' rr: oi Ðocun'lenr¡rron: o $a'tl tS 'ËÊl l()\v,\ (:t't'r " -E ) I ¡.uden t: luilding: _ 1r.13 ¡'-: ¡l I rlcicent: -elm ,', ' -r 01:¡C'Jent: i -'-:enf .vti rlL¿o : ,r-r:nç.,.rrð3 {rv€t1 ¡ t¡rl( ttvnat krnc, o?,3rL¡ { ,.rtt,:en,?ftare'trflt¡cnvrrt,Or .?m _::,".:ènt -..:3nt ,¡¡ "-.:¿^1! u :ctct ,? tt to''?.ltl _ :t ¡-0!É to âtcÌner g 'ren j:-.!enttvas€ro€çteCtOtrtns¡lon _ ¿:¡cn37 "5 Jtienf,lFl (o 3r¡err ccJ!:On cre-¡n.îr! tliÈ1!.en r :ercf ce: -k¡. \1, a\\ot4\c,< :¡-lh^òCn {r t _ ''J.:ènt'.v¡¡ oromctec:t uie toectnc reotãcem{nt ::nlvtor r,¡nrci ale) - lf o I S*. l.r¡tton ci tng¡¡g¡¡. naooenlng lmrrgolðtery onor lo tne student's Sroolem oenavror {3nteceoent): jrti ¡r¡urênt,.vrtn célr _ i r¡de: \ memoers tnvolved: h¡t',vas _- lrrll¡r''l' lncident Report Oocurhent and Seclusion ïime-Out Log t I ll¡trl rçs u-ro.3 \'. '"1r lo rBstrllnt or sÊcluslon, ¡le3se oescrtoe tþe oe-escalat¡on strltegtes that..vere ¡ttemoled by slarf:, râón!.¡ t.'.:renr:!r ( )<',":r:'t¡r ,r,r,,t' X- ,-r!!!f :r?or:c,,vn¡ra¡ { ..:,,ro¡¡.¡,.ó.?Á,..!r:,Ã, :o"vn :'.1,! r,':ea¡ -X .iè :l'l: -,"'---"t 'r:'-. Jenf - -.i.{ìrãr j,:v.,:rns¡r:enr,rn ;.,..,.,"".:r.;i -X 'ì-nf: ¡.:3¡nf4i'tF¡r,:r rcn-tl1Qre S,re. lehlvtor Drot .l;,::''crç::i ..2 r?strilnl ?r seclusion: \o ::',rJent izqtEsSNa ben¡vlor pricr :J r?Sirlir,.t 'l \ri hr€¡¿, Àþ{tì,r{ r¡ .,i s nt cr?r?sst,ts Þ€nJ'¡:of ,:.gLLg r?stf ?tnt cr -e Oui: ì:;,'. l, i .JCr¿. '/s,cir Ð rJr secjusion :i14 ¡ n; t,-l: 1;'{Þ .:-:;1q Ì :.-,r !:,:!:f ìcott,/¿t, :::.;-?^t r?sÌrr¡oti x x ì¡ l.-1?,, 53clus¡on *r, I :5& ' t 1,,.'*,:,1 ttc:ett:: -,r,-:ai -.¿rã:¡,?ót ¡--,¡,r,,¡. ' 4,t z.r', ::.^r.i! rô: !.:i ..¡ rr ..l -ll-'r.i.:^3. :-¡f'!, :li:, .;il ::-,,:r :-.:. î" .!a2t.,.,rl ':lf!.f î -.,-¡.ì:i ):î .,:- I :n'l/or crocelt./ dtm;lqe: e r) (nef rl,rl ¡c! iù ¡t¡.er rcu\:dnlf ' 5tlfi rþs r¡ nôt too"( olace lit¿r tlme Ou( wa5 ,¡,r"a",!::t:red',:!¿f,vronñen( t (, r".n,'?(urFÊo io flor\ COmplete: ll li¡Jentlllnsr(ionedtoSuret¡ctlvrlvlnðãrlv.tewofksorcr ce¡itvrof ,:en! Jncl rt¡ft ¿rgåged,n ¡ rilv¡¡(e ccñ'/el!¡tion åcoul lhe ¡¡51( ) .:!.:¿n(.arur'ìe'Jig,r¡r)f(rvr(n!l?lfoug .-i:-'1entri!urredraien':c'tetl't1 , ::Jf i ,-Èr ":r-lriv J¡ ¡ :i:¡fn l¡ ri'/::!v :Jrrlf t'1t?^iênt!Jn 5if ríelre! 'i.i.i..,¡,,r ee¡!':rrat'iv¡t¡(:¡ln:f,'¿'¿'iwi3A¿3tP'ì"1?ltng¡3t9'ilrÍe: )rotnq to,-; cutr?nt t3A, ¡/nåt r5 trÊ nvoothest¿ed funcllon of '.- 4 i,.ir'¡Ft 'åÀ \::e! nc! loor'5! t'rlr c3ßicu ûl 'ln¡vlof r-hls bena'ltorl 1'regtlnq mu5t:lkt urtcit' f ?Ë 'oovÈ !o JocLrr"ntJ O , ll.¿u ¡ rint :ì-': In4 :::i sr..!.rie :.r:! 33or¿' \¡.,*¡ èi cr.1 , J ..;. -g._a. _. j-<:cr: )::: j- & /å,.¡" q?r',åi UC :f)"i: l' t ¡6¡ : í:: )":¡":' )v?i"li luå' r'!.';¡'û¿' ¡¡ li' l. "1 ¡r:,T: ¡¡ L J:'fu r¡,t,t f.¡:'l Ê: :!'¡- -"'i i '''l !ê¡è :èJr¡r.i ! ¡û:t;:: . -t' :l)E¡-c;lî !u'ii". I l-. ' L '¿JL¿u 3rJ ")'-!" Ut'lrJr n:) /lt/?Ji I À'!rí;'¿'- Ja,r^¡rjã='¡.JåJã)rlúÉ'l'ü;uiEe:'¿¿è¿'¿'e!'tuziforãlrru,ÊulÊtË''l')iiJ"'¡;åi9:9G!-I lai t,))ç Êlrr.¡ë! Li,,t'5ã" ( di' I lUêO1"1 S¡' L^ Jo,r'tuêf, ¡uaJjã)¡¡6¡.¡ !¡rri)ce¡;ç; ç'!!r:i'cJd eJE uolllr'Ji5''l'oeuË'9?1 iJol^tuài (\ lc se:rrl'.rl'1i /'tJFtlJ ^lleliaãs 1r,l?rUêlElÛå'i Þã¡15Êf' t?r,OOt ËìE! '.,'' èjl :'' ¡t " ''1" ' CJ! ¡'*l: ¡9¡¡rrlCi å9f èrl l f'Ê {¡: -, ('9¡- I 11r'. ; å-.li ,jlÈ'r-.ô.i(i.c:bJ.¡iå..tÊ-r9r.li.(Jo.9¡:'?.::Îi.r.,r:ri'J.rì,..:"¡t:,.1J!''J..L:.¡t',c.uå?i¡i:, Jllleue¡e\'lËbå-Ë':iD¿:'¡c¡Jl!JðÀ[J''L"i]Ui'l¡!¡åuå'trJ:r:'']¡?r?\.':- !" rjtr3359OO5å,åJ¡tJ',e4;Jrrr.l'r¡'EÈì?"' x a¿¡t9Ëj'lr-t'¡irl'ir'¡9¡'!e:'JJ:5Uo'¡u¡"J-¡u'tltu'rl¡¡ii:!"Þu(å¡t'/G:'JC¡l(SÉÀ'uo:eå''ri'-','j":' ¿tuapllul slill , JO sl'¡l Jgv 3u: ultt ul 9l9au¡oo/'u ¡uåJ¡:¡Ct¡J'aj )'¡t ¿'ti:nf '¡; !r¡u¡L¡t¡rl '¡ 5 5¡?:')C'r^ þii! t¡lt'te ¡e :ìl'¡)t /isèi' Êã¡lè¡iJã Cl Ð ¡ài)ltrtlft FOf .lo grgE¡ 9ÈlJi¡Ê¡o'urr rr¡cil )¡è ('r , l(r se l'l ui'1 Ji'¡''t'Ë- !' t /: ''t sê'- r'/e'¡'€¿',.f ^o OaJIC¡U'!s UO;¡)EJð:ul lPitC! UJoJi ÊCft9å ^3 ¡ ,ln!' Liâ: ç ''- - uc¡u¡:¡t¡'nnec:stãi:cACOÞ',lf¡urtÈl'¡¡'lr'c'¡:''"-) u3¡lJêìltJeaí1 O¡¡5ãl)É^or'¡ult¡ulE'ul¡JÕr'rEüa';r-',j- ¡rÊ: ¡ßnut br¡r¡aar¡lJol^Euel l¡uãr¡lnloo o¡ â^oot eal'rlrfct iJor/rEUeQ srlt: ¡o Je Ê !.ttlðe,r., atE^rrc e ur Þ¡EEt&,å ¡.le¡g /o ,,E.jê¡ Èql tñoo? uct:es¡ar.uol ¡¡åJ9OC ¡3J n):uEi t'L) uå,rr/n¡ pazrseq¡oo^ll 3ul l,-.g¡¡¡ltâle GtlÊ,VÊJ gË:; yi- luårli'i ê-' - a*: oì "ourp'r' 1ÈuÀ,'vÉJ ¡ueJJnl sr C: UlÊË: E 9¡ ÀliE'¡'J3l ^\¡'''ã' r¡lie:EJ:9 UG¡lue"jêli'J ¡üe'¡r: À1ÊlÀÈl otroj! l,lrt:aç 'r,¡ 'uê! o¡ pa\,lJn¡éJ ¡uÊf ''::' ( c: t uJGê: 5r ¡?;*r t 1":'¡f : ' Ài!c5'¡i¡J ¡Ê-', Jl r: 3{'i" u¡rÀ' ¡'otJ' c; r'è-1 ì¡ã' luãi r':: t(r.) l,o"'" o: Då'Jn¡è' ¡uenn:r - pur ¡r¡a¡'':! ?fFoll¡oÀ,,3¡e^l,ceU ¡¡l^11)!l?lnþoloãuo ¡l3uE¡¡lustnli)<_lUàËlUßj,¡l^rlÊã.jlÞÊJ::;r¡]J¡nni ãc ¡no aull¡ JAtlr ãlElo v'oo¡ 18u^i :eteldulol 5P^'' o ' ¡!!'Jt o uìocu¡t"Ên!30on Blzs /rs 'ËÊl l()\v,\ (:l'lY '-'7r ! tl.hrl I incid Report Oocument and Secluslon fime-Out Log t: : ¡'.¡delt ; '::e It lrlcl'art' ft'\t¡ta,t' ldinq {5 i i'¡d e '-¡crr.r,:ent, 8:{5 r¿rrrron¡lrncrüent: "{Þ,t-, ^ -33m rnemoers'nvolr/ed: '" hat "r¡as nlooenlng lmrned¡ðtelv onor to tne srudent's oroolem behavror {:nrecedent,: j::,'t';'Jrì:tf t .vr(n g?tl _ .r_qEn( w¿, d,ven :l -..:3f t rtt ,ten'4d cterttrE., rctiv*v ot :at^ '-..:-¡ni'.v¡tr¡{èotâ.¡¿,1,( - : k,nd Oi :.!,-Jen¡ wðt ercecla{t t¡r¡rì !, trtrs*ron 33cner .v¡s ¡t-¡ndtF3 rc :tnefs _:,J.:en!,r¿ð!oromcleoto,J¡ercectltcigot¡cemEn!:entvrofl,,vn.ciìo,.:e) - -..:3nt ..r.tt ::,0 ro ínc,¿e (o ¡,131f.ft cc¡::on ' ....:arl .vrt {;'r,ån.:r:".:n.1r1 !:.l,.rf,Cn t _ ¡:tik lwn¡t r :e5C.,rCe: '-.lr' '''cr io rl"trlln! lr ' :--.lrr !eclus¡on' llelse descrloe ..?á.-tf 1,.,.¡r¿nc¡t )- ....¡?nI ç $, "=t the ãe'èscalatron 5tr¡tegres tnat,.¡rere ¡ttemotect b,¡ st¡ri:. r:,-er J r2n.,tt;Íretsir{ ?en¡vror zt,ar.2 r35tr3tnt îr ,.¿cr!o::.Jt ,c,rnår?r _ j,.,1.:c:irrc?r.:r:,-rj:Ç,.vn s¿clu5¿on: C(. ,:'-.ient iSir?9s,,/? f,-¡r¡vror c..::r :f re5ir¡in(,)r - :-;en¡ cãqt?sst,/9 cgntvlof :t-ír¡.q -p cJit: ¡ ì:.¡ r?5trltnt,tf jêcl!5¡oñ -.., t -. ð.tJå ì-: it -u. î: L5_ .'¡t:.1 ì(cegif5 :,.1 '-..'.:tt - '.¡;'? ri:: t:n¡- ::.t::¡ ¡:9r:r.;t, J!?:;i":1-(: ??. ìccr:,/¿ti. ' t; c:l'?s:'l @ gectus;on n: x . 1,,ir ¡ -¡¡re;, J1; ì:¡:' "r"i.::i: ..:t.1 ;¿r?r: ¡::,?,/¡l X-,rr-'i:-:":r ':it r,_-e 'rr - -r' .a J '¡'..:. - -/ i ruüen - B/"shs l()\Vr\ (ll'lY Y Úritt ItltI{l¡.t. incident Report Oocur¡ent and Seclusion lime-Out L og I . / tr: ding: ' -3 J:3 ;f lrtcig¡n(: ¡ m rnemoers J l-'¡t "r "vas \:gt) Cf rFC,lenl: ,L i r¡¡ie: '- ¿rllron cf rrc'¡ent: 2 -tt 1 rn,¿ol,redi nã0oenlng lmrreoiatelv onor to the student's oroolem oenavror l¡ntecedentl: j¡'i,'¡ri'J ].tnt,,v,(ilaeef _.t_¡ent.,v¿,{rven¡t!thlìvnatínc,of?¡rí) :L..:¡rt ,./¡t ren,?O c¡ertrr?ã ¡c!!vr(V o¡ :-.m l-.:-'ñt'.¡rll¡51èttlo,,r.¡¡t .:'-'-.:lr¡ ..¿.lt ;f - -dent tra¡ lroeclrã tc -¡¡rñ¡¡ lacn?f frlnstt.on '.v15 JII9nürn{ ¡? :r!.:ef s i!,jen!,,./¿torcrì.ctei:!ousetcectftcteotðcement:en¡vrorr,¡n¡cnonel - iirl !J -¡r¿¿ !t tnc(F?r,ccltion ' ,.:¿r.Ì .v il {'f Èn tf t-ln.af.? ¡::êót,an :e!çrl3e: qÐ Ð ''1r lo Sc¡ a\tnr.^-,* regtrStnt or :eclusron. î descfloe ìl sase tl'e ê.â \¡\¡\-¡^b escata¡¡on \trltegtes tn¡t '.vere .,â.N,m,.oK bF- ''..Jent i2n.,tt7.7re9,sl!d r€nlvror ãr,Qr lo rð5Ir3tnt cr s¿cluston: þrl :.J..¡ in! b.^l*. t t?.?Çtf J!:,,r9 c:ri tr/,cr çfç.I :l -\qsê.\ j.':.: I r'r:l tO: t-,n t:'t:?r ¡:if :r.¡t ,,13:L - ?,' l ,: c rî'l ¡¡ l ' ! tE .n I - ts'cii'?:ir: ¡ît: l{ :! ùù ' - ' :,i.,ì ¡ '::- f-:,r ' j'¡.¡¡cr tiae?,Jt j j -,.,-::5_-inrcJ.,tf.! 772t2.tlt,,3tr?.t , r:: :':1 'ì:{ rr "¡ ;. ¡a. l.-;, : ti:' ..f j.'{'"? o ln'J/of rf cçen'/ Jrm'rqe: I () trer'r"¡lr¡li lù :tner ttudénÎ!' ¡litÍ oe ,¡nat look olðce ltter tlme out "vas completÊ: ii¡Jenttrlns'tloneotocui¿1 lct'vttyln'¡oilvlte :r-.rdènti::t-:tlo'.F?e¡v'foñáeît 'vofksc¿¡ce ) .:ujentfrl!14 010.'ïor'((],1:]L.:ent]ndilan?¡gsge(l¡n!:r! ,,¡(econ'/ersåtlonJcout!Fee?t!'.1:cl ¡á' !eltlnl 'it'':an! r:rulnao lo ¡en' '.t¿ !:1 :1i Ílot'P .: J .:¿n( .¿!rr:ieq :Ð "vr)r( - (f f ?v;.,'¡' :urf -lnt '¡!:n"¿n!:on i:rlteglè5 ¡ ri -r, 'n':í¡¡r"1 Ji ¡ ::lm . r.,r..,¡.,r¡ -e i( f:t:r ¡[,, ¡í å (a¡ln :) -':'/ ¿w iSAi 3t¡'ì"'l?f lç\ ,.ç (-*t rñ<-è lrg;¡t3/!ì:r€:-; oc.,.Jl tne nvoolnesl¿ed functton of :hrs benaviorl :ro¡f'rg ro trå currant F3A.,'vnat;s '-:':'-"-:ñ1'aÅ'i':e¡rc!lloretSt'r:5:¡rilcL';rl:!n¡vlolrãe!(!rlfnus!:ðß¿plJC¿'!¿ê¡tovÈ!oJocuítenll -l'.f :¿n.1,/,,Jr t,l llntllr?',t CV ¡CCet5:O ü:ef Jütrll ¡(:erl cn {'t:\(¡rre{t -"'.. : !'1'r,cr X- cv '1 ". i :¿Ft ¡ Or'i . ¡:!an"'Cn J::¿!5 :1 J.í.t¡l-eO 3V ¿t:JO: fll4r 'it'::¡lr n[el¡Cll?n - t -r '¿¡ *l lf 1 :::' '. ,,:,- -:,J r,.:'i¡')e lÊ:! ^ini : tt'J\¿l .¡Ci:! il .::i 'trì't ièr'r ':ì -1 'll- s ct ienlvrrJr i , ¡ ii i i tíi 3 .l?5;'E{ reol¡celn:nt ,i l€ Ê f C',' (;,!Ë) .rt.l ^? \i (t-q-\ c'1 :ir5 lL::c ;ãr l1¡ci'ln? !'¿îlJt:fnent iåh3rr'tr ;:tJi':nt 3 tr:'/ '::l I .rÈrt t: ,-sgl tâ ¡ t,:',í¡ ¡¡::^q'-r1'l:3t '.i gf uå ts :i, . l¿11'1r' !'"'l lt :elfl:'1! '!!:l':Fert''Xf ìv :l -.. 2,:3 ''l ¡.,¡,.rr:ír:-!!::. .r '': ' ttat' - J¿\:¿ ::::f1:',i'J J::: et:i .92trr."i rr'.'l r^'" ::r.:!¡""- ':fe : l; :r: t -. l 'r ' ' 'r' ''1 :i'r O I ¡le oi -ñocumenlJt'oni Þ') --2. t l()\\,,\ (il.¡Y { tÍhtt tr¡stril¡.1 Report Document and Secluslon Time-Out 5 ruden 3urlding: : ¡te gt 'nçtce¡li l'¡e log 6rade of tnc:Jent: l¡fåttO¡t :l '.Crdent: f¿¡m memoers lnvolveo: "vhat ''vas haopenlng immediately prior to the student's problem behavior (an¡ecedent): gnt/argpms¡¡ rv¡lh .elr ,./rrurrn !turJen! ''v¡¡ ren:ld qre'erred ¡cr:v¡rv - jt.,¡dent,.v¡t ¡¡k¿d io.¡r¿¡! _- !tudent ìr¡! told to _ rr,!ove lvas 3rven or,têm : la¡k {wnar k,nd of rå5k? S itldeñt iì ¿lC};if {=-,- tt I t,rç,\'( lvas e¡oec¡ec, to tranirr:on -ercher w¿r ðrtenotng ro others ;t,rJenf tvås -oromÞteC to use !pectrtc replaccment oehavtot l$/ntch one, _ - to anotl.er toc¡tton :tudenr w¡¡ gtven onr-on-one ¡lt€ntron táe5c¡,be ,)ther: o Pri or t0 restraint or seclusion, please descrtbe the de-escaration strategies that were attempted by staff: gircct lg cool down ,./r"ilrmrrr ;rorñpl¡nl trf , rFen) ¡rea gnonng (not provrdtng anentton for esc¿l¡ted use of reclacemen¡ benavror beh¡vrorl offered chorce¡ for cool down /rrrrrrrn"n Other: Student non-oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: Stud ent ogg b i,rl) behavior pilor t0 restra¡nt or seclusfon: (tlt: Student oggrcssive behavior durj0g restraínt or secluslon: líme out: r;"4 /alrå91e, Physical legrnn:ng r n r: å, 2 re30 ¡cmrnrrtri¡tor agptov¡l restraint: _ .,l f t.i tl. i'Cing tr'rg: o ccurnent .* a n, n (-, L ' 'f Juratlon erceeC! :,me/a ooro,ratJ .r5 _ S0 1i¡Jtes _ .eec oarent aogrcval,,f i¡rent r¡ Fo!¡trcn leam Ccntrg! ¡65,;,9¡ ù..r, -.a.sco,¡ ,1 t 11 ¿t fl:;r'11, ""1 ^ 4,-(r 3:3,nn'n3 z n¿':x&f: lh¡iJren,r C.:nt!,?l ,,,.., zl å,uê!.c1, f ;,-v¡,cal 7e!:.¡r.1 wa5,,!:J: ü ',o - CÇt cz :s tcnc:r,,:¡, Jesc¡ ce; . íîatJ'? p,ts.í c,1 I p:ccer(/ ¡luÍ'e5!o ither liUCelit':ì¡l ¡rd';r l¿SCrlCe o(ner gescrlbe what 1¡mâgè: r!'i l; t/ comolete: look place 3fter tirne out lvas !tUdentlsslcfeolFeir.vtfonrnent..-stuJentlf¡nsltlonedtcqu¿tãcllVttV¡llapljvðtc.ÑofKloace prrvatc ccnver'e.on eg'Ut tre :tuoent änd rta'ent¡ged In r nr returne' !c,ivgr[ _¿_stud,e srucJer:t'elrireolt'r¿o¡\wrt:Ìir¡g'otp ;¡3tf I 'r¡.rl ñ"t oenavror' !35K !t¡lentlelurneotS3cn'eJ'g¿lt'rg t\teetlng 13'ev'ew i3Ai 3lP i:trålr,7 at ¡ o d¡te/tlf e' i "?lm !ner: to the curlent FBA' what ¡ccording rs this behavlor? the hvpothesi¿ed function of lace, 3ee ¡oove to documeñtl 4é:necullrntiãAúcelnc!Ðódf!!5rn.scan¡cu arcehâvlollmeetingmuslt¡krp V' : / 'l' artent:on .h r bv accet5 ¡o ¡dult 5 ceþ¡vror ri rnalntlrned :h i from soctal intrractlon s EêFðvlor r¡ m¡tnt¡rned Ev etcsoe ¡cçe¡¡ to paef atlen¡lon r bêhavtor l! r¡alnt¡rncd bY :hrt from un'preíerred ¡¡sk¡ or ¡ctlvltle¡ celevlor lt mðlnt¡lned bV esc¡pc ÌhlÉ cenevlol r! rðrntalneo ÞY lccË¡¡ to orclerred rtemt/acttvtttet -hi9 rernforccment rehavlol It m¡lntalned bV ¡utomat:ç Does this of this incident? hYpothesis match the ABC 8nd in¡tructtonal/intcrventlon 'rrr.ot¡r rnteryentlon w¡s ¡gpropll'te ,./ Strate gres wrll stav the seme û 0lan' fhe team w¡ll revtew theteÉpon31 rcrnforced the negatlvc b€havlor' h¿ve m¡Y tntefvênrlon ver, howevef ouf the FBA wrll bc for 5 dryr antl a rneetlng to review AilC d¿¡a wrll be collected ingdent' thr¡ m¡tch to rerm tþe hvpothc¡¡¡ do€s ñot llo, ume and dðte above) rcneoule d (pleåle oosumtnt 'l/hat How behavior? is the desired replacement in struction are manv minutes of speciallV designed '.1¡nutes ano lervlct orovtder íhÊ tåtrn neecl on thls student's IEP? Ïor teaching replacement behavior feplacemQFt beh¡vior of ¡en¡tcc ttme to terch thr¡ !o fnee! to cìtcuss addtng mrnutes "vrll Parent/Guardian Contact: - ed Dale: Q,.?\ tJ L' '-' :,,"., hfl1 '.'lethod of contactl ¡ Jmlnrstratcr 5rBn¡tu¡e: ?¿Fort cCrF!êtEã þV ¡rr,ttenc¡oYof:hel!oonmu¡toe90!t'n¡r¡rdto!nepafent/gu¡fol¡nl¡l',, thintnrced¡vrolthrlnc.denl. CJmul¡trve :tno G?tlcr of reoorr to: P¡lEñl' 5r!¡!nt FotdEr ¡nd Educ¡¡¡on Srn cer Csrl¿r ffi f¡te 9J o lncldent Re port 5tudent: (il'lY { ll¡hrl ltr\tßlr.f Document and Secl uslon Tlme-Out Lo ldin rrre oirncrde r,, E'hl- 16 - feam members involved Grade: ;:me oí tnctdent: !urat¡on cf '.t/hat r,vas happenlng immed iately prior to the srude ¡ l()W¿\ peer ght/a'rgumenilvrrh / s ,,ud.nr rras gtven - !tudent wa¡ d€nled oreferred ¡ctlvlty or _ ¡tudent wat atked rrom problem behavior (antecedent): a trr* î í I tl tark lrvhat linO of Student rvas expectcd to - ro lvatt of Docuñentagon: Studenr rvas prompted to use tranr$on leacher war attendtng to otherj rpe.trc fepracemen¡ behavror - (whrch one? r - 3tudent wat told to move to another locâtion - itudent w¡r given onc.on-ona anentron tdescrr Other: - ¿rlor to restraint or seclusion, please descrtbe the de-escaratíon strategies that were attempted by staff: 5etðtr.ri€r ûZ gnonng (not provrdlng ¡ttentton for escalated ",:ï,":iaudrence) prompttng use of reÞlacemcnt -student non-oggressive o¡recttocooldownarea behavlor orreredcho¡cesrorcoordown behavrorf - l/ ,ur/rn"n Othen behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: Studèpt to ra or seclusion: Stude nt oggressive behavior duri.ns restraint or seclusion: ( Tíme out: 3egrnnrng ,,^", l2ifu) Ëndins.mei J?l\¡ ,¡navar¡able, need admrnr¡ tret0r approvat {documenr trme/approval): Physical re¡traint: _ ¡lo / '¿t _ _ ' ¡f CuraÌron exceedr 50 rnlnutes - need oarent aoprov¿ , Chlldren'¡ Control posltron 3eginning @ '/åluatton' 'f ol'vs¡cal rêitrarnt rves usec: ccncern! -'ro _ r'^",I2-'. r:oncerns, d€'crbê: - leam Control posrtion :'Enáture: /-1 ãndingr;me; / lL\3 ,f parent rr ,,rnrçorr position :¿ sc rr b å llarf ¡nd/or procgrw doma¡e: o t h er'rtiune5 to cther etudentl' Dascrrbe what took Student place sfter time out rvas complete: r8ltoreo the qulÈt actlvttv rn a prlv¡¡le'xolk !oace ltudÊnt tlanSrlloned to envrronfncnt '/''....'..i}..vStudent¡ndlt¡ffenBagedlnaprlvatcconvelsatlonabouttheoehavlor relurnÊo lo wor[ tall( ¡/sruo.nt # ;iuctent'elur¡edlcwol\'Ñrlhtl'Egrou.p it¡f f S r) the t rn?t''rlsrnallv !3 ! :e3m atf rvrrl relr ilrmallv a9 a tl lnleruention rtÍategleg lcvll:\r culrent -5tulentretulneotoSen'ed'senllg datel te¡m lc rev Ew tSAlSlP lMe€tlnl time: , ) I .\ccordlng to the current FBA' what 15 bv acce¡¡ h r 5 cehavror i3 nr¡rnt3rned behavior? the hvpotheslzed functlon of this to adurt attentron Íï.i3 behevror rc marntarned by ¡cces¡ to oeef åttentl'n 7-:necUrrrntÉ¡Adce'nctaddres!rhl'oaßculalEch¡viol(meetlngmu¡tt¡keplace,seeaoovetodocumentl fhl3 irom ¡ocral rn¡eractlon !Ênavlorls matntatned oV esc!p€ from un'preÍerred ta¡k¡ or actlvr¡¡e¡ oeh¡vlorri marnt¡lned bV elcape -L:hrr the Does thls hYpothesis match \ ABC of this incident? ånd './Ê5, ouf rntclventlon was approprlate wrll s¡av the s¡m€ lnstructional/inrenentton stratetie! ¡he re;ponsc olan' bch avior. fhe te¡m wrll revlew may havc rernforced the negattve Yes, howevef gur interyenllon the FBA wrll be for 5 d¡Y¡ and a meettng to revlew ABC d¿ta rvtll be collected lncldent' tht¡ match to ,.to. rhe hypothesi¡ doc! not seern above) (plEa¡e document ttmr and date o icnectuled ,,Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? IEP? behavior on th¡s studen t's provided for teaching replacement are instruction ally designed How manY minutes of sPeci ..1¡nuter and ienlce Provtder mlnutes of :enrtce f h9 te¡m will need to meÊt to dlssuet addlng q- hl¡ reolacement behavìor ol contact: Contac P a re nt/Guardian r 3lgnature: ?ecort ccfrÊfeted by: A ¡/fitton copv of rhe rspor! muit o! 9orltnsrtrd ro '¡rthrn thre¡ dav¡ of the tncrdonl' tducatlon SenrcÊ3 Centël Slud€nt Cumula!¡'r: lo¡der and :¿nd coller of report lo: P¡leñl' @ -' ¡t€ üt Oocu.neñt¡ttonl '-**l l()\r,¡ ¡'¡'¡-¡ ,,.:,Þ .rf t llt¡ll tÍtttta.l! lncident Report Oocument and Secluslon ïfme_Out Lo ) -ìtuden t: :l:t ìurldlnç: g ct lnçrcar!: -i¡m er lr( '' :'? ot t !r¡de: rncrdenr 3'. tZ - 3Ia o_ -. ¿rlr:oñ or rr{crdeñr: I 6 ,q, .. _ memoers rn,lol,¿ed n;topenlng tmmediately pnof to the student's proolem 'oehavior (¡ntecedentl: "/h'3t "vå5 \,/ ' Jnt/¡r¡un':èn! wrtn 6erf :rlJent w¡r ltven , tark l,,vnrr krnd oi i:'.cent w,!t 6enl?c o¡:irrred ¡cltvrty ct _ ,. :tu\..ent.,v¡td¡t(¡útr,,vårt Ìtuuent _ .,rðr _ ,(¿m tStn? . I !lu\rent w¡t eroectect to t l¡n¡ttton _;lu,Jenitv¿toromoteotousaloeglficreotacenrentcen¡vtortwnrcnonel totd to rrrc,rl l0 Jnolt¡¡ ¡q6¡¡¡9¡ I:.:.:¿nt ,.r¡! qtvên tnÇ..tn-onE ttienrron r,relctrbe: '1riÔr tQ restrJlnt or leclus¡on, olease ctescrlbe lhe ce.escalatron str¡tegres thal ',vere ¡,¡tempted by st¡'f:. : e¡r I rårrror'/l ¡uülèncrl i*t t t,mel "-ìcrñ -',r lct to cJor down rre¡ ,_:rf:råo ,:norc* ror rcor :orrn þ l- 'l v 2 - J - -il'rn'?t ¡'l'iF?¡l .'.rr-.rrirE i',denI .;Êorlfglno!trrovloltrl¡llBnttontor:rc¡lðted!€h¡vro¡ - - Jr¿,Jt ric,¡É:rnent !en¡rJ¡or - non.ql'gresstve beh¡-vto( onor to restrðtnt 0r îecluston: I Q.r :iut€fit t1EÇt€SSttt€ .frdent aqgrssstvg beha,rror rJurrfg restr3tnt or gecluston: 'irr¿6Lt¡; ,'l,ðrJGli!, fiiC ) D*. e J:gr.rnrr¡,.,=", 3',2L i^dirg !rr..e: 3:3O. fOm,n îtt!ler rBCrlv¡t ItäC,J ;t.lerl:lm?/SOCttv¿tt Ç¿twta',la[ ôe€.n V :\',,s¡calr?str¡rnr: ,, r, { a, J,¿n,, , \ì -:/l'',irt,:n, i:-,,!^:ll r.:!:'lntl ,,¿åi rr:i,J. { ,,rr::-i?rnl _.'_2^ \âc ,f lu¡zt:cnr.rc::¡l :0 .ftrnula9 - ni€ r s¡r?nt Ccr,t,?t?a:,t,rn - -:¡m l:r:,ll llltnnrnl !¡rrt: ) S-o.,,". rJeh¡,¡ror ono! tO f:Stfatnt Or S:C US.On: k c {< --i,.¡./then ,.1:i:er. llt¡ 1, t ZSr-,'C Z : 3I t2 ô, ors,tin 3...j:r¡r¡¡r. coon^ 9¡r:nt ¡Ocrcv¡t, ,i 3..ZL ,5 ()cnÊl rnlurret to re ¡lnti tludent!, it3f ¡nd/of ñl A prqcefw d¡m¡q€: wnðt look olace siter tlme out rvas cbmplete: tuL:ent rgtlorSo lh! envrronment tucent r?turnect ¡o :tuLii!nt telulneg '' ¡ ri n:l wofl !O 'l!':ên! lnd lt¡ft l3!K rvorl wrrn ¡he ltucent retu'neo ro len' tc' tenlnç lroup Strllellet tntcr':"¡tlv ¡! r !:tm :o l:r'lèt ' current lnt¿n¿Ënllon rùleellng ;t¡tl'rlrrt ?eÊl icrm¡tlv 3! a t!¡m !o revretï iåArðlP - .ding to the current s FBA, what l3 the hì/pothesi¿ed functton of this behavror? (me€tlnl mu5l lak' plùg!' reÊ åÞov' fo ooçumentt € J,?nt É¡A JctS nog ¡dor!ç rnlf c¡nlcular c:navlor ,;ì: - ot(e/tlmc:-J 4r ô¿ _ ¡ngaged ln å pllv¡te cont.l€fsellon ¡Þout rhc oenavrol -ï,! cÈ^¡,^or rt m¡rn(Ðrnco bv,¡c::¡r to ¡ctt¡tt attentlon Y 'hlt ce¡avlol 13 m¡lnl¡lneÚ bv Jccets lo p€el ¡ltenlßn åtcloc lrom ¡octol lntlractlon -'.i5 :enåvlor It mãlntalned bv ''l' t iaFðvlql ll ¡rðlnt¡lneo (¡¡K¡ or ov Êtc¡oe lfom un'pf!ÎËrf?ct -t'ìrt c¿a¡'¡'Jl rf lrt'.ñt¡lneo oY -::,s :êFtvror ti m'lrn!¡ln€ct ov ¡u(offtåßlc rni5 h,/ootheslt match ¡he ¡cllvltlêl Jc¿êli lo or"rlfeã lte'nt,,ctlt¿rllet ABC ¡:tnfo¡cemlnt of this inctdentl .:r. .:rrr ,r(eftenlron wi¡¡ ¡oorEgrla¡r 'no ltr!truc!:onal/lnlen'entlon rtr¡leglet ''vrll ¡l¡v llre samt! _/'ls,.c.'vÊyer,'U'.ñtei,enl on'f.¡vn¡vef€ln'orceál .en?E'llvaoeñðv o'.í''!''reðmlvtllla.¿rèw!helesoon¡eotan' 're ..o,,,!.¿rÌ,rcu!ne5'oûå¡,aotleam¡o,r:ùlcn¡nt9tnc;ient. ¡åcJJiJr.,rll',.:É:Jl:a¿llcl':ri'J¡vr¡nl'-E:!'r'gtf '?'/'t'¡/r¡"?Fla'¡¡ll oureú I Ole¡le 'lccu]1 9n! tlrF€ ¡nd calê ðoovil ,¡t ts the oe5lred reolacement bena'¿¡or? \ôr¿4 Y- ior teacningraplacernent Eeh3vloron (hr9 stur'Jent's rÉ-P) vfn Jn,/ rnrnu!Ê' Oi:oecrally,JesrSned ¡ngtructron are orovroed rlil3 ãnct !alvlcë cfov t!eÍ -. e :t¡m .,¿rl r¡!:ct ?o r-ti( iã t;5C,JSt ¡údtnl ln-rGu.rd,an Contact: r¡te: m:nu!3s tí !?ru't! ?'rrrr ?o :e¡ch -""e: lO'ÔOô- !h't f'olac?lr1?r!t 3en¡vror "r¿t'crtof icn¡¡ct: r,jmrnrStrtt0t tr¡n:tur! :?cott::¡cril?cl !v: ¡ ,rr,tian r:0,/ ol 'F: rltot! r¡uit tr acttfftrhtc !o tn! '¡renl.' lu¿fol¿nltl 'ït l-.t,t1¡2s,¿lttl,alAll:.r:,1.ânl,!¡'.¡'jentl"rn'¡l¿¡¡¿*f?':rrrndãC'JC¡!¡On!¡l'rtCct{et"'r o .'r,rot'ucumen¡¡r I , lS ,r^rQ '.Ël l()\v,\ (:l'¡.1 H ,@ g lh'lrl lllltta't. lncldent Seport 0 !tud en t llts f GrEclel \\ ', OS -J,',ål _ . _ Jlruent w¡t 2b lJr¡lran oi lncrdcnt; tl .i^¡ I ì¿: lnvolved håt was nðppenlng rmm e ihf/trlumtnt',vttn oEtt 'ludrnl nB; '' rr oírncrdg¡ri o¡ lncroonti '!':¡m memoers ,'i Tlm+Out log _ studenÍr problem behavior (lntecedent!: Jl:rlent Wlr ktnd ol o?nlrct orelêf rgd ¡c$vtlv gt,rÊm ',v¡t at¡[s(t llr'r¡rt ¡ ¡tn i¡udenr wi¡r oromorrrt to uta torcrrìc rêorðclmrnt lcn¡vror r,'nrcn on!, - toç¡tton lctc to rnorr to inolnãr _'(ulrrnl,.vð¡ ll'¡:¡nl',e¡f llvÊn cnt.Ðn.Or,:E !liEn(ton lr¡€¡Crtbc: ,:)'èri - ,ffi 'trior to res(r¡lnt or ¡eclu¡ton, Fl€ase descrtbe the de-escaratron ttrðregres that were artempted by:taifl. ir)gm:'!Ðrr.tm'Vn¡Ur¡tèn.Èl j¿la¡lmer _ )rrcCtlOCool d.wn¿lt¡ :il 'rrn'lt rrl, lñånl ¿;raîu.g lnot orovrdrng ¡(tênlron for ¡¡catatEd behðvrorr ); V .:r:trtlr¡l Jre ot r:ct¡úrmfn( crnð'/ror ,::i.:er: e nt ûaqre rÀ i¡udent îime , ) seclusion: tlte beh,lvlor g4gf ro restr¡int o¡ secluslonl oqgressve beha'¡ior dVrinq restr¡lnr or Seclusion: outl ?¿rnnrnl,,"t. ll i /3 :"d ng (rrrr.: /l : 'l'/år,;tcIc, rtJá icmrn,!trtl,:t ¡00rovðt l¡ocumcnl ::n,!r/roprov¡tf :h,,u @ s JO,ñn -;,ri,/then jtudent non.\Tîqrgsîlve oeh0vro¡ prior to reslratnt-or i tuÉ ,jÌ{trrdCn'tclrloriÖOl sical reitr.ilnl: _.i., !*,' o, å I ''l Jur¡t¡on åxce:dt oî r cc.nr:r ¡o!rr, :n i rgrnnrng :'/l'r., ¡ttl:n, .r.:-,r¡ ,;ll ,!tÌt¡iltt.,,r¡t r.giJ: Vtr:tn:âfni m,nur:s -ntrd ?¿renl ¡ooro,/¡t,,i ': lm C¡ntnl 5o¡.1on _ _ trlrl . I1 rllltetnf, drlcr Cr - 5,J c¡r:nr ¡ : t'lf',i1' i 13.- in1,¡{ rrmr: ),1 -,lr¡part prr I 13 :cr ¡ I () rnel oe rnlulrÈ9 I u rjËn( te(ulned reurned to gen' e'1':ewtng to'¡'oll 3, ri rr:l .ntorÍ'3ll'/ ¿! ¡ i:am io r:t'lèw rreet iolrnalþ' it¡tí ¡i gulét ¡cllvtlv rn ¡ pr¡vote worl( ¡pace prlvðte çon"'Êfsstlon ¡boutthe ocnavlor il"lcent ¡nd ttarf ?ngagÊd ln t r!rJcê¡t p¡urneo ro trrorl(rt3rl( '..¡ À .17.'tr,r¡rnt lr¡nsrtloned to ,nran, tudent lertor€ct thg !nvtrt jt .lt"ø lvas complete: whal took olace ¡fter time out { C' ìJ/ 4.. dAmaqc: to gther rludent!' rlÛrf ¡nrJ/or ofccerî/ ð !ei¡rn -iludent currgnt lnigfl:ntlon ¡c rEi'rew FSAi AIP ¡¡rlletlel !Ñ'lectlnl date/tlmel.-l "v¡rr ,0i.,*tothecurren(FBA'lt¿natisthehYpotnesizedfuncttonofthisbehavror? r':e çurrant É¡A ,Jae'norldoreJs(nlfg3nlcul¡¡rcenav oflrñe€llnÍmustlakëplJce.ieeaoove(ooocumçn¡} 'l'r¡ cenav¡ol ls '1:tn!ðlneo bv åccelr lg uëer ¡tten 0cn -¡i,É tl malntðlneo bv ¡cÊ955 to ¡oult ¡t!!n(lon cèña,rror -r1tt !:þitvror 15 lnteractlon matntatn€ó bv esc¡oe írom ¡ocr¡l r:n'prrtarfeo tarKS Or ¡ctlvttlet '' r ' ç Betovtol t¡ rnð¡n(atned bY Ësc¡oa irgm / - - ",u es this Qv 6d C\¡s¡raoon ,t v this incident I h'¿gothests maItch the ABC ol ¡'J..' .{lìvgg.le5li'JtlÈ¡lro!lê€fflio¡.,.,¡tcnlnlilnc:can(' ñ,"o Cz¿'r ¡utofñåtlc t¿rniorçemen¡ rtr¡ßegler "vrll r*r, .t!t.¡terrrentron wå¡ ¡oprcpll¡tè ¡no lnStructlonðl/lnten'enllon V . IO OfÊtillred ltern!/¡ctt'¿ltle! caÁ¡'/lof I5 må'nt¡lneo ov ¡cce!5 'iìr5 aen¡v'ol tt mùlnt¡lneo - T,,€ I ttav lne ¡¡rre ¡-eer.ñt11 Aåc.:ùi¡,...{;l !e.¡llÈ.l.clc¡5Jr.¿s¡n1 ) '?.,. .rrle;lAwrllFe r:llç ¡oovel urf,¡te':ocufnent llf'. e ånd hJt ts the desrred reolacement behat'ltor? beh¡vtor on thrs sludent'¡ tÉP2 are provlded for teachlng replðcement truction tns destgned 1,¡ 1rìilrìv ¡l¡¡t.ltË5 of spectatlV ,r':lri:5 ilno lzlvtça 'llol'tiel UA. : ren¡/ -.e:i],ftr¡rll .?:dlo!119..t!o::5qU!5¡üd n8m nu!33oÍ¡en¡rçe! lne â:e¡chlh'f G r¿olacemen¡!enâv ol uardian Ccntact: jdmrnl!trllor tlln:ture: : rco rt !:ß3'{ted b'/i ì ¡r,G€n ¿:9,i' trE tJrenl,'lu¿ltl¡nl ¡l el:Fl rtãcrt ñtlit':f oâttñ¡treó lc ¡ cnt f . r¡ r¿,,1 ccate¡ oi.ecorr :o: 1r rñt. iru,J ¡r¡ tv¿ íc ¿qt 'tn'l irjr¡c¡t ¡ ¡ J tt"r¿Éi c¿ r iel ,''ry '/ e¡te or Documenr¡rron, I r;t I t 3 ¡()w\ (:t'tY Þ {r s ltr¡rt ttt\lßn.tl ent Report Docurnent and Seclu slon Time-Out Log Student ilding 'l¡te oi lnqdentt iime of leam members Grade: I 0uratlon of lnodent: J) r}{{/t involved: o ',Vhat was happening immediately prior to the stu ent's problem behavior (antecedent): I'ght,/argument nrrh peer _ itudent -(,ro.n, wat dented preíerred ¡rcttvtly or ttem student wat asked lo - walt rvas grven a tark lrvhar kind of task? _ _(¡)f-d$ Student rvas expected to tr¡¡nst$on @ o\ ffi"ï" ?d(, T feacher wðr ¿ttendlng to o¡hers Student was prompted lo use specrfrc repracement behavror (which one? - 5tudent was told to move to another - location - 5tudent w¿s grven one.on-one anentton ldescri o- Prioi'to restraint or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff: floom cleðr lremove audiencel @ let É limits (if, rroro,rng thenf -L é set ð trmer Oirect to cool down 'gnorrng (not provrdlng ¡ttention for escalated behavror Time ¡ out: 3egrnning Endlng timel navallable, need ¡dmrnr¡trator approval ldocument tlme/approvall; ta'. ¡ro reStraint: Evalu¡rron, rf phv¡rcar restrarnt @ Firrt/then @4,K* ö *..57 restraint or seclusion: b Physical _ o'ru' r prlor to restraint or seclusion Student agqressive behavior orlor to restraint or secluslon: en offered cholces for cool down ure of repÞcement behavlor Student n on-dggre ssive s area ' lf duratlon exceeds 50 mlnutes - need parent aoproval, rf parent rs l7 - R: a0 /:s - lv¡j used: children,s contror ( posr¡ron 3esinning ,,o concerns ,, _ ream controt roritro,x f, rranlporr posrrron l0'.4b Êndins.mer..-' tô:4? ",,¿) l+ - teti? r:oncerns, describe: - Signature: Iime: l¿'Cnbe other propertY d¡magel rnlufret to olher rtudents' st¡rf and/qr out Descnbe what took place ¡fter time 5tudent res¡ored the envtronmen ituden¡ relurned to work / Y . ,,att S quret actlvltv ln ¡ prlvate work space student t"ns'ttont¿ to ñ , about the student and statf engaged rn a prrvate converlatron .: "^,:-la¡l( Student'eturned to tvor\ wrth the X was complete: behav¡or t student retufned to gen' ed' setttng gfoup ln¡erv€ntlon strategret met ¡nfornatlv ¡r r:ear¡ tc revlew current - taif rvrll meet formallY a5 a team tc revlew ÊBA/BIP (fvleetlng date/time r)ther: ÀccordingtothecurrentFBA,whatisthehvpothesizedfunctionofth¡sbehavior? theculfentt¡Adoesnqt¡ddres¡rhrspantcularbehavior(meetingmusttakeplace,seea,oovetodocumentl -his peer ðttentlon Ihis behavror i5 malntained by access to to aclult attentlon Lehavlor i¡ m¡lnt¡rned bY acces¡ fl.ìlsbehavlor sm¡ln¡atnedbvescapefromsocra lnter¡ctlon / ì( ihlt from un'preferred tasks or ¡cllvitlet behðvlor ts m¡tntatned bv e¡crpe to preferred ltrms/actlvrtlei Ti'ris ben¡vror l¡ melntalned bV accrtt f retnforcemenl hts behavlor ts matntatned by outomattc the Does this hypothesis match L'les, ABC of this incident? qÞ wrll staY the same and lnstructlonal/interventto n strateglet our rnterventlon wås approprlate plan' the team wrll review the response ¡lo, the hvpothe¡is does not seem to mðtch thls lncldent' ABC data wtll be collectedfor5davsandameettngtorevlewtheFBAwrllbe and date above) scnectuled {P leðse document tlme r,Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? How manY minutes of sPeci ally d behavior on this student's IEP? are rov¡ded for teaching replacement :rllnutes and seillce fhe tå3m rvìll need Pa re nt/Guard¡an Contact: ?epon completecl behavlor servlcc tlme to te¡ch thls replðcemcnt ßldethod of contast: Adñlnlltrator I¡f natule¡ incld ent. A¡,llltrncopYolthereFol!muttbeportm¡rkedlothepaf.nt/8u¡rdl¡n(slwlthlnthrGrd¡vsofthe Centel Cumul¡tlv¿ Foldcr and Educarlon Srrvrcêr :¿nd coplet ol report tol Palsnt' Student @ of Documentatlon: Date q ¡OWA CTTY (:o\t\t(l\¡t'I \' tcHocrLÞt¡rucf @ dent Student: Grade: Date of lncldent: Tlme ofJrrcldent: Ouratlon of lncldent: Team members lnvolved: What was happenlng imm flght/argument wlth behavior (antecedent): peer _ student was glven a task (what klnd of - Student was denled preferred actlvlty or - Studênt was asked to -_ Student was told to move to another locatlon walt student was expecteO to ) transltlon - Teacher was attendlng to othert - Student was prompted to use speclflc replacement behavlor (whlch one? ) - glven Prlor to restraint or qr _ ltem task? n, please descrlbe the de-esca Room clear (remove let llmlts attentlon (descrl audlence) (lf, thenl Set a at were attempted by staff: ttmer JL area _ lgnorlng (not provldlng attenüon forescalated behavtorl Offered cholce¡ for cool down _ Flrst/then promptlng use of replacement behavlor Student n r to restralnt qr secluslon:. on-o gg resslye behavior st nt or beh ïime out: Beglnnlng ¡ndtng ttme: i l/r-(ì 50 mlnutes - need parent approval, lf parent ls unavallable,needadmlnlstratorapproval(documenttlme/approvalll Physical restralnt: Yes No - Chlldren's Control - Posltlon Beglnnlng Team Control tlme;_ - Posltlon _ Transport Posltlon Endtng ümel @.tu,,ron,lfphyslcalrestralntwa3used:-NoConcernsconcerns,descrlbe: Slgnðture: Tlme: _ Descrlbe other lnlurles to other studêntt' ttaff and/or property da Descrlbe what took place after tlme out was complete: Student restored the -Ä ,rr¿"r,t ênvlronment r€turned to work task Studentreturned to workwlth the -X -É c student transltloned to qulet actlvlty ln a prlvate work space Student and staff engaged ln a prlvate conversatlon about the bchavlor grouP returned to gen' ed. settlng - lnt€rventlon strat€g €s UrO met tnioringtly ast t€am to revlew current -Student jL Staff wlllmeetformalty Accordlng to the current a3 a FBA, team to revlew FBA/aIP (Meetlng what is the hypotheslzed functlon of thls behavlor? the current FEA does not addre¡¡ thls partlcular behavlor (meetlng mutt take place, see above to documentl _ rn,, -L behavlor ls malntalncd by acces3 to adult attentlon Å Thls behavlor ls malntalned by access to peer attentlon Thls behavlor ls malntalned by escape from soclal lnterastlon Thls behavlor ls malntalned by escape from un'preferred tasks or actlvltlet - Thls behavlor ls malntalned by acccss to preferred ltêms/actlvltles - Thls be.havlor ls malntalnad by automatlc relnforcement -Does this hypothesls match the ABC of thls lncident? Yes, our lnterventlon wð5 approprlate'and lnstructlonal/lnterve ntlon ¡tqtegles wlll stay the same ñ Yes, however our lnterventlon may have relnforced the negatlve behavlor. The team wlll revlewthe response plan. * No, the hypothesls does not s€sm to match thls lncldent. ABC dete wlll be collected for 5 days and e mectlng to revlew the scheduled (please document tlme What is FBA wlll bc the desired rep for teaching replacement How many minutes of on th¡s student's IEP? Mlnutei and servlce provlder behavlor The team wlll need to meet to dlscuss addlng mlnutes of of contact: Parent/Guardian Admlnlstrator slSnature: Report completed A wrlttrn copy of thr repoft postmarkod to the prrenVguardlan(sl wlthln Send coplet of report to: Parent, Student CUmul¡tlve Fglder and Educåtlon ServlC63 C0nter @ q[ : ite o1 z-tí rlocumentat¡on .ËFì ¡()\v'\ (:¡'lY o :H Y llrNtt tùltBr..r lncident Report Oocument and Secluslon Ttme-Out Log ) i tudent: I ¡¡e ci ,j r¡ cle: 3uilding '':e trtctoent: ci rncrdenl; lliùf p+ù l-r¡rron of lncrdenr: tl.ol-- lt: t7 l(),r.nr n l+¡m memoers rnvorved: .'ihðt ',vas naooentng ¡mnediatelv grior to rne student,s Oroolem benavior (sntecedent)l Erti lrgun ¡nt r.vrrn ceet _ :t_oent wð5 qrven ¡ t¡sk (wnåt krnd of ¡¡¡kl l i?m :':uüenÍ t/ quoent'ílt Jsl(èo to wart -::uúèrìt*'¡¡¡¿n'edclererredðctlvllvor : i,..lent -f _':r.jent " i.ritS :Cl¡1 fO l..lOVe (O rva¡ -it'Jdentwðsexoecteo!olr¡ns¡ron ororrotec! to usr rpectilc reot¡cement len¡vrot twn¡cn onel - IOC¡tlOn ãntllner rr¡t gti/en cne-on.on€ ttlentton t:ercflbe: :Lål: r''1r lo restr3lnt or seclus¡on, clease descrtbe the de'escalatton str3tegles that,.vere attempted bv starf:. icm ':'*¡f ".j!:,¡rlt! l/.'.a-=r,Fl i l/-rrrnar.J/¡jJrrendrngrocrners t,,e¡nove tLütenc!l _ il, Ìienl Jiè ,lr let I trnrer J¿ -¡!rtcere4t c?Ff ent 5¡V9 ;,rÊÊt !o coor do,,!n àr?¡ -y':rrrr"d jr.ur,rq lno! orovrornq auenuon tor ¡sc¡rared beh¡vrorl rrrer cnorces ror i,r,.r üor.,,n _\árrrrr"n ,):;:¡r: :l Jent n7n-aqqressrye behAvror oflor ro restratnt ,:Ud --¿, Or Seclusion ehavror or;cr to reslrãilìt 0t ssctusion j l';denr oqgresstvz ben0,¿ror during restr3tnt or Seclusron: -'r¡e out: . i^c;cg rrne ^", //la? r!,31?r ecof cval rdgcL:.r.:ent:!f 3egrnnrng '! /år'ðc,e, ¡'?:c :'lntn e :i:'¿srcai r?str¡rnl 0 I ì: I7 . ;f Ju¡¡ton ixceeã! {:,' ir:n ¡ Ccr!,¡l F?srtlol !rg,n¡r.g ', ii trrt"trrcn ; -i.,. i¡l /?gl,trr:'r¡¡! ,.!l j: 5,J rrnu¡:¡ -.ledoårenr àoctor¿1,,i c¡¡:n¡ ¡ e/ ': {:nc:rr: _,i:l:?rrs, ': rn Crr:¡r¡l ?os¡i on -{1,.sçat! - l!'.o73& ;,rj;nE r.e, ll!o2.6 tunr: ,-rsc: i:e - 'i"' ll pot, t,:,1 @ rr''l /ål¡Pl¡ l?:,¡Jå uo.¡t)ñF¡ p.lt J¿r :'j ¡¡"!r 'l¡ tuåîr'li luir'l d lc¡1'¡0Êi¿ ro 9à:Aî'2 þt- rf l¡rut:!rl';¡¡uË:t! ãsi o :åJnteuËt, JO:É.¡¡S.ulUJt' ,3.1îi li6iii: î ueriJEnÐ/luaJt :¡lE¡us; lC i,Jciå i'r JO¡^ËUe: ¡uåúJÊletc¿J rrr.il u)Eåi o¡ c¡ EËå': ''¡¡i' t!¡Eeì ãðr¡ Ë)r/r1â! f o sè¡nÚlJj ÊulpÊÉ:5n"'ç o¡ ¡¡3'.¡r q ;:- )¿î hotç ê1rr,,e! LUE SA:':''i' rrlL¡ç uotllnj¡sul peuÊlsep Àllelrecs Jo 53)rltllrtr Â!JPlll ¡ueuJalerde.l åurr{lEÊ'¿ Joi pêprr\o/d aJE dd-r! g.¡uapnls sru¡ uoJor/rÊtiÐ! pAJls;ç' ¿Jãl^euå¡C lUi,ü?)elO3J \r\s (e^ooF ã¡ 'rr'. VtJ eu¡ ,v.¡r/,¿, C: !.J¡¡¡e' Ê Ê!tr f '.cp c lO¡ pÈii;ilc: ãi ,upra esuooSãl åut ,vrerrrÈJ llrrr,, ujE3¡ I ltltr' C:Cf J?ï ':iJe=i'J'J ¡lJ¡ U:¡tu êa1 'JOrÂpuðo a^ltPbaiJ å.¡¡ pêãJo¡ulËJ ãlr!, C'¡ ÊuE årl1 ¿luepllul ê''ll st 1t L )u¡uJn-JoF ð9Pèlr r uje?! ¡o-'ç??t (rse':l'ìi1Â" Þr'¡rrJ Àt!¡J " F?l-rF'i';' ¡" '1" uol¡uå'Ja'u lno Jê"¡{':' !"' DUf ê1!rio3JCIllt tÉôr uo¡iijÈrsã:à'¡¡89 Ar¡) ¡p¡¡ ¡rrtf É?i!è¡ÊJ:r uo¡¡ueÀ¡3¡ul/leuolllnJ¡5tl¡ , e slL{¡ ¡o f,BV i:'i 'í t v èul ul¡ei! slsèUloo/'q s¡u1 sêc peulc¡l'lll's' sl ¡ueu¡a:¡o¡u¡a¡ ll¡tJ,O:nc Ào '(r't\Éu¡: ''''- ll )O¡l'Êuel t '" 7 SalllÄl¡fÉ/itI¡ã¡' 9ÈjJ3¿ãJC O! Ssel)t trO Oð!'lE'¿Uteúj lol'reüã: ç"' ßel¡lr\lllBlO¡t5e¡p3JJãfðJd'UnuloJ¡eoelsatrcoãlllÊ'¡ulÊúlsl t "'' É uol:f,P]A¡U: lel)cr u¡oJ'¡ Þ0G)5è ÅQ OeulElureul tr 'lcrr'teJê: peJlÉ¡ulÉi¡J gr.i! u9l¡uel¡e ¡lnoe c: s!¿ile /\q o¡urElr¡rgu¡ sr ror^eueq u3r)uê11Ë Jõe0 o: s'ãr)E ^q to'¡ leoc !r,¡r¡aar¡¡lJor,'EU¡3 JeinlluEg slu¡ ¡5ÊJpÞE l¡ueuJn)on o¡ e^oog êar'allrcl eXE: ¡snuJ !l loltr[gÊ] VÊ !'-t- 7 j ¡U?rrr'r tçtø ¿Jol^eueqsIr{llouolt]un,pe2 sar' lod/rqaqlslteu,vt,vgJ¡UaJJn]au¡olåulpJo ,,) t.æia,J,l:/ã¡ÉD å.rrtaa¡.¡¡ dte,vÊJ sâtã¿¡eJtrs UOI¡Uã¡Je¡dr Â',3t1¡ãJ cl ureã¡ e 9€ htle'¡:/cJ ¡¿a¡r I'Â" luâJlnr MAt^ÊJ o¡ u¡Êê¡ t sa 'lr:: Âlle!J¡l\'t ¡ë.i¡ ¡¡ r" : åiliuas'pa'u?3ol.påúJn¡aJ¡uêp11!- 6nolåêu¡ulrÀ"1lo'r'oioèLlrìi?¡lue¡n:: JorlreJeo eqt ¡nooe C uol¡esle,,uol e¡e^l¡c efeos NroM ale^lld E ut e ul peEetJa ue¡r puc t\¡l^ll)E ¡elnD o¡ pauol¡ltucJl ¡l5Et lJo'r" o¡ DeiJn¡aJ ¡uê¡'ì:¿" ¡uann:' luðuuor'/¡üi å'¡: pÈJfisã¡ luapnì:i¿ ¡uêFnls aql' :e¡alduo) se^" ¡no ãull¡ Jaur alelo ïooì lEuM s e Qlults ¡()IV,\ (:¡TY 'r tl. ¡ tl. ilrt trr:f lncldent Report Document and'secluslon Tlqe.Out Log Û stuuent: Buildlng: 1l.rt ts JotÊ of lnc¡dent: feam Grade: lt t l{ Iime of lncldent: c.+-- 0uratlon of lncldent: l¿l members involved: trVhat was happening immediately prlor to the studen{s problem behavior (antecedent): rlght/¡rgumsnt with peer ltudent we¡ lrven itudent rv¡¡ denled pref¡rred actlvlty- or J ,,uo.nt lv¿s ta¡k lwhat krnd of task? Student was expected to transltlan - 5tudent was a¡ked to wa¡t K item a reacher was attendlng to other¡ - Sludent was prompted to use speclflc replacement behavlor lwhlch one? - told to move to anothqr locatlon 5tudrnt we! glven one.on.oñ! attentlon l)thê Príor'to restralnt or secluslon, please descríbe the de-escalatlon strategles that were attempted by staff: Roomclear(removeaudlencef 5èt llmlts (lf, Ð _ thenl sstetlmer /-Dlrecttocool downrr., X- lgnorln¡ (not provldlng attentlon for e¡calated behavior) offeredcholce¡forcooldown _ ¡rst/then prompbnl ute of raplacement behavlor Student non-dqgrcsslve behavlor prior to restralnt or secluslon: t 5tude oqgresslve ehavlor orlq[ to restralnt or seclusion: Student aggresslve behavlor durlns restraint or seclusion: Tlme out: ur:: \ l.E* Snding ilme: I tl3Þ.- ' lf duntlon exceed¡ 50 mlnutes - need parent approval, ¡f parent l¡ unavarlable, need admlnistraror approval ldocumenr tlme/ðppfoval)! Physical restraint: Iî!- '/e¡ control -children's :,/¡luetlon, rfphysrcrl rertratntwas use¿: X ¡lo Concern¡ posltlon conrrol -Team lì a.- Seglnnln¡ ttme¡ I I I _Concern¡, describe: _ 9iqnature: posltlon Endtñg rtma: \ ( :2,p ,rrnroon posltlon r.s UéJül tbÈ other rtrluttct tu olher ttuúÈnt¡' !¡ùdlnd/of propdrn/ u.¡nt¡rBé: o Describe lvhat took place after tlme out was cornplete: sruúËnt rË5tored tþe environmenr ->C to¡k y'. - lturJert¡ t'êturned to work - jtr¡rlent rËrurned to rvrlrk w¡th thÈ drùup -.- Jtoif rnet rnformally StUdEnt , rr¡nsltloned lú gu.t¡tt a':tlvlty in a private work lpor;e r,rdant ¡nd staff eng¡geo tn a pnvðte convcfs¡non Jbout the beh¡vror stuüÊnt returned to gen, ed. settrng - ås a teem to revlcw cuffenß lnterventlon 5taff will rneet form.rlly ¡s ¡ te¿m ro revlew rtr¡reglès FBA/8 P (tvteoilng dårê/tlme:_l othå Accordlng to the current FBA, what ls the hypothesl¿ecl function of thls behavior? ths üurrent fBA doet not ¡ddre¡s thls partlcular behavlor (meetln6 mr¡¡t t¡he place, see above to doüunìentl thl¡ á behavlor fhls behavlor rhli - attentlon ¡3 m¡intained by access to Jdult ls malntalned by escapu from soclal hteractlon Thl¡ behavlor lt rn¡lnt¡lneú by occess ro pecr ¡¡ttenlton behavlor k malntarned by escape from un-preferred t¡¡k¡ or actlvrtles f lrls bÉhevlor ls rnainralned by accers ro preferred itemt,/actlvltles f hl¡ l¡ehavlo¡ lr malntalned bV ¡utomntlc.relnforcement o Does thls hypothesls match the ABC of thls lncldent? ,)s . YÈ5, our lntervrntlon wat approprlate ¡nd lnstructlonal/lntervéntlon stratetier wrll stay the sarne Ye¡, however our l¡ttervenllon may have relnforced the negatlve behavlor. Th€ t€em will review the response plarr. l¡o, the hypotherls does nor teem to match thls lncldent, ¡sC ¿ata wlll be collected for 5 clayr ðnd a meÊttng to revlew the !üneduled (please rJocument tlme ðnd date abovef l( (l are I will be lt What is the deslred replaçement behavlor? How many mlnutes of specially deslgned FBA ll teachl ng replacement behavior on this student's lEp? ,vllnuter and servlce prov The team u¿rll need to meer Parent/Guardian Contact: o¡ Rcport complctcd to lscuss addlng mlnutes of servise ¡lmit t6 te¡ch thls replocement beh¿vlor llme &nøn r--ï-- f'¿lethod of contact: Ar.lml n lstrator sl gnatu re: '¡ lvritlen copy or the l€por¡ nlusl be posÌmarked to thc parenr/gurrdlan(rf wlthrn th¡ee dayr of rhe in(¡¡JÊnt, ¡Elld coplds of report ¡ol P¡rent, Studant Curnulatlve FolrJer and Erluc¡¡ion Sen/ices CÉntet @ Jure vr vvrsr lqr tr¡uvr r. __¡iEtDJlr¿_ l()W¿\ s ilr¡{ a dent Report aþ\É (IIIY tilltrßì' us¡on Tlme-Out Log 5tudent Build Grade: l¡te ïime of lncrdent: Cur¿tron of lncrdent: oi tnc¡dent; leam members tD uxr.,.t. involve '.Vhat was happening immediately prior to the student's problem behavio _:,ght/arEument !tudent --L lvrth peer _ wðs dënted preíerred acltvtty Stu¿"nt rvar ¡iked lo Student wes gtv€n a task (what ktnd of or ttem tülk? 5tudent wa¡ cxpecred to I transtuon _S. Teactter was ¡çendlng to other¡ - watt 5tudent was prompted to use rpecrflc replacemenr behavror lwhlch one? Xr,u¿"ntwa¡totdromovetoanorherro..,,ff 5turJent rva¡ g,uen one-on-one attention ô \\ \tN/¿-- \rJ ^J !t"" ' -- trJescribc;-- Other - Prior to restraint or secluslon, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff; r íìoom çlear lremove audlenc€l :et l¡miB l¡f' _ set e th€nl trmer are¡ Oirect to cool down 'gnortng (not provrding attentlon for escalated behavrorl -Student non-aggressiye behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: ior prior to restralnt of secluslo Student oggressive behavior durlnq restralnt or secluslon: out: 3egtnntng ttmê ,t\'.?Ð _ Éndlng tlme: n\ t\ ï T Tlme First/then - prôrnptrng use of replrcement behavlor udent oggressive offered cholcer for cool down lf duratlon erceeds 50 mlnutes - need parent aoproval, rf parent rr ,¡nav¿llable, neeô admrnlstrator approval ldocument ttme/approv¡ll Physical restraintl l?s _ ilo Chlldren's Control po¡lflon _ 3e¡tnntns,,r., d' luatton, rf phy:rcal restratnt wa¡ used: ( n,o Conce¡ns t feam Control positlon \ì 2t Ëndrng time: }( fransport Po5rtton \iÐ concerns, descrlbe: - 5i*nature: Íime: Þ -.¿5çnbe other rnlune¡ to othef ¡tudents, llarl Ûnd/or pro0erw 0¡tm;¡le: wðs complete: Descnbe what took place after tlme out 5tudent iertoreo V ;tudent rhe the oehavtor ¡nd ¡t¡tl engaBed ln ¡ prlvatr conversatlon about tarl( -'K to !vor\ wrth the group råturned to worl( Student'etulned ð pavate work space Stu,Jent transrrroned to quiet ectrvrty rn envronment "uoont o Studênt returncd to gen' ed' setttng formðllv a¡ ¡ t€¡m tc revrew FBA/BIP llvlc€tlnE dateltlme:-) 3!aff nrll mee¡ -it¡fffrrtlnfofilallvr!¡:èemt3fevlêwcuflentlnterventlonStrategles r)the r: functlon of thls behavior? to the current FBA, what is the hypothesized lccordlng :'hl¡ f \ . -- behavlor l¡ rn¡lnl¡rned hls behavto¡ rr matntatned bV ¡ccess bV to adult altentlon peer ðttentlon Thl¡ behðvlor l¡ melntalncd by access to e¡c¡pe lrom soct¡l interactlon flìit ¡a¡ks or ¡c¡tvittet behavlor t¡ m¡tnlatned by e:clpc from un'preferred Thlt benðvlor f lt mÐlntÐlned by access to preferrcd itcm!/actlvltlc! hrs beh¡vror t¡ matntatned by automrtrc retnforcement incident? Does thls hypothesis match the ABC of thls V wlll staY the same yEr, our tnteruentton w¡s ¡pProprlete and ln¡tructlona/lnterventlon str¡tegl€! Yes,howeverouflntefventlonmayhaverelnforcedthenegatlvebehavlor,Thete¡rnw¡llreviewtheresponseplan. the hypothests doei not seem to match rqneduled (pleare oocument tlmr and date abovel l¡o, t thlsincldent.ABcdatawrllbecollectedfor5daysandameettngtofevlewrhetBAwlllbe t( (r t,Vhat ls the desired replacement behavior? behavior on thls student's lnstructlon are provided for teach¡ng replacement How many mlnutes of speci :,linute¡ IEP? anct seNlce Provtder ttms to te¡ch thls replacement behavlor Thr tetm rvlll necd to meet to dlscuss addlng mlnutes o f servlce Parent/Guardian Contactl Date; n-.,!t ?¿ PtAtethod or contact: Admlntstfator slgnature: Ðeport completed  {ntlen copv ol the repolt must be po¡¡m¡rh¡d lo lhr pir?nUguardl¡n(rI wrthin lhr€e d¡vt of the lncrd¡nl' l¿ndcopte¡ofrEpof¡to¡Pafent,sludcntcumul¡tlveFold¿r¡ndEduc¿tton9ervlcrtcentel t -ì,rte ol Oocume ntùïon: l()\\'r\ (il'lY { llrtr¡t lrt\ltaI'r lncident Report Document and Seclusion Time-Out Log @ 5tudent: l¡te fc¡ ã 9uildin oi rncrdent; m r1r "t-7- li.' G iìme of I ncrdent: 'lut¡t¡on of lnctdent: ,6x (ì^i r 1 € rft berS rnvolVed: '.Vhat lvas happening immediately prior to the student's problem behavior - :'ght/argumen¡ wrth peer itudent preferred ¡cttvtty or wð5 denled Student rvai ¡sked !o _ (antecedent): ,_ ))\'w' . ,/ irrd"n¡rv¡¡s grven a task (what krnd of t¡sk? .jf ;,:. jlJi.:: itudent wert _ r¡em student rvas exgecred to çansrtron .---_ ïèacherw¿s ðttending to others itudent rvas -prompted to use ipecttlc replacement þehavror (whtch one? was lold to move to another loc¡tion :tir,Jent '.va¡ grven one.on-one att€ntton tdescribe - Other: Prior to restraint or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff: iìoom clear lremove set hmits lìf. &1 _ audlence lhenl ¿ set ¿ tlme¡ olrect to cool down ¿re¡ -'gno^ng (not.provrding ¡trentìon for e¡carated b:havror offered chorces for cool down \, ,' Fi^t/rhen promptrng use of replacement behavror student non'oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: s uden sg'yê !o restraínt or seclusio n; 1 Student oggressive be havior durlnf restraínt or seclusion: 'lã \-ll Ttme out: 3esrnnrng ,,r.' ) 2 T i al Snoing ti.r, rnavarlable, neeo ¡dmrnt¡tratot approvðl (document ttme/aporoVal!: Physical restraint: (2s r,to rf ohysrcal restrarnt rver used: _ ¡,lo lf duratlon exceed¡ S0 minutet childrrn'¡ control :va'u¡tron, ' concerns poítion ream cqntror - Seginning trme _ - V'4q need parcnt aoproval, rf parent posrtion ândingrrme, V ,/ ,rrnrrort porrron IZM ccnqerns, deScr¡Òe 5;lnaturei rs i;r'ne: _ ,:i5cnþE o !hef ttãff 0nd/or prooeftv 0¡m¡ge: inluf lÈ3 to cthcr 51udenI5, Descrrbe what took place after time out was completei 3tu å-- rt f FBA does FBA, what ls the hypotheslzed functlon of thls behavlor? not address thls partlcular behavlor (meetlng must take place, see above to documcnt) Thls behavlor ls malnt¡lned by access b¡havlor ls malntalned by accesr to aduJt attentlon to peer attentlon Thls behavlor ls malntalned by escapc from soclal lnterectlon - tn,, Ë- be havlor ls m¡lntalned by escape from un-preferred tasks or actlvltlcs Thls beh¡vlor ls malntalned by access to preferred lteru/actlvltles Thls behavlor ls malntalned by automatlc relnforcement -Does thls hypothesls match the ABC of thls incldent? Ðe Yes, our lnterventlon was approprlatê and lnstructlonal/lnterventlon 'Yes, strateglas wlll stay the same however our lnterventlon may have relnforced thc negatlve beh¡vlor, The team wlll revlew the rcsponse plan. No, the hypothesls does not se.m to match thls lncldent, ABC dâta wlll be collected for 5 d¡ys and a meetlng to revlew the FBA wlll be scheduled (please document tlmê ¡nd d¡te above) What ls the desired replacement behavlor? n ck ft.'r n" btgak¡r å'l lnu,r..r[r.rh]rrl5 How many mlnutes of speclally deslgned lnstructlon are provlded for teachlng replacement behavlor on this student's IEP? Mlnutes and servlce provlder The team wlll need to meet to dlscurs addlng mlnutes of servlce tlmc to teach thls nplacement behavlor Parent/Guardian Contact¡ Report completed by Date: Tlme: of contact: lnlsÛator slSnature: A wrlnen copy of the report must be postm¡rked to the parent/ãucrdlan(sl wlthln threc days of th! lncldent. Send coples of report tot Parent, Studsnt Cumulatlve Folder ¡nd Educ¡llon Servlces Center Ð -l¡te ol oocur¡enr¡troni I l' i ,C ¡()\Vr\ (:¡'¡Y Ë') o { Itrtrt ttt\tt¡lt,.f lncldent Repo Sludent trte uilding; oi lnc¡dent; leem ;'rr Grade: of hçtdÊnt: t¿r¡rronorrnç¡¡¡s¡¡. .3h *¡^ members ,,Vhåt was haopening imm _ ion Tlma.Out Log prior to the studenf i gnt/rrgument rvnh pc:r X. :tu'Jent lvår ot;t€m dEntÊd oreferred ðGtlvrtt 5tuden! tr¡! ðrkëd td \yått _ s problem behavior (antecedent): _ l'ôfwñn ìnlide +--t't ¿\n (rvhat krnd of t¡¡k? I æc*ìvìh,t or¡-t8'r,å <, J lvas . l,ro.n,ru¡¡ i¡rvcr å talh X,.o.n, et0ected to tran!rtrgn le¡cner w¡r ¡ttanotng to othet! _ itudtnt,,va¡ orompted to u¡e ¡pecrilc rsplec€ment behavrbr (lvhich onel !ttrdent lvat lold lo movr to ðnothef loc¡tton - itudent w¡r g¡ven on!.on.on! sttentton tde¡qrrbe; ,)then - Prior to restraint or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff: ;loom clear lremovo audirnce) . rect to cool down area ö d,. }l,ro-., t hmrtr lrt, th6nl \foro.orrng Kuno,,n, -{,, Oíëred shoic!9 for cool down (not provtdin¡ attentton for e¡cal¡ted behavrorf _ Fir!Vthen ure ol ,cplacemrnt beh¡vror Student non-aggresslve bchavlor prlor to restralnt or seclusion: s fo \ ent seclu slon: Student agqressive behavior dtlrinr restra¡nt or seclusion: ïme out: 3egrnnrng,,,n", 11.37 ircinstrme; llf{f lf duratron e:(cgeds .nav¡rraole, re3ã ¡dmrnrttrãlor acprov¡l (oocument !tme/aporo.ral) Physical restraint: _ .to .(,., r-hrldren': contror :'/¡luatton, í chl¡rcal re:tr!tnt tveS u5€c, K, o Ccn:ern¡ prr¡r!,on SO minute! - neêd oaren! aoorov¡ , i:am coñtror - tr\ :,3b 3rginnlng t.me: _,ìcncern5, pos¡tro ,f p¡rent r¡ ^ {¡,¡nrport indrngtme:(f@} lt pc5¡tlon ;Bl de3c¡:be: ', e: lZ.- sc :.JcrlÞ'aoßner'r! ullÊltocthel'ludenls,rtartÚnd/orprooerwdi¡ña{e: place efter time out was complete: look Sescnbç what - ./ {'r,rr.n,,ranr¡lloned rglurned lo ¿---studenl worr J"uotnt tesl group wor\ wrtn tnr !tu.'JEnt'?turred to rhlñ"¡rlv !t ! ::åfn it¡if r:t S r) t' r¡vråw ct¡f f ent ¡nd st¡it enga8¡d rn tt"t"t -K. ß ¡pact to ourilt ¡cttvr¡y rn a prrvðte "vof I cehavror pllvatc convef!atlon aoout tne fêrurn¡u to ¡?n' Èd.5ê!3lrg @ rntln'rnlron slrlteglet il¡¡tt' ¡¡ ¡ tetnr t1 revrew F5A/3lP l\te€tlnt rafi',v,'l mr:t icrmarly t11:l: According :F e function of this behavior? i¡ the hvpothesi to the current FBA' what c'Jrf Int ilA ¡oole to do€umentì (meeürE mu ¡t t¡hc pl¡ce, ¡eå Èehavtor santcular rnrt ¡ddf €ss 'JcÊt not bv ¡cce5s to pqel ¡trenllcn ill't þêhðvrof rt ñarnteined ¡ltentlon (o ¡dult ov accers -htS Ce¡lvtot r! m¡rntlrned It malntalned oY e!c!oe irom toctal 'nterlctlon un'preierrrd tð3k! or ¡ctlvltlet t! rn¿tntllned þ', e¡crpa from ihi¡ rhis ltem!/¿ctlvrtlel bY açget! to plelelred cen¡vtol rl lrÐlntalneó ¿ehavrof lt ñ¡lntalned bV match the Ðoes ¡his hYpothesi¡ '1i!. Oul ¡utoma¡¡c relnlorcem¡nl ABC of this incident? stråtegre! rvrll ¡tav the 5'mt ¡nd instructþnauin rensnllon rnleN€ntlon wå¡ ¡Fploofttte plln' fh€ te¡m tvrll revlew the relponse lhe ne8¡ttve behavtol, may have rernforced '/es, nowevel oul rntêrventron @ bs to revrew the FBA wrll for 5 dav¡ rnd a meettn¡ collected bc wrll d¡la AðC lecm to match thr¡ incldenl' rto, the hvpothts r doal no¡ abovtl (pleatt oocument trme and datÊ ¡q¡s6uled replacement behavior? ',Vhat is the desired IEP? behavior on this student's for teaching replacement provided are designed instruction How rnany minutes of specially ',ltnute5 and gerylce PrOvrdef íhe l?¡m tvrll need ol lo reet to dlscuis adding rntnut:r Parent/6uardian Cont act: oate: ;l,ne: gen¡tce tlme to teãch ' l Þlf thl¡ leglacement bchavtor \lethod of contact: ir{-CeU ldmtnlttratcr Slsnature: t.:COlt tcftcleteã bV: mutt å ¡¡rrtten cooY ol thr reÞort :and ctDlrt ol !r oottm¡rlld l0 tha P¡retlt/gu¡rdl¡n(¡l'¡rrthrn r¡rer d¡vr of the rncrdenl' C¿nler to¡dcr ¡nd Educ¡¡ron Selvrça¡ lrgorl to: P!rent' Sludent Cumul¡ttle @ ')¡tr @ ?; of 00cumenntlon: t(tlv.\ (:l'lY lncident Report Document and Secluslon Tlme'Out Log Grade: Building: Student: '1 't/tç Date af lncldent: fir¡c ol t2 lncldentt Durðtlon of lncldent: a fea m rn ê nibers involveä: What was happening immedlately prior to the student's problem behavlor (antecedent): r.ght/argument tvlth peer ttudenl wðt tlven - item t¡sk (wh¡t klnd of task? Student tvas expecte d to stu d e nt wår denled preferred ¡ctlvlty or itudentwas ¡cked to a leacher wa3 anêndlng to others translllon - lwhlch ont? -l beh¡vlor ltudent rvar -promptcd to u¡c ¡peclflc replðcement watt - 5tu dent wa¡ told to move to another locatlon Studentwðr glven one'on-one atten¡lon r)ther: - & 5etðtimer -student of replacement 2A Dlrecttocool behavlor .Jn-. fü4 I (. .t ,t J enan¿rt^r, Begrnnrngsme, (document tlme/¡pproval): r,¡ navailable, need ¡dmlnlstr¡tor apploval nX.''"t Physical restraint: Children's Control -¡lo æ átr 0 sit n, 9 te was -.44 Sr duralon.r.å.år"sórrl,ute¡-ieå¿parentapprovel,rf parent¡t Posltion Beglnnlng u dc C oa c \ 12i,4àrf l2UL5 out: +. I * oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: d'r lva offeredchoicelforcool down O Student aggressive behavior Cufins restraint or secluslon: Time downarea non-oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion': I 5tudent " lSnoring(notprovrdingattlntlonforescal¡tedbehðvlor)-Firtt/then - Set limrts (tf. then) use ' - please describe the de-escalatlon strategies that were attempted by staff: Roomclearlremovcaudlence) prompttng I - -. . . rior to restraint or seclusion, .- ldescribe: rr^"t leam Control Posltion *-X-.-., , ¡n¡port Pos¡tion IL;ú Endingtrme: l^M o 3 gnature: îzi . -:t?f;- jí-:-- t her L:cscnbe (, lnlullet to olhe¡ ltudenl¡, 5tùtf Jnrl/or prooerty domage: Describe what took place after tilne out lvas returned to work complete: ta¡k V Sru c¡ent returned to work liith the group t- ,* UÌJicrlb€ It r.ttclri'llurlflioothcrltudcnls,¡llltJn'l/orploorfryrllrn'lEe:cf¿rr ho¡¡.'J. complele: rr.r.scrrbe whûl took place ofter t¡lne out was y riltcred the envrfonfnetlt jtudent returned ro work 1;s14,ro.n¡ itu _ st alf the f pf lvåtê wotk spact thc behavtor itudënt ¡nd ¡t¡tl en¡aged rn ¡ prlv¡lo .onvort¡tlon ¡bouÌ group ,/rrud"nt - r€turned ro gen. ¿d. 5entn¡ stlateBlet met iniorrnally Jr ¡ te3m to revlèw curlgnt lnteßentlon :/,rr"r, \,ì ¡tudent transltìoned to qulet act¡uty in ¡ J- r¡¡k rsturned ro ,.vurh with the denr I wrlt meet fcrnally at ¡ te¡m to rlvrqw tBA/BIP (fvu€tin! det¡/tlmc:-l : ÅccordinE rh I functlon of thls behavior? to the current FBA, what is the hypothesl¿ed 3 beh¡vlor fhi¡ lt rn¡lntllnèd bilh¡vror r¡ m¿tnt¡tned by occerr to bV ¡dult ¡ttÊnrlon elcape from sociel Thl¡ behavror i¡ m¡int¡tncd bY ¡cce¡¡ to Þeef altentlon inlerâctlon I - -L,/fnftbehav¡orlSdr;rrntalnEdþVe¡c¡pefromun'prefrrredta¡ksor¡ctlvitle! nls grelerred ugndvrur tt rn¡ttttJtrlcd bY oc':e¡¡ to f hit beh¡vlor ¡t mltntolned bv ¡ulom'¡tlc rernforcement ,i{f ou, this hypothesis AU llemt/¡¡ctlvltlet f mðtch the ABc of thls incident? rtrðtetlet wlll tl¡y thc aðm€ nte,nentton wù9 ûporoptt,rt€ ðnd lnltfuctlon¡Uintervenllon ,r 41, ou^ ./e¡, plan' n€g¡trvc behavrof. fhe team wrll revt¿w the re:ponre however our rnteflenaon mry have rernforced the llo, ABC dùl¡ wrll be collected for 5 d¡V¡ and thr hvpolheslt doe¡ no!'¡eem Ìo m¡tch thlr lncident' r-cneAütea (plerse'Jocumetlt tlme å.nd a meettn¡ !o revrew thc FBA 'rrrrll be dlte above) \,1/hp tis the desired rePlacement behavior? t Cr> .g)nq !i,o,nø! i{ow manY mtn utes of for teaching replacement behavior on th¡s student's s :,ltnrJliS ond ler¿lce Provrder f he t?am ,¡¿rll rreed Pa lo fieel to drtcusr ¡ddlng minute¡ ol ¡ervlce tlme rent/ Guardian Contact: D¡te: ri¡ne: ,vfrtl9n C0PY oi the rroo¡l mu ¡t br :¿nd cop¡i¡ of r¿port to¡ ,Ð thi¡ replacement beh¡vtor f¿lethod of cont¡ct: 'i¡lvrrr-L .¡dmtntrtralor !rgnðtuf e: ?nÞort qompleted bY: ,Ð ..¡LL29- tO teach po¡tñ¡tkrd lo thc P¡renr/8u¡tdl¡n(rl''vllhin three d¡Y¡ ol thc ¡ncldent' Cent:r P¡lrnl. Stud€nt Cumul¡llve Foldcr ¡nd Educ¡tron 5ervlce¡ - lE P ? t¡te of Docurnentôttofi: Èr .-2, o cldent Report Docum Stude l()\\r^ (:l'ly r lt¡h{ tx\tltr.l. Secluslon Tlme-Out Log Building: :3re oi tnçrdenr: ïeam members Grade: ;ìfi€ of hc tdent: 2uu," tron of lnctdenti involved '.vhat was happening immedia tely prior to the student,s problem behavior _ i,ght/argument tvrth pee¡ .- .tuden!,,v¿! dented oreierred ¡cllvltY or - Sludent rvðs atked to (a ntecedentl: 5¡udent w¡s gtven a task (rvhar klnd of t¡¡k? rtem _ t)t'jle"vl ; !',.:-\.j,vt ,!-','ç, t,t.Ll'* student rvag exoected to transttton _ ie¡cher wð! ¿ttenoing to othcrs watt - ituÈlent wår promprect to. u!e ipecrtlc replacement behavror lwhich one? Student w¿r told to move to another - tocation - , itudent ',var gtven one_on-one ðttentton tdescrl r)theil Prior to restraint or secrusion, prease desc.be the de-escaration strategies that were attempted by staff: loom Jt, Lset clear lremove audlencel _ rim¡rs ilf, rhent jet a lrmer D¡rect to cool down area 'gnonnE (not provrding attentlon for ascal¡red Offered chotce¡ for cool down behavrorf 4Vstl¡h¿n promptrng use of replacement behavtor Student non-oggressive behavior prlor to restraint or seclusion: Student aggressive beh prior to restraint or sec! usf on: Student aggressive behavíor duríne restraint or seclusion \ Tíme out: 3egrnnrng ¡¡ '..i;iì inðvallable, neeo ¡dmrnl¡ lr¡!tor approval Physical restraint: _ iro '"ii r-n'nsrme: l?:51 ' lf duratlon exceedS 50 mtnutes _ need parenl aoptoval, rf parent (dOCument trme/¡poroval): 4 /es _ ':hildren,s Control polrtion _ re¿m Control Jettnnrng,,,n.,;. :valu¿t¡on, rf chysrcal reslratnt,.vâs . u5ed: ,tlo Conce¡ns j- ii,\. gos¡t¡on :nd¡,.r8rimei ").(" ,rrnrport posrtron í ..:.'! l- .:cncerns, descr,be: :; drì å rs tu re ,'n e: ,:¿5cnbe o ther 'nlurres prooertY o¡mãge: to cther rtudenrs' rtad 0nd/or place after time out Oescrlbe whal look was complete: c -:tudentrertorrdlheenvlronmenl-stu.Jenttran¡¡tionedtoaulutðctlvlwlnaFflvateworhspace / .r' sruo"nt gtuúÊnt ¡nd stafl fetufñed to rvorK lasx wolk wr(h the Stu denl 'etufned to ')the rvrll meet prlv'le converlatlon about th? ochavtor 'ngagÊd gen' ed' gettlng Student ra$rneÚ to group - lnl'lv8nlton :eam t¡ levr \r current 5t¡f f m¡t r¡formatlv r3 ¡ åtatf In a strðtegles ËBA/3 P lt\leeltnl dete' formally as ¡ t!am tc revrlw r: function of th¡s behavior? FBA' lvhat is the hyp othesized current the to According to documentì plãcg' tee ¡oove behavior tmeetlng mu¡t take not addfe$ thls peßlcula r doeg FaA current :he to oe€r ¡üenuon fhi: behðvlor r¡ rnarntalned by acce$ ottentlon adutt ro -hr: tt matn!¡tned bV accels _¿ !eþavlor ;hl5 bÊhtvlont rn¡tn¡atned V ihls oehävror l¡ rnðlntslned bV esc¡pe bV f¡6¡¡ 5gçral lnterðction taskr or âcilvltlet elc¡pe flom un'preferred item¡/acttvttte¡ bV ðçceri to preferred ThiS benðvlor l5 malntalneo !.htsbeh¡vrorlimalntalnedbyautomancretnlorcement the Does this hypothesis match J', ABC of this incident? '/et, however our lntewentlon negatlve may have retnforced the to llo, thr hvPothe¡ ß doe¡ not seem ã-'.0 5amE Stratetle! wrll stav the nleNentlon ðpproprtate ¡nd in¡tructlonaul ur,our rnterven¡lon wðs m¡tch thi¡ incident' @ the respon5e plan' behavlof. fhe te¡m wlll review ABC dðta rvrll be collected review the for 5 daVs and r meettng to FBA wrll be date above) (please oocume nt ttme and 2 ,,r/hat is the desired replacement behavior? IEP? behavior on this sudent's for teaching replacement of sP eciallY design ed in Horry manY minutes :,1rnuts5 and servlce Provtder telch thls replacement behavior mtnu tes of seruice ttme to to meet to d¡scu3¡ adding Parent/6uardian Conta ct: o¡te Time: -.' ^.Jã J f '¡ethod of contact: \dminrf tratof ),:polt cofnpleted bY: ¡ xiltlen copv ol th¡ feport mult 5r gnature: wtthln thtee davs of the tnclden¡' to lhe p!rcnt/8u¿rdi¡n(¡l ¡nd Éduc¿¡lon Sefvrce3 centol Sludênt Cumul¡live to¡der :¿nd coplet of report tol Prrent' @ t q t\ -1lte oi OocurnenlaUonl '< low,\ (:t'¡Y ,sþ U ltrtrt tllt[¡a.f lncident Report Document and Seclusion Time-Out Log iLudent õurlding: '3 ra oi rncrdenr: I I 38 :lta oÌ lnc¡oent: "::m rnembers - 3 l3O rad e: ll :rr3!roñ cf rncidenr: n^{ntr l¿s rnvolved: ,'/hat ,,v¿s naopenlng rmrnediatelY prior to the student's proolem behavior (antecedent): _ SUrnenf wr(n oeef ¿clrvrtv gr ¡tem _ ::u!¡e[! wðf oenred oreferrrd _ -(udenç.¡r¡f ¡llect to _ 'tuden(',v¡s (old (o lîove to-¡notnef loc¡t:on _ "v;ilt _ ¡ ta¡k (wnðt krnd of ,.vã5 ry i¡¡cner,^vlç ¡t?tñailnt rn olomoteo to u¡e spec¡flc teotacemeñt cenavtof lwnrch onel rüercnoe: ,j ,_ , ¡"ior to task? :tudent w¡s eroected to trlnstUon ;luoenl i:utent'.,,,¡i qlveñ cne-on-ore ¡tìen$on ,ìFér: &ì iI,.¡dênt '.våg lrvÈn , . . restrarnt or 5ectusron, please descrtbe the de-escalatron rtrategtes rhalwere attemoted by staff:. :dorlì i ê31 lr¿movÊ iet a trrnet auOtenCel -) j - :',t 'rn,tt r,l, :Ienl :,rect to Cool down j"or,"g tnot orovrolnç åftentron lof - _,:i?rñct;ri ti¿ c¡ f:t'¿c:Íent cgn¡vtor ¡iilered chotce¡ ior ccol .jown areå à5calåreO iir:t/lhen !ehavtoll - J:ner: :..ì,Jdent nan-aagresslve oeh¡vrr¡r oror t0 restratnt or Seclusron: frr* itudent -'me oggresstvg beha'¿ror durine restraint or Seclus¡on: oul: Sigrnn,ng',t"' l:t{J ¡:.crnrrrr¡Êl 3tslo - ' 'f Cur¡tlon exce:ot 50 ,¡tnu¡:¡ - n¿ed c¿r?nt !oorczal, ,i oargnt rl ..à,,/àll¿ble.r?lc3dm nrÎrãtclaoofova¡(oocurner:ttlrne/aoprov¡I} * 0,rr, e, Á ô€e {anroo$,'r'uÞ \ott"l y',*, rhysical restrarnt: -(r.dren', -'ic @ì \:'/JiU¿ttCn , ) ; ;''¡; c:l r?5!!'atrìt ,,/åt rr!Êc: $"n¿ ö{- conr¿?t p?srr,rn 3:grnnrng ? {:.:r'l:?rnl _ inu _ lrn: d¿ -?trn ' i.'i.6 ll:¡cerns, 1gscflCå )',î"t'1 ^\- !¡r:rol ¡oslt on 3n1rrg lrt -_ -.1-!pcír Pc5::'on l:a(o . { S¿\Ç iNJ'rcY latç )c Sø\Q i^'l"Y bgVravi o15 loqAPüt¿r råothellnlul e!toötherttudenl!,rtgrf¡nrl/orpg what took place 'lbe rr.Å ,,:tuoent festgred the envrronmen! , 5f - -.student rnet,niorrnallv ; taf f-r k\'¡p ßr¡drzlin¿ c- ,û y-' group ¡! ¡ t?am Îo rlr'tew i writ fneÈl iolmallv !t pllvate worx space tr¡n6rtlon€d ¡o qulet ¡ctlvrw rn it i(uoent ¡nd staí engâged rn .itudent returneo ¡o rvofl(',vrtn tl'e - l:¡ ri d¿r. ¡iter ttme out was complete: )t'"o"n, reluf neo ro wof r( t!sr( . - e teåm ltudent returned to gen' ' prrvare çonversåaon åbour the oehavror èC' Êeltlng curren( lnt!flentlon strate¡let to revrew F3Ñ BIP Ñteetlng datei lirneì-l r: ordingtothecurrentFBA'lvhatisthehvpothesizedfunctionofthtsbehavlof? :i.zcUrrentFSA,JcetnotsctofefStnlsc¡nlgulðroenevlor(rneetlnImusttakeplðce,reÊ¡oove(odocument} -h ' e beñãvror ll rí¡lntalned bv ihrs cenavrof ts marnta¡ner¡ bv ¿ccefs to ¡¡eer atte aice:¡ to ¡dult ¿ttentlon -.,rl5benðvloflfm¡ln(alnEdbvescaoelrom¡oc¡¿llnleraßtlon :tì!i bgnavlof lt rîðlntalned -'ìr5 C¿l¡vlÙl rt l]1 a'ñt¡lneo - bY å5çäoe oY trom un'prererfÊct t¡tkt or'lc(lvl(le¡ {e ¡ccesi lo orefêlfr{l ttent'¡ctlvltles ,Þ-' -ilr3 !enavrol ¡i m¡lntalned ov ¡utomatlc rerniorcemen¡ - rhis hvpotnesls match the ABC of this incldentl )es strotegeswrll ¡tav th! sôrn€ ..ts, .rur ¡(eñent'on wili approprlate ¡nd ln3tfuctlonal/ln(ervenron - --_,.]f.lq..vevelOul¡ntê1/€ñtlonrnavnavrrelnlofcect eñ gatlveoenðvlol.íleleÀmlvtllrlvtewthere¡oon¡eotan. j¡r¡w'il ieiJrìecledlcr5d¡'¿sl.cð-eetlngt!"r/1''rr'nçi4A'erril ,¡ú...i.drìyoulnesrrr¡ùÈiùotteerñiof¡t.n¡nr9rnûcen!, A5c ) l"a ¡nd dstr ¡oove) :1?O!recl tolease oocuÍenl ¡t"ne '/h,¡[ ts the oeslred replacement benavlor? .¡o, on tnts srudent's rÊP) are provrded for teaching repracement þehsvror insruction desrEned snecratry oi , rrìanv rrrnures .: lrrtes AnO Servlcê C(AV Qet ,/ lhrr rêoracemenr senavrof -,--1:¡m'.lrrr reld !o rne€r ro rrsc.J55 ¡.Jdrng m,nutef oi lerulct trne to :eâcn :¡¡ç¡r/GuardranContact: cùte: .q lS ?åcoft :tr¡!ìited /fS 'r.:¿ ?l'19-'. ' :'tatrrodof c¡n¡act: ¡dmrnrstrltor 5l3n¡ture: b'/ .l xrrr:eñ c¡oY ol lFe feoott murl:e âcalmrlkeó to:ne oarent/l'rafotåntll -¿rrã 'r forjer lrd 3'J'¡c¡t'on:¿r'/lce5 Cel'tet €?' e! of ,eport Ìo: ¡ìf !ñ1. 5¡ltent C,Jrnill¿lul r€ )¡te of Documentatton; I SJ & ent Report Docum Student: :lre leam I '{ llr lrt In\t ttr.f tandS uslon T¡me-Out Log 3uildf ng: oi tncrdenç i' I()\\rr\ (:l.lY Grade: ;;me of tnctdenti t¡on or rncrden rt 43_Mn members tnvolved: ',Vha t \,vãs happening immediately e student's problem behavior (antecede f'ght/argument lvrrh peer -_ ltud ênt tv¡¡ oenred p¡eierred _ itudent wa¡ ð3ked to (rvha actrvrty or trem walt ted to trðnslllon ¿¡cher wa¡ ¿ttcnotng to others _ ituden I ',vat promptect to use ¡pectflc replacement behavlor lwhlch oncl -itudent wa! told to ñove to ¡no¡her loc¡tlon - dent',v¡5 grven efi€.oñ.0ne attentron I delcn r)ther -'ituI Prior to restrai nt or seclusion' please descrtbe the de'escalatíon strategies that were attempted by stãff: iloom clear lremóve audlencel 6-l Set _ Set ¿ trmer timil¡ fif, then) ¡gnonng 0irect to cool down are¡ lnot provtdlng attentton for escalated behavrorf _ ¡Jromptrng use ol replacement Stud e nt non-øgg re ssiye behavior prior to restra¡nt or seclusion: Studen t behavror behavior 0ffered chotces for cool down { r,ru7,nun Othe to restraint or seclusion: 5tudent aggressive behavior dqfine restraint or seclusionl Time J oUt; 3egrnnrng lrme: l:"fu indtng tlrne nðv¿rlabje, neeã ¡dmrntS(rator ðporoval (docu ment trme/aporoval): Physical restraint: % _,.to \,/ ,", llo concerns - Ìf duratlon lhr;oren's Coñtrol !valu¿t¡on, ,f chyt,cal reltratnt,,vas used ' posrtlon 3eginnrng _,Jcncerns, :Íceed¡ 50 m¡nutei _ need p¿rent aoprovã1, ,f oar!nt * t.rñer descnbe; :;in¿ trrr?: ieam Control position . ãnct,ng c,mer * r¡ r,ansport posrtron prooertv oitmäl€: to cther ttudEnts' ttarf ¡nd/or ,l¿5cnbe othel 'nlullei Descrrbe what took :turJent rlstoled place after t¡me out rvas complete: ¡ctlvrtY rn a pf Student tran srtioncd to oulet the envlronment retuf ned to itudenl stuoenl ¡nd wor[ (asx Staif :i lrfcrmatly rvrrl ¡t¡lf åccording vlr.' lvtl€ work space ðbout lhe oehavtor engaged rn a prlv¡te conveltatlon @ tnteruentlon :tl¡leBles ¡ :e¡m lf, reì'tew cullent meet tormðllv ¡r ¡¡ date'time: team lc revr:w F3A/BlP lÑleetlng r)th€r: -' W+.w ,ú t¿ sentng student rêtufnro tO gen' od' lne grgupwor\ Siudent'eturned lq "vrth X lu d € nt ttltclg! tnt lfwrrontntnt t?tulned to i lud€nt qurÉl act¡vlw tn StuJent tl¡n¡rlloned to tbout lnt gllr'vlof rn ¡ prwett convlfl¡tlon itudent lnd ¡tail eFtlstd lvoll t¡31( td' 5tucent rln¡tneo to 3En' ll0lr wrln lFt lrOUgSiUdCnt'ttlJrrre0 !! tîlt:1f3trt¡llY ¡l ¡ :Ëtm :,1¡if i iail $.rl ¡o tne currenl ,¡ccording J /¿-rbt\ - tntlF"ntlon tt revrllr curln3 ô t;ßrg gtrett$tt F?AÍ3IP lfltttllFl n:tlt ft?rnellY ¡3 I lê¡rn to rEv'lw r)thC7: ¡ I clttt'$mt: d funcrion of thlt behavior? tBA' lvhal lt th! hvpothe5ir€ pl¡ct' ttr lf¡ov' to docurrtntl cenrvlof trfltGün! mu¡3 t¡ka o¡ntcul¡r tnrr ¡ddr!¡r nct 13 dcr¡ t t curtrrrt ¡o o!êr rtttlltton " thrt bËhNvlof rt frt¡rntelnrd bY tcc€t¡ ¡ntn$on ¡dult to ¡cce¡¡ -hr t c€n¡vrol rt m¡lntlrned bv :h /É-'11 I 3 lrom tocla¡ rntel3cllon Clr¡vlol rt fnalnt¡n€o cv e¡c¡o¡ t oln¡v¡or rt tnatnt¡¡nGd !'' talhi ol i¡ßn'rtlc¡ etc!Þ! lrom un'prefcnEd :hlt to otalur€d ltrml/¡ctlvrt¡lt cên¡vroru rr¡lnt¡lneo bf' ðgcAtt rhl! iÊn¡vror tt lfllnr!lnQd by !utomôllg retnlolcement f \å9ff*t5k^+ incident? match the ABC of this ooes, this hvpothesit ¡uatt¡l€t wrll ttev tht 3'ml md hslrucÜon¡¡/ intervlntton ¡oFrogn¿tl w¿t rntcwtntlon out wol rrvraw lh' nc!,¡tlvc bch¡vlof' Thc tgam rn'Y h¡vl ralnforcrd thr -{'/¿9. Y€1, howcvlr our lntcrv'ntlon lnctdcnt' AEc d¡ta wr¡l dor¡ not rerrn to m'tch thl¡ i\ lo, tha hvpothcllt ¡cnedule d (pleatG bl wrll bo mGrtlnl to rqvtQw th6 FBA collccr¡d for 5 daYr and I 6ocumlnt trmr and d¡tt ebort) behavior? 't/hat is the desired replacement How O rel'on¡cpt¡n' this leplacement behavior on are provid ed for Eaching lnstruction detigned rnanv m¡nure¡ of ¡pecially .jlrnUt:r ¡nd :en'lc! PrOvrdef Íle l:¡m ..vill nsrd !o mea! IEP? reolecentlnt b€htvlor of senrtcg nme to te¡ch thlt to ci¡cu¡¡ addhl mlnutt¡ o¡tt: P¡rent/6uardian Cont act: :'r9olt ç¡rEl!lt6 studenl'! qì ttllt :,mc:I*å!;!N $tthodorcontåsr: ¡,:mrnrttlltol !rlnaturt: gY: å ,vrrttln cq!ï :¿no of lht rg0oñ fnu¡l g¡lrll Þc potrm"lrd to tnr p¡ttlt/lu¡tdl¡nl¡l wl¡hln lhrlt d¡vr of th¡ C¡mul¡lt'¡c toldEt ¡nd tdt'cl¡ton of tetort toi P3rênt' Studrnl Servr¿el ¡nctdant. Ce¡l¿r @ qlrrlls J¡te ol Oocum?nt¡tton: ¡()lV,\ o Ð (;f¡Y t [t i rt Itìt t¡a.f ßrport Documcnt and Seclurlon Tlm e€ut Log Student: f ¡t€ oi ng: tncldcnß llrrlre _ lirilr of l,1ctdcnc ?u¡¡tronoftnctdtns: Team member¡ involved; '.r/hat rvas haopenrng imm t/ .¡ pelr dnt/ar¡umenlrvrrlr :tud'nt w¡l oan:ld itudent _ Studrnt tvtr lrvtn ¡ tat¡ lrvhaß krnd of crelerred acltvr!v or rY¡r ¡tkEd io ¡tud€nt w¡¡ told the ttud ent's problem behavior (antecedent): wa¡t to movc tg r¡rm t¡*l ltucant rva¡ r¡orctcd to t¡artrrron I _ rarcher w¡r ¡Kartornr to ituütnt'.v¡t -prom9rEd to ut! tpecrfrc rcpr¡cement lehavror lwhich onc? othe' r - lgc¡tion ¡ñoth!r '¡tud!nß lv¡r ltvcn onr€n.on! ¡tt!n¡ton lJ ther: Prior to restraint or seclusion, t ;ìoom ch¡r lremov¡ -- se'm* ¡rofr'pltn¡ Student - please descnbe the de-e¡cara¡ion strategies that were attempted by staff: ¡udtcnc¡l (ir,,heñr ure of rcplacGmrnt iet a ¡mrl D¡f ect to coor down are¡ ott€rld chotcet *- {:Íi,itfi;ffi.*:;..Ï:i,ln*.n lch¡vtor for coor down fo -F¡,rvrhrn frc Yn non.oggresslye behavior prior to rettraint or secluslon: rcûA/L Student c ggressive behavior prior to restraint or secluslon: Student agqresstve behavior duri0g restraínt or secluslon: Iime out: 3a¡rnnrng tqj ,,^rr3lV ¡ncir'rt trme: ¡ra.¿ðrt¿ole, r¿Ec ¡cmtntstrator ¡po¡ov¡l { oocument ttm€/ðooroval)i -"\ )l- rE¡ Physical restraint: -''lo ' rf Cur¡tron c portrqn -qhirdrln'¡conrrcr !egrnnlnt !m¿: Já .,0 Ccnc:rn¡ _{cncrrns, \:tamcontror 3 'lo .1t2- .+ - i.r¡tu¿¡on, .i ¡l.v¡rc¡l reitr¡rnt wa! usedi edr 50 minutc¡ - ne:ct o¡rent 3op¡ov¡1.,l 9¡rênt r¡ po¡r.on :-nd¡rg -.anrgort PcS,iton '1 o"l rrmrr ntz^ Jerc¡be: : lnåtUfÊl a, rÊ -r¿¡ÊflÞ oth t¡e 0efcrr €f 'Flulrrt wh¡t ¡O c¡hef look place tludlnt¡' rt¡rf ¡nd/ol prOO'lW o¡mãlt.. ¡fter tlmc ou¡ wa¡ completei 'fi^¿¡^ 3ludcn¡n¡tcnothtlnvlronmtn!")l_stu.trntí¡nt¡$onedloqu¡tß¡cßlvlryln prnru convaf !illon itudmt rnd tÞtl rngr¡ld rn I ttll to',ïorr itlur¡':cd : ludent ltud¡nt rtn¡rnËo t0 l'n' Êd' lt$rg tþt group t! wort 5 Eudanl'tturrld tad',1'rl mctt lttñelty C ¡þoul tne osh¡vtof - "rrth éågsifrret.nlclff¡l]v¡¡':t¡mt'fÊ ,ll\ïcunrnt nttr¿.nllon¡tf¡le$c¡ = d¡l!' timl: te rrv'rw ílÂy'âlP lft¿ltlïrl 5 uerl<. I ¡¡ ¡ rllm -éé ')!F?7: to üe current ACCording :n6 ''hl¡ \¿ c'Jtrlnt iSA.Jcctnctåftd'lt¡tntloenlcu ¡lcehavlol me?ün!mu'tnl.¡placc,'.lebov.toóocuñrlntl to o€gr ¡ntntlon ihit bch¡vror r¡ m¡rnta¡nld bv ¡ccGt¡ ¡durt ¡$tnaon rr marnttrnad bv acct¡t to ceh¡vior fh ¡! ¡ 4-:h funcrlon of thit behavior? tBA' rvhat is thr hvpothe!¡¡ert EÊFavlor - loct¡l rntEragBlon t¡ rÍalntrln16 W Êtctol from r orh¡vlor tt mðrnt¡tned îhir Does this gY e or acrrvltlt¡ ¡g¡Fr f rom un'prei¡rnÉ t¡¡hr tg grcl€íÊd ¡trmt/actlvrtlGl ien¡v'or rl n¡lnt¡lne6 bv acclrl t thls incident? hypothe¡l¡ match the ABCof w¡ll ¡tav tht samt ,le'.ouflnte'vtnllonw¡r.Fp'o9llalo¡ndlnttrucß onaUintencnt'o¡3¡¡¡ atlê3 _f- Flan' Tht te¡m wrll rev¡lw thr rerponre ¡g¡¡v¡s¡' mlY hðvl rcrnforcrd thc nttawl vet, howevü ouf tntln'entton will br collætrd for milch Ìh¡ lncident' A¡G d¡l¡ þ not ¡ecm doct hVpothc¡tr i ¡o. tho 5 thi d¡Y¡ and t mtst¡n8lo rgv¡'w trmc ¡nd d¡te abovcl rcnEdulc d lplelse 6ocumtnß deslgned rnanY minute¡ of specia lly on tcaching rePlacemcnt behavior are ..1¡nuti!t an6 rlrvlcr provtdcl T\É Ìe¡rn Pa witlnrldlom.ettodirculraddln¡mrnut¡¡olslfvictttmc 00,., rent/Guardian contacr: dLL!! w¡ll ba a, t.r,/hat is the desired replacement behavior? How FEA to lerch thl¡ 3 tEP? l¡cËrnlffi bch¡vior .,n¡¡ \0\oofil4.lerhodorconrecr: l,lmtnrstrltor tranaßuta: :,.colt ccftçltle€l å ,vilnañ 309r, ol rhc reoort I g¡trnVNu¡rdt¡nltl r¡u¡t ot porltÍ!fl?d to tn' ..rrthln tnrcr d¡vr olthr rnctdc¡l' ¡rd Éduc¡tlon !GrurcÊr CEnler sluÛ!nt Crmul¡ll'¡! ¡oldE? ¡nc s¡qlrl of rrFott lol P!tint' @ L IÕ r)Jte oÌ 0ocumentallon: tO\V¡\ (.'lTY \r:Íat[ ¡[ttrr¡;l Ð Ð Seclusion Time-O Grade Stude Da te ,ìt% t of lncident: fêa m members What Duratlon Time of lnc¡dent: involved peer _ Student'.vas glven a t¡sk (what klnd of task? Student rva¡ denled preferred activity or Student wa¡ asked to studenfs to was haPPening imm ftght/afgument with X t ltem X ,,rd.n, *as expected to Teacher wal ãtt€ndln8 to others transitlon - walt Student was prompted to use rpeclfic replacement behavior (which one? Student was told to move to another locatlon Slven Other:-Studentwa¡ one'on'one attentlon (describe: . I . -. Ïik":-*r'*ï¡iÏïJïri:: ,Ð-ïü-ì"::" -i:i set limits lif, . . thenl lgnorlnS Inot provlolng ¡ßenllon ror escara(eo oendv , \ promptlng use of replacement behavlor -Student non-dggressive behavlor L prior to restraint or seclusion: o t) u restraint or seclusion: behavio Student out: Begtnntng rime tì enonzm"rl D ' Ll ,?D 4? navailable, need admlnlstrator approval (document tlme/approvalll Physicalrestraint: "Ðr.ru,,,r,,on, CÐu. restralnt or seclusion Student aggresslve behavior Time d'wn )lo _ iÍ onystcal resrr¡rnt',,r¿r ,.¡slcl: Yes C',4 x lo: t tf duratton exceeds so mtnutes i3eglnnin? .- r:eed parent approval, if parent ls It -/0:2Ò *,/oP.*, ?!n;l,o"r&f Concerns - lO:zal Tearr Control Positlon time:- Kr.n,pon - lÞ l.f Posltion Ending tlme: L'jncern¡, ,j¿scrtbe: ;Í'ìr ..? . ,- /0 :55_ . Desc rrbe other inlurles to cther ctudents. st¡ff and/or property darnage: Describe what took \,/ /\,A< Ð place after tlme out was complete: itudent restored the environment S(r,dent returned to work student transltloned to gutet actlvity ln a pr¡vatr work space task ltudent returned to rvork wlth ihe Student ðnd staÍf engaged tn a privðte conversatton abou¡ the behavior group student returned to gen. ed. senlng Staff met informally as a team to revlew current interventlon stfategles - - Staff will meat formally as a team þ r€vlew FBA/gtp (Meetlng date/ilme: I othe Accordlng to the current FBA, what is the hypothesized function of thls behavior? the current FBA doe¡ not ðddrest thls pãrtlcular behavior (meetlng must tðke place, see above to documentt -- lhls behavlor ls m¡lntðlned by access to adult attentlon Thls behavlor ls malntalned by escape fhls behavlor lr malntalned by access to pcer atten¡on from soclal lnteractlon - fhl¡ behavlor tr malntained by escape from un.preferred tasks or actlvliles _ Thls behavior is maintalned by access to preferred ltems/¡ctlvitles Thir behavlor ls matntained by ¡utomailc rclnforcement Does this hypothesís match the ABC of thls lncident? Yes, our lnterventlon wa¡ appropriate and lnstructlonal/interventlon ttratcglrs will stay the same Yes,.however our lnterventlon may have relnforced the negãtiv€ behavior. Ihe team wrll revlew the response plan. No, the hypothesls does not seem to match thls incldent. ABC data wlll be coltecred for 5 days ðnd a rneetlng to rev¡ew the FBA will be :cheduled (pleare document ilme and date abovef What is the desired replacement behavior? How many minutes of specially designed instruction are provided for teachlng replacement behavior on thís student,s lEp? ñlinuter and service provider rhe tesm will need to meet to rtlscuss addlng mlnutes of servlce tlme to teach this replacement behavlor Parent/Guardian Contact: Dar€: T!me: Réport completed Method of contactt Adminlstrator A w¡llten copy of the feport must postmrrked to rhe pãrent/guardianl¡l within three day¡ of lhe Send coplo¡ of report to: parsnl, Studrnt cumulatlve Foldqr ¡nd Edusðtron 1Ð seßlcls clnrrr -"Jte oi Documenreuon: q t\ lo\v^ (:¡'tY ¡D Y ltt¡rt tilìtl¡t'l' lncident Report Oocument and Secluslon Time-Out Log ) ituden t: Surlding: tt: ol lnc¡oenti 1/rr /rç -:¡m memÞers ln,rolved : '':e Grade: of lncrdenu f& l: ¿ô - l:3ß ø. ld --rr¡rron cf lncidenr: ,'Jhãt ,,vðs nappentng immecjiarelv prior to the student't problem behavior (antecedent): gnr,r¡rgurnenr rvrrn :L- oeer itJJên! - :r¿L:ent'.vå! cented oleterred acttvtty cr ,lêm wått _ ¡ tatk l\rn¿t krnd of rrrk? :luüeñt wðs Ex d r to trlnsrûon jtu'lent'.vð! oromoteo to u5ë toecrilc reotåcement oenavror lwnrcn one? _ _ - _ '(u\.rent'¡/ai (old t0 fnove to 3no(nef loc¡tlon cuüen! 'lr3r ð!ßect to wð5 Erven i:l'er: -::.,cent.'va¡qlvencre.on'one¡tÌenr on ue!crloe:J . , . ., , , -- ,).i9r to restrstn( or secluston, please descrrbe the de-escalatton strategreS that\rvere ðttempted by staff:. \_ì -) V'/ , -!1 :rJúfn êtl lremove auorencgl _ renr / :*l'rn'(3 rrf, :l: .:::rlct:rg !!¿ ù! r¡t:¿c:ment :¿( å ¡rrnel :,r¿ct(o cool down ðreð ,JÉe¡edchorc:l ioÍ ccJl Jown ¡ttentron ror:scarareo behðvrorl ,"or,"g [not orovrorng - renùvtot -:irsrlthen .)t-:er: ::ì,-ldent non-oqgresstve behavlor prlor to restr3lnt or secluslon: ( itu,jent oqqressi'te'oeht,¡ror onpr to restraint or secluston: jtudent aqgress,ve beha,rtor dutinq restr:int or Seclusion: ô \¿., cV. :'me out: r,' åzàr,å b le, r¿tã 3*grnnr¡¡ ¡Omrn lh'¡sical restrarntl r,-a:-f2!l¿ !tl¡tcr i^drrgrrrre: l:1ß. ':f cur¡t:onrrcseã!50mrnur:s-n:edoarent¡ogro,/¿t. ic¡rentt¡ aooroval l ðocLtnent ì"'n¡/aoprovalÌ rt ic V :u'Cren's Contrrl Pcsrt'¡n 3cgrnn,ng 'r ) i'¿':luatrcn, i:-Ìt c¡l rêslr¡rnt'.'/43 ':5Êd ¿ r:in:irn5 _ -; ¡m C:n:rof âo3lt on ,,,rr 1"25 l:trter¡s, Je5cíb¡; lnrJir:g _',t'tpati rrrre: l" Zþ - Pcsr:'cn ,¡r{eJ{ob, \ {ann¿aFr þ rô pfoceftY damaqe: ¡be orner rnlufiee to ¡ther 3tudcnts, ¡t¡rf ¡nrJ/or .þ-¿' ;rrbe what took place ¡fter ttme out was cornplete: .J rSf L-iro"n, *t.roan, rr,urn.o,o rvorr l:¡ rf met rniorrFallv ¡s stuJent tr¡nsrtloned to quret ¡ctlvrlv ln ü prlvate work soace ;rr,Jent ¡nd starf rngaged rn a prrvate con'/ersatron åbour the cenavror tasl !tu.JËn! f eturneo to worl( wrtn lhe - l- rêsloreo rhe envrronment group ) ;tudent retulned to gen' ed' leçlng ¡ team to levler¡/ curfent lñtêln/€nt¡ofl Strategles jtatt'¡1.¡r rne¡¡ ior¡natlv ¡s e le¡m to levlew i3,r/alP lùleetlng datei time; :ording to rhe current what ts rhe hypothesi¿ed function of this behavior? FBA, ,a" arr,ant ÉðA,JcÊr nor 3dorest _ -*,t Egñ¡.,o1 It mðtntAtneO bV ¡CCe55 to ¡dult Varrr!eFavtor _ (o documeñtl ¡nr¡ oanìcutar oenavtgr (meetln¡ mus¡ t¡ka place' lee åoove 15 -\¡t attentlon \./ cenavlor 15 mðlnt¿lneÚ bv acc€59 lO Ueef altentlcn 11. malntalned bv escape trom roc:¡l lnteractlon -rt!s brnavtor tf rn¡rntarned by escaoe irom un-preter?eo totl(s Or'¡ctlvl(let û Þ' -.1l5ce^3vlol¡flnå.ntðlñ€oovJcc.'5to!]fÈ'efrec.ten5/tctlvltleS -it,s :enávror ri mðrñlllll€d ov ¡u(om¡tlc retniorcement -¡es thts hvpothesls match the ABC of this incldent? i5. ':,Jl nleÑent on wåi ôpplopftatê _ ðnd lnltlucllonãl/llìterventlon strateglar wll¡ f tav th! 5ame ..ú. ã-r,"o ,.re tlyua(nerr, uce¡ f.o! ièem ¡o irðlcn ¡n:5 r;'rctüent. ,Å5C l,¡t¡ "vrJ I ole¡rs€ ãccument ltme ¡nd d¡te aoove) !e :31;:C¡eO ler 5 i r'utei and re¡rlce clov -.e replacement behavtor on lhrs sDectatlv desrqned ins¡ruction are provrded for teaching cef . 1¡3rn.¡trl n::d r.o . , . ?eet lo J:3CUSS :1¡ç¡t/Guardran Contact: t¡tE: .q I rt tecort :irrc:¿!3d drvs lnc t :eellng tc 'et''r"e tne tlA'r¿ill ha \l '/h,¡t ts the oestred reolðcement benavior? {ow rilanv fì.rnute' oi rOdlnq m'nules ) ít1€leðmwlll rev¡ewtheresoonscol¡n' r,lr,ìe..vevêrûurrntenrentronrnav.ravererntorcectl"enegaïv€oenavrof' student's tÉP ) ol sen¡'l: !lne !o :eecn lh't rtolacen"€nt tenavrol /tS ','., -L$- r,rernod or tcntact ¡dmrn'strl(or bv: I .vr cen csoY :Èr,at O, lF! r€tort mu¡t:ê ocilm¡fked to ìne o¡rent/iui¡fo¡¿¡nt!l racter of rrÞott :{l e.rranl, !¡'Jtsn! Cuntrl¿¡' !? fo-ler 1nd !'Juc¿t,on 5enrlcel f,¿¡lrr (Q Y, J¡tt oi oocumentûlton: l ¡()ÌV,\ (:l'¡Y o Ð { llr¡rl t \ltÍl.r dent Rqport Document 5tudent lding: I ate,ot lnsrdenr feam ;ifie 6rade: S of tnctdent: rn happening immediately prior to the student,s pro blem behavior (antecedent): rtarrum enr wr rh pr er _ , itudÊnt war ¡¡ven ¡ t¡sk ftrhðt krnd of t¡lk? -Yju¿enr re¡r dlnrld preie¡red ¡cttvtty or ttrm 5tuden¡ lvas e¡Dsc¡ed ltudent wa¡ asked to ìvatt _ _ itudrnt rv¡s -promptect to itudent - {\\ Ður¡tron of lncrden¡: members involved: '.Vhãt rvas /r on Tlrne.Out log rvet told to move to to transrrron fercher w¡t ðttcnoing ¡o othe6 us¡ ¡peCrflc rrpl¡clmenr b!hevtor (whlch oncl - ¡nother loc¡Uon 5tudent rvar gtven 0ñ€.oñ.oî! ¡t¡enilon tdetcr¡ r)th€r: - prior to restraint or seclusfon, f please descrlbe the de.escalatlon strategles that were attempted by staff: ;:î;,,,movt'udrencr' áro^pttng Ðirect lo cool down ;,1ï'''':' ,gnoflng (not provrdlng ar!¡ _ . ¡ttrnilon for e¡calated behavrorl ur€ ol replacement behavtor _ Oflered choicer for cool down Fírrt/then Student non'oggresstve behavíor prior to restraht or secrusion: t- aqgressive behavior prio!, to or secl Stud ent aqgressive behavior durínr restraint or seclusion: ïime out: eg¡nn ,nr,,ao, Ql{ ? . inctngrme:frf ¡navarlable, neeo ¡dmtnts¡rator apþfovel ldocument trme/aporoval); Physícal restraint: _ ito _,ihrldren,¡ ' Control lf duration €rceeds 50 mlnuter _ need parent aoprov¡ , parent tf po¡ttlon _ 3eginnrngor., iyalu¿ ¡ron, ri phy¡rcal rertr¿rnt,.vði used: ]i llo concerns _ ieam Control po¡tt¡on ?. Ib_ rjcncerni, describe: endrns.me; )(- ts ,rrnroorr polrtron *)t :;jneture: r 1l: --L-- ttud€nts' 'o¡'¡¡'ñrc rnlulle$ to cther othÊf :¿gcf tbÊ prooerÞf,iütfo: lnd/or ¡nd/c "tel "t¡rl tirne out wai w hat took place rfter e. b De:crt StuCJenl'eturncd : (Jlf !o wrth thl rvrrl tt revlÈw curlent lntervËntlon tc revr:w F¡A/8IP mert iormallv ðt e team rvhat to the current FBA' -...ó, ,rrrvrrv rn a p.vot! r¿ o fetufned lo ¡en' sd' tettlnt' gfoup .-sludrnl ¡)thel: Àcco rding . "vork rFttlllolrnarlv ¡¡ ¡ :'am staif complete; tlraleElts l$e€tlnt dele'tlríe: I ' of this behavior? i: the hVpothe¡ized function to documentl takc placê' lee ¡'oavr behavlor lmetthf' rnust partlcular thlt no! ¡ddrest îF e cufrtnt tlA does -ihit - ' -hi¡ brþ¡viol lr rnarntlln€d íhtt blh'Ylorllmllntalned . bV ¿ccels toådul!¡ttentlon-fhitbrhavrolìtmarntalnedbY¡cce:rtopeer¡ttentlon ¡nleradlon bv elsape irom ¡oct¡l ta¡h¡ ot ¡¡qt*llle¡ bv esc¡pe ftom un'preferrcd oen¡vror ti tn¡tnt¡tned This ben¡vrol lt melnt¡lned bY ¡cce:l to glelerrcd rterñl/acßtvttte¡ rhlg blh'vlol ll melntalned bY ¡utomatrc rctnlorcement match the Does t hls hypothesit ABC of this incident? w¡r ¡pprogfl¡te ¡nd instfuctl0nal/lnterventton our rnteNrntlon semc ttralegler wlll ltËV the & plan' wrll review the reiponse bthavior , fhe te¡m neg,.trvr thÊ rcrnforced rnteflentron may hrvc Y et, howqver ouf collcctedfor5daY¡and'mrrtlnstolevlewthcFBAw¡llbe ABC d¡t¡ wrll b¡ t, to match thlt lncldenl' sclm not doet hvpoth6¡l¡ '/Ê9, tlo, tha trmc ¡nd d.t€ scneoule d lplealt documrñt abovc) ti behavlor? deslred replacement ',r/hat is the eclal of How manY minutes :¡íirute¡ I EP behavior on th¡s student's ed for teaching replacement ano leNlc€ Tht ðddlng mlnuter t!!m wrll need to ílett Parent/6uardlan 0¡tel Co :eport completec, thls replacemenß behevior n ice llme to te¡ch rrr.,.LJLP\tr\'l ethod o f co nlact: v ¡dmint¡trAtOr rrgnature: bv ¡ .vflltgn coFv ¡nctdlnl' wr¡hin thire d¡vt of lh¿ to thr p¡rÊn t/guardi¡n(r) b! oottm¡?r'd of thc reoott rÍu¡t toi PtrEnt' Studênt Cumul¡liv! :¿nó coplca of leport Cenler foldêl ¡nd gduc!llon S¡rvrce¡ @ rl .- a ( l. 1OW,\ Y ll¡hll ¡te o¡ 00cumentatton: (:¡'¡Y lltlt¡a'f lncident Report Document and Secluslon Time-Out Lo g ) I tudent : Jtg ât lnçrqent; -:¡m rnemoert 3urlding: ,Sracte '' re of tnctdent: I ¡ rltron cl lncldenr: /ë .z' ,- ,, {¿ 5 rnvolved: ,'/hat '¡¿¿s naopentng rmmediatelv prior to ¡he studenf s proolem behavior (antecedent): X gFt/ãrSurnent rvtln oeef ::'Jr.:Èn! w¿¡ cented orelerred acilvrty j _ _ (u\ren! w¡9 ùsxqo to w;tr! cl _ ;,rc.nt w¡r irrven ir ,(em !turje iruoent wðs ofomofed ro use ¡pecritc teotðcement oenavtor l¡rntcn one¡ i:u':ent',v¡s qtveñ one-on-on€ ttientron roefcnoe: ìFe r; ,rrior to restrltnt or 5êcluston, please descr¡oe the de-escalatton strategtes that were atlempted by staif:. O'Ð ¡ ¡rmet trJGñ i'êåf rråffiOvê ¡UOtenCel _ ;¿t i.:l rnrtt \/ -s t'or,rg tnot orovrorng ¡ttentton lor ry rrl, :nenl _ -'rf åct to cool down åra¡ ddered cnorçej iof cool Jown åscalereo Eehðvtorl x- o,rrrr,nan :i:l¡Clirf J!¿ü!,':tiðCernentC3n¡ìrrOr .iì¡er: :f udent non-aqqresslve behavror orlot tc restrarnt or secluston: I c,, j tu'j e nt aaqresstve ra¡nt or seclusron: to behù,¿ror tD r j tudent lr",41{ :^drrg !rm€: 10.'7û ¡.ì¡7âtlâblê.r?Èã:!cm n5Î ¡Icfaoofoval{rocunent:"me/aoprovat i 3agrnntng :hysical restr.:int r. ic - , ' 'f jur3r;on .:(ce:oi 50 -' .) i'rriu¿!rin. i:r,¿;,:¡t r:5lf 3tnt,,!ãi r.ied: nrnurl¡ - nted par':nt ¡sorcirat,,i cårenr Pr5rt,tn _':!mCi.:Irol .-'i5 -lt'l'Cren'¡Conlt:l3*grnnrng t¡r¡?:_ '\_ ^ll l.o,. oqgresstvg'oeha,¿ror durinq restreint or secluslon: -'mê oul t: n.a-l¿- ',? t::fì:?tñ! {::ncelnt, J?lctrba - ir-r( r'?: ,s cos,lon _t'::"spor!¡c!,:,cn :n,JtnB [r¡n¿; I ¡ .L, ¡e otner lnlullet þ_r what took place ¡Íter tlme out was complete: nbe :tuoent . /@ procerw d¡rna8e: to other studenls, gttrf ¡n'"J/or f ertored the ro þau oan, relurneo prlvale lvof k space stuJ€nt tr¡nsrtioned to qule! ¡ctvrtY ln a ênvlfonment ,.vof r K r¡3r( about the Þel'avr.r iruãent and starf an'âged rn a prlvð¡e con./erlatron ) - itutjentrerutnedtoworkr{rrtnth€group j'.¡rf - lntedentlon rlralegle¡ -. J,1te ol Document¡tton: ¡()\\'r\ (:t'¡Y Ð o '{ ll¡Ntt tÍ\l[ta.t. lncldent Report Document and Secluslon Tlm e-out Lo Studen t: uildl I : rte oi tncldenr: leam members ',Vhat iime of lncrdenc ',vas happening immediately prior to t he student, 5 pro itudent peer K I -$:*cenß',rð5 0 havior (antecedent): r,, denr rva¡ srven a task (rvhat lvðr denred preierred .ctrvrtv or Student w¡s wcr.t¡(eq ¡sled t0 rvatt _ _ ,=.*""r,rr _ lurôtlon of tncrdent: involved: r,ght/argumenr rvrrh - 6rade: rrem krnd of t¡sk? 5tudent lvas exoected to úlLlOJ,t,h transr¡ron - "* ,,'e¡cher lva¡ artenotng. to oth?rs :tudent,.vð5 p¡ompted to use rpecttlc reptacement beh¡vror (which one? Ìotcl ro move to anotner tocrtron 5tudent rv¡r gtven one-on-one ðttentton ¡rje¡crrbe: Dtheri Pri or to restraint or seclusiorì' please describe the de'escaration strateBies that were attempted by staff: ioom clear tremove audlcncel set r ttmer orrect to cool down area O-:ertim*sfit.üen)- prornptrng use ol replaqement f 'gnonnt Inot provtdlng attenüon for escalated behavrorf behavlor Offered cholce¡ for cool down _ Firrvthen Ot student non'oqgressive behavior prior to restraint or secrusion: (5t de eh r to restraint or seclusion: Student oggressive behavíor durinq restraint or secrusron: CPT rn ö iime out: 3egrnnrngt,-e, iì5'? ¿n¿tng¡n"&!]-7 :avarlable, neeõ ådmtnrstrator approval ldocum ent tlme/aporoval); Physicalrestraint ilo å ?l a lton, 'i ¡l'v¡tc¿l re5lrarnt,,vås used ' 'f Curatlon rihrldran'¡ c0ntrcr :Yðiu - r¡oConcern! erceeds 50 mlnutes _ need par€nt aoproval, if parent pos¡tron rs -* ieam contror pos¡tro, 'r( r,¿n¡port posrt,cn ,3egrnnrng ,,.., I ,S.5 îndrng timer i ,j j _,JcncernS,deScftÞe: i'd:ature ,: : Scrl b e Qfh er rr-rlulrei lo cthef rtudÈnls' Descrtbe what . ri¡ff tnd/of prooef ty comage complete: took place sfter time out was iludentreltofeotheenvrronm'en I .liludent¡ndgtaffengagedlnaprlvðteconver'etlonabouttheoehavtor -studenttransrlonedtoouretactlvrtylnaprlv¡teworkSpace K itudentrelurned lo "!orl taSl( lettlng' f . .--,. ...-.L .-à "^rrô stuclent l¿tutnerJ to gen' ed' d siudent'eturned !o wor\ wrth tne group - +- 5t¡if ' m¡t rricrr'natlv 3t ¡ :êam 5lail rvrrl tl û revr¿w cuf rent lntervenllon Strategle! Ê34/alP lr\teellng úate/time nee¡ iormall,, a3 a ie3m !? rev åw r)thÊr: åccordingtothecufrentFBA,whatisthehvpothes¡¿edfuncionofthisbehavior? x- :he currrnt t3A dcêt not 'ddretr thrs pantcular behavtor (meltinl ¡rtention 'hii.uehavior ll m¡lnt!rned bv access to adult ihlS bah¿vlor r¡ m¡tntalned EV e5c¡pe .Ì.rìi9 oehavror * to documentl must take place' see aoove tg peer altentlon fhir beh¡vror t¡ marntained by acce:r irom ¡octal tnleractlon - tasks ol ðctlvltlel rnðrnt¡rned bv Êsc¡pe irom un.preferred to prefetred rtems/¡cltvttte¡ Thls ben¡vtor tr fn¡lntalned bv accelt rhts behavlor 15 malnt¡lned bV ot¡tomatrc Does this hypothesis match the retnforçement ABC of this incident? stfategres wrll staY the sãme and inftructional/interventlon '/eJ, Ouf lnterventlon was approprlate the resPonre Plan' t ./eS,howevelourlntefven¡tonm¡vhavcretnforcedtheneBatlvebehavlor.fhete¡mwtllrevtew revlew the tBA wrll be for 5 davs a nd a meettng to ABC dùta lvrll ba collected inctdent' thr¡ match to seem not ¡lo, lhe hvpot hect¡ does (Plea:e oocu ment tlme and date abovel rcneduted replacemenl behavior? ',Vhat is the desired student's IEP' replacement behavior on this teaching for provided are instruction desi Hor¡ manY minutes of spe cially :Jlinutes and seNlce provtder addlng mtnutes fhg t?am wrll need to rneet to dìscu¡r lr- 2¡rent/Guardian Cont behavtor tlme to telch thi3 replâcement i¡ethod of contact: Àdminl!trator 5r gnature: "¡Fott cOrpleted bV: rå ¡rntlen c0PY three dav¡ of the incldent' ro the parênt/Suardian(¡l wrlhln tolder ¿nd E'duc¡tlon S¡rvrce¡ Cenler '¿nd copler of report toi P¡r€nt' Student Cumul¿tlve @ -ì,rte ol Document¿tlon: i _-li : r ! ,i t()\v,\ (:t'lY Ð c ent Repo Studen :¡re 01 Iuã ã rfl rnqdenr -l i r - !i í { Í.r¡it ttt\tßt¡.1' Document and Seclusion I Suildln ;:: iime of lnctdent: 'luratron of lncrdent: 2b i¡'l\v'l m ernbers rnvolved: ',Vhat lvas happening immediately prior to the stúdent's problem behavior (antecedent): ,' :,gnt/ðrEufnentwrthpeef :tudent lvôt _ltudenrrvãsgrvenatask(whorkrndoftask? denred preierred ðctlvttv or lo',vðtt _ rtem ltudent _ :tudent war told to move to ¡nother loc¡tlon _ -l transroon _ îeacher wðr attendrng to others itudsnt ls¡s -prompteo to use specrtic feplacemlnt behav¡or (which one? _ - wai aiked Student wðs erp€cred to . _ I 5tudent 'rôr gtven one-on-one ¡ttentton ttjescrrbel i r)th€f Prior to restraint or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff: 100m clear llemove ü- !et )/ limi¡s lrf, audiencel thenl Set a ttmer oif ect to cool down ¡re¡ offered cholces for cool down 'gnorrng Inot provrding attentton fo¡ escalated behavror _ Õ First/then ,:romptrng ure of replacement behavror Student non-oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: 5tu denl aggressive behavior prior to r estraint or seclu ston: I .,''1 Sludent oggressive behavior durinq restraint or seclusion Time out: 3eglnn¡ng lrm {O,Oq Éodingrime: J& ' lf durat¡on exceeds 50 minutes :-avaliaole, neeo ¡dmrnr!trator approval (document trme/aporovai): Physical i¡o restralnt: rlLa:'cn' rf chy¡;cal r€!trôrñt 6', /!t - ,,var usect: conrrol -rlhrljren's po3rtron .3egrnning o^",k\)(t 6 ccnc¡rns, de¡cribe {-rt.ccncerns - j-eam l;rature: - neeC p¿rent aoproval, rf parent control posrtion Endins ¡,me: Xrrðirporr lþ,N rs PoiÌtron r¡lufret to cther ltudents, rtad õnd/of prooertv d¡mðgEi .--¿scnÞe (fther Oescrrbe what t;( took place ¡fter time out was complete: StudenttransrtionedtoouletactlvltYlnaprlvütewofkspace !Èudenttsstoredtheanvtronment itudent feturned to won tasx SiuCJent'elUrned !o,.vorq wrth tne :tJf f mrt:nfcrrnatly ¡¡ :talf engaged ln ¡ prlvate conveflatlon about the oehavtor gtuoent ¡nd + group @ returneo tO gen, ed. ls$lng r :¿am tJ revlèlv cullent lnlen Èntlon stfalegleg -studeñt t) the r Åccording '/ ' to the current FBA, lvhat is the hVpothesi¿ed funcrion of this behavior? 'nrr[ehavlor l¡ m¡rnt3rned bv accerl to adult ottention rhig behavlor i¡ matnta¡ned by access to peer ättentlon Íhl¡ behavror tt malntalned bV e:c¿pe from ¡oct¿l lnterðction ïhtr behav¡ot lt rnatnttrned bV eSC¡pe irom un.preferred tack¡ or actlvillet Thl¡ ben¡vror ti malntalned by accÉts ro preferred ttems/¡ctvrtter rhtS beh¡vtor tf m¡tnl¡lned bv ¡utomat¡c retnforcement Ðoes this hypothesis match the ABC of this incident? O '/Èr, our rnierventton was appropnate ¡nd ingtructlonel/interventlon stlategles wrll stay the same @ ,/er, howevet our rnterventton may have rernforced rhe negatlve behav¡or, lhe te¡m wlll revtew the reiponse plan' u' llo,thehvpothe¡rsdoesnotse€mtomatchthi¡incident. ABCd¡tarvrll becollectedfor5days.ni.t".ttngtoreview¡heFBAwrll be scneduled (pleðre 6ocument tlme and date abovel 'l/hat is the desired replacement behavior? on this student's How many minures of specially designed instruction are provided for teaching replacement behavior IEP? 'JtnuteS and servlce Provtder ãcement behavlor Ths te¡m lvtll need to meet tg discust addi ng mrn P¡rent/Guardian Contact: ? ¿port cornpleted bV: Date: 'i:.1lì I Tlme:,Ë l,lethod of contact: ldmlnrstrðtcr srgnðture; å .vr¡¡ten copy of the report murt b€ ooilm¡rked ¡o the parent/Suardian(!l ,,vrlhtn lhree dav¡ of ¡he tnctdent' :¿nd coptet of report to: P¡rent,student cuñul¡tivc Foider ¡nd Educ¡¡ron Servrces Center æ @ -lJie ot Documentültonl t:' ¡, rì l()\\"\ (:l'lY w*f :H I { llr rlrt ttt\t t{t.ti o ent Report 5rudenr: 3urlding: : I të ot lrl crdenr :',:1r of Incrdentl leam members c lon Tlme-Out Log 6rade lurat on of lnctdent: f '\_ fr\-,'-'i'\, rnvolved: '.r/hat tr¿as h aooening immediately prior to the srudent's problem behavior (antecedent): ¿ht/at 3umena wr(h reer -É-' _ lludent',vðr _ itudent ,,vðr Jsked !tudent w¿r told to rnove ¡o Jtuden('rat - _ itudant wðs gtven ¡ t¡lk {rvhðl krnd ol oenred oreierred ¿Cl¡vrty Or,tEm to.,vart t¡¡kI 5trrdent ,.vas e.\oected to rransrrron ittcent w¿i -promoreo to u5e roec¡Îic reptacement _ I i'¿åcher rvðs ¡lterdrng lo olhers - behavrof lwnrch one? ¡nother loc¡tron grven one-on-one ¡tlent¡on tdêsc¡rbel r)therl - ¿ .1,,..i-,ì v1 r":--i1"' t'* ,o ,.;;,)u,"Iil;¡.ì¡ sion, pl ease descrrbe ¡he de-escalailon srrategies that r,vere attåmpted by staff: loom clesr rremove audrencer iet a trner Ðirect to coor )rior t down area j¿t hrnrts (rf,.rhenl jfornptrnt 'inoflng Inot provrding ðttent¡on for ¡¡cal¡ted behåvrorl use of replaçement hehavtor c Offered chorce, for cool dorvn _ Fir¡ll¡hen O Student non-aqgresslve behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: i 5 - *-,\.. tudent cqg retsve behavior orior to restraint or seclusion: i I ude n t og g ressiiíiehavror duri nq resü¡t :''¡e out: ' 3v"lt, a ; I e,' ¡ 3eg,-r r¡ r..u gc ¡¡:T'nrst-t :!','s'c¡l r:slraint: lcf ; c * , oro¡/A I i K t J '.' ' n t or g eclus ron: ,.",", :t,.mert,,. t:. ,,-a, / Jaell'l¡il ' ' j :'..:r¡t.¡n e\cEec5 :0,n¡r.¡:es Þ- - @ .-':-'::¡^ri r?ed ol¡311 ,ootc,tal,,, K ,:?ra,.lÌrrr?j ¡'l rli'.?1, ; :,-'.,i.;¡l 'i!:"1 -:;tis,t:i, _ ;i::.. .: '¡-a^^rra^..^^ to:Llrl :;:'3t..ni:le4t :, .ì".: t¡r:nl s @ @ ¡J;¡LÊ:c::JocÈJ¡:¡å'ii:Ê'' JÊ.J¡:!;:',.;€5r¡Clf)'rÍl! ptclî2'72â^¡tr1.!'j¡'rå:nls p¡'rtJ:S'f iq ¡ttJ':r3tê' aul j1 /'cc) l'Ê' lt' i (l,JÉ,!19'!riJõJ(O å-'l ci tJå: lJ å-:lc t¿rÊ å¡iL: u..,ii¡r ¡j1:Puå s ,!lÉ.13 J *? '. .-/,'. :llE:U:l ¡3 pcJ¡¿1" "- 'oÉ ^: rå¡?,:r: i:.icii ( ã¡cc :lf,e¡uol ueloJenD/¡UêJuc JCìi^Èuãc¡uäÜð]el!ÊJ5l.j¡r )€Û,.o¡¡!U¡e}l/t¡¿r]piå]nu¡.¡";!t]]t,F.E55n:!-,,cj¡È€.tlo:p¡åt,!lIi,.ujÊE¡;1. Jã¡\r^oJd ð)l^Jar Due 5ê¡" 't " w'o¡1 pðu Brsap r\1¡erlaoS Jo sa¡nulul Âueut Jol pspl^oJd eJe uoll'nJ¡sul Jol^eqaq luaLualeldãJ Bulqleel c3ls,¡uðpn¡s slq ¡ uo s! lPL{"'' ¿Jol^eqeq e¡Fp e pue s^EP 5 Jol Pe¡]a o) aq !lÀ\ eq ^\ vÉJ aq¡ Mal^êJ ol åul¡âãul O upd ¿suodsã¡' -'.,:,, j: :,, ;- )€V ,luapr¡u1 Ìueue)elder pãJlsep eql pålnoåuf,' (a^oqe ê¡ep pu? auJl¡ ¡uãunloo a¡eeldl .oli ð¡]l llq¡ q]¡er¡J o¡ UËes lou seop rl¡ðqrod^q :1,:.-ïj'-"*;:'Ï' :" :],]":", ¿tuapÞulslq¡ lo f,8v î; ::"'"" P o .'; a'11 t'll¡eu slsaq¡odÂrt t't'Ï "'"5lt'l' ¡uaua)Jolul¡.l )l)euJo¡nc /'q Dðu¡e¡ulPi¡J paure lel¡r^¡¡l€/tlle¡l pãl.la¡ã'lo o¡ sSel)e ^q edclr? sel:r^llt¡ /o gì5e¡ paJJera¡d'un uoJl uotllEJa¡u: le¡los uro:¡ e'Else ^q ¡ure'r) Sr '¡or^eqàc ¡l Jor^!u¡o 5tq- paulE¡uleul ¡l Jol^eu¡c .* ''tlj gaule¡ul¡ur ¡l /olÀr{?q s1t"¡'i - ^c - uoi¡Jei¡EJeeÕci9¡ê]]r/.qpaulP¡ulç.tJr,Jol,\eqaq!¡¡,.-uo,¡uè)lt¡ nptcr'se)]P^opËul€)Utt¡'r.¡l,ol,\E'l?1stç.7 (¡!,3uJn)op c¡ eÂooe ¡ar ,a]cïd ê,lc¡ â:.¡: ¡¡a¡Fpe ¡cJ 3ðc! v€J ¡uêJ,n) lur¡aau¡l/ol^eqåq Jeln]luEJ ¡ u¡ ¡çnu'j - ¿lot^eqêqs qllouolr)Unlpartsaq¡odÄqaq¡51¡Pt 11\,vejlUaJJn]auto¡tulp¡o:rr( :Jêi,¡t túå''rã¡ ci ul€å: € Sç /'!lÊuJl3'¡ eur'¡/alÊc åul¡årt\l dlÊ/YEJ ¡¡¡¡ 1r'lr ¡tÉ1f l¡crS sa¡Ëa¡e:¡¡u01¡u¡'J-3¡ullúgJ,l:lÀ'rE:/rËlciu.lËê:€!!^i'e.¡j,,ctL¡¡è-tJ !¡t¡¡e;'p¡'u¡3 ol na¡¡n:er ¡uac'nìE o JorÀ€i130 3!;¡ ¡nooe uo¡¡e'Ja^u ol a¡?^!Jd E Ur paãeã 'r a B¡r p'r f E ¡¡¡ac oqo¡t au: u¡'^i rJo"" o¡ pã¡jJ!"¡å' tttÊ¡ 'loÀr' nls Ç¡ çåJl:^ * ¡uePr':; j?' :u ê o .. t s -{ - e]ËosIJo¡tla¡e¡,¡deUt^¡l^t¡)E¡?.n0o:peuo¡¡l¡uÉ.¡l¡uaFn¡s-¡u¡¡¡JuoJrÀueeJlots,c¡iå1.,¿pnli êqlJ)seC leqM :elaldu¡o¡ se^\ ìno eul¡ JaUE are¡ci ¡oot oi 'Èår,uJ!Þ Â¡.¡acojd Jo/Ft¡t llc¡r'9¡uêF'nl9 'l¡ù¡)c ça'lnl'' ¡au:o õql'¡lç?: f t F; ate of Oocumentatron: 10!v,\ (:t'¡v g llrhrt lrtñtttajf lncldent Report Document and Secluslon Time.Out Log ) 5ludent Suilding: l¡te of rn'cient: q' k' ii,'ne of lncrdenr: I r 6rade lÐ. 2 2{ *,¡,- Duritlon of lncldcnc Team members involved: ',Vhat was happening immedlately prior to the studenf s problem behavior (antecedent): _ :tUd i - - .,-l ^ - e jtudeñt wði grven ¡ task f what kind of ra¡kl _ wrtn peef nt rvås oenred oreferred ¡c¡lvity o r lte tudent wai walt ¿sKed to m . _ itude nt rvas expêcre d to trans Îion _ feacher was Srudent wðr prompred to use specrflc reDlacemen( behavior ¡wnich --- ane ndtng lo one? c theß J !curjent wa¡ rold ,o .ou, to another locauon ;tuctènt wås gtven one-on-one ¡ttenlton tdescrrbel__ I !l.er: Prior to restratnt or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies rhat were attempted by staff:. *.l...-. J .ìoom Ele¡f (iemOvr iet _ l¡mrts llf, .lrtmplrng jludent Auotencel thenl iet a tlmer J¡rectto cool down area _ rgnorrng (not providing a¡rentron for escalðted behðvlorl use of reolacemenr behavtor OfferedChorce¡ for cool down _ tìrst/then ùther: ÔY .çec non-oggressiye behavior prior to restra int or seclusion; 3tudent behavigr g-f.!g¡ SASnn y\^ocl q.,hen coLtd d seclusion: Student aqgressive behavror duríne restraínt or seclusion: lÎmeout: 3egrnnrng,,re:ld*Â-9 lrd¡ngrrme: lö:.¿/tl n exceeds minutes - ncid oerent aoprov¿ , ¡f oarent ¡¡ ¡¡¡varlable,n¡ed¡dmrnistratoraoproval{documentttme/approval Physical O ) restraint: _ ¡ro ]L trs _ Segrnnrng Svalua¡ron, if chysrc¡l restraint 'n., ur.dt { )lo ( Children'¡ Control Positlon Concern! ¡t "t lÔi Cañcernr, descrrbe 'rignarurp: fa¡m Control Posrtion d ZO t'.2(-r. :nd¡ng rrmei I . ,runrro^ Posrttcn ) proFerry damaqe tbe other lnlurles lo other sludenti, 5tarf ¡nd/or :rrbe what took place ¡fter time ouì rEs¡Ored the - 5tudcn¡ _ Snvtronment icuoent return€o to worr jtudeñt ferutned !o wof - *tt complete: and ¡tatf engaged rn a pnva!e conversatlon about the behavtor task l( ü Student tranlrtloned to qulet ðstlvlty ln A prlvale work space Þ -{-itudent wrth the group Student fetuf ned ro gen, ed. settrng ff met iniormallv ô3 ¡ team to revlÊw cullent - lnterventlon stratetlet - i¡¡ ; taff wlil meer formatlv a5 a l3am to revlew tðA/a P trvleetlnS datei lime:---} tr: :ording to ille current :ne curfent lðA _ . FBA, what is the hypothesized function of this behavior? place, see aoove .Joes not adoress thls pafttcular oehavlor (meetlng must take attentton lhr¡ benavlor r: marntalned by acce's to adull îhis benavror ts matntatned by escape from social interaction / :'',,, benavror r¡ matnt¡lned ,è- This behavror bv e'cape from un'preierleo tasks orEct¡vltle! rs to documentl malntatneçj by access to Þeef ôttentron Q-\,,,'1\; èo.^rYt {a=t.*. ;htÉ Qenavlor ri marntalned þv access to oreferred ltem¡/acttvltle¡ - o 7l'ìts cehavrol rÍ malniðlned ov ¡trtomatlc retnforcement -)es rhis hypothests match the ABC of this incident? strategle! wrll stav the same ¿s, oul ¡,.rtÊrv?ngon wàs aopropnatg and rn5tructronaUinterventlon X ) ., es,no,.!ever our rnterventton may have rernlorced rhe negattve benavtor. fhe team'.vtll revtew the response olan' _ :'¡o,tnenvrjotnetririùÊsnotse€mtomatchthrs¡nc,¡dent. Asc,J¡tðwtllbecallectectlor5d¡vsandarteetlngto'evrewlheFBAwlll ñ'"o be tolease oocument tlme and ctate ðoove) Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? lãcement behavior on thls student's IEP? low rnanV minutes of specially designed instruction are .'lrnutêS ãnd rervlce Orovtder îhE team rvrìl need to meet to r:rent/G uardian Contact: ¡:oort como¡eted cate ctscuss aoding mtnutes of servrce tlme to teach this renlacement behavlor l.5 ;'-e: t I ;0Þ \¡êthod of contact ldmrnr¡trator sign p¡rent/Nuðrdiânl å 'Jntt?n cooy of thr leoor! írusl 5e óostmarked to the c¿nte¡ l¿nd ccores of report !o; P¡frnt, Sludent cumula¡tve Foldel ¡nd educ¡tron S¿rvrces t -) late oi oocumentatron: t IOW¿\ ì-18 -ts (ll'lY lncident R eport Oocument and Secluslon Time-Out Log ) Student l¡te of lnclqent: R -lt- 3uilding: t5 _ Grsde t i;me of lnctdent: !u r¡tlon of tncldcnt: tSw,.. I Ieam members involved ',Vhat was happening immediatelV prior to the studenf s problem behavior (antecedent): ; ght/¡r¡ument wrtn I pe€r Y !turJent wa¡ oenred oreferred ðcrtvitv or wart i,uO.n, was rtem !tudent wðr _ !cudenr was told to move to another loc¿tron _ . of ta¡k? , itudent was erpected to trensrrion - - -_ ãsKed to grven ð tark lwhat kind l¿acher was anendrng to cthers - Student lvas prompred to use specúlc reÞlðcement behav¡or lwnich on:? ltudent w¿r grven one-on-one ålleñtron ldefcnbet ,-ìther: o Prior to restratnt or seclusion, léom .1"¡, (remove )] iet _ lrm¡ts (rf, please describe the de-escalation rtrategies rhat were attempted by staff:. ¿uor€ncel thenl let a X umer flrect rc cool down area rlffered chorce5 ior cool down X r3norrng (not provrding anentron for escalated behavtorl ,:r?r¡ptrng u:e of reolacement behavro¡ _ tirlt/then r)the ;tudent non-aqgresslve behavior prior to restrarnt or seclusion: t\ 5tudent oqgressive behavior Þnor to restraint or seclusion: Student aqgressive behavror durinq restraint or seclusion: lime out: 3:grnnrng,rrme, t I ; Z'ì Ecdingtrme: lt;39 'rf durðtronexqeedi50mrnutes-ne€ctoarentaoproval,rrparenrrr ¡ravarlaþle, need ¡dmrni¡lrator approval (oocumenl ttrne/approvall Physical rlo restraint: y' ,", - Õ lvaluðtron, rf ihysrc¡l restraint was used: ) Children'¡ Control Y Positron Begrnnrng t,o concerns X ,.rr t^e, I Ii ZJ Ccncerns, desc¡rbe: - Control Posttion !, gnature: inding Iranrpon Posrtrcn rrme: -l!,2-? tbe c,ther lnlullet to other studenlr, sr¡rf ünd/or propertv damaqe: what took place ¡iter time oui :ribe - !tudent re¡tored th? f I ;arOan, raturned to wofl( wlth the r,ro.nt group and staff engaged rn ð prwðte conversatron about the behavror - ,,vril tatf meet f ormally at a t9¡¡m to revrew FÈA/AlP lÑleetlng datei ;ording to lhe current / FB;A, time:-l what is the hypothesized function of this behavior? placc, see ðoove to documentl currenil:BA üoes nor AdOreSS rhrs partrcular oehavror {meetlnE must take (_,"" te¡avior r¡ marntalned bv ascess to ãdult _'ihrs anentton This behavlor ls malntalned by access to peer ðttentron ti matntatned by ascape from soctal tnteracllon :his benavtor {- ;ttts benavtot It matntalned bV eSCApe frOm un'preierrert tesk3 or acllvltler _ ;i'lts cenavtot rf marntatned bv access to oreierred lteml/actlvltle5 ïhls cehavlol rt ma¡ntatned ov ¡Lfomatlc retnforcement -)es this hvpothesrs match the ABC of this incident? 'ar, out,rnterv€ntton X ) Student retulned to gen. ed. settlng met iniorm¡llv a5 ¡ tgSm to fevtew culrent lntervenllon strategles _ it¡if .3 Student transrtloned to qulet ectlvltY ln a prlvate work space X task t complete; envtronmenr iruoent.returned ro worx - *., o wðs appropfrate ånd rnstructronal/interventton strðtetles _./eS.howeveroutrnterventtonmavhðveretnt'orcedthenegattvebenavlor. ¡lo.(nenvoolnegrsd,Jesrìotsèemtom¡rtchthrirnc,rdenr, -neou led I oleðse cocument tlme and d¡te åoovel .,il 1 stay !he same rheteãmlvlllfevlewther:¡pon¡eolan. ) Àgcdütðwrll becolleçtedlor5C¡v¡andameetlngto'evr€wtheFBAwrll be /hât ¡s the desired replacement behavior? row fnanv minutes of specially designed inrtrr.tion*.bìffi'o for teaching re placement behavior on thls student's IEP? lrnut!5 ãñO !er'¡tçe Orovrder îr.e ¡ råam wrll need to meer to disçuss aoding mrnutet of sen¡rce ¡lme to teach this replacement behâvlor ¡rent/Guardian ¡ rport cornplete \,lethod of contact: h^$4.- ldmrntstrator signature: to thÊ parent/Euardi¡níll l¿nd coote¡ of råport to; Prrent, 5!udent Cum.ulâ¡lve Folder ar:d Educ¿tlon Services @ ) 1, -lJte ot Oocument¡non: l()\\r..\ Ð o 5 ¡r ( Iy * (il.lY tt\ I rata .t, lncldent Report Document and Seclusl on ilmà-Out log ludent; 3uilding 6rade: : rre ot tnctd€nr: Tr-¡ â { llr ,rt nl m embers ;;,rr of tnoJent: It p luråt¡on of rrcrdenn llv r^i rnvoh¡ed tvas haopening immediately prior to rhe student,s probrem be havior (antecedent): "vhat ',Chf/argurnent _ _ tvrth pqg¡ .- jtt¡den¡ rvðr ltven ¡ task l!vhð( krnd of t¡skl v !tu,Jent Ìv¡¡ oennd preierred ¡Ctrvrty Or ,!em ituden¡ .- :tudent tva¡ itrked to ,,varf t w¿r (old to n syq to "_ student w¡i ¡nother loc¡Uon 5tldent wa¡ eloected to I tran!trrort , _e¡cher oro mpteo to use rp€cttlc Íeplacement behav¡or lwhich rvðl dttanotng to other! one¡ itutJent,,va¡ gtven on€.on-onc ¡ttentton t,,retcflbe; -r)then prior,to restraint or seclusion, please descnbe the d e-escalalion s trategies that were attempted by staff: €nce' O-'Ï-1',,;:veðud : ;:: ï;, -L 0,,r., tocooldownarea rovrding attentlo n for .Jrompttng use of repl¡cement beh¡vror _ e¡c¡l¡ted behevror) Offeredchotce¡forcooldorvn _ Firrtlth€n Student non-aggressjye behavíor prior to restra int or seclusionl q t \OY Student cg g ressive behavi or oriof to resFaint or seclusíon: Student oggressive behavior durírg restraint or seclusion: ll¡e OUtl f..:'/¿tlå01e, n I l.* :'9gr.nr¡q ¡,¡¡. J,r f rr3;ng ' l3C f ,Jmrnr5¡¡¿¡g, ¡ caro'¿al ( Joîurn ent irrne; lr ).; i= ' ttr',ìe/aooro,/at)i Physicrl restrårnt: - ri utf Cn. i :'i,! :!r,?5¡rlr.:,1.1!,. j¡,J. '( ' 'ut .- , 1..:,.c,,en,s f juratton txceeds 50 m,_.,¡ies _ te:d oaren! ¡cprovð¡, .I ra¡Ent,s fi¡¡¡rg¡ rositrc.l ,;-;;:",ä:"";l;":: \.: l:r:¡rrs _ ..ar::r-i,..iesi, { "'r.roorr )cs,! /Jn t , i.., __J_l¡ls t.?. \ ce: _-¡-9i'' oGrl'?r :¿icr rpÊ )1 pro0êf tì' o¡fnng? r'o;ther ltudef:r5"¡irtt ¡tldior "!:r¡ftd9 lirne out lvð9 complete took place ¡fter what Desc rrbe tr ånsrt¡oned tU i r.J envlronrnent e nt r?rÌOreo !ne ;tuo ent retuf neo t3 "'rorr À Stulent 5iu'Jent'Et',¡rned i:: rf 5 :c !ail o about t¡e ceþavror ¡n ¡ ¡ilvete coñvel!af'on ;tucent and rt:rl engaged !llß wolt w'(n ii€ g'cup r:t'r¡¡rn¡liv !¡ ¡ :E3m w,rl pflv¡te '¡rofk 50ðce lo ou èt Sctlvrtv ln ¡ re:r i¡rr¡atl., tl lsvr¿w : .rrent I îtErrrenti0n s:Íãleg'Êt t:me ;ã4, 3lÞ I Ñteåtlng Úate' a¡ ¡ :?3ñ :1 '?vr¿'¡' )tler d functton of this beh¿vior? the hVpothesi¿e rvnails t3A' current aco'/e to 'Jocumentì )cco rdinEt to the tSke pl¡cE' t¿e not addresl ne c'Jr'!n! ;¡A dces (hrg acca¡s -11r9 u¿¡¿vfof 1l matnf ¡tned'ov \J rà- - 'L:t lo SdUlt lttentlon behåvrol É¿rsvrol rr -hri oènðvtor rl rnðrnt¡lrìPd Írrr! o¿navror erclpÈ irorÍ '¡n'pr¿felred bY ,i rrtàrnt¡rned bt/ cehavlol ri ðcce53 to of etef at:ent'Qn (aÊk3 ol ¡c(!vltteS led rtem!/acttvrite¡ retnlorcement r¡ttn(¡lned bv ¡utomatrc malch the Does this hvpothetls ABC of this incident? instructlon¡l /interventton was ¿ppropf lare ðnd /e3, oul rnt€Nrlntron *. !o ceel il rñfiñ!ôrnÊd bv ¡ccer3 irom ¡oct¡l intef¡ctlon fntlnttlneo cv etcroe ihtt 'hl3 tr'leetlng must c¡ñlcrlðr cenitvlor the 5ðñe !tr¡rteglei lvrll st¿v plan' tew fhe response fhe te¡m wril the neg¡tlve beh¡vtor' mav hðve relnforced In[efvenuon '1e9, hc'¡revel our ¡nd f or 5 d¡v¡ d¡t¡ wrll 'oe coll€cted lhts lncrdent' ¡\ðC mðtch lo reelñ doe¡ not reT ð o the tBA rvrll be ñeetlng to rev'È'¡' ¡lo, lh€ hypothest: ,c date ðbove) oocumÊn t 0me and necrule d (pleðse behavlor? desìred replacement ',r,/hat is the lEl on this student's replacement b ehavior teaching for provided in structìon are of speciallV tJesigned rninutes tnârlV ¡"{¡¡r¡ lJer .:ilr1Jt¡! An6 5eNlce Plori , .r.- :h: beh¡v'0r t'trs r?oiðc€fr€nt to u:es oi serurcg !rrîe mrtl addirg "l¡cn r'neet t? d:9CU5t le3rn ,v{ l 'e€d lo t : rent/Gu¿rdi an contåct: ) 1.t., x-''.1'úi ì11n'5tfit:f ta?rt ::f :ie:eC CV i rr il:1 Cli'/ oi hÊ rotor!r-tJtl:g .:rd :cÊ'er ; f ...'côl! coli."nlr(eo lc i:e 5 !'ñitiu'€i A¿vS ol:¡a lrðfd lri! Ñrtî'n;r/eg 'rfe¡l :n ie'v ("'¡ílti' jt''e l t'l?1 Î 791':¡t ic: ¡lr !4l Sluien! c¿t rr: :¿rt. Í :1":r ü I fðte of Docu rnenraronr o lolv Ð Y ll¡¡ll l-\ B 't 5 (;r'tY lrli¡llt.'f lncident Report Document and Seclusion Tlme-Out Log ) 6rade: lding: 5ludent r¡teof rncrdent: ã.ìön Íime of lncrdent: . 4z L'uråtlon of lncldent: r^nr rruk\ feam mernbers involved: ,,Vhat was happening immediatelV prior to the studenf s problem behavior (antecedent); ; ght¡argument wrtn _ : t u d e n! was o enre d oref irudent was asxed to erred ac¡rviw- ofute m ltu dent rvas exp€cre d to tra nsltlo . n Teacher was anendtng to cthers - lwnich one? ituden¡ rvai -prompted to use rpecúic leglãcement behaviol watt - locatlon 3rudent was rold to movr to another _ ituoent t itudent wðt grven . fask (what kind of tack? oe€l _ - ,-rth € r.r.,a¡r r; -ìoom cle¡r (femove :et lrmrrs lrf, ,:rtrnpltnq use to= Qìc-t*d \qet\- S". q ho.^,*tr-l ¡rior to restratnt or seclusion, l7 ¡tten¡lon ldescrtbe: wð5 glven one'on-one please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staffl' auot€ncel rtmer 5Ét å Yrnonng th€nl X )irect to cool down area (not provrding anentton for escalåtÊd behavlor) f chorces íor cool down irst¡then - behavlor ùt of r:ol¡cement X:farad non-aqgressive behavior prior to restralnt or seclusion: Student Student oqgressve behavior P!!gI to restraint or seclusion: o o Student oqgressive behavtor durinE restraint or seclusion: \,\ ,l ,¡ Physicalrestraint æ t }ifÆ :ndhs.me: ?t11 ' lf duratron exceedt 50 mlnutet - need oarent aoproval, lf oarent ¡¡ ¡a,¿a rla'ole, naed ¡d mrni¡tra tot ¡ oprova (document tlmê/ð pprovãll ¡lo J,., Children's Control b: tL Csxa.q¡\ hÞ\ù ?t fr- s used: þtÞ!¡ ro concerni Positron Xra.m legrnnrng rrme:- Concerns, descrt be 'rigna ture: Control Posrtion inding.me: ir¡n3poÍ Pcsrtton - €o*t-'c"-rs ô{ PP."C C^ {rher tnlurres to 'rb e .i what tobt place ¡iter time out wal complete: :r.¡ ff jtl ) itu(,entand¡taffengagedlnapflvateconvefsatlon¿boutthebe'havtor return€ct to work task - ;tudent o '.& space Student transrtlohed to qute¡ ¡clvìtv In a private work Studenl restored ¡h€ envlronment !,,ro"nt 'TíJ other studentS, slsrf i¡nd/or proFertv damagel ,, Student returned to gen'.ed' settlng letulned lo wol[ wtth the group - ent lnterventlon s¡rategles met lniormallv a¡ a teãm to f evlew curf ;talf wrll meet lormallv at ð !eam lo revrew ÊðA/BlP (lvleetlng dalei ti ri ording to the current FBA, whaÌ :r:e cuÍenl \ / ' \r FAA ¡arrbenavtor rs 'Joes is the hypothesized function of this behavior? must take place' ree ðoove to documentl not addfeSg thts Fantcular oehavtor (meetln8 matntatned bY acce¡s to adult attenùon This behavror îhis social interactlon tenqv,o, ts rnatntatned bv escape from ;htr tasl$ benavlor t¡ matnta¡ned bY escape from un-preierred - ihrr ltemJ/acllvltle5 cenavlof l! mâlncalned bv acÊes! to oreíerred - îlrrg ¡ehavlol - rs rs malnta¡ned by access to þeer attentlon ol ¡tcllvltles o malntalned oV tl'¡tomatlc relntorcement - this hvpolhests match the ABC of this incident? )es x stav lhe same and tn5truc¡tonau¡nren entlon strere8les wrll es. Ður Interyenüon wås ðopropfl¡¡te the resoonse plðn' the negatlve benavror' rhe team wlll fevlew es,howevef ouf Interuentton mav nave rernt'orcad lhe FBA wlll be to ABc,J¡t¡ wrrl be callected for 5 davs and a meetlng 'evrew l¡o. (i.re nvoo[ne5r' doÈs ñor reem to rnatch thrs rncrdent. loleãse document tlme ¡nd date aoovel ) ,, -:¡eouled Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? {ôw manY rninutes oi sP behav¡or on thls student's IEP? inslruction are provided for teachinS replacement ,'l¡ñut€9 ànd Servlce Orovrder Íhe P behavtor mlnutes of se¡¡rce lime to teâch this reolacement te3m wtll ¡,eed to rneet to clscuss aóding rrent/ Guardian :¡pott Conta comoleted b :3() c^- c^-Qe \¡Éthodofcontact¡ nl!tlàtor tignatu rhe parent/:uðrdiðnf tl ]¿ndcoote¡ofteportlo;P¡renl,5(udentcUmul¡trveFolderandEduc¡t¡on5a¡vicescenter ffi JJle ot Document¡tron Èl 9l Q-''¿z--tç lO\\"\ (.'l'lY { [r \4 ttt\t trlr.r lncident Report Document a nd Secluslon Time-Out ü 5tuden l¡re Tç¡ 3uilding or tncrden(i 3tÍl ii,t Grade: g ef ¡¡ç¡1¿6¡. lur¡rronof rrcrdenr: m embers rnvOlved: ',ì/hat rvas haopenlng rmmed to the studení s Problem behav¡or (antecedent): itudent ,,vð! gtven r lask f,.vnat rrrnd of Itudent rv¡¡ renrÊd oreierred acuvrty -or iludent -* war ¡5¡ç6 ¡s.,v¡,¡ _ rtrm Jârro"n t¡¡kl rvar è.\oecred ¡o (ra nttnon . ieacner !vð, ¡ttenotng to other5 ;t'JJent tvð! prcmoted to u5e tpec[lc replðcement þehav tor (whtch one? itudent rv¡t told !o move to ðnother locJtron - !tuden! ',var grr/en one-on-one t\ 'Jther - o OC ¡ne 5; Prior to restraint or seclusron, please deScrrbe the de.escalation strategies that were attem pted by sraff 'loom cle¡r lremove __ ¡udlencel !et lrrn¡¡¡ (,f, iel ¡ grrecttocooldorvnareã trn,er ¡hen) ,gnoflng (¡ot provtding _ .":rornpttng ule of replacement behavtor 0ther: ¿ttentton for èrcal¡ted b ehavrorf . Offeredchotçe¡forcooldorvn .- F¡rttlthÊn 1ñ student non-aqgressive behavior príor to restrüint or seclusion Student aggressive be havior yl¿ g ,rt to restraint or seclusion: jtudenr aggressvs behavior d_gti¡g resrraint or s eclusíon: þi "irne 'I /å, !J out: e, .: r,'7s;ca 3eg ^¡,¡o rre, lâ,.1f_ Jntlr.E ,.n* r?:ã :df .nr5¡:atar tolro,/¡l (1cc,.ra,r¡ ¡;¡ :/3 rorrvai): I restrai ll):2t\ ' n ti i5 .. i: '"/¡i'":3J j':,¡ì'or :1:n I i:::,:r cc¡.f:î,.ì ... a-l r -..1,r-rn4 . irc?ed5 i0,_r,-,.t3r r:go 3ðre'ìt a3orc.r¿r, i l¿rent f -¿tm .-, ;0: 'l Cci:roJ )t:r:.15 _ !. 'r"t3?r: Dti,:,c,1 í'.r -s: -r, -/I ,1 ,,t '¡., '<¡ ; ,l{-.t. ..,s¿ ¡rtlurt¿3 tO ùther '¿5Cf lÞE (f !n:r tluden$' lilf f xrldi or PrOOerf\l OJm¡{e: glace ¡fter time out rvas complete: , ^r,v¡r¡ tvork Sgace lescrrbe what took qur¿t activrtv tn ð prrv¡¡re trantaoned to r æstudent ftstorao tne Invrronrnen !.1 :iuqJent ,/ r¿turned tc ;tudent ! : Jen¡'tt''t¡ed --u itali w'rl ine rs r¡¡Qr\ ¡:¡¡m ll :d' !e(!lrg SirtteSleS revl:w cl¡flent ¡n''en/¿nllon - ne:t ilrmatlv åt ¡ :r¡m t! '?tr:'¡/ :tnar; ¡ccording St''ãent relurneu to iân' gtoup "vr(n r,.it'n¡3rr''a'lv Jl ir¡tf -' "vorr {) tar* rvhat to ¡ne current FBA' ts Ë34/åìP l\ter(lng ú¡re/tlme' ) of this behavior? the hVpothes¡¿ed tuncrion Oo"tnentl l¡ke plðce' see ðoo'¿e tc cenavrgl lrne?ung íìur! cantcul¿r tn;l not ¡ddte¡¡ :i-e c'Jrr:ô! f 3Å 'Jcer teer ¡tt€nl'0ñ lt rnaln!alneo bY lcce!s !o '*'' oY àccett t3 Een¡vror rt ff ðrntlrned ¡dult behavrol ¡tr?ntÌon - -\L-t1rI ,..t' ,-lìlÉ -hrt oÈnavlor l5 rnôlntllned bV t¡¡k¡ of ¡ctlvl(les etclOe irom un'prelerred rterÍt/¿ctrvrtre¡ oY ðcceiÉ to oreferred ctnavrol 't lflalnti¡lnect rernforcement :hl5 sehavrol r5 rnalntðlnect bv ¡urom¿tlc e¡ this Do , of this incident? hypothesrt match the ABC /¡5. rr/ w¿5 applopll¡te ¿nd rnstructtonal/'lnteNentlon "fuf rn¡erventlon o same strðtegre3 lvrll ttaY thê o¡¡ri' wrll revtew the r€5Foll5€ 0€n avror, Ihe le¡m retnforced the neg¡tlve have rnåy the FBA rvrll be '/e5. hcrvever öul lntervenrlon ånd a meetlng to revre'¡' be cotlected tor 5 davs lvrll d¡t¡ AtC incldent' not seem to match thls )lo, tne hvPo¡he¡t¡ does abovel 'rf t trme ànd d¡te :cñêouiêd (Pleare oocumen ,'1 ',\/þåt behavlor? ¡s the desired reP lacement .'lLt -lo,¡/ tnanV minutes of t. ir are sPecrallY d esigne Liifstruction J!?t anO sen¿rCe -,? lt¡rri Jlll nerC lo )a.e behavior on this student's for teaching f eplacement P rovtded nr/Guaroian Contact: lt '?e ! to J tc!55 addrng mrnutes ' oo.r,'lt f. i-l'' oí Senrrce trme I ¡r i(¡1 :::ï ::¡J en¡v'cl ¡ch (h!s reo¡¿cemen! f '-,) i, :tg tJi :lletÌ' 1.,, "'¿tioo lfYll1r5:í:¡tcr 5 gnat!lÈi lo tne t¡fent/gt¡¡fÚl3l¡ tf.x cl t'e feoof(;ru5t'¡¿ to!tmJr'ed C:O¡ei of feporl t cf icnt¿ct: .. :::rt::rE'eì9d IEP 5: J3 ent t¡li irr¿¿ d¡vt 2; ''e r' ::,11 jJc¿tiJn ièr? ct5 : ! llfnu'A(Y't ir;':er ¡rd : @ -23-t late oi c S lOlv,\ (:tIY v Ihttt tISt¡lt:t ) lusion Time-Out Log Studen 6rade: l¡¡e of tncrdent: \ - ä)' 5 t t5 iime of tncrdenr! I ïeam members involved: ',Vhat was happening immediatelV prior to the stud ent's problem behavio r ( antecedent): , ght¡argument wrrn _ ,.¿ ! - ' _ pÉer jtuc,ent w¡ts grven ¡ task {whðt kind of _ tut'¿ent w¿t oenred oreferred ¡cllvltv or i¡udent was ðsKed to wal! r(em . {- itucent ta¡k? I ,,roant was expected to transltion T:acher was ¿nendrng to cthers - lvð5 prompted ro use specrflc feolðcemeñr behavror lwnich one? I tcudent was rotd to move ro another locauon ituclent w¡s gtven one-on-onÊ enenïon ldescnbe: ,-ìÜ.er - 3 ¡rior to restralnt or seclusion, ìoom cleir lremove \- ) iet _ hmrts (rf, please descrtbe lhe de-escalation strategies thatwere attempred by staff:. auorencef thenl X 5ct ð ttmef f,irecl to cool down area _ Ðffered chorces ío¡ cool down ,gñonnt (not provlding anenïon for e¡calated behðvtorf ,:rzrnptrng use of reclacement behavror _ tirstlthen r)t 5tudent non-dggressive behavior prior to restrarnt or seclusion: C- Su¡.q*s\. Student oqgresstve r pnor to restraint or seclusiont c\ Student aqgressive behavlor durine restraint or seclusion: c\ \\ac\c¿. -ime out: è 3egrnnrng S¡sc^¡ifr ¡¡¡¡¿¡ \ ',S8 -\r^nÇOlr) inding trme: 2 : f ..{ rr.åvarlable, need ¡dmrni¡trðtor agproval ldocument ttme/approval): Physical restraint @ ¡lo {,., r È ' lf duratlon erceetr chitdren's conrror llo Concernt positron -{.,Aettnntng Ìtme: r SO minutes - nred oárent aoprovrl, rf prrenr conrror pos¡tion ìfB. Ênding trrne: :ranrpoß Posrtrcn -\js8 Concerns, descnbe: 3¡gñ¿rure: rr i"e be other ribe u L - I I I let to othef studþnts' storf ¡nd/or property damaqe: what took place aiter time out was complete: Student . lnluf lrro"nt resrsred rhe rstuf ned ro wor[ - :¡¡tf met iniormallv.as ; tatf '.vril meer 3 about the'oehavrof Student and staff engaged rn a pfrv¡te conversatron rask student returned to work wrrh @ space Sludent transrtloned to qulet åctlvlw ln a prlvale work envronment rhe ) student returned to gen. ¿d' tettlng group (?am to revlew curlent lnteruentlon slrðtegles - dalei icrmallv ar a tgðm to revlew tðA/AlP llvleetlng time;-) ordingtothecurrentFBA,whatisthehYpothesizedfunctionofthisbehavior? :ne cuffent * FðA iroes not ador€ss thls pantcular oehavlor (meetlnt musttake place' ¡ee ðoove to documentl _.íhrsEenaviortsmatntarnedbyaccesgtoadultanenllonThi¡behavlortsmatntatnecjbyaccesstopeerattentlon îhis -V -* Eenavtor ti matntarned bV escape from social interaction tasks or actlvlllt¡ a,'r,, þenavror ti matntatned bv eScape from un-pteierred marntaln€d bv accesS to preicrred ltem!/actlvltlet ihlS cenavlor - î5tt retnf orcement oehavror ts malntatned ov ¡utomatlç oes lhis hvpothesrs match the ABC of this incident? 15 @ ^,¿r ) _¿à'¿,,ÐUf¡nt€Ív€ntlonwå5ðoproDl at!andlnStructlonðl/¡nterventlonslrðteEleSwrllstaythes¿me rÈS,howevef our rntefventlon mðv nSve relniorced - ¡¡o. otan' the negattve benavtor' rhe team wlll revlew the respon¡e fo¡ 5 matçh thrs rnc¡dent. Agc ,l,rt,r wrtl be ccllected ¡.fle nvoornesrÍ t,o¿¡ óot sÉem ro ineouled lolea¡e document tlme d¡v: and a meetlng to ?evr€w the FBA wtll be and date asovel ,Vhåt is the desired replacement behavior? low rnanv IEP? provided for teaching replðcement behavior on thls student's rninutes oi specialîy designed instruction are ,'l¡ñutf;5 anO gelvlce Orovtder ¡he le¡m wrll I ¡rent/Guardian :ioort 2o rm.\¡¡tJ time to te3ch this reolacement behavlof need to fneet (o Ciscuss aoding mlnutes of servrce \¡ethod of contactl comcleted murt 5e portm¡rhed to lh! parenV{uårdlånl lolcler ard :end copler of report toi Prrent, Studant Cvmuta¡tve @ fatc of Documenr¿ronr c l()!V¿\ 7' L1 ' t5 cl'tY Y l.trrt ¡Islt3t..l' lncident Report O ) 5tudent 3uílding: l¡te of lnç¡dent: iime of lncldent: luslon Tl me-Out log 6rade - ?:rÐ curtt¡on of tnctdens 2P, ru^sfßS feam members involved ',Vhat was happening im _' ately prior to the student, s problem behavior (antecedent): ghtTargument '¡lttn oeeÍ _ jtudent w¡r grven a ta5k (what kind of task? -llw¿e¡r wðs oenred oreferred ðcnvtty or rrem '6oon _ !rudent wðt asxed to watt -{rcuftent l/)tuoent was rotd 5tudeil !va5 expecled to rranstuon -(r"rnrrwas anendrng to wa¡ -prompted to use specúlc reolacem€nt behavior lwntch one? !o rflove !o another locauon wà! gtvrn one-on-one ¡ttentron tdBscnbe; ,-:it ef Prior to restrarnt or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were attempted by staff:. ^Õ Ua--.ioomcle¡rlremoveauorencel ) lrm¡ts lrf, X thenl leta lrmer )irectrocoor downare¡ -2S offeredchorcesiorcoor down 'gnorrng (not providlng anenrron for escatatcd behðvlor) - _ ,:r?rnptrng use of r¡olacement behavror r)the -:et jtudent non'oggressive behavior prior to restraint or seclusion: 5tudent oo behavior to restraint or r¡)rtltr,.n - I clusion: Student aqjressive behavror duri¡e restraint or seclusion: iime out: 3sgtnnrng rtme ,4 øy' Endingr,mer 1åL ' lf duratron exceeot 50 minuter, .¡¡avalla ble, ¡eed ãdmrnirtrator aoproval (document trme/approval) Physical /?s restraint: -;'lo @, '¡ias used - children's conrrcl )to Concern¡ pos¡tron *4ur^control Begrnntng trme: Concerns, descnbe: 4:a neect o¡rent aoproval, rf p¿rent ls posrrion inding rrrne; 2(,unyonPosrtrcn î,04''" studþn15, stsrf ond/or be other rnlurles lo other ribe what took . -ituden! restored ¡he (rrro"n, \ ¡íter time oui place *t' task I o complete: envtronrflent returned ro work I propeny damage: Student lranSltloned to gulet aÍlvltY ln ð pfivðte work rpace {rruo"nt and staff engaged ln a pnvðte conversatlon about the behavror Þ -itudentrelurned!owort(wrrhrhegroup-Stuclentreturnedtogen,ed'reïtng - i¡¡ff 3 met informally as talf ,.v¡¡l ¡ t33m to revlew current lnteilentlon strategles (tv1e€tlng date/time:-) mert l¡rmarlv as a t3am to revrew FðA/8lP ording to tne current Ee¡avtor rt marntarned,bY açce55 to adult :hi5 I b¡navror 15 _ Thls behavlol ls matntatiied by access to Þeer altenllcn bv escape lrom un'preierred tasl(s or ¡tcrlvltle¡ ceFðvlol li marntarneó bv access to oreierred ttems/acttvltte¡ Thls sehi¡vlof lt ñðln¡ð¡ned -les lhis åttÊntlon docuíientl marntalned by escape from sociål lntelastion t,.r,, benavror r¡ marntatned ;hls V' what is the hypothesized function of this behavior? (meetlng muS! take place' See aoove tO l.AA doe¡ not address thls Fartlcular çChavtOr :ne cuffenl _'ihrs FBA, ÞY ¡trlornðtlc retnforcement ü hvpothesrs match the ABC of this incident? ,; ""..1ur strategles wrll stay !he same Intervenaon was ð'proprrate ¡nd tnsrructtonaUlnteNentlgn ) olan' .r,z5,however our rn[efventron mav have ranforced th€ negailve benavtor, rh'e leam wlll revlew the response rro. t;:e nyootnesri ,Joes not seem ãnd a ñeetln8 to 'evrãw ¡ñe to matsh thrs rnc¡dent. Agc.J¡t! wrrl be cctlecteo fo¡ 5 d¡vs FBA w¡¡l be :iìe6uled tole¿ie oocument llme and oate aoove) Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? 1A Qoc o\ acementbehavloronlhlsstudent'slEP? low rnanV minutes oi spe .'lrôUt€5 And Serulce OrOvrder æ ihe of servrce t¡me to te3ch thi3 reolacemÊ-il term w¡ll need ro rneet to clgcu5s aoding mrnutes l:rent/G uardian Contactl Ðate: ::ooil com o"W. gc-V*rÞ ',tethod of contact: .rdmrnrrtratof SlSnature: mur! b€ poÉtrn¡ll(rd lo th! p¿rerttlÈu¿rdi¡nl¡l ¡nd Educ¡rron :¿nd toolÊl of rrport to; P¡r?nl, Sluden( €um.ul¿¡r'¿e tolder c ) r)¡te of Docurnenr¡tlont L tow\ (llTY ü ort Document and Secluslon Tlme-O t Stude Grade: Date of lncldent: Tlme of lncldent: Team members involved: What was happenlng lmmedfately p rto _ flght/argument with peer 5tudent wa¡ denled preferrÊd ¡ctlvity or Student w¡! arked to w¡lt 0uratlon of lncident: e studenf s problem Studenl wai Blven e tosk lwhat kind of ltem tosk? Student was expected to I transltlon - .: was ettendlng to others -leacher Student was prompted to use speclflc replacement behavlor (which one? Student was told to move to another locatlon _ Student w¿s glven one.on-one attentlon Othe Prior to restraint or seclus¡on, ,{F Roorn clear (remove please describe the de-escalation strategles that were attempted by staff: audiencel Set a Dlrect to cool down area 0ffered choices for cool down lgnortng (not provldlng attentlon for e¡calated behavlor) set limlts (lf, then) First/then - promptlng use of replacement 5 tlmer behav¡or Other: ìudent non-sggresslve behavlor príor to restraint or seclusf on: ( Student S to restra tor n: c nt or seclusíon: tudent aggressive behavior Tirne u I b out: Eeginning o^"tcÌ i 13 ena,nsú^",LZL. rf durauon exceeds so minutes - need parent approvat, nava ilable. need admlnistrator approval (document time/approvall Physical restraínt: _ fro Chlldren's Control Yes - 3,tglrìning I tron, rf ohyslcrl rtstr;ìrn( þ:varu.r u¡su¡:cJ: t:oncernî -Ã. ^¿ 'lo Poiltlon _ -- t¡me;_ rirltìt€lnS, rJ'lSCrtbe: T:am Control Position lnding rirne: ,/ /_f rf parenr is ,ft' 'lZ -'1,' i3 ransgort Posltlon DeJcnbe 'Jtl"sr rnluries to ,:ther ltudentr, ¡t¡tf ¡nd/or property ,J¡magr: Describe lvhat took place ðfter tlme out v/ãs completel l¡' \ '"' ¿h,\Tt : ;,r¡"nr rrstored tha ;(Ldênt r:turned 1o rvrrrk ir¡ff me.níormaily Staff '.vrrl envtronmenr Jtudent tr¡ngtloned lo qulet ¡crvtty rn r pnv¡tte work rp¡ce t'rsk as a ream Studcnt rnd rtarf engaged rn .r prrvate convers¡non,lbour the benåvror to revrew current intervenilon strat€gret meet formarly as a team ro revrew FBA/Brp (rviettng date/ilrne:_ Other Acco.rdlng to the current FBA, what fs the hypothesfzed funcilon of thls behavtor? the currant FBA does not ðddresS lhls partlcular behavlor (meeting must täkG plecr, see above to documentf fhls behavlor rs mðlntalnld by access to adult attentlon Thlr beh¡vtor l5 m¡lntalned by access to peer attêntlon fhis behavror ir marntahed by escape from ¡ocrar inttracilon --- V ^ rhis bêh¡vror is marnt¡rned by escape from un.preferred t¡sks or ¡ctrvrties lhl¡ behavror ¡s m¿rnt¡rn€d by acccrs to preferred items/lctrvrtres Thlr behavlor 15 tnatntalned by automatlc relnforcement Does thls hypothesls match the ABC of thls ìncident? ' Ð+ Yes, our lntervention w¡s åpproprlate ðnd lnstructlondl/lntervenrion rtrategtes will stay the råm€ '/e¡' however our interv€nti9n may havc relnforced the negative behåvior. fhe team wlll review the re¡ponse plan. ¡¡o' the hypothetlt doel not se€m to match thls Incldent. AEc dðt¡ wlll be collected for scheduled lple¿se dscument tlme ðnd dote above) 5 doys ðnd a rneetlng to rev¡ew the FgA rvlll be Wha t is the deslred replacement behavíor? How many minutes of specially desígned instructlo n are provided for teaching replacement behavioron this student,s lEp? It¡llnutes ¡nd ¡en¿ice provider fhe te¡m w¡il need to meet to discuss addlng minut$ of ¡en¡tce time to teach thls replacement behavlor Parent/Guardian Con Method of contact: Feport completed by: Admtnlstrator slgneture: A wr¡¡¿¡ g6py 0 rÉport must Sdnd Copler ) br por!m¡rled lo the p¿renr/guardian(rl ,,vrthrn of report toi pür¡nt, 5tudent üurnulative folder ¡nd Educ¡¡lon Servtcg¡ 6¡¡s¿¡ -l c Èr 9l lncident 5luden Re port Jte ot Documentðtton:t l()1tr\ (.'l'ly { ilr {rt t[\l [ß.1 Docurnent on Time-Out Log Surlding: Grade: : ltE ot inctdenï - iinr¿ sf :¡ç¡¿ç¡¡. -'ur¡tlon of tnc:d€nt: ïeam members .,gnt/ar'umenr,,vrrh e studen cser \{_ _ lvat Jiksd ¡o.,vðrt em vior s,ucan, war grven I task (rvnat trnd ol Itudent".v¡¡ cen¡ed oteier¡ed actrvr!y or rtem jtudent f lnvohred: ',Vhat,.vas haopenrng im _ ,v --'l J t¡¡ k? -t ,-¡ çú, ûUr-ïlr !i or'1r . 5t[,¡,.{ent tvar el(oected lo tt¡ns¡t¡on I'e¡cher !vðt tttÊnolng to others i¡u,Jent wa5 oromotfo to use tpectrlc teplacement behe vlor lwh¡ch one? _ -:tudent rv¿¡ told to move to ¡nother loc¡tlon jtu den! w¿¡r gtven one.on-one ¡ttentton I Jerqflbe: !)ther;' - Prior to restrarnt or secrusion, prease descr¡be the de-escaration I :loom cle¡r lremove audicncel iet lir¡rts lrf, tl.enl ¿ t ,.:romptrng use of replacement ,/ .)e t a ltmer ,gnonng behavlor st rategies that r, rect ¡o cool down lvere artempted by staff: are¡ (not provtding ¿ttentton fo¡ escalated b ehavrorf - Student non-oggresslve behavior pr¡or to restraint or seclusion: :¡ ,) Studen t cggressive !tudent * -' "i il* r .'¡i-.. '. ìegrrn..¡ ¡1¡3 itr'.u'L., i' lvì¡r tol¡, -3e! ;d1,n:si,3lcr 3 3J¡c rål Jd:¿ ind¡':l f,re: ,, l, .. , .¡,r:nt ..irn ?/ ea crcva lf: ._- ,,, J,;r¡¡.s1 irc3eds S: n,nr..i:rs _ i€,ed ,ar?-l !cortv¿I, ,f :areni rj ìJ _ :" J¡en'¡ l:r:'ci :i!,¡.¡1 - : " r.rirãint or seclusíon: -"¡g OUt: r:slratnt ¡kfr1"' behavior orior to restraint or seclusion aggressive behavior durine âi.',7sical Fir:t/then Other: Lir''arì ;:,-,;s.:¿l .:fsÌ.¡ -: .,tli -:: j '' ' 'l': r-:':cr-¡ . ..¡!m fcrÌ::l âo5::n ¡r::,)f! r'):.::n l¿icrtþ€ o!n'tf 'r'tul'¿9 to c(her ltudentr' '':¡lf ¡11'J/ol procef lv o¡mr'¡g€i tlrne out took place 3fter D¿scrlbe whðt l iudent r?5tore6 tne 'ilnvrronn:en ;tudent r¿lurned t3'JJorì( -¿'StuJent ' !1 i lu ¡e nt 'eiurned "vor( "vr(n prrvJte '¡'ork toace -,.^ to out¿r 3ct;vrlY rn a tr¡nsrironed s ''t{"'o"n'¡ndrt¡rleFgagedrn¡¡rwateconversðt'onaboutthettn¡uiot iSlx :ne wðscomplete: :o' !¿ttln ltuoenl lålufneÚ to ãln' gfouo g !tail"v'rt r-::t i:rr¡¡trY : tner ¡ ã5 :33m !ã :etJr:'¡i ¡3A13lP l!\re¡ll¡g öate/ll.ne: ' funcrion of thiS behavror? is the hvpothesi¿ed FBA' current the to "vhat place, see aco.te lo doculen!l \cco rilng ¡3tr¿ benevlol lrfregtìng mu 5¡ Í34 'Jcer ncr aódrets Ìhr! cañlcul¡r ç9¡r:nt -,-g sdult -hrs cÈh¡vlol tt mttn!¡tned oY accelt to cÈ¡¡vlol ' -lrlt 'cÈnavlof' lt- l'¡ðrnt¡rned ' _# ' t " íF'l cenavrol Peer åt!9ntlon rt m¡rn[atned bv ¡ccei5 to irom soctal rnÌel3ctlon m¡¡ntôlned rv e5c¡pe ;hif r3 ltlanllon ¡ask¡ or ¡ctlvrtlei cv elc¡Ée itom un'preferred bY ðcge5s to or¿f erred:tem!/¿lctlvrtlet bÈnavrol l5 rfr¡rnt¡ln€O -:hlf match the Does this hYpothesls ABC of this incident? 3'tme str ategret lvril slðv the ¡nd inttructlon¡utnterventton 'l¿5, oul rntervenllon '¡'/¿¡t appropltðte \-/ fhe [h€ ne8¿tlve oehavlo r. m¡Y have rernforced '/e5, howevel oul lntervenrlon te¡m .vttt glan revtew the r€:ponse o ÀEC d¡ta rvrll be collectedtor5d¡vsrndlmeeltngioreulew¡heFEArvrllbe to m¡rch thtr rnc¡dent' not reem )to, lhe hvpoth esl¡ doe¡ and date ¡bove) ttme nt {Please oocume ,cneouled ',r/hat ts the 'i 'I on this s tudent's replacement behavior reachtng for provided structìpn are l{ow rnany gerVtCe plO'/'def .'lrr'rl!ê5 and , g minules oi -*e 'e¡¡¡ ,y¡il 1ê€J :o r.nPe!:o llscus9 ¡ddtn : l rent/ Guaroian conr'act: J¡:3: , ' genrt¿e rime .' I ' behavtor to te¡ch th¡s reorãcernent cf ton''¡ct; .'"lÈlhoo ;.J1l1'nr!'.rltCf ! 3nåtule' 1?c:lr ::-:''!!d c¡ltlr ¡iled L!i :Ìe1 ::cï ¿l ihe'giof: f'J3t:e IEF tâ Ì."? Olr¿lt'l!¡rdl¡nlJl )1rent' 5:L:err C'rurJ('v¡ :^d c:É,e! ¡f tl:ori tcl it Àrf llñ t"?e rj¡rts ier ¡nc llurat'¡n Ser" c¿t Of l'e rc ãeal' :l¡ter {þ f at€ of oocumentatron, c I - Z'{ - I S tolv ct'tY s ll¡lll¡ ttrtttta:f lncldent Report Docurnent an d Secluslon Time-Out Log ) Sludent: Grade: l¡¡e of tngdent: iime of lncrdent: t I (> : I qur¿tlon of lnclden¡: Ch."..O C.LY\IIhJF-( 20 Team members involved: {nr-<* ',Vhat was happening immediately prior to the studenf problem s behavior (antecedent): ght/argument wrln ocÊr ,X;,ro.n, -' :rudent wa¡ oenred oreferred - !tudent wa¡ asxed !o wa¡t -_ _ itudent was told :tudent v.rr'. ¡l,:¡ \r¿S ,¡¡.r ån.-¡- o.{ +r-<. ¿crrvitV O.+* t5tÀ+.- c-\ è") was grven a raik (wh¡t kinct of tark? oiìrem Stud€nt rvðs expecred to translrron à ï€acher wðs ¡nendtng to cthers - Studcnt !va3 prompted to us! specrflc replacement beh¡v¡or lwnich on€? to move to änother locauon wðs gtven one-on-one ãttentton tdercnbe: ,-!tl.e r: o Prior \)- to restrarnt or seclusion, please describe the de-escalation strategies that were anempted by staff:. ìoom cle¡r (remove auolencel :el Imrts (rf, thenl _ J .lrrrnptrng use of reolacemen¡ ict å rrmer -X rgnorrng (not providing behavlor )irect þ cool down are¡ Xon.r"d arrrnrron for escalated behavtorl r)ther: cho¡ce¡ for cool down rirrtlthen - iludenr non'oggressive behavior prior to restrarnt or seclusion: \o I 3tu nt fsc¡( rC,<. I \^.{â^) 5 tudent aggressive behavlor durinE restraint or seclusion: ct d¡tsC: Time out: ñe¡¡!- 5 3agrnnrng nme: \ \l \r^S-¡- C \ \:'Þê ' rf dur¡tron exceeos 5o minu tet - need oerent aoproval, 3ô 9rding trme: ira./ðtla ble, n:ed :dmrnistrator aoËroval (oocument ttme/ðpprovðll Physical @ Âto K ,., restraint; - chitdren,i contrcl - posrtlon &rrr^conrrol posrtion )( ãegtnnrng t,me. , I ( ,'3() inding rranlpon pcsrtrcn trme: t \:3ô Ccncerns, descnbe: 5:gnå turei S\^4 :i^e: ) be other rnluf le5 damagel to other studþnt3' storf ¡nd/or properW ribe what took place aÍter time o'i *" o complete: î studentreStorldrheenvlfonrnlntStudenttranlltlonedtoquletacrlvrtytnapflvateworl(space - ;(uoent returned to worl the bchavror and 5tåff engåged ln a prtvate conversatlon about task Þ -J4tuotnt =r,ro.n.rerurnedßoworkwrththegroup-studentleturnedroSen'ed'setttng lnterventlon strategles met informallv ð3 ¡ team to revrÊw currÊnt - i¡¡tf revlew iðA/ðlP lNleenng Statf wril rneet f¡rmallv as a teðm to date/rlmel-) !r: ording to the cuirent FBA, what iS the hypothesized function of th¡s behavior? -:necuflentFAAdoesnotadoresstht¡part¡cul¡rcehavtor(meetlntmusltakeplacc'¡eQaoovetodocumentl _.íhrsbenaviolt¡matntalnedbyaccesstoadultattent¡onThisbehavrorlsmalntalnedbyaccesstope€fatlentlon ïhis )!:''rs Þenavtor matntâtned bY esc¡pe from soc¡al interactlon un'preferled ta5k! or acllvltles benavtor t¡ marnlarned by escðpe from ;hlÉ cenavlol - rs ls rnarntalned bV acçess to oreferred ttem¡/actlvttle¡ ihrs rernforcement !ehevrol tf matntatned ov ¡trtomðtlc -oes lhis hvpothesls match the ABC of this incident? v '' ",Ður o slr¡teßle3 wrll stav the same ¡ntervenlon wâs aopropllate ðnd tngtructtonauinterventlon the neEatlve ben¿vttf '/ es, howevel our lnteruentlon mav have retniorced -a,o,r.renvootnesrrdoe¡notreemtomatchthrsrncrdent. aoove) :;reouled loleð5e oocument tlme and dðte Vhat is the desired replacement behavior? {ow manY minutes of sPe r. ) rhe team wtll revtew the response otan' ABc,JJtð'.!rll becallecteolor5d¡vsand¡meetlngtorevrew(hÊFBAwlll be tô.-\cr.- a b".