - ofthegaswell. or concerns about the above. wit;il;;"#l'^"-" ^"lv ir on any questions ^- -""--' on the plugging and abandonment I OP EN _S OU RC E RF questions V. 1. 1 nd will Attachment IKLM 118-2HU P&A Procedure Revised 11/2/15 IKLM Energy, LLc Reese Hollow 118-2HU V. 1. 1 2,298' GLi232a' KB 7r/2lrs OP EN _S OU RC E l MIRU Penn L&R 2. RIH with bottom loading bailer a. Obtain 3 gallon sample ofwater b. center bailer in hole when lowering intowellbore 3. RDMO Penn E&R 4. RIH w/ 17 X',RCBto 250" Open hole 24" 5. Fillhole using publicwater (fresh)from Coudersport a. Capacity i. ::6' conduc.o\25y," lD,0.6317 bbl/ft,3 5469 fflft ii. 24" OH with 15% excess, 0 6435 bbl/ft, 3 6131ft3/ft b. Record volume to fillthe well c. Fluid levelat 24d (Depthfrom oH log 10/6/15) d. Calculated volu me to fill hole, 154 bbls i. strokes to flll= 1,684 ii. Pump output 0.0914 bbl/stk 6. Establish circulation with Couderspon Public water a. Take returns to half round tank (fluid is !9!circulated back downhole) i. Collect sample of LCM in 5 gallon bucket b. Cirfllate 1 bottoms up at slow pump speed, max 4 bpm 7. RIH to bottom w/ drill PiPe, 708' 8. Dropwirelinesurveytool 9. PooH w/drillPiPe 10. 1i. 2-718" 6 40# EUE 8rd lD=2 441" Cap=o 0058 bbl/ft RIH w/ 5" drill pipe & stin8er. 5" 19.5s DP lD=4 276" cap' 0178 bbl/ft PU 2-718" stinger, 90. 12. MIRU CementComPanY 13. Pump l't cement Plug a. b. c. Cementf/ 650L708' wellbore volume w/ 15% excess, 210 ft3 or 37 3 bbls Class A Cement i. ii. Yield 1.18ft3/sx 178 sack Class Acement 14. POOH w/stingerabove top of cement ptug __ a. Flush drillpipe &stingerw/ fresh water 11bbls 15. POOH & WOC 8 hrs, stand back Dp 16. RIH W/ DP,tag plug, record depth 17. POOH w/ Dp &stinger a. Gravett/ 300,-650, b. Wellbore volume 1,264 ft, w/ 15% excess c. Gravelvolume in wellbore, 51tons d. Feed rate 6tons/hr e. After every 20 tons of pea Bravel, RIH w/ Dp to tag level I Water returns 22S bbls 21. Dump l0 down wellbore Sandf/ 250,-300, N4esh Sand V. 1. 1 18. Cut window in conductorto dump gravel 19. MIRU Doug Kibbe Cement Co. to dump pea gravet 20. Dump pea graveldown wellbore a. b. wellbore volume 180 ft3 W/ 15% excess c, Sand volume 9 tons d. Estimated term ina I velocjty -0.9 ft/seg time to fall3O0,,6 minutes OP EN _S OU RC E 22. RIH W/ drilldpe, ta8top ofsand, r€cord depth 23. RDMO Doug Kibbe Cementing Co. 24. Re-weld door on conductor 25. RIH w/tubing to -24S,, bottomjoint oftubinB stotred a. Establish circulation at slow pump speed 26. MlRu cement company 27. Pump 2'd cement plug a. Cementf/ GL-250, b. c. d. e. Wellbore volume 79oftrw/ 1s% excess 670 sack Class A Cement Returns through 4,, nipple in cellar Pull into riser, circulate tubin8 clean w/fresh water 28. WOC 8 hours 29. Cutoff 26" conductor 30. ND flowline, RCH and riser 31. Weld close 4" nipple 3 2. Weld %" steel plate on top of 26,, condu ctor pipe at ground level a. Weld data on plate: i. ii. iii. iv. Wellname: RH 118_2HU Company: JKtM Apt: 37_105_21852 Date 33. Fillcellar with gravel Means, Jennifer Walsh, Jeff Friday, October 30,2015 6:39 PM Means, Jennifer sblalvelt@emslp.com; Farmerie, Randy; Kosmet William, P G; Smith, clark RE: JKLM Weekly Status Report and Updated Analytical Summary Table (Draft) JKLM PADEP Weekly Status Report 10 30 15.pdf; DRAFT RH 118 Lab Data Summary Printable Landscape.xlsx; DRAFT RH 118 Lab Data Summary Printable Portraitxlsx Dear M5. Means, V. 1. 1 From: Sent To: Cc Subject Attachments: please find attached three files we are submitting on behalf oflKLM Energy which constitute the next Status Report. We have provided two excelfiles with updated Draft Summary AnalyticalResults. Each lile representsthe same data, in different viewing formats. An Update for Monitoring Well lnstallation on the Pad is as Follows: 1.) One (MW-3)of the four monitoring wells has been installed to a (BGs). totaldepth of465 ft. below the grcund surface 2.) Surface Casing for MW-4 is installed to a depth of98 ft. BGs. 3.) Tomorrow we will likely complete Srouting the surface casin$ for MW-1 and 24.) We are currently planning on drilling to completion depth on MW-4 this weekend, and will subsequently be 5.) OP EN _S OU RC E drillin8 MW-1and 2 early next week. Down-hole geophysics are also scheduled for next week on the 4 monitoring wells. feelfree to requestthat we distribute this report to additional directlyfrom us. Please DEP contacts who should receive this report Respectf ully Submitted. leff.ey K. Walsh, PC I vlce President Penn E&R. lnc. I 13180 Route 5 I Mansfield, PA 16933 Otrice: 570'724'7700 8Afax:57O 724'L7AO T9ell: 267 -7ta-756A E e-mail: 7 jsa!€tlQ!9!!:sl !q!! I q From: Walsh, Jeff Sent: Fnday, October 23, 2015 5:20 PP1 To:'Jennifer Means (ienmeans(doa.oov)' Cc: 'sblauvelt@emslp.com'; Farmerie, Randy; Kosmer, william, P.G.; Clark Smith (clarsmith@pa.gov) Subject! RE: JKLIY Weekly Status Repoft and tjpdated AnaMical Summary Table (Draft) Dear Ms. Means, Please Iind attached two files we are submittint on behalf of JKllvl Energy which constitute the next Status Report. Please feel free to request that we distribute thls report to additional DEP contads who should receive this repon directly from us. !€ffr€y K. walsh, PG I Vi€e Presid€nt Penn E&R, Inc. 13180 Route 6 llansfi€ld, PA 16933 lcell: 267-718 7568 l7 officet 570-724 1700 lf fax: 570-724'1780 a e-mail: iygalsll9Dpe!!:9rc9! R Fromr Walsh, Jeff Sbntl Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:26 To: lennifer Means fienmeans(Ooa,oov) Cci sblauvelt@emslp.com Subject pM RE: JKLM Weekly Status Report and Updated Analytical Summary Table (Draft) Dear Ms. Means, Best Regards, Jeftrey x. Walsh, PG I vice president Penn E&R, Inc. 131so Route 6 I Mansfietd, pA 16933 Zcellt 267-71A-7568 Ofti.et S7O-724-UOO I A ? E e-mail: fuElsh@o€nn-er.com I tr Fromi Jackson, David Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 3:21 fax S7O-724,:7AO ww.penn-e1,com pl.,l Tor Jennifer Means (ienmeans(Ooa.gov) Cc sblauvelt@emslp.com; Walsh, Jeff Subject JKLM Weekly Status Report and Response to Comments V. 1. 1 Please find attached two files we are submitting on behalf ofJKl-M Energy which constitute the next status Report. We look forward to meeting again with pADEp,s technlcal team on Tuesdayihe 2orh. OP EN _S OU RC E Dear Ms. Means, Please find attached two files we are submitting on behalf ofJKLM Energy, Ltc which contain a weekly status Report and a Response to Comments. Best Regards, DJ ieckson QPerun rr,n e,Irx Env'slM* a R6..!r David J, Jackson, PWS I Senior Envitonmentat Scien$st - P€nn E&R, Inc. 13180 Ror.rte 6 Mansfietd, pA 16933 acell: 570-439'4109 ? Ottice,57A-724 TOO t& fax: S7O-724,!7AO Ee'malll diackson@p€nn-er.com I S www.o€nn-er.com Dedicqted to Providing Cost Effective Solutions .....Celebrating our 1/t' Year ! thl!.r!gritlnlendedoniyforrh'ruteoflheindividualoreniltytorhomorrowhichitisaddrpslsda.dmaycon$tn ilorffalion lhal It privileged and/or .onfidenlitl. lfiher€adercfthi5nleslagei5nottheinrendedrecipientorrnempbteeor ,gen.e!ponrible ior deliveringth€ message io the intended r!(ipilni, you arr hareby notiJied that any djsreminntoi, ctnrtbution or.opy nB ofthis cornmunrcation is 5tr crty prohibited. tfyou hale lecrir,ldrhis communj.arion in errrr, pton 'e nrit{y u5 lrmddiatelYbyemailanddeletelhlscommunicationand/orshredihsm;rteriakandanyaitachmontswithoutreading,copyingor d;!.lc5ing the e ail conlents, Means, Jennifer Walsh, Jeff Monday, Oc(ober 26. 2015 8:42 AM Means, Jennifer; Farmerie, Randy; Panettieri, lVichael; Kosmer, William, P.G.; Smith, Clark Scott Blauvelt Message from Scott Blauvelt for the Pad 118# 2Hu Abandonment and MW lnstallation Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Scotr asled me io forward the message (below)from him. V. 1. 1 Aswe continue to make various preparationsforthe installation of pad monitoring wells (MWs)and the eventual abandonment of the 2HU borehole, we wanted to keep the Department updated on our flndings and specific plans. initial reconnaissance to prepare for water sampling within the 2HU borehole, we tagged the water surface. Anoilycoatingwasobservedontheexteriorofthebailerthaiwasusedto probe the borehole. We will provide additional information regarding the substance that was observed on the exterior of the bailer after fLrrther investigarion. As we discussed by telephone last Friday, as a result of As previously presented to DEP, the abandonment of 2HU borchole with the placement of inert and sealant materials would not be performed untilthe adjacent pad monitoring wells {fourwells designated MW-1,2,3 and 4) are installed, sampled and setup with monitoring equipment. ofthe' OP EN _S OU RC E ln addition, please be;dvised that we are also implementing offsite monitoring procedures t and water supply wells, before we would drill below the surface casings ofthe Mw'l and MW-2 wells since these two monitoring wells are located upgradient ofthese offsite water supplies. Thank you for reviewing this information as we judiciously and carefully move forward with Bround water charaderization and borehole abandonment. We will continue to keep you apprised and welcome the Department's continued collaboration. Respect[ully Submitled, Scott Elauvelt Penn E&R,Inc. 13130 Rouie 6I l4ansfield, PA 16933 acell: 267-718-7568 e Office: 570-724-1700 Afax:570 724 77A0 a e-mail: ilg3lghlQpe!!:erlsq!! E .....Celebroting our I9th Year ! forthe use ofth€ individualor entity to whom or to which it is addressed and may contain information thatis privileged and/or confidential. lf the reader bf this message is n ot the intended recipient or a n e m ptoyee or agent responsible fo r delivering the message tothe recipient, you are hereby notifiedthat a ny dissemin atjon, dlnribution 'ntended This message is intended only . .op!,intritlriscrr,r!Flcationissntctlyproljbited tlyo! hav. re.eivE.l ilr iirec :r".,, s co nmuNiGr r'a ol r1 . ior, pla;s,. rottiy .r us o.-dg.,op-g OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 nn_€dialely by Email and d-aieie rhis corinunicatton ard/or dls.loslng the emall contents Means, Jennifer Farmetie, RandY Fridav. October 23,2015 1247 PM *dlsh, Jeff dwalsh@penn-el com) r"tr'""uO".t,p Sent: To: --, il""#li""i,lr*'" Cc: Michael; Kosmer' william' oavid; Nuss Mattheq Panettieri' smith. Clark iW, subrect: Attachments: jXW tn"rqy - n""te Hollow 118 Well PG i Pad (2 HU) Release V. 1. 1 RH 118-2Hu 24 OH PA ProcedureII DOCX sTtt' abandonihB the Reese Hollow gas well :rnd ok, fo, th" rR6etingnotes aRd plans fotplugCingand following wells. with resfect to the monitoring wells we offer the also for the installation of the monitorlng comments: Thu 2) competent seals and pads are in place since flush mount wells are proposed it is important that that will withstand the proposed site use' plugging and abandonment of the In addition to the sampling conducted prior to the work on the be collected immediatelv gas well, another round of samples at the monitoring wells should iollowingthe completion of the plugging and abandonment activities OP EN _S OU RC E 1) 3) to occur within 48 hours of the The weekly sampling of the home wells should be coordinated completion of the gas well plugging and abandonment' 4) Please submit the information on the field screening methods of the monitoring wells to the department as soon as Possible 5) be done if communication occurs Contingency plans should be developed and in place for what will would this impact with the monitoring wells during the plugging and abandonment activities How the homewells' the plugging and abandonment activities, will there be additional monitoring of etc.? lf communication is seen, the Department should be notified ASAP Themajor With respect to the well abandonment, Please see the attached edits to the word document concerns are: 1) not get to Dumping gravel and sand from the surface may result in brid8ing and the material mav the intended depths Place material with a dump bailer and tag to ensure proper placement 2)TheDepartmentdoesnotbelievetheuseoffracsandisappropriateforthesandfilter'Atour meeting it was proposed to use a 10 mesh sand, which would be more appropriate in this scenario. Also, if communication occurs, the use of,frac sand,, will be difficUlt to explain to the Public. don't hesitate to contact us ifyou have any questions or concerns about the above Please communicatewithMikePanettierrionanyquestionsontheplugsingandabandonmentofthegaswell' Please RF Randy Farmerie professional I Geologrst lyanager ueparlment of Environmental prolectk Fnvjronmenlal crean'rps and Nonh centrar n.gionur o#;il'"-"""on I Brownfields 208 West Third Street Suite I Ol I Wiltiamsporr pA I 7701 Phore: 570.i27.37t6 I Faxt 570.327.i420 From:,Nicole Hawkins lmaiko:nhawfu ns@emslo.coml sent: Wednesday/ October 21, 20 t5 5:3S roi tarmede, Randy; panettieri, l4ichael pty Cci lvleans, JenniFer; Scott Blauvelt Subjectr JKLM Energy - Reese Hollow 118 Welj pad (2 HU) Release V. 1. 1 www.depweb.state.pa_us R€: OP EN _S OU RC E KLM E}{ERGY... october2l, 2015 JKIM Energy, LLC- Reese Ho ow 118 We[ pad (2 HU Well) Release,2gO Burrows Road, Coudersport, pA permit No. 37_105_21852-01_00 oco- 68622 Dear Mr. Farmerie/Mr. panettieri: Thank you for meeting yesterday, october20,2015 to discuss the status ofthe above capt,oned matter_ As requested' this retter has been prepared to document iKLM Energy LLc's (rLKM) tasks as pad of our ongoinB investigation of the rerease from the Reese Horow 1. agreement to pertorm the fotowing 1; we, pad (2 HU wer): To facilitate the installation of monitoring wells on the Reese Hollow 118 well pad, the Department (pA DEp) requested a work plan detailing the installation, location, Beophysical logginB, samptin' and aquifer testing of the subject monitoring wells. As requested, the work plan for the monito-ri; we installation tentatively schedured to begin on Monday, october 26sis attached to this retter {Attachment A). The department arso requestedJKLM to co ecta water sampre from the Reese Holow we pad 2 HU wet bo.e. The detairs ofthis task are included in the aforementioned work plan for monitoring well installation. 2 rt isJKLM'' understanding that the subject monitoring wells located between the 2 HU well bore and the affected residential water supplies must be installed and opemtional as release detection sentinels before the 2 HU well can be plugged as detailed below and in Attachment B 3. Submit a revised plan to plug the 2 HU well bore to include a fifty (50) foot plug at the bottom ofthe well bore our meeting on Ociober20th lnaddition,JKLMwillsubmitaNoticeoflntenttoplug,the 2 HU well record and a plugging certificate after plugging is completed. The revised plan to plug, the notice of intent and the well record is included in Attachment B. as discussed during . . . willreduce the samplingfrequencyofthe followinS watersources plusthe HersheY Pond to weekly ln addition, JKLM willanalyze the next round of weekly water samples collected from these water sources for the list o{volatile and semivolatile compounds in drinking water identifled in Attachment C. JKLM Coudersport Borough Municipalwells and 2E charles cole Memorial Hospitalwells North and south Charles cole Memorial Hospitalspring North and South )- OP EN _S OU RC E ,d) . . 1E V. 1. 1 4. Hershey Pond Established Surface Waterstations most recently reviewed during our October 2oth meeting lfyou have any qLrestions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me; Scott Blauvelt at (412)337-0775 or sblauvelt@emslp.com y. .u . - Reese Hollow 113-2HU Ocrober:124 2015 Plu.& Abandon Procedurefor !4" Surfa.e 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hote MIRLI Penn E&R RtH with bottom toadingbaiter a. Obtain 3 galors samp]e ofwater RDMO P€nn E&R wllz1l2" BCs, openhor€ 24,, Fill hol€ usinCpubticwaterfrom Coudersport Record votume to the wel &lH a. fi b. FLat 2?r0,(Depth from OH LoEtO/6/2A!Sl c. 154 bbtsto fi hote d. Strokestoi'lt= 1,681 i. pump output0.0914 bbt/5trok€ Circulate hole at stow pump speed, max 4 bpm shake outotd LCM a, Collectsampt€ otLCM in a s Ba of bucket POOH pl.l2 7/8"stinger,90_ 2-718" 6.40{EUESrd tD=2,441,, Cap=O.OOs8 bbt/ft 10. RIH with5" DP & stinger. tD=4.276,, Cap=0.0178 bbt/ft 11. MIRU CementCmpanv Cenent PluCf.om 650,- rO8, Volume wettbore 210 ft3 with OP EN _S OU RC E a. V. 1. 1 1. 2. b, c. 15yo excess l50cementsacks 13. POOH & WOC8 hr5 14. RIH with DP,tagplug, record depth 15. Dump bail Pea Gravet down we bore in 1Oo, ifts to orevenibddEinp a. Graveifrom 300'- 650, b. volufr€ wettbore 1,264ft3 with 1s% excess cravelvolume 50tons 16. RIH with wirelineto tag pea gravetat 550,.4s0.350,. and 300, ro ens!re orooer o ac€ment. c record deoths 17. Dump !a(?ofie+€€ sand d,9y!1 yellbgj9lq p,re!e!!!4Cgins:lteE!41!?! eq! orove ttq it isnl oroooant r'om comoretiors. lris w r r,e o:,oii event of communrcation of sand to watersupptie5. &le to ioriwriiiTl u-ililJf..- a. Sand from 230'- 300' b. Volume wettbore 72 ft3 with 15%excess c. Sandvolume4tons d. E timete termlnatvetocity-0,9 ftlsec, timetofa 3OO,6 hinutes 18 qlH with wira le to aB rop ol.rtsa s.jdJ:lqdjrpt 19 PU & RrHwirh lubhsro 27s. 2 //8" 6 4oF rUE 8,d iit-r.iar cap.oo058;by,r r I 20. Enablishcirculation, tlow pump speed 21, MIRU Cement Company 22, Pump ClassACement a. b. c. CementfiomCL-3ee280, Volunewe bore 1,OOO hl wiih I5%exce$ 720 sackcement d. e. Returnsthrough 2'nipple i. cella. Pullinto Riser, circtubing clean 25. ND flowline, RcH and riser 26. Weld dose 2" nipple 27. weld jd steel plate on top of 26" @ndudor pipe a{€reFd a60rdanc€ wlth ao plicabl e resu lati ons a. welddataon plat€: i. tr. iii. F U celllr with gr.v€l OP EN _S OU RC E 28 Wellname: RH 11&2HU @mpany: r(Lrvr A?l: 37-105-21852 le}elbelg!il9-s-d9!l!j! V. 1. 1 24, Cut off 26" @nductor V. 1. 1 fKLM GEOLOGIC REPORT OP EN _S OU RC E r0/ 20/ 201s REESE HOLLO\fl # 1.18-2L1U 37-L0s-21.852-00- 00 22OO GEORGETO\X/NE DR. S tJI TE 5OO SEV/ICKLEY, PA 15143 !NTRODUCTION ThisreoonsLobnetl).ouerrhepeuoph)'icalan'rl4sofrhed:tainr-hefue'elloUow t m l-be \''tuborc 118-r'l lU in Poner Co , Penrsy'h arua Jno deLerfiune Lhe zone or deprh this brief repon *rll be on ; "L.-l tGJ".. n*i migration occu,red The focrs of Ihese .-o' lcv Pieces ol ;u ioe ;a th. do*Tr-hole c''era' 'ir';;;"""h;; h deren.nining ex.rcr'Jy hon fluid mgruion rraspird ar ilinitloi; ^,*'i."t"r VELL LOG The rell ras logged on October 6d,2015 byscblumberger V. 1. 1 this location. (figue A triple-conrbo (neur:n acquire the basic well log 1) porosity, derxity porosny, and rcsistiviq) xas nn in or&r to dap (v'fiich measrrremefts. Unfom-untelythe Ldr4 in the relhore had been siairg for several it is not designed to do) and had solidified to 401'. Thus ve did not obtain daa from 708' [lD) OP EN _S OU RC E to 401'. ZOI) This The iog did show a veryhlh pemreabiJityzone from 375'to 382'(zorc of intetest; bit is indicaed bythe caliper log as we had drilled dis interval of the tell with a 24" hammer in and the caliper nas measuring 26.5' on average. It ts norma'lto see a laLrger hole size dt to "breakou" into tle wellbore n to 13-5" ' much easier. l{osever at tie ZOI we see caliper measurements droP all dre rtay do' Mrenever the caliper rneasures a hole size smaller thal rhe bit it is a sign of a permeable zone if 7-oI drilling fluid, or mud is in tlre hole. The fact that the LOr4 was rot able to setuP above the shallow section as the lack of overburden allovs for the rock and the. veryprofound and acrue mudcake occurrence both suggest exhibited subsurface communicaion with the offset water *ells. dur tiis is tie intenzl drat V. 1. 1 OP EN _S OU RC E DOWNHOLE CAMERA The dorr*role carnere tlnt was run nas originally intended to observe the is helpfin in iderar{fins and analyzing the ZOI for fluid migr:rion- There "fisb in the hole but is a clear fracturt that is obsewed in the wellbore at our ZO1 with a texbook fracrue orientation of 180' (figure 2) Furdrennore ve bave djstina ftuid entry into tle vcll along with an active v"ater streanr . u. . 180? Fracture Water entry 3- mto wellbore CONCLUSION Analrrisoft}redaraselconclu&s$xr}rezooelnv',}richfluidmigraionoccurred*r.he The hrgb i.Xii^l* s I t8-rHu rellbore resides ,t 375' &Ptb (+1p24' SST\D)' obser''etrois dowDhole,ca$era Ji.*it" zo* dercted in r-he &e[ Iog 'a]oog.win m:graron occurre-tt" tlra this is where subsurtace OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 2tefin;d.net suggest 5500-lM-OG0016a Rcv 5 BEF 2nol aoMMo)\t 4LTH oF Pt \\s\ L\ 4\lA DEp'iii\Lscoi;:ililolrtN^lRP*111r'o\ F INSPECTION R-EPORT l"$- ,gER &.&rest 37-105-218t r"l)":" IKIM :zoo Reese Hollow ll8-2HU ENERGY LLC csoncnrowlJ lRlvE srE Latitude: 151'13 Laritude 41.795905 _?7 q4145 V. 1. 1 SEWICKLY, PA. 500 Site ID Si E/S Plsn on Site well Conirol and OP EN _S OU RC E DisDosalPLan Fiiling Malerial & Plugs I From cool' Reason for this inspection \Yas to iiuiZoii ir-"-"p*'r"' n'","*:ltt*l.tlltl:i::l**"*:'-*";:i1,13"1.11?i]: in"p""tio* (ur "ona*t"o'on 'n5Pe(rrunr violarionr $err cited durins rhe c/ 22l20t5 inspection for S78.73(a), 878,73(b), Previou! {2'l l l'14'rl Record tr omptnr Manr w's presenl 'l lhe (he u\e of unapprored drillitr;aOOiiivetst to Orill ttre rophole John Manu€l(( for^o."ti"n -and preYrous rorow-up lbllo\4-up on previous ioiiois ""J atrd Q-8.8J(c) rime or rhi\ itr!pecrion. "i"," "iir,",iJ. "i,r,r, were tre'r and ,' ihe rime nf rhe inspecrion. Rig and $ell pad Hap soo nre, nie "a.'oi ;;;;;';;;iiid, pm' off location at 4130 ,^p€c!ion. No addirional violatio;;were noted during this inspection. I)rte: l0/14r015 Tine:4r30 o(;l E wlrite - Regional File Il Yellow operator ! Pink Inspector n coldenrod - ComPanY File .ilAf INSPECTION REPORT PAGE 2 iil?^ffi:**f# coMrDENrrAL No ?l!-#.*l*,""*itlResisrratioD Pofter Municipality: COUNTY: Lester Tavlor Swedetr V. 1. 1 ofliler: OP EN _S OU RC E Name Page 2 of2 Means, Jennifer Wednesday, October 14, 2015 4:21 PM Scott Blauvelt; Bill Fustos Michael;Tokarz' Engle. David; Farmerie, Ran4,; Smith, Clark; Nuss, Matthew; Panettieri' From: Sent: To: Cc: Terra; Kosmer, William, P.G. scotvBill, V. 1. 1 Reese HillWeekly Update and NOV Response Comments Subject: response to Some ofyour main Although we may have additionalcomments later, we wanted to provide JKLM with a questi;s, and explaining some ofour primary concerns, in response to the documents you submitted last Friday' october 9th. . . OP EN _S OU RC E Regarding the NOV response: ,'Rock Oil" is again different from previous MSDS sheets, includint the one referenced in The MSDS sent for the provided MsDs for was our response to you on october /h. we asked which of the two Rock oils that we were oil that is apparently not actually used, and JKLM responded with a third MsDs for a completely different Rock even on site. This is incredibly troubling to us prior to The Department is very uncomfortable with JKLM moving forward with additional drilling on this site, installation ofthe proposed monitoring wells. We would like to see further progress with the hydrogeological investiEation (results ofthe downhole geophysics and completed fracture trace analysis) for consideration of propo;d monitoring welllocations. then actualinstallation and sampling ofthose monitoring wells lnstallation ofthese wells willprovide additionalprotective measures by allowint forthe possible early detection ofany disturbance that may affect nearby water supplies. We would also likelKLM to considerthe installation ofdata loggers in the monitoring wells during furthergas welldrilling activities. Regarding the weekly Update and comments: IKLM does not have a water management plan that allows for the use ofwaterfrom the private waterwells. The Department would not approve such a plan. We agree thatthe list ofvolatiles to be analyzed for may be able to be reduced, but we first need to be able to thorouthly consider allwater supply results collected to date, as wellas the results ofthe analysis conducted on . . . the products used. The confusion over which product was actually used, obviously complicates this Similarly, we willworkwith you on which water wells need to be resampled prior to closing the project Although we agree it may not be allofthem, it is likelyto be a significant portion within the investigation area Finally, partially in response to the documents we are aeceiving but also in follow-up to our conversation on Tuesday, Scott, lthink we may need to a8ain Sather a smallgroup togetherfor discussion on how to move forward with temporary and/or permanent restoration ofthe water supplies. Althouth it isa bitearly in the course ofthe investigation for this discussion. ifs my understanding there is concern about temporary watersystems and the coming winter months. There may be alternatives that can be considered and discussed. However, I think we also need to explain our process for making a determination regarding an impact to a water supply under Sections 3218 ofthe Oil and Gas Act and 78.51of our regulations, and the implications of that for JKLM. Please understand thatjust because parameters of interest are not detected at levels greater than a Department standard, does not mean there was not an impact to the water supply, ifthose parameters are detected and there is no documentation ofthem havinB been there before. We have some concern aboutthe fact that some residents are not being provided alternate water, and it is possible the Department may make a determination that theirwater supply has been impacted. Lii ifyou have any additional questions, and ifyou want to discuss the idea of having a small meeting sometime next week {if it can be coordinated) to discuss the results ofthe geophysics, fracture trace analysis, and the us know water supply concems noted above. Thanks, lennifer EP Program Manager Department of Environmental Protection I Eastern Oil and Gas District 208 West Third Street Suite 101 I Williamsport pA 17701 Phone; 570.321.6557 Faxt 570.327,3420 www.deoweb.state.pa.us V. 1. 1 Jennifer l,leans I OP EN _S OU RC E -. t$r l: &d fKl.l,l EilERGY October 9, 2015 w, Means. Environmental Progran Manager V. 1. 1 Jgnnif€r Ea$em Oil dd Gas Disfrict Pennsylvada Dcpfftnerlt of Environmertal hotectiorl Northaentrsl Regiodal Offi ce 208 West Tlird Sueet, Sute 101 williamspo4 PA 1770i-6448 subjecl Re$e HolotiY 1182qU Perhit Number 105-2185? Sweden Township, Potter CouDty Dear Ms. MeioJ: JKLM is respondi4 to your Notic€ o{Violatioo of September 30, 2015, as follo,''.,s: OP EN _S OU RC E JKLM ackrcwledges the DEpafiment has alleged violations of 25 Pa" Code Chapter 78 and the Clean Streams Larr. Please coosider lris letter as respon*ive to- yout requcst for JKLM to idegtify when the alleged violationr were or will be correrte4 what steps harr been tsl(en and 5re planned to be taken to conect the alleged violations, and vhat.steps are being takeo to p{€vent theh aqcurcnce As you koolv by vifiue of prior repors to the Department the use of the surf&ctafi oessed on SBptember [8,2015. With respect to the boller-point items req!€sted on page two of the Notice of Violation, JKLM responds as follows: . A sumolaqa leport description ofyolr invesligation t0 date; Responsq /\'l initial summary report ofourinvestigation enlitled $ummary Repoal JKLM Sub6lirlac€ Surfaotant Rel€ase Reese Hollow I I 8 Unconventional Nahrral Cas Pad Site I 80 Burows Road - Sweden To lvnshjp, -Po1!er County. PA" was pmvided to th€ Department on September 25th. A cohpreheNive "Wort Plrn li Pedorm a Hydiogeologic Inye.sligatiolr in Regponse to the Surf€ctant Releas€ at Reese Hoilbw 118 Unconvenlional Natwsl Gai Pad Site was s€nt 10 the Departrnent on October2d. Is addition, IKLM elects to puhue the Altemativ€ Raniediation.approach to addr€ssing the relessc tom this lttuttl gas pad site, pursuanl to the Departnent's Seplgnbgr ?1,2013 guidaoce doqunett, Adtue.ssing Sptllr and Releases at Oil & Gas Well Sites or Access Raads Qocument No. 800-5000001 ). Our Odtober 2, 201 5 Work Plan citcd above constitutes the injiial w rittn repon, set lorth on Pag€ 5 ofthePolicy. We intend to proceed with further site charaoterization and submit a site characterization ozz3o3lj 2200 Georgetowne Drive I Sulte 500 Sewickley, PAt5143 P 124-933-2426 ,.].:.:..lr. fKLM ENERGY-" Ms. Means Ocrober 9,2015 PaEe 2 V. 1. 1 reporr within 180 days, as provided in the policy. We also undersland that we may choose to formally enter the Aci 2 program during this process and complete remainingAct 2 requircments. Also oD October 2nd, a Weekly Slatus Report was transmilted io the Departmen!. Tbe Summary Report and Work Plan documents contain narratives tha! sumnarized for the Department the resuh of JKLM,S investigative findings as ofthe dates ofsubmission. JKLM will be sending its second Weekly Status Repod to the Deparlment along with this response letter. A pian for on-going provision of tempomD, warer to any apparentlv affected water s upplies; R_esponse: JKLM has provided tenporary rvater to five (5) owners and users ofany apparently aflected water supplies, as indicated in prior reports to the Department. JKLM plani to iontinue providing temporary water until, after conferring with the Depanment, such provision appears to be no longet necessary. gas well; OP EN _S OU RC E A copy ofthe Casing and Cementing Plan for the Allachmenl I is rhe JKLM Casing and Cementing plan that existed as of September l4"rfor the Reese Hollow 118'2HU well Re_lpQnse: A desc.iption ofall add;tives (i.e. surfactants, defoamers, lubricanls, etc.) and the quantities used; Responsei A description of all additives has been ircluded in prior reports provided to (he Depanment. Attachment 2 is an updared timeline of drilling activities and use olihe F_485 foaming agent. With respec! to the use ofoil to lubricate the hammer bit ('.rock oil") during fie time when that opemlion was ongoing, our invesrigation to date indicates a "Rock Drill Oil l00'. manufactured by Conoco wa.s used. We believe, as a resuh ofweLlbore modeling and extensive engjn€ering analysis, that the presence of drilling rock oil remaining in ihe wellbore would be miniscule. Virtually all ofthe rock oil was circulaled out ofthe weilbore as a result ofthe drilling methods thal were used. We will forward product and safety data sheels to you with this Video from the downhole camera rcportedly used during fishing opemtions; Resoonser The video file is very larg€ a'rd cannot be emailed. We will make armngements to get the file to the Department on a thumb drive or some other transpotable medium_ Information regarding the gas well's cuffen1 status and your company's luture plaDs for the well; lc:,ror.l 2200 Georgetowne D.i!e suite 500 Sewickley, P 724 935 2426 PA 15143 a:':;. ,Kr-M ENERGY.* Ms. Means October 9, 2015 V. 1. 1 Page 3 8.espolset Operations were suspended on September 22"d. Since tha! date the only activity on the wellpad has been routine maintenance orthe rocation and activities associated with JKLM'S and the Depanment's investigation_ Attachment 3 is an updated Drilling plan for the drilling, casing, cemenling, and eventual completion of the Reese Hollor, l l8-2HU weu. Attachm€nt 4 is;ur plan fo."the casing and cementing of the fresh water zone with our lg-5/g,' casing sfing ifter consultatjon with Deparhent and the approval these plans by the Departme;t! JKLM requests permission to execule lhe Surface Casing and Ceme lrrng plan on or abour Ocrober l9'r. 20i5. OP EN _S OU RC E Execution of Surface Casing and Cemenling plan will seal off the pathway from the wellbore to the aquifer. After successful complerion of ou. cementing operations on the freshwaler casing strjng, JKLM lvould respectfully rcqu€st permission to co;d;ue rvith our drilling operalions a: described in Aftachment 3. ' A iong rcrm sampling pran for groundwater and surface $ater in the area Department's review and commenl. ofthis release fo. the Responser A comprehensive.,Work plan to perform a Hydrogeologic Investigatjon in Response to the Surfactan! Release at Reese Hollow 118 Unconventionat Nadrat Cas p;d Stte,,was sent to th€ Departlnenton October 2d. Please do not hesitate to contact us ifyou have any questions or require additional infarmaton, Respectfull) Subrnitted. JKLM Energ). LLC Dena K. Greathouse OiJ& Gas Operations Manager {0u,,,61r 2200 Georgetowne Drjve P 724 i sujre 5Oo Sewicktey, pA15143 935.2426 V. 1. 1 JKLM Snergy, LtC (#OGO 48622) Casing and Cementing Plan Hollow 118 Well P*d 2HU eFacts ID 308{63 Permit No. 37-105-21852-01 -00 280 Surrows Road, Coudersporq PA 169f5 OP EN _S OU RC E Reese JKIM Energy, LLC (#OcO-68622) Casbg and Cementing llaa Reese Hollorv I l8 WellPad-2HII etj.cts tD 308461 Pelmit N0. 3?.t 05-218i&00-00 (a) V. 1. 1 Introdlctionl ln accordance wilh rhc provisions of25 pA Code Cltapter 7g (g7g,g]a Cxing and Ce.nenting Plan), JKIM lneryy. LLC (JKLM) has prepared the tbllorving Casing and Cemenling Plan lor tie Reese Hollow I l8 2HU well (pemir number 37-10521852-01-00 issued 06125/2015) locared in Sweder ToNlship, potl€. Co]tnty. Penosylvania. The subject uell is located at cootditates; latitude 4i-,47f,1J.2J80. longitudc -77-56-16,4230. The sn.fac. elevatior': is 2,299 f'eet. the wel: is located ih th€ No.th llollo*' Watr.hed (high quality) ofrhe Allegh€ny River Basln. The address is 280 B:rnows Road, Coudcrspor.l, PA l691 5. The well permit is included in Attachmert A. As outlined in $78.834 "The operalor shall prepare and maintain a Casing and C.menting Plan shorvirg how the well $ill be ddlled and completed- I-ho Plan muja demonstrale complidncc lvith this subchapte. and include the OP EN _S OU RC E follorling inlb.mationi" 1) ?he anticipated depth and thickness ofany prod.ailg lbrmation, expected pressu.es, anticipaled liesh groundwater zones and thc ine6od or inlormation by whicL *le delth of the deepest fi.esb gt utldw.ler 'ras determined 2) Ihe diamcter of:he bo.(,lole, l) Casing tlpe. whether the casilg is ner , or used. depth. di&meter. wrll thickncss and hursl pressule mlihg. ;l) Cement type, yield, additives and estimated amolnrt, J) Thc estimated location ofcentralizers. 6) l hc proposed barghole conditioning procedures. 7) Altenutive metlods or mate als as required by tie lletai.rnl as a conditio. of ,18 *e:1 perm:t. (h) The plan shall be alailable &t the well site for revie\,! by 11r€ Depar.1m! . (c) Upon req.e$. &e operalor shali providg. crry ofthe well-specilic casing and c.!rna.1jng plan to the Departmenl loa reriew snd approyal. (d) Revisions to thc plan made as a r.sult ofons:te modification shall bc documsotcd in lhc pian and be available for rcvic\{ by lhc Dcp.ltrtrnent. The person nl :dlrg lhe rev:sions to tlle plan shall initial alrd date lhe rcvisiorts. Il. Ptoclucing lo:matio:r (Depth. thickness. cxpcctcd prcssures): 5{mmar} Trcnton The targel1:d :ithologies tor hydrocarbon rxtraction 1Ie the Utica / Dolgeville / Uppet formations ofthc Uppet C)rdoYician series. The pilot hole is exp€c1ed to penetale thc deepcr Biack River fomation for exploration purposes btlt the p:mrcd iateral $ill mo* likely target lie Formaiion Elli Group Clastics 2,683 5,292 ssTvI) 'I 61' -352 -2.902 2.96 L 5.35C -3.01C 5.361 -3,533 5.914 5.949 -3.64! -:i.654 c.101 6, r7C -3,830 ().272 3,9{1 .4.048 -4-68? OP EN _S OU RC E RrAllier Formation Burkett Slale ftrllv Li$e6tone l{amilton Formati l Marcellus Shale Onondaea Limestone Helderbers Li estone Akron Ilolomite Bcdie Anlvdlite Camillus Svracus€ P5 / Top ofSalt Wille Creek Shalc lockoort Dok,mite I{D/TVT) ?r9 V. 1. 1 Dolgeville or Uppcr Trr.ao! inteftals. The talgeted reservoir may exhibit "one-time" shows of gas upon the initial penel&tion but due to the inlerently low permeabilities that e-\ist it is nol expecled 10 llow lieely. Below is thc cur.ent gcologic prognosis fro:n t0-25-14. Rochester Shale hondeauoii Limc Bcnch Sodus Shale Ilavton MarkervUo Der 'I'uscarora Siltstorc Lower Tuscaror a Sandsaont Osweso Claslics Reedsvillc Shale Utiea S!s:e Dollerillc Formation IlnDcr Tlenton Linestone T,ower 1'renton Li cstone BlAck ltiver Dolornitc l:1. 6,3?! t,01€ 'i.'79' 8.02i L.20{j 8,29C 8,354 8.41e 10.402 '10-87, r0.989 11.1?l 1i,2?9 11,5 t0 "s.46' -5.69' -5,869 .5,897 -5.959 -6.023 -6.145 ,8.0?1 -8.541 -8.658 -8,840 -8.948 "9 20! Freslr Crou.ndwaterChamcleristics/Dep:hoffiesh groundwater: Summary ftese $ilesholds are corsidercd to be b.ackish to saline. V. 1. 1 Plr lhe requiremcnas ofPeusylvania Codc'litl. 25 Chaprer 7g.g3(.),,The operator shall dfill k, qppfotimately 5?.feet beloe, the .lcepest fiesh groundtvatu. ot at le.trt 50 feet ifito consoli(Iated rock, vhichetcr i:t dee]rer and imneLliately set an/l petmerenif *rnent a Nt'lrlg of surJace cesihg lo thdt depth. [,tcepr c{i lrft\'ided in Euhsectior A, &e sudAce cdsing mdy tot be se! nbre thun 200 feet below the deepest fresh S .ountl.ttdler except if neces,rary to set the casing in consoli/ldte.l rcck." Although the definition ol liesh gloundwalel ij Jrot defined by Cbapte.r 7g bclot]'d "tt,tter in that portian .tf the geher4lly *cognizetl hydralagic cycle \Nhich ocauries tkZ pore spuces and Jiactures tf saturtttetl subnoJdce ddlelr'.r,1s", the pennsylvania Deparldent of Environn'tental Protect:on genefally defines fresh groundwater as having total dissolved solids (TDS) conccnt.ations of lcss than 1,000 milligrams per litcr (mg/L) and exhibiting less 2-o mJ on re dov,rhole resistivity logs. l'urthor, cooductil.ity readings ofless thal 1,000 nicmsiemens p€r liter ([S/L) and chloridc conccntatiorls of less t:ran 1,080 parts pr millior {pprn) are l'requently utilized as i:esh,ater guide:in s. Orould$'ater exhibiting concentiations etceeding OP EN _S OU RC E In ordc. to idenlily the deepest lieshwater at the Reese Hollo$ 118 pad location and o:{ain ilformation recessary 1() complete JXIM Energy, LI-C's (JKLM Energy) well casing and cementing plan.]KLM will rcly on slbsu:face gcologic/hydrogeologic data obtained liom a deep test rvell drillcd at JKL.M's SV102 lell pad. 1he boring *as located immedialely io the wesl ofthe access road locatcd to the soutl ofthe pad (N41" 42' 55.8", W77" 53' 58.8") at a suface elevalion of approximatcly 2.484 feet above mean sea level (AMSL), Based upon obJen'alions rlrade during the dilling and the do$r-hol€ logging activities, fresh and saline \rater bearing fbrmalions w€re identified i. seveml intenals wilhin the borehole. Observatioh detrils follow Infonnation from Borcholc Loggin: nnd Clnclrsions The 6-inch diameier boring wa5 advatcsd u:iliz.ing air percusslol methods wial: freshrrte. daed 10 lacilitate the ddll cuttings return lo ahe su ace. Cuttings and asso.ialed rrater !e.e b:a*n into a ro11-o:1'f contain box lbr later m*rlagem.n1. Crrllil1gs were monitored dlring the drilling actl1.ities and $?ter samples \ete collecled 1br field lnallsis to evaluate subsurface co:rdilions lor conduclivil),, 'lDS. and chlo des. Follol\,ing complction ofihe borehole, the boring was filled wilh *eslwater to a depth of approximatcly 350 fect below the ground surfacei atld Schlumhergcr logged the holc using caliper, inductiol-SP-ganh3 ray. and ilcnsiry-neLrrron loggiag :ools. We.tl':ered bedrock Nas encountercd wilbirr the top i l€et of the borehole. As anlicipated, the l]lalcdals encountered consisted olshrles snd sandstoncs of the Pottsviilc !'onnation. Drilling activitics \crc halted upon rea.hjng a total depth of 1.163 fcet IGS based on data available from nearby natural gas operatars. Reportedly. operatoN in the regiolr have ualized depths of 300 lest be:ow the Allegheny Rivel as lhe "lule of thumb'i depth of the deeFest fresbwater' The borehole beloli target depth of 1,163 was utilized becar:se it uas detcmitrd to be greater than 300 'eet the elevation ofthe ne$est pol!1l olthe Allegheny River located apProximalely 7,4 miles to the northl{cst of lhr SV:02 pad. Based on rhe held observalious and logging infomAtion. \rater quality tnd beating zones are Field ObservsiioDs Tle following zones u'ere ailher areas where water itflows V. 1. 1 summarized as loilou's: \aere oblerved, or measurements msde collcctgd and ficld data obtained periodically dllring tdvancsment . . r (approximat€ly 3-5 gailons per minute) o fie:d aesl at 113 feet - condrLctivity 274 pS. Chloddes < 282 ppm 350 feel BGS - freshwater (less than l'2 gallo.s pcl minll1e observed) o field rcsl it 313 leel - conducti\ il) ]25 Lr5, Chlorides < 282 ppm 95 1'eet BGS - freshater BGS frcshwoler (less than I -2 gallons per mir$te oassrved) o f:eld tcst at 538 aect - conductil,ity 250 pS, Chloddes < 282 ppm 565 fe.! BGS - brackish water (less than 1-2 gallots per minrte observed) o field test at 588 leri - conducli\ it) 02? pS. TDS 305 mgil o f-leld test ar 620 lbe: - conductivitj 742 gS, TDS 471 mg/L, Clrlorides <100 ppm o field test a1 650 feet - conductivity 548 pS, TDS 343 mdl, Clioddes < 100 ppm o lield test a: 675 leet - conductivity 626 pS, TDS 401 lng/L. Chlorides < 100 ppm 525 feet OP EN _S OU RC E . ofthc borehole . . r brackish $'ater (lcss tha, l-? gal:ons per minule obs"-rved) field tesl at 813 feet - conduclirit) Gl8 pS, TDS 398 mg/L. Chlorides < 100 pprn field tesl a! 863 feet - conducti\ ity 1,070 FS. TDS 655 mg/l., Chlorides < 300 ppnr 815 feel BCS o o o - 888llel- conductivily lDS 1,410 me&, Chlorides -600 ppm 900feetBGS brackis:r water (lcss tharl l -2 gallons fgr n:nute observed) o lield test al 91 3 feet - conducti!il) 1,910 pS, I DS I.2b0 nrdl, Chlo des -300 ppm o ield lest at 938 lbet - corduclivit"v 1,480 FS, lDS 955 mg,{-, Chlorides -250 ppm field tesl a! ?.210 pS. o o field resl ar 963 feel - co[dwiril] 893 gs. TDS 596 ng./]-, CLlorides <100 ppm ficld tcst at 988 f.et - sonductivily 671 prS, TDS;112 mgll Chlorides <100 ppm 1,020 ieet BCS - brackish water (less lhal l-2 gallons per minute obser"r'ffl) o iicld t.s: a: i,013 feet - conduciivitt B3t $S, lDS 542 mg,il, Chlorides <100 ppm o lieldtesa01l.038leet-conducti\ir)4n0fS. l DS 6.l l m!/L. Chlorides -l 50 ppm o field resl ar 1.0i01'e€t - conductivity 1,960 !S. TDS 1190 ng/L. Chlorides 1,105 ppnr o l-reld test at 1.095 feet - conductiv;ty 1.860 pS. TDS l,l90 mg/ , Chlorides -450 pprr o o o ficld tcsr at 1.125i'eer - conductivity 1.500 pS" l'DS 930 nrg/L" Chlorides'350 pp l -lDS 901 ng/t., Chlorides -.150 ppo fleld test at 1,i 50 l'eea - condrctivity I,3 80 pS. lieldlest at 1.163 feer - condud:1ily r88 N, TDS 615 mdl l,ogging Interpretariot Pelll]: Enyironmental & V. 1. 1 Remediation, Inc. penioanel rcviewed &e provided opedrolc well logging dala aom the JKLM SV102 Deep freshwater Well ro determine depth of l'reshwaterlsaline v"arers and s;gnilicant water bearing zoncs. The wer was loggcd to a tolal dcptl1 of 1,163 feel using a Schlumbergcr ?lalform l:xlress Ilduction_Sp{aloa Ray and Density Neulrct logging tool paclage. The logs have an openhole section from 20_ to 1,163+et rvhich was reviewed and annotatcd in the attached graphic, with shales highlighted itl gral and sands in tan color. Ref.r lo the ajtached log for details. Schlunrberger Scrvices identified and fornd l,luid level in the borehole at a log depth of 334 feet rcfcrcnce Kelly Brxling (KB), wherc the SpontMeous potential (Sp) curvc showed lhe fluid top. Nume.ous loaolrs intervals are presen:, vith ner:trol density trnotig vahss ranging tom a low of 1.0 % i:r shale to a higlr of 12-to-i6% as present i. sand lenses. porosity valucs grgaler than 8-1()-1670 l'uve been annotated and highlighrcd in rnagenla color. Considerable interbedded shale and clay are present lh.olghout the bo.ehole. Overall, rhe borehole fbrmariors appear quite t:gtl, with ,imi:ed scparatio. (relative pc re.lilily) shown from the 30-60-90 inch induction tool .esistivity curves, }llth besl pe.:ncability indicated in only the cleanest or thickest sand sections. OP EN _S OU RC E 'lhe follo\\,ing botehole intervals were reviered and rl,allated: Fflrm 100-to-250 feet BGS, porosity mnSes f'mm 8-to-l4ol, and .e:ative pcrmcability is tlie highest present in thc borel:ole, rvith conesponding high rcsistivity values indicating freshwater tom 150-600 ohms. ronr 250-to 150-feet BGS, sbalie! section is pl.selrl but resistivities in porous intervals remair high indicaling likeliiood of licshwate.. lt is importanr ro llole * this portion of the bo*aole has been logged in air, utich ci:n allect lhe accurac) oflhc rcsisli\ityralues vs. :luid 9r mud inlmersed tools. Below fluid level of334 ieet llGS, from an ite:val of 350-10-375 fect IIGS sign:ficant resistivily, porosity and infcncd permeability a& prescnl irr c clean trrcrous sand section. liom 375-fccrto-500 feet BGS, the seciion ir significantly shalier ard lighter wiah limited spotly pomsity. fron1 504-to-51: l'eel BGS. a sm.ll forcus sand lcns cxlsts tilh resistivitl of lrom 4-30 ohms. sugges:ing this is an isolated t rck:sL to saltier water inlglv!]. All:rorlg:1 porosity and pcnneability alc indicatcd wilhin th. interval- it is qr.rite shalcy bllr likejy h.s limircd porlsily lor sigr'rificant fluid jlow. Beneath a shale bed. lieshwater inaen als ate ptescnt i.orn 520-to-590 l'ee1 BGS, arld range from 250 ohms 10 a lolv of 60 ohms inrlicatins a tmnsidon to more brackish $ater. Por-osity and permcability :n the upper intcnal are Aood and grade to lair in tlre lowcl scction. V. 1. 1 . Below 600-to-850 leet BGS, the sald intewals are noa ss well developed alld coftain :rore in:e$tilial shale and clay contcnt as documented ftom the PEI cuve sho$'ing higher vnlues of 3.0 i:rdicating more clay witlit lhc m:rtrix Frora 850-to-920 f'ce'i BCS, resistivity dau slrow a 1..nd lronl 35 l)hins to 9 ohns' sltgglsting a ptogrcssiv€ trcnd from brn kish to saltier (higlrr TDS) \'*raets- In addi:ion, there is likely a sand-shale laminated il]tteryal prcsent in the lower section. F.om 920-to-990 feet BCS, a shalier section erists, ard hom 990-1!)- l p60 l€et BGS, a decreasing resislivity (higher salinity) tre l is presed, with porosity in the interval indicated but litle eff'ective p$meability liom minimal resistivity (shallow-deep) sep:fation. . Frulher, revie$ of the log data did llot suggesl sigdlicant gas htervals ot producible gai&ydrocnrboDs. A l'ew milor inleryals have the possibilily to generatc minor gas or sio\.! a "gas-effecl"; howcver, witl thc lolver porosity values, ard limited shaliowmedium-deep rcsislivity sepaEtio.i expcctations are that il gas was pres€nt it \\'ould b€ very minor. M.1lur. Moritoring OP EN _S OU RC E To supporl the rcviclv ofilrc.downholc loggitg data, moritoring for the pr*en9g ol$cthane was perlormed continually du:iag :he borehole advancemeni process. A ll]€tha* gas delecior was placed immediately above the borehole during drilling operations and, following completion ot the boring, rhe borehole was monitored lbr the presencc of mclhane venting fiom the boirg. No indications ofmethane were delecled eiaher during aclive drilling or following ir-stallation of the horehole. Nearby Oil and N.tltal Gas Well luformatiotr R€view Du.ing thc roview ofreadily available records lhmugh tlre Pennsylvania Intemet Record lmaging Systcm (PA lRlS) database, one oil/nalural gas boarog location was identilied in tlle vicinlty of rhe SVl02 pad. This boring, the Sylvana Corloration's Lyman and Wynkoop, was idenlited ao be located in Ulysses 1'o\u$hip, Potter Cou y, approximately 3.5 miles to the northeast oflhe SVl02 pad- This bging \tas started on July 13, 1945, compi.a.d on Jamary 31. 1946, as { dry ho:.:. and had a surface elevatio. of I .9471'eet AMSL. According to the inl'ormation p:ovided in the l-ymal a:rd Wynkoop log, salt iv&:er was encouniered at 550- to 575-feet BGS. ftfiler, a "sn1rll &mour-rt" of gas $as also identilied at lhe 543- to 554-f'eet BGS in:crr'al. Rcaer 1(,:te atuched $€ll record lbr details. Obsenalions from Ncarby Monitorhg Wclls (MW-l .trd MW-2) Tu'o nronitoring wells were irstalled to thc west al1d east of lhe SV102 pad (MW-l and MW-2. lespectivcl)r. MWI was inslalled to a depth of 364 feet BCS and static dcpth 10 watl.r \trs measued at 264.64 Gel below the top of the lvell casing. MW-2 was insralled to a depth of 2l2 feet BGS and static depth to water 14as maasured at 209,96 l'eet b9lol!. the top oathe well casing, Corclusiorj Based on the infbrmation observed during the SV102 pad deep test well &iliirg &ctivities and obtained fiofi the downhole logging aslivilies, gi)lrd conellriion $as obsesed in the 350-, 525-, V. 1. 1 81J-900-, ard i,020-feel BGS irte&als witlr sinilar liesh/brackish water ifte4xerations. It appears that fresh$?ter conditions are preselt to depths oa 600-to-t00 feet BCS. Very limited water production (less than 1-2 gallons p€t mi.tute) was observed bclow lie 95-foot interval making il ulllikely the deeper fresh wa1e. zones would be rtilized as fulure water sources. AltLaugh the condtrctivitt !DS, and chloride readings vary, and the resistilit-y eadi.rgs did not reach 2 olnns or less; consistently brackish colditions were encountered at deltbs ol greater than approximdlely 850 ieet BCS. This derrh apprroximalely correiores with rhe deprh to s:rl: water obscwalioN made duri.g advancement olthe Lyman and 'J4,:*oop boring 6. with the regional "mlc ofthr:mb" salt wate! depths utilized by other operators in the vicinity. Because thc Reese Hollos Pad 118 well 2HU is exploratory in natu.e, and app.oximately 185 feet lower in elevalion rhan thc SVl02 pad deep test well, a conservatire cnsir1g ltoglam slould irclude sening casi.rg to protect thc de.pe$ freshwater zores at a depth of approximelely 700 to OP EN _S OU RC E 750 lbet BGS lo meet ll,e 5o-foot bslow the deepest fresh grouldu'aaer minimum rcqulement alld lroa be greater llLlr'] 200 feet below lhe deepest l'iesh ground$a:et. IV: Diameter of Borehole: A. 22" Surface Hole B. 17 %" 't lntermediare Hole C. l2 %" 2'd lnlerftediate tlole D. 8 %" Lateral (Pilot llole) V: Casing Specil:cations: A. Surface Casing: New 87.5# J"55 BTC. 700-800', 18 5/8". 0.435", 2250 psi B. lsr Interrnediate Casing: New 54.5# J-55 STC, 2600', l3 3/8"" 0.38", 2740 psi C. 2'd lnlcrmcdiateTapercd Casing String: c. P-Il0HC B tC.0'-5500 . c 5 8".0.435 .8?00 psi b. New471 P-l l0llC BTC. 5500'-6500'.q 5/8 . 0.472'.q4l0psi c. New 53.5t P-l t0HP B fC. 6i00 -fl8U . 'r 5/8-,0.545 . t0900 p\i D. lroduclion Casing: New 23{ VAHCP- I l0E VA- I8107', 5 %. , 0.415 , 16510 Nel'\ 43.5# lri VI: Cement Specifi.ations: A. class A, 2.306jt'/sk,460 sk B. Cla$ 4.2.306 d/sk, 1045 sks g. D- sls * Pilol Hole plug back: Class A, 1.21 ftr/sk,603 sks C€nlralizels: V. 1. 1 Vll: class A, 1.25 fl3/sk,2884 sk: class A, 1.09 firlck,2047 A. 1-shoejoint, I -joinl above floai collar,6 - every *ree joints, I - ilsido conducbr B. I - sho€ joint, 15 - every three joints, 7 every {ree jolnts i$ide 18 5i8" CSG, I inside conduclor C. 1'aperrd String: s- 19 - every forirjojnts b. 6 - every fou.joints c. I - shoe j'linl 16 - every iburjobts - rbove floar colla:, 165 -every jointto 11297'" 14 - every other joint 10000'-11207'. 5 every fourth joinl 9180'- t0000', 46 every fourth joint 10 D. 1-shoejoint, I -joi&t - - sualaca OP EN _S OU RC E VIll: Boreiole Cond;tioning ,d B. C. D. lX: X: Procedures: Pump t\,\'o bottoms up volu.rnes, work pipe up and Pur,lp t$o boltoms up volumes, \aork pipe up gnd Plrmp two baltohs up volumes, work pipe up eo{ and Pump two bottoms up volumes, work pipe t! Altemative methgdi/rDaterials reqlired by DEP Revisions to the plal; l" (Describc revision) Dste: Authoized JLKM reprcsen lile siCnalure: 2. 3. 4. as down dqwn {own down cordilion of\iell pe.mit: 033% @353 a magma m?qmw i. mmuymgmi an 4mm ?Egg 03590? magi w?wmm? .d Em. . g..s.i?i?.io II .. Arr-.1: I ?4 Hid-mug*in lx e3--li ....No...?-1 C1,,",;1Si-9, Q...,..Qusa,-ll*#4#* - OP EN _S OU RC E Dacbd .r,.nti* V. 1. 1 Localion'bv sketch . Him? Thick- awn From ?{Ieu?apuan a? farmmiuns form?w ?Mai? "i rah-(Mail g? $11- ,a w? .42.fo ?that: . 1i :1}de I: a ya") .11. - 3?24 . 3 I. Name i?wp. mar 9? 1 2? 7? WELL ?REmm Mm? Na. What .. Co'rsif?r. Bate Em. PrOcE-uct w. Obtaim? by ?lm am 5?5, ??tharity From Ta rim; 46?s?; 3:3 i z. r3 Mama by Sketch Finn] ago' 5" :z'rm?i llstarcs lnd dllectl irs f,6u. ";43.'q10.r....s..38" '4". 'lealest , ' '...,. ' . :.poslro!.,V.i.gq,,P.1e,!.ij49l,q.,...... ct V. 1. 1 Ce!a13ieai -cor!€ flon !16_s!-r_Qt:Log_o,f _]lo!9t_1393-__:"aP_--L.-_ U.ee--ehFUr.-&rbFlq- . - - ... 2t 59. 2&- - _Ig6-1"_1-plgpf {o_4!9-t-r._9$r--- --1 - IJlBer- sbeus! & -sb-619-- --. - U-p.e-6r - 2a61 Fj.oL rrrclt---.-.-- ----3l6al$1-.- ??Qjr i151 !!re--ebslle.-&- -€h-.lg L:&.-.:br1e,3$df&- ..:636. -.-358i. -: -3bALnB-L1s9-,.------,.- ---- 3-$e1.e.!ir-pj- rhe-re. -&- -sbeJ.li -.....'.-- nL-&-. ..,8r-ssrdu-t34e------- -i9.?- -. -serd.-&-.&.elg ---!ei1-"L rocb ,Bed Es!r!@-.-'r.!-- 3C?a -.-.--.'----.- -f'tL-l'M, - t2L --e[sle!rg- -, "-'-?q'tc]-jy8lishaUe- - - --.3f'923'8.. Aitelr"3-Eb€f f .a--- OP EN _S OU RC E l,!r!-.....'-'...-.'..'-'._--.- 9- -Ep.pl"e--- --ary-- -L75.-.'.Llq! -!-5h4q--''Srnb-It!s--.-*:i-*--l?5" -.{93--,-LzL 523-565Jlse nar ---- <_*""^**--i r , .s' pitr ":*r 6A3C tONliT3'rT HAlOtlGlrT raa 2a4 'F I > 140 'c Test t ethod: Pensky-&,ladens Closed Clp (PMCC) ASTM D93, EPA 1010 OdorThreshold: hitial Boiling PoinURange: No daia Vapor Pressure: <1 mm Hg Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/wat€r) (Kow): No dsis No dala Vapor Density (aiFl): >1 Upper Explosive Limits (vol% in air): No data Lower Explosive Limits (vol% in ai4: No data Evaporation Rat€ (nBuAc='l)r No dara Percent Volatile: No dat Flanmability (solid, gas): N/A Solubility in Water: lnsoluble n 10:..&Sliv Melting/FreezingPoint < 5'F / < -15'C Auto-ignition Temperature: No data Decomposition Temperature: No data Speciric Gravity (wateFl)r 0 86 - 0.90 @ 60'F (15 6"c) Bulk Density: 7 2 - 7.5lbslgal Viscosity: 5.0 - 26.0 csi @ 100'C; 30 - 345 cst @ 40'C PourPoint: <5'F/< 15'C and Reactiil Reactivity: Not chemically rcact ve Slab e lnder no.malambieni and anticipat€d conditions oiuse. OP EN _S OU RC E Ch€micalstabilitr V. 1. 1 Appeannce: Amber, Transparent PhysicalForm: Lq!d Possibility of hazardous reactions: Hazardous rcactions not anticipaled. Conditions to avoid: E(ended exposurc to high tenrperalures can cause decompostlon Avoid allpossible sourc€s oiignition lncom patible materials: Avoid contact w lh slrong ox d z ng agents and strcng rcd uc ng agents Hazardous decomposition products: Not antcipated ufder norma cond lons of n 1 1 Lrse ;::mii&:6aiica rfomi lnformation on Toricological Effecls of Substance/Mlxtore Acli€roxicit, lnhalation Dermal Oral Asphrtion Hazard: ...rrrrxrxrx,wtitgri:fq4 :!!i2i'iir-Unlikely to be harmtul LC5O/LD50 Dat >5 mg/L (mist, est rnated) Urlhe,y ro be harntul Unlikelylo be harmful Not expecled to be an aspralion hazard Skin Corosion/lrritation: Not expected io be rilating Repeated exposLrre may cause sk n dryness or crack ng Serious Eye Damage/lrritationr Notexpected to be iffitating Skin Sensitization: No niormaiion svailabb on the mixture however none of ihe components have been sensitizalon (orarebeowihe concentraiionihresholdiorclassincaiion) c assified for sk RespiratorySensitizat'onr No inionrationavailable 8T5897 - Rock Drl Oll Date of lssue: 30 ,l!l 2013 Status: FINAL n 815897 - Rock DdllOil Page 5n Status: FINAL D.le ol b8oe: 30Jul-2013 Specific Targei Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure): No informalion availabl€ on the mixture, how€v€r non€ of the components have been classifed for target oruan toxicity (or a€ b€low the concentration thrcshold for classific€tion). Specific Targer O.gan Toxicity (R€peated Exposure): No information available on th€ mixtur€, however non€ of th€ components have been c.jassified for ta€€t o€an toxicity (or arc below the concentration thrcshold for classifc€tion). Carcinogenicity: No informalion available on the mixt'rre, however none of the componenb have been classified for carcinogenicity (or arc below the concentration thrcshold for classification). Germ C€ll t{ulagenicity: No information avaibbb on the mixtur€, how€ver nons of the components have been c.lassified for gefin cell mulagenicity {or arc below the concentration theshold for classifc€tion). r€prod'rdiv€ toxicity (or arc below lh€ conc€ntralion threshold for classifcation). lnformation on Toxicological Effects of Components Lubricant Bass Oll (Petroleum) V. 1. 1 Reproductive Toxicity: No infomation avaihbb on the mixtute, however none of the components ha\e b€en classified for C.rcinogenicity: The petroleum base oils contained in lhis prodlrd have been highly refined by a variety of prccesses including severe hydrocracking/hydroproc€ssing to reduce aromatcs and imp.ove performance characteristics. All of the oils meet the lP-346 citeria of less lhan 3 percent PAH'S snd are not considercd carcinogens by NTP, IARC, or OSHA. HS Classification: classified hazards Toxicity: All OP EN _S OU RC E acute aquatic toxicity studies on samples oi lubricanl base oils show acute loxicily valu€s greater lhan 100 mg/L for invertebrates, algae and fsh. These lesls were canied out on water accommodated fractons and the results are consistent with ihe predicted aquatjc toxicity of these subslances based on lheir hydrocarbon composilions. Perslstence and Degradability: The hydrocabons in this malerial are not readily biodegradable, but since they can b€ d€graded by microorganisms, they ale rcgarded as inhereniy biodegradable. Bioaccumulalive Potential: Log Kow values measured for the hydroc€rbon components otthis mateialare g,eater than 5.3, and iherefore regarded as having the poienlialto bioacclmulate ln practjce, metabolic processes may rcdLrce bioconcentration. Mobility in Soil: Volatilization to air is not expected lo b€ a signifcanl tute process due to the low vapor pressurc of this materiat. ln water, base oils will foat and spread over the surface at a .ate dependent upon viscosity. Iherc will be significant removal of hydocarbons ftom the water bysedimeni adsoQtion. ln soiland sediment, hydrocarbon componenb willshow low mobilit witr adsorplion to sediments being the predominant physical process. The main fate prccess is expected to be slow biodegradalioo of the hydrocarbon constituents in soil and sediment Olher adverse etfecb: None anticipaled. The generator ofa waste is always rssponsible for making proper hazardous waste deterninations and needs to consider state and local requirements in addition to bderal regulalions. This material, if disc€ded as produced, would noi be a federally regulated RCRA listed" hazardous waste and is not believed to exhibit characEristics of hazadous waste. See Sections 7 and 8 for information on handling, storage and petsonal protection and Seclion 9 fo. physical/chemical prcperlies. lt is possible that the mate al as prcduced contains constituents which are not rcquired to be lisled inthe MSDS bLrtcould affecl the hazardous waste detenninalion Additionally, use which results in chemicalor physicat change of tb's mateial could subjeci il to regulalion as a hazardous waste. This material under rnost intended useswould become "Used Oil"dueto contamination by physical or chemic€t impuriiies. \ryhenever possible, Recycle Lrsed oil in accordance with applicable federal and state or local rcgulations. Container contents should be completely used and containers should be emplied prior to discard 815897 Date o{ - Rock !*uo: Ddlloil 30-Jul2O13 page sft STAh9: FINAL 815897 - Rock Drill Oil Page Dateof lssu€i 30-Ju12013 6n Slatus: FINAL sectidtxxltttialis Ddl If shipped by land in a packaging having a capacity provisiorc of 49 cFR, Pad 130 of 3,500 gallons ot mote, the appty. (Contains oil) lnternational Maritime Dangerous Goods {IMDG) Shipping llot rcgulatecl Description: Transport in bulkaccording to Annex !or appIcao€ llof nay apply. MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code See 49 CFR 171.22, 23 & 25 V. 1. 1 U.S. DOT conpliance rcquircnents lnternational Civil Aviation Org. / lnternational A ir Transpo.t Assoc. (ICAO/IATA) UN/ID #: Not rcgulate.l U.S. DOT compliance rcquitonents may apply, See 49 CFR 171.22,2i & 24 LTD, QTY 'ackaaino lnstruction #: Vlax. Net Otv. Per Packaoe: lnfo.mation P Akcraft CarqoAircraftOnly CERCLA/SARA - Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQS (in pounds)l OP EN _S OU RC E 02 and 40 CFR 372 chronic Health Hazardl CERCLA/SARA - Section 313 and 40 CFR 3721 Th srateial does not contarn any EPA (CERCLA) Reportable ch ect io the rcporting rcquircments ot SARA 31 3 and 40 CF R 372. Ouantit (in pounds): Th s rnaieral does not contain any chernic€ls with CERCLA Reportable Quanlilles California Proposition 651 Ca fomia to ca use cancer birrh defecls or oiher reproductve ham at concentraiions ihat trigger ihe warning requirements ofCa for.ia ProposUon 65 Th s rnaierial does noi contain any chemicals which are known io ihe Staie of International Hazad Classifi cation Thrs product has been cassfed n accordancewth lhe hazard SDS contains al the nformalon req! red by lhe Reg! alons crieia ofthe Controlled Producls Regu atons (CPR) and the WHMIS Hazard Class: 815897 Rock DillOil Date of lssue: 30'Ju1 2013 status: FINAL 815a97 - Roc* Drill Oil Dete of lssue: 30Ju12013 Page Nrtional Chemicel lnventori€s mcomda*Aam;l 7n Sratus: FINAL on the US TSCA lnventory, or are not regulaGd under TscA All components are eilher on lhe DSL, oI ar€ €xempt ftom DSL listjng requirements Revised Sectio s or Basis lor Revision: Format changer Composition {Sectjon 3) V. 1. 1 u.S. Expo.t control Cla€sification Number: EAR99 Guide to Abbreviations: Arencan Conferene of c@mrnental lndusldal l-Wisistsi CASRN = Chemical AbslEcts S4ie Regislry Numier; CEILING = Ceiling Limil (15 minut6)TCERCIA= The CompEhensiw Envircnmenlal Response, Compenslion, and Uabihly /at EPA = Environrenlal Proleclion Aoency; GHs = Gtobaly Hamoniz€d syslem; laRc = lrtsmlional Aqency fof Resrch on cancei INSHT = Nanonal lnslilule lor Healh and Satety at Wolk; OPC = htemational Oil Pollulton Compensaton; LEL . Lorer Explosive Umiti NE = Nol Established; NFPA = Natlona! Fire proledion Associaiioni NTP = National Toxi@loqy PDgram; OSHA = odpalional saiety and heallh Adminislralio; PEL = Pemissible ExposuE Limit (osHA)t 9ARA = supetund Anendments and Reaurhonzation Adi STEL = Shon Tem E posue Umit (15 minutes); TLV = Threshold Limii Value (ACGIH); TWA = Ime Wbighied Awtage (8 hou€); UEL = Upper Explosire Limil; $/HMIS = Wo er Haard.us Malenak lnromalion ACGTH = Disclaimer of Expressed and implled warranties: OP EN _S OU RC E The intomalion pieaenbd in lhis saiety Data sher is based on data b€lieved lo be aconie as of rhe date lhis salely Data sneet was pEPa€d. HO\A/EVER, NO WARMNTY OF MERCIIANTABILIry. FTNESS FOR ANY PARTTCULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WNNRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE, THE RESULTS TO BE OATAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR IHE PRODUCT. THE SAFEry OF THIS PRODUCT, OR THE HAZARoS RELATED To tTS USE. No responsibility is asslmed ior any damage or injury €suliing from abnqmal t6e or tom any failuE lo adhere to recommended pracij@s. The infomalion pbvided above, and the product, afe turnished on lhe @ndition lhal lhe person rc.eiving u€m delermination as ro the suitabilily ol the producl fo. lherr panidlar pur!6e and on the conditon lhat they assume lhe nsk oi shalt make thek lhek use l. addilion, no authorization is glven nor implied io pracli@ any patented invertion wilhdi a liense. M 815897 Date of - Rock Driil Oil lssre: 30'Jul-2013 Page 7n Status: FINAL V. 1. 1 Rock 01ill oil lubdcant Conoco Rock DillOil is an adhesive extreme-pressure such lools ol ak-pow€red lubricalion for rne aevefooeC ano dritlerc ll ia&nammers pav€ment breakers lool slideways ;lso may be ;sed fot lhe lubrication ol machine "-,i.iarrv a!-Jirirrs, OP EN _S OU RC E Bock DrillOil is available in ssven viscosity grades, ISO 32 throuoh ISO 320, io cover a wide range ot applicalions and operaiing lemperclurss lt is formulaterl with high{ualily oamttiniduasi orts anO select addilives lailot€d lo ptovide maximum proleclion torpneumatic p€rcussion tools ll has high load-carry;g capacity to protect againsl wear and seizure of sliding m;laisurfaces under heaw or shockload condillons 11 has o;od adhesiveness to melal surlaces in ln€ pres€nce of moisibrc and conlains inhibitoG to protecl againsl rust ano collosion. lt has good oxidation resislance and lhermal stability at high tempeElures for long s€rvice life Appricalions Rock DrillOil is recommended for us€ in pneumalic squipm€nt manulactured bY teadinq OEMS, including Chicago Pneumatic' GardnerDenvor, lngersoll-Rand and Joy Typical applications . D llers . Pavement breakers . sloppers Rock Dri Oil also is r€commended for tne lubricalion of slideways on machine tools such as boring machines, g nders, millinq machines and Planers Rock Drill Oil meels the performance requiremenls of: . Gardne.Denver Rcick Drill Oil . lngersoll-Rand Rock Dtill Oil Feaweslbt . . efr&, Excellent exlreme-pressure properlies Dr^ra.r. 2^'iner weer an.l seizure siTure wear and Protects against . Prol€cls against rust and cofiosion . G@d . V. 1. 1 . Good adhesiveness to metal surfaces . uooo oxdaton resistance and lh€rmalin the presence oi moisture stability foam resistanco Seven viscosity grades for use over a wid6 rang€ of tempe€lures lS0 Giidt 16 68 100 0 866 0.8n 0.880 7.21 7.26 7.33 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.5 215 22n 220 390 419 428 424 @ 15.6"C 0.861 @15.6"C 717 20 pn 0.897 0.903 7.42 7.47 752 1.5 5.0 5.5 227 235 250 441 455 482 OP EN _S OU RC E Color. ASTM 01500 150 0.891 csr@ 100.c sus@100"F sus @ 210"F -37 .37 .25 -35 -35 ,13 -13 32.0 46.0 70.0 102 160 56 7.1 93 12.3 160 165 237 529 839 450 50.0 577 68.8 839 102 125 116 110 109 113 103 101 101 250 2,254 60 60 60 60 Fata\ EP Load. ASTM -21 -14 p3 230 20.2 25.2 1,214 1,716 2,254 Foam Test, ASTM 0892 Rusl Test ASflt 0665 A T'mkon 0K Load. ASIIU 60 60 60 H€aIh ard Sat€ty' lnionnation For rcco.nmendations on sale hddlng and use 01 lhis prodJct, ptease reiar to lhF Material salety Dala she€r via hlrprl4&a .@nocoohjt rr'.comtNelittsEts. Due lo continuat prooucr Esea.ch and sutied io cflaA€ $rthout notit€tion, d*toomenl, the infomation contai.od hercin is Clpy ghr O 2007 Corc@Phinips Conpanv I he Co@oph,tipr togo Cm@. &d h€ Md6ma^s o Con@oPhill'ps Compdy r fi€ U SA.dd ofl6 @unm6 conocdlphittips Col@ togo ; 0t07 Means, Jennifer Wednesday, October 07, 2015 3:05 PM Bill Fustos; Scott Blauveli Engle, David; Farmerie, Randl, Smith, Clark; Nuss, Mafthew; Kosmet Willlam' P.G; Tokarz. Terra; Panettieri, Michael Reese Hill 10/2/2015 report response From: Sent: To: Cc: subiect: V. 1. 1 Billand Scott, to Perform a Hydrogeologic lnvesti8ation in Response to the surfactant Release ai Reese Hollow 118 Unconventional Natural Gas Pad" submitted on Lo/2/20I5, and have the following commentsi we have reviewed the document titled "work PIan 1.) Section 1, lntroduction, page 1-1, ihird paragraph: The MSDS provided in the report for the Rock Oil is for a different compound and made by a different manufacturer than the MSDS previously silbmitted tous.TheoriginalRockoil(RockDrilloill5o{0428))wasmanufacturedby"Tulcooils,lnc"andis listed as a "severely Solvent Refined Heaw Paralflnic Petroleum oil" with proprietary additives The new Rock Oil (Royal Envirogaurd Rock Drill Oils) was manufactured by "Royal Mfg Co LP" and is listed products as a "Highly Refined VeBetable Oil" with prpprietary additives. Please clarifv which ofthese OP EN _S OU RC E was actuallv used on site. 2.) Section 2.2, Groundwater/Surface Water Sampling and Results, Page 2-2, second paragraph and Appendix B: ln reviewing the sample results provided in Appendix B, the Department has concerns regarding the following water supplieswhere MBAS and/or acetone have been detected, and an alternate water supply may not be being provid€d (below results in mg/L)l . . . (Acetone 0.0844 & MBAs 0.122) (Acetone Awaiting Result & IMBAS 0.052) - Unclear who property owner is. {MBAS 0.0340) I (Acetone 0.0119 & MBAS 0.0702) o o 9/23115 {Acetone 0.221 &MBAs 0.460) 9/27115 (Acetone Not analyzed & MBAS 0.03) We also noticed the detects of MBAS and acetone in the hospital sprinS, and BTEX in Coudersport's Well 1, but recognize that these water sources have been off-line Our review of this data was complicated by ihe fact that the data in the Appendix B we 'received via email on Friday ' lO/2/2O75, is in some cases different from what is in the hard copy verslon of the Appendix B we received on Tuesday, 10/5/2015. Please provide a cbm0lete list of all proDerties that IKLM has su0plied with an alternative water supplv. alons with the tvpe of supolv {water buffalo, boitled water. etc.) to the De0artment. 3.) Section 3.6.4, HandlinB,/Disposal o{ Drilling Material, page 3-4: ln the meeting on 9/28/2015, it was stated that lKLl\4 would properly dispose ofwater generated from the purging ofwater wells. ln the work plan, the possibility of reusin8 the water for "drilling and/or completion operations" is mentioned. The Department stronRlv discouraPes the re-use of water senerated from the purqine of affpcted water wells. please note that should lKLlvl decide to Dursue this re-use, JKLM will need to submit a Water ManaEement plan to the Department fo. ."ui", und uoo-u"L 4.) Section 3.7, Task 7 Groundwater/Surface Water Analysis, page 3-5: Given the Department,s sample .".,u',i ot.on.u,r fu"r", .nO ,n" *',n ,h" ttDt, an" .on.,,,r"n,. "on."rnr ingl.ude MBAS, isopropanol. turbiditv, total metals, and a complete additional data is collected, the Department ,"y "nt"l.tuin .".0,,n" .nou,, voEiillreanic scan. Once ,"dr.in!th" pJr"rnet"r list. 5.) Section 3.7.2, Residentialwells, page 3-6, second paragraph: The exact wells referred to in the ln.'ot" oror'.'t rno oo*n"r.9,"n, ot,n" sampled on a weeklv basis,,should be identified. .tor"-"nffi.,n"r" u"iffi V. 1. 1 ,o.",:o 7.) Section 3.7.4, Surface Features, page 3-7, Surface water sampling points should be established upstream, downstream, and within the study area on Mill Creek and the points should be sampled weekly. The discharge from Hershey pond should also be sampled weekly. Defined locations forthese urface le should tablished and onam Please provide a response to the above comments as part OP EN _S OU RC E ofyour weekry update to the Department to be submitted this Friday, rolg/2015. lt's my!nderstanding that you,ve already had some discussion with Randy Farmerie providing our concurrence with Task 4 0f your work pran Borehore ceophysics, and that those activities shourd be commencingthis week. prease provide notification to Mike panettieri, as previousry agreed, prior to start. we appreciate your continued submittar of updates on the status of the various tasks, sampre resurts received, and any upcoming scheduled activities. As we're sure you,ll agree, we,d like to see the investigation and response progressing as rapidly as possible. Thank you. Ep program Manager Department of Environmental protection I Fastern Oil and cas District 208 West Third Street Suite 101 Williamsport pA 17701 Phone: 570.321.6557 Faxt 570.327.3420 Jennifer Means I www,deDWeb.state.oa.us PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION ThE iNfOrMAtiON trANSMittEd IS iNtCNdCd ONIY for thc person of entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidentiar and/or privireged materr;r. Any use of this information other than by the intended recipient is prohibited, ff yo;u rcceive this message in errorl please send a reply e-mait to the sender and delete the material from any antd all computers 5500-FM-OC00l6a Rev. 5/2004 mep , ria^;.e;i " INSPECTION REPORT uffio L-rf,?e I I Ln",nool,r].1 i:lJ- -rxt*-'r**r"'i* 2113419 N/A Maisfield'?a l6E Oter NSre ,. DEP, - *llSE oxf:f -i* "'riitff.rf,il[i"Hr#"iJ".Lrit:'"' ffi.jly' JKLM ENERGY LLC 105-21852 n"""" Ho o* I s :nu- 2200 Ceorgetown drive S€wickley, PA nspection Code: Ll BDREL 15143 DEp ID # ! CEI ComplianceEvaluation fl COMPL Complainrlnspecrion Bond Release Ll X ! DR ALT Dril}nlor DRALT Drillins or A - rorn*inn nwup PLUG plugsing Latitude: 4t-47-452580 Longitude: -77-56_364230 V. 1. 1 STE 5OO ! n n Rf) RDSPR Rood SD.cadins RFSTR Site Reio.utin; RTNC - Routine Coal Formaiions OP EN _S OU RC E Oil / Iitling Material & S Depth cas / Depth Casing & Tubing Plugs 78.73(a) $ 78.81(r) Pollution Prevent. Arived. on location at 11:00. This inspection was conducted to follow up on previous inspections dlij/22l2015(lnspection Record #2411802) and 9/25/2015 Gnspeclion Record #2411805). Previous violationi were "ood*t cired during the 9/2212015 inspection for {78.73(a), $78.73(b), and S78.83(c) for the use of unapproved drilling additive(s) to drill the topho-le. Durlng this inspection, I spoke with Sleve Potls (Drilling consuliant for JKLM), Paul Hazeo (Air Drilling Associatcs), and Joe Nelson (Consiltant from Evergreen safe). No new inlbmation was_,provjd€d regarding rhe use of unapprovid drilting ;;ditive(s) .i1* tri" p."ri.". inspectjons. I also spoke with Dana Greathouse (JKI,M operations Manage4 by phone. lte informed me that they userl a to'tal of98 gallons offoamer down hole that was mixed with approximately 21,500 gallons of fresh water wh;le drilling the tophole- N/A N/A ffi%4:bn mne) Ri.hard Hdbsrnl Date: I0/2/20I5 'iim;: ilJ6 Page I of2 r^l INSPECTION REPORT PAGE 2 Remarks (Continued): Dana also stated that they used a total of approximately 5 gallons of de-foarner in the back yard to keep the foaming to a minimum in the return tanks; water from the return tanks was not circulated back downhole. We also discussed the broken bit at 571? that has since been removed from the wellbore. Dana stated that they torqued up to less than 5,000 psi when the failure occurred. He informed me that the bit is currently being analyzed to determine if it was defective. No additional violations noted at time of inspection. Off location at 12:26. Inspection Record #2413449 PROGRAM: 01L 81. GAS CONFIDENTIAL: N0 FILE NAME: 105-21852 BREAKDOWN: PermitfRegistration TYPE: NIA COUNTY: Potter Municipality: Sweden Filed by: Rich in {print name} 10h Herhs?u-ill Time: 12226 Page 2 of; WORK PLANTO PERFORM A HYOROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION IN-RESPONSE TO THE SURFACANT-RE-LEASE AT REESE HOLLOW 113 UNCONVENTIONAL NATURAL GAS PAD SITE Prepared _For:' I lie?artment of Environmental Protectinn 208 West Third Street, suite 101- Willi'amsport, PA 17701 PreparedBy: JKLM Energy, LLC ZZOO'GeorgetOm-le Drive, Suite 500 Sewickley, PA 151.43 Penn Envirnnmental Remediati'nn,jlnc. 13180 Rt. 6 _Mans?eld, PA 16933. October 2, 2015. MA006627-01 1 Pen I. Remed'ratlon, Inc. I I. I I ~Fax: 215-322-3575 E-mail'. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pege l-0 INTRODUCTION t-1 BACKGROUND Proposed Study Area Ground Water/Surface Water Sarnpling and Results Current Conc€lrtual Site Model (CSM) EYDROGEOLOGIC IN\'ESTIGATION Task I - Receptor Survey Task 2 - Evaluation ofAvailable Hydrogeologic Information Task 3 - Fracture Trace Analysis Task 4 - Borehole Geophysics Task 5 - Sampling oftle Reese Hollow l Task 6 - Modroring Well lrsrallatron 3,7 3.8 4.0 2-3 3-1 3-1 3-2 lg 2HU Well Bore 3.6.1 ProposedLocations 3.6.2 Well InstallatioD and Cobstruction 3.6.3 Well Development atrd Survey 3.6.4 Handling/Disposal of Drilling Materials 3.6.5 Monitoring Well Abaddonment Task 7 - Ctroud Wate/surfaco Watrer Sampling and Analysis 3.7.1 Moniroritrg Wells 3.7.2 ResidentialWells 3.7.3 Water Supply Wells 3.7.4 Surfaoe Featues Task 8 - Hydrogeologic Investigation/Site Characterization Report ANAI,YSIS OF POITNTIAL RXMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES SIGNATURES )-1 3-t OP EN _S OU RC E 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 2-l V. 1. 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2-l 3-3 3-3 34 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3:6 3-6 3-7 3-7 +1 11 TABLE OF CONTNNTS (Contiaued) FIGURES l: Site Locatiotr Map Figure2: Site Layout Ntap Figure 3: Approrimate Limia ofthe Study Areo Figue 4A,: Key Map for Sample Locations Figure 48: Sample Iooation Map 48 Figure4C: Sample Locdion Map 4C Figure4D: Sample Figure4E: Sample Locdion Map 4E Figure4F: Saeple Location Map 4F Figure4G: Sample Locatiotr Map 4G OP EN _S OU RC E Ircatioa Msp 4D V. 1. 1 Figure 5A: Figure 5B: Figure Proposed Iocations ofModlorilg W€[s to b€ Jnstalled ftopos€d Area ofFutule potelrtial Mouitoting We[s APPENDICES Appendix A: Surfactaot Safety Data Sheet Appetdix B: Sampte Suomary Table on Well pad I.O INTRODUCTION JKLM Energy, LLC (JKLM) is a orivately held oil and gas produc_er headquarrered in Wexford, PeDnsylvada. The company is coDducring unconueodoll ihale g* Poner Counfy. Pennsylvania. As Dafl n, ", unconveDtional trafum.l gas exploratioDs itr potter county. Jl(rM obrained a penDsvivania fspano;;; -lheir Deparhrent) Erosion and Sedimiotation Conrol ceneral permir - 2 (ESCPC_2) for rhe ". cobstrucriotr of the Reese Hollow I80 well pad l"""t"d ;t I Towbship, poner counw. pA lthe sirer. xlir,r arso obrainJ ipnijr]i'wlir?J-* r". rrr. Reese Hollow I t8-2HU unconvenrionat-narura.t *.n pad was consrructed ir: Juty/Aususr 20 aqri e* 5 ;.'ddlt Seflember 20t5. Tbe dri ins o f 6e Reese HoUow.t t S_f HU;eff'U"g"i i.p,".o* , +, ZO f,. A Sile location map is provided as Fisue I ard.a "" Sire layout _n,p .-.-- .-n""*** "-withio a 3.000-fool radius ofrbe pad is providea as figuie Z. V. 1. 1 r".ri.* i. "i;;;; 1r_r, "tE;;;;;';"'ii li ii;"_;;"i#;;;u* .;;.i;;;,,li".Juj'""0r. *. ;;;;;;# l"'ii?l "*,, ",*ii"a.* "** Durfug the dritling ofrhe rop-bore for rhe Reese Holow r rg-2HU we . a war."_bearing zone was delected ar approximalelv 140 feet below,t" g"*a"rrf*."Oe.i. olii"J,io_1.t" ariut,c continued highJy fracnued bedrock waq encoullered al approximalely 520 feer bgs at which point th€ lower portiotr ofthe drill bit body sheared ofiin the borehole. To assist-wth the removal of curtings tom the well bore he^@use_ of water in flow anJfu.Jli#iil","*rr""y ora" sheare.d portion of the bir, an estimated too gallo..-of drjnfi ioto tne top-hole betweetr September t5_t8. 2015. ",re;;;rvlililo'o*"A or "soap" was dijuted wjrh approximalely 2t,540 "r*,,, conc€trnariob of0.5 percenl. The producr conraioi iropropuroi.j o,to ioilio'o*o oo,o on_ rhe safety Data.She_er inctuded ir Appendix A; _* *rr, u .u*, Eagtret on September 20. 2015. The remainder of the op_bole was cornitial ro poior depft ar 703 feet, using aesh water only. N" tu "^iog o^"*i,irl"on ,r" ""'- ' drilling operations are cunently suspended. as requ"rt a uv-t" OP EN _S OU RC E ie .*fr;tff";;;;;;1+;;* e;r;;;;;;;;iliJrl"#proa*, F;i. * ""#;rL-##o th";driih;;;rr, '* p#fr *o Rock Oil was used to lubricate the haomer bit during the drilliog ofthe top_hole. Rock Oil is a commonly used malerial in drillinp onerarious ir^ooi-1"_.ao*l uoj""iTr" J""ir, ,rtrr""gh f,igUy refined vegetable oit as norea oa tie Safe_ty oata sr,""t ir"rJ"a iiipiiilaiia-. " "i ur"d in tl'e &illing operations, JKLM does not exr€ct auy ofthis materiar to have escaped from the *T" of ir prysical propenie* ti.e. iierte,'tmn ,"rriii'ifl*"*1 :: ..b:_i", _a i, recovered ":.T, al tle surface air flow &om tbe well. l"in.i i Since b€coning aware of the release o f srxfactaots, JKLM has b€e! cobducting ext€Dsive investigations ro cbaracrrerize ard Eitigare rhe pote"ti.r pnvate waler sqplies and the environmeot. o"ori" Tirese activities,whii *"ilj"i"_Ji"arn september 25. 2015 su'marv Repon preparcd bv JKuv{ and p#E&i,o ,1." PADEP, have. ircruded among otber rhirgs, prwiding each of rhe 6ve privare waier wells known to have been impacted by the release witi "tr";";th;;;i;;ifiJli, -o iiiir'".a ::_,::id.,qd,,4r;;;id'#'rfi :.T;:',]ff;'ff Ji"'1#,;,,ff#3:H,#trf 'j :*f T;:$:tt*g*":"*ur,n4ffi s'-' iiiffiff Hilifr:,;H,lff toral;f t0J xrrnl'ut.o o.gJ?J (CBWA) for an M4006627-rptl approximab locarionr. l-l i#'"nTia"a u puuri" briefing with_Potter County Commissioners,,Errlalia Township, Sweden lownship, CoudeNpott Borougb- and rhe poner county Emergency M*"g.."", A;;;6i;M;;^"* Tboughout oD-going iDvesrigatioN. JKLM has issued daily news releases regarding the status of their respoose effons l via rhe FojecFspecific w"u.rr. **ri.i"arr,"-rl"i"i.oi".l""n,' r r,^ coordinated efforrs wirh rbe pADEp. xt_V ,"t *itt, "ra r"por*Gue, of e6S.osr recently on Monday, september 28.2015. Durins ri, -""6o9, Jiat;;;ui-;JpoolT #,r, r,r.,n"., of response actioos completed ro-date ani tbe resdtsii.the.;aiti;;; " JKIM also discussed \atat additional investigations would be required to achievi specific "ra goals tncluding€nsuring: rlur the hydrogeologic se"nirg ,fr. *"" **, O" extebt and magnirude of lhe impacl is deremined. "f tnar poLental recept--.'_a.iJ",i"" padways are.ideDtified a::d properly evaluated. *a tU'r i.r"frJ"i,i""* .aar.* any identified impacts, if required, are identilied. "ppr"m*" V. 1. 1 mfi"o}_*, Ir,i"."jlfrl*"i"'"*, " * being issued as a follow_up to JKLM,s meeting with the pADEp and outlines ofwork ofthe Hydrogeologic lnvestigarioo ro le pe.ro eJl",i"i,i"'*r, This Work Plan ttre scope "rm study. as presenred above. can be achjeved. fUs Wort< pUrl is aiuiaea fi*'r3"m"rsectiotr 1.0 presents rhis Inrodlction. s""ti"" 2.0 p,""*i.;;rtio;;l u-"ii!",ia"ur".."rt"", including the_sampring completed to-date and ,"""r,i, i.r sit" rra"a"r (CSM). ard tbe study area ro be incorporaled inl" if" Hv*"i*f"e"'t"""-J*,ti'"1 s*,;"" :.0 provides Lhe specific rasks !o be perforoed as parr Hy;;;"ii"S.."ilr'jii;ioD _a Secrion 4.0 defires rhe Remediai OpLioos awriy.i, "r,irJ to U" p#orfi"a.-' ,, "* "".".,t"ri"i OP EN _S OU RC E s".jt MA006627_rptl r-2 2.0 BACKGROUNI) This Section.ofthe Work platr provides a su.6mary ofthe groutrd water and surfaoe \r21er sa:npling activities thar bave been completed to a"t" ty tr," uoti.,ri i"r. Also. a Conceptual Sile Model based on our review ofcunenfly availuOf" frylop"ofogi" infonnation is presented and the areas to be in"l"d.d rrir,f-a i" th; i;;;r;;;;; ;ffio"d. Proposed Study Area V. 1. 1 2.1 JJ,"ii?"r" The area incorporated irro this hvdroseologic inve_stigatior! defined herc as the Study A1e4 is shown on Figure 3. The limirs and bo-und;"" th"".dt-;;;;; a"l#"ji"i!o *"*sal$; ;;;;-p.i"il"a *,n" :rcr-v, resutts of an exreosive gound warer and surfa*"f uy which is on-going ald discussed below. and ou an evaluation oi curr-entl v 'ava it"r,t" hydrogeologic informalion for *ris Dortion of potter County. f" S*ri"" i.O, ,i".n'"a!l, addiriooal invesrigations are proposed to be impt.."oL"a ul oJn"nr-,r,"";;a";"#""; iivesrisalion. r ;;;;""tie;;t.'"ii; dff"T#?L* .erore, as i.ois i,o; water and surface waEr samolino nroorarn 4rq generaled aDd reviewe4 the limits and boutdaries -of the Study tuea will be moainlj acioraingy. 2.2 Grourd Water/Surfsce W.ter Sampling and Results OP EN _S OU RC E Sirce identifuing rhe release, JKLM has been completing a detailed receptor survey to identi& poreorial residenrial aod public warer supply welr'arrali"r"* *"i* i"i'vtu'i""]rro o" rn","a* in the. sampring program. This efforr is on-goiag and additional sampi. p"Jo u" *: grr* The primary oqe.Ltue. orte ,ui-p*tiog"ffi;Lu" orogram. *1".9.,: u..o ,o roent4/ potential rec€ptors imDacted bv tllle rerease. ,l aDy. aDd complete a pretimimry -.y.*t!.,-.r a"fir.irioo of .*r.lioi *. i""*". , *. il1ilffiH'Hi#l',ii,1il ;"".:":ffi ll""f ,ffiH,fr ',fl ' *::':':1i.,,'g warcr supply wells. urle sDrhes. ard collecred water from two pooA" *a ,n samples ,t auol". The locations from whicb the ia-mples have been "a collecred are showD oD Figures 4.A rhrougb 4G. Although the primary constitnents of cotrcem related to the surfactaut material iaclude isopropanol, irs breakdow! proatucr. acetorc, and -"thyl*";l;; Cl,4seSl IMBAS is an indicalor comoourd for rhe porentur pr"j*". oiotb", -u"""""r"iyr"ifo*j"g l*lni"o.poo.oo of the surfactatrrJ. a majority of rhe warer sampl", ti"* #?""l?La"a rio param€ler_s genelally performed and requested by faorr for preiarifr t^Jfi""'"rilpr^g "r ;;;a- ,,iil"L, responsetoreleasesassociatedwithoilandgasiit",6*p*aJii","fe"J*rn.iif," r paramerers included in tbe Expanded List ofAialya., # *]"f1"*.,-' '"qrwr, ' . . . o o *a i" Oil and Grease Metals (aluminum, atsenic, barium, calcium, cbromium, magnesium, maoganese. sodium. Iead Bromide, chJoride. nitrate alrd nitrire as nit ircq potassium, lithium, selenium,.""",;r.-ijrt'J**' ogen aqd Xylenes, ethylberzene, berEene atrd toluene Methane, ethane and propane MA006627 -tp2 2-1 srrlfate ' sotids. r,oLat suspended ly9:Ly: ]:"and9:*l"ed coDouctance hardless sotjds. pH. roral atkatinir). specifc E. coli and total coliform .llerestrluoftbearrajysisofrhesamplescollectedloalale{asofOcloberl,20l5}whicbhave been received &om Lhe laboratory and qualified are B. summarizJ* "ir", I i""rrla"Jd app*a. a:yntration Y*1ljf V. 1. 1 With regard to rhe primary constituents ofconcerq isopropaool has been detected above the laboralory delection rimit ir onry one ofLbe water sa-o:pres coilecred across tlre StJv Area. rsopropanol was detecled at a colceDtration oT L5 milligrams per liler (dM) in tbe Sound water sample collected fiom the water well localed oD the . . (see Figore 4B). The residential o4SC ) cLanup stardard developJd for irop.op*oi p*rr^r. lU: *ecyclrDg and EDvi-ronmenral RernediaLior Sraoda,rd$Act {Acr 2) is I5 :Tv]:Ti mg/I. AceLoDe:,"a,rl: has beeD detf,cted in eigbt ofthe water samples collected ftom residential wells, orc spring (although a secoDd samDle co ecte! Aon thi_s gnmre 5 dars on",,t" fii.'i *-fr" * collected did not reveal acetone to'be nresent above the laboratiry d#"a* t-itJurrO oo" pooa r.r.llr;t;";pr*;;;;;"a",r,,-ol!lo* OP EN _S OU RC E sample. However.,rle.acerone in these eigbt o*" "Ath;ugh conc€ntrations well below its residedial Act 2 MSC ", of .]3 nign. u""r".o" \v* detected above its Act 2 MSC in any of the watet "o, samples, the highest *"r" detected in samples collected fiom we[s near the pad "Jo""o*u[o* at the --. these prcpeftes have ax oeen pro\,loeo wtur ao allemanve water supply. The PADEP has oot developed ao Act 2 MSC for MBAS. However, the USEPA has doveloped a secondary Maximum Cotrtamimnt Level (MCL; f". ,,frhai S*""arrv MCLs are not health based standards but are instead developed "rrf."a"t and odor). As can be seea ftom the tables included i" Appe;di,. "i5J_gn. for arsthetic furpoies 1i.e. taste ;, lvBAi-r,lii"il*a **" 'l,vii"n laboratory detecrion limits ir just fourhen of rhe s^.pr.iii r,v"ri r,l""t*""q i lf *"r" sampled .*ice: I sprirg iocarion and I oond location which w.," ulro Of mr. derectioos. MBAS was detecred above irs Seco"dr,j "urpLa Ji). Mai; ;"i"i;f #i##il,ru"*, - ',,,u61fi, samples collected ftom wells locatod at th, upr" *Ji"*u_?ioir"-pf beea ptovided McI with an altemative.u,o "; "ra -ffri --x"-.$i1ffi1TJ.1tn""#,t-T;1il:r1t "uoj,r; fion the in orc of the tv/o water samples colleited Hersef pond. fj"^"i saopleg h1ice,^ or:e on September 2015 a::a ug^i" oo s.ptJft", if, jdf s. -24, conceotradon lor tle Seprem ber 24d sample of 0. 8 7 mg,l j u s; io 0.5 mg,4 but ttre sampte couecred on Sentembe,2?whi,ch is betow its Secondary MCL. Ttese results suggest that A" or diluted at a relatively rapid raie. e;;;J ffi;NhAs 'ii" "*a ** lm.ls i".""a*" rr,lc L ;;;"iii""fi.orr.n "r, ,J##lr'U"jg "o***a As i.ndicared above. benzeoe is one o I th p paranrelers $at is incl uded in Lhe Ex pa-oded List of Analyses thar was compreLed on the ,.*ff"","d u"o'."" was detected above the laboratory detection limit in only two of the water initijsa.nrpl"";lJ;;;,I"1#oiiJilJil ffif!. M4006627 rF2 2-2 Aom the 103 locations sarnpled. Benzene was detected in the sample ftom the at a concentation of 0.00765 mg4, which exceeds its residential Act 2 MSC of.0.oOS .en ano _;" HL;;;i""i coacentuation of 0.00098 mg/I, which is wel beto* ""_0," it a.ct f USt fti," ffJrJn"r-pola "" fo""r"a about 3 miles to the southwest ofthe Site teceives runofffiom Roule O. Although the benzene does rot appear to be associated with drilting-op:r"ti"d ii""* o;t, JKl. M indicaled at their meeting with the pADbp tl"t "i*,n" O"y *"JJi"""rp.r-utJi"o),eo" ----""oiii""ff1rrl"yioto tt.," analyres to be cohpleted on samples to be col"ct"a *" '^ forra, aod the proposed monitoring wells to be irsta_ilea on the pJ'to confmr th..: V. 1. 1 t; ;;;;" mlnil" As iodicaled earliel JKIM is implehetting on-going samFling activities rhoughout the Study Areasonewdataandsar"noleresulr.arebeirg.generaredeachlay..Iheresds?fthissamplirg will be provided ro pADEi in on-poino weekl! Satus repons as *inl HvOr.g*f"g,. tnvesdgatjon/Site cbaracterization-Reion m bi a*"r"pj outlined in this Work plan. *ji* ,p""-""rpfii"liillL"m.. Please note that JKLM and the pADEp are currently analyzing samples of the matedals used in the borehole (i.e., the surfactant aad Rock oi4 *d J""tii* t"'nr" jiry:iffilrya" t u the studv. as appropriare based uDon rle resurrs orm, observatiotrs ftom the chemicat analysis of *lI .t.-rJalJyli.. gromd water/surface water samDle results. as th€-y aoJ sample resurrs, ttrey will be ieviewed by JKIM"." also be used to modii,the adalyte list g"o"r.,J if ti," iiOip n* g*".rt"a ^oa, *-.rn. rl"l*"rtJ"rtn"T"T*i"* as may be required. OP EN _S OU RC E will 2.3 "f no*" "io-i"iil "*" envi.;;;;;"_;#fi;;,*drffiil u"."ui.* "ao.t" Ctrrrent Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Tbe Site is localed il] the Appalacbjan plateau ofDont_central peDnsylvania. This regioD is cbalacrcrized by exrensive areas of seeply slopiog hoa separated;y,ffi*;i-*.'*o ,urrourdirs areas are unA"rruto Uy sLa"r,oo". so"". ano coDglomenles:ll: thal generallv range itr ase ftom t}te Late Devonian p"*ryfr""i"". lo fta bedrock io this area fomr broad ooen fo"trts r,har strik" _un, for tbe Genesee t5' (S\{4 q uadra'gie ,eveals :h"t ,1. itr-*a **',o ,ii the assumed dlrecrion of g.ound water fresb { shal"" crouu Fornation" Accordins to dre UscS document of Potter Counry pennElrarra, the Catskill F omadoD " ."aua's"Aii.t in this a-rea coosists of a sucoession of sandstooe. siltstoDe and shate whjch are predominan,ty i, u*" layers a.re mbor aoourls of laeen anrr oray sbal", "d Jt.,ooi"oi"iiJ".i,.,,,.". .uoLtoo", or.", bedding platres wirhiD Lhe CarskiU ForJaron were observed to be relarively fiat (borizookl). :1:Ll: , JJ" ;;;;#orirt?#.,or,." id ";;;. i. l"irili"r*** , ilrl" "q"if;;,;;;;;;i*r"i" Z"oi"ilit"il^*orr"* ;i;;;d.aaljii* The Wisconsin Glaciatiou boundarv which.qoi/ered the rcrtheast pait ofpotter Coutrty (between 85,000 ro t 1,000 years ago) is tocaied iust to the,orth"f th" m. gtuot". is relarively srraighr and crosses the Geoesee quaarargle Sil":A;dij;io.ifir uoglaciared areas to rie nonbeasLe;;;il;;. ,",h" i#"ti, ."**a ly and the most e;.t*riu" *ittio f d J", ,liirii"U".a. uoA ir sourh of the driff border (towid a rbe Sire,,t. rubble ard till \ .'lich is rhickest becomes thinner and less continuous faith( "f of atr un5orted tix,c:nsists o'1.l. v mixhne of rock fragment. ,o u ruor* ,6u, -t^loJ9-Lhre raDges trom sandy loam to silq clay. The thickness MA006A7 ryA 2-3 of fill geoerally ranges ftom a few feet to greater than 50 feet thick and occurs mainly as smal areas oflow knolls and depressions in the uptand* (i."., o". th" present to the south-southwest ofthe Site. In part due io this glaciutloo f".ioA L"loif. ia"",ifr"a oave relativety_ immature prottes witt p-oo.ry ae.r"iopJioir.* ."a :11-l:!e1!9T,r, ruuy craractenshcs cornmon with their parent m€terials (i.e. high silt conient). However, due to the presence till material througbout the region, the soils are gen"eralfy *oaelut" very well drained. the s;l;i;;ii "iir"y. ^ *" iJ"*ni a ^ V. 1. 1 A review ofhydrogeorogic idormation indicates that a significant source of ground wal€r within portions of Po^Ber.Counry and specificafly wirhh Ue viciiry offte Stie i",ni. do"i ,r,. gfu"ia outwash aquifers located near Mill Creek and the arcgfreny niver vai"y n-""rffi"1 located to the south-southwest. According to available iofomration c olruir^ii-it{" cor*upon BotoughAutho ry and Chartes Cote Memorial Hospirat we heai yonq County,.Pekns uania Repolr dated November z, zob:, u" gfu.iJout* f, *"li"i njlTT! -3 g"lel a.nd depending on locatiotr ranses fiom 40 to 120 feer below the ground suface (bgs) on the vallev floors. Subsurface matetials present in the North Ho ow Road natley and the much smallei Bunor,rs Roua Vuff"y u." ufsJ ml-lput"aio of gf-ia outwash but rtre ddckness ofrhese deposis are not expected to be as griat as those associated *o Alregbeny River vatreys. .qrio as aocurJ& r',i"lrl."_"",i"""a oy(jrogeologlcal reporL the transmissivitr oftbe aquifer generally improves witb depth due to more gravel coDreor and fewer fines presenr at ,r," i.qrif"i ,i. *u"r, u"o as a confining unit. Movement of ground water witlLin the underlying C"t"tiif"ri"ti", i. limited and generally ransmitted vla fracture aetwo.t, urra onty result ofpore spa.es within this formation. ".or- [rriiii".'oi-*ut". *" u ," irii",i lir, ""^i." :-l:^j ilfr*, f*^tYll":"" ;";";rt OP EN _S OU RC E #iri"i As discussed, firnh€r in Sectio[ 3.0. additional data gathering and euluatiotrs of available samphng of grould warcr and surface water. downhote geophysical logglrg) wru be completed "S; as pan ofrhe Hydrogeologic L:vesigation, Based o-n our current review of available geological, hydrcgeological ana tipographii.t into..uri.o *u,., l]-"ffLll,lyli _iL*a and surtac€ \,!?ter sample results geoeraled by JKIM iwirking Con*ptu"f iir. VJa"f rCSf"fl waspepared for the Site. This model b; continuously ut'ated as'uaairilJa^.1, available folowing the cornpletion of site inve"tigutioo ar" ,n" following information can be deduced: ", w . . o . ;tiiti"". B^J t""o.". "il""l Significant elevatioo differcDces tom lhe Site (uplands) to the wells located within the valleys to the south and southwest attribute to g6*J . n"*-1" ,ni"JirJ"i"r. The glacial outwasb filled valleys and the una""fyi"g t"d.*k U",h .fiiypJtuUf" *ut". to the Fopeflies in the Studv Area A majority ofthe residentij wels and the four public water supply wells located in the Study Arca are completed in the bedrock aquifei, ia the Study Area appear to be compleied i! tI" "ftf,*gf, " ",iiil.. "f1"ria""tia **U*A.". A stg bcanr water bearing zone was identified at ""**fi,"ff"V approxiDately 340leet bgs during rtre installation ofthe Reese Hollow 1 18 well bore. It liit"fv U"i'ir" r:i*f"r*a entered th€ aqlifer at this poiit and migared via hansmissiv; z;;;;l'frilrgraatent down valley direction. i"* *.f*t MA006627_rpt2 2-4 ' ,"ft Cotre€Btmtiotrs for the colstitu€Nfs ofcoac€rn which have beear detected in the oiaterare d€reasing in the presrmed hydraulically sol.rtMsouthwesL d"r"g"di;i;i;;;;h: gound "* CoEstitueds of corcefE oonc€dAations irl watq sa.loples at looatioDs tbat have be€r1 sareled twice wirh tbe sanpling eveots geDerally *iar"t"a W I to event These rcsults suggest tlaf'tte S a""Jr".* "u"taoiuat is b.i4g OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 aecreased ounDg tbe secoad atteDuated or diluted. MA0M621_rpt2 3.0 IIYDROGEOLOGIC I}N'ESTIGATION V. 1. 1 This Section oftlre Work Plan outlin€s the compoaeots oftie Hydrcgealogic Investigation to be perfonaed. The proposed scope ofwork was dwelopod based on our ourrerll sample results and our current CSM and was develop€d to meet the goa.ls oftle investigation. As disoussed above, the goals on this investigation include eDsuring that the hy&ogeologic setting of the area has been thoroughly evaluated, the exted and nugnitude of any impact is determircd, all potential receptors are identiied and properly evaluated and appropiate remedial options to address €ny identifi ed impacts, if required, are evaluated. As with all investigarions oftlis tlTe, this Hy&ogeologic Investigation will be implemented itr a phased approach. As more hlormation is generated and becodes available, our proposed scope ofwork will be reevaluated to ensure tle goals ofthe study are achieved in an expeditious manner. Our curently proposed scope ofwotk is divided into the following eight tasks: Taskl -ReceptorSurvey Task 2 - Evaluation of S.mple Results & Available Eydrogeologic Itrformation Task 3 - Frscture Trace Aualysis Task4-BoroholoCeophysics Task 5 - Sampling ofthe Reese Hollow 118 2HU Well Bore Task 6 - Monitoring Wel I$tallation Task 7 - Ground W&ter/Surfrce Water Sampling and Analysis Task 8 - Preparetiotr Hydrogeologic ltrvestigation/Site Ch&racteriz.tior Report OP EN _S OU RC E . . . . . . . . A sutlmary of the activities to be oompleted as pad of the implenentation of each Ta.sk is provided below. 3.1 Tesk 1- Receptor Survey Since identiffing the release, JKIM with significaDt support and Dranpower, has be€n completitrg a detailed receptor sul1r'ey to idediry the locations ofresidential a$d watet zupply wells, sprirgs and surfaoe water features (poods and streaos) located withio the Study Are6- A PAGWIS well seatch for Eulalia and Swedetr Townships has also been completed and ffe results werejust recedly received. The results ofthese efforts to date are shown otr Figues 4A through 4G. These figures generally show the locations ofproperties atrd streams within the Study arei and locatioG at whioh water samples ftom wells, spriqs, ponds and streams have already been collectod. As part ofthe Task I activities, the rec€ptor suvey will be finalized and the rcsults of the PAGMS well search will be reviewed, along with rcsults fiom review of available local records not included itr PAGWIS. Additional potential rcoeptors identiied durhg this plocess will be evaluated to determine ifthey ne€d 10 be incorpomted into the sampling progam. 3,2 Task 2 - Evaluation of Sample Results & Av&ilable Hydrogeologic Inforrnation As discussed abovg significant sampling ofwglls sprilgs and other surface wate! fgatures has been completed and this sampling is on-going. An initial evaluation of this data by JKLM ad Penn E&R has alrcady been completed. As part ofthe Task 2 activities. peon E&R will MA006627_ry4 3-1 3.3 Tisk 3 - trracture Trsce V. 1. 1 oomplete a detailed review ofthe results ofthis sampling ard will develop isoconc€ntration contour maps that show the wells aod well depths in which tle tlr€e coDstituetrts of ooncem have been detectrd. Penn E&R will a1so, to the extent possiblg and tlrough the review ofwell logs obtahed dudng the PAGMS well search and informatiotr obtaired tom home owners or oiher local sources, detelrine the completion depth for all the wells included in lhe s8mpling plogam and these will be used to develop cross-seotions at apFopriate locations within the Study A&a" Also, Penn E&R has oompleted a preliminary review of available information regarding the hydrogeologic setting ofthe Site. As part ofthe Task 2 activities, Penn E&R rvill codinue to obtain well logs and other available documeDts and reports regarditrg the hydrogeologic setting ofthe Study Area As.an example, we are currently waititrg for reports developed by the Coude6port Borough Authority regarding hydrogeologic investigations they completed as part ofthe installation oftheir supply wells, The iesults ofihese review activities will be used to update ow CSM, eDsure morftoring wells have been installed in the corect locatio$ and that th€y a.e monitoring apFopriate water bearing zorcs most likely to show signs of impact. Alalysis ofthe Task 3 activities and assuming stereoscopic pairs of a€iial photographs of the Study Area can be obtaine4 a frarture tmce analysis will be completed. The primary intent of this analysis will be to determine t]rc locatioa of any identifiable structural features (tactures, faults, lineaments, surface expressioDsr etc.) thd controvinfluence ground water flow and movement and could represent prefercntial flows paths for gound water movement. The results ofthe ftactue hace analysis will be used to update our CSM and eNure monitoring wells have OP EN _S OU RC E As part beerl iDstalled in tlre most advantageous locatiobs to me€t the study objectives. 3,4 Task 4 - Borehole Geophysica Task 4 activities and upon receiving approval fiom pADEp, geophysical loggiog ofthe Reese Hollow ll8 2HU well bore will be perfortred. The borehole logging will likely b1 completed by ThiuBit - Schlumberger ES and pS (Schlumberger). Schlumbergerwill perforrn a Triple combo 1og of the wetl bore, which will provide tbe following measltrements: As part oftle . GammaRay . Neutrotr polosity . Microlog . DeNity porosity r Lithology - From Density . Array Inductio&/Lateialog foi Resistivity .SP Also, dependirg . . . . oD well bore conditions Schhuuberger may also run the following logs: Acoustic Televiewer Heat-Pulse Flovmetel or e4uivaled Fluidconductivity/Tempentue Caliper MA006627 rpt3 3-2 gvaluatg the bodiock structure and The results of the borehole logging witl be used to stratigAhy ana to identif, oiionfirm water bearing zooes This data will also b€ used to heb Also' seteoicompteton aepttts aird conelate screen intewals for the proposed monitodng wells' the need will evahute E&-R O.p""Ai"gi" tft" *.irfts ofthe geophysioal logging, JKIM and Pe'nn part as to'run siJ ar logs in one or more ofthe boreholes for the monitoting weus to be ilstalled of this Hydro geologic lnvesti gatioo. Task 5 - Sampling of the Re€se Eouow 118 2HU Well Bore V. 1. 1 3.5 To evaluate vertical oontamiDant concedratioN in groutrd water and support the selection of completion depths for mooitoring wells to be subsequently installed, Penn E&R is cunently ptarming to coilect depth discrete ground water samples ftom thi subject-well.bore The speciltc ofthe zones ft-om which the sa$ples will b€ colleoted will be det€mined basgd otr tlre results glouni water do*nhole logging. However, for Work Plan purposes, we have assuoed that samples will be collected ftom tlree sgparate depth intervats within the well bore The samples willie collected by lowering a submersible pump to the desired sampling depth and, using low- OP EN _S OU RC E flow teahniques, purge each ideffal uolil in situ measurements have stabilized. The purge water will be cortainerized in a ftac tank or appropriato container for later reuse in drilling and./or completioc operalions or off-site disposal. Once in situ measurements have stabilized, a ground water sampltwill be collectrd ftom each interval The tbree grould watq samples will be submitted to TestAmerioa and/or Fairway Laboratories, PADEP c€Itiied laboratoties located in Fdiso4 New Jersey atrd PeDnsdale, PA (respectively) for aoalysis ofthe Colstituents of Coooem (isopropanol, acetone and MBAS) and benzene. be used to help select completion depths for the moniloring wells atrd to evaluate the vertical distdbution of surfactants in the ground watrr at the Site. Th€ results 3.6 ofthis sampling will T{sk 6- 3.6.1 Moniioring Well Installation Proposed Well Locations JKLM cunently plans to install four modtoring wells on the well pad. Of these, one will be install€d along the presumed hydmulically upgradient portioo ofthg pad (notheast comer ofthe pad) and thee will be installed along the downgradient portions ofthe pad (west-cental, southwEst and southeast comers ofthe pad). The exact locations at which the four wells will be installed on the pad will be deremined in the field after oompletion of the Task 1 through 5 activities. However, the approximate locations at which tlrese w€lls arc anticipated to be ilstalled are shown on Fieure 5A. Once the pad wells have been imtalled and sampled atrd rgsults oftle on-going ground water aDd surface water sampling prograns have been evaluatrd, the need to install additional monitoring wells will be considered and discussed with PADEP. JKLM curently articipates that at least one and possibly two additional monitoring wells will aeed to be iDstalled within th€ Study Area. The cunendy anticipated axea thal these wells would be installed is located just to tle lodbwest ofthe Coudenpoit Hospital at the locatioq shown on Figure 58. This area was MAO0662?_rp8 3-3 in this loflion ofthe Study Area and selected as there ale no monitoring points (resideDtial wells) Mill Creik in an area that has close to the lowest topogaphic elevation fr-iri""""al* "".,ft itr the Study AIea. "f 3.6.2 Well Installation oLil Conshuction V. 1. 1 The cooshuctioo and completion deptbs ofthe foul proposed pad wellsrril]-a!9 llaeteminea However' afte. completion ofthe Task I through 5 activities and will be discussed with PADEP have left may based on available information withiegards to the depth al which the surfactant conslitumls of concem Lhe Reese Hotlow I 18 well bore a.nd *ri depths of lhe wells in which compleled at a depth of penn wells will be E&R suspocts tlli monitoring laoe teen aet"ctea, well driller to betwoen 300 fe€t arld 400 feet bgs. Penn E&R will retain a Pennsylvaoialicensed The wells will be install the four monitoring we Jatthe Site using an air-rotary 40 PVc oasi4 with a Schedule conshucted usilg either 4- or 6-inch diameter, flush-tbreaded 20-foot tong bottim section of 0.01-inch slotted screen. The annular space betweeD the borehole wall and wJ[ screen will be filled with clean silica sand to a depth of approximately 2 feet above the top ofthe well screens. A 2-foot-thick bentonite seal will be plaoed above the sand pack and hydr;d witl potable water. The remainder ofthe borehole annulus will b€ filled to gade with ceE ent-bentonite grout. The wells will be completed with a 3-foot stickup consisting of steel casitrg set itr a cotrcrete apron and having a locking 6- or 8-inch diameter well cap &illig OP EN _S OU RC E Th€ well installation aod conshuotion will be ovelseen by a PeDn E&R Penrsylvania licensed Professional Geologist. Th€ Pebn E&R geotogist will also log the wells by oollocting and classifiing well cuttings at lo-foot intervals. Wetl installation activities will be completed in aocordance wit! the Penrsylvania's Land Recycling Program Technical Guidance Manual (Jue, 2002) and Pemsylvania's Grormd Water Monitoring Guidance Manual @ecember, 2001). 3.6.3 Well Development rlrd Suwey Following installation, the wells will be propelly developed using a dedicaled submenible pump uotil the water runs clear and is ofacceptable turbidity. Also, the horizontal and vertical location of the four new wells and selected off-site residential wells will be surveyed by a Pennsylvanialicensed swveyor to faoilitate calculation ofthe groud water elevation in oach ofthe monitoring wells and in selected off-site wells to allow for the assessment ofthe principal direction of grouod water flow. 3.6.4 Eandling/Disposal of Drillhg Materials Decontamination and developoent t?tor will be colleoted in a Aao tarik or similar container for later reuse in drilling and/or completion operations or off-site disposal. The drill cuttings will also be collected and cootainerized in roll-off boxes for teuse as clean filI (sampling will be completed to ensure the soil me€ts PADEP'S mamgement of Fill Policy if this option is selected) or later off-site disposal. MAo06627_ry4 3-4 3.6.5 Monitoring W€ll Abandonm€nt V. 1. 1 olosure' Upon oompletion of the sampling oftle modtoring wolls and after-receiving regulatory will retain a ali installed nonitodng welli uii be goperly abardoned. Penn E&R qJm"anicens"a arife. m properly ibandon the ground vater monitor-':g wells irl accordance i'itl the aforementioned piDEP Ground water Monitorhg Guidarce Manual' A Penn F*R technician will be on-Site dudng the field work to coordiDate and document the well will be abandonment activities. Any reiultant water flowing tom the wells dwing abaodonment collected ard placed in a ftac tank on the well pad for later rcuse in drilling andTor completioo operatrons or for later off-site disposal. Following completion ofwell abatrdonment activities, the rcquired well abandoDment documentation will be comple&d and submitted to the PADEP, the PeDnsylvania Topographic Geological Survey @AGS), Eulalia/Sweden Townships, ard the Pottq Couoty Health Depaltnent (MCHD). 3,7 Task 7 - Ground Water/Surface wator Sampling and Analyris 3.7.1 Monitoring Wells OP EN _S OU RC E The monitoring wetls irstalled as part ofthe Task 6 activities will be initially sampled after allowing the wells to stabilize for about two weeks. Prior to sampling, a depth-to-water (DTW) level measureoenl \rill be obtained ftom each well. After obtaining tlrcse measwements, tlte modloring wells will be purged using low flow purging tecbniques until in situ Eeasulemellts stabiliz€. The puge watel will b€ dischaiged hto a closed containor *tere itr situ measurements (pH, tempenture, turbidity and conductivity) will be collectrd ard tlen the watq will be directed into a frac tank or similar container for later reuse in drilling and/or completion operations or offsite disposal. After pulghg, a gouod water sample will be collected ftom each of the monitoring wells directly ftom the tubing used dtfing the purging activities. The initial round of grouod water samples v/ill be submitted to TestAmerica aod/or Fairway Labontories for analysis of tle Expanded List ofAnalltes. Appoximately oDe month a.fter the first round of sampling, a seoond chamcterization sampling event will be performed. The wells will be sampled followir4 the procedures described above and each sample will be submitted to TestAmgrica and/or Fairway Laboratories for analysis of the Constituents of Concem (curreBtly identified as lsopropanol, Acetone and MBAS) and benzene. Grouod water sampling activities, includiag purging, sample collectio4 saople handling, d€contaminatio4 and chaitr-of-custody procedures $iill be completed itr accordance with the aforementioned Land Recycling Program Technical Guidance Manual and PADEP'8 Groud Waler Monitoritrg Guidance Manual. MA006627 IpA 3.7.2 ResidentialWells Of these' As indioated eadier, JKLM has so far sampl€d approximaleLy 85 residential-wells . have ody been deiected above laboratory detection limits in samples o] "o"""".*,i*"oa collected fiom dne of the wells. How€vel, MBAS in five of the wells - only constituent of conoem which has be€tr of 0 5 mgA)' aelected at corcenlrations exceeolng an applicable staodard {its Secondary MCL JKLM will continue to sample fhese five resrdential wells (cunendy being sampled otr an every o' !ers) other day schedule as we have aocess to each location as scheduled with the Poperty will submit a which JKLM after until the IT,BAS coocentrations drop below the Secondary MCL r€vised sampling schedr e for these wells to PADEP or othel actions are implemented' V. 1. 1 is th€ OP EN _S OU RC E Also, JKI-M will s€lect at least one aod up to two wells that ale looated in close proximity and downgradient of the five afotementioned wells and these wells will be sampled on a weekly basis. The inteot of sampling these additioml wells will be to ensure that the cont'milants detected i:r the five impicted wells are not migrating to other nearby and downgadied we1ls' AdditioDally, JKJM wi idenli& wells locations itr whioh constituents of concem (eitler Acetone or MBAS) were deteoted above laboratory detection limits but below any applicable '.' nd will sample these standards r we€kly until a revised sampling sch€dule has been developed and submitted for PADF-P for approval. JKI-M will commrmicate and confer with the PADEP regarding this weekly sampling. JKLM does oot cunently anticipate conthuing to resample all ofthe remaining residential wells (almost 85 wells) in which none ofthe constituents of concern werc detected at atry level. JKIM anticipates tle rced for sampling a portion ofth€se wells oa a set schedule The wells to be incorporaled into this sadpting effort will be determircd as part ofthe Task 1 tbrough 5 activities and a sampLiag schedule will be submitted to PADEP for approval The samples collected ftom tbe residetrtiai wells wil bo collected by fiIst puging the well by ruoaing the pump for approximately 30 minules (pxrge volumes arc adjusted in rcsponse to the varying leld and sorage of each system). Dwing tle purging process, 1l situ measuements for pH, temperature, tubidity ard conductivity will be collected. After purging, a sample will be collected ftom a spigot/sampli[g poft located closest to (he well and prior to any filter or a€aimeat, ifpossible. The samples wiil be submitted to TestAmerica/Fairway LaboGtories for twill analysis ofthe tbree CoDstituetrts of Corcem. The samples collected ftom th( also be analyzed for beuene. 3.7.3 Water Supply WeIs JKLM has sampled the two supply wells opemted by CCMH and the two supply wells operaied by CBWA on an approximately daily basis. To date, notre ofthe coNtitueots ofconcem have been detected in the samples collected ftom these wells dwillg either event at concenhations exceedilg laboratory detection limits. Although no evidence ofthe constituenls ofconcem have been detected h these wells, all four supply wells have been shut down as a conseFative MA00662?_rpA 3-6 measure. JI(LM every day (as oontitrue to sample these four supply wells apFoximately *rrf suf8cient da; has be€n generated to support the submittal of a revised to pADEP for approval or other actions are implomented' {ill i"""* ft" ot""ii"al .u-pfi"g'*l"d.tl" purgin-g the wells ol The samDles collected from the four supply wells will be collected by ft$t pH' measuements.for pmcess. in situ utooil ,,ioo-guuont oiwater. Durhg tlle purging be will a sample *a conauctivlty witt collect€d After puging, i"-poot port located closest to the well and prior to auy filter or tleatment' tom a coU"cted "",-tmiaity ti to t""tA-".i"uiFain?y Laboratoies fot Colstitueots of Concem. 3.7,4 analysis ofthe thre€ V. 1. 1 t" iubiitt"d iire sarrpt"" wltt"amlting Surface Features As itrdicated above, water samples have be€rr collected at nine springs, and from two ponds and (Henhey thtree streams. With the exception of ooe of the spring (Hospilal Spdng) and pond detection laboratory Pond) samples, none ofthe constituents of concem were detected above limits in any ofthese samples. The Hospital Spring and Hershey Potrd were sanpled twice 5 and 3 tlays apari, respectively. During the first saEpling evetrt, acatooe was dgtected in both samples but at concentratlons well below its Act 2 MSC of33 mg^. During the second sampling eve acetone was not deteoted above the laboratory deteotion limit itr eilher of the saEples. MBAS was detected welt below its Secondary MCL of0.5 mg^ h the Hospital Spring sample (0.037 mgn) during tlle first sampling eved but was not detected above the laboratory detection limit durhg the seoond sampling ev€nt. MBAS was detected above its Secondary MCL of 0.5 mg/l in the Hershey Pond sample during the first event (0.87 mgn) but was deteated well below its Secotrdary MCL during the seco{d eveDt (0 037 mg,4). OP EN _S OU RC E ' JKLM will continue to sample the Hospital Spring and Hershey Potrd. Daily samples have been recently collect€d and sampling may be modified to an every other day schedule until the MBAS/acetoD€ colcentations are consistendy below thg laboratory detectiotr limits or JKLM submits a revised sampling schedule for these locatiots to PADEP for approval or other actions are implemented. The spring and potrd water samples will be collected directly into laboratory supplied bottles. The samples will be submitted to TestAmelica/Fairway Labontodes for analysis ofthe tbree Constitueols ofConcem. The samples ftom the Hershy Pond will also be analyzed for benz€ne. rogards to other sudace featues already sampled, JKIM anticipates the oe-ed for sampling some ofthese locations on a set schedule. The swface water sample looatioDs to be incorporat€d ioto this sampling effofi \ri[ be determined as part ofthe Task I t]trough 5 activities and a sampling schedule will be submitted to PADEP for approval. with 3.8 Task 8 - Hydrogeologic lnvestigatio Site Char&cteriz&tion Report As part ofthe Task 8 activities, Penn E&R will develop a combioed Hydrogeologic hvestigation/Site Characterization (HVSC) rcpot. The combined HVSC repod will include a detailed discussion of all previous site investigations, the activities implemented as part oflhis Hydrcgeologic Investigation, the results of these and previous site activities, atrd any conclusions MA006627 ryB 3-',1 fiom these r€sults. The report will dgfine tle oature.and extent of in the media of concern' anu ooo*i"*io" **untercd" the oonc€otatioo of the c4nmilants t€sults ;-*rl""t, ;f th";;btlirt of tbe c.daminants. A[ cu$ed and F€vious samplitrg J"pp-p"arc eot 2 tvtsCs or otner applicable state and f€deral standards' The t" "i-U diesuts of tne recptor su.vey aod ary Ste and tarsport modeling that i"p".t wilf io be completed. might need ":tUr"" and recoomendatiors drawn ;i --i"J will also ioclude app{opdate site maps sbowing all sample locations and pertioetrt oa-S e @d off-site featw€s. Geologic Cross Seotiols-"1d grould water contour oaDs 'andGoonccntatioq contour maps will be developed aod included $'ith tho repod All sample resutts will b€ labulated and preseoted graphically as wel1. OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 Tbe HVSC report MA006627 rpt3 3-6 4.0 ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL REMEDIAL ALTERNATWES V. 1. 1 vr'aters of tlre Commonwealth The current sample results indicate that impacts to dowtrgradient of concem have only (constituents t"Lthe ttU""t ta""* of surfactants are iot widespread only u"* a"L"t"ii" I r or 103 locations sarEpled with exoeedances of applicable standardsbeing concem are Dresent at 6 of these locatio$) and corcentrations for the constifuents of lhai actrve believe curren Dol ) iaoidlv attenuated or diluted. Gven rhis. I(LM does reilediation wiu be required However. JKIM may eleot to pedorm hotspot puging from one or more of the monitorjr:g wells to be installed on the pad or from the adjacent and off-site residential well. The determination on whethd or not to perform hotspot puging at at ttrese i"eU locations will be made aftrr the results ftod the oext round of samples collected these locations have been obtained and reviewed. Ifhotspot puging is deemed necessary' a Work Plaa for performing these activities will be submitted to PADEP for appmval data collected dudng this Hydrogeologic Investigation prove that the impacts are morc widespread than curently b€lieved, or conceltations ofthe constituents of concern are not ff oodinuing to attenuate, then if necessary, Penn E&R will perform a remedial altemative analysis to identify those remedial tecbnologies which could feasibly be implemented to mitigate such OP EN _S OU RC E impacts. MA006627 JAt4 +1 5.0 SIGNATURES WORK PLAI{ TO PERTORM A IIYDROGNOLOGIC irqluirrc,c.noN rx RESpoNsE To rIrE suRrAcANT RELEASE nrnsn uollow tlg uNcot\n'ENrroNAL NATURAL GAs PAD SITE V. 1. 1 li October 2, 2015 Michael A, Christie, P.G. Penn Environmental & Rem€diation, lnc ; OP EN _S OU RC E $jl::r-t Report Revieved by: Pe1ul Envircnmental & Remediatiob, Inc. I By afrxing my seal to this dncwte l, I am certtlyittg that the lnformatioh is Pue and cotect. rtrther celtify I am licehsed to practice in the Commor,xledlth af Pennsylvahio ahd that it is vrithin my profesiohal et?e ise to rerif! the corrcctness oftte information. MA006627_rpt5 5-l Page Print I of 1 CO}IMOI{WEALTH OF PENI{SYLVANIA D€pt ol Environmdntal Protection commonweallh N€ws Burcau Roon 308, Main CapitolBuiEing Hansburg PA., 17120 FOR IMII4EDIATE RELEASE 09/30/2015 CONTACT: 7 17 -787 -1323 DEP Update on Chemical R€lease into Water SupPly in Potter County V. 1. 1 Neil Shader. DEP violation lo JKLM Energy afl€r the HARR SBURG. pA - The pennsytvania Depanment of Envircnmsntal Prctsction is issuing a Nolice oi in sweden Township. is localed Th€ wellpad chemi€at retease trom JKLM s Rsese Holow 118 wel pad on S€plember 18, 2015. The Notic€ ofviolation inc!'id€si . Failu€ to prevenl pollution of fresh groundwaterl .Dlling hrcUghfteshgrcundwatelwithasubstancso helthanail,fieshwatelolil€shwalelbas€ddllingfluidsiand OP EN _S OU RC E . Violaiions of Pennsylvania s Clean Streams Law. meeling with prcpertv ownefs affected by DEp has had reprcssntatives in the alea almosrdaily since sept€mber 21, collecting samples, have been taken from residential water ths rctease, and overseeing opelations atths gaswe[. Mo€rhan 60 individualwaier samples suPPliesthroughs€plember29'2015'DEPiscontinuingtotestandanalyzercsidentialandmunicipalwatelsuppliesforevidenceof Hospilal' which was lransitioned to oEP is also ensuring watersupply rcplacement to af€cted €sidences. including the cole [ emoal m€eting with the Potler county 25,2015 particjpated in a september precaulion. D€panment also The municipatwaler sources as a Borcugh and JKLMn€€v Coude6port Comm issione.s, PENIA, Poter County EMA, Cole Memorial Hospital, Acco'dingtoJKLMestimales.apprcximalsly98gallonsofsudaclanl(F.485)wasEleasediogrcundwatetduringtop-hobdnlling hrough freshwaler activities. This surfacrant included isoprcpanolat 1o-15% concenlration, which is nol approwd for use wh€n drilling petroleum aquifels. The sudactant was repodedly dituted in 22,000 gallons of water and also included 35 gallons ol rock oil, a Paraflinic prod uct used to lub c€le lhe d ill bit. DEP is working to ve fv this infomation DEp is cun€nfly in discussions with JKLM Energy on cleanup and rcmediation oi the lelease. JKL[4 has also voluntafllv suspend€d rclal€d drilling activities atthe Reese Hollow site. tfresidenis suspect contamination with their wator supply, rhey should coniact DEP at 570-327-3636 immedial€ly. Residents with impacled water supplies should nol use lheir water ior drinking, washing or bathing http://www.newsroom.dep.state.pa.uvnewsroompublic,Drint aspx?id=2o854&typeid=l l0/ll20l5 V. 1. 1 OP EN _S OU RC E z' coNi'y1H PRoGRAM )^1 Z)f tzFILF_NA$E /O>^C'O= rvpe--/4-&#er counrY COMMENTS / ^/ MUNICIPALITY ffi l*;1i6*xlx?,ri?,*,, September 30, 2015 V. 1. 1 NOTICtr OF VIOLATION CERTIFTED MAIL NO, ?013 3020 0000 ?703 9130 JKLM EnerSy, LLc Attni Mr. Scott B lauvelt 2200 Georgetowne Drive, Suite 500 Sewicklcy, PA 15143 Re: Re€se Hollolv I l8 2HU PerrnitNunrber 105-2I852 Sweden Township, Potter County Desr Mr. Blauvelti OP EN _S OU RC E On Sopt€mbor 21, 2015, the Department rcceived notifioation ofa complaiot that JKI,M Energy, LLC ('JKLM"), had received fiom a private resident ol soap in lheir private wat€r supply, The Depa ment has sinco initiated an investigation and delermined that at least five (5) p.ivate water supplies have likely beer impact€d by JKLM'S recelltdrilling activities oorducted ai the Re€se Hollow I l8 Pad. Several components and breakdown produots ofdrilling additives, inoluding a surfactaht described 0s "F-485" and "Rock Drill oil 150 (0428)," have been found in grcundwater. JKLM cur.ently operates three (3) ges wells or tlle R€ese Hollow I l8 Pad in the vicinity of those impactcd privote water supplies, and JKLM reoently used those drilling additiv€s to facilitate the drilling ofthe Reese Hollow I l8 2HU well (Permit #: 105-21852). Reportedty, no drilling additives werc us€d to drill the Reese Hollorv 118 IHU or 3HU wells, 4s the ddlling of those wells has not been advanced post inslsllatio ofthe conductor pipe. In light of the infomstioD gathered to date, the Department has idenlified the following violatioos of Clapter32olTitle5SofthePennsylvaniaConsolidetedStatutes,53Pa.C.S.$$3201-3274C'2012 oil and Cas Act") and The Clean Skearns Law' 35 Pa. C.S $$ 691.1gsgq., ard thc rules and regulations prorrulgated thetgunder: l. Failurc to oonstruct and ooente a well in accoldance with 25 Pa. Code ChsDter 78 Our investigation revealed that JKLM has o.used or allowed at least one additive f'om the drilling po;ess to enter fiesh Sroundwater in Sweden Township, Potter County, This is a violation of25 Pa. code $$ 78 73(a)and (b);which state, in part: "(a) The opgntor shall construot and opelatc the well in accordance with this chapterani ensure that the integdty ofthe w€ll is maintained and health, safety, 2oB wesr rhlrd st€61 suib lor Ollli.t Oll and Gd OPsrallons twri"tipotr' pn tizot'6laeIlzorzz36rs 'v"oopwb!t6!opaus JKLM Euergy, LLC September 30, 2015 envirohment and prcperty arc protecied. (b) The opefator shall pollution ... of &esh groundwatet " 2. . . . prevent Unoermitted usage ofa drilline additive V. 1. 1 Om investigation revealed that JKLM has drilled the tophole for the Reese Hollow I l8 2HU well $ing an unappmved surfactorlt. This is a violatiot of25 Pa, Code g 78.83(c), which states, in part: "The surlace hole shall be dlilled using air, frcshwater, or fisshwater-based drilling fluid," Only tophole drilling additives which are cedfied in conformance with ANSI,NSF Standard 60 are deemed acceptable to the Depadment, when tlsed in the manner indicated in the cenifi calior of the additive, 3, Unpennitted discharqe of pollutire substances OP EN _S OU RC E Our investigation rcvealed that JKLM has causod or allowed the unpermitted discharge ofat least one drilling additive, a pollutirg substance, to wate$ ofthe Commonwealih. This is a violation ofsection 401 ofthe Clea Strcams Law,35 P.S. $ 691.401, which statesi "lt shall be unlawful for any person or mrnicipality to put or place into any ofthe waters of the Commonw€alth, or sllow or perihit to be discharged from property owned or occupied by such pe$olr into any watels of the Commonwealth, any substance ofany kind or character r€sulting in pollution as hercin defined." Pleose provide a written response within 14 days ofreceipt ofthis lefter, as to when the above listed violatior$ were or will be conected, what steps lrave been taken and arc planned to be taken to cofiect the violations, Bnd what st€ps arc bei[g taken to prcvent their recurrcnce. Your llsponse should also include the following, ifnot aheadyprovided to the Department: . . . . . . . A A A A srmmary report description ofyour iDvestigation to date; plaD for on-going provision oftemporary water to any apparently affected water supplies; copy ofthc Casihg and Cementing Plan for the ga3 well! description ofall additives (i.e., surfsotants, defoamers, l bricants, etc.) snd the quantities tsed; video flolrl the downhole camera repoftedly rs€d during fishing opemtionsi lnformation regaldingthe g6s well's current status and your compatly's future plans for the well; and, A long term sampling plan for groondtvater and suriace watel h the area ofthis telease for the Department's review and comment, JKLM Energy, LLC -3- September 30; 2015 $ V. 1. 1 A violation ofthe 2012 Oil and c6s Aot or the mles or regulations promulgated thercundcr is contrary ro Sections 3255 and 3259 ofrhe 2012 Oit and Cis Act, s8 pa. cls. SS:Ujiloo:zSS, fo" rvhich the Depaftmenr could instirute sdminishative, civil, andioi crimii,"f or"*"ji"*.. t."t' violalions arising frotn,the consuuction. alteration, or opelation ofan un.oi""niio,*f"*"ff, ,f.," ZOfZ ufl.and Uas Act provides fbr up to $25,000 in civil penalties plus $5,000 for each day ofconliltued violarions, 58 Pa. C.s. g 3256. The 2012 Oit and Cas Act atso provides u; r" l1,000i;;r.,.",y crimi*l penalties, and up ro 95,000 irr rnisdemeanor odmirul ienarties fJr each;ioiati;. Each day ofcontinued violotions constitutes a separate offense, 5g pa. i.S, 3255(a)_(b). A violation ofthe Clean Strcams Law or the.rules or regulations prcmulgaled thereu d€r is contrary to Sections 602 and 6l I of that Act, for Nhich the Def,artment iould iritifute adrninistmtive, civii, proceedings. The Act provides tor up ro $t0,000 per day in civii pfnahies, up ro :11/::^"1.r" . ItlU.00tJ rn. summary criminal penahies, and up to $25,000 in misdemeanor crimi al penahies for each violation. Each day ofconfinued violatioh constitutes e separate olfensc. OP EN _S OU RC E This Notico ofViolation is neither ar order nor any other final actio! of the Department of Environrnental lrotection. It neither imposos nor'ivaives any enforcement acti;n aveirabre to thc Depertment under sny ofits statutes. Ifthe Department determincs that additional action is appropdate, you will be rclified ofwhen the Depadment takes th0t action. Should you have any questions. please feel ftee lo conlact me ar j70-321-6550. Sincerely, Envircnmental Progranr Manager Eastern Oiland Cas District Jennifer Means David Bngle Mike Panettieri MattNuss William Kosmer Miniun Pemit File 105-21852 Sasha V. 1. 1 OP EN _S OU RC E PROGRAM FILENAME ,A coNF.Y,N / /o' 2/ AREAKDOWN TYPE //+ 22y"::^.#k -, :.. :,'ctpA*ry@ 3lt $/gs fS3 t tro,fi F l16 ,{ fld1 G .6 + a c-r :l . r r f,lq>e!=^ F/s S;is'g EI"-sae*s 8e Y'3 StiEgi+3t I f \"o e d ^-- (li rn cle'r*qBSIl /$FF,-:'gl 3> /'f$ifsl 0rK ir o / us'F*FI _S OU RC E et lE ;l st E' ct ct E:I E lg ta. l.'lt??? t5l Dll .J Slr .J dli o p gq fi 5 Sr FSI JI EI F$t FI 3 rt r!l '' 1t ff/ x oirb EFN .rg I a 5l V. 1 urffro srarefl{f,rn&&ft i* tot "t" UR CE ffiffidzrP+46inthisbox' *'rl*"tlProtldton il*W;ll*f Sultc 101 il'll""l'L'0"n, rcs'Lttsl i.i*.:+&t:ii? to 17701'8448 J\r OG DEP USE ONLY IIONVVEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON['IENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF OIL AND GAS IIIIANAGEIII1ENT C OII,! 5soO-FM-OG0114 0V2015 241116E 2411169, ) 41117a 24111 4 7 ffi*s**:t-,:.*l;.:.."" SURFACE ACTIVITIES INSPECTION REPORT 1A5-21851 21852,21A53 ESCGP # Project # ESG29 105-15-0002 791A72 0 Georgetown Drive Suite 500 Sewickley, PA 15143 724) 935-8948 ADlr,4lN- Adminlsirati!e CEI Latitude: 1.47 45 RTNC N 77" 56 37 w RESTR PREoP Preoperalion hsPeciion ComplaLnt lnsPecilon - weden Twp INCDT- lncident ResDonse -CodPlance Evaluation COi,,lPL Mun crpaliiy Longit!de: m0 Burrows Rd / Fie Review E FUL FoLlow-Up North Hollow Watershed; l-l V. 1. 1 Reese HolLow - Site Resioration Rouhne i ConPeie lnspeciion ! Pipeline E Cenka lized lmpoLr ndment Waste nsto.ase vessel ! chap e3 Des: HQ4liVF stream class/watershed: specia Protection? Y$-TvPe EJoint Ecl. tloG57 tr X ESCGP 2 Pemirs/Auth: E GeneralPemli: Tvpe i Resto€d/Prod E -Abandoned E PlLrqging D site Phase: Tl P€ constrlction n constructior E Dri[/Alt ncBM E Coiventional I Unconventionalshale Uiica E SLngleWellPad ston [4ult_We!Pad L.b"ll." 3211(q)OGA 3211(a)OGA 3211(h)oGA ml 3211(m)OGA site tD Pemlionsie w..[ C OP EN _S OU RC E Facility: Pjan WellLo€um Locaton R6trct. Resirict En E 3215(a)OGA E tr tr 3215(b)ocA tr!tr On-siie '1024(bX8) E&s Adeouaie 102.4(b)(5) PLan Mlninize E&s '1024(b)(1) PCSi,l compLeled Pollution discharqe 4o1csL E ! p€venilon 4o2CsL EOD 2i Fluds "7a.57 Etrtr ,78.60 tr tr tr Discharqe Req Dlsposaloldril cuttinss '7e6i tr tr E Prodlciion PolruironaL trtr! 5s tr tr tr raso n tr tr ReriduaLwaste'78.54 adntbL& DisoosalPlan '78 Pit ining, contain E residual 1a.62 D!,s1 33 n tr Land Fami.o 78.63 tr tr tr oiiTank Containment 'TA64 tr Coniain Polluiants '91 34 tr n Resrdualwasre swvA3ol E ! rJn... wd contain 321e.2(a)ocA E E EIE Pemits Copy oi Pe.mit E tr ! ! EE rationallrsoect 32se(a.1)OGA E E ! FloodplainReslricuons 3215(f)OGA c.rosion conlro Rea 32r8.a(a)ocA F&s Plai & ,i02.8 ntftr EED tr E ! Pemanent Stablllzaiion '102 22(a) trtr! E EEtr Pdlnl Source Notiry DEP Polluion 3OI/3O7CSL miusale, n Tl Disposaloi obieined '10511 trtrtr on-siie ,105.42(dJ Tl n E ofwater '78.51/ ntrtr Protecion'1024(bx6i E tr D Operate or Mainiain ,105 51 l l E tr 24hr Complanl ,7s51(ht Notice of Temlnaton '142 7 nEI E&s Measures in ,ros46 Tl n E N.tificaton BMPS Desiqned.lmp '1a2.11 E ! tr EsccP obtalned 1A25 trtrtr Temp Site siabllizaton 10222(b) Consttuction I EE '105a4 P pelrne lnsialled <2s wellsite Wellnoi resioEtion drilled 3216(a)oGA '78.65(2) Proieciion ! E tr ri .t053t4 Tl ll n E EE! . OCA= On &Ca .c..t SW]'{,\=S 9t29t2015 g/30/2015 5500-Fll,t-oc0114 0t/2015 Remafks: lnspection of JKLI\4's "Reese Hollow" natulal gas well site on Tuesday afternoon September 29, 2015. JKLII stafted to dril]the surface hole forthe first (2H) Utica Shale well at this siie on September '14, 2015. They halied drilling at a depth of 708 feet on Sepiember 22, 2015, after they received notice ofwater supply complaints from nearby resldents. During this inspection, I collected liquid sarnples of ilvo products (F-485, & Rock Oil) JKLM used while drilling the surface hole. I collected h/vo separate samples of Rock Oil, one from the black baffel that JKLM was using while drllling the 2H, and one from the red barrel which was brand new unopened. The samples went to the DEP lab in Harrisburg to be analyzed for: glycols, semivolatiles, water soluble alcohols, and ultravioleuinfrared spectroscopy. DJ Jackson (Penn E&R) also collected samples ofthe producls. V. 1. 1 Taylor l\4coon nell (J KL[,l), Jackson, and lwalked the perimeterofthe site. Abouian inch ofrain had fallen today. The slopes and sed basin are temporarily siabilized wiih skaw, and some grass is growing The dlainage contrcls appeared to be functioning well. A rain puddle on the pad gave an electrical conductance reading of 105 ps/cm with an Oakton PCSTestr 35. g.9-qt-?7?-..... OP EN _S OU RC E No violations ciled for this inspection. -.. -Bgc! Oil (black barrel) 99.9,5].?29 lBo!!-o!!1r.eq.I?.rr91) 0935-274 1F485 tote )RoGRAr'/l g!!&iAS_ coNr-rDENIAL. FILE NA[,lE: JO- €o.,,-o",- DE} OCC <:,t. 'f/e ?r bEp -itA."{115t t'?o -32-7 -9+3 ,ri'qtt 0*h w,.u' <;rJi'+ ),'.ar DE( SPear,4u6r EP 1"2.!ilot ?., d\lll5g, >-tt DEe- €cJ) p^.9c,/ '1',/ b- it:,1"' 6!1,"^""{t-@ l--("' utL iauctsl,,t \Ln'1EaQ oer 1o.^9k /)r'4.4 3 kLr-\ 1(L,"\ NCRO kr/.r as/zP:'aQ 7"' 1"fl,8 r"ftll ' I L\l-lLL Pen+ttt!4 PA fue-Az.t@ Aaaa- sp4 /l( t,v,urr, lrtnt/ -ot/9 a.jo ' 227 flctr,< 1or^ ?.5;ew.i^sEi Sr* EazP tZa PE N_ SO UR CE -t-, l^ /;tle/ t9, hr./) . a '/z9/ 2-a rf j:EiMail::r1,. :r.. Phon eomp.an \'.-,t. tc /'tt DEP Place/Rooln: Facilitatorl. Je^,/, dtrt, ZA'Y*nt z V. 1. 1 Name: J kLlt( - Meeting qqq3 \ .'a!.t" ^ LiT.- [-L n$ c,..,t l"as,l'et ctg?-o8'l{ os 23 oo 541,rt,,.,,t@ P! F n p tnufffu r g4e, yt v tQ.*e-,' @ pa,3or) C-" dG cONF.vN ,r,/ BREAKDOWN TYPE ,f pn///1/ &UNtCtpALtTy Swt/,4 PE N_ SO UR CE CoUNTv V. 1. 1 FROGRAM COMMEI,ITS Prepared For: V. 1. 1 SUMMARY REPORT JKLM SUBSL,'RFACE SURT'ACTANT RELEASE REESE HOLLOW 1I8 UNCON\'ENTIOAIIAL NATURAL GAS PAD SITE I8O BURROWS ROAI) SWf,DEN TOWI{SHIP, POTTER COUNTY, PA OP EN _S OU RC E Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 208 West Third Street, Suite l0l Williamsport, PA 17701 September 25, 2015 Projcct Number: MA006627 Preparcd By: JKLM Ener$r, LLC 2200 Georgetowne Drive, Suite 500 Sewickley, PA 15143 PeDn Euvironmental & Remediation, Itrc. 13180 Rt. 6 PA 16933 Mansfield, TABLT, OF CONTENTS 1-l BACKGROUND 2.0 CI{RONOLOGY OF INCIDENT DISCOVER 2,1 Initially Reported Water Sourca Impacts and Responses .' .'.'"" 2.2 Additional ilesponse Aotions"... . ................ .. -" " 2.3 Sampling Protocol and Additional Information ........ """" " 2-t 2-1 2-2 2-3 V. 1. 1 r.O 3.0 PRELIMINARY I{YDROGEOLOGIC MODEL FOR RELEASE....3-1 4.0 RXCOMMENDATrONS.............,..................'.".................."."...............4-l 4.1 ReplacementSystemMaintenance...........................'." 4-I 4.2 Ground Water Remediation.. ................. . '.................. " """"4-I 4.3 Grcund Water Monitoring ........... . ..... .....,,,,,.........'-..'."""" ""'4'2 4.4 Future Closur€ Criteria ......... .................'.................... .......... ... 4-2 LIST OF TABLES OP EN _S OU RC E Table I - Sampling Parametor List Table 2 - List of Water Sources LIST OF FIGURES Figure I - 3,000 ft. Radius water Soutce Exhibit Figure 2 - Southwestem Watgr Source Exhibit I Figure 3 - Southw€stem Water Source Exhibit 2 APPENDICES Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix A - F-485 SDS B - Topogaphio Cross Sections C - Available Laboratory Results D - Photographs ofBrokon Bit Body 1.0 BACKGROUND V. 1. 1 As oart of JI(IM Energv, LLC's (JLKM'S) unconventional natural gas explorations in Potter (PADEP) CoLiriv, pa, fXf-frl oUtiined a Pennsylvania Doparbrent of Environmental Protection of the i.ori# und Sedimentation Control General Permit - 2 (ESCGP-2) for the consttuction also f"r." ioffo* 118 well pad located at I l8 Bunows Road in Sweden Tomship- TKLM gas well natural obtained a pADEp Well iermit for the Reese Hollow 118-2HU unconventional to t" dritt"a on tl't" tubject pad. The pad was consfiucted in July/August 2015 and the drill rig I I8-2HU well was positioned on site i; ea;ly September 2015. The drilling ofthe Reese Hollow began on S€ptember 14,2015. OP EN _S OU RC E During the drilling of the top-hole, a water bearing zone was deteoted at opproximately 360 fget beloJthe ground surface (bgs). As the top-hole drilling continued, highly fracturcd rock was encountere; et approximetely 570 feet bgs at which point the lower potion ofthe drill bit body sheared off in th; borehole (see Appendix D for photographs). To facilitate the recovery of the sheared portion of the bit, an estimated 55 gallons of drilling surfactant was introduced into the top-hole between September 15-18,2015. The surfactant was diluted with approximately 21,540 gallons of water with a resultant product concentration of 0.25 Percent. The product (Bachman Services, lnc. F-485) oontains isopropanol ond a surfactant as noted in the Safety Data Sheet (see Appendix A). The fishing operation to retdeve the broken bit body was performed on Saptember 19-20,2015 and the bit was eventually recovered with a sup€r magnet on September 20,20rs. The remainder of the top-hole was completed to the oasing point depth of 703 feet, using fresh water only. No further drilling activity has occurred on site ond drilling operations are currently suspended, as requested by PADEP. MA006627 l-l 2.0 2.1 Initially Reported Water Source Imp.cts and Responses First Contact: On Friday, September 18, 2015, Penn Environmental & Remediation. lnc. (Penn E&! JKLM'S envilqqnental consultant, received a phone call indicating that foam was noted in the water supply of the located at the Reese H;llow 118 .;;i;";"". Penn E&R to and JKLM instructed notified JKLM well pad. Penn E&R immediately investigate the call, collect water samples, and to provide bottled water as needed. JKLM f,o.uJ E upp.J*mut"lyJof ffii;"t"d :[ffiT,'i'l:1,-ff :]#:"1t',*,'iJ fi :3 V. 1. 1 1. CHRONOLOGY OF INCIDENT DISCOVERY il::i;:;il*il:i,"J; H:, T;fi the inconvenience would be oovered by JKLM and that JKLM would visit the residence on Monday, September 21,2015. JKIM Ieft a phone message for Ms. TokarzDEP and notified her ofthe situation. alI nelJresloence ffi #*,**o?i'i'Jioii',ill'"#r!.lii'"i'',i!l:n:":1"*"*:**5 *o,ruppro*,*rr.,1J rdrne loam rn tnelr waLer supplv. iEM I ls locateu occupants lo not use the water supply and hotel accommodatlons were offered. JKLM also offered reimbursement for incurred expenses to address inoonveniences and advised that JKLM would visit tlre residence on Monday, September 21' 2015. OP EN _S OU RC E dir.*ed tt'e 3. Third Contact: On Monda lemoer lr. zur,. JN! roo.u^'','o,.,-,J",,". l repo(ed foam in th€ir water supply. ,r r"I ffi of Section 3218(c) of Act 13 and JKLM'S 3,000 foot baseline sampling radius. JKIM responded the same day via a notice phone call to PADEP'S spill response hotline, site inspection, collection of a sample for laboratory analysis, and direction to the occupants to not to use the water supply JKLM provided bottled water and reimbursement was offered for incurred servioes and hotel area is beyond the 2500 foot presumption accommodations to address inconveniences. 4. !!!! after completing intewiews with contact, a fourth impacted watgr was identited by JKLM/Penn E&R. The Foufth Contact: On Monday, available neighbors associated supply of -d upp.o*i,nut"ly J pttone catt to PADEP's spill response hotline, site inspection, collection of a sample for laboratory analysis, and direction to the occupants to not to use the water supply. JKLM provided bottled water and rcimbursement was offered for incuned sewices and hotel accommodations to address inconveniences. 5. Fillh Conlacl: ARer J f.LM,/Penn E&R placed a notice on -- MA006627 2-1 Lhe door ofa propen\ adiacent to Penn E&R via telephone on wednesday, September 23, 2015 reporting problems with the property's water supply' JKLM responded the samo day via a notice phone call to the PADEP spill response hotline, site inspection, oollection of a sarnple for laboratory analysis, direction to the occupants to not used the well water, bottled - -contacted provided, reimbursement was offered water was for incurred seavices to address inconveniences, and hotel accommodations were also offered. Additional RespoNe Actions Mondav. September . . . 2 l. V. 1. 1 2.2 201 5: JKIM,?enn E&R and Ms. Tokarz/DEP jointly sampled the impacted water supply ofthe p,operties. JKLM provided a iemporary iltemate water iupply for lmaf both properties by the end ofthe following day. thelndghbottJ JKLM/Penn E&R investigated lhe water supplies of ano TDS 99 PROPRIETARY 15 FOR ADDTTTOXAL EXPOSURE LtMtTSt t{o, Governino tsodv Exoo3urs Lihits 3. HAZAROS IDENTIFICATION . EIiIERGENCY OVERVIEW Poses hltle or no immediate hazard Hazards Ratings: Key : 0 = least, 1 = slight, 2 . nodeftte, 3 . NFPAOlO HM S010 . !!dlI h igh, Elre 4 = extreme E93e!!! ee! x POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS . . PRE.EXISTING MEDICAL CO DINONS The following diseeses or disoders may be aggravated by exposure io this product Skjn II{HALATION No acute effects expecled Lc50 Lcso (mgn): (mg,h3): no deta no data - 100 <1-'100 LC50 {PPm}: no data B[]t*u, ".*t ," n 'o"orbed Draizo gKn Scor€: no dala LD50 I . (mg/Ng): ski. lni€non throush the skin' May cause minhal outofSo no dala V. 1. 1 EYES No eye effBct expected' lNGESrlot{ Prectcally non_toxic if lngested LD50 {srkS): no data 4. FIRST AID MEASURES gls'f*l"J'"ixffi"'3*o* ;H".*#il"1':;"J Jrxs'u iffi fffi Si:?l:ik*:,g::f;;s il']l;; ."* -' ** ElFs"v"ria" treatment wash clothinq beio€ reuse. develops or persisl3 edical attentron if iritaiion medical inilation Persists obtain at least 15 fiinutes lieye oiwsterfor pleniv eyes with Get lu"h "p"nuna medicar attenton immediaterv is not required' c'€t lnducron ol vomitins "on-toxic' OP EN _S OU RC E ' Hihl': rat"r, MEASUR€S 5. FIRE FIGHTNG . . EXTINGUISHING MEDII- .^, "".ln'"at Cafton doxioe Hx'r."ffil,ll:1il'Jtti;9liF^:,:","r.".,,'"rserf-coniainedbrea$insapparaiuspfes$€demand' n""'' tu" gS";rru'Sf l]i'J"t*X,'fftuliiniti* "ot""uu" FLAMISABLE PROPERfIES Flash Poiq! oignl$on TemPerature Limit U STOMGE 7. HANDLING AND ' ffi!PHlf'nn'"o"n"*'"n' 1l/200? E$IMAIEg N/A I'UA . STORAGE F' rrra storage. Flash poini is greater than 200 degrees iiie-criis Consult Vvllh a Heanh and Safetv Prof$sionalfor Specific Seleciions €NGINEERINC CONTROLS ii"'*iiliiiirr" lo a;rbome ' exposure ventilatjon is normarrv reqtrrred when,handlrns orusins thls produc't io keep exposure limil Mecl'anical venilat'on reco'nmenoeo ""ntir"ton below lhe contaflinsnts V. 1. 1 . PERSONAL PROTECTION . EYE PROTECTIOI{ proof chemic€l goggles are tecommended to prot€ct aaf;ry glasses {with sid€ shields) recomftended Splash agarnst ihe spiash of Producl _he GLOVES OT HAND PROTECTION glove(El lisled below orou", recorrmended when prolonged sk,n conEct cannot be avoided. nav no! pro"/de matenars "r" ;,i"i""i Gbv;s or o$er chem.calv resistanr "]""i'"''iJo'"-piiiJt" proleciion Neoprene: Nitnle \ ton ad;quaie . p-r"i;* . p.;.""ti- RESPIRATORYPROTECTIOI'I certrfied respiratory CJi*mriion in oa.-ines lhe levei of rcspiratory proteclion needed Use only NIoSH ai' "i, ;;ui;men!. Resoiratorv Drotearon,s nol usuativ needed un'ess producl i3 heateo or mrsled Half-mask (10) times to ten for exposurcs is acceptable n,ret carudges *iniors.; mr$ filters or HEPA i,li[iiJ 'i'.rii"li,i iurr-race ar.ouri+ving reserator with dust /hist fliers- or HEPA.filter ertndges acceptable G#ilffi;lt plgiection by air punfying respiralys slimrted.'s usea posiiive ioie-rdosures to irv (50) trnes tle e_xpdsure limit. orei;reaemand turl-tuce suppled air resprrator or SCBA for exposures greater tlan ffty (50) trmes the OP EN _S OU RC E to Lfe and Fleallh)o'there the !".*'* i;.it. ii"i-"rr" is;bove the IDLH (rmmediately Dangerous rhen 's use a postive pressure demand rurr unk;off reveb a;e .erease, exposr,re or .liliiirrv i'ii" ,*6"t."itid lorequivale )furl' €scape botle ot SCBA. Wetr a N osH/lvlshA-approved the posidve pressure mode wilh emergency escape prousbns' 6i'ii,ooriJJ'.;-Gt";witn . facepEd, strline respirator rn OTHER 9 ac'd.suit) and boots are required' rere-sptashing is possible, full chemically Esrstant proteclive clolhing (e p'ote€tve cbtnng Poryv'nyl chlorid€ for as Bre ;ccepl,ble (ovAli tollowinq m;€rials The Polwinvi alcohd ipvCifr.l.."r"",j, litrtte. vrton: pol-yurethane; Facili{es stonng or utilizlng this material should be equipped a saiely shower. Remove contaminated clothing and \!"ash befoe €use For noft e"iritv "v"*i"ir' ""d proteciion may be necessary and wear appropriate protective clothing to avoid t""pi' utotv iiu u; *;rili "*"r6"nii.", contact wilh mate al. 9, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PhFical ProP€dY Typi6l Units Texi Result Bulk No data l\llolecular Coeffcient Sol iod* -=--- odor Threshold N/A I LirrLE oDoR. I LlHu'" fF) J l I;MJ I viscosity 10. *''rn ] sls 7z I .o.ooo rl ----i ' , o zo c I -;:;-, STABILIry AND REACTIVITY STABIUTY V. 1. 1 Slable CONDIT o S TO AVOID Avoid heat, sparks and open iame. I},ICOIIPATIBILITY Stong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOiIPOSITIOI{ PRODUCTS Combusbon fiay poduce carton inonoride. carbon dtoxide and oher asphyxrants. TIAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIOX Wll noi polymeize. 12._plFPgsAL coNstpERAT ONS Fotrow t€de€t, slate ano tocat reoulations this aatedar ts not a RCRA hazardous waste, if not contaminated. mat6dar has b€en 'used RcRA-cdi.ria ridnirabiriiv, re*ti"itv, iJ oo flush riateriat ro drain or srorn sewer. Coitracr tolurr,oriroi "o"*ri,itv !i-i " ii"po."r OP EN _S OU RC E i"'iiiiil",ii o"*,n,"".. "l,l..ii.- Gov€JnlnoBodv U9d9 DOT Proper Shtorino am€ Hazar.r Ctass Ground Srygoilg-E@ ooT Mode Ground N/A UNfiA N/A xo. !3be! ;;ess,ated I4, REGULATORY INFORIIATION _._- Requlatorv, Llst " Title lll Clelslflcadons Sections 3{1,312: Compoflent CAS No. lf "", Ac{&: tlo c*rcne 1lO Flre: *O Reactivry: Sodd€n 15. OTHER Llrnit8 tu Fl66se llo Reh*e ol PresEurq rto lt{FOR*TtOd S e ptlduct- 5mg/n3, Oil Mi6t Umfr, (OSHA P€UACGIH tO fle rnatedal sably dda she6{ tor coftlpl3te r*r tLV) 'ntorfidon. WHifiS Ctassificadon: not cofto{led. V. 1. 1 . . . . . OP EN _S OU RC E - Means, Jennifer AM Tuesday, September 22, 2015 10:36 From: Sent: Panettieri, Michael Nuss' Matthew; Tokatz, Terra Kosmer, William, P.G.; Engle, David; REi Reese Hollow 1l'8-2HU UPdate c<: Subject: ""i."",;*l"g rh:. From: Panettieri, Michael AM Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 10:21:01 To: Means,lenniler Tokarz' Terra ccr Kosmer, William, P.G ; En8le, David; Nuss, Matthew; Subiect FW: Reese Hollow 118-2HU Update len, V. 1. 1 they're doing' I assume now? Also' ftom your description ofwhat Mike" are they drilling an)'\there else dght to use this material right nou? t'r,r." *" OP EN _S OU RC E Please see email below. hole atthe 2HU wellon 9/14/2015 (spud surface JKMLset a totalof 3 conductors at the pad They began drillingthe past conductor' llere's a summary of my discussions the ad]vanced date 8/28/2015); the lHU and 3HlJ have not been with Dana and Lester {on location)this morningi . . . . . . . . Surface casing hole (24") ha5 been drilled to 708' - no 8as has been encountered from O to 708' based on mudloE; No slrface casing has been run; First water was encountered at 340'; to 571'lsoap is foaming agent with isopropyl They used approximately 32 gallons of soap to drill from 340' from 0 to 571'; alcoholand paraffinic oil-see attached MSDSS)- maintained circulation to a fracture - Dana didn't know or provide an They lost circulation, got stuck, and lost the bit at 571' likely due estimate ofthe yield offractureflow rate; 571' - this is where Da na believes the soa p They used a pproximately 2 3 ga llo ns of soa p white fishing the bit at impacted the water supplies; 708'; They successfully removed the bit from the wellbore and drilled to shells, cedar wood fibers, paper) to heal the walnut The; are currently running lost airculation material {crushed are making good progress thatthey wellbore forthe surface casing cementjob - phone callwith Lester indicates plug to shut the water off cement an openhole have to set and have circulated to sr.rrface, so they ihouldn't can't healthe wellbore' procedures)' lfthey (they should be able to set/cement surface casing using standard plug' establish circulation' and theyplan to set an openhole cement plug across the fracture, drillthrough the set/cement suaface casing using standard procedures Lesterisintheprocessofsendingmeaphotoofthesoapusedtodrillthroughthedrinkingwateraquifer.l,llkeepyou posted. Let me know ifyou need anything else. Mike Supervisor Michael Panettieri I Oil and Gas lnspector oil and Gas District Eastern Protection I ;";:;;;';;;;;,,onmental Bureau of District Oil and Gas operatlons ir',.a s,t""t suite 101 williamsport PA 17701 Phone: 570.327.0515 Faxt 570'327-3420 iiJ*".. V. 1. 1 wwwdeoweb.state.Da.us for the The information transmitted is intended only PRIVILEGED AND 1ONFIDENTIAL coMMIJNICATI1N Any use contain confidentiat and/or privileged material person or entity to whom it is addresseJ and may in error' is prohibited, rf You receive this message of this information otner tnan ay tne inteitdea re'cipient and all computers the sendet and detete the material from any it.uru r"na u ,upty "-nailto Frorn: Dana Greathouse tmailto:doreathouse@emslD coml sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 7130 AM Toi Panettieri, Michael Cc: Swank, Richard; Taylor, Lester Mike, OP EN _S OU RC E Subje€ti Reese Hollow 118-2HU Update TheReeseHollowll8-2HUsurfaceholewasdrilledonairto340'withabit&hammer'At340"thehole We were able to fish started to make water. Drilled to 571', at which time the bit twisted off the hammer' thebitoutofthehole.Therewasastandingfluidlevelat4g5,.WecontinueddrillingwithaRollerconebit andfreshwater'Wecouldnotestablishcirculationwhiledrilling'TDonthe24,,holesectionisT08,,with casing shoe at 690'. running casing' we would like to It appears that there is communication with the water aquifer at 571'' Before water is at 635' based on data from seal off the wellbore from the water aquifer with cement. Base of fresh the sV 102-3HU well and analvsis ofthe drilling curves on the RH 118-2HU' product only) lf circulation can be The plan would be to try and establish circulation with LCM (Organic _ Drillout cement with 24" estaLlished, pump a cement plug from 300, 65d. wait on cement 24 hours. bit. Run 18-5/8" casing and pump cement. wait on lf circulation can't be established, pump a cement plug from 450 - 650' (Fluid Level at 495') pump cement cement. Try to establish circulation above top of pluS at 450'. lf unable to establish circulation, plug from 300' - 400'. Drillout cement with 24" bit. Run 18-5/8" casin8 and pump cement Cement plug would be a Type A cement. Please let me know your thoughts. Dana 2 DaE KGreatDos€, f'lEng, PE East Manaqement S€dices 22oo GeoqetoMe Ddve sutte 50o O: (724) 935{954 om OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 C: (4t2) 7r3_1271 E: &Faihouse@effilo q 2ool taltH oF Pt \\sl L\ A\LA ^trtr\roNu rno\]lE\ raL PBorrc n."ni.inrlti orJ.t .ti' oru c qs u nr {cL}4fNT PRoGRAY r "" *.-.b!}*-I lo\ 1 a ,Ust ol'il? 2.111802 , Record NA NA -omplaint INSPECTION Rf,PORT 37-105-21852 lfi"il:i'" JKLM EnergY LLC Reese Hollow 118-2HU r"rd.ip.ri,y swed€nTo\r'iship 220 Ceorgero$Te Dri!e, Suite 500 Sewickely. PA 15143 Latitude: 41.795905 Lonsiiude: -??.94345 V. 1. 1 Roao spreading - DR^LT . D"ltd;n"'"r." n RDsPR \ire Re'rorarion RLsIR E ts ij"o,ip - r"i.ii* - eu c rtrgs'ng ! nr"c no'rt'ne Iormations Oil / NA F/S Plan on Site 571 ,^r'olume Deoth Gas NA / NA OP EN _S OU RC E isDosal Plan OPEN-HOLE Casinq & Tubin Spudd€d 8/28/ l5 708' 78.8i(c 0845. weather conditions: cool andcloudywith slight breeze, 5 0's (JKLM Operations Manag€r) O"g-** f. ifri. ir.p*rion ruas condu"te,l in response to Conplaint #315196._Dana Creathouse (3) wells have been spudded on fie Reese Three the inspection. me during ani Joe Nelson (orilling Consultant) accompanied suface hole witha ddlling Started hole to 708'). p"atrnu surface gJr"* i I s JLIU have conductors only;2HU drilled Misted "'"d 340'on 9/16/2015. at was eocountercd follerbiton 9/1412015. but switchealto air ham-". on9/ts/2015. First water off bit on (lost and nvisted c culation and dilled with air hammer to 571' where additional water bearing zone was encountered addit;ves elielzoiiy. nt.rt"a u"a removed bit on 9/19/2015. Drilled with a rollerbit and ftesh water (reportedly, no drilling be 635') u."al to i6t, f.o. sllq l2ot5 to 9l2ll2o15 (Depth ofDeepest Fresh Groundwater used for casing design reported to R"-r.1", A-ir"d trthe location at approximately ,X!44pb& NA --' Licatign4!ir4p1io4t&!NA ,r.- m'-, ,l'^!-4\: lDn ...o LeslorTaylor Dat :912212015 Timer 12,15 Page L of) INSPECTION R.EPORT PAGE 2 Remarks (Continued): lmning sel sweeps with lost circulation material (i.€., paper cedar wood fiber and running surface casing and cementing sweeps were nm at 0800, 0900, 1000, "T1ff'ff,T:1"#fi#*y"H:*rvned and I 100 with increasing retums to sudace. Based on the Dail) Drillins ReDons drilling additives were used to drill the surface hole on g/t5/2015, gn6no15,9/1'l/2015. e-,irs*jiirl..,",ri ?1ilji;','Jl.o;ll,:fl5";'"Tiiff:,;"';;ii;j":';;;";p';";;;'#ljiiljil'*.0,'. reponed on the Dail] Drilling Repon. Reportedly. Tn 70t. no gas \a as .""*"i.*J'fr". O V. 1. 1 _ lighl oIthe informalion Pather durins the complaint invesrigarion. rhe DepartmenL s intesligarion has revealed lhe following g5 l"lliiil;ii"it r:o r-::za L1;i,r. i-.u o r: oii ions promurgared under these -a c,. n"ii.i..q . "iJit'.ui". *a "r,r", $ ?8.73(4 'l he operator shall construcl and nncmle the is majnlained and heahh. safery. well in accodance \a ith rhis chapter and ensure inr ironment. and property are prorected... ' s 78.73ft) "The opemtor shall. . prevent pollution. . . . of fiesh water.,, thar rhe inlegriq of lhe \ ell OP EN _S OU RC E S 7E.83(c) "The surface hole shall be drilled using air, freshwater, or fieshwat€r_based drilline fluid.,, Note: only tophole drilling additives which are certified in conformance with ANSL0{SF Standard 60 are deemed acceptable to the Departnent, when used in the manner indicated in the certification of tf," oaairir". Department personnel left th€ location at approxtnately 1245 on9/22/2015. Inspection Record #241 1802 Paee 2 ol2 5500-FM-OGo114 01/2015 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA OEPARTiIIENT OF ENVIRONiiTENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF OILANO GAS MANAGEMENT ffirsm:xlx.*$.*"" 2443611 2403612 2403613 2403616 .--LlsF,gtltlvrr., SURFACE ACTIVITIES INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Req. 105-21853 ESG29,105-15-0002 POect# Site lD #791072 ::Name JKLtul Enerqy LLc :aTm Name i Well# Reese Hollow 118 1HU, 2HU 3HU \ddress 2200 Georgetowne Drive, Suite 500 lounty Potter Sewickley, PA 15143 Municipaiity Sweden Township Scott Blauvelt Latriude: 41.47 45.00" Longitudel 77" 56,36 62"w Gii&xxtii{61 MansFtrrrr&t6933 si€ .1 iesporlglble )r lilto. -l I I E Facility: Sins f CEI- comp,ai@ Ev. ualon COi\,lPL Compainl lnspection I FUr- Fdroeup INCDT lncdenl Response E PREOP - Preope€lion lnspection E MultiwellPad EPpelne C Stream Class/watershed: Special Proieciioi? Permits/Auth: ! ! Ge.e€ Pemrl Yes Type: Hohouatitv SESCGP2 Type Pemit on 3211(o)OGA site 3211(a)OGA 3211(h)OGA EE [tr8 E WerrLaberng DtrE Pran 3211(m)OcA tr tr E Wd Loel o. Re{d.1 1215(.)OGA sware,s!b.! Ll Ll Ll E Floodplain Restnclions 3215{t)ocA fl Corosor Conllo Req 3218.4(a)OGA E Preoperarronar rnspecl 3258(a.1)OOA E 3215(b)oGA ,xN&r E&S Pan 1i:lsKr on-sile 102.4(b)(8) E&SPanAdequare 102.4(b)(s) EE fl fl EE E ! Utrtr R.:. MlnimzeE&s'102.4(bxl) EEtr ESCGP obta ned special Potect Notice '1025 4trtr on '1 02 4(b)(6) oiTeminaton '102.7 lmp "10211 BMP s Desisned, Temp sile Slabiliatron Re-sbois,ir. We lsiie estoralion welrnor drired R= 'r0222(b) E fl tr !trtr trtrn Ei D nnn nnn EE ! ,78652) E E al 3216(a)ocA Rendl$ . PCSI,I6moered & ,102 molemsted PemanenrSrabilizallon Chap 93Des: HCIC:!\IF V= Vrolation . 8 u Ll u "19222tal fu trDn L rn t - n Pollulonprevento. 4o2csL ft ft Ponl Sou.ce Polution 301/307CSL r] Itr NordlOEP mtig.te .9i 33 n n T.l conran Porrutanis '91 34 F n n n-n 'S&,'. Peinils Oblained 105 Mahrarn :::y;:}l"Tl Wo l.::R 11 n _l ft Residlarwaste OisposalPlan Pii in no bftarn 2ff '78.54 trtrt ] '78.55 tr El - n""n""n1 '78 s6 ! Ll Ll :#;lf$J:t Req .7a57 !trD Control& Discharge Disposa otdrilrcuriinas Disoosa of.esdual Lafd 105 Faminq '7863 r]nn nmenl "7A64 nnn Residualwasie uncon. wer conta n. SWtltA ofwater '78 OGA= Oil tr . ntrtr v- L ! L !trtr trtrtr n-rl trtrtr trtr! Sw\,1-A:Solid wasre - fl fl E tr E 785r{h) Ll Ll Ll NorFcnon 1os31a E D tr &ca Ad 511 3rrsl.roca '105,t4 tltlt ;ffJi:[l1T.,. 301 32182(a)ocA WritorsuDriv,lt'seclta*rrrxfR sloov 5r ft Tt - 24 h'. Comolarnl E!tr '78.60 tr tr tr '78.61 tr tr tr 'T462 tl tt Oii Tank conta Protedrrcn '10546 Pedomed ro *25Pa C.d. Ect Eoc57 fl Contrcl CoDv of Pemn on-s te ope€te or Rouline / Comptete tnspeclon trsiorageVesse E D Joinr lyftle* :rrrrr$IioD .',lrrt Polluuonaldischarqe 401CSL fl 8tr8 EEE Restoration 'l OP EN _S OU RC E srerDsisn Water [,]!mt. RTNC N E Resrored/prod .Abandoned E ptusging E_ trcBv1 Eloi lcs6ei€rh f] Pre-construction !4!LType: E convenronal Drll ins f Centratized tmpoundment-Wasle E Conslruclon EDrifAt I unconvenlionat shate: Ulica o&GGirn-6€il s€crion rIR, v lln* Site Phase: -l RESTR ste AoMIN- Administrative / Fie Rev ew e-WelrPad V. 1. 1 ESCGP # ddress 600 Btdo 145-21851 105-21852, # Act . CSL=Cled Srcans L.w 8128t2015 9t1t2015 5500-FM-OG0 ll,l 0l/2015 On 8/28/15 at O85O hrs I conducted a preoperational inspection at the Reese Hollow 1 18 well site. lt was sunny and 54'F. JKLM representative, Scott Blauvelt, was present. Also available during the inspection were Jefi Long and John lvlanuel. Remarks: I observed the access road, well pad and erosion and sediment (E&S) control BMP construction. I also reviewed the E&S ptan, PPC plan and the routine E&S inspection log- Site construction is nearly finashed. The topsoil stockpile and slopes along the access road have been hydroseeded and some germination was observed. The well pad has been soilcemented. iopdressing ofthe pad surface shoutd be completed by tomonow. A perimeter d€in system has been insta ed and was nearlompletion. The fillslopes around the pad and sediment basin slopes still need to be stabilized. Perimeter E&S controls have been installed. V. 1. 1 The ce ars have been installed for the 1HU, 2HU and 3HU wells. The spud notices were received on 8/27115. JKLlvl plans to spucl the wells in the next several days and anticipates moving the rig onto the site within the upcoming week OP EN _S OU RC E The last routine E&S inspection was on 8/26/'15. No violations were cited during this inspection. -2- Tokarz, Terra Ftom: Tokarz, Terra Tuesday, September 01,2075 2-.06 pM Sent: To: Scott Blauvelt PG (sblauvelt@emslp.com) jwalsh@penn-ercom Cc: Subject: 8/28115 Reese Hollow 118Inspection Reports, #24O361t,24036L2,2403613 & 2403616 Mr. Blauvelt, Please find attached copies Thank you, Terra Tokarz ql) t4l 2015428 jKtM .. V. 1. 1 ofthe 8/28/15 inspection reports forthe Reese Hollow 118 wellsite located in Sweden Township, PotterCounty. lfyou have any questions regarding the attached reports please contact me by emailat ttokarz@pa.qov or by phone at 570-G62-083S. OP EN _S OU RC E T€rra Tokarz I Water euality Specialist Department of Environmental protection I Eastern Oil and Gas D:strict Bureau of District Oil and Gas Operations 600 Gateway Drive I t4ansfietd pA 16933 Phone: 570.662.0835 Fax: 570.662.0843 www.depweb.state.Da.us PRNILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMT..tN,CATTON The information transmitted is intended onty for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidentiar and/or piviteged materiar, Any use of this information other than by the intended recipient is prohibited. you ff receive this message in errcr, please send a reply e-mail to the sender and detete the material from any and all computers I?m-ll? I PROGRAM: OIL 3s GAS CONFIDENTIAL: YES 0? circie one) FILE NAME: 213?- BREAKDOWN: PERMITIREGISTRATIDN TYPE: MIA POTTER 3114,1411?? COMMENTS: Perri? Hui/aw Nam:- nf?lpr- Tnkan u- rim?, 1, *"diflft?#jff^_""':.'$iiJ'Js'lq'"" 55oO-FM-OGOlla 01/2015 UsE OltLXr 1, Record # -lNpection 2385271 23A5272 Remd * ,3A5213. 2385274 rro-rcement necord * -Complaini ffirs*"l:rJ:..*n:** SURFACE ACTIVITIES INSPECTION REPORT *i.#ri8lrwif,. 660 G?ewaY Dr.ive sdqi€: il &Ga*rogi ;llTlrr- .rr. ,- ,r. :, 3HU ^o^. 6r^$,no Drive Suite 500 legponsifrkt scott Blauveli Ithe.lnfo. , -l ADMIN Admr I Comp iance Evaualion cotMPL - comp aini lnsPeclon srream Class/wateFhed: SpecE Ptolec Pemits/Auth: T] on"er- X E Pr€-constructon E Constructioi wellTvDe: E Conventionar tr U"-"""ntio""l 4..-*., siirrld -a,',i R ^re Munlcrpality Sweden TownshiP Latiiude: 41" i Tl Drill/Ali I I 3211(a)oGA 3211fi)ocA 3211(m)oGA \r/"t.r M"",ifld/e Lo@tLo. Restricl 3215larOGA Bldo &Water Suoolv Reshct tr E tr!E ll OEE E[ EEC - E loodolain Restrict ons 3215(0oGA EEE cotrosionconlrolReq. 3218a(a)OGA tr n . Pr€ooeraiiona lnsDect 3258(a1)OGA tr ! tr & Wetlands 32l5tbtOC,A r.'] trtrc 47 45.44 N 77.56 36.62 w RESTR RTNC - - SLte Resioration Rouiine / complete lrspection 3 RIPr Ro iiE / Paiial ln$€dor Esrorasevesse E HO4WF chap.g3 Des: E!+ Oualiiv E Jornr Ec.l EoG-57 E Restored/Prod E Abandoned Plusg ig E ESCGP ? - Sh" e' l t ,a.54 !trD conrror Res dual wasie Control & DisDosal P an '7855 tr!tr Penanent srabiLization '1a2.22@ D t) 11 Pit in n9, @nta n 2fl ,8.56 tr tr tr trtrtr Production Fuids I 'ta ,7a.57 trtrtr i'b;€ "rrt:se.iir& aolcsL tr O E Polutiona d scharqe '78.60 trOtr nis.h.me Red Polluiion prcvenllon ao2csL tr!E Dlsoosa ofdrl cultinqs "78.61 tr tr tr ornrsourePotuuon 301/3o7csL E E E Oisposalof residual ,7a.62 !trn Notrt DEP, miisate. ,9j 33 tr tr tr '78.63 trtrtr La.d Farmlno preventspil oirTank Containmenl '7A.64 tr tr n trtr conta n Pollulants '91.34 t (contd.) Se:l&h PcsM@mpeted& .102.8 on. 'r-R v fl tr tr lrkte OP EN _S OU RC E 3211(s)ocA o, ". P"*tr on "ire w.rlLbd." werlLo@rDn vpp hoh General Permit: TYPe site Phase: siF:mc Potter I FUI Folow-up I INCDT- lncideni Response I PREoP PreoPeration lisPection strallve / File Review @ntratzedtmpoundmenlwasre S." 0ounty Longitude: -l CEI- rD ESG29-105-15-0002 Site lD #791072 Project# :arm Name neese Hottow 1te 1HU, 2HU Sewickley, PA 15143 srt" 105-21853 Naw: JKLM Energy LLC ..n^ oszt asl, tos-z'10s2, t ESCGP # : , tt^:&^r;,,,b^rtAo.lrlt Permit or V. 1. 1 opi. d Dillricfofiioe -1 ctd & Oislosalrrxsectlqr:lrrxr trtrtr Residualwasie sWi^A 301 EE! its rrt rS6uon,rxtxR v unmn Wellconiain. s218.2{a)OGA E ! E Ctrtr E&sPlanAdeauate 1o2a(b)(5) E E fl Pemitsoblaned'105.11 trtrtr I r-v s&W dirslrli;.!,,,,: r02.4(b)(1) D fl E MinimzeE&s 10542(0 tr E E Pbrecibnofwaier'74511 :::fjj:'I'-.* EsccP Obtained '1025 tr1tr uu! 3218(a)oGA ,]05.51 trtrtr Suoolv soecia Protection '102,4(b)(6) El tr tr opeGte or rMainta r 24 hr. comprint -7S51rh) F ll ! N.tic oI Teminatior '102.7 trtrtr N.rfi.riion E&SMeasuresin .105.46 [EE BMPS Desiqned.lmp '1a211 trCtr trtrtr Tenp s te Slabilization '10222(b) ! E E 'rr*rr..: Fr{lI s(wl ,,,oir€r Woft Perrom€d lo ,tosq E E E trtrtr trtrtr t&s:,. Eas Plan On-site :l- R v '102.4(bxg) El E ! Sei:tion !trtr R6tor.ssis :XXrr' SXt:$ , r E we lsite restoration 3216(a)oGA E! ,78.65(2) . E E Weu noi dnl€d lnsl&n R{igri Ppeline lnstalled BMP s approved <25fr ,105314 n. trtr trC xiA=Oll&Gd A.l NOVIO ntrtr E . S\\ 'ta=solrd watc -janu,7.J/,o'i tr 7t612015 7 t7 t2015 5500-FM-OG0114 01l2015 Remarks: o gottow I t8 *"tt sit JrLttil prcs;;i;;;; penn E&R, was also werE presenl -' - dilwrrrrErrr were Anov urarK, ;;i " Penn Penn Flifl,[?ll?i,Tl""l,,y::;-.:".1-r.]:1"_"j:lg arso on site E&R developed the g.oslon anOS"jl1:tbrtvcconner. constructjon contractor. ment (E&S) Controt ptan and Gas Freid Speciatists (GFS) is the we site we reviewed the E&s pran The Esccp was €pprcved on 6/1/15. The site wit consist of a 350, x 5oo, wet pad and an access road. Bunows Road. which is a rnwnship roao. witt atso te upi.i"i'r"ill"j"i"p*"" permit issued by the Poher county conservation Drstrict Burh; R;"0 *iir le*ir"n"olil-Lljrii"Liii.il ,o tarser trucks. ror the township road w*r,. stJ iiii"!!J iJt il".ti'fiii6i,l """o.rodate ,'r.,i"r, i" o""isnated as a Hish t:"ilT;.J""*t -".""r "ni V. 1. 1 lmprovements to Burrcws Road are scheduled.to begin in the nearterm. JKLM intends to begjn site conskuction within the next week. Three we[ permits, the Reese Horro*-r re rgu, iiLi 5i-cj'i.av'J'i'e"en issreo tor t e site. OP EN _S OU RC E No violations are cited during thjs inspection. I departed the location at 1O1Ohrs. -2 Tokarz, Terra Tokarz, TeIra From: 0/ 2015 l:29 PM Senl: To: TJesdaY, JulY Cc: iwalsh@Penn-er'com scoft Blauvelt, iie)ri-n""r" Subject: PG (sblauvelt@emslp com) 2385)i Horro* rr8lnspe(tion Reports t2385271 23as212 I & 23a\274 Mr. Blauvelt, in Sweden Uq!!Iz@p.a.gqy or by phone at 570'662-0835' Thank you, Terra Tokarz H\ E_) 2ot5o7o5 JKL V. 1. 1 wellsite located ofthe 7/q/15 inspection reports for tbe Reese Hollow 118 please contact me by email at the attached reports Township, Potter County. tfyou nave any questions regarding Please find attached copies OP EN _S OU RC E Terra Tokarz I Water QLlality Specialisi Department of Environmentat Protection I Eastern oil and Gas District Bureau of District Oil and Gas Operations 600 Gateway Drive I Mansfield PA 16933 Phone: 570.662.0835 Faxr 570 662 0843 www.deDweb.state.Da us PRIVILEGEDANDcoNFIDENTIALcoMMUNI)ATI)NTheInformationtransmixedisintendedonlyforthe privileged material Any use person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidentiat and/or 'of you receive this message ln error, this infarmaaon other than by the intended rccipient is prohibited, If please send a rcply e-mail to the sender and delete the matetial from any and all computerc PROGRAM: OIL a. GAS CONFIDENTIAL: YES or NO {circle one) FILE NAME: 1 05 - 2.12253 BREAKDOWN: PERMJTIREGISTRATION TYPE: MIA COMMENTS: P6656 5% 3 Name of ?ler: T. Tokarz %y-+l;1;xlY.,il:i?,,,,^. PRoGRAM of,G BREAKodvN JKLM Energy, LLC Athr: Ml. Scott Blauvelt, P.G. Director Envfuonmental, Health, and Safety 2200 Georgetowne Drive, Suite 500 Sewicktey, PA 15143 np6 couNfi 2- 7r,.. it i2zqi "J s /A MuNrcrpAuw ?oder S;.2; wm HOOD-O ?Juu?a *3 may?; km; 9111;} -.- 4 as" 3.03:; stunw?e? .931"- maze-a writ my -. . ?v ~73] 1r; pic 34, . u. mg?; tug . . . is. anymn- wu724-178O ' mail@p€nn-eLcom V. 1. 1 ru cl OP EN _S OU RC E .'. r ! r Complele nems l, 2, and g. At€o comotgle ftem 4 r Restricted Detivery h d€sled Flrlnt your nalne and ddr€i!6 on ih6 le@ so $at we can reium the card to vou. AtEch this card to th€ back of $; maitpi€ce. or oo the front lf spa6€ p€nnirs, D 4r*honu !'rtuc SraFsrLlr [)r,v( (o^rtrye.r?Altds 4. .IarcE.trcn $ytca tabel PS Form 38 1 I , July 2013 dfffitffflidlr ls.t€fiiEy addc€e r YES, st€f.t€lrvery adine! Fesbicted b€lo* trNo d BtiV rirsr ExoEsrE n&m F€clbttorrreiEd.s Hl!€M (&ra &€) ?01q al,a0 00Ea 5B8E 1a1e try* n Penn EaR Fnuironmentat & Remediii6ffi May 11,2015 4000-MA662?_006 V. 1. 1 YIA Cf,RTITIED MAIL: i0t4 2t2O ow2 slga t2gl Charles Treat 327 Bunows Road Coudenport pA 16915 RE: Notificalion ofApplication for pe.mit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC _ Reese Hollow Well pad #l l8 Dear Mr. Treat: As required^by Pennsylvania statute (Act r3), this notification retter and attacbments are being sent to sffface rand ownem, water purv_eyo$, municipalities located within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adiacent municipa'ies ft".ero're pieuue out uppli*tion, to pemit three (3) wells at rhe Re€se H;llow wel pad 1li I LC (JI(LM) to Ihe pennsylvania Deparmtent of En!ironmenral p-i.JooEeUe,,rrtra ro"rgy, p). ff," *"f 1. will be named as follobs. correspondjrg lo rhe arhcbed well L""ui;;-p1"..,'-' #ii.ro#i OP EN _S OU RC E ;li;e *iii*"Jiy Hollow Well pad Pad 118 * 3HU Reese ll8 _ IHU- Reese Hollow Well pad llS - 2IIU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also find a copy of th€_-p.ADEp ..Landomer Notification of Well Drilling or Alteraiioos" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). T}ank you for your'uu"nJJi ;rr?" .un"r. ff you have.any questions, ptease dlect rhem to me at (5iO) ,t:S_afOS M-; i;i, g at (570) 72+ "i Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION. INC- A leJ4..,- David J. Jackson, PWS .{.-Andreq CldL Kfl Halt Penn E&R . 13180 Rode md Jeffnal.h 6. I penn f&Rl Mansfield, pA 16933 . 57O-72+t loo . Fax 57ct24,l7AO . maiJ@penn-er.com 0. ru E cr IU ru ct OP EN _S OU RC E .- V. 1. 1 E E E At -:- uWbDlrca)- "ftrHF"_tm tr egqn tr A Penn EqR tlemedlanon tnviron"nental 8 \r\-,\J\,, r( May I l, 2015 4000-MA6627-006 ?014 2120 0fi12 5088 1281 V. 1. 1 VIA CERTIflED MAIL: Chlistopher Wentzel 216 Fisher Drive Couderport PA 1 69 1 5 RE: Notification of Application for Permit to Drill #1 i 8 ircrr.a ro".gy, r,ic - Reese Hollow well Pad Dgar Mr. Wentz€l this notificetion letter and attachmetrts are being As required by Pennsylvania staJule (Act l3)' located wrthin 3'000 feet of a sent to surfac€ land orvners, **er po*"yoo' mrrnicipalities *"fL *a aajacent municipatiiies Tlrerefore' please be inlormed that applications tr," leese ttouou well Pad ll8 will be submitted bv JKLM Energv' o"putt-"nt or Environmental Protection (PADEP) The wells tolloos, conespondilg to fte atiached well Location Platsl OP EN _S OU RC E r.i".t"i -* ::"::; ;".LtiJiiMli"'ii.;;.vv*iu ";:;;i;tt*,i i'iit'" " -"a * Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 llru' Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU' Reese Hollow Well PadllS-3HU Notification of Well Drilling or Atta.hed please also find a copy of the PADEP "Landownq -*;;n:;;iiom 8000-FM-o'fuM0052). Thank vou for vour^attention in this matter' If vou i""" -v q"i"-^, please dir€ct them to Ee at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing ^t (570)'7241700. Sincerely, PENN dNVIRONMENTAT & REMEDIATION, INC' David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Ardr€w Clark Ken Halk Penn and Jetr walsh (Penn F&R' lJ'80 Rorte6' E&R) M.,]slield. PA'6953 . 5'7G72+11OO , Fat 5IC 72+178O ' mail@penn-ercom V. 1. 1 .-1,t1 EI ,* OP EN _S OU RC E d r I I Cornpl€tE it€fts 1, 2, and 3. Aso comDt€te itom 4 if B6tlci3d D€flvety is desl€d. Pdnt your nam6 and addr€ls on th6 r6v6rss so that we c€n rctum lhe csd to you. Attach this c€rd to the back ot the mailpise, or ofl tle front il spac€ p€mib. .N,r !1 tr Aseit x D. 13.i€{vsya!*BE dtii66tfrom iid' 1? nt€s rVeS,eaeraerueryaaoeoetow: 0hriorog* r)Qtto alLa FiShsL4- c/r,,re E ftrdii, MritEe€le" El B.tum Ra@i b. ri,ted{xtse 4. neshcl€d Deltwy? fEti/aF6) (ttasbrt nfl,li'at''E'' PS Forn 381 I, JuV 2013 ?ul'r a1r0 000e 50as l,aal El Yes n Penn E*R Environmental !!!g &iemediaiiili? May 11,2015 4000-MA6627-006 V. 1. 1 \aIA CERTII1ED MAIL: 7014 2120 tXt02 5088 1199 Dale Welshhams I 80 Fisher Drive Couderspot PA 16915 RX: Notification ofApplication for permit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well pad # I 1 8 Dear Mr. Welshhams: OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3), this notification letter and aftachments are being sent to surface land owners, water purveyors, municipalities located within 3.000 feet of a goposed gas well, and adjacent muricipalities. Therefore, please te inforrnea rtat appLications to permit thrc€ (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well pad 118 will b€ submitted by JKLM Energy, LLC- (JKLM)_to the Pennsylvania Deparrment of Enviroffnenral protecrion (pADEp). The wJis will be named as follows, corresponding to the attached Well Locatiou plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad Pad 118 - 3HU ll8 lHU, Reese Hollow Well pad l1g 2HU, Reese Hollow Well At&ched please also find a copy of the pADEp ,,Lando\rner Notification of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in this matter. If-you ha.r'e any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439_4109 or Maft Tusing at (570) ?24_ 1700 Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAI & REMEDL{TION. INC. o^+- David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Andrew Penn E&R clard Km Hallq md . Jetr l3l80Route6. w.tsh (pm E&R) Mansfield pA 16933 . 57O 124 l tOO . Fax 57O 72+1789, mail@penn€r.com !- I E -.wr,*g Zru e*:tms r -.rl V. 1. 1 ffi@ry a_ Je- OP EN _S OU RC E a laildete a.'a 3. Abo compl€ts iem. r, ftem 4 il Fte6lrkr€d D€ffvery is dsir€d tr &€tl onthe tev€ise r i;ir* vouiname aru aaoress . $ th;t we can reltm ths csd tolheYou r Attsh thls card to the back ol marc€c€' d d fi€ Aont if €Pace Dermrls' l, ardcl6Add€Es€dld ..:; €nl€r d€{vdy tr \€s adtus b€low: El No Dru lretshhans Fiol^rorDrivr- c+2ntl.s a. F..fiicbd D€lvery? dgitt (th'r.deti/.,nstvtc.t@ I, July2ol3 ?01q al,e0 000e 5BE8 @ rl,tl EYs n \.^. .^./ \J\g Penn EaR fnvironmental & Remediarion. lnc. May I l, 2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 fi102 5088 1304 V. 1. 1 VIA CERTITIED MAIL: DaYid Stauey 209 Fernwood Lane Couderspoft PA 16915 RE: Notification of Application for PerEit to Ddll JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #118 Dear Mr. Stahley: OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3), this notificatior letter and attacbments are being setrt to surlace land owners, water purveyors, mwfcipalities located within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, aad adjacent nunicipalities. Therefore, please be informed that applications to permil tbree (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 will be submitt€d by JKLM Energy, LLC (JKLM) to the PeDnsylvania Depaxhent olEnvironmental Protection @ADEP). The wells vr'ill be named as follows, co[espondilg to the attached Well Location Plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad Pad I l8 - 3HU ll8 - lHU, Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Ho[low Well Attached please also find a copy of the PADEP "Laodowner Notification of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for yow att€ntion in this matter. If yqu have any questions, please direct tlem to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusi\g d. (570) 7241700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAI & REMEDL{TION, INC. D..M---, David J. Jaakson, PWS cq Andr€w Clarh K€n Halt, and Jctr Walsh (Penn E&R) Penn E&R . 13180 Route 6. Mansfield, PA 16933 . 510-12+17c0 . Fax5tc72+\780 , mail@penn-€Lcom ct EI V. 1. 1 o EI tf ct ru IU EI OP EN _S OU RC E t-.- I r r Compiab itqns T,2, and 3. Atso combtdo It€m 4 if H€strict€d O€{v€ry is d€.ircd: ftint your nam€ ard addr*E on ths r€veE€ so that we can lEtum tha carcl to vouAtlach fib cad to rhe back of rn; maitoiece. or on th€ front if space pemls. D h EI E ddivsy.dd!$ dr.llnfidn iBn f1l E \es D No llYES,€nt€rds 'v*radd€s5b€tow:- Mv,d-efahbv Q6l {ernwdhLr huoLatpt ffi Mts €l csdf€d tllbn tr F.gEb€rr tr h€;Ed E eiqty i alE el!€sEIFHmn !€br ior tite$adss E Colhcton 4, F6bicted Ddha"M lEYfa Fe, (l/antbth@ sai?E @q ?01q et,eE B00a 50ss 1!sq Bv* Penn EaR \*v tnvironmental & Remediahon. lnc VIA CERTIIIIED MAIL: 7014 2120 lXl02 5088 1168 Ed Myen 235 NeffRoad Red Lion PA 17356 Rx: Notifioation ofApplication for Permit to Ddll JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #l Dear Mr. Meyers: 18 V. 1. 1 May I l. 2015 4000-MA6627-006 OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act 13), this not'rfication letter and attachments axe being s€nt to sudace land owners, water purveyols, municipalities located within 3,000 fe€t of a proposed gas well, and adjacant municipalities. Therefore, pleas€ be i]lfolltred that applications io permit tbree (3) wells at the Reese Hollow well Pad I l8 will be subrnitted by JKIM Energy' LiC (JKfM) to tho PeMsylvania Deparblerf of Environrnental Protection (PADEP). The wells wi[ be named as follows, corresponding to the attached Well Location Plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attach€d please also find a copy of the PADEP "Landowner Notification of Well Drilling ol Atl€rations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your atteqtion in this matt€.. Ifyou have any qnestions, pleas€ direct tlem to me at (570) 4394109 or Matt Tusing al (570) 724' 1700. Sinc€rely, PENN EWIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION, INC. David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Alldrw Clar( Ken Halk, and retrWalsh PennE&R. I3l80Route6 . (Pm E&R) l/ansfield, PA 16933 .570-72+17co. Fax57U72+118O. mail@penn-er.com ffimru: :$*+ffii,ffilt$:#T" irre tront it sPaoe EI Y6 ;CffiCdK'""tfr""ii'rn1? addEs b€low: u rv Pemlts I gtrilnp 46^,,) YES, ents delh.ry 1I ffi ?an35a ?#Jo. trtn;uEdMd a (t El cdl€ctoi Fest&l€d D€livsY? @i',a fae) ?01q ale0 00[e s0sa ],1h6 tbt ttun seflice hbe, Foft 3811. g""ffiHffi;,,*" V. 1. 1 "li6 tr AlBit JulY 2013 OP EN _S OU RC E -s "t d ,,,'S"H,Iil l,w*rg.s l'- E Y€s n Penn EaR Environmental & Remediation, lnc May I 1.2015 4000-MA6627-006 ?014 2120 0002 5088 If67 V. 1. 1 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: Harvey Sell 126 Fisher Drive Couderspot PA 16915 RE: Notiication of Application for Pemit to Drill JKLM Energy, LL-C - Reese Hollow Well Pad #1 1 8 Dear Mr. Sell: OP EN _S OU RC E attachments are being l:n"I As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3)' this notificatig" T1 3'000 fe€t of a lolate! sent to surfaoe land owne$, water purveyors' municipalities ^within n^ *"ff, *d adjacent municipaliies Therefore' please be inlormed tiat applicadons by JKLM Energy' ".ooo..i i.-J--ii'*""" L:i*.Us ai Lhe Reese Hollo* Well Pad I l8 will be submined kolection (PADEP) The wells i"rt-,irryiii ti" perasvtvania Departoent of Environmental *ltit na..d * follows, corresponding to the attached Well Location Plats: Reese Hotlow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow W€lI Pad l18 - 2HU' Hollow Well Reese of Well Drilling or Attached please also fird a copy of the PADEP "Landolner Notification in this mafter' If you ait"-,i"n!;ti.". 8000-FM-o-dGM0o52). Tha.nk you for you-attertion q""",io*, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing at (5'lo) 724Lr" 1700. -y Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION' [\iC. David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Andrew clark, Ken Hark, and Jeffwalsh (Pon E&R) Penn E&R . l3l SO Route 6. Mandeld, PA 16933 ' 57G724"17AO ' Fax 57G724'l /8O ' mail@penn-€r'com fr JI ru a E ..'.' r b)lji .1,". 1l ii t:., .l l V. 1. 1 o $ Stili -^ra id: -lF{" OP EN _S OU RC E F. ffiffi qffiffiffi. Ellsln E El ilo il.fJr'.rDt'fltfl6 iri""e^^ PP iliiTiao ffiea,-s""ePt sone so65 LeL? e Penn EpR Environmental & Remediation, lnc May 11,2015 4000-MA6627-006 ?014 2120 0002 5088 1205 V. 1. 1 \/IA CERTIFIED MAIL: Jack Malshall 709 Grcm Hill Road Coudersport PA 16915 RE: Notiication of Application for Pemit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #l l8 Dear Mr. Marshall: OP EN _S OU RC E AslequiredbyPemsylvaniastafute(Actl3),thisnotificationlettelanjattachmgntsalebeing sent to surface land owners, water purveyois, mutricipalities located within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adjacent municipalities. Thereforq please be idorm€d thal applications io permit ihree (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well Pad I l8 will be submitted by JKIM Energy, (PADEP) The wells LL^c (JKLM totG Perusylvania Depatrnent of Etrvironmental Protection will be aamed as follows, conesponding to the attaahed Well Location Plats: Hollow Well Pad Pad 118 3HU Reese ll8 lHU, Re€se Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also find a copy of the PADEP "Landowner Notification of Well Drilling or Alierations" (Form 8000-FM-ooGM0052) Thank you for your attention in this matter' Ifyou have any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing at (570) 7241700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION, INC. David J. Jackson, PWS c.; Andreq Cldlq Ken Hallq dd JetrWalsh (Penn E&R) PennE&R. T3]8ORoute6 . lvansfield, PA 16933 . 57O-724'17oO . Fax57G72+178O. mail@penn-er.com 6 o EI n- ##'1.t-l V. 1. 1 E7 $ro0 OP EN _S OU RC E :wfl""s,tffi r Fnlr !€Lr nam€ 6nd add,Es6 on th€ lE!€s . fl*iffffiffi,sfl"H?5fJfi5;" or oi th6 torf lt spac€ pam s. u. r.GirEry6ddEs6djbr€dfr. fiFm I Ys, dts trac6 rrhohr"Xl ekti\€ry addr€* t€low Cl Ye pm lCfrlrornnrtl Amd (1urrt reeun f+rirqs A n""Ad.d (ta'ls.€riw*fli.€hlFjn PS Forn 38'l 1, Juty 2fi3 701,q D"ltu€ryZ tE trG ele0 000e 50ss l,e[5 EI Ye6 Penn EaR Envkonmental & Remediation, lnc May I l. 2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 0002 5088 1229 V. 1. 1 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: Jason Steich 298 Fisher Drive Sweden PA 16915 RE: Dear Notification ofApplication foi Permit to Dtill JKIM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad # I I 8 Mr. Streich: OP EN _S OU RC E are being As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3), Ihis notificatign l:tter an- d {.tachments a senl to surface land owners, water purveyom, muoicipalities located within 3'000 feet of please tbal applications be infomed ptopos"A g* *ett, and adjacent rmmiiipalities. Therefore, io pet it IrI"" (:) *"lls at the Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 will be submitted by JKLM Energy' iiC (XrM t"ti.t" pernsylvania Depaftmeot ofEnvironmental Protection (PADEP) The wells wilt be named as follows, conesponding to the atrached Well Location Plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 3HU - 1HU, Rees€ Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attarhed please also find a copy of the PADEP "Lando*ner Notification of well Ddlling or alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in this matter' If you (5'70) 724' have any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing at 1700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION, INC. eA'*- David J. Jackson. PWS c.: Andrew Clark Ken Penn E&R ' l3l80 Hat and Jetrwalsh (?eon Rode 6. E&Ri l\Iansfield, PA 16933 ' 57o'724-l'1OO ' Fa\ 57Cv724-178O ' mail@penn er.com ru c, cr r! #e$fua(:fo_ .t_l\[r!-r t _LXr _ze Cornplele ilsms 1, 2, ard 3. Atso comptste ibm 4 tf Fe$rlsted D€llven is d*rtEd. Pnnt your name ald sddrd* on tfi6 so ttrat w€ can letim the cad to vou. Atta$ tts cald to ttE back of rh; maitpiec€. or on lhe tmrt It space perhits. OP EN _S OU RC E . r V. 1. 1 cf relm. D lnsonS'ke^ct^' ip'EfisnorDrr(e $^roJsn 0ft ftsq ts (laB@ttdf, @firc. e€0 Ps Fom 38 1 t , Jury zor B 3, ls dslBy.dds dtbi€dnqn ii*n fYEq der d€fiwry addBss bdou E As€r't EJ \86 ENo SE ubgType \Szcsdrhd Mrip O nedlraEd Cl 13 RisU rr.r Eo €sr' ndm Fic.tts tor titetr$dee M3il tr Cd.cron 4. Fede9d Pdvryr@aEe) ?0I'{ etE0 00EE 5886 Ieat EI \65 n Penn EaR Environmental & Remediation, lnc. VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: 7014 2120 {X}02 5088 1137 Thomas Hasnut 5168 Cideryrcss Road Schnecksville PA 18078 RE: Notification of Application for Permit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC Rees€ Hollow Well Pad #118 Dear Mr. Hasnul: V. 1. 1 May 11, 2015 4000-MA6627-006 OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Penrsylvania statute (Act 13), this notification letter and attacbments axe being sent to surface land owners, water puveyors, mutricipalities located within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adjacent municipalities. Therefore, please be informed that applicatiom to permit tbrce (3) wells at the Rees€ Hollow Well Pad 118 will be submitted by JKIM En€rgy, LLC (JKIM) to the Pennsylvania Departrnent ofEnvironmenlal Protection (PADEP). The wells will be named as follows, colresponding to dle attached Well Location Plals: Reese Hollow Well Pad Pad 118 -3HU 118 lHU. Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please a.lso find a copy of the PADEP "Landomer Notification of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in this matter' lf you have any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing at (570) 7241700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAI & REMEDIATION, INC, "@14--, David J. Jacksor\ PwS @: An&€w Clait Ko Ha[q dd PennE&R. 13180Route6 Joff Walsh (Petn E&R) . Mansfield, PA 16933 . 57O-724-1/OA. Fa\S'7O-J24'178O. mail@penn-er.com ilF@s€E V. 1. 1 cr E CI (f OP EN _S OU RC E o- a r r 1 , 2 and 3. Aho complst It€rn 4 if Restlcted D€berv b d€9lr€(L Fdnt yo!. mm€ and a(&ll€€s on !h6 tet/€€e 60 fi;r $/e cai rEnlm the csd to lrori ,fias.l tits oard to tl€ baok otthe mdhlece, or on th€ fDnt tl spac€ ieirlts. @mdeta itsnr O bddvrry d(&ss dfec$no$ ba 1? f YEE, d'i.r ddlvw ad&ss b€{ou: tr Ag€r" nld&€ [] s. Sq'tertDo &J"ruAKry' lb?Al}t) V+d6di&r Il Pdcrylr€r Esr!€' i€dAEFd E FEnrnRccrttftr ftldl{rllo trtierlBitidl Ei alolhIt dl !€lillEr! EI 4" F!5tlcl€d D€nvE y?[5fi.For,, ?EIq al,eo 00Ee 50ag ll,t? Ps FoIm 381 1 , Juty 2013 lron*dc rbtifn Fho€lf tl r€g n \-.r\-. - r. Penn EaR tnvironmeqtal & Rerred;dtion, lnc May 11,2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 0002 50881311 V. 1. 1 Vn Cnnrrrrm lUll-: Pulizzi 214 Myers Road wiltiamsport PA 17701 Joe RE: Notification of Application for Permit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #l l8 Dear Mr. Pulizzi: OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Permsylvania slatute (Act l3), this notitrcation letter and attachments axe being sent to surface land owners, water purveyom, muniaipalities located within 3,000 feel of a proposed gas well, and adjacent municipalities. Therefore, please be ioformed that applications io pemit tbree (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well Pad I I 8 will be submitied by JKLM Eneryy' LL-C (JKLM) to the PeDnsylvania Deparbnent of Elviromental Protection (PADEP)' The we s witl be named as follows, corresponding to the altached Well Location Plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad Pad 118 - 3HU lls lHU, Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU' Reese Hollow Well Atiached ptease also find a copy of the PADEP "Landouner Notification of Well Ddlling or AlteEtions" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052)' Thank you for your attention in this matter. lf you have any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusing al (570) 7241700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION, INC, /o'W- David J. Jackson, PWS @r Andrew Clark, K€n Hdh and Jeff Walsh (P€nn E&R) Penn E&R . 13180 Route 6. Mansield, PA 16933 . 57cL72+17@ . Fat,57O-72+17AA . mail@penn-er.com E t ZL!.,...n.-....-.,....--.,. OP EN _S OU RC E cF. V. 1. 1 EI r so rhat rve can r€trn us c€rd to you, AttEch thb csd to the back ol ths malpklce, or on ltts ioni lf spac6 pennits. D, bc € very ItYB, trec?r.t' 2., dl4 eft,rooo) \^J r\\ia fld'sa' tor s€nic€ e@ Ps Foft 381 1 , July 2013 rQA t1',lo addis dfiiEnt i deftdy adliEs ente. MdF E Rio& i&rE@ erE' tr R*fn neceqnfc r/g'rlm4$ MdI EI a, &9iisi!d D.!vciy? ?BLq eIe0 00EE 5088 tElr-c ea) 1,31,1 E Yes Penn EaR s.4!r\Al Environnen€l & Remediadon. lnc. VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: 7014 2120 fi)02 5088 1328 Jobn Balla 238 Femwood Lane Coudersport PA 16915 RE: Notiication ofApplication for Permit to Ddll JKLM Energl, LLC Reese Hollow Well Pad #l l8 Dear Mr. Balla: V. 1. 1 May l l, 20l5 4000-MA6627-006 As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act 13), this notifiaatioD letter and atiachments are being s€nt to surface land ownen, water purveyols, mtmicipalities located within 3,000 fea of proposed gas well, aad adjacent municipalities. Therefore, please be infomed that applications to pemit duee (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well pad 118 will be submitted by JKLM Eaergy, LLC_(JKLM) to tle ?emsylvania Deparrnenr ofEovirorme al protection (pADEp). The wJ[s will be named as follows, corresponding to tle attached WeU Locatioa plats: OP EN _S OU RC E i Reese Hollow Well Pad Pad 118 - 3HU l18 lHU, Reese Hollow We[ pad llg 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also fi''d a copy of the pADEp "Laidown"' Notification of well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in tbis maUer. If-you any questions, please direct them to me ar (570) 4394109 or Matr Tusing ar (570) i24_ !119 t 700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAI & REMEDIATION, INC. /1 ,b;M=-, David J. Jackson" PWS oc; Ardrew Clark Ken Hd& ard Jetr walsh Penn E&R ' t3t80Route6. (pm Mansfield, pA E&R) t69i3 .5i}-72+i7uj . Fax57G72+118O . mail@penn-ercom B tl 5 ilEu*vevaaotcs on*rr't tun figq u.n &^l'M , ,n CornN\\d aff"!fr:tr,;a (lr',\l'et rt l, *fli.E lel) efid d€liv€ry ad'L€€6 b€lo$': nc€dfiLd IMaF O Pthtity Mtr €rprE*_ E H",i*e,ra E Fdun Fl€c'gtturMechadltg E lc-uEd Ma{ O Coleci on r'ellvgry .t Beslict!.1DelivsY? (Eda Fat) ?0lq :1,?0 000a 5tl89 l'3?g OP EN _S OU RC E Ps Forn 3811 JulY 2013 ' o E *e?Ege -,ffiru,6 c:I a! BNo V. 1. 1 ffYES. tr Y€. eH#*m \:.*/ May 11,2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 002 5088 1120 V. 1. 1 !'IA CERTII'IED MAIL John Raysely 566 Adas Road Northampton PA 18067 REr Notification of Application for Pemit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #1 18 Dear Mr. RayselY: OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Permsylvania statute (Act l3), this notification letter and attachments are being sent to swface land olrders, water purveyo$' municipaliti€s located within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adjac€nt municipalities. Therefore' pleas€ be informed that applications io per-lt it'n"" (l) *"lls ai the Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 wiI b€ submitted by JKLM Energy, I.l'c (ffI-N,I) t"tn" peonsylvadia Department of EnviroiuBental Protection (PADEP) The wells will be named as fotlows, coresponding to the attached Well Locatian Plats: Reese Hollow Wcll Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow We[ Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also find a copy of the PADEP "Landowner Notification of Well Drilling or Altemtions" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attenlion in this matter' If you have any questions, please diEct &em to me at (570) 439-4109 or Mad Tusing at (5'70) 724' 1700. Siocerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAT & REMEDIATION, INC. David J. Jackson, PWS cci An&eq Cla*, Ken Halk, and Jeff Walsh (Penn E&R) Penn E&R ' l3l8o Route 6 . Mansfield, PA 16933 ' 57o'72+17afr ' Fax5/O'12+178O ' mdil@Penn-el.com E V. 1. 1 ru O o OP EN _S OU RC E E cnmPlBle ffi"Lt" h""" 1, ,, 3. hAtsod€€8Ed. ",td item i if Rsstlcied D€liverv r irri* volrr mms ano aoo€Es onto$P €veB{, You' so $;t ws can lEEm tha cad r Attech thls card to the back of the nEllPiece. or on the tofi t tr ne"tt n o ffifu,4fl l^,rd^^ !.\^nftt'\ Va-\fu:til ?01q ale8 -ps 1 . July 2013 6ddE3 belN UNo 3.6€!ic€Tt!e -'(crtirbdM6r E G F€lid@d n hs€d U.n 4 Fdm 381 "q,D"in4 spacs Pefinhs, tl YEs, entsr dFliv€ry I !,u die F€5dc-l€d D6[v.ry? 0[[a 5[ag Ddnstic Rotun B€celpt Pdodv llts! Ersr.€E' El F€tun R&Str litslladse EdaF6e) 11e0 E Yes Penn EaR Environmental & Renrediation, lnc. Vay I 1. 2015 vIA CERTIImD M AILt 7011 2l2t 0002 5088 I 144 Kenneth Igo North Hollow Hunling Camp 619 Faimont Street Latobe PA 15650 RE: Dear Notifioation of Application for Pemit to Ddll JKLM Eneryy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well Pad #l l8 Mr. lgo: V. 1. 1 4000-MA6627-006 OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Pennsylvania statut€ (Act 13), this notification letter and attachments are being sent to surface land ownerq water puNeyo6, municipalities localed within 3,000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adjacelt municipalities. Therefore, please be informed that applications to permil three (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well Pad ll8 will be submitted by JKLM Energy, LLC (JKIM) to th€ Penosylvania Departioent of Environmental Proteotion (PADEP). The wells will be named as follows, corresponding to th€ a$ached Well Locatiotr Plats: Re€se Hollow Well Pad 118 1HU, Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 2HU, Reese Hollow Well PadllS-3HU Attached please also find a copy of the PADEP "LandoMq Notilication of Well Drilling or Altentiols" (Fom 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you (.5'lo)'124have any questions, please direct them to me at (570) 439-4109 or Maft Tusing ^r 1700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & R-EMEDIATION. iNC. David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Ardr€w Cldk, K€D Halk. atrd Jeff Penn E&R - l3l8oRoute6 . vdsh (Pem E&R) Mansfield, PA 16933 . 5'lo-124-1loj. Fax 57cr72+178] ' mail@penn€r.com O Ff{'Gf A,& U SE EI l; t' EI V. 1. 1 a E rl E OP EN _S OU RC E a- r#J.ryffiiffiil &Hiridm,,t ir "c""" l*o't" Mli Eql€€E' Yc.tn"u m"tr flE! flqlt/ R€lxitntor Me€haidis' R6n!n tl Hd3tsr8d E ln$ed ffi"t"a z Adc+ Null6€' t6,&hor,sr@Y PS FOlm L Julv 2013 "* Msil o"ti"",Yr tr coledon Gxt e") atao 000a 5BE8 rl"lrj tr Ye€ n \- -l\-,\, i, \t Penn E*R Envircnmental & Remediation, lnc May I l. 2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 0ffi2 5088 1175 V. 1. 1 LlA Cf,RTIIIED MAIL: Leon Kline 228 Femwood Larc Sweden Pa 16915 RE: Notification of Application for Permit to Ddll JKLM Eneryy, LLC Reese Hollow Well Pad #118 Dear Mr. Kline: OP EN _S OU RC E As required by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3), this notification letter and attachments are behg sent to surfac€ land owners, waler purveyols, municipalities located within 3'000 feet of a proposed gas well, and adjacent municipalities. Therefore, please be informed that applications to permit three (3) wells at tlle Reese Hollow Well Pad I 18 will be submitted by JKLM Energy, LLC (JKLM) to the PeDnsylvania Departrnent ofEnvironm€ntal Protection @ADEP). The wells witl be named as follows, corresponding to the attached Well Location Platsi Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also find a copy of the PADEP "Landownei Notification of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Thank you for your attention in this mafter. If you have any questions, please direot them to me at (5'10\ 439-4109 or Matl Tusing at (570) 7241700. SiDcerely, PENN EI.WIRONMENTAI, & REMEDIATION, INC. David J- Jackson. PWS cc: A.dre* Cla'k, Penn E&R . Ken Halk, md .leff Walsh (Pom E&R) l31 80 RoLne 6 . Mansfield, PA 169J3 . 57o-72+11aa . Fax 57a- 12+1780 . mail@penn€rcom n- cr V. 1. 1 cl E' EI OP EN _S OU RC E a- a a r Complsts itsiE 1, 2, a'd 3. Aho comdsta It€rn 4 if R€sti.ded Delit€w h d!€tred: Prlnl !€ur nams anrl ad&6s on rh6 so tiat we cdr tbturn the cart to vou_ fttach this cald {o &€ back ot tn; naiptece, or on h€ toit It sFacs D€mtDg - tffi Lrcn Kl'vw 6ansart''n*n4i'€l3iF[ July 2013 D- b d6ll8y addEs drftc! n$n ffYES, sr€r d€ltuqy cd(ils€ b€bii tr Pdoliry M€d tr rktur ?[],4 El,dB 0E0e 5888 EI \!B EI No Eo{Ess- ae# 11,?5 El Ags* hr itddEdse e Penn EaR Environmental& Remediation, lnc *tg May I 1, 2015 4000-MA6627_006 7014 2120 0002 508{t 1236 V. 1. 1 \.IA CERTIFIED M AJL. Linda Cutler 325 Burrows Road Coudersport Pa 16915 RE: Notificadon ofApplication for permit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well pad #l 18 Dear Ms. Cuder: OP EN _S OU RC E As r€quired by Pemsylvania stahrte (Act l3), this notificatioD letter and attacbments are being sent to surface land ownets, watgr purr'eyors, municipalities located wifhin 3,000 feet of i proposed gas well, and adjaceot municipalities. Therefore, please be itrfolmed that applications to !'€mit thee (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well pad 1lg will be submitted by JKIM Energy, LLC_(JKLM) to the Pe Nylvania Depa menr ofEnvionmenral protection (pAiEp). lihe w;li; will be oamed as follows, corresponding to the attached Well Location plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow Well pad l1g _ 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Altached pleTe also find a copy of the pADEp .,Landowner Notificarion of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM-ooGM0052). Thank you for your attenlion in this matter. If-you have any questions, please direct theD to me at (570) 439_4109 or Matt Tusing at (570) 7i41700. Sincerely, PENN EN!'IRONMENIAL & REMEDIATION. INC. David J. Jacksorl PWS cc: Andrc\r Cla*, Ken Halt, md JetrWals! (p€rn [&R) Penn E&R . l3l8o RoLte 6 ' l\,,tansfield, pA 16933 , 5tG72+.ljOO . Fax57G72+17AO . mail@penn-€r.com ta V. 1. 1 e cl c OP EN _S OU RC E r' I i r Complet€ it€{trs 1! 2, and 3, Ako cortlplde ftem 4 if n€stlctEd Detrery iE d€slEd. P*rt your nEm€ and addr€ss on ihe leneise 30 tlat we can rsturn ElE card to !ibu. Attach lhis c€d to th6 back ol th€ mailpiec3. or on lha ftnt it spacs BemltE. Lirac.fu*Llr 3AS hrrror^:S (l-fll (bu.dl6por+ Ph ilrq$ Sqllc€trrDs' -llcsrifi€dMf tr 4 Otuet*b 8*lcgkdaq Ps Fonn 381 l, &ly 2013 ?E1r+ :-"-- q lleB *g$.d Resnided EblvEly? Et lthliry irai Ejo!.$E n!tur EaoEbttr t{.drarrs, @ra F€€) 080? 5DA8 l,?fL ClY6 e Penn EaR Environmental & Remedjatrbniil May I l, 2015 4000-l\/10\6627 -006 ilti 2t2O OO02 sOBt t2i4 V. 1. 1 WA CERTIFIf,D MAtLt Michael Jones 509 N. Hollow Road Coudersport PA 16915 RE: Notificatio[ ofApplicatioo for perltrit to Drill JKLM Energy, LLC - Reese Hollow Well pad #IIg Dear Mt. Jones: As required by Pedrsylvania statute (Act l3), this notification letter and attachments are being . warer purv_eyors! gwners, mwricipalities to"ut"a *iitl 3,000 fe€t of ::1: :du* lSnd a proposed gas welJ. and adjacent municipalities Therefore, pG"" t" i"f"roli rf.r" applicatiors _ to permit tbre€ (3) wells at the Reese Hollo* w"u puo i .',riiiila"uy ixrrra er,".gy, LLC (JKIV) ro rbe penns!lvania Deoannenr of EnvironmenJ p.L",i""?pl,q,Depf . Th.,r.ff, will be named as folows. conesponding to tb. ;;;;;;;"*:' ' OP EN _S OU RC E rl'*uL Reese Pad Hollow Vy'ell pad ll8-3HU "*;Jw;il llg_ lt l Reese Hollow Well pad 118 _ 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached pleas€ also fird a copy of the^pAD_Ep *Landowner Notification of Well Drilling or Alterations" (Form 8000-FM_OOCM0052). rfr""t y., fo.lo*'ut *:ti#L?;s matter. tf you any Questions, please direct them to me at (570) 4394!09 o. fr4utt i*iog at (S.jO) 724_ fave Sincerely, PENN ENVIRON'}4ENTAL & REMEDIATION, INC. eJ#* David J. Jackson, pWS cr:cAndru ee Penn E&R . CLrk, Ken Halk I3 I 80 RoL.te ad 6 , J6ff watsh (pem E&R) ivlansield, pA I 6933 . 570-724-1700 , Fax 57C -72+17AO . mail@penn€r.com F- E rU c.,nr. F.. - ffisfl$ d *""*0"" _- OP EN _S OU RC E E r! V. 1. 1 E ln#.THG ffiF."Wl: 'Hltillifr;*61"$r"* 'Tffi#':trffi**:: *ri"eAdd,,*"dro " rflichru.-l fduD i - r\o\lob:2sl $ 0 r'r t n\ ore"r^Yrff fiA lt-fi 6 5cfl Nl. A.r@r **ffi'F: 3 6g!h€ llpo r*c€dfi.i Ll€ip E c}8€d3bnd El tEr!€d Md1 Prioru E 8€h; r&[ EpllsrH€cgtpttu Iffio*wvr targea) frlq a:,eo oos? !q99-14: -m-ro''o 3Bt t .t'lY zols ' s oo,tr"ed.R"tun Re""lPi ilddB tr \es @ n $:tY Penn EaR Environmental & Remediation, lnc May 11,2015 4000-MA662 7-006 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: 2014 2120 0002 5088 1250 RE: Nolification ofApplication for permit to Drill JKIM Energy, LLC Reese Ho[ow Well pad # I I V. 1. 1 Stephen RegeJman 321 Burrows Road Coudersport PA 16915 8 Dear Mr. Regelnan: OP EN _S OU RC E As rcquired by PeruNylvania statute (Act 13), this notiication letrer and attachments are being sent to surface land owners, water purveyo$, municipalities located within 3,000 feet of i proposed gas well, and adjacear municipalities_ Therefore, please be informed that applications to permit three (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well pad 1 l g will be sutmittea ty Xfirl LLC-(JKfM) to the pennsylvania Deparnoent of Environmenral proteciionlfeOEf;. energ1 fUe wetts will be named as follows. conesponding ro rhe atrached Well Location plars: Reese Hollow Well pad 118 PadllS-3HU - lHU, Reese Hollow Well pad 1lg _ 2HU, Reese Hollow Well p_l_"T" also 6rd a copy of-the ?ADEp .,Landowner ll*h:d dterations" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Notification of Well Drilling or Thar* you for your utt"otioo L *ris _att"r. If yoo have any questions, please direct them to me at (5i0) 439_4109 or tnlutt i*rng at (570) 724_ 1700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENTAL & REMEDIATION. INC pe-- David J. Jackson, PWS cc: Andr€w Clarlq Ken Hdk a.d Ellclosurcs Penn E&R . 13l8O Route Jeff Walsh (pem E&R) 6. l\,tansfreid, pA 16933 . 57G724-1700 . Fd<570-72+17a0. mail@penn-er.com OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 a r r! a Comdele ibllb 1 , 2, 4d 3, Atso cllnptEb 4 It B6tict€d fhnvery b dqri€d Fnht Eur neme 6nd aid addl* addr€€s e losr ngrna on th6 l3verse so lh6t uE can €tl,n tfi€ €aid to yor! Attach tils cad !o the back of the nald€c€. of onlheiEfi f sIacei€fl tsibem l!l/6 l5 u5 Pff ltss L S.slcied ir6r€ P Fra fe.) ?0tq elaE 000? 50ag 1,450 PS Forn3811, 5Ys n Penn E*R Environrnental & Remediation, lnc. May 11,2015 4000-MA6627-006 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7014 2120 0002 5088 82 V. 1. 1 vL{ Patrick Lagersredt 244 Fisher Drive Coudersport Pa 16915 RE: Notification ofApplication for permit to Ddll JKLM Energy, LLC , Reese Hollow Well pad #1 l8 Dear Mr. LageNtedt: OP EN _S OU RC E As required-by Pennsylvania statute (Act 13), this notification lefter and attachmetrts arc being sent to surfac€ water purveyo$, gwrcrs, municipalities located within 3,000 feet of i 1pd proposed gas well, and adjacent municipalities. Thereforg please be informed that applications to permit three (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well pad l lg will be submined by JKl Energy, LLC. (JKfM)_to Pentrsylvania Departnent of Environmental protection !e @ADEp). The weiis will be named as follows, conespoirding to the attached Well Location plats: Negsg Xollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - lllU, Reese Hollow Well pad I lS _ 2l{U, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also find a copy of the pADEp ,.Landowner Notificarion of Well Drilling or Altemtions" (Form 8000-FM-OOCM0052). Thank you for your attention in this matter. If"you 1700. Sincerely, PENN ENV]RONMENTAL & REMEDIATION. INC. David J. Jackson, PWS cq Andrew Clarh Ker Halk, Penn E&R . dd 13180Rode6. Jetr watsh (pcm E&R) [,4ansield, pA ]6933 .57A-724-17AO . Fd<57O-12+1 7AO . mail@penn-elcom O FFr$SFI'AL,,l-L; r ti-:. S- V. 1. 1 E g ahd g Aso conplet 4 fi neBMcled Dsliveiv is d€€lFd ComDl€t6 itdns 1, OP EN _S OU RC E I r a It€rn Prir* your nam€ and adclr€5s oa the rever€e so th;t w6 can l6tJm ih€ catd to Yorr Atbach this oard to the bqck of the mailpiec8, of on tll€ frcnt r space pqmils. B, Fsd!€d ft rgsrt by lPdried a/6rrql s-rfl\ D. lsiHivsydlti..€6.BbB*nomftq:r' ff 1? YEqg brdelv*yaddrrsb€lowi ! rk, ?on,rXfoXnrst-t ott 4#.tFslurljriYe 3.-S'1/ic.APo l4€..iffed XI t'tf tr Plfqit EftdnEdMan tr Ps Fonn 381 labq Eqr€€s' Collecl on DE$Ay 4. B€dncbd D€&€ryr iEtla (ttaE{et ltora sqyld' M€ll F€!tsbtld tr E€trllft .hti riledEn$e F€o) ?01q ala0 00[a 500s lrsa tr Y€s n \J\-a\-^..r Penn EaR Environmental & Remediation. lnc. May I 1.2015 4000-MA6627-006 7014 2120 0(X)2 5088 1243 V. 1. 1 YIA CERTIflED MAIL: Sam Crossley 665 N. Hollow Road Coudecport PA 16915 RE: Notification ofApplication for Permit to Drill JKIM Energy, LLC Reese Hollow Well Pad #118 Dear MJ. Crossley: OP EN _S OU RC E As re4uired by Pennsylvania statute (Act l3), this notification lettei and altachmeots are being sent to surface land owners, water gurveyo$, municipalities located wi'thin 3,000 feet of a proposed gas w€11, and adjacent municipalities. Therefore, pleas€ be informed that applications to p€rmit tble€ (3) wells at the Reese Hollow Well Pad I 1 8 will be submitted by JKLM Energy, LLC (JKLlv! to the Pennsylvania Depaftnent of Environmental Protectiot (PADEP). The wells will be named as follows, corresponding to the attached Well Location Plats: Reese Hollow Well Pad 118 Pad 118 - 3HU - 1HU, Reese Hollow Well Pad ll8 - 2HU, Reese Hollow Well Attached please also fird a copy of the PADEP "Landorler Notification of Well Drilling or Alteratioas" (Form 8000-FM-OOGM0052). Tharft you for your att€ntion in this matter. If you have any questions, please direct thqn to me at (570) 439-4109 or Matt Tusng af (570\ 7241700. Sincerely, PENN ENVIRONMENIAL & REMEDIATION, INC- David J. Jackson, PWS cq Andrcw Cla*. K€n Halk and lefiWalsh Penn E&R . lfl80 Route 6. (Pe MansJield, PA E&R) 16931 . 57O-72+17OO , Fax57O-72+118O . mail@penn-ercom ru EI ru o g c:l V. 1. 1 E ct OP EN _S OU RC E r' !ryry] '* a r Pridt vour nauYF and arld€$ oH th6 r€vs€s $ rha ws csr t€tllm *l€ catd to You r iid'tra €ard to $o b€ck ot tG malpieca, or on lt€ ftont il sp6os F€-rlllits &e5ru. D. ftate$ondc€@ 1 , 4s4ry di"s dnb€mtull &m 1? El l€3 fYES,enhrd.g'/$taddlBibdorv: -.:Q Nt rs r,,tol 0nuot Ps Form 381 'Addrat July 2013 s ?[rq a1a[ 00Da 5048 raq] B Yae Mccill, Andrea Flom: Sent To: Subiect: McGill, Andrea Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:25 AM 'Walsh, Jeffl RE: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Applications Jeff, Thank you, Andrea Andrea C. McGill I Geologic Specialist V. 1. 1 It won't affed mv review ofthese applications, but please ensure on future applications that page 3 ofthe plat includes the following perthe instrudions provided on our website: Page 3 - Map view ofDeviated or Horizontal wellbore Show and Iabelthese featu.es: Top hole lo€ation with latitude and longitude Bottom hole location with latitude and longitude Kick off point with latitude and longitude if not diredly underthe surface wellbore. Landing Point with latitude and longitude Department of Environmental Protection I oil and Gas Management Northwest Regional olfice OP EN _S OU RC E 230 Chednut Street I Meadville, PA 16335 Phone: 814.332.6145 Fax: 814.332.6727 www.depweb,state.oa.us --original Message--- From: walsh, Jeff lmailto:iwalsh@oenn-er.coml Sent: wednesday, J u ne l"l , 2ol5 9'.24 AM To: Mccill, Andrea Cc: Scott Blauvelt; Harrick,Joseph; lackson, David; Pierce, Matt Subject Re: JKLM Reese Hollow - WellPermit Applications Thank5 Andrea. Please email permits to those cc ed herein, when you get to that point. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 17, 2015, at 8:48 AM, leff, Mccill, Andrea > wrote: I bega n working on these perm its on Monday. As long as there a re no deficiencies, I shou ld be done with the m today. It willtake a few moae daysforthem to go through the managers' reviews and for clericalto issue them. lwillask them to emailyou a copy once they are issued and scanned. Thanks, Andrea C. McGill I Geologic Specialist Northwest Regional Office Oil and Gas Management I Protection Deoartment of Environmental PA 16Jl-5 23o Chestnui Street I Meadville' 6121 332 Phone:814.332 6145 I Fax:814 o" u'l' 4"o*"o "JJ,'ilii"iiill..'i u"t'no'lr*" From: Babb, Brian aM sent: WednesdaY, June I7,20157148 To: Walsh, Jeff cl, i.ott er"uu"tt; Huttick, Joseph; McGill' Andrea ns j*Lt Hollow - Well Permit Applicatio i"fi.."'*i, *** Jeff, V. 1. 1 ""t" YoushouldbehearingfromAndreaMccilltodayonheravailabilitytoprocesstheseexpeditiously, Regional of Environmental Protection Northwest Professiona I Geologist Manager Department OP EN _S OU RC E B.ian Babb I 16335 230 Chestnut street I Meadville, PA 6121 332 Phone: 814.332.6857 Fax: 814 DEP'S Oil & Gas Home Pa office From: Walsh, Jeff lmailto:iwalsh Sent: Tuesday,lune 16,2015 4:20 PM To: Babb, Brian Cc: Scott Blauvelt; Harrick, Joseph Applications Subject: RE: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Brian: permit My colleague Joe Harrick may call on this wonde ng when we might be able to expect the subject tomorrow. Thanks Brian Was leffrev K. walsh, PG I Vice President Mansfield, Penn '.l"tt, i&R, tnc. 13180 Route 6 I il'-lts-lsae I . PA 16933 7 farc 57o-724-r7ao ' e-mail: ivebuQpg!!: 'www penn-er'com Office: 570-724-1700 "r"."..4",r,",ivl"Lioo***.a"t> From: Walsh, Jeff Sent: Thursday, June 1t,201510:53 AM cc: scott Blauvelt Subject: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Applications Brian: very you have supportinS the permitting process. we have received scott and I appreciate the professional tea m that questions have arisen' clear communication and availability when ,;th,{.ffi fl.}i,!;:,J;ffi;i:li*:*:'"'k'f,.l##i]"ffiltilH:":l#lf']":::"i:i1"" request' Thankyou for considering our D Monday, June 22, 2015 10:43 AM From: Sent: To: c<: Subject: McGill, Andrea Walsh, Jeff 0walsh@penn-er.com) RE: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Applications V. 1. 1 Andrea, Good catch. We do treat the Trenton and Black River formations se pa rately. lt appears that our survey company simply used a blanket method forfilling out the deepest formation to be penetrated and did not catch the pilot hole location plat in which we were exploring the Black Rive.. ln summation, the application should showthe Black Riverasthe deepest formation. Please contact me with any additionalquestions. Regards, Matt Haas JKLM Ener8y 7 24-935-4949 ---Original Message-- OP EN _S OU RC E From: Walsh, Jeff Imailto:jwalsh@penn-er.com] Sent: Thu6day. June 18,2015 5:38 PM To: McGill, Andrea cc: Matt Haas Subject: Re: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Applications We will respond to your question Andrea via email. Sent from my iPhone > On Jun > Jeff, 1& 2015, at 11:49 AM, McGill. Andrea wrote: pplication for well # 118-2H U, identifies the Trenton Fm. As the deepest formation to be penetrated. The sideview shows the pilot entering the Black River Fm., with a distinct fm top/bottom depicted. Are yo u considerint these formations as one, as shown in many Stratigraphic column drawings? Or was this a typo and the application should show Black Riveras the deepest formatio n? > The a >Thankyou foryour help, >Andrea > Andrea C. Mccill I Geologic Specialist Department of Environmental > Protection I Oiland Gas Management Northwest RegionalOffice > 230 ChestnutStreet I Meadville, PA 16335 > Phone: 814.332.6145 Fax: 814.332.6121 www.depweb.state.pa-us > ---OriSinal Messageleff lmailto:jwalsh@penn-er.com] > From: walsh, L7,2015 9:24 AM Mccill, Andrea > cc:scott Blauveh; Harrick, Joseph; lackson, David; Pierce. Matt > Subject: Re: JKLM Reese Hollow - Well Permit Applicrtions > Sent: Wednesday, June > To: > Sent > On Andrea. Please email permits to those cc ed herein, when you get to that point. from my iPhone V. 1. 1 > Thanks jun 17, 2015, at 8:48 AM, McGill, Andrea wrote: > Jeff, Monday. As longasthereare no deficiencies, I should be donewiththem today. It willtake a few more days forthem to go through the managers'reviews and for cledcalto issue them. lwillaskthem to email you a copv once thev are issued and scanned. > lbegan working on these permits on > Thanks, McGill I ceologic Specialist Department of Environmental Protection I Oiland Gas Management Northwest RegionalOf{ice > 230 Chestnut Street I Meadville, PA 16335 > Phone:814.332.6145 Fax 814.332.6121 > www.depweb.state.pa.us > Andrea C. OP EN _S OU RC E > > From: Babb, Brian Wednesdat June 17,2015 7:48 AM >To: Walsh,leff > Cc: Scott Blauvelt; Harriclf Joseph; McGill, Andrea > SubjecL RE: JKLM Reese Hollow - WellPermit Applications > Sent: > Jeff, > You shorJld be hearingfrom Andrea Mccilltoday on her availabilityto processthese expeditiously. > Brian Babb I ProfessionalGeologist Manager Department of > Environmental Protection Northwest Regional Office > 230 Chestnut Street I Meadville, PA 16335 > Phone: 814.332.6857 Fax: 814.332.6121 DEP'S Oil & cas Home > Page > From: Walsh, Jeff Imailto jwalsh@penn-er.coml > Sent Tuesday, June 16,20a5 4:2O PM > To: Babb, Brian > Cc: Scott Bfauvelt; Harrick, Joseph > Sub.iect RE: JKLM Reese Hollow- We permit Applications > Brian: > was wondering when we might be abre to expect the subject permit. My co eague Joe Harrick may caI on this tomorrow. Thanks Brian. > Jeffrey K. Walsh, PG I Vice president 13180 Route 6 Mansfield, pA 1G933 I . Olficet 57O-724-t7@ 7 fax]. S7O-724-L7aO > e-mail: jwalsh@penn-er.com . > www.penn-er.com > .Cell:267-718-7568 > From: > Walsh,leff Sent Thursday,June 11,2015 10:53 AM > To: Brian Babb (bbabb@pa-Bov) > Cc: Scott Blauvelt > Subject: JKLM Reese Hollow - Weltpermit Applications > Brian: . V. 1. 1 > Penn E&R, lnc. scott and rappreciate the professionar team that you have supporting the permitting process. we have received very clear communication and availa bility when questions have arisen. OP EN _S OU RC E > > Scot and rwanted to request that we might receive the subject wel permits ahead oftheJury 13 statutorydate, if possible. He or I are available to provide any clarifications if the technicalstaff has questions as they complete their review. would it be possible to receive the permits during the week ofJune 2lst. we are fine tuning our construction schedule and would appreciate the permits to be issued earlier. >Thank you forconsiderin8 our request. > > [cid:image002.png@O1D0A8D1.F415E0SO] nd_Remediation> > Jeffrey K. Walsh, pc Vice president I > > Penn E&R, tnc. 13180 Route 6 Mansfield, pA 16933 .Cell267-7la-756a . Office: 570-724-1700 7 fax. STO_724_178O >e-mail:'walsh@penn-er.com . I > www,penn-er.com > > Dedicated > . to Providing Cost Effective Solutions .---.Celebrating our 18th year ! > This message is intended onry for the use of the individuar or entity to whom or to which it contain information that is privileged and/orconfidential. lfthe readerofthis message is addressed and may notthe intended recipientor an employee oragent responsible for deliveringthe message to the intended recipieit, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis communication is strictly prohibited. rfyou have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email and delete this communacation and/or shred the materials and any attachments without reading, copying ordisclosingthe emailcontents. is Mccill, Andrea McGill, Andrea From: Sent: To: Thursday, June 18, 2015 11:50 AM Ca: 'walsh, Jef 'mpierce@Penn_er.com' subject: RE: JKLM Reese Hollow _ Well Permit Applications Jeff, Thankyou foryour help, Andrea Andrea c. McGill I Geologic specialist V. 1. 1 penetrated The sideview Theapplication for well# 118-2Hu, identifies the Trenton Fm. As the deepest formation to be you considering these showsthe pilot entering the Black River Fm., with a distinct frn top/bottom depicted. Are formationsas one, as shown in many stratigraphic column d6wings? orwas this a typo and the application should show Black River asthe deepest formation? Depaftment of Environmental Protection I Oil and Gas Management Northwest Regional Office 230 Chestnut Street I Meadville, PA 16335 Phone: 814.332.6145 Fax: 814.332.6121 OP EN _S OU RC E www.deDweb.state.Da.us ---Original Message--- From: Walsh, Jeff Jmailto:iwalsh@penn_er.coml Sent: Wednesday, June 77,2075 9:24 AM To: Mccill, Andrea cc: scott Blauvelt; Harrick, Joseph; Jackson, David; Pierce, Matt subject: Re: JKtM Reese Hollow -well Permit Applications Thanks Andrea. Please email permits to those cc ed herein, when you get to that point Sent from my iPhone On Jun 17, 2015, at 8:48 AM, McGill, Andrea > Jeff, wrote: began working on these permits on Monday. As long as there are no deficiencies, I should be done with them today. willtake a few more days forthem to go through the managers'reviews and for clericalto issue them. lwillaskthem to emailyou a copy once they are issued and scanned. I It Thanks, Andrea C. McGill I Geologic Specialist riruil,' j;::fi1[:::1,::'r';'r';"r]l o" Phone: 814.332.6145 Fax: 814.312.G121 ""' uas Manasement Norrhwest Re'ionar ornce www.deoweb.state.oa.us From:8abb, Brian Sent: Wednesday, June 17,20157i4a AM To: Walsh.lFff sublect: RF: JKIM Reese Hollow Well permit Apptications Jett, You should be hearing from Andrea Mccilltodayon her availa bility Brian Babb I professional GeoloFist Manasr ir"-;;:il;;;iT* Phone: 814.332.6857 zro ar,"r."r, s,ru"i & Gas Home to process these expeditiously. of Environmental Protection Northwest Regionaroffice Fax: aI4.332.6721 p"r". , OP EN _S OU RC E DEP'S Oil ""oartment V. 1. 1 Cc: Scott Blauvelt; Harrick, Joseph; McGill, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, June 16 , ZOLS q..2};fr To: Babb, Brian Cc: Scott Blauvelt; Harrick, Joseph Subject: Rt: Jkt-M Reese Holtow _ Well permit Apptications Brian: Was wondering when we might be able tomorrow. Thanks leffrey Brian. K. Walsh, pG I Vice to ""Oect the subject permit. My colleague Joe Harrick may callon this president Penn E&R, lnc. I 13180 Roule 6 Mansfield, pA 16933 .Cell: 257-718-7568 Otfice: 570-724-r7t 7 ffxt S7O-724-17g0 l. er.com Dedicated to Providing Cost Effective Solutions .....Celebrating our 18th Year ! V. 1. 1 Icid:imaFe002.pnF@01D0A8D1.F415E0501 I . www.penn-er.com This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom or to which it is addressed and may contain OP EN _S OU RC E information that is privileged a nd/or confidential. lfthe readerofthis message is notthe intended recipient oran employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis communication is strictly prohibited. tfyou have received this communication in error, please notiry us immediately by email and delete this communication and/or shred the materials and any attachments without readin& copyin8 or disclosing the email contents.