Con'u'nuous Improvement Plan Speoial Eduoau'on Monitoring 2010-2011 [onti nuous lni prove merit Plan Special Education Monitoring Svste Marne: menace or: con: ids?sol ll?fzmu Sir-ire Project' ed Emirate? Indirator ?escrip?err apl- ms Wm Shams. and Sta-l: ?ate H?ourc? fie-wired and Person-ls} H?ponsirle Evidenceof Implementation Evidence Area Targeted targeted Date Assessmentj? Stud ent_Sup port Data Driven ,r'Timeiv IH's rgeted Review academic rogras of al= TAKE-M students to 113' Hili'??li Benchmark scoresI dail'g.r grades, progress AHD eeting. Student - failure Increase the number of students rfo n'nance Fa rticipation Rate Support dete rrnirie if extensive accom odations and repor?, a rid report cards; Special Edu cation conferences. and notations in electronic taking in all modi?cations continue to be necessarv'r teacher, Geneial Education teachers, and Campus gradehook nt areas meetings for students who no longer need Administrators extensive accommod ations a rid odificati ons Re presentatio SPED Stu dent_Sup port Response to Interventions He qui re core su Iaject area teachers and scho o? staff llfli'l? SESEEDII Ha rrisori Count; Eo-op_. progress report, Sign-i ri sheen or certi?catesI Report, Decrease the num ber of] studen in to receive training on The SIT team will meet a report cards, SIT Fte port, eiectronic staff training copies of the progress reports, and special education minimum of three times before referring for an FIE on HTI [webinars, etc]; Geneial and Special re port cards Education teachersI Counsefor, and Campus Administrators Ftepresentatio African-American Stud ent_Support Effective Intervention Strategies Incorpo iate differentiated instruction and cu?tura- Iv 11.II HEB 1 ]l 63'33'2011 SIT reportsI electronic stafftrain irigI a rid SIT reports and sign-in Decrease the number of African- diverse instructional stateg'ies in the classroom; hooksli'ioumal articlesil'bo ol: stud-3.I retative to sheetsli'ce rti? cates Am erican stude in special Fteciui re the SIT team to meet minim um of three differentiated instruction eping Black education times prior to referring and also require the facultv Bovs Gut of Special Ed lav .lavvanza ?unjufu] and staff to attend training reiative to RTI Discipline DSS Piraceme Behavior_Socia I_S-Iiitls Behavioral Interventions Review attemative strategies For discipline iather 111iI lf?? Efldli'l??ll EI-ook studv on "Developing Positive Self-Im ages Sign-i sheetsI meeting report to Decrease the num ber of special than FievieviI students' current BIFs to S. Discipline in Black Children" to; Iavvanea EIIF, and discipiine records; education p;aceme in 033 determine necessarv adjustments; Increasing Kunjufu; The FIEs, EIIPs, and Campus Identifv two strategies referenced from pare nta- support through strategies gained from .I5u.dministratorsI Special Education Teachers; the hook that the campus I?vi-I "Eieveoping Positive Serf-Images Discipiine in ISen era.? Education Teach ers, and Counselor imp-,ement Black Kunjufu Select Cine Select I:Iine Select One Select One Select I:Ilne Setect Select Dne Select I:Ilne Select CI ne Sez'ect Cine Select One Select Cine