130-16 COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SADDLE RIVER Resolution Offered by Council Member Schulstad Date: 7/18/16 Seconded by Council Member Kerner Resolution Authorizing Referendum Ballot Questions Regarding Potential Deer Population Management Policies in the Borough of Saddle River WHEREAS, the Saddle River Board of Health declared in October 2014 that ?there is a signi?cant deer problem in the Borough of Saddle River and urgent action must be taken to reduce the deer population?. WHEREAS, deer population management is an issue of great importance to the residents of Saddle River. WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 19:37-1 provides that the governing body of any municipality may ascertain the sentiment of the legal voters of the municipality upon any question or policy pertaining to the government or internal affairs thereof by the submission of such question to a vote of the-electors in the municipality at any election to be held therein, by adopting at any regular meeting an ordinance or resolution requesting the Clerk of the County to print upon the of?cial ballots to be used at the next ensuing general election a certain proposition to be formulated and expressed in the ordinance or resolution in concise form; provided that such request shall be ?led with the County Clerk not later than 81 days prior to the election. NOW THEREFORE .BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Saddle River, County of Bergen, as follows: SECTION 1. The Saddle River Borough Council does hereby request that the Bergen County Clerk place that following referendum questions on the November 2016 general election ballot: 1. Shall the Borough of Saddle River adopt a deer management policy determined by the Mayor and Council that is limited to the use of non-lethal methods only? 2. Shall the Borough of Saddle River adopt a deer management policy determined by the Mayor and Council that includes the use of lethal methods? SECTION 2. The Mayor and Council do hereby further request that the Bergen County Clerk print the aforementioned questions and eXplanatory statement on the of?cial ballot for the Borough of Saddle River for the General Election to be held on November 8, 2016. SECTION 3. A certi?ed copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Bergen County Clerk. SECTION 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its enactment and publication as required by law. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT In October 2014, the Saddle River Board of Health and the Saddle River Environmental Commission issued a joint letter stating that ?there is a signi?cant deer problem in the Borough of Saddle River and urgent action must be taken to reduce the deer population". In June 2015, the Saddle River Wildlife Management Committee and the Saddle River Environmental Commission issued a joint letter stating that the Borough Council should amend Chapter 109 of the Saddle River Borough Code ?to allow for the safe culling of our deer population to sustainable levels". The two referendum questions are designed to canvass the opinion of Saddle River voters on a range of potential deer management policy options. The results of the referendum will be one factor considered by the Saddle River Mayor and Council as future deer management policy options are evaluated and implemented. Ayes Nays Abstain Absent Jensen, Eric, Council Pres. Acaster, Benjamin Gray, Ronald Kerner, Corinne Salazer, Elizabeth Schulstad, Paul . Kurpis, Albert J., Mayor Date Passed: 7/ 18/ 16 Wromkmomormsm 'wm.ornem..ormmou 3-2.6