- _ _ _'777 PRE SERVICE SIGN IN ROSTER , 7'),-, - w CLASS: Gor NtliJeb)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) GTMO SJA 104 PRE SERVICE SIGN IN ROSTER CLASS:'" Perform Security and Control Activities (Int. Fac) .'" ~=-'-"""""'AA".............,....--.........~IN-",-S'7:T~R,;,:;U""CT;..;;...;;;O.;;.R;;.;..:_*_* ....;D.;;..;A;..;;.T.;;.;E=--: ........ ~..J.::a'-"-· .=v-!..7 b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) _ 1 GTMO SJA 105 i PRE SERVICE SIGN IN ROSTER • CLASS: * Account for Detainees * INSTRUCTOR: * >I< b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ____ ~ GTMO ,__ 7S_7_ SJA 106 ------------,._.... CAMP V BLOCK GUARD/CADRE CERTIFICATION • ~AMI;.I . ., .. =.4, '. PLATOON; Certification / Left Se~~, Right Seat Oates: *" • Day Shift: •• Mid Shift: g. " n. . . . II - w .• I • TASKS: Guard/Cadre Certification , Ii j W CONDITIONS: The Guards/Cadre are ordered to execute the day-to-day Guard Force Operations, execute all camp activities lAW JOG Camp Delta SOP and respond to all emergency situations lAW published guidance. STANDARDS: The Guards/Cadre executes the daily operations lAW established policies and procedures. Date Task Com pitted 1. Assume Assigned Post ~q Supervisor's b)(3):10 'WI. Guard Cdr 'nitla Pate Subta$ Conducted a. Ensure keys are accounted for. b. Ensure all property/equipment is accounted for. c. Ensure pass-on book is read and understood. (to include Posting Orders) . d. Ensure any assisting personnel is briefed. e. Conduct a Joint Headcount with Offgoing Cadre . Datll Task Supervisor's Completed 2. Camp b)(2) "(:.9 rV1 v/ a. Detainee Movement Inside Camp b)(2) r b. Detainee Movement Outside Cam c. Restraint Procedures V -' / '" ·---------- GTMO SJA 17 _ 107 -------------...... d. Escort Procedures -. . d. Chow Procedures .. ...... - - -". - --- ~ • - - -'. e. Manning Requirements per Post . -... f. Sally Port Procedures -.. - i. May Keep in Cell Medication - ./..U2:: . •. ./ .'. .·- •. 1~ /~ - . - - ". ......... '. -" ", ", Date Task .Completed . ~./ -------- -. - - "'. - Supervisor's 3. Duress Codes (2) Initials J ,"" - "V -~ .~~." •• .-/ '---. • • .....-. . '. . -- - '" ...... -- ". - '" -- - ". ", . .... .. -1--.'-" _ . . l2::'v , 1.0.-_ _; , . - 4. Forc~ -......\-~ .... '. Date Task Completvd - . ;.... _ Supervisor's Si nature Cell Extr3ctjon (FeE) Team ROE - , a. Check and put on gear , '. , --. - ----... ,• ----..... .. -- b. Follow instructions of team leader ' " ~ ~, • • c. Complete Paperwork for Initial Camera Brief d. Complete PaperNork Upon Completion of Move ". • • , .. • , ,. . . -.- - I . " • • • • ,, .. , GTMO SJA 108 ... '- ' , ' .~ • • . ',. .... . .... •• • ... , '. "' .. "'-, , , '. . . • , • • Supervisor's Si nature Date Task Completed t»(3):10 4. ole Pepper Spray ROE r a. Obtain Authority from Guard Commander . , b. Emergency Situation . , , '. ' , . I---- c. Personnel Authorized to Carry Data Task Completed 5. Cell Inspections I Shakedowns Initials '. a. Annotate on Cell Inspection Log .' '. '. " .' . ,, b. Use a Systematic I Methodical Approach .., " c. Confiscate all Contraband and Complete Necessary Paperwork ....- ;;;.... , D;tte Task' •,. Supe,rvi$or's '" .' '. Completed 6. Paperwork a. Daily Consolidate Block Report b. Meal Refusal Tracking Sheet '~' . ' .. /' .j.;....·....;1 / ' ~ -- .~ . " '. , c. Shower I Recreation Tracking Sheets ....... , '. '. . ....• ,.' . , d. Cell Assignment Roster " .. "" ............ ~ ~" . ~.' e. Detainee fvleal Request for Galley ..... ..-- , , f. Fasting Sheets '. '. g. Mcnthly We:ght Sheet ." . '., ' , .. ", ' h. 508 on DIMS , ' "--. . '.' '- '" ....... , , '. ". '-" • ,."" . " , . , ... ,' ..•. "" ", i. SIGACTS on DIMS • .i .., __ " ._ . . ~········1~···· , ~ • GTMO SJA 109 -----_. -----_.. _. . ....... .......... j. DA Form 2823 . -. - " k. DA Form 4137 -" '. '", , ., I. Prepare 508"s ". , ' , ""-,, " '" , "" -'" " -. ' m. Who gets what paperwork and when '-", .., ' . Supervisor's Date Task ·Comphilted -,.. - -'" - ',_C'";-._., -', .~" 7. Daily Operations a. DIMS b. Touchscreen Computer System · ~ , ". "" c. Fire Sprinkler Turn On/Off d. Cell Water Turn On/Off e. Shower Water Tum OnlOff f. Distiguished Visitor / Media Tour -- "" - '. ',-""" ..... . " -- • .. - - '. • - ~- - . . ", 1--"-,1 - - """,,- ...."'. . :. II " ..... '." it "• . • , -. - - -.. g. ICE Reservation Procedures Procedures h. OARDEC Reservation Procedures "" ~ - - • , ---. '... , "" '''' "-'" , • ' Y ; , • , • ". " • • • Habeas / Commission Lawyer Visit Procedures • J. Supply Room I. - " "" ...... - - - - -J "-'" ~. , .....j . ..\ .....'" observe detainees in close confinement • • ' " , i'-+----... ~.....-o!--- , " ~ .. " o. Inspect physical security of cell block -. I, '" ". . , \, .. " ," " ' "" ' ~ ~ ;;;; -. -'" '. " ". , -.... , " """ ~- ~ , l ", ~ . , Of -. ""'" ""'" I. Meal Procedures (Detainee and Guard) Procedures m. Conduct M~mual Cell Opening Operations -. • "---.. '" k. Clothing / Linen Issue and Turn-In _, t , . . ,.,."..../". I 'J,/<' -' l-- I GTMO SJA 110 ~ · Ii ;'; 11"'"-2---.:--------------- • p. Interact with detainees q. Detect symtoms of unusual behavior ./ • r. Frisk search a detainee s. Account for detainee I - I I t. Inspect physical security of camp u. Identify evidence/contraband j • v. Communicate effectively } b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) Platoon 5er9.~~I1.tP.re-ServiceBriefinffi Cam,Q V NCOIC Pre-5ervice Bri~f!ng; Camp y OIC Pre-Service Briefing,;, b)(3):10 USC 130b,(b)(6) Pre-5ervice Briefin re-5ervice Briefin • • b)(3):10 USC 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ha Cadre certificati program and I understand art and responsibilities of a Guard/Cadre. I will fall instructions, directives, special orders, standard regulations when carriying out my duties. I - GTMO SJA 111 STATEMENT .Place Daw ~'::{i';jSR./\ GC A)'{T.,~t!A-t.lQ 12/\"{CtmA lu.n~J:t 20ll{) *!" '."" ".2 '~r~m_ l , r i l a k e the fhlkn;vlng free ;lnd ·voluntary statement to 0tJh&%\~~Wti:h18tfufut';,1itii!ih~whorn I know to be a Representative of the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service, I make this .statement of my own fb;e v",ilJ and \Vll.lJout any threats made to me or promises extended, I fuBy nnderstand that this statement is f:,'lven concerning my knowk'dge ofthe death of three detainees in AHa Bluck My a'isigruncnt at JTF-GTMO is a J'I!1toon Leader th.. Camp 1 Detention Faciiity. The Camp I Detention Facility includes Blocks t ~ ~l :- My duties include overall management of Camp I personnel and detainees. Under me is a Sergeant of the Guard \vhose responsibility is fCIT m~agin~ the daily ~etainee_operations for the three m~m~ks. Each bto~k contain:s a Block NCO ana four olock guards. My l>latoon EL."lsumed duty at_pJUN06 for a 12 hour Sh1£1. My platoon mustered at approximately.kaf turnover wit.1. the off-going platoon. The turnover was normal. i recall the p-a......sdoVVTI included tracking the hunger striker' e showers/recreation area continued to be secured because of thunderstOlUls in the area. of the Guard, was on watch after having just returned from leave. ~., bill a~ the Sergeant of the Gl!ard and wore the belt that night. qualified Sergeant ]was on the watch I use the oft1ce jnl_Block for Admin Purposes. My nannal work location is in the causeway where I rotate between blocks ensuring operations run smoothly. The Sergeants of the Guard also operate out of the Causeway and they are the ones \'vho intenl.ct frequently with the Block NCO's. The Sergeant of the Guard's report to me. Most of the detainee issues are handled by the block NCO's but on occasion, the Sergeant's ofthe Guard get involved and if they can't l'(.'Solve a detainee's issue, thel} I get involved. As a nommJ rule, I do not get involved in daily detainee issues. I recall the evening of9June as being pretty normaL The evening meal was served at approximatdy 77:30. The meal from the time they are given their food 10 the time the \vaste is collected is about 2 hours. The guards deliver the food to the detainees &1.d arc responsible for enSllTtl1g everyihing they received is collected, ie the serving dish, clamshell and the fork. 11w uetainees arc aHovled to keep t~vo sealed itcrns (milk Of juice) in trteir ceHs but nothing mere. These items have to be placed in loc$xions ,vhere the ••(' uanltl Ci)l1 see them. GTMO SJA 112 All {h.;ta~nccs - h:.'!.ve bc.sic items in h1el-r ...d b but wm!: detaiD.;';es are alkiwed tf; 11ftVe more itenJ.8 issu;;d on ca.,;;e bv case h8.si;; meaning some detainees have man:: itC018 thfu'l their bask items_ These are caH(x! comfort item:; ;md i.j1.duJ~ :;ucn thing3a3 extra water bottles,3hoes, medical socks, towels, bed sheets, blankets, t-shirr and a mattress. Extra comSon i!.ew.li are issued based on their cooperation and compliance \vith camp rules. As an example, some detainees arc issued one blankt:t along with a second as a comfort item, one large towel along with a second as a comfort item, and an ISO mat with a mattress as a comtDrt item~ [>etainees are DOt issued a H,hirt as an issm-:d Hem but are given one as a comfort it(~m_ A listing of basic 15sue items and comfort items are induded in the DEC 2005 Camp Delta SOP. Camp one is a co~npliant camp. If a dttaiui<:e transfers into Camp One it is with the assumntion he is allo'\ved both basic and comfort item~. Items are taken awav from rJim i1'h-:. becomes ,. t . nOIl-COmp1.mn - . - After dinner was finisb.ed in Alpha Bloek (bel"\veen 9:00-9:30) the detainees began chanting or praying. That particular night only the Camp Alpha Block was chanting. This is nonnal as on any given night, only one block nonnally chants or sings. When the signing hegan, the hlockNCO or SOG called for an interpreter to I1sten. The interpreter relayed to the SOU that the signing was normal religious. singing and the chandng 'Nas uf'".AJlah" which is pretty normal. My normal routine in the catL'leway is to stop at the guard shacks from time to time and make sure things are normal. This is my SOG's primary re::;ponsibility but I also check in vvith the guard shacks as I think necessary. I also walk the blocks on occasion but on that particular night, 1 am not sure if! V,h lked Alnhn Rlock or not if I riiel ! rtA nllt rf'l~,'lll :.'ll1Vlhhw hplnv fmf of thf' 1" tn tpm back to A-8. The guards present wen~~~_ :4tJli?m~lam0!\'III!]I urn not sure ifit\tf1l1lNas there. After 0093 was on the backboard four guards grabbed it and headed to mr:Jical. I told those remaining to check on evelTnne else 111 the block and headed ~oj}ll~,djcaL r arrived at medical and 0093 \vas placed on a table and about this time, 1 heard the 2" '_~ ALFA BLOCK" over my radio, I ran back to Alpha block and saw ,Ituards at A-12 which is the cell of detainee 588. There were two guards in A-12 and 588 was lying on the deck. His hands were bound and a t\\-istcd rope made out of sheets was around hi s neck. fe, ~~\P not see anything in his mouth. 1 directed someone to bring a backbuaF_t I !i;'call that IY1A2m:m,\tfJl'l;vfis there and people from t <~/~am bein~ there. 1 don't know their name~ .. There w~ no headrest on backboard so I told \ii%~ 0 hold his head and for them to transport ]nm to medical. 1 then heard someone shout '''A-5'' which is ihe cell of detainee 693. I went from A-12 to A-5 vere a lot ofpeop1e from outside Alpha block helping out 693 was taken to medical. mlI_ I went around and checked aU the other detainees in the block and all were OK, fhe detainees \vere being real quiet. Most were either standing lip or sitting on their beds. As \Vf;; walked Ll}rough, we would look at the detainees but they would lower their heads and not look at us. This \Va'i strange because they always look at you when you look at them. blocks to make sure all was well there. b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) , "'J c~r::' '"\1 '?"~ "1' \"'' '1;. ","" ~ '" t1 .5 This statement, consisting o.fthis page and 3 {} 10£ pagc( 5) was typed tor me byt" . , }" we discussed its contents, 1 have .read and und rstand the above statement. I have been given the opportunity to make any ch.anges or correctio I desire to make and have placed my i.nirials over the ·1 • :;""F cha':lges or corrections. 'this statement is the t· GTMO SJA 114 b)(3):10 USC §130b,( fUr \Vitness -- - ---- _---- . -- - ------ -- ----------', --_ .. _- , .. __ .. Reprc' taij"e. Nav"l CrimiM] h\Ve<:tig~live Service Aun: DER!VED FROM ARTiCLE !36, UCMJ (10 U.S.c 936'1 AND 5 V.S,C 303 - - -- ----_. GTMO SJA 115 ]\fIUTARY SUSPECT'S ACKNOWLEDm:"IENT AND W AlVER (W RIGHTS :m11 am susp~ctcd of FAl.I'n::l, 1 have ciso been ad\.-l.sed that: (1) I have the rigbt to remain silent and make no statement at all; (2) Any staK"lUent r make can be us~d against me in a trial by courHTIatiial or uther judicial or administrative proceeding; (3) I have the right to consult with a la\\yer prior to any questioning. This iawyer may be a civHlan lawyer retained by me at no cost to the United States, a military lawyer appointed to act a<; my counsel at no cost to me, or both; (4) I have the right to have my retained lawyer and/or appoinlt:d military law,yer present during this -interview; and (5) 1 may terminate this interview at any time, for any reason. I~I I understand my rights a" related to me and as set forth above. With that understanding, Thav{j decided that I do not desire to remain silent, consult \...-ith a retained or appointeJ lawyer. or have a lawyer present atj'tt~ti,l5;, .,. , One of the other detainees then anived on a stretcher. 1 observed that this detainee was unconscious also. I directed the group ca.rrying the second detainee, ISN 588, to put him into the first room on the left while I moved chairs out of the hallway. 1 moved back over to ISN 093, ilnd noticed that FCI i ¥Vt' Combat Cam~r;,fro~~ PQf,~"~s fi1miVg rSN 093. Then the Commanding Officer of Joint n0~( finn Gruup (.IDG),· 1 ~ /h .'. 0 :!if .' arrived. The Colonel handed his cell phone to MAl t ,d asked her lo gel 'j:'lJaval I;,XPc(uuQuary Gl1:'lrd Battalion Commanding Officer, Commander on the line. At some point I also remember some Camp 1 guards running in looking for backboards, but the board was not there so they rall back out. I know that the next two detainee~ escort members carrying the detainees on the backboards when they were brought into medical. \" : l_t:1 0 ." . ,,? >8, ,1 remember Colone(',:'tlh._saYl11g to "recall everyone now, at least a hundred people". Another t\vo Combat tainera personnel also arrlv'oo 10 begin filming the other two detainees with digital Cam Corders. I do not know how much of a chance they had to film and am not sure if the third detainee had arrived yet, because Colonel B told them to stop fairly quickly. 'When the third detainee did arrive in medical, \vhich was light around this time, he and was t N '. ,.,'" ,. a third area of the clinic. 1 did not observe him closely, but did see that he appeared lifeless. ," j" WI~ .}, h"'\ ,\1'10 , "W;~ :\--Yhen I heard sirens coming 1 started to look for because! knew we needed to assist in ==:J·tfanspo~tin~ISN 093 tP. Vl:c bi(~1R~locatcd:~ uickly, and ~ot~d sh~ \vas on tl1c phone doing somethmg tor CQlonel~,m~1% .,'....""-',, ".,., "..,,7' .I remember the EMTs commg" ill. Tney were both HM3s and .-l~.... ,,, was not doing it Right before we put ISN 093 on the EMT's stretcher_ C':o]onei .""%,.0 • • • • . . • ~'" .~nd t along ':..., ~,\ '$ ., . gaH.l that ne w~nt~d :"\.t least one rv,fP to go wIth tne detaJ~cc. I.· :;:: '". . ,." ..L'~". \V'ith the two EI\fTs earned 151"1 093 om to the l'i.Jfwuiance and a"X'.omparued hun. to the hospItaL As '" i ll III J~j.%jq? soon as we ge't lUnJ lhc arnhulance, the i;ofjJ'5man frtmierlup chest wmpT0ssl0ll.B "tg~"in. -j ,:vas in the l;8:~k- ni~!he 3mnu1ar:ce ";vlth th~ cO!1-),sman, :;o/l1iJc I~l~ !was sent b~~ :he COITJSJTfBi1 [0 find. a qu.al.;fJcd dnver 1'0" the 2UIlDUi&J.Ke, In aDout tnree mmlltes:i1!\l~ f.;;tumed w,fn a ~o-rp2m?J1 from tl,.'.:) dmlC WI10 dro\'0 (he 'ichi;::!e. 'fhe cGtpsmen in the back of the: ;JJ1J.bulancc: 3ui0. they neederlmy help, so r pulled the deh;):nc,;':-;8 [E.,;ck back to keep his airway open \vluk: ,dso keeping the air m",<::;k c,:;; h,s mouth and '! . I <,-. ("., ;;iJmpressmg t/iC mI )Bg LV,X0 mr evecy ;_Hti:t:Tl chest ccmp~'cs;;;iOfl;) gnren tly znt~ eurpsri111l1. : "~ , 1-' ' , refl1em\Yt:r t,.l:.H It W:L": very rougn ., WJ0 . _.'I' -'!1-<, !J(JSP,~{L 't/ 1 p'.lUed back, hut the cOfl'i5mal1 said to keep going. V\T:'t1en I puUcd ISN 093'::; head back again the ciJ11'Jsman and 1noticed that the detaine.e's neck was swoHen, puffy fuld. was n purple color. /\s t,;e corpsman pushed on the ddaince's neck; the corpsman seemed surprised to see that the detainee stiil had a piece of .material 'wrapped tightly three or fOUf times around his neck, The corpsman tried to put his finger in between the clot.h and the detainee's neck, but the matrrialwas too tight for him to do this. I also tried to do the Seen cut just ahove the knot. The material was not braided, but was bunched up. The corpsman cut the "rope" a bit to loosen it, but did not cut it all the way through, and it remained on the detainee '5 body. \Vc continued CPR all the way to the hospital and on into the DetentioJ1lDctainee Advanced Care Unit. We were directed by medical to put ISN093 on one ofthe beds, where CPR was continued by the corpsman, whjle I used the phone to inform DOC that we had arrived. The DOC contact logged the call in at 0111. Medical surrounded ISN 093 and commenced care, I answered the phone, and a female Commander from the DET clinic was asking for the stams of the detainee, but the status- was illlcertain at that point. The Commander called back and said that the other two ·were dead, and again aSked for the status, One of the medical staff looked at me and held his thumb and index finger about an inch apart and said. "He's that dose to death." I told the Cornmander we would call her back when we had a status. The head of 83 arrived with a JAG officer to assess the situation. ISN093 was pronounced dead at 0150, 53 thou relieved us to go "back to the wire." From the time I and the time ISN 093 \vas pronounced dead was probably about all hour "vas told to report to lud fifteen minutes.; • hroughout the time I have been at GTMO (this includes both rotations), I have watched the detainees be given mOre leeway and have more items provided to them by Command. Detainees have consistently been allowed to get away with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) violations that have been allowed to slide by the Conuuand. Violations include the hanging of sheets too high and. altering lm~\f_Nhena guard observes a violation, the Guard can ask a detainee to stop what he is doing. but can do little else when a violations occurs except write the detainee up and put the incident in the yslem. Dctai~ces are away ",ith small stuff and u1Cll this grmvs until they are allowed o get away WIth even more.m1t~.. aHm,":titiHlet fhis slatem J:a;mM§ll~~~B!l(jJlff m", . ~ om ) I reported for Ml -watch ( 'lil % :;: at n 09J1JN06 to receive tum over '1~~~f~~~~ fonned me of no unusual activity duringhls ,,'1""1 ~_~watcli:l1rtU~~i.mJ.mmimal activity had heen schedu!c~,: t'f,trfmsoixc during my watch. Subsequent to turnover, I assumed the watch lur the !_~r the night. I last saw ISN-093 alive approximately a 11lOnth befure 09JUN06. '1 Ja:.rl saW ISN-588 alive approximately 10-12 days prior to 09JUN06. r last saw ISN-693 approximately 10-12 days prior to 09JUN06. For background purf'k.,ses, the ~vord "snowhalPl is used by the guard staff at ITF-GTMO as indicating a sclfharmed attempt, as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures. Approximately at sunset, 1 noticed the inmates from Alpha Block were singing. This in itself is typically not unusual, especially on Friday evenings, however I did note the singing wa.,<; particularly louder, and in seemmgly better 1t}).j~n. than nonna1. At approximately 2300, I departed for chow. At approximately '1'iI¥'!. returned our office at 'I'il¥'i~ ~\B My entire team and I were in the office ~at approximately 9 illillutCS bCtore midnilrht. ~ ontrol ~eceiv a nhonc call, from I believe, the t t ~' on ~lpha Block. For lntorm, _nap ,-"" , . . _ , c o n v ey a _t ?-,! mool.cal emergency ufa detamee. I sent, v~.~· ~ "0 respond to ~ ;t{1:, . ~ergency, S~?nly thereafter, 1 walked out theAsJi~l;'0_ noticed ~~_ a~_,"'M~m.2: from the _ a n d entered my otIice. ~nforrned me that we had a ' . _ My team ana t mL't!Ci.Hat~ty departed o~d entered into "Atpha" Blol.,':k~ Subsequent to entering Alpha Block, r dOi1l1,-~d rubbcr :mrgk.-al gloves. ( saw ISN-5S8 on lhe grou.nd while- a ftUXUOt:;" Df3ergeant ofthe Guard (SO(;) and AJphlJ, Block ,;x%sor..n d v'/crt~ "Dlacln2: ISN·.. 588 On[fl n nflckf;.;Jilrd. I vncdz:(] down ;;'.11\.1 felt fbr pul.<;e 2111d re:,,;p1fRt}nHs. 1 dl;.~teded no :dgrrs oflit0. H.is eyes \-VCTe ep1;~n ~nd blank His j'" ' ' _ _' " ' .•_, '" ffieuth Vv;:w: opt-Tl and I cord ,,,, h' 'eeth. I ~, .. , t alreaJT;l f'itartr.xi to tW'E ~) !uc, notl{;~xl hi~ tiX'Mils :;.ud fingem;;ilsr.. ad ' ."'1.'>,.... /.. ,-<'. ''''<''l ' ~.·l:'''''/': ,> " oor) (. . 1. . {[UITftt:dv NCISFofm . .(1 .t f)./(J4--g 1; . , GTMO SJA 120 SECRETfNOFOR'I {" , , ",' , )1'~F) I then heard ;;ol1K:OrH) shout "-Alpha-S". I believe the person ydkd "Alpha 5" in 1 aUernpt to wak{; ISN· 693. When I arriwAi, ! paused to notice what I thought to believe '",vas ISN-693 l<3,Yhig on his bup_i.: under a blankeL J thL'B noticed a hlankl,.,1 draped in the cumer of the ceil. At this tirne, ;,omeone, a unlt.lenti.ficd USN service member, with a set of keys unlocked the cell door and partially entL'fOO the room, hesitant to fully enter the room \vithout further backup. The unknown service member felt the bed 11..<; r looked behind the bianket suspended in the corner uflbe cell, I rrmnediatdy saw ISN-693 hanging from his neck between two blankets. 1 pulled on the blanket facing the front of the cell in WI attempt to get it down when another person cut it free. I approached the body and lifted it to reiea<;e the tension on the noose. iSN-693's waist was again.<;;t my chest. ISN-693 was suspended approximately six (6) inches from the deck. No part of his body was in contact with the deck. Someone behind me cut the noose and rSN-693 's weight shifted so I automatically tFdllSitioned iSN-693 to the ground. I noticed ISN693'8 hands were bound and secured to the front of his body inside a makeshift belt fashioned from the same material that comprised the noose. The noose that suspended ISN-693 w~",~P~:~times around his neck. 'While I untied and shackled ISN693 's hands,l,llil.l\illll_llHltied the noose from hi, neck I called out for a backboard. I checked for respirations and a pulse hut could not deted ;my signs of life. T noticed rSN~693 was cool to the touch. [saw a..'1d felt the ligature marks ;JIOund his neck, they fult rough and "pl~iic". ISN-693's mouth was slightlyopcn and I could see his teeth. I did not see anything in his mouth. His eyes were slightly open and one wa.', open wider than the other. Someone hrought a backboard in to the cclland prepped the board to place him on the board. Out of habit, I instruded them to assist me lo place ISN-693 onto the backboard prior to transporting him from his cell. We secured him to the backboard aud ITlU1Sported him (physically raul to the Detainee Clinic, Medical personnel directed lIS to take rSN~693 to room eleven (l1), Along the way to room cleven, I noticed what I believe to be ISN-093 in the trauma area with emergency personnel perfonning CPR. Someone called fur a combat camera. I am combat camera qualifi~d so 1 volunteer~ to vidoot.ape the ~cnt. I ran t~c,y~id~Tr!l,~~~tQT approxunately two (2) rnmutes until I was mstructed by' t,H, %. halt taping. Members of my team and I were helping the corpsmen as we coukl. At approximately 0116 hrs, lhe attending medical doctor pronounced ISN-693 and ISN-588 "to, ~Cr3WjF-." ,~:flf!"th"\1 pronounced dead, (ill "'i~~q,.?iT."tt1i . ssignedj1x'lim{~lt1$E ,% '. ,".5'\11111~d me to guard the bOdIes. 1 heard thl-"Te was another Dctaineeli!mi~:to the medical facility so 1 was instructed by the attending medical doctor to relocate ISN-693 from room eleven to room ten (10) where ISN-S8g was located in order to froo room eleven fur the incoming Detainee, We c-cdlccted aU the materials that came on the Detainees and conso!i,t~iq7t,\i~\~11 t~a~, ~p~c~~:c Detainee, placing the items on their bodies. I instructed to~gg~'o/itigli¥f!J%fffdI.'V .0 ~"'..- tu shut the door of mom kn and 1JGstet· ou:t:;idc the- door with in~tflJ.ction~ lo anow no j:Ki'&Jn m.-;ide. T4l ass1imoo responsibility fix 5cgn:;gadng ISN'l~j,il1ll~YIII!l 693 and ISN- . ,-,. _~ ".•' '~."" u ,-~ents litter, 1 was l.nton.,nt,."d SP:?bJ. Agt':nt~tk~ llim)~ teflU,;S::OO my presew:e m the C(HH:;,;n:.:nce forint [signoo <'',Jt ';:il,l t~1i{fy}lJ(I{lK anti > 'h ... ," 'z' I n h'IA· ,t}, ,%.L ueparfi;xi L e m<:Xiiciiln:H:1dty to ti'.;" ('iJn~;':4{;Hi:E i'nom 8t .;UJ. u.1ng 0[\1;',,', ,ff Iii ' ii' ""P": ,,t UK 8' ". " I . } GTMO SJA 121 SECRETfNOFORN· b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) This statement, consi,sting oftnis page and 2 othCT page(s) were typed for me by SpeciJ~] i_~;\S we discussed its contents. J have read and understand the above statcmhnt. 1 have been given the opportunity to make any changes or corrections I de..~lre to make and have placed my initial,,; over the changes or corrections. This statemt-'I1t is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief'" Signature: day of =S-.:.,,,, "- in the YCE.r J,oo G ""-W~JJ;. <.t Y Witnessed Investigative Service AlJTH: DER[VED FROM ARTICLE 136, UCM] (llJ U.S.C. 936) AND 5 U.S.c. 303 n ., '. age:5 ". ., (II;) GTMO SJA 122 nescribe your role on t/1(! night oIthe suicides, 9--10 June Cnmp duty officer"-~3n o'v't'nvatch: thinks he had Camps L, 2, 3, 4~ dutie" i,ndudc <.:onfirJ11ing ~dl guards present, \vul'.:hes mnning normaHy, Typically varied his routine to keep guards Oll their toes. Doesn't rem em her exactly Lhe details of that night When he [;,::cc1ved the nev.'s about the crisi::;, he had inspected Camp 4 i,,)nee. none of the 9...."e remainder. {Ie was in Bldg 3 wher"1~1"~~"" ,"";;Mtfil %,L .'phoned 'Vvith the ne " - d barelY understrmd him~ ," ',.,Y"" " , ~ reporteo, Cod vJtT,ilil!tL~ " . -oul of breath, ~-plus ace _" . . ' . cli0' '0'" m" , i%~lO A Block, wuh detainee lmcesponsive. ,ff, ' Porter ran to Camp!, people nmning around; a team \-vas moving me last detninee oul of the sally p01i as Porter came in. Didn't Lalk to any oftlle A BJock personneL Stood on the causeway on tbe outer sail\-'. dOU,ll the tier. :tvlAs v/ere ,-Qoin!!'--- cell to .. - could sec straight .. cell, making sure detainees 'were awake. ~ ' What are the rules on hanging things in celL-,reeks ,Ix«;we 9- / () {,y.,,;) ,. d. ,<", GTMO SJA 123 'h"%:ti?lI- didn't nx:civl: any info tb.at de:tainee:, were plann}r\g anything, like thi.11. If thaI;': hoo been an increased threat, it v,n::,uld'vc hec-n in ~mllm~_:iaily BFR, and the eHe vyould'vc passed straight io PL, and 1-!ten logged in PL's passdu\,-n log lor l.rallsmission to relicfsi:lifBdoesn't knm-v'Vvho rcvic~viJ;J lhe passd(YI>'Vlllog; he would check it e\id) once in a whik to be nosy~~helped hilTI stH)''- updated l:li._Tb,1..mrdf; fclt like detainees ','.-cre running lhc 'i~lill_ Damp, doing jU:-;l about aHything they wanted. 1n places like smoking area,0&L0I'ttt40Z\r,\;YluJd hear guards complain they're just \A,:aiter;:; serving the iittaii1¢l::s. Higher authuriti;;s diJn't back up guards' request~, for discipJining detai!l{:(':s~-no rcprirruutd for bad behavior. Example: If guards took 8. sheet away from a detaince lor lillmveling an end, Jehlinee wouldn't like iI., higher ups saw this as a quality of life issue for detainees, set up 8 cell tl:\l~ detainees to seVl i11. TJid compliance mean mure rdayed enforcemmt olrulcs? ·Ycs. The nolior. prevailed that n A compliant camp is a good cam,)"'. " frequently when guards \\Tote up a detainee and sent the fj:port t ' ~nothing happened. How did higher authorities measure the degree (~f detainee compliance? Va\.' OICs \vou1d expbin changes as happening for various rea~ons_ ~llch as the " '" l'ml,IWitI~Tlll_ International Committee of the Red Cross WflS do\'m Qn~ttr~_ _ GTMO SJA 125 '''h f-' , . h "fd" . -l' \¥ at "orr Q gUiQ;i[KC 'Nue yo') gIven '- y your superIor O..flCerS regJX 11'18: enTorcemr:nt 0, rule::;? "") '< , you gIve " tne gnatiJ rorct r ["" h ;j Or'? '" 'lv' 1at ~o:rt: 0 t~·..) gUluance 010 a b!Jut ~rLorcmg llC , j S: I Did you find it ncecssary lo ldl guards to ease up on enf;}!"cemerlt? GTMO SJA 126 ,0Ia~-~' ,,,,(;. , Dati:: j',,~~~~Ji~_m~e the fo~IG"ving~ree m;d vQluntaY}', stat~ment to Col ~-mllli_wnom 1 kno\·\f to be appomted by t{AD;v111alTY B. IIams, k, to conduct an informal investigation into w11ethe1' (l) the Camp Delta SOP was follO\ved by n:J<:v<:lnl Joint Detention Group personnel during t!1'': overnight haUfs 01'9-10 lun;;: 2006; and, (2) if the SOP \va~ not followed, \vbether this t'BiJurc contributed to the abilit) of the Jdainecs to commit suicide on that night. I make this statement of my G\vn free \vill and withuut any threms made io me or promises extcmh:J, I fully understand that this stat'.::ment is given concerning my knowledge of the death of three detainees 111 AIl'ha Block. My assignment at JTF-GTMO is O,I(i, for the Can1n 1 Detention Facility. 'Ihe Camp] Detention Facility includes Blocks t. ~l My duties include: Supervising personnel in the administration, operation and safe, humane detainment ur over 500 enemy combatants ,:viL~in the maxil11um~security canfinG? nfC"ln~1~ Tt",IL I\ify chain of eomn~flnd on the ni~ht of 9~ 10 June 2006_ bCQ "nninQ Winl t Oner tionallv:, iFh'!l1 did you assume your duties as Ole a/Camp 1. and what experience did )XJ1i have in Carnp Delta bef()re rhat? 07 June 2006, Prev-iollsly was Crnnp 4 Ole and a couple of weeks as Cflmp 1 (He February. 1ll Describe IIwse dUlies in gener,," and also describe your role on the night ofthe suicides, 9-10 Junc. As Ole 1 take care of sailors, makes sure they're dOl11g their job~"From CJDCi sumd point" I'm like a division oftieer. "From 1alu . TO th' e leIter,'" Camrj:' ulrterea ~ wnere ,W detainees got more freedom; 1 didn't get clear guidance " from'."~I"_~'" ,~-!Jlilfil ',," but did 'ml~I''ifllr~'YRll_ 'tollm.ving the SOP ",,"' " receive an email fro1Y~tk~on " H-71Gl guidance did;vou ghe .llou" A ores refjarding interpretation qlS()Ps/ My Quidance to AOTes 'was follow the Guard ?vlount ~"lcss8gcs. or the SOP, and I~~wm_ whatever procl'dure~~ttr~WJ~adgoing \vcre to stay in effect. ,. .. How do }'()U oversee the AOIC turnovers? Turnover from day shift to night was via email. Depending on changes or things that happened during the day I might talk \'/1th t11(; Qn~duty ACHe about an issY~t; ,or nhone or r,;;mailthem. V·'/e all work in the same office, with night AOTe going dav AOIC frorrjH\%'t~4:W@W'ttlL:YYi?lt:v:t7k1i.and the lint sergeant ~oinjJ?lti'4~J about _ 0.i0.&WiJ,,,\ViM{0if!iJ&.0ii&,\,~w& ~. "-, _~~ fronl:m,t_ When your superiors ord(!red changes in procedure, how were those changes communicated to the guardfora? ,J.n/p came out in daily Battl.c ~Jpdate Br,ictillg. and guard mo~n~, /\t BUB, ~:OL B~wouJd,say, "11m; I::;~10W \VI;' II d~ Il," then he'd bnei COs, then tIltered to Platoon Leaders, Sergeants of Uuard, etc. Guard ~'1ount Messages would be generated & PLs INuuld chl.'ck in DIMS. I hadn't yet been to a Camp 1 guard mount before 9/10 June. Compare the (!Iy!orcement ~(Tufes in Campmas compared to Camp ml\1 ' ii !d- \' Can't really answer this vlcll, althal tilTic1 Vv'a~ nol invDj,ted with camfl ' - operations as I'rf1 DJ)\\\ Thc" rules \VeTe the sarne, but the attinde: of the guards \,Ven :;tricter. Como} is calied a comr:hant camp, biit detainees routine/v refu5f> .. - - 10 ,ii)!im1' f,Fi;orLI .~" <- or ary,u(' i+i'/; guards" ho;,/ cal} al/ the n!!i!o!!{)iiun be ('{{n,:xt' cump{fcmf? GTMO SJA 128 fT7w! sort ofpre.wI'I/'<-,p"1"(1 .u I'" Ih -, t.it /., ',' (lIt" .J, '; f,;J U('IV b 1'0 /linr!' ., _.'-' ·j/here are (hI! log books for Camp J Sergeants ofthe Guard and Platoon reader,,? j',- wil~ t";, '"-.;'rL , og book was turned averta.'; ,ff Iii "W;~ - on! IALG06. T'7wt is a counseline chit, and ivhcre are reconi" olrhem maintained? L. _ ~ counseling chit is a \Hitten record to info1111 and provide corrective actions tor a sailor or the auy of lo11o..ving: reasons: perfonnance, responsibilities, Oll' progress, cmeer advancement suppo., of dependents, indebtedness, substandard <:lppemam:e, personal b(~h::,"vior. Any chits that arc: generated are placed in the memhers DiVa note hook or record. Those flrc keep on DU:rA Block oftlC0 for Camp 2/3 personnel and Mental Heath Unit for Camp 4 personnel. ..). GTMO SJA 130 When did .VON assume the Deputy CO duties? What guidance did she receive about :j _~ .],Y; "'()~) 1 arrived for duty in August 2005 and assill11ed command of the Navy l:xpeditionary Guard Battalion (NEGB)(thcn v.nown <'\3 the l'Javy Provisional Guard BaHa!iun:~ un 27 /\ugusl 2005, In february 2006 I Tva<; appointed the Deputy Comrnander, Joint Detention Group in w:.ldition to my dulies as the Commander, NEOB. What wert:' the rules regarding hanging things on the cel! walls? AltbOllQh not and that the camp leadership \VUS interpreting thl:: SOPs too liberally with the intent of keeping a quiet camp. In April r conducted.<;1 Command Climate Survey to assess the command's morale and feelings on their quality unite cmd working conditions, "'\-'hile the survey itself is a standardized survey, J also included questions that the il1dividuab couid answer fredy. \",'hen I r~(,;eivt:d their responses and noticed that many of them addressed their concerns with 'interpretation of the SOP') I ccmducted CAPT':3 Calls with " personnc.1\,J)' pay gmck ' 1(; ijfl(s .."om . ?odi.\! J• l ' lruslratFJn. ~ 6.i, \\;3':; cdusmg LItlf .'l'h e general' ('>3mpl;;tinls '.-'cntercd anytmd the camp lea.de-rship not enforcing the SOP Sf} ::1"18:1 the ' , , stay caI ' nUl cal's!.:' prOD , I t.'lHS, tellmg '" them to !:ft;llCXIG 'L~" Ie . in ' Vinal , j ,~ehlnleCS \\/0111C m arw > TJ:;trls - "I -, L,e "'1) >.t;. "I,ve!.'>,,; stndJ\/ ('J ~ enr(;f(::~_ . ' '... , tnat U,::fC Vicre Ino rmmv ,~nDn~725 it) "" 1 "',"1" tl\~: ~ ), hln.1 GTMO SJA 131 \\'<:;;J.T coming out tc,o quickly, and that they wer,;!osing their 8bi!ity to :-!,-·t"ill'YS \'''i f , (dllb~ I.' "c,",li-'iliYl" la,l.:.''1C' '1:''' , 15 j1(u'c ;.'P-i': . • . • • "'", Knbc~ . - -- " .. ~." . . . .~ >-. --' .i <.. (;(lliliol the: ~ ~ \\lth each subsequent glOUp iha! I met \vith, up to and including the GfficC:fs, I reiterated thut the SOP wns: not merely guidance, but the policy thal I expected them to :1d1l(:rl; to when nmning the camps and dealing with detainees, Ifyou had walked of11he blor;:k (hat nigh! and seen sheefs & b!ankds hanging up. t1'hat would •vot! have done / • In had been on the hlocks that night, as someone with a dilTcrcnt perspl'ctivc sin(;.c I did j"!;~f;'Jt ..,,,,,j }'7_1,1 h,,,,,,,c> ., A"" n ... fl."" hl,-..,.,lr I ",,...,,lel probably have noticed the blankets fmd GCflcrall \', '.vhcn I (or anv senior ~Ip,l f.:aIm: mto the camps, the word \'I,:ourcr'he passed that I Wf1~ in th'c cflmps and headed to n certain block. Block opc,ratiuns wuuld ahvays be running smoothly when I arrived and nonnally 1 would only' find minor corrections that would be needed. {Fha( ure strengths & H'cakncsse.'i' o,f Alpha Block guard leam ot! night 0/9/.1 0 June? TI1C leadership on the block and in the camp on 9/10 June ww:, proficient at their jobs, Tl~e night AOICwas ~~~\~'hile~ui:t and,res,erved, he has solid lead~rship sluIls and a good grasp or camp operatlOns. ,~s also reserved, and vduk not the strongest Chief (in terms of leadership) in the command, I had never had complaints or heard of any deficiencies in his perfonnancc from the camp leadership or the Sailors assigned to lhe camp. I did not know the junior Sailors individually as that is the responsibility of the camp leadership. 1 \\iOllid normally only kno'.v the Sailors individually if1.hi:y had been brought to my attention br something th~y had done extremely \vel! or if they had encountered an issue or problem (such as NJP). GTMO SJA 132 n now 1"t·fIS turnover COIHj ')11'" ucfed I le[lveen /:i(. 1",3;' Turnover between orr-going :i..J1d on-going shilts is done in the ca.rnps as part of guard mount. \VhiJe T(or the CMC) would occasional1y go hy guard muunts to either give a coin Dr share some inJo,• it was not on a rou1u1e basis in Max as I had been conducting< CAPT's Calls during the month, Turnover between the Camp I\OICs was normally dOlle in the Camp uHk,i;;s or in the Camp office in the NEGR HQ trilileL It v:as not done in front of tnc siJlce j may. or mav, nol have beo::n in the o\.-liiding , at the time. If I needed to ask a question, I would call the /\OTC on the cell phone. orcs Hml' were random headcmmtx conducted? TFhv do you think the Alpha Rinck guard" didn't spot the bodies earUer? On the night of9/10 June I think the guards did 110t see the bodies earlier hecause they "vue not thinkiJ1[~ that the detainees would commit suicid\;, The recent attl'rnplS had been Y'X frurl" t . ~,. md when L.1.cy did encounter a detainee making a suicide gestuH: uy IHllIglllg; II \-'ias Ilsually a fake gesture and they W\:fC nol in real danger or hurting themselves because of quick guard force reaction. On that night it was hot 811d dark on the block and when thc detainees wl:,':nl to skep earlier than usual for a Friday night, I think the guards were grateful that there had not been any prohlems on their shift that night. They ,vere complacent since there had not bct:n any reccnt problems in the camp or on that block j'.' What sarI a/intelligence was heing hriefed on the threat of.micide? ThtTC had not be,~n any concrete intel passed 011 to the guards about hoy\, J:l. detainee migh1 commit suicide, and tb..;.: oniy real attempt that some of them had SCl'n \\'as when 261 cut himself a fc;.v months earlier. I don't think their rninds vvere able to gmsp the concept of suicide, jihad aIle! martyrdom amI the ~elf. .J.iscipline it would take a person to commit an GTMO SJA 133 Place: f:<:rmp :;'J\Jerir;;:;, G-uani.anamv Bay, Cuba IJak: 28 Julv" 2006 " "il'II'w" make the follo\ving fret; and voluntary statement tc.'; _' ff ' .': 'A __ ,-om r {(r,O\-v to be appointed by RADM Harry B. Hams, II'., to _ t}~ -"'1'.10 Iii - c6rltiuh 'lm infoDnal investigntioll into v.-llCthcr (1) the Camp Delta SOP wa..;; followed by relev(lnt J(1int Detention Group personl"1el during the overnight hours of 9-10 June 2006; and, (2) if the SOP ,;:as not fnUowcd,whcthcr this failure contributed to the ahili\:/ of the dct;:;tinccs to c.ommit suiciJe on that night. I make this statement of my o\vn tree vv'iIi and '\vithout any threats made to me or promises extended. J ful1y understand that this statemeilt is given concerning my knmvledgc of the deaJh of three detainees in Alpha Block. At the time of the suicides, thc night of9-10 JLme 2006, my assignment at JTF-GTMO \vas AOJC for the Camp I Detention Facility. The Camp 1 Detention Fiil;ility includes Bloc~sMy ,duties iW:,ludt: ensurIng loe sale aJ.1tl l1umane treatment was proVIded. to all detamees a5s1gned to Camp I, ensming the health and weHare of the Sailors assigned to Camp 1 wns maintained and various administrative duties fOl' the Sailors assigned. 1vly subordinates include the Platoon Leader. Senleant of the Juard. down to the AJpha Bloek ?\TO un the nillht of 9]OJune2006,j"'~T4: "".liT:' ,,'t\'TS""1, -- Describe your role on the night of tllC suicides, 9-10 june, I was assigned as the daytime AOIC from 10Feb06. I was not on duty the night of 9- to June however I am alwavs on call. - What arc the rules on hanging things in cells? At the time the incident occurred detainees were allo\',:ed to hang items in their cells as long as guard force pcrsOIll1d \-\'ere able to maintain continuous line of sight of thc detaince. Ho\\' frequently did you attend guard mount? VI/alk cdr blol::ks? I attended guard mount,> randomly to address the guard force or to ens-me the time ;;J1Gtted far rmard mount was beim: utilized effectiye1y. '-' - T,;,;alked the cc.!l blocks daih. and was presenl in the causev.:;).y· when not in tile_' G3mp 'i.e hfUY the bIocKS, - GTMO SJA 134 '-,,1/har "INa:; your understanding ofti,e level of threat (if suicide in the \'/ccb bdiJrc 9-10 June') -rhcrChas always a g<:nerJl level of threat of suicide in the camp however, the week::; before the Alpha Block incident the threat kvd was HIGH. This \:vas due tD intelligence leading the command to helieve an incident of a mass self harm \vas eminent. Vihat guidance did you give the guard fOIce abOljt that threat? T advised my gURfd h1rGC of the inlelligt'nc,e received regarding t.1-:Ie threat em numerous occasions to ensure they took it seriomlv. r 81so had mv PL 's/SOO'$ hold [!varJ mount training on t"t Y< 1 ' proct:dures on e;ch shift's first day ;n after 11aving two consecutIve days ott to ensure the procedures were fresh in their minds ... ,also to reiterate the seriousness of the threat Why do you think it l()ok the: Alpha Block guards so long to find the bodies? 1 don't kuO\v, I wasn't present on the shift so I cannot provide a clear answer on thflt. ","'hat are the procedures fOl' a random head count? \Vere you aware of guards nol visually confirming the hcadcount via sighting of skin or movement? Do you recall the name of the officer giving training on random hcatkolmt procedures at guard mounts in lhe weeks before 9-10 June, and do you recall the suhstance ofthose procedures? I do not recall any such training. \\'hen there were changes in procedure directed by your superiors, how did yuu communicate those changes to the guard force? )\/fost changes came oui vi~ the BUB, our daily morning meeting and \vere usually verbal orders directed to us by the ClDG. 1 normally l'onlInunic~lted L.~ost: orders directly to my PI. and SOG yerbaHy dire;;:.t!y after the morning m;~etil1g, }{ow rEd you vcril)' that those ch~mges were cIeady understood b:y the guard force? GTMO SJA 135 throughout the shifrs. Also. vvhen procedmal changes an; mad", t!Ji,.")' ? \\:';"TC llsmdly pill in Chlard rnaunt mc::::s<"gc in DIMS for the fit's and SOG's to brief at gtlilrd nlf:unU. 'What ~ort of guidance w~rt you given by your superior officers regarding enforcement of ~ul""C"} "'" , " ! \vas told by the CJDG to go by the SOP hmvever, it \l,las a guideline and us as OiCs and AOIC's need to thin k outside the box at timc~,l/\~~"~i~~,;jl,) nn:venling incidents from OCCUfTi~lg. S?Hletimt: ai~~: this ~on,vers~tion \~'hen 1§~, ,L hecame the DC:JDG .w~ ;1?L '\vere toid. to toJ1ow the SUP vorballm. Sometllnes m.iT gtllUance seemed to be conflIctmg b('call~e there \vere times Vie (OTC'sJ/\OIC's) \vould make decisions in accordance with tl1C SOP and get counseled on ll~ing common sense at the morning meetings. For some time there were conflict,> between DOC and the camps because personnel from DOC '\vould call directly to the hlo\:k$ <".nd order the guards to do things 'without the OYC's or AOTe's knm,yledge ....one incident in particular was a call that came from DOC (The Chief of Discipline) to :\Jpha block telling the guards to take a detainee out to the recreation v' d to a ow ' i ' , 1, /1 n 1, I' , , j'.' , , What sort of guidancl; did you give the guard ton:e ahout enforcing the SOPs? I instrw:td my guard force to follow the SOP and any guard mount messages that came out. Did you find it necessary to tell guards to ease up on enforcement? No, 1 never direcled guards to "Ease Up" on enforcing the SOP. GTMO SJA 136 TAu D ~- (U) Joim Detention Group LeadeTship 1 iUI , . ment, t 7 June 2006 [NelS exhibit 48} ""- . on• • ".. (U) .~ Statement, 8 August 2006 4. (tT) 'tatement, 28 July 2006 GTMO SJA 137 PLACE:. GUalltanamo Bay, Cuba P''IJF:: 19JUN06 n.o '" t'i!Jlii£ "":I"~ '",% 'ifP~ ,L , . e this free and voluntary statement t :t off Iii ~O e aeprcscntative of the Enited States Nsw.l Criminal investigatiVe 1 make this statement of my own tree will and without any threats made to me r promises extended. I fully understand tr.at this statement is given c-onceming my , wledge ofthe deaths of three detainees found hanged on lOJUN06it, .IPha lock, Camp J aboard the Joint Task Force Guantanarno Bay. Cuba. ~~. j0"" , ,,,,"' ,,' " lIlli' ~~:. -~x·o;:i,~'·.A <:of th", nuantanamo Detainee Clinic at 0203 hrs after ~"~RIii%,L " ' contao;"ied me at my residence via telephone instructing me to do so, could not pmvldc me ddails regarding the reasons fur my recall over he Executive the phone. When I reported to my office,lB: "'i~T::" ?iTwTS"i, Officer instructed me to take charge ofthe two bodIes located at the Detainee Clinic. When 1 arrived, lSN-588 and lSN -693 had already been pronounced dead and were located in room ten (10). Three guards ~ ~,¥,e~~41~'s~w:~"roo t~ (10) and were sta..'1d-ing guard. Their badge numbers are~' ,!Wi. 't, , v L' . ~1\ 'A. \~ I opened the door and confinned that I did in fact have two ueao bodIes 10 room ten (10). [then inquired the medical staff if the deceased detainees were treated in any other room, other than room ten (10) in the Detainee Clinic. I was informed they had treated detainees in room eleven and the examination room,j',,:,ij:1it{'if:l'1Ii.\11 staff cleaned the rooms used to treat the deceased detainees, I instruLitx~'~to maintain a log of all personnel '~fo n~~r !Jl ten (10). The, followin"g personnel entered room tcu,Jl,q), MACS ,. at 0220 Jm;"C0 .h,. cnteroo at 0223 hrs,II~. , the cultural advisor entered at 0300 and departed aE \)jV! Drs, 0318 ,.lu;sIbur (4) unldentifioo NCIS and CITP Special Agents including Special Agenl'~ W~_ A combat cameraman entered room ten (1) at 0318 hrs. NCI~rocessed the SCLTIC behind dosed doors. Subsequent to their departure, Guards MA1~1~0, "'6,°· ,mk~6. andlB: "'i~T:i-,?iT 'Tt'"1 , ,ill~ I ;:,s~rt;d,;;J:e tv:o afbrcmc~t~oned detam~s to the morgue. I coommatca wrth Malor.tt}n~mtft:1m.lor the adrruttmg the detainees to the rnorguc. 1ssurncd our \vatch oftbc tv/o detainees at approximately 0545 bri?, }j :ii.\ll'Yl"IB GTMO SJA 138 COl'Jinuation ofVohmti1rv Swom Stql!~~mt of 'lilT_'l\111Im~ji#1"l_ ~t&~~~ On19JUN06 usc §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) _ h i s statement, consisting ofthis page and one other page was typed fur me by Special - .BIilImu~ls we discussed its contents. I have read and understand the above statement. 1 have been given the opportunity to make any changes or correction.s I desire b)(3):10 to make and have placed my initials over the chaJ;tJ1 the truth to the best of my knowloog h("L~_ rrections. This statement is Witncs" UCMJ (lO U.S.c. 936) AND 5 CST. 303 GTMO SJA 139 TAB F ~- (li) Cmnp Delta Duty "\t1edical Personnel, Night of 9/ i 0 Jl.me 2006 ?iT'Tt 1i ;taterl1ent, ! 9 June 2006 L , 15 JUlle 200e; ". , J. -Statement, 15 June 2006 .!. (U) )tatcmcnt, 16 June 2006 5, ~tatemeIlt, 6. 16 June 2006 ~tatement, 16 Jun..: 2006 Itement, 16 ]tme, 2006 7. -aatement, 16 June 2006 8. 9. ( U). Statement, 16 June 2006 10. (C) , atement,16 June 2006 '-------'-----"---- GTMO SJA 140 1OJtJNO 6-HPGT-OC ~~ 1 -,7ENA (DECE1\SED) SUBJ: V.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL lJ"iVIi:STIGATIVE SERVICE u:KCI/J:SU~;Z.t; (S ~ ,1',\ ;~"I :i.\';1b1; '<'tnC'2 ?C:;;0:::'~ :.:~)-r V/Z;.L Zi\BR.A~II/: :'ht:l~:6 .. - n'lPLOYEENT: SSN: POb: REPORTED J2'FICE: Ager.t FOR OFFICIAL US>' ONLY i-_M-v -~-"'T "JS" ,"C "";"''''-;'.4-''0 -;_,--U'!I :;;~C;;'_WWHl!NT!H;]:'+O:J,?,('H,RN 'J" .. j-M;" 1".f;,;,,~~.r~'!1f'-i~'8JJG::::Gy.z T'r;~!~~G ~F" of ,J!E.,:A co;·" ,,,,",' Tv ~[~%,;~ Vi;.;':.""' ,-, ;"C'~L ')~T'!i~ Pi0l""" M.';;-"; U-,'"d''' GTMO SJA 141 ~ ;','" 'N 'ity,",'- ':~~'A~i.~L J0" n'·, ;<]·'KH!,D "N"t".'1 ';"[V"'~ ~;;O_'j;.::>;, rrwoon 'psi!i9!l; o I:'rou a Head CbiqComRI.imN o . !'of- o ow,;:tj" ErnergmlC)' o None 0 other o Altered Mental statw ~Am1« o PnOOrJ J """"- ) O!~ 11 Pelvi. Ann R.iLlB o Abliomen Oa.et____ o ~taIi.11.iR«:tl!m Wa t.gStilipdI MoiltW! oNormtJ o Nonnol ....C. . 0,,", Cl "'10;. o H.. o 0 N!l~ o Bum (Electri<:a1ICh«:rm~l) R L o 0 o 0 RhondlifRllIea o 0 Wb~" o Silsped.cd ETOR IntoxiCliltion , O~OD o (N-) On>wnins oHeat enmp.!ExluulltionlStt>:b a AuaulllAba.. o Belllwlo.-.l Diaord« o Respiratory DiwcSll o OR 0 Uibor 0 DoIivery o Diuinest a Allqic Reae«on o ion 0 Seilura 0 S\ftI ODiabcW ul-{ crtcn=ion 0 ' !JCAitway Obdtud-ion - f: Q Oth.. PATIENT INFORMATION AJ let!!W: a N~nc UlJ;n n rJ i..t,) ij 4J ' D.utbma 0 Cardia" oCOPD OCVA(nrob , e&p1M 0 Sitting $C-8pinII o DmbriUItion o DmaMndn o Ew-ie.t.tiOll (time~ ...__ --.-J o HOi/Cold Pacb pmrtnliJ;j Trauma 0- Bum (nota Decree & %) H - Soft 1'il_ Injury I ~ lm~ed Obi"'" II J _ Pain Only (rUt on seale of I - to: I:X. 4;'10) K - hralysil L - Lactruion M -Cnub . . J!l'.,~1 ,... i.rilll "_,.,_._ """'~~ &IVAdmlll iJ frriptioe o MAST o 08 Delivery Timl< TUl'lll "i.; DrugIFluid tJfOKygen~'1 C I'recMdiai Thump O~ 0 Sandbqr Amount ...;. R~ClionlRclult Mdhodi'LQcatiOll I 1- il~ J l' {':,'--I/J.:[. +. GTMO SJA 142 AMBULANCE REPORT u.s. Naval Hl'ulpltd CuantlltllallllO Bay, Cuba RUNTIMES Can Receiy~ TimeOut Tun, On Scene Time u.tVll SC~ runt It ROlIPital Total MinllWl ~~, ~e~ Oi.'f,SN::t!rj .~ !)ATe~ . -:" " T!!!!!ll'Jl1 hfiti9lli 0 Supm~ DSi!1i:1 C4!1 Pi".l?9.!ition; [) Standby OProne QHqd OOlJuf' OTma ortelt CPt RefuSlI 0 MEDEVACO Scene Tn:&Illd 0 Cucelled On R~ 0 Tt#tll!tw PATIENT INJf'OR,J4liTJON . 0 No).- o Cardi" fJ OOPO o 0 C V l1ttOO 'en a Seizuru C o None 0 Other oA~Y QbftnIction o AUi>ults, 15 June 7006 i;\.'ClS Exhibit 64) GTMO SJA 145 ",~u \'.'·t'1';;;!'rB'wekD ut V P I"''''' ~f'ol1r J °or' hD L' ~~ t L, . . i,;l1iOlme ~ ~'~H!nt 01 ';;II 1V un.,;. V6 ..i D " .. - . 0· . ..- '"{fi 1, (U) Camp;lDulY Rosier, Xight of9/10 lun 2006 j',- '\'I~ ""Hfr11 'UT ~i'1fnY - ('U\,I.' t , ' .,}." " . \ - \~\ _... " '"oB! a. Statement, 15 June 2006 [NelS Exhibit 8, cited. as NelS b. Statement, 17 June 2006 [NelS Exhibit 9, cited 8S NeTS c. Statement,9 Augusl2006 7 3 (U) ft, I fR¥M1Pa~~ga1\~gl:j\\ll\?!:ifI1tIlJl\~1ts '15/2006] /16/2006) '1"11\11 Statement, 10 .June 2006 [NeTS Exhibit 11, cited as NelS ~~., " . 6/15/2006] \ • .. b. Statement, S August 2006 c. Statement, 21 Augus! 2006 4. (lJ)lBl '"'i~T:' tatements a. Statement, 10 June 2006 [NCIS Exhibit 13, cited as NCIS 6/! 5/2006] b. Statement, 8 August 2006 c. Statement, 20 August 2006 , 'i~\ill~r~~\1YWi~l:v:lri"_, 5, (L).~~~~1D " ')tatCfficuts ao Statement, 10 June 2006 [NCIS Exhibit 15, cited as NCIS 6!l4/2006] h. ReM interview, 16 June 2006 (NeTS Exhibit 16, cited <4<; NC 6/16/20061 c. Statement 26 July 2006 6, ;tatemcnts a. Statement, 14 June 2006 [NelS Exhibit 18, cited as 6/14/2006] b. Re-imerview 16 June 2006 [NelS Exhibit 19, cited 6/16/2006 b. Statement, 26 July 2006 GTMO SJA 146 TAB C -~ CU) Other Camp t Duty Guard Porce, Night of 9/! 0 .fun 2006 j"'d~4: 1. (tTl 11. X% -~tatements (U) StatcmcnL 15 June 2006 lNClS Exhibit 3, c.itd liS NCISI~~fl C;;ij b. "".liT:' ?iT'TS""1 ill.. c;n(J'j"j ~~')'Re:i~krview, .K,_ ..1£.. , ] 7 June 2006 [NCIS Exhibit 4, cited as NCIS 6/17/2006] c. (0) Statement, 25 July 2006 d, (lJ) Stfltement, 1GAugust ;006 1:'111 s '" ,L. 3. 4. 14 June 2006 . 6!l4/2006! 5. 6. IStatements [NelS Exhibit 6, cited as mlifllll Ncrsll~~;M b. c. 4 June 2006 [NelS Exhibit 29, eitcd as 7. 8. tatement, 15 June 2006 [NelS )/15/20061 j',' 10. (U) , 11. (Li) , ltatement, 15 lUll';; 2006 [NelS Exhibit 34, cited as _5/2006] Statcmcnt15 June 2006 INC1S Exhibit 36, ';1\ ,.''"j'f)"'-' 1'J' l'ft __ ,Jvtq Interview Notes, 28 July 2006 GTMO SJA 147 TAB /\ .,- (1 J) Letter of AppoinLIJ1Cnt and Camp Delta Standard Opnating Procedures I. (U) Appointing Letter and Extension i,etter } ~< It1') , < Camp Delta Standard Operating Procdure (SOP) dated December 2005 3. (If) Guard Mount \>1essages (7 Dcc 2005--9 Jun 2006) fll' ~b)(3):10 USC - "130b (b)(6) (b)I7)(C) Itnterview, 17 August 2006 5. (U-, Revised Table of AUihorizedf'tJnauthonzed Activities, 12\-1arch 2006 6< (1'1 fb)(3):10 USC , b130b (b)(6) (b)I7)(C) 115 May 2006 GTMO SJA 148 D£.PARI !\fi:xr Of J)LFE~SL lm'U)QE\RTI«~,JOl"";T ('S. TAS,": r(lRC1~ GCMiTAi~'.'\MO ;>< .. V\1. ST,.. T:O~. (.lj,\""TH".,<\1(1 iCc' ~'. ,,\!'{J i\.rMl€" U:1'1.~, /:::":; -. :::::-:~ "'0 t)o:: _ .. ."';,,111.'<'1 ""; ,: _I-;'~"~ .fC·,.. (T)'P '.', '>" .~ L'• ", • >To< ,~n ' "~l "t ~ 'I') "01 r.,;,,·)U p, A :-":L-' .J jv r L ,~ b)(3)'10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) . R ' ' , A"dlnllnstnt.:',.e . C"Jl~V~ 0 ,l1e , ' c tl~tep:rKl;:: 0t t',n,~r",\- '",',. U ,,~"lor tl,~ ~, ~,,"1,anlie L;\JT'''~o '../,I.llce r ' , ' (0 /\r-..nD~r' \,.:cn:tC;;trz,n1.5 '::~\. j ~;. :"'rf:,-' ". ,.,~'p.". ,. L Qe!wo:.er:~) and 10 JunC' 2006, th.fl;~{,; ~h:L'lint.,'-e5 ;:;on:miru::d SUlClde: ill their cells (\;.1 J\.lrbttB1<1CJ: of i:amr ~, Camp Deh.:i. NelS E :nvest'gating ~nar~y of the lacts ~!ld tjl'cumstance~ l:iwToun:ding 1h" {'lJi" id~" rf,-..""·v,,·,, ;--"}C'l< l~'--> .,·,j)1 ; 1" ''''~ "'1' "at~'~{! '-J.'11·'1Ier·-/11 ~be {',P',1P Dc Ita ~OP '\')1~ ,_.' -, • . . • . • • ., .. "."" ..... '-,' ..- •• ','" • fDlk\1red b.... rdevan~ join .Di~ren!(..m (Troup pcrsof1!ld durin~ d1e overni.ghr hr:nm: ot y- j 0 .hlJ1~ 20C){, and.. n) i~tJv;,' SOP W~ om f(,~il}wed, ',~helhc,r ::hi:- (p.-ibrf:, ~·.emribated 10 the 3biHry ofihe derl'l.l11ce.'; 10 conud ~uil.'ide on ths.t eight:. NCI~ i::: not .iuvcsbg."., .•.':' l ' e,". _,."......... ,-," .•.' In,::.!, - L 'T j ~,." '!"'~ ,-#"_" '~ • ~. "I'" .....;,,'h' '-"/;--"" ;, Y',""l"r r,zy{)T't. elf iDv,;,;st.i g:1.;jnH "hou:(} be p;,ovided te :W·, through the Chief 'Jf Stnif and Depl'll.)! -i ..- , . 1 ' l - " I' . .l-.' I ' , C '''mm3.r~H';;:t. ,I 1 r, not 3ter ".;..E 1!Jaeo 4 August 2U06 ME)AORANDUM FOR -,KCqliC-5t ,.m Cnmm~ndcr, Joint r'~ Ta.;.k Force·· Guantllnamo . t'....;t~!1SJc:;1 1. 11.1e undersigned reqtle'>ts an ~-ld(htio!1al 10 whk.h 1. was app(r;nled. day~ h.1 compkr~ that AR 15-6 investigation !\) 2. The ~mdersig.ocd retIuCS!" this (:"(tension in order to cn!ll~nuc f{) gather addhioi1!:} evidence 1 My point of contact 1;x rhi='. memomr:dum is the .rTF-GT~10 Chief of tvHHtary Ju."tice.lb)(2)~ b)(3):10 /..- .. -. usc §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) Invesligating Officer '. "--._-- ---'-_._- -- ----,._---_. -- .. _- --- ..._-_ .. - _..._----- - .. _- ._----._ _-- -_._",. - ... - ... _------- -._ .... - ---._- '- .. - _.- GTMO SJA 150 Detainee History Page 1 of34 Guard Messages , "'<:(~:p"'be :':'HJ' 10JUN2C0618171 ,'dc'" !b)(3)c10 USC j;.JjP!~)'j;;;;j SV'Kb)(3):10 USC 'c'""",,,[b)(2) iE 03';.<;· 09JUi\2006 1207L b)(3):~~'~:'~h\l7\1r1 Au'>'cc ;..r;r'O',....~.j ~y 130b b 6. b 7 C Me=c~l_b)_(2_) _ r-;",y""cfd£: .... -- .. _--- -------------.---- '~' ---~.--._---------------~--------Suti;.:.a: COM~;,.tANT DFr AlNEES St-' ;:lI'O"TI,r-r:C 'EG . ,r,..;<=.· ..... "ONDUCT·N·... '" ~ t'~---'~ ("''''I',__ ::.~,_-' <>r'I"C'"~ "RrS""'l-J::';C.'<: .",e.~_":t."""._ .. ~_ '>:::' _ ,"~'~",,"l _ ..... '-'nr"_._'... ........ ~ ... "-;:> Ie ..... v •.. _,-".. ARC "lOTI"; USE THOROUGH....Y SEARC~ FOR CON1RABAN!J. ._-_. __._---------,.'. .. ..,.. .. ~- .-- , -- -------_._-~ ------~, -- ----- .. ---- ------ ----- 111"21'''''' 1C··" .... " ..... -,.~ ... ~, ....., iU ..... 'J_~_~; ;.~ '~~~ GTMO SJA 152 8!!7i200~ DeTainee Uisiory Au(~'n b)(3):10 r,-_, ,I~ "S~C:C- _ _L '~"",.-",,,,.,j '.-'}"' "".,.,,, "'),J(' b)(2) , ":,PtH(V;;-r. L . -----------------------------------~ D8~0, 03jUN2006J713L APP'0;~'~ 8\'- ~~~):10 I b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) L f,:e [r~t0' 02JUN2006 1523L Author b)(3):10 USC ,,\pofo\nd 2y 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) b)(2) SUb;{!'';l, KORAN REQUESTS S1&((13, Released 03:8: 01JUN2006 1517l... Reiet~-s2 DE~12 01,JUN2006 'S17L i\v:.hD!. b)(3):10 USC Appr':::'icd b'{: ~ 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) b)(2) " ... - - --,--_.. _-~._~~-~---'" ....... _-_ .. -._--------~---~--._~~----._._.-- SuLie:J 9TH MISSED MEAL 311'v1AY2006 1: 37L b)(3):10 USC 130b..-~(~:i12·SS :)8tEc 26MAY20C61143L A""",,, b1(3)110 USC AnwwPr} Cy 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) b1(2) 'h~SS3g-:- ~------------~ Sub!",::\: UNCLASSiFiED SUMMARIES of EViDENCE 8'< HABEAS MAlL Status Released Cute 24MAY20061627L r:a!Si.>::8 D2i2 24MAY200r-- 1"' ....,., AutrK'f: b)(3):10 USC A0P:-OVBd By: l§ 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) b1(2) ;: ":;:;",,,'J~/',',:s·L ---l GTMO SJA 154 Detainee!:-listory Psgc 5 of 34 2,,-MAY2C06 1304L 4(S-k'DS8 [)o!it ~'."V I'''"'' t"!'M! /",\;:hnj' b)(3):10 USC II _7).:-IC.:-)---l !",',o,,,,j i',y r;1,3"O,b..I:-b.:-II.:-6.:-).I.:-b.:- , b1(2) Subject MlSUSf OF 8LANKETf$HEET 8i$(u". Re:ei'ised :)';:e 24\1!AY?0 L --l ....__ .. _-.,,~--~-~--- Ftd026f: D;-.,!" 2DMAY2006 '173~ l_ ,':',cJH\()( b)(3):10 USC ~WG08G '" " ""t ,-."",,~t"'..- '1'" 130b,(bIl61,(bIl7I1CI bIl21 ",~",,,,p-'l1s ----------------------------------"".!" .J ,'. SUb!CCt,~~::I.-:_. . AND CODeS S!2tU$ Re,eased D2tC. 19MAY2006 19061. R2!~2.58 OatG-' t-..,.• y,-.\,p'" "H-""'~'" 8'¥, 19MAY20061906L bII 21 ,;::::::: t____ _ Q, ,hi '. ,.,' <::!~R!:'; " 'r'''O'' ',,_ ,.,ho': co "-~>"" _...... '" E3i21u:.;'~ejeased ~'2,}-: H1MAY2DD617i6l GTMO SJA 156 Detainee History P(i.!;:re " 7 of .'14 ;cr~e: '19\-1;iY2DC6 FOlL 19M.AY2006 j}(17t bI(3):10 USC 130b,(b1(6),(bIIlIlC) b1(2) ~ ,;?'>.. ~ ".,,", " •• ~.".~ '--'" c. ,"~" ''''.' ..',"-__n.."'-',c r k L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ., '" --.- ------~ Sujj0ct, ....1 SUALLY ENSURE INGESliON OF MEnS St;)tWOL Released Sure 18MA,Y20062328L R'i;~(,<;';C Da:i.*", 18MAY20G6 2328L AiJthd, b)(3):10 USC fo,ppe.O',0 8. 130b,(b1(6),(bIIlIlC) b1(2) ;(.",-", . ".,.~.I31:m~'l'IT,·:rLC-----------------------_---.J ""f··v",,,:l ",-SUb;R'::!' iCRC ViSnS 00'1";';';..,1 BLOCK St2tUS, Released C2te 16MAY20061504l , ,c~e:eH"e D2te' i6r~AY200~ 0 1504L 4utho , A0;ycved Dy, .. bI(3):~~ u~~~ 130b, b 6, b b1(2) ~-_.~- ~_._--- ... ",,-_ .. _----~.- Siit}0d: r.'et£in1l& Sh,;-,wIU Procedum:-s St.s!.us' Reieased O~,t:: i3MAY2D060724l :'{",~e2S': D2\8' "6MAY2006 0724L ,c\,uthcs: b)(3):10 USC A"'~;Y"'i',"r: 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) h h __." ',",' h. _-',. b1(2) Ke,wc;HiSL------------------------------------..J GTMO SJA 157 .Page 8: of 34 Detainee History RCHiise Dde 16MAY2GO€ ()13Cr~ b)(3):10 USC ;:\~j;At.JS·ti{: :ie,'. 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) f<..UJ'.A. b1(2) S'Jcje::t D~ta;nee ShOWEr and ShE:\'0 Pmceduree St:,tUG~ Cancei,~d "'_, ":2MAY2C06 G6-'1~2L. R2:cas~ [);::k 1?MAY?C06 GfA~)L , b)(3):10 USC "b ,-".,," ,....' 130b,lb)(6Hb)(7)(C) b)(2) A""O'MC 8, f:8VW:Ads. SHACKLING, R~S 1RAiNTS SubjsCi: GiJARD STAFF COUNT St3tV:;: Awaiting Approval Date: 11MAY20061848L :),~r-,ec:hed Re!(,;3S8 C'i:c",":; 1 I MAY2X6 1848L ;\d~:Oi b)(3):10 USC ;:"p:yc(}c;O",bjl,lb 16'L),cl --- --"-~~",,.- ViDEO RECORDiNG ,S\8tU,) R.eleased =:21;:;- 02MAY2006 1547L t~B:e.;i',j} 8':'\2: 02MAY200S 1547L t.,,,,,,~«,"p----' ~ ' ,",,'''' •• c' p,,, ~';'r _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b)(2) R.eleased Dats: 271-.PR2D06 0939L f·'",;p%e [.:ctc 27APR200S 0939L f,dh<> Pi"""" 8y b)(3):10 USC ~130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) b)(2) fb)(2) GTMO SJA 160 ') . I. elamee Hist·.1rY " j"". 1.ln'5-'+ -- ----- - 27APR200609':6L 1)2(& '~P:B~~-'>o< --------~~-- Del-:-: 27.APR2000 ~}916L Al,thGi': ",--,-,-,,,,.,, ,'r,c:c=~-------------------------------------, C'N'''('.-'p··' ;:J-,,- b)(2) Tl1e foHewmg gl.:ldance vVili be w$cd whe:"1 enteri"9 detainee \Neight vai'"c, 1:~ E"Mre block 29 Weight is used in tl".e drop down 2) Ensure S:gA_ci is checked 3) T~,e en!y information r,eeded s the numera.l \fslue ai th€ weight ex. 1804) If d!:2S., rinrs" 11 APR2006 "l710L bI(3):10 USC 130b.lb1(6).lbIIlIlC) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE ADMiRAL TO BE ASKED TO COVER HIS NAME ",ov'~"'W" '#iTH "TAPE IjVHEN ENTERiNG ANY OF THE CAMPS "'r"'~~' ""~" Kaywsrd.s- ADMIRAL Destructioll 0f Government Property Status, Released 10APr~2006 1622L _r,A fu.... ';>R"0"6 ' ' J . } . "'?2' ,(l~. . " bI(3):10 USC 130b.lb1(6).lbIIlIlC) b1(2) AiJll1;)j ,-'. ,'~v.·,,,,,.,, r·>..''''~·,''''J ...•.... T-" i:'>J .. ~.-~~_ ~-_ ..... S,~itl:S: "-~ Released Da:e: 06APR2006 1133l ~~eie2$e Dil!€" 06APR2006 1133L bI(3):10 USC 130b.lb\16\.lb ==~ ~ Mosso;,,": [l-b,II,2,) ._.. _ ....__ Keywords: DOC ACCESS .~ .... . 021e: 05APR2006 15501_ RC:2$:;S- 02te. C5APR2006 155OL. !-'Kg~:)r: b)(3):10 USC Aqyo",c 8'; ~130b.lbI(6).lblllIlC) b1(2) \ ,...·."""",,>.,C ..."•. '.·...'..0,·. -'·.·'NT. ,_, . .. .'.1.'!' . ." h ~ fb)(2) .' . ,~..,.<. ,,~ ~ GTMO SJA 162 R] 7/7U06 Detainee Hi::;tory Page 13 of34 b)(3):10 USC ','Pi ,"",' 2y ~13;,;O~b:",(b",)":(6",),,,:(b,,,)("-7,,,)(C'C),--~ , b)(2) 31 :vt";R20G6 1543L31MAR200G <543L /'PiK:Yied b)(3):10 SC f::\'Ii:;;ei;,-~~--L---------------------------­ b)(2) KtY'NC;'i·.jS>~',NEfG}HIT:F P~R~OTIC~C~DJUORREE~S'-----------------------~ Su0j8;JiJ:(';.:1 :~0;,,8S<) Dst(~: 27MAR2006 ": 11-; f,;ti-.~;,-, b)(3):10 USC A;x,rcwc,,:; ~;~ 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) K·.•.'.L •. b)(2) KUV-NGt~;; L ~ S'.;;;<'C;: DETi~'!N~~.E: SE.'tr HARM hlOliFiCAnOi'; :.<::1.:-:- C0!.i'(;:%d GTMO SJA 163 Detainee History Page 1401'34 DOlts- 27M/.,R2:0C6 1111 L ::;:6:;:;8S0 D21s' 27MAR20C5 1 'i 11L. ,;,,>;,,----,,,-,,-; ~-, GO~=-----------------------------~ ~',f -'. ~-~! { b)(2) ~.;;b9SS' [j-1it:< 24M!\R.200S 1919L D~\i> 24MAR2006 1919L b)(3):10 USC 130b.lb)(6).lb )(7)(C) b)(2) ~>';bjE-r~i NEW ENTRY nFl-DS TO DETA!NEE NOTES- S;3h!:-;' Releasp.d 1J:";~6 23MAR2D06212.1L ~-,s:e:,};;6 u?!(-> , ?3MA'~2QC3 2121L ;'uther b)(3):10 USC '."w."ec :i', ~ 130b.lb)(6).lb )(7)(C) b)(2) ~3uhj~;t" DETAiNEE WE1GHT ENTRiES S+3\;.i£< Released Date 20MAR2006 1934L He!e.?;>2 ;)3-:10:' 201\.'AR200G 1934l b)(3):10 USC Ani'''"e' c:V 1"3,,Ob"'."'lb"')(,,6"').I"'b"')(7"')"'IC"')===;;;;;,. 'ii -. 6}(2) Gate: ., fH,,1/'P2:GC€ 13ZCL b)(3):10 USC A:x:'''0e,o v.: ~13i'i0=b.=lb=)(=6)=.I=b)=17=)(=C=) =~ ---, fb)(2) fb)(2) GTMO SJA 164 Page !5 01'34 Detainee History C.1S$$$gerb )(2) ( ..8 y " , U ( b : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S'UFCCc;j' OhH,ip1hY6'S... grfigDtkm i(l,pfQ¢~?f',iv~; ~:r!r~6. Rei€8Sed :\'lr,?' jS1\i';>R2DCi6 13G9L :-:rsi85se Lii-i:e'j8MAR2006 1:3091A~:thDc' b)(3):10 USC >,!'ycc,S,', Sf 130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) b)(2) Stabs A'sait:<'Ig F,pprova: Dab j 8~;/1AR20C6 1249L .:',:d,edu!ed R2k~dse Dds 18M..t,R20061249L .A.i.1;.!':'!i. b)(3):10 USC ;"".,,,,; f5y, 130b.(b )(6).(b )(7)(C) :;;ubjs<;~' FDOD iN CELLS Released Delte. 18M/\R2006 '; 249i.. ~:~C,k;3S':; D;::t2 c1~8~'~.A~R~2~C~O~6,,·~.2~4~9~C~---­ b)(3):10 USC ;';P''"'" 8y ~13~O~b.~(b~)(~6~).~(b~)(~7)~(C;c)'==~~----------------­ b)(2) KeV-tJo,os L --" V1A GATOR b)(3):10 USC 8,' 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) • J .f:u,ti'«j',"'l""·-'-j"'d ""r'~ '- b)(2) GTMO SJA 165 Detainee History Page Hi of 34 Rcic<:s,) Date ~1~3S'v~,"~·.R%2~OH06~i~C'"'"7~' ~_, b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) '" _,." "., "'" ~:~~~>.~:,~.~'_L===================== . . ==.. .~. ~.=.".~. .~.~,.~=.==.=..=.===_=.,~..=~_ Subject !SSUlNG OETAtNEE LAUNDRY €lAGS S~2'd'.: Released 1OMAR2006 08 ~ i L r;:eL'l?Re D;;!p: '1 OMAR2006 0811 L A~,th.;::,·fb)(3):10 USC ji-,p:xoie0 3;;: ~ 3.Qb.!b l(9).·,(~),al(C) ()"i",: I ~. -Nr',QV •"',,'_w.--,rrh' ,'r,,! '__ ")"" d"'v '-"'", .-----_.-... Sucj$CZ: B'GS 1", .. ~CRCiRED CROSS ViSiT St2tuS: Released Ja,e 10MAR20060'758L KC:e-OS2 , 00'(<:: 10MAR200€ 0758L • b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) " , , , icRCIRE"" "'R"c-c; ,,'-'..... 'JV'J SlBL-;-; Releasad Ds;s. 06MAr'(2lJ06 14461. Ad:c, b)(3):10 USC !:P,"N:' S, 130b.(b)(6).(b)(l)(C) b)(2) GTMO SJA 166 Detainee History ?nge 17of34 U-,:l:;;' D6MAi:;:2iJOe i43SL ( ,_ . " ' . STAB VEST i":- Dele 04MAR2OC6 1334L ,A,ueher: b)(3):10 A;:P"0~tX' By \U"'S~C~~~~=~=",,, '~''''-'''''' Oq>", ~,_. 04'''AR20060 ~, b)(3):10 USC !W""8d il, L1~3~O~b,_lb_)(_6_),I_b_)(_7)_IC_)=-" ." r"'€'2·S2ce: ",',-r'f'T:vr= ""~r=D:~-"'1 ''--' G'f'. TORS", 0'," AN'"', t: - -t:.~,: .:: :".-" .. ,~ :", 1:::::_,v A:' .... L PERSONNE' , . , ' ' _,- ",)"(,c·'~~I, "'.1'1"', I r'I<'-.~ ,",I,"L''- l'\,h::'::: ,;... l.OiJVER HiE lED ONLY INJ+LE ENGiNE is RU!\iN!NG Rele3.sed G2MAR20G6 ': S0lL.C2,MhR200G '5C7~ b)(3):10 USC ""GNG " ["'13;O~b'":lb,,;)(;-6),:,,I;;,b),;17;;)(;-C;.)=L.c===~-----------, b)(2),lb)(3):10 USC §130b,lb)(6),lb)(7)(C) --"'''','''''''-- fb)(2) .. --~ ---- -,.-,,' ,,,~,~-------,,,-' GTMO SJA 168 S/17'2t)06 Detainee Hisiory Page 19 of34 02\0. 02MAH2GO(-) 150'5L ;:'::(~:f';~"~' D8i;o-' 02MAR2C061S05L "'u\i1.")': AApA""," '" b)(3):10 USC fc1~300~b._(b_)(_6_).(_b_)(_7)_(C_) -,-- ",,,,,g,c:bc-)(,,2)'-- , -"1 ':""""~''''~.' ''''}''''''',,,, St...tJi"'u. nETMNEE UNDER.GARMENTS ScdtuS. Released Sutied TALKING TO D.EFEr.jSE ATTORNEYS S!dld Released Dak: 02MAR2006 1459:_ R~!eB:;8 03i~ 02MAR')008 14591. AUn1C}1 b)(3):10 USC ';:lfV:wte-d I>, 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) b)(2) '\8Y'A"Y·:!S. DEFENSE An ORNEYS S~:bi0Ct: TALKiNG TO DEFENSE ATTORNEYS ·'.;t-"lLs: Canceled [i:'l,e 02MAR2Q06 1454L iZ"!",RS;;' Cia:e 02MAR2QO€ 1454L !b 'A,,, b)(3),10 USC ... ~ A.p;::Jo\ed 8 1 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) b)(2) K.>?f'lRV,jS' _._-... _..~~ DEFENSE ATTORNEYS TOILET PAPER S121l<;, Cancelec [ink,,02MAR21}0611CSL ?c!,:c-;:-;s", 0&;:::' 02MAR20C6 1 "Cal /,,-'~h'A Ap,veAd B, b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) b)(2) GTMO SJA 169 Detainee History Page 20of34 Au:-hx b)(3):10 USC ",opm"p by ~ 130b.(b1(6).(b IIlIlC) ~"h--""'-Vo b)(2) ,,-~~,,~':~~ ~----------------" DW0_ 021\IAH.2006 1Q20L ~(,'AH1S'2 ['2:;0,- 02r--.':.t-,R2006 i020L bI(3):10 USC ,l:",,,,_,,P ::, ~13o;O~b.:..(b.:.).:.(6.:.) ..:.(b-,-\t;;SS8;;8' _ b1(2) ~---------------- SGbject: lSSU1l\iG TOlLET PAPER TO $EG DETA!NEES SI<11us- Cam::ei€d Ode 01MAR2006 ~21OL Re:f<::~c Ddf:< 01MAR2006 ~210L !\::v~_,;~~i;::~~~):1 0 I ''''",age ["b):'§(2e')=~------------------- :'::SS~'!CJr(js__ ' __ '_' '_~~_w~~,~ __ ~ '_~,_~_~ , _ ,_,, _ -- --------~-'--_._----~------ ";-,')'",--," ,__ ,_, ~'L,._ S1::lte' 28FE82006 1637! t-/,es",W]E- bI(3):10 USC 130b.(b1(6).(b IIlIlC) b1(2) L.- _ - ._-~--------_ .. - - " , ",-_ .. --,~,- ;;'>.1bl2-d: OPSEC Su-,;tlS Releasee umB: 28FEB2006 1025:'" • , 28FEE20061 : bI(3):10 USC · 130b.(b1(6).(b IIlIlC) b1(2) • " •• "::",-'VI "'" ,~,--," '0_ ~ ~'- C'- ,- ',,-, ,', "'; ,.,r ">< -- ,-, ,,_; ..... ",j _ "'_ '" r'i¢-~"~'-:'~"" ,,~ ,," '-"', '," ... i:I , ••'j~'" ," , .•",-" ~ rn'• '",,'~, :::~a~<'V"'" '-'" b)(2) K,-ey>-'"cr'JS L ~ , - - " " --,~ sun;SG Camp Ddt;;;: i)ust Control ShiL-s Released UBie- 27FEB2006 ~740L Rei","d", D21p 27FEB2006 :740L 'un"c: b)(3):10 USC Ar:p"wed 8'1 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) -, jne nigrJ QFlF owsormei assigr("'Y.\i,~x,j? ~ L Rei,jaB,., :;'iit~ !,C~'O~F·~r~G~2~0~0i3~' 6'~W~6~,L~-----, A,ji':nr b)(3):10 USC 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) b)(2) r:,e'jwcejs L --' S'))jw~t: ~:J Other Ate Ii1$. replaced by 04 DOl Ate St2Ls;, Released R,~k;dS8 D2(1.::: 17FEB20D6 2009l.D2[':;: 1'7FEB2006 2009L b)(3):10 USC I,ppnJ,,'f)c dV:§ 130b,(b )(6),(b )(7)(C ;'-I.,ii31\> b)(2) SUGj-acl STOP USING 99 Other ArB- St;,o;tus Ca:iceled :.iat", 17FE82006 2001L i-~f'h';8''''e r>"t9: 17;: 11 ''\iJ::hc,r b)(3):10 USC ",p'",e,! l'y ~130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C b)(2) '{2'iWO,-,j;,; L ---" :::,ur:yJc(' ::.;t2i'uS· !\w$,iti:-g A;:tvow) ;::'?'i'e- 17FEB2006 10CGL E~;h",:;,,3Ar: '~e:F'2SS Sa::'" n;:'EB2(>o61006l ~,'Iw b)(3):10 USC C" 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ,,,,y,,,d GTMO SJA 172 Detainee 1-listory Page 23 of 34 St3L!,:;: Canceled ,','" "'., D ",,',,· "'Fr:c'L'r'''R " '-6' ,XL,,'" '.,. c.~, !'~SS~>"'_i';'~~~== ~ ,,' : tjUllsr vate, 14FE82C06 2144:. Schedu,ec R.0:S2~'-0 C:2te 14FE82CQ62144' Au~hC'! b)(3):10 USC ':"PP>;)'Jcd 8y tj 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)( "' .. _,_. _'--,----"~-----~ S'.,bj"Ct: 8a!! Cnrd Plzcli!rd ReC&ipt St.ailit< Release-d D;;;:e: 10FEB200B 1433L Rde-2C2:' D:f',~S'" D:::..ie ,';""JS'~\b!'~~;"'R'"c~'~!o\:~q~L"",""'i' _ bI(3):10 USC h ~13;;:O~b."(b"I1",6)c-.(,,,b)c-(7"II"C",)'--"'8""'_ b1(2) '~'~";"'C"\<'~ L P,,,,we,, _ _ X:i"~tAiGi'(:C. '-_. , GTMO SJA 173 DetojneeHistory Page 24 of34 27.J,.:..N';0061931 L b)(3):10 USC 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) _. _.. . , Dak. 15jAN2C06 18061_ " . b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) b)(2) ·.,'_'" .'.c.'._.··.'_ ",' '-",'IA'J2'O'" r ,J c' - .,i"'" "c '<"'')~L !~,_b -() ';,:;~,::) b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) b)(2) .. . GTMO SJA 175 Ii _ l7,-'Ji'rJf-. 'J __ ~., _ _ !, " Page 26 of 34 HUNGER STRH\E ENTRJES Osh: RC+:3S8 DSk. c"4,J~A~',P".L~--D6~',!,",,!,,2"',jL~_, b)(3):10 USC t'::Of):"0'.'8::: 81,'. 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) b)(2) iAS~;&i-]f!" L... ;;ij:*,c~: ...... FEMALES AND STAB RESiSTANT VESTS S,a:c;;::: Re!eased Date. 12JAN20Q6 ~642L R'~C8SC JatD ;'C'o2-'!:~'"'C()['~"'\;:?:12:·'L b)(3):10 USC 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) '\Pvc'ied By I:-~~.:..:..:..:..:..:..:. ~ -l -, b)(2) 1<8'J#(y;i~ L :JUDjEC:' NEW --" DEiAlNEE TRP,NSPQRT PRoceOURES Sit,L:s- Released Cil:!tai(;'J$ $h;y.v$i' h'ot;':?1JUfB'S ?8:B32~d GTMO SJA 176 i;~i\ " I . ' 7/'')n,~i: __ ~_. 'JU Detainee IIislc:ry Pagt: )7 of 34 D.c:tB 1G.JAN2006 '170SL ;";;;ff/' ,P{'iTV/;;;,:: b)(3):10 ;::j"!~;'~S",C,....~_..L , b)(2) *:,o>ywcnls.L _ .- .. -- .. _ - _-.-._-~-- Subj>?:::\: FGfW HUNGER STR1KEH FeE REPORT :.:'-Jt0: 10JAN20C6 'i 348L ('\2i",ase :::\:'<,'3 10JAN200S i 348L .'" 'v"" 'v' b)(3):10 An,v..,,!,"; Bv SC I-'.... ,.~ •.-... ~TIi"" .........-----------------------------.., ., bX2) Kejv;cr:::s., DAllY COi\SOUDATED FeE R.EPORT -------- , _----,--_._-- S00;2ct: DETAiNEE FLU SHOTS S,i)~"s: Released Date.09JAN20061043L Re~,,2se D8tF 09JAN2006 10L3L b)(3):10 USC 130b,(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) b)(2) ." "'''.--,' Y':.ithe' b)(3):10 USC ':',"":: :" 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) m :/"'"'' [b)(2) ,. :> GTMO SJA 177 Detainee HisLery :3;j(;j.:sl: TEMf'. srop M(Y'.l'E\\~Ef'n FOR C>OMM~BfjGNB MOVES Sttn:2< Reieased C\r:c: CJ9JAN2008 ,:j3OL. ,. ~:>,;bleGt: , _..... _.. _... ~-~----~--~-- HOUDt:Y FA$T!NG Sl<:"L<,: Released D;'.(e: 08JAN2006 1428L :;:0:",,21$2,02\-:';: 08JAN2006 1428L htb" b)(3):10 USC APr:u:",' 8y. 130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C b)(2) Gde: 08JAN2QOo 1331L Rs.i,"fj~i' D,,:I-;, OS.;AN2006 1331 L A.;Jitlc' b)(3):10 USC Ap"'nJ\I-ii:! 8',1' 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) b)(2) , K'),e;;d~ ',.';:<".f! ' • .-' ,~.(L' • .. .....,--.,---,.. _-~- -,_'~""il-. ~ b)(3):10 USC f>: 130b.(b)(6).(b )(7)(C) A,j~;;m i,.C);:: 'J\'::'U b)(2) GTMO SJA 178 Detainee Histury Page 29 of 34 b)(2) v_"-,.,vr,,.,-;~-\, ..."'",,-----------------------------------------' ""' .... ' __ !"">_~U_ 5U0jGSt WEAPONS CHECK OUT PRC-C00URES ~t21nJ:S' Released C'.!5JAN20D6 C555L :::'a::c O"JAN2006 0555' " b)(3):10 USC . ~ 130b.(b)(6).(b )(l)(C) r)3i:",: i-i:Bip?I,:;", - - b)(2) > Sd:;;cct SOB'Ii>, 2823's Bnd 413r-t. S~;JL6. Callceied 08[,,-: 03JAN2006 a942L 03':AN2006 0942L i\c:t:-!u; b)(3):10 f, ,,'- ........ ,-,,", I,..--------------------------------, ~'''f,'vr-(i 1~i:\~S7C"' b)(2) ."" ~ ~ ~''1''A q-" !tliK Ci:~jVi')<~S: S,-.i1::;SGt. :N)::ORMAT10fJ SECURITy TRAiNiNG St.oL,,: Released ~},.'i""w'" -'; "' U'SOE" "- \ <),~" ." W ,;'~'" ",,;,,"''-'-' Released DalF.O: 16DEC2005 1632L "" bI(3):10 USC A,;t!VT T\2k:-<;';;,2'j u;3'(;c: 1~D-("~or5 ""'~2 ~v":: 0 J : L 130b.(b1(6).(bIIlIlC) A,:; !.':'i'c-,teiJ .':~\i" ... " b1(2) GTMO SJA 180 z'" """'~I)i\b­ i.'1 ,~ i' .-...., '.., Detainee History Page 31 of 34 ~~~~- ~ ~ Su:"je:1' MiSSED MEALS Sj2'U~ Cance:e{! '";;1t", i5:JEC2005172':L ;~8'c~&~e :_~'8t~ 150EC2Q05 1721 L ' ' > ' ' b)(3):10 USC 4"CT'"'' B: 130b~(b)(6)~(b)(7)(C) ,~,',,; ,~" b)(2) k_ei;N(;{d~ !I/HSSEO $t3Ls MEALS. HUNGER STRiKE, COrv~f-ORT ITc:M REMOVAL ~ ~ -~--~~.;;;,;::;---~~--~~ ~ - ~ ~ Reie~sed GTMO SJA 181 Delainee Hi~torv , Page 32 of34 ;.) , 1: : 'J'11' c" bI(3):10 USC 130b,Ib1161-(b117I1C) b1(2) . p-., 'EME'1'1,-.-I , .. ",V~ S'.<:,,~;~: E'5CORT~D b)(2) PSRSONNEL blsLs: Released DC'.1e' ADEC2JC5 164SL :';B!2.3W D3~e ~ 4DEC2805 i649l }"130b,lb1(6),lb11711C b II 2 MesC';agp- _ _ _) rL ~:eyv,r)n:Ls _ PUNiSHMENT COMBAT C,b.Mf:RA RdEiiS8 f},;lS '2DEC2CD5 1505:, Ac:,il3 b)(3):10 USC ;'1,;.;:.::,;,)',/8'.1 5} f,b" ' f : ,., '''''-~''''''~''- 130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C tb1(2) ~===--------------- GTMO SJA 182 Detainee History Page 33 of34 BASE AMBULANCE Sbtus: Released G>0:C: '12DEC20051i02L :;:,U<)j8:,(: bI(3):10 USC 130b,(b1(6),(bIIlIlC) lA/HEN .A.. NAV HOSPiTAL AMBUL.ANC;:: is NEEDED ;:-OR ANYONE iN TME \'ViRE, YOU ."., "~'~U' NEED TO CALL THE NAVHOSP H,1ERGENCY ROOM >'!:b)(2l I ;q",P;~~"('" ~>c'YW0toS: .A.MBULANCE ::::u~j'3~'!' 80DlLY FLUlD CLEANUP St::::u:;: Re!e2sed 1)",:8: 12DEC2005 1026l Reie2S2 Uot€ 12DEC20051026L AAh,y bI(3):10 USC :,pew,e,8y 130b,(bIl6),(blllIlC ,,,,,,,g,r I(2 ) K:;;'j\vxd~:"B~O~Dc,cLY""F~:0U~!D"C",L"E~A'N"'U"pc-----------------------._._-,------- L:l1h'l: 08DEC2005 1511L r~:iO:.:T Re1eased 07DEC200511031. 07DEC2005 1iD3i.... b)(3):10 USC A;:'TYI.A'I':'-' By 'c0013C'0'Cb~,(~b)~(6~)~,(~b)~(7~)~(CL ___, b)(2) ~OV\'XJ ;';~; COVERING HbAfJ http:/:'jgusvrfiml, sec/Ouarc(;'v1essageS.8S1W GTMO SJA 184 O JIJG S~~i.n 17 f, ,or A, k ,'th b)(3):10 USC l.gu~l .. UQ, - spa e Al §130b.(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) f ' c ], Opt:T;J.tions Chit'C On 17 August 2006, 1 Spcl b)(3·;:~~bJ~l1 0 usc xgarding the use of rncmoranJa to modify the December 2005 SOP. A_. stated thm no l!1emnnmda were Hsed to modifY' the: Dec.:mber 2005 SOP. b)(3):10 USC trrtber stated thal Guard Mount Messages w'cre the only dDcmncnts used by JDG to modii}' the December 2005 SOP. b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) GTMO SJA 185 AlJTHORIZEl}fUNAlJTHORIZf:!) ACnVITES-----------~, b)(2) 'iTS NO NO b)(2) PREVIOUS ;j)lTJONS 01- THIS ,'-OR\1 ARE OHSOLl:: 11:: GTMO SJA 186 Page I of 1 b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) Subject: FW AUTHORIZED Sir, VJr[b~}~!~!:!":!'-?!':~~'1'~~:c!?~:"':'-,=SB,e below, the date and time and \NM it 81! went au! to (camp leadership). _., _.. b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) ,','- ''".,~ Subject: AUTHORIZED Alcon, The attached document is the !atest approved authorized/unauthorized activities list for detainees. I will send out a guard mount message stating this is the latest document to use, If you will notice, it is dated 12 Mar 06 and this should be the one all guards use. Due to the type of document, i cannot attach to the dims computer for a guardmount, With that being said, please distribute te your personnel, and when we update the SOP this will take @!~!r~!~:\:t::;\ClrenIIYin the SOP. if you have questions, please give me a call, GTMO SJA 187 TAB E -- CU1 Othe[ Camp i PGfsonneL Xlght nf9/1O .inn 2006 I, (1J) o ..,. ~~)~~~~~\~6~~b\/7\/ IStnh:m?:~nt, n,') 6130b fb)(3):10 usc thUG' IbI/7\/C\ \.) 1.1 August 2006 I'';'-'-''---r ~"lt 14 i 'llcn'~j ""l'" 'o,J:-i - LI. 1'1 ~,-"l'd~l\"l ., ~ 3. (C) ~~)!~~:~~\~i;~~h\I7\1,.ISlalemt:nl, 11 August2U06 4, (Ii) !b)(31: 10 usc (a.) Inten'ic\v, ! i August 2006 (b.) Record ofEnJisted Counseling, 5 JWle 2006 (lir5L) (c.) Record of Enlisted Counseling,S JUlle 2006 (second) Cd.) Rl:cord of Eniistcd Counseling, 27 Apri12006 5. (U) Intc:rvic\v of~~)!~~:1.?Y.~~. 123 June 2006 GTMO SJA 188 Page 1 of I from: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Statement Sir, here is the information that you wanted me to get fi)f you, I did nol fint: any t:ffia-ilthat me from the (lie or ACHe BUt rm sli1l1ooking fin ymL ViR Ho\-" JO'.,v will \-ye go? Check out '{ahoo! ?vIesscngcr's 10\"\/ PC~tQ~Pbonc:ql! Wi;'OS $t'TIl to ra,t\;s, GTMO SJA 189 USC ]',Jb)(3):10 _ Kb)(3):10 l 'Yl,-'l-'··' '1-"" 1;',_,.__ .•.• u,.'.- " ,.... ;;,jl ,V,l 01L';T\':r ;.~_.., u<..,-..., all,j U- --o'-,',"'J'l"r" ''-' ~ -' '-'." "l·~hln,·-""\' '.L ., .. ,<.-- 'H "J t':' , ' - v__ I~b!~31 USC~vhom I \:no'",' to he 8ppointed by'RAT)M Han}' B. lj:n111s, Jr., r,,) conduct 3.n informalinvcstigalicn into wht:ther (lJ the Cac'11P DdLa SOP "vas follo-Ned by r::1ev:..-mt .Toint Detention Group pen,o!1ne! during the overnight hours of9-] 0 June :WO(;; :lBO., (2) if 1he SOP was nol follQwed, wheL"'Jer Lhis failure contribt.:ted to the ability ofthe delainees '0 '··'-'Il'nll·t-";'~'i-!_" ,"'I ,l_II',·· ,-,!'!V'y 0""+11"""'°' '1,,-J """,'·1, v'-' J.H _" co, t}y'" ._<,.0'_ Ill"Yl,t b"''" "O""K' .0'" '-'" . ."'l'lC'II--'''· :l ,1 • . ",\,.. ,)","] > t. "'.U ." . I.10'l-"., anV thre::.ts made to me or DTOTnises extended, I fulh,.' undershmd that this statement is " given COHCCLDtng my krlowlcdgc oftbr: J;;ath of three cktainccs in Alphc, Block i-' _.L""h'~ ~,. 'j ...., . , '-~ ~.(. - bX3):10 USC §l30b,(b 6),(b)(7XC> \1y assignment at .TTF-GTMO is Platoon Lader Fa Camp 1 Detention Facility includes Block ~b~~2~~~:::'::::~~__"":,~"":,,,:,,,_ _,,,,:,,,,,:,__~ b 2 My duties include Good order and discipline, s..nd fair firm and impartial ','ea"n,":'! At' t,."V",,-",.'.L~~v·-.>. h" .-j ,..·t" : n ,~,-.", , c ..... /.. J U. <','. ,n "",--i..,'--'"j,_ n l' f.l!" nl' n}--':, O' I' (\ _] 'J" r "l"-' ",--, "h" :.'1. 0. .i'.<'. . !\. ~.., ' ,~~,~ <,,~ -'<,~"w-.• 'J .!u • .·,-, 0')'6 I .. beeinnin" with b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) ~b)(3):10 USC CIther Pl.'s. M/'"'lh~fl --' did you arrive at Camp 1 and what wen~ your billets tlwn? Arrived 20 Sept 2005. Had left seat/right seat tr3in~ng tor 4 days, was on blocks in latc September early Odober. Billet as a Platoon Leader for Camp 1. \Vhat sort of guidance ,,":ere ~you given by your chain of command regarding enforcement of rule!l and command philosophy? Fair firm and ill'lpD'T1Dl treatment oftbc dctD,ince's, rL)Llow the SOP. Learn to "fly yes, this is 11)[ lhe sailors. BUl thal v,'as not so! We could Dot say ye3 because it \vas dl abo1Jt the r---h>,ta1'"e~<:. -At ,IiC ",_r.O,S ~0:i " . . \:l""" "'~' " CC,.•., ·",1'p-,·,_ 0 ~,.0 l:~'" ,',,,te, ~.. ' ",~~-."',. ",'. _. ,.,i.~ I'" i·" . , .L?C. "e.. n".. \ ~ \Z"re .• ,nt,. d~' (.I.__ "J.nc..s O... ~,c:t,.~v >;,.., ~"O".lt. n,_,. (V OUI job. \NhlH I mean is thr,t the upper change of comrnand Viia." supp...')se to wa.lk the blocks cve:vdrrv and thc')' 'Nouk!, answer Qucstior:. thCit the detainees would ask them, And ellards • * " leI'['tne:rn oue tnmg , ' G,TIa, the ' upper cnam ", ' , tell "' th ' k \'/OlU.u or COD.1ffial'lG, ,\-vould ~em it 'iF/32. 0 '< *,,' b)(2).(b)(5) GTMO SJA 190 [b)(2 I l b)IS) o '\\-'hat were the procedures for" chain of command to pas~word ahout ne\y poliey? Change was a COTYllY,Dn thing t~lr camp L The SOP was a living document that \-vas e!"'111":IIO ,:>;1] ;he lime. I remember at one of the Battle U date Brief/BUB) tt"tat the: COL b)(3):10 Y,''; rh.-;f ,'h,'> 0(1~ '>'-:1" '" o""t-']"'"I';-' ,",-''''''' nOf t1~er'" "V':>'-'o _,-.',;'0' :~,;rll"'- b)(3):10 , . · w ;'''''S ''''not in the BL;B that J:±y. So when she had the BUB nne! rhe COL W3'S Dot tlh:.,rc she sad that \\'e v/ollld foHm", the SOP to the letter, the SOP \vas law. ~u.,.,-"._ '--'~"o"''-'~' 'v~.v". ~J •• What are some examples of t!lings that were against the SOP that cJen::inees kept pushing for and eventually received! b)(2) \-VElat are some titings done in Camp 1 that weren't ft,,:ally to SOP'! USl};;:iily, they would tell us to give detalw'f's a "uard mount maSSfJQe later onJb)(2) 'r\meth'110 .";nr11ntf'r it \\,_,y,id ly"" +~,i: 'w Jp III lit was getting b)(2) harder ror the guard.s to keep track of all ofth;;:: things L~lit the detainees couLd have in rheiT cells- :lEd above their edt too. Did au)'one- in yuur cham of command ever direct you to do ~omeihillg nut in SOP? b)(2) \Vhat are the procedures tfW ft nmdom bC3deount'? b)(2) lh1 'ctmiom headcotmt5: DId guards hnvi: to s:ghT.~_b_)(_2_) b)(21 q.:.-'~"""". ,-i,"C.'. .-> j,-~·_,-·s· ",- ',,\ d(',.U.'U>C:"" ~. C':mJ.dn'1~cb")("2") WOUIU Wau{ tnt D,OCi<; 1I ~ \\'Gnin \l/f\1i tn sec b)(2) 'f'.,. ~ . \\-oiild ~16k (he g-,lctcU.J, El~'V ql~6Stions regarding the j.;:1"-nlnet GTMO SJA 191 in qu~'St1on rh(~n J would can out his ISN ou" They would tell me to en",;;; hack and St;e Ih'l"Y' .~'" "·'~d L'-1,?" r', ......_ •• , 'I"'l"'~ .<>:;;, v " u1l _', IV;:' '" I ta'k'" ,.(, '"'1'" E.~" Have you heard of gmH.!ceking the nmrlom t~ead<;l)unt<;'? Yes, r enforced visuallnspcction during random headcounts by going into I to\VCf, ~b)(2) on some hlocks, you could sec shoos! the cutin.; tieL If guard!'; didn't \v;:dk tier. check clich cdl, he '.",ould confront Block NCO. By calling him out tu see me or '-" £0 on t1-:te block and wke him in the ,-, QrJardhonsc. \-Vhnt Vi'ere the rtUljo:r issues affecting gmtrd mon!£e in Camp I? The biggest problem for morale \vas Hi(; COll$l:;iIll :.:h~lge of rocedures. I remember one b)(2) deta11lees '-"-anted some too. Another problem was that detainees \'vouJd get sornething [rom their intcnogatcrs and it \vO"u!d not bc in DiMS so the guanl \vould take il away from him. The next Jav- vr a few Javs - later the detainee vIouJa have it back. if an ,,,"CO woultl make a call and say that the detainec codd not talk [0 the SOU, PL or Ole for something they could haml.lc by themselves, then when the Ole crrme on the block the detainee Ylould ta!k to Oi(' or AOIC to gGf what they wa."1tea. Have you yrorked with the gn~rd te:'lm OJ] i~ Blodi? Yes, they have all viorked for me. ,,"'hat is your aSSf'-ssment o~b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) They are ail good workers. 1 did nOl have any problems from them as far as TrememheL GTMO SJA 192 Flace: Camp America, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Date: :4 Atlgutli 2006 Imake the fQllov.ing free and VOlUHt::ath of [cree detainees in Al 11<1 Block. 3: 1 1\/1)' assignment at JTF ~G'r:MO i~ Platuon I.,eader for the Camp 1 Detention Facilily. The Camp I. Detention Facility includes Blocks b 2 My dutie~ include administers fair, finn, and impartial enforcement at a Camp Delta rules and regulations. Supervises 72 guard force persorulel in the day-to-day operations of detention cellblocks. My chaiu of command on the night of9-1 0 June 2006, beginning ""ith COL b){3):10 was. f was not in the camp during this time frame; my chain of commanu wa, b)(3):10 USC b)(3):1 usc ~ow kmg did you work in Camp 1? iD dn 1" • 130b.( )(6).(b) T)IC) ~When you arri"v(!d ;n Camp J. who 'rained.vou us PlaloOH Leader? (~)!~~:~?~..~~ .. Iright seat left 5eat for t\yo days. lwas alr~auy qualified as PL in camp 4. 1-Vhat sort of~uid{mn? were you give'l hy y Oilr chaio oj (:ommand regarding cnforcemetJl ofrules? I did not meet \...ith the OK when reportin gin. OIC didn't gi ...·c me commamkr'5 philosophy, or any ather guidance. TheonI). guidance I r~ce,i\'ed was from the PIoS and AOIC. It wa.~ explained to ffil.) thai the del ainees in camp 1 'were compliant 8m! tht: SOP was 10 be used as a ~J..ideline. [t was also slaled that the SOP was a living document Hmt ceJn.stanuy changed. What arc: the pmct?dm'es/or a rwuJ()m he!!dcow;t? , b)(2) Did guards have 10 sightrb:.')(~2:,) lin r!mdoor. headcounts? GTMO SJA 193 b)(3): o ~SC 130b. b)(6).( )(7)(C .-No. The ltcaucuum i~qllired physicai sighting of the (Jd~lin~e::i, In camps i and 4 the ellurds would not wi'!.kc up !he detainees, like Ll-ttW. did in 2/:1 - W~Cll were the nll~s or. hanging things in !:ells? How was word passed to PL-sfm1Yl higher "Up the chain rifcommanJ:' ..-"Musily by word of mouth !;iven to the PL. Whm sor' ofguidance did you give your Camp I guurds "hour ellforcin/:, fhe SOPs: 1 ~mphasi7:ed $tfiCl enforcement d the SOP and reminded the Guards that if it \Va." not in the SOP or a Guard Mount message or a verbal order giv~n by the Aorc or above Lben it was wrong. f1'7wt was compliant aboul detainees in Camp I? I don't feel the detainees \vere complian~ J think. they complie<1 wiLl-t the rewards or extra benefits given them. D;d (he chain ofcommand above you hack up your efforts (0 enforce SOPs? MOSl of the time, but while I v...-as working in camp I, r was questioned why lhe camp seemed 1.0 be in an uproar when 1 was working. Did guards (.:vmplain ahout SOP nvl being enforced consisu!ntly? Yes - It was obviuus when J instnlcted th~ lluards at 12Ui:lf'd mount tu adhere srrictlv to th~ SOP that they had n lot of questions and concerns aboul how the C3l1lp had been operating. L_~ TI\erc was ~ome resistance to my direction. When 1 insisled to complete thorough \;cll :searches a lot of conlraband was contiscatcd. Guards would confiscate ~b)(2) I and other contraband items that \veren't registered in DllvlS, 0(( or AOrC would tell the next shift to give them back Example.s: 1.) /Jnt: time guards fmllld TL"-061 \"ith fout1e(~u waWr bottles--··how could he c" .. , ~. 2. b 2 ~ b)(2) liS "'10 ate SOP. but guards Wt~rc:n't alJowed to mkc the garment offthct detainee; they were told it \wcid cau~e too much L'"Uubk. 3.) IR;:ajnees b)(2) -'''''-P 4 brought ......~[h them large prayer mgs, ~b)(2) b)(2) I ,Hlthnr:'l{'o confiscation bec?use according t~ DIT\1S, {here was no au'thor1zat;on fer tht:m b)(2) On lht: next shift. ~he tlIe or tnmsferrc ' ., , i r' I AOrc would have L~c rug5 !'f;turnecl. 4.) b)(2) ;\ d.etair:ee: had 8 ~0nd O~e made from 3 re-5:;:v,tn Lrt>u.c;er leg. Guard s::tid ·'Wr.tich dn y(:u - --_. ----- -- ----- --------- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - ---- -- ---- ---------- ----- - - - -------------_.- GTMO SJA 194 '-Y1UllT' Detainee indicated hoth, guard took tJh~ om) 011' dGhtil1t:e',:; hr:aJ, l.Teating an :li'f'ilU1t on tb~~ guard and CdllSCd. an uproar on the tier. Have J'OU worked 'with the guard tcam on A Rloc? Assessment'! b)(3):10 ~SC !i130b.(bl 61·(bl(71( ~I b)(3):10 I I\\'o rked 'Nith him in Camp 4, He is a good SOU. I could count on ~to enforce mles. vas I n my platoon during pre~service training: He is (] good sailor. ~b!~31 was the team leader for TRF's. b)(3):10 b)(31:10 usc I I cOllllseled him t\vicc for being late to work. Hefs not energetic, not enthusiastic, and basicallv not a Qood Sailor. • b)(3):10 USC 0 leurrently \:l.i-orks in my Camp. She ahvays has a sharp mililary appearance and enthusinstic about all t,.. .s ks given. So far I can COUllt on her to complete 811 tasks given ill a time!)'manner. My opinion a good Sailor. What were the b iggest morale challenges in Camp l? The guards not being allowed to enforce the SOP. We couldn't enforce the sop, \Vhen a block guard tdb a detainee "No," "ve should bnck him up. 'This would prevent detainees from going up tl le chain of command. The detainees kne\v that when tIley didn't get the answt:r they \va nted all they had to do \vas request the next higher person in the chain of command until the"\'. received the answer the\'. \",anted. This would undermine the authorily ortbe block guards. b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) GTMO SJA 195 I interview ofl~)~~~:~~\~C~~"u ?hlCC: Camp A.lllt:riCa., G~:Ja:>:l1anamo Bay, Cuba Date: I j August 2006 How inng hm.:c you worked on in Camp I? Wlu;n you arrived in Camp 1, what sort of training didyol! get as Platnm1 l.eader,'I i'Vho IrailU:d}'Olf? H~ rtported on 20 Sept 2005 and began training under a qualified platoon leader, working from the chcl,;.klist called a Job Qualification Requirement, which lists all t.he duties required for the PLs. In lraining he stood watches both day and night. Aft~r completing Lhe JQR under supef\i;sion ot anothci CPO, he went to work... There was no interview with an officer after cumplt:tion. JQR.<; are routed through the chain cf conulland: 1st Sgt (LCPO), AOTe, eHe, then flied in Bldg 3. All biliets from Sergeant of Guard dOWll to Block Guard have:' same process of train.ing by a qualified watch1>-rand~r in lhat biiJet. Do detainees behave dijferemly on day and night ,vIJifts? Hard to say; they act as they want; after midnight, they're mostly quiet. ~Vhat son ofguidance w~re you given by your chain ofcommand reg(mling enforceme}Jl ofrule:l? ~bl{~):10 ~e:'l;eiY~d no hrief bv chain of command regarding commander's philosophy. The first OlCJb)(J):10 usc Ilet the c-hicfs run the camp. md would brief th~ l.:-hiefs (,n only the extnlordiJmry stull ~had been here a couple weeks, trusted CPOs; basically, lhe ole just made sure the JQR was compklcd. OIClAOIC held weekly meeting:. with CPOs, sometimes even would hold them on nonscheduled days, and typicflUy on I:i 2) ~':""'-_---' Changes happen all1l1.1st C1.:cry hour as guards adapt to detainees; the SaGs and PLs arc the focal points or tbose changes, and the)' L'llk frequently at evenjng: turnovers to ensuretbjngs gel passed dowJl. When officers waik through, lh~y l:hange things; ",,-hen not in the SOP or in GMMs, those ch have been enforc-ing the rule!' on a discipline block, they'll harass the gU3rQ<;. !f there are a lot of uproars, does if l?/Ject your pel:formwlce \!valuarior.? Not necessarily. When uproar Sta11S, PLs notify the DOC and the chain of c(l1l1mand. The Ole then asks what happened, ..v hat ac.tions did PL takt~'? Camp i is c[llied a compliant camp. hut none ojthis sounds wry compliant, so \I'hy? O!Cs sometim~s go in to tatk to detainees, who then gi"e the OlC~ a long list of complaints. ole will say he'll try to do somettilllg, but detainees h counseJed. 331/337 \VC!C harassing guards for dip, get it from escort team. The escort. ~eam guard,> re$pOnsib;~ \vere f':'-p0rted. bm weren't wri~H up, &. jrlStcad -'N~·rc t">coillotcd. Ib)(3):10 woulJ a£K <.kia3n::e block Jead,~rs whatlhey \va.lted from NE b 3 :10 put bag of ice on wrist after he cf'l'\lplilincd of~b)(2) b)(3):10 co:-i'''d ·n"· 1. • ',1< ...,. r:. ff . an ,'KF i.1 ) C Ill_Of-" I I GTMO SJA 199 (ffit ":::~;;~;/ b}(3):10 t fiuard Moull.t: i-ryou know it won't kill. them or JS, why fi~h~ over con lscatlllg thi.ngs? Dctajnct;:~ can get block wuds pulkd Ql}' block. Detainees chal1t "Monkey bitch whore" 3t her. Chiefs tolt! b}(3):1 ~he W:lS agitflting detainees; chiefs just wnot to keep blocks quiet Chie1 b}(3):10 USC in front of other guards & dClainees about dropping blue box: on ded:.~ saying the admlraJ had said nullo do it.· JG t0Idlb)!~):1 lhat ,,,,,hal C:ldmiral actooJly said W8S don'! drag restraint<; along tIer: b}(3): said you. c-an '{ plac.e bh.lc box solHy on deck & st.ill keep cyt': on detainee. b}(3): Sal £5 & below can't check rule:;;, em r:b; \{;j' ~- '.){',j>'hl;r;;:,r 2Ci.L! '_ :-:C),,\SB;r;f:I\iV();{ n>:! >\.1 i. 'P: -'d, --'. i.:i- GTMO SJA 207 USC GTMO SJA 208 USC GTMO SJA 209 USC GTMO SJA 210 USC GTMO SJA 211 USC GTMO SJA 212 USC GTMO SJA 213 USC GTMO SJA 214 u.s. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE ;:~NES l' I G~::.' .t"'!E .? 3 .;D'!'i 0 £ ACTION 3):10 USC ItJ l I' rer-cr::in'j 3<:;BT<'. i:1 Ql:der t(,) o:t:::'2in :'nfQr)"'l&tion r~gard.iJi'-l '':'et:d4::-.e€. o..:!lant"ir:.g t:-,;;,'t to:-_~ f'1~,,'"; .. -rf' ;:.;;b;,; 81-:::·'.;),: ( ; f Ctltnp :!. C!t '~",rr_p iiett", ,Joint l'i'!~::k E":';F;~, ';;UJ;1.-_tlr:'1:"1"·~ B':''l,:>'bc. ·J'I'F-G..,.~/r:) _ b )(3):10 1',0':\:::1 f"Hwiously inter ..'i.,,:'.-!€'d by b)(3):10 USC on :93tml>~ r.:~'}"rd..ing hj,$ ',(no\... 10dq'c ;:)f t:1C th!.·~'0 detJ.i',,?i'l d~Ftt:.':"lR :,:11.1l: OG·::Ytrc(l ire 1\J.phil 1!ill1l:10 u"',,, .: __ "'--J. ~O"i i ~'~'''' El 'Jc.,,;,., ,-;"" \ _ " < 0 ,"'d"'" , ... ~ ,j··'-'"n , .... _~_,.~ ,'n"'r'~"l'g ',v ,,_.'- I COi'r", • • . '~'~' ;~·f 'O~JNOfi ._ • '-, •• thl:! C::.lmp st the tjm,,,= t:h", LtJr"p. deta::'-!I''::C$ prO"jL-:iB :'nc(;rvi Hl-[<)LHdt~'::>1l of i cvidc'lti2XY ·J5.J~.l'?, ~l~l":::: ,.~_ discO'·;s-r",d, dnd rijd ,:C:: dt:rinq ~b)(3):10 1,'1>''''' • ,~'"' ~ Lilt .",·t· . . . . .... .1.9,::;:,,')6 P.W. J., rJl The L.JJt.1'.JG6, int:-';!rvie-:.; tc-d' plac€' :''1 ~.~le ~rr:;::'SPA Gu,:;.n::a:.;::.r.l<) Bay, t":tili:i, ~b)(3):10 ': ,.:"ffi.::-:: anci 3.~~I?j 'For cn i~t.f!cprt-!t.~.: I 1:'5 I ;) :ranslate rlet.ii!.np.e ::;hil.!I.t.l.~;':J Lc.ki.:"'!.q ~iu;:.(.. in. .::a:rp 1 . .Z,cc:::n~dl1'1~ '.:"l K-:-:~ .• ne Co=llb':'oc:,c Lir:gulzt D.2.111 ;;,cti.".l;.t.-y RF:pcr-t. Foell fil':'ed out by l::: • !~!~3):10 . FXFt,;.\!'r ... :", .~.' ~., i I r •i " WI},RNING fOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY \'1'@"I;,;"i; )Mfi-i-r ',~; r:·i\' 1;-:'-:1'>:',:,.,' 'i.Y ":. "rl<:(:~m ~ Lf..r.~:,!.r:':(~:.:i,' ' . f<:' r" I ;"~,' ,,;, , W,,': c' i'!'j"):n~/(.~,,::f.Jj,f.B:i~,a;, f'" F ,,', . ' t; I .',i' v: ':,.. ~', ~;,) GTMO SJA 215 '.l'ATJI..T,jC:1 V SCBc-" ; U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE c:b.c.l Cti-1l0 ,::en:: c:;Liq':":1-":1,:,1 t __~:·,,:::::· 1ik'.' t'.d;~;\ucust c:.. 09°8 U a. (ll) Summary of Interview, 15 August 2006 b. (U) Article, "Death by Strangulation," n.d. C, (U) Resume, downloaded 14 August 2004 d. CD) Publications, downloaded 14 AUg11St 2004 GTMO SJA 218 On 17 Augusl2006, J had a tdephom: con\'crsation with OL-26, a civilian contract linguist employed at GU3uianamo Bay by Titan Corporation. I am acquainted "\lith OL-26 because I have worked v.:ith that linguist in GU81)tanamo Bay at the Office fI.)f the Administrative: Rcvinv of the Dl:lenlioll or En~my Combatants. 1 asked OL~26 to lranslate the \vord I spell phoneticaJIy as ya-hoo-DE. Variant,. of this word hive been me.utioned in statements attached tu my reporL These include: "Yahoo DflY" and "yahoo day" in 1\al/a1 Cnminallnvestigative Service Report of Investigation (Interim) dated 20 June 2006, exhibit 18; and r:yahodit" in Naval Crlminal1nvestjgn.tive Service Report of Investigation (Interim) dated 25 July 2006, exhibit J 19. OL-26 stated that the word I spell phonetically as ya+hoo-DE means Je\vish or Jew. b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) GTMO SJA 219 Intcrvic"\'v --.. _.. ./' t, ,':'; ~---_._.- -" -" ", SUmn1UTV . -"--~, ---~-,'-~'" I who is a b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) cUJ.-rently TAJ) to the Office for the Administrative Rc\; j,,:\-\. of Detained Enemy Combatant5, Cuantanamo Bay, Cllba. On 21 August 2006, 1 ;;poke with~b)(3):10 USC Iregardin1J the ambient light available on the night of9 June 2006. Alier some resear(,.~h, !~)!~~:1.?Y.~~. Jold rne that on 9 June" moonrise at Guantanarno Bay was al 1755 local, with 93%) lUumi..'1ation, a...'lU moonset \vas at 0503 local on 10 June 2006. Kb)(3):10 usc I furthl.T told me that on the night of9 June 2006, the sky cover \vouid have biockcd the moon so effectively that little moonlight would have bee1. visible from the ground at Guantanamo Bay. 111C overall rcp0l1ed sky cover for Guantanamo Bay betwt'.en2100 0[9 hme 2006 and 0200 of 10 June 2006 was 7/8, which is close to completely overcast. b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) Atla;:h -,>,tc" ~i(3):10 email 8/21/20067:40 AM ~3~b.(b) email 8/21/2006 9:08 AM GTMO SJA 220 Pagelofl b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) 09 Jtlne, T!oonrise '1755 iocai, 93%, liluP'";inalion. Moonset 0503 local iO June 10 June, moonrise 1856 :ocal, 97"10 illumination. Moonset 0555 local i 1 June, Given that the program assesses '/0 iI:l:mination at OOOOZ, whi.:.h is 2000L I'd say that midnight of 09/1 0 June had 95"1" illumination Aclu8: full moon was 11 June b)(3):1 USC b)(2).(b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) J have an RFi that a really !op~notch METOC officer probably could answer with just a liltle menta! arithmetic: for the night of 9110 June, what was the amount of moonlight available here at Gitmo from 2200 to 01007 If you can answer this one, you'l: have the thanks of a grateful nation! Cheers, b)(3):1 USC GTMO SJA 221 ]Wle 9~ I 0 Sky Cover b)(2).(b)(3):10 Page 1 of 1 usc §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) SUbject: FW: June 9~1 0 Sky Cover Ym.;'re really on:y interested in the column tinder 9 June. The ce.de: Few ... 1/3 Set 0:;; scattered 2/8 -- % Bkn "" broken =- Y, ~ 7/8 Ove.:: overcast;; 1 (not seen below) The final number is the overall assessment. Add 'rNa zeros- to the right of the number, to get height in 1000s of feet. Hence you see 3,000 ft 9,000 ft, and 22,000 ft belo........ These are required ~8portjng layers and what is preserJed in the reporting. b)(3):1 USC ~~ . ~ ... ~ .. ~~~========~.~~~ [b)(3):10 usc §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) Subject: June 9-10 Sky Cover June 9th 2100l (0100Z) 2200l (0200ZI 2300l (030021 . OeCOl (04002) 0100l (050021 .. 0200l (0600ZI- FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 BKN090 BKN090 BKN090 SCT090 SCT090 BKN090 BKN220 BKN220 BKN220 8KN220 BKN220 BKN220 7/8 718 7/8 7/8 June 10th 2100l (0100Z) 2200l (0200Z) 2300l (0300Z) OOOOl (04002) 0100L (0500Z) 0200L (0600Z) FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 FEW030 SCT090 SCT090 SCT090 SCT090 SCT090 SCT090 BKN220 BKN220 8KN220 BKN220 BKN220 BKN220 618 6/8 7i8 7/8 718 7/8 - 7/8 7/8 GTMO SJA 222 On ; S ALl"u~t 200o. I _~nokf' \xith bX3):10 USC ", . - p",~{~>",~r-". ,~Y-I'll\-"'I,~,,,.·., ~""~~~~~~'f.:'i""'-)"'""'--'-""'Jl 'In(~ Univl'rsit)~ of Indian<~b"""'3":Cil"O"UmSC 0l'·!.··""-'b.' ,,,., is an expert in the field of strangulation and asphyxiation deaths, 130b b 6 b 7 performed consultatiun work for lh..: Nav ' and for the Department of Defense, V-lith regard to self-inflicted strangulation, b 3 :10 USC olfered the tollowing: Iii the "typkaljai! house hanging" (sdfin1licled slnmguJations) the individual is unconscious within 2. minutes flnd dead 'within 4 minute", 1) 2) The 2 minute/4 minute time frame'_ is applicable even iftbc individual strangled himself or herself lying dO\\l1 using a ligature v;trapped around the neck. 2) Most self-inflicted strangulations nre not fuJJ-suspension hangings that is to say that there is some cuntact b(;~lween lhe lllJor or anolher object and the body. 3) Death will occur much quich'T in a full-suspension hanging. 4) /Httopsie::; are generally unhelpful in determining hmv long it took any pmticu]ar person to die from s.trangulation. 5) Foreign <:tinvay obstructions in the throat may cause a person to die more quickly than \vithout toreign matter in the throat b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) GTMO SJA 223 , . ,,. ,"" Death by Strangulation by Dr. Dean Hawley Autopsy examination in f·ases of fatal strangulation is a procedure that ha:; prohably not changed very much in the last few decade-so In !lid. perhaps the best mcdkal scienrilic pflper ever written about examination of strangulmion victims was published by Gonzales in 1933, relying on European rcfcrcnct::i Crom the 19th century.[ I] 't'h(' prm:e-ss of sfrangulation~ whether by hand (manu31), or by ligature, resulL'i i.n blunt fon..':: injury ofth~ tissues of the neck. Tne paut:Tn ofthe... e injuries aiiows U8 to rCi,;ognize st.rangulation a5 a mcchani:-m, and iO distinguish strangulation Irom other blunt injuric.s induding hanging, traumatic blovv's to tht' neck, and nrtinlcts of dccoll1j1osit.ion. f2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8] .', /.' . """ It is no coincid~nce that the best medical evidence::: orstrangulntion is derived It-um post mortem examination (autopsy) of the body, but even in living survivors of strangulation assault'\ it may be possible to recognize a pattern of injury distinctive (or strangulation. At autopsy we can exam ali ofthe tissues of the neck, superficial and deep, and track the fun.:!: vector thot produced the injuries. In living people, we arc It:fl with superficial examination oflhc skin, and t\vo-dimcnsional tihadows by radiography.[lf, 101 Ollt:nt.imes, even in fatai cases, Lhert:: is no eX1cmal evidclllX of injury. \Vhile patterned abrasions and contllsions of the skin of the anterior neck are typical of sn'fmgulations cases, some cases have no cXh:rnally evident injury whatsoever. The injuries that may oc·cur indud~ pauerned contusions and ahra.;;ions caused by fingernails, (jngt:r tout.:h pads, ligatures, or clothing. These injuries arc then prone. to change over time, \vith the healing process. Tnjuries not at aU apparent on the day of demh may actually become visible hy tJle next da)'. as th~ skin hegins [Q dry and become mure: transparent. Much mcdic.al rl,;,g~arch has heen published 011 the findings ofslrangulation, owing to a no-long~r promoted pract.ice by police agc:ncies where,in "choke holds" 'were trained and practiced as a way for officers to subdue suspt:cts.[ 111 The summary c~rience with choking for control of suspects -- also l::.tlled the "carotid restraint hold·· , ':shime waza", or ·'the sleeper hold'· -- is thm death can ensue \vithoul the intent of Ole officer, find withoul leasing external marks on the body, In addition 10 the biunt force injuries orl.ht: neck, strangulation produces cvidenl:t: of asphyxiation, recognized as pinpoint hemolThagcs (petechiae) in the skin, cnnjuncrivfI of the eyes, and deep intemnl organs,[12, 13 J PCkl'-hiac are- nnn--;pecific findings, that can :1e\'eJop from - :", 5" 2fty C3u<;;e of 3sp:hyxia including strangulation, hang:ing, drc,-ynjnc.. sudJt:n in !'ant death svndromc, asvir2i.ion of - -- GTMO SJA 224 gastric contents, profound depressor'lt drug intoxication, and '\c::me natural diseases, The presance of l-"etechiat~ dc}(.'s not prove strangu IJtion, and the ab3~m.:,e of pekchiae does not dispro\-'e strangu!ation.p41 In Z'.ddition to pctel:hjae~ one milY also {rarely) I1nd interstidal free air in the lung, or mediastinum.[15] Fingcmail marks are 'iuperficially incised curvilinear ahrasions, occurring singly or in sets. [n fare cases, all four fingers mark Lhe skin in a singk patlern. ~~ '~ Fing~rnail marks are rarely associated """ilh the aSMiianfs hands, but A?;.:~~' commonly associakd wilh lhc victim's l"".m fingers, as she ~truggles ,'-Jlt~ to pry the assailant's ~rasp off her neck. ringer touch pad contusions <:lre caused by the l:lSsailant's grasp. TIle thumb generates more prcssur~, than the other fingers, so singular thumb impression contusions arc found more often than contusions showing the c-omplclC hand grasp. Ligature flbrasions folluw a predictable pattern of horiLontal circumscription about the neck.; distinguishable :from the marks left by suiddal h3nging~ where a suspension point cau:.t:S Ihe l:g<1.ture furrow to rise toward ont: car. The common scenario for homicidal . ;tntngulation is that ,,,,the individual is foulid d~ad, often reported by the assailanl, \vith a vague history of subsmnct~ abuse or depression. There being no externally-evident. injury, the body is taken for autopsy with a suspicion of drug ovt:-rdose. and the injury of strangulation is not found until the neck dissecrion is carried out at aulOpsy, ordinarily nt the end ofthl' (;a.~t:. Therefore, photographs and trace evidence collections are nol made. The scene invest.igation may be useful in identif:):ing strangulation a')!'i3ults, bflsed on blood spaner and ligfltures.[l6] Rarely. lhe late,nt fingerprints of the assailant may be recovered from the skin of the victim's ncck.[l7, 18] Ofresearch interest, it may bc~ possible [0 actunlly recover the assailant's skin cells from the victim's injured neck~ nnd DNA-type the recovered cells 10 (he suspcct.[19, 20 J Ultimately, a mcdkal opinion ofsrrungl1lation as the mechanism of neck injury will be based on a complete examination of the patient's neck, either at autopsy or !:'Iy mdiography, to detect supcrfi\.:.ial and deep injuries fitting a paUern that supports the diagnosis. A common cited injury is fracture of tht: hyoid hone, aCUIally only found in a minority (no more than one third) of all fatal !'ltrangulations.[ 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27] One must keep in mind th<1t the seriousness of the internal injury may takc a ihv wm ,j .,',', ( '.,' hours lo he apprecinted, and delayed death has been reported.[28, 29] Autopsy cxamimHion oft.he neck includes complctt: dissection ,o,/irh removal of the !aryllx lucluding the hyoid bone, and prcft.:rahiy ,\'ith the tongue 3Hachcd. The RtJpcrilcial .me! deep mus/;'uhturc mu~l. be individu£lly examined [0;- ;;onLusion ,.' l..•• GTMO SJA 225 r '., '. hemorrhage. The 1a..;ngcaJ sk~-lelon is th~n exposeo to examine for fracture. Finally, the cenical spine!s opened and examined for- injury. There is considerable folklore abuut the nec.k injury in judicir.! hanging, in(;,iudi'lig the llotion thai' nldical displaced fra(;(urcs occur. So, commOTl misconception allov\'"s that thefe will he fractures or som.e sort of internal neck injury in pcopk vvho hang themselves. In fact, in suicidal hanging there is scarcely ever any internal evidence of neck il~jury at all. Suicidal hanging is usually affe,l.~ted '\vith very litH". force. II is painiess: and can be 3ccomplishcd even when lying down in hed. ExteflwJ injury inc-Iuding the dramatic "rope bums" or ligature abrasion only occurs after til~ body has neen suspended for several hours after dealh. ffthe ligature i5 released at the moment of death.. then: \viII he no mark in the skin. Leave the body. hang s'u~'Pemled hy the ligature for a few homs, and a very dram;alic rurrowand ligature abrasion "'\-'ilI develop posl-mOrlem. Immediaw death trom hanging or strangulation ean progrt::-;s from one of four mechanisms: may be pro"oked by pre~~l.lre on the carotid ~l!'tcry nerve gl-wglion (carotid bod~' reflex) causing ca.rdiac arrest 2. Ilt'(:S.. scavenger. Potcnti<11 misinterpret3tion of flOstmorlem injuril.:s. American Journal of rorc~n~ic fvledicine &. Pathcll,,)~O' 18(2): i 77·80, 1997 Jun. 5. S,llliarasekcra i\. Co\)ke C: The parho!ugy vfhanging deaths in WC!':lem Aus1.ralili. Pathology 2g(-1):33'~-8, (j. J996 Nov. (}namnn C, Fl.X.hJ!~r G: [Unusuai findings:n dClIth by h1inal emphysema caused hy mtration and ",isualization ofi-ingcrprinl~ on human skir:. J forensic Sci 14(\lo. 1):I-12.1~n 1969. 19. Grdlncr W, Benecke M: The quantitnlivc slkration oflhe DNA contem: in iitrangulatJon is an ~rldacL For~~n5ic Science International 89(1-2): lS~20, 1997 Sep 19. 20. Wiegand P> Klcibc. M' D~~A typing of epitheiill! cells after k,uma: of Legal :v1erlicillc ! 10(4): 1&:-3, ~997. " .. ",,- . ~lraJlguj3iion. rnark~ lore-malional """. ,"". GTMO SJA 230 21. rallanen MS. Bulger 8. Chiasson DA. lne iocation offl)"oid frDeture~ in slfflngu!ittion revealed by xeroradiogmphy . .Iourna! ufForcnsi:; Scier.ce,5. 40{2):10J 5, 1995 M'l'lf. H lormon of fral.:turcd and ~mfractured hyoids from victims of strangulation. Journal of Forcn:sic Sciences. 41(1):1I0-3,1996J,n. 27. poofX..'rinova fE. fl'on:·.nsic medic;)1 expertise in manual strangulationsl tHussian] Sudcbno \1cditsinskaia Ekspel1i7.ll.. 39(1):6-9,1996 Jan-Mar. w I)elay,~d 29. !\'falek Alo.·', Higashida RT. PhatQuros death aficr pressure on the r~e<:k; possible C-8l1SI\! mechanisms al"!d implicntion~ for ffi{)(k of death in manual stranguJflTion dioscu:s::.:cd. F(lI"Cnsic Science Inrcmarion.al 7~(3):193-7, 1996 Apr 13. 28. AnscOlllbc AM, Knight B1f: Case repol1: ce. HaHXlck VV: A str,mgled wife, Lancet 353(No. 9161): 1324, April 17, 1999. 30. TourneJ (i. Hubert N, Ruuge C. Hedouin V, Gossel I): Cornpktl,; illlloerotic asphyxiation. Am J Parens Med Path 22(2): 180-3, June,2001. 31. Nogami 1'.1, Takatsu A F.::ndo N, Ishiyama I: ImmlinohistochernicallocaJi;wtion of cwfos in the nuclei of the medulla oblongata jll ndation to asphyxia. Tntl J Legal M(~ 112(6):351-4. 1999. ~2. Field Manual 21-150 "Comhatives," U.S. Army Field Training ~'1"anuill, Sept. 30, 1992, Hcauqmmc.rs, Departmenl of the Army, Wl15hinglon, D.C., hnp'.::;w.~rw.aOrl.nrm".mit/cgi~ binlatul.dll/fm/21-1 50!toc.htm. .'B. Strack GB, ~·kC!ane G, Ha\\'ky DA: A Crimi nal legal j~~ul.:s. fCVh:',v Journal of Emergency unDO attempted 5irangulation cas;;:,: P"rl I: :'vfc~1 icim: 21 (3 );303··9, Oct :ZOO 1 3-1. McClane G, Stra.:-k elR. Hl1\"ky 01\: A revi~wof3C!ll:!nemph;d stnmgl:!ation cases Part it: Non-tam! a,;salllt,~. k\uma: of Emergenc) Medkinc 21(3):31 I ~5. Oct 200 i , GTMO SJA 231 Hawley DA, tl'icClune G, StrEck OB; A review 0[300 attempted strangulation ca"es Injuries In f:nai cases. Jc·wTfal of Emcn.'.Cr!C .\' Medidnc 21 (Tj: J ]7..22, Oct 20tH ~ GTMO SJA 232 Hean M. Hawley.MD Professor ofPatbology and Laboratof:;> Medicine Indiana University School of Medicine Clarian Pathology Laboratory 350 West 11th Street, Room 4064 Indianapolis, IN 46202·41 OS Telephone: (317) 491·6491 FAX: (317) 491·6419 ,i'.~~::;';S6''': email: dhaw!(tyii/--iupni,gqll . ,.',..... "". Fi:j~,fY' !A.n:as uf Expertisl.': ~~~~..~..~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_= ~~~ ~~".~~_ Forensic science .,.=== M;dici;;' ~l~n~d~ia~n~:~II~.lO~I~i~~,~I~.r\~' i IEtE;'u~iu;'c;"a~t;'iu;'n;':;;;';;';';;;;';";";'~~l;'D;';';';';';';'~;';';";"'~~~~~~~~~~'~~1~7~d~i~a~n~a~t~l~n~iv~'e~r~s~it~.y~S~c~·h~(~}o~l~of ---.'--'.---------------.-- - - .....='.7."'.•·"',',, ".~.7',·,.,·.--."" ',-- , Internship , , '.7,',,-, "~''''''.',. Internal Medicine __ ,,,',,,.-=,.,.,,.-, .~".,,"", ""'," "'.,." ,.'0,'"',-,7.'. ·.",,'",,,.-, "--'__..,,',•.• ,,',',',,"77.~_7.7=.7"_._ , , Methodist Hospital ofIndiana L:'~d~n;y::~"~:::::::: ~::":"':~":':.~·;::.:~::~~~~.~~_:;:i~:i~~e:~~:;~~n~"a~.··~"·'~·· = " _ __~ _ _.=' IndianajXlJis.I:l' .........••,.,.:;:::;:;:::::: [FIi'UowshiJt: , ,==. - =_....,. --'- "-orensic Pathology Suh~Specialjzation: forensic Pathology Indiana lJniversH)' Hospital =;;;;;;;;;.';~~.~~.~.~~~~.~~.~.;;;;,;;.,=;;;;";';;;;;;;;;;;';;;;';";;;;;;;);;';;;;", ,-- '-'----~"'~ .....__...._' :~ Indianapolis,lK ,...", ',', ""'..-,-',--"'' ',' ,,",c'"' (\;rlifications: Anatomic & ClinicaIPatholog)' htlj;://V,';V'IN I);Hho iogy, iupuL(~du/ha wlcy -grad.htm Amerit-an Board of Pathology GTMO SJA 233 f'·j ~ ,.' C :"-i ;: -' "y , •• 2::- '" ,•", , ,; •, , , 1 ,,i ,, ,• 1 , , • ;>-, (:0 co " .£ ,-' '.'! t::--. ."'>r " -<- GTMO SJA 234 DI'. lh: ~y's 11.1hlications ' .. ,:'::: ru '~.~d ~ '. _he I-'.~,., .'" Dean Hawley, MD Publications 1. Strack G.B, j\{CClane G, Hawley OA. ?A review of 300 attempted strangllhtlion ca::;e,s Part I: Criminal legal issues.? Journal (~f Hmergency Medicine 21 (3 ):303~9, Ocl 2001. 2. McCll1ne G, Stnlck GB, Han-I...y DA. ?Arevic\y of 300 attempted Journal uJ Emergemy A/edicine 21(3):311-5, Oct 200 I. ~iJangulation ca"c.<; Pan rl: Non~fatal aSS'dults.? 3. Bawley DA, ~1cClane G. Strack GB. ?r\ review of 300 3ucmptcd strnng,uJatioll cases Pm LU: Injltri~s in fat::tl cases.'? ]()/JrnaI ofEmer/{ency .~·tedicille 21 (3):317-22. Oct 2001. 4. Hawley DA. ?Outcome 3.<:;s.e'ismen1 of studem utiiia,tillfl of dectrunk educational resourc.es PUfhulogy Educalion 25(No. 2):6J~9. Summer 2000-Winter 200 I. htip':! www.palhCllogy.iupui.cd.u/hawiey-grad-pub.htlll il1 pathology.? GTMO SJA 235 8: ! 4/2006 ..- 1'. "'('Is ' _ 'w D r-..C\-lC'X 1• f.~,U} • '1.' 1'0' exmoll ,L IJ " ' ,) '-'('JP i.'j.'T.I . ,....,r-',T roT'i¥10 ,L.i... -",,-~ 'f r"'f'I"~.., Ot~'(-' _amp "L je!TD une ,,-v\<: ,;.\1..,... , l"", 2. (U) NeTS Tl1foll11fttion regarding victims' time of death [NelS exbbit 66J 3, (U) NeTS Photographs. of Alpha Block Entrance and Alpha Block Tier [NCISExhibill15, Endo::iurcs A5, 1331 4. (F) Ners Photographs ofCdl A5 [NelS .exhibit 115, Enclosure::, Cl0, C13, C17, CIS, C191 5. (U) NCLS Photographs of eel] AS [NClS Exhibit liS, Enclosures D24, D25, 032, ms, D42, D451 6. (U) NetS Photographs ofeell A12 [NelS Exhibii 1is, tmdosures E7, E9, FlO, El3, E18, £19, £20, E21, E22, £29, £36, E37, E38, F39] GTMO SJA 236 U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE T~.,..,r:;"~T-I· ~.;~~.:> I." ',"~\~ 1_ c, " ("J' r. _ 'Ou . •- ,'r...... - .• .,....- - 1'-'''''' -, ...• 0 ,.U,,-..;b-o.+·'J_ ' C-O~··"'"'C'· .""" >-' • ., .....'-""-'-, "-1/:....._ ,J ,c_'i< . :.-. _ .....'I.l~_, ~ ,.,. I'i :1.a....t'N"2b-r-L(';:'-'/<"J"r ., l,.'L .. __ • "'. '"' 1, _0 (C,",,-,,~ ',ep'-"-l'nn, ~ _ ... '-, • >cC',"\ ..." '~1­ I_~'_- ':1..~f"_ '.... r; z,.', • • '''-·''·''"TJ\ r>-"",...r.~" ,._",,;~,.'A...l ..... ""c .• "',.' t"''' •• c_ <:~·-,nr' ,,,-, ,_,_. -"P~.';'>-;·,"''t ",-,,, ....... '.' "',,"._ ""O! 1:"-"-,,,,,,.• ,,,,,0, -'-'v U-i()P:- H'-::'I'U<-I.:. f.:-r '':dlttp Dell;), ,joint CctE:~11:1on C:IUUp (;jDGj, ,1n-,nt T"i:-!k l!o::c=:" c.:~la,,·;c::n<'".lt:.o eay Cl.lbr. IJ7F-G'lMO:, fOr" :-H':.':-:!': on::.. thiit are jJOl..~nt iai:'1 r~ det.z,.i;__~t!;;, -::~2.ths I':i"'.' <:h ocell ,red :.n :.. !""c';> Alplld .~lcck ;:If C,,:T.p 1 .:It Carrp Dell"", JTF-Gn'10 dur:'ng ~.he carl·t "t..o:l:::!linQ hcu.cs of. IO"dS06. 1'"\02 :t'.c::sL r-ec:"n-: :::ul. y rc:'!iS2·j v",rGL;r). of the 30F t:l::mual Wi'S p~bliR:-;ed :;,:., CE\.}5 by ':Jr<1~T of Lh~ Cc,rntil!l"·''''''i'''·" .. '",....... ,.. .....~~", "'., ..,'- of "e·l~'ne.>< "'". ', .. <·c'··'-;';· _ c.'"" J ""'-', " .,' .,,"''--'v_ ",_ .p'-' ,'" c.•.... , ' - ' tc··j" ,.l. ~~, ~/' ~ (Ai 1:> a. ::CI!~91et>? copy o~ th(: EUl'. _:":.. ,:addit:'on to t:lle DECO: SOl' l~,:mua:'. il.?. al.so t:evi~... €:11 t.€'n 5ub::;f'(~'.l,=,nt tG 1.:1'0'.' pUbllc;:ti.or:, cf I.hE SCP l1ant,al fo! Camp ~l Lii _ ~t:at d l1.o1.lnt :ne::::si'lges o;:;up~r~p.cc- the SOP lYW.nua 1 ",::ld may P::~5=1l;. changes t.o tr.c sVP, pn)'!id-:: :-:l'H"ifiC~l:ion of cert<;.ir. S'..:o2:<:, or mod';"[y ari CXl.i;L.irg I:r .... cl.i,,€' ::iuc t.:; r.'HI.r.ginq t:i'~ClliT..st":lnCes. G.lard I'.H:.c':::'J::-di:lq ":0 So<;cLlor. 1(/-1 ',<1;. it.:::a3 to be U"'>:ltl '::0 r~scrded in ILMS 2re .. M€al r-=f~l;oj:al2" C::::ivp,sati0tlS, b€-~l.:;.vi~)r~j 'aa~.c·'-"'J'~" ""-a'·"'" lr-ct"'·"", '·"1• " .... ,."'.;.), _" ..... ~~:..> __ .. , I'~ ::"-""" -~.'" _k"' __,,,::', t-"'o _",. "'.....',·;,'o',I' p.,..~"'........... rO":'·., _, __ •• "", .... P .."""'-"mo ......"'_ .." .,... - ~_"'" --::"·a ""'~"''''''"r' ,·'" "··~n"' l-· -'".'T ~., 11 • . "",,:,, .. _,,, ._ . . . . ... . ',..,.. '-''' ",'.', ...... _.. other \."~"""''''' -", , ..... _ .. ..... "" ''''' _,;'.... ave···.!;'h,rog • ,t·"" r,!u<:; '.' r·--'~r"''''', ,~"n-";n'" r ... r ~ ~." _~1"'" ~'" .".' _"" ..... _ '"''1'';0''''' . , .- .• ~ -"'c',"n+-"" ;j." • . '._ ... ~" J "'d' _. b'o",.,. '_ ..... 'Ju. , . . . . ", • __ ,=, ., to """r'" >; .. - ". .., - • ...., ~.~'_/' ,-"J "_~"'_ _~-'" cict:;,~ ... eoe:" '.P,~!i'I ~eq'~L-CrHm~<;, "•• nf,r~~"'on __ -' .0<'", . . . . . _~-., l:CI'..i3<1.l. ... ",l~'.o ,",•..• FO ~'" ~_ al~d ::le.! t-:,a:::::rc~ ectalls -:of !.::lvd" act::.'!l' A.' -- •. ... "~'_'''' ,, _ _ ,~""' .U:r:i dc'r:t~~. '.;c'S "~ Dt~o::' te', :)Il>t3 c::. G):::-Ul'-i'Hi .J.,3 cntl:'V 'df':i', -_"r. •. "" FOR OFFICtl\L USE ONLY ...E?9.~.J _ 0>, "' r ._?M.~~i!.~ ffi9ft i,l"1 iF 1)1fPW":~~~&Ir~"'~' .;~,,,,,·rr~;-"',V a( ')i~tOS"l' r,....., I:> ~~f1i; 'H"'~" L<::f,"''ims l,\H ,.,-,' ..... <;t1;C~~u l' "i.. """.W\$\ ~0i>J-.""'-.I.· ·...'~.·T T; U"·,, ~-.:>1o-:f_ GTMO SJA 237 _"'It- C-"~ ....,aTo;Ji,'?l".:':"d"'''''''... U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERViCE .J) b)(2) I . " - " '::\' I '"'J..1J:Jl:t is i~-, :Jpct-L:)!1 S:--6,1;:;:;T,LCifJNT;, ; :f ) ~'e,,~';·~t~ ",._,---- ;;:_0 -~-;'~.,.,(-,1.;""< -' U·" __'"'''__ "'·~·'t .'_ S P:t:~>iqrApL:; "-'''-'-'''>--''"0h :~~.~,~'o!'-"'-,-, i.-,', -J.' and psgc b)(2) ,', e, 0-- ., b)(2) 8 --:l page b)(2) to b)(2) , b)(2) b)(2) U'-" 'OT _ _r_ •. ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE . .. - --- - ONLY GTMO.q'SJA 238 ·~a,Tng-., MM 8£ CLo;Gl''''n.,. UJ/.. "~ Pf:~"'C;"':U'.L;CO"'S. qo'''lc.'..',.... >, ''''5 RPJeffiF ~, :'T33 '<1',',,.--,',., '_:C,,,eF~' M.',Y 'J(r, ,.,2;'· Sc.:D",,:" ") '+. ?A~)', c., U:" L"'Uj.-":TH-__ ,-",,;en.'; _l,j UN Ub-:1PGT-OCJ =- - 'i'E)lA U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE "~::LI:';" p,,"'],:., "-, st/,t::s; b)(2) .;". .. \i . ~,.,-. "I"~ ~"-"·,·1 t'--", 7~"""-'---"~n' ..i L .• " ~',," "'c,"'~C<_ ·'""t-;,,'O' '".. .- ... :!.-,-~..; (,':)\F5) :=Y: rhe Cj,;np. ScctiCL :-JC-':'. l.;.T'l''-!:VFTEI:/J~CTiJkT. SEL~" 'Dl .. Pl;H13 ·-'~'"l't"',. ~.(' ~1". ~'" _.'.J " F .•". 'L,- .... , ,,,,,-.,,,, _. l1~Fl1 ~:i~jh)1:1 ::11 ~~~w·~(, :';:~~:L ' ~ ' ~ ~ , : ~ ~'~;;D~:~:'·'·'~~~ <~,~~~a , r ~ ; t 2 1 C ;~;~J"~'l:;~ ~.'P;:~~;c~r,~;~ ,_.,.f .~O:U~, '-'.~ _'.'.0 -,-"~oJ Tr» c .., ''''~cti,·". ~-J -"- li",f.,~ ~.~-, •.. . -'-_ 7""p _ , , __ '.'. tee, '.j '-.--'- _.,J. "-,-, , n'-''''C'''''~f'''"_''', DY",--,,,,,,,,,,, ~'" _••'... "p"," "'V'~". . . ~,._ ., "-,.' .~~ '0'-0 ,co", ,_ ·'_·· .. _ _ _ +--l~G ~ ,,, re:,--;po-J,s~,.oiLi..L.i.",s of i:ldi vidu.ijL~ and b:!dllliO ,,.,jL'lil': _,".co C-:'T,~O( -')-:2 Blo·.::k\hr. COlrulL:';S}OL,::d Ulcicer:NC;;,I, (;:;n~), SUJ_r-::i tl:::e fJ""to,:::n 1p0cer (1'1:, f the ,j), -:--('? .';.J,-::h .J.:3 S,;,.tqeant of I hB thr:; DeLeat.' on 0P<:'1?it:1.::ons CPT't2r ~'cr'-:e (nu~',; tean :n",:n.'-,PTs, :t18Cl.::i-ll stafr i'!"-d ths .'.1eh2.'IicLd.l H""altbcdL'A Servicp (3HS). Fr:c],c,sure CA:, p0J.H~.'--) 124 iL'od 125, ;,::;rl':::ain ~:l~ couple::", 1.ist c,l: se.lf-harn:c Inc.idc:-"L dnt:2G. ([-:)(':, .l"'Ci(::eh i_ PA-"T<:LS8 I 11. Ch,:,pter 3':'.GTJIDe,:NES Fen .i\TTOF::-iEY 'v'TS--::T.., ,\TION, .-s1s;) ce-"ta.i-.213 sect.ior:s -:hat , ii" ; ':.:' '.' "" .. ~:;If':e-i~~ -,<[, r.i;'.''.. ne·~~0'.r;>'- .. f-.' ""t''';'-R ~m U'~·;'.:::""'iiD·WiT'''--;'-'' :->"">";(0 '.'-' '>+'~?'i'-TDK "~c-'" ',H, "'\';h uP,,"'..... r;'.1OS11<';{-.f,'-,,", .-I,':." _ :' 0UG]: U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATiVE SERVICE b)(2) b)(2) , , LJ. 111.eL r L'-iC f011~;I'!.lHq Glla.rC t.fP''\',,;o;q'" entitled NVllfIC:A"'1CN" '.,n.~: "'p'pO)""pn. Trp -'~"'~r'" '->-r b)(2) ",. IG) 0::-, 21M1,YO[, T': ~L627LJ _Le Lollc,\<;'inq G'J'1~d NPSStt9C ·::::ntitL. "Ul'TL.1\S3IFIET) ;':'JMX.P·_'UiS '~~F EVIDDKF (, rJ',.3EA5 MATI," ;,'12S ::C10013'2(1. sC'cti·::m of the lnesc-ic.Cjp. r~ji'l.c:erl to haJ:»'is ::nail 5ta.t0S: b)(2) Or: 28I-'•.P ·JOC,'1t:: "iOU.. :1:c f'ol101rJing G'YL:::d c'lc;:;8dqe 211.,..~t "HIG::-J: 'lTG:-:I"I\KC<; CUR:~;:; b)(2) '''d~~ .:::elt:c.:wd. \ i ndic2tte C':J:7l'Ct2ncl ::hI8a.t: c;'_'H,,:r::(~.'12"S was nE':;0rLe:J~(~, l:::ut that the ::C;Cl.<8 i'.'CiS rr,:tCG::i,lC; :.jLi'lcis fro::-t1 d""tairos'cs V0L::;UG 9::otccti~>! ietalne7's fr 17. (1]) }·",,,·~,,,,1v·~,, ... L . d ... , ....... "".,_·, I" Co "C1'.'_'C ~,Q' ..f ".V"( <_'--',_,~ .•,._, ~,,·"""'"''''e''' "'.~00",'-j' .~Ul .. ..··1"·,' "'.'c;, b)(2) Ft1ROFF1CtAL lYSE ONI::Y ltJti.w..G.'1.tW.l (~._Ij.E.EP CJ!:':S"iTY. '::::= '~:';~''''i!$ "", v,,(,·;D"'~l·.c>to',",·''-'''L'' 'V}·'"-..:;c.· GTMO SJA 240 ZAHP).\N j I U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE the b)(2) 1::, tlJ) en /i'\fA.RCG, "r;I""~ (1';''''''' c: .. j..- ,- "'. , . . t'~, '~, 1,_,c, . . _,_~,_.~,-,._,,,, .,. ..., " -. ", -. ~',l",; '-.:1 '-'H'._-,-L.! "'o ,," b)(2) .c . ~, ,,' 1 f:)"/L, b)(2) ""C:.L( 1.:'18 [ullG'",inQ Guard t':e3:~Eiqp e,'"titled "HI:~C 'IIIGIL]\}·TE DLJiTNG ~ Has r~l''",:lst'd. Tt ~.::VHC;:ct8s that C",n:ra,t_d ~:lLedt:'i,-~;-"t.1:(:-l":CSS \·,a~ he- ]hte:v::,-::l, bui,_ Lh;=;t the fO<:;,13 W.'O.';; 0':', pr0cect_.i,r~'J gu",rJc; [rom detainee::; \'eL-ollS protecting J.eL"Lr"'t~S frO:L t.'.',P"":",~f' "e,", _ ',:':,e, ""'"r-d,_, -:'H/""Vrj(: '-'F""'-~"" ~''''-2''''''',",' _.. ,, ,",_"""-,~"".,, '-'''~'. 17. (I' On 22t-EI.YC6, ;j- Mill b)(2) FOR OFFiCiAL liSE ONLY , ,.,,,,,,'J'; '~!__ W":,T$ ·"n"''''''i'A9e-~'"RCH' -,-~,[ GTMO SJA 241 :,',ano 'HE PMY,',S:. ';,"'.' .'..W"".' W".KlT PEG~"C­ ""',~\. ".''<'"''''','::, NiE'%C:/f1y, CubE. Can;,) l)p'~: 1.;;. ,TTj<·GTVC-; Guard 112S2C.gcs ,X; ':npy c,f r:'ar:cp ; REI'OHTL~ BY: llilill:10 USC FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAST ,.,., ~{T . VlfARN1NG , "-'y. '~ \ j,;:'U~ ~::pgS''S«'h'M,~: •..iS.' h;j1~y;efEii2f.:C~~J:tSl'I\kQl\litK';J. u-:;;n'Gf;'T0i~ZI1':!:4 'J_' J ;~.!, 'i "~', a~ D:"'~L~$~='':,,__: , ''0 -~-·-"'.(ik' -.~- ")'.'" '::+"'0.-"••'3CS R~C;'}iO~ ;,u:-"y; GTMO SJA 242 U.s. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE VJAL ZAHRAN!, ¥ASSER TALAUCIV 1OJUN06-MPGT-nG31·7HNA l'ITLE: CCN: ) ." ..••.• : INVESTIGATIVE ACTION: iNFORMATION REGARDING VICTIMS' TIME OF D(£AnI 1. On 16JUN06, reporting agent (RA) contacted medical officials to detsr'iTiine the time of death of the ti,r66 victims, Specificalty", for each victim, FA delermined ihe time at which the victim was prunoonced dead. The three vlctrms, a!1 of whom reportedly ccmmnted suicide by hanging. ',vere delainees at Camp Della, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Their names and 1J1~rnmEint Ser~1 Numbers {!SN's} were as follows: VIAL ZAHAANI. VASSER TALAUCIV. ISN 93; ViAl TABI, MANA SHAMAN AlLABARO/CIV, ISN 588; and VlAHMED, AU A.BDlJLLI-. H/CfV, ISN 693. Infonnatior. on the time of death for each vktim IS prt)\~ded b~!(M'. 2 I$N 93: To determlne the time of ISN 93's de2th, RA conlBcted b)(3):10 USC Commanding Officer, Naval Hospitat (NAVHOSP), Guantanamo BaO:y."'iRC.A-:m=-e:='lc-W:';i';;:,hYb;;;)"'13")"i:1;no~uT.S"c~'at t NAVHOSP. RA identified himself by name and display of credentials. RA asked CAPT bl(31'10 USC a written record to confi . nd time at which ISN 93 was pronounced dead. , b)(3).10 • the medical records administrator for NAVHOSP. Wilh b)(3):10 USC §130b.(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) lrleved ISN 93's outpatlenl medical record. Review of thIS record revea;ed that ISN 93 was pronounced dead on 10JUN06 at 0150. This pfOnouncement wa~ made at NAVHOSP. The r~rd re'o'ie~ed~:'t'j~ tIme did. nollist the name of the doctor ... made thIS pronouncement. For further lflforinl3ttan, !~~).10J adVIsed she can be contacted at her office phor.e number, mo lliH1LJ 3. ISN 588: To determine the time of ISN 588's death, RA mel, with~b)(3):10 USC IDiviSion Officer and Nurse, at the Detention Oet Clinic Camp Deltl3, GtJantanamo Say. RA identified himself by name and display of credentials. b)(3):10 USC consulted his online medical records, Review of these records revealed that lSN 5 was pronounced de 1 i N06 at 01'15. rtys pronOlJOr,emeo! was madeJ>Ythe Senior Medical Officer (SMO), b)(3):10 USC at the Det Clinic. ~b)(3):10 USC contacted~:10 USC Iby phone, who con rm IS !n orma on. I 4. ISN 693: To etetlC~H"i Y Ti~'f;: ;,tiIDlj,!" C()~T$"lirf ~IO OhSCL ~$"('l C\!. Y 1't1'>SC!oJ:W"O~~ ,-'fl' lelM V'.;T'''''~ ;;..S.ll/:RE At;1'..F.$!; >'[;".itTO <;;(,>N 1'00N: ~ "fA', f,oT SF: D\Il(",l,C'SE~< TG Ttll.': P"~'"Ylo;:; (;Q'lCl":RNlW m __\V!:r:J:!!!:l!;:rf':fr';:FK:_~~tHQliib.T.,{!N~ftGM.rJ:l.E 1MVh<:"J1!MrN.".'. ~::' ::.:_. _... " ExniBiT (1:.0 ) GTMO SJA 243 Transci'ipt:nn of Leg Extracts from Camf,l FL PfI:ti:S Uowu Log, Opcnerl19 F~b 200o! Closed 18 May 2006 Entries are verbatim wifh mino... punc(uarion add.?!j si/ent(r.; ~(;1' clarify; squ!t!"i! bradwr.'] irulictlie addition'i fiJr clarity_ CLASSfr1C411UN ALL ENTRIES TV BE MARKED SF:CJlt;1i/NUFORN DUr; TO RHVEALING OPERATlO.VAL DETAILS RE(;ARD1NG HANDLIJ.VG OF Dt."IAINEES. 20 F(:bnr~.ry 2006lli\L2i]tlad been t:iken CUi of his \:clllor a ,en sen.rch due to refusing ree. As h(' was being esc0l1ed by two,bll"fi guard.o:;>llh};toppcu in front of his s;ell not wanting to wa.Lk: down the three ceIls. b)( was instructed to move forward, herefmed th.rc..:: lim:;:s. The ~~1rds keeping lh4 b )(2) Ion him, moved the delainee to desired location.lLh}esisted movement . guards maintained control of detainee. 2813 & 5US \.\'a~ submitted. 508 was downgraded to a verhal but is ~Lill there if another incident arises wf this detainee. Detninee was not moved 27 febmary 2006 5085 were generated in lar.ge quanrities today odlJBlOl:-k. 27 Febmo.fY 2006 Finding a 101 of contfo'lband on all oflhe blocks. Ensure thorouQh searches all heing conducted. Compl~ted 9508[51 all together. 2S March 2006 Days. Camp Report: Welcome to Camp 1, a compliant camp. Wt:. currently have detainee~, . gwmh. *Self-nar:n If Hunger slriler • .1\ 1".y significant event. ( \ '.'" ' 26 March 2006 Nif~:l::;.~welcome to Camp 1. Ttlis i:; a compliant camp. We l.:llfTently hflvc~elainecs b)( 27 \4arch 2006 Nigbts. 1tbiL2iJ~!ated (r-.at something is going to happen bigger than the hunger strike. 27 Marl'-h 2006 Nights. Bread is being \Happed up in plicid li.e.:., plastic] "\Tap? Are they suppose(dJ to hav;; it.? 30 March 2006 Nights. 1823 & 50Ss, need to kL the chain nf eommaud kno,"", the prior to DOC. /\1 night, same; rules ~pply. detail~ 2 April 2006. S]X>ke to toed prep sUlXrvisor (roN). Bread will be in wax paper vice Samr. Wrap. He.: placed the request yesterday. 4 April 2006 I"ig111s. [(i:iJas letter '7 fO'·1Lii}{j}iJ ApriJ2()06 Dfty 1iiil1iiJiiii3JR1(}Ck ;\eVi dctaill.;:;:liiil1iJlcr hiD) on ,the bl'Jck for about 1 hour L1en C?H r:!\S aad 1m heI kno,,,..:t GTMO SJA 244 SEclm1JlNOFulM /'",""" '~ , "'.', : 8: /\pril 2006 D~)y, All Pl... . ) make sure we col! th.., ; LT if we ar~ having any major Pf(J(:i(~JllS, i,e. c,amp in ,m uproar,UU's, ASAP caB cdl if you cannot gel hEn at nomd 9 April ](Jf)6 Nights. -'\.n blt:ch request to io.cep 5hutters open M night. 17 Apri} Day. OOJ tied a nuose out of his shut, threareo(',d 10 hang l>.imself. Sheets tnken a_way. 18 April Nights. Opened all1thutters ;~0: 2250, 19 April Nights. Left shutters C!--X'U. 27 April 2006. An alarming number of Sanka instant coffee packs are being fuund in detainees ~ells. TI1Cse arc only onered in our galley. Ensure troops know not to give these items. 28 April 2006. CO', call (Troopers Chapd) 01 May -- 1830 -- 0630 E-I to E-3 02 May -- 1830 -- 0630 £-4 & £-5 03 "lay -- J 830 E-6 04 "lav -- 1830 E-6 05 May -- 0630 E-7 00 E·9 - 28 Apri12006 ~ S C Around 2000, alternately started chanting and making loud nOises. !\' ost oc 5 partIcipated. Sig Act entry made. I 29 April 2DOu Days. Brcald,a':>L will be served without dc,:iauLln, as ~r AOIC (ENS). Cereal bowl/bot coffee included. 3 May 2006 Days. Ali per AOTC~, detainees are allowed to hang towel/blanket/prayer rug ill cdl a~e cell door is kept unobslructed for Ihll view of cell. 3 May 2006 Nights. G/M :\1essage 03 "lar '06 require~ 'lb)(2) I 4 r..1a , 2006 xights. Sanitiled & op fest A Blol.::k, all sat with the exception orllbJ(no sink faucet) 4- May 2006 Night's, A Block .." as prepared for ftll,l OJ-."'Cf3tion/verified by PI.. fA single page i~ tom frolU bvuk, bUI the sentence ca'Ties aetos":> the gap correctly from l)()ttO!n :0 top, :so piesumahly no infonnlltlOn \\''8!> 10s:..1 ::; -May 2()06 Nights, [The shift hi Alpha Hinck no}! Hx;;;rdcd in L."',e PLlog; mention of an Al.pha Block (;c~Ul Ilh::Jli)}1l possession of (:ontraLmml . nC:H.~ ..- IS rtrst \., "S£('R-FTfWOF0R"-' ;11 ... _" • • /",'i:. 2 GTMO SJA 245 SECR~ oS Ma)' 2006 Days. :\ltr.~'oj bt"-ads ',,,ill be noted nJ1 DIMS (Sig..J\ct) anc H:turn[edl to ' .. de~inc:c 7 fvfay 2006 Day:.. 1Lhli2J"feit sad" b;.,'Cau~c other hm'!.hers are going home. BHS nOlifkxl :md rc,:>ponded. 9 May 2006 Nights. Shutter.:;; '\\,-ere opened rB) 2300 pcr authorization of IDG. 9 May 2006 ~jght.s.llill2Jmnved to A·8 duc to hwp toilet. iO ,May 20~6 r:'ays.lihV?\ls gow~ to. A Bloc~. Make s~re ",,~e are doing Up Scc_ Tbls guy wIll hnd uu~are. A 12 !s the cel] thatWls gom.g to. 10 May 2006 Days. !lhiL2OO:J;aid that he is going to kill hisself ifhe does not move. '44< . _. 11 May zooe; Days. Shuttl.:rs will r~main open 12 ~ay 2006 Day:" seWinffiJS giwn Lo de~ilgnaled as sewmg cell: until fmther notice. A,~ b)(2) rOllOV,'ing cells \vcn:.~ "-''-'---'------' lights. ~\"nc sint-ng the 'mmc song as they were ~he night th;:. '; bn.:mers died.. Pt~;;:;,::u in suicide :emit:::. , \..,. , GTMO SJA 247 f";. ' T'AB J .- (U) Joim Ddention Group Docwllent~ . 1. (Ui Car-up Dd'Q map 2. (Ui Alpha: Block diagram ,. • (U) Meal Plan for 9 June 200(i 4. ("{l' ,.) Camp 1 watch hiB, 9 June 20fJ6 5. t1!) Detainee information lI.'1anagQTIent System (Df.\1S) Alpha Block mutler 6/9/1006-6/10/2006 6. (lJ) Detainee tnfonnation ~·1.n.nagement System 09JlIN2006 2004L (Complete) (D~IS) J lead Count R~p(jrt, 7. (D) Detainee tnfonl1ation Management System (Dl"MS) Head Counl Report. 09JlIN2006 2335L (Complete) R. (l;) Camp 'I .Duty Piatoon Lcadl.:r Lug Book (19 Feb 200fi--18 'May 2(06) a. (U) Transcription of Log E; o. (U) Phorocopics of Original Log Pages GTMO SJA 248 (W2) GTMO SJA 249 (b ( ~) ,, I I I I : , I : • I " I, "" iI I, I 9'1 <01 I I , ,i !,, , , I 00 " c.-, '" " l'-.i ""- "I - ~ 0 0 m I LJ ,, I, I, I 0\ GTMO SJA 250 Cls10m Block Vic\\.' Page 1 oflg A 8!ock H'$a:d~ClHIt tl1 ?j'"ogro~B (i4AUG2006 C800l) ASSiGNED: I 0 o ! 1 ~''''K',,-: .Rem ,,"'", -'. '" (b)(2) - - --" l(b)(2) ro:j'{m~ ,~~~,-,~.- ',-,=','~',-. - L"'~/i(;D$ , - 2£1 , GTMO SJA 251 Custom Bloi:k View Page-2oflS (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6) iOJUN2DC6 2100L Vovemsnt \1ovement 1D..!ur"20()(-; H:¥J7L M~Ner(e:'t i0JUN~:006 Move:"ent 190m ,~. 'UN~'-"'~-o 'L.C-.>D ; L'., 1859L 1CJUN20DG 1857L Movement 10JUN2006 1855L '10JUN2OC6 1852:_ Movement 1DJUN2006 '85Dl Mover;,ent iOJUN2GOO Movemer:! ~848L 10,jtJN2006 MOv0ment 1843l 10JUN2006 Movemen; 183SL 1CJUN2006 1830 Movement 1_ 10JUN2OC6 1829~, 10JUN2006 Moveme'l! '1828L 1DJUN2C06 1826L Movement ~·OJUN2.o06 Movoment 1825l 10JUN2006 1823l_ 1OJUN2006 MO'Jemen~ Movem(:nl 1822'-lOJUN2000 1821L Mov€m",nt 1CUUN2DQi3 Mcv,,-,meni ~H;9L GTMO SJA 252 ~ CUStotH g'10::k~ '" 'i 11;\\/ Page 3 uTIS (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6) 18U?L 1i)jUN2UUj 1743i iOJUN2006 '!742L Uoveil1£:nt I' '~l'«T"" l( . )vV, ,., i_ft. Movement 1741 t. "'OJUN2006 Movement -<740L '0 q iN'or", , . "".... .... "" Movemen1 10,jUN200S 1737L Movement 1CJUN2006 Mov8rneni 1736L 10JUN2CO€ MovBment 1735L iOJUN2006 1733L Moltement 'IOJUN2006 Moveme'1t 'OJUN2006 Movement 'l724L 10JUN2006 1723L Movement 1CJUN2C06 Movement , """'-« , ? ~ 10JUN2006 1718L Movement iOJJN2006 MDvement 1717L 10JUN2006 Mover"enl 1716L iOJUN2006 Movemeni 1715L 10JUN2006 1713L t.1oVem€l1: 10.JUN20C$ Movement 1712t~ 10JUN2006 'Iii-It MDvBme,! iDJUN2:GD€ 1m9L Movement ;?GEl ',,',',n "\','-IV,<"" , • "._V'-' ll0·;~- l(b)(2) GTMO SJA 253 Custom B!O'Jk View iOJUN2X.s Page 4 of 18 fum P"t!er.t b)(3):10 USC b)(2) M:Jlfc!'"'len! ~669L 130b,(b)(6) 1{;JUN2tJ06 MmelYl-?m 16581. "RTC'E~ "-'S'T''T'Q"f'( R"'J'~~. .... T ·AT .".., F...... , " ,... ,~" ,,<,,,;;. \,;u~,. r.: r~ ........-t:::...,:; .....a:.F, A!'). A12.I\.NO ;.lb W~RE !\;..L 8E'TLiP Ii\: TH::: SAA;[~ '10J':JN2OG6 ,)!Hll ~t<\NNER \-\r·ti A SHEET Af.;D at Afl/KET IN THE BACK COR;\;ER OF THE CELL f)v THE DRINKING FOUNTA;N AND THE BEDS WERE SETUP TO LOOK AS iF SOMEONE. '-VAS SLEEPlr~G lSN#OOOS88-. iSN'm)'X!&.)3 ~.ND l$l'l#OOOG931,\lERE ALL TfE0 UP HANGiNG BEHiND ELjl,j'oJ!laced ISN#OOre. ~n 00 •.9 d;,c;.: hamicufie:1 arid e:t':.2cld~d. b 2, b iemO'leu (he piece of c,o,h frcm ISN#L".O(.'SL,'g .""'"1ol:lh, ISN~Cn;)aa was placed or, Ihe baa board and s~!'ed. at ~Jtl.ich time h.: was transported· to DEI Clinic. SOG anc Pt. look. over the :;cene. DOC notified , ~OJUN2OCS IS~'ifI3C<.."l5SS. S'-~rt~ ~>tio\'e­ -. ..•1;. .. 0",· to r)81Jen, Admin 10JUN2DOO Co521i... l$t-!#ODOO9'3'. $tar;ed Mel{(; b)(2) 1m:'"] Ge:; 1'.12 b)(3):10 ~SC f:'omCtlliABto 130b,(bH6) Pa1jsm Adm,n ~.' . , ., '" f)f'"" r.~".~~." b)(2) .NCr. ...... GTMO(":J,nn SJAt l6254 i\l.,. _V_' ,,"'~'~'l .", ,~,~ ~ ChI;.) N2006 ~+CYh:;r nst3L :O,jUN20C6 (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6) M,NfV0Hn\ ,,>;'<,), tu. ,1- 1D.JUN2D06 050?L Me-verner'll ']OJUN2UOS D605L 99-Clhet' 10Jur,;2GOe Mcvement ".,14"-S-}l , 10JUN2CD6 99-0ther D456,- 10JUN2006 99 Oth;;;r 0453L iOJUN2D06 0452L gg·Othi2r 10JUN200G MO'lemerrl - 1"14r;~ ~. l- 1OJUN2006 99-0ther 0450l ~OJUN2006 99-01hi::lr 04~OL ~OJUN2006 MOliement 0449L 10jUN2006 99-0ther 0449L 10JUN2006 0448L Mov8men~ 10JUN2008 99-CJther 0447L iQ,JUN2006 0445L Movement lOJUN2006 99-0fher 0445L 10JUN2006 99-0ther 0444L 10JUN2006 Movement C443l 10JUN20G6 Movement C442l ICJUN200G Movement 0442L '" ""'-<.1'UWC06 ,:t. '. 99-0Ihel- 0439L -iDJUN2006 0435L Iv1cvemB:1i lOJUN2GGG ()432L %'-O,i",e: "),, ;N?~{)r< ",~,_'" _l- c- ~.1()V6tm-mt (i4.;U:',L. t(\JUN2C{l!::, , I}/':,~t ,~,' 1_(b_)(2_) MG'V'C'Yl0(\l 1 GTMO SJA 255 1 Custom Block Vie'Y r 'fO..:UN2CJ06 n·j.2?L 9S·();hei Pag:: 6 ofi S (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6) , D426L lCJW\20(J6 Movement (M25i, ,OJUN200G 04.<::3:1... 9:9-010"" j nJl""-""-"" U" do".I,:, ",cvemetl,' (}422L -iOJUN2G06 042il 89,Oti;c: 10JUN2006 0.:<.19L 98-0ther 10JUN2006 04'l7L Movement 1OJU N2006 0416L Movement 10JUN20D5 gg.,Other 0416L. -; OJUN2006 SO-Other 04"5L ~OJUN200t3 99-0th€r 0414L ,,-/ ~:.. - iOJUN2006 0411L 98-0!iler 10JUN2CO€ 99-0the: 0408l '10JUN2000 M07L Movement 10JUN2006 99-0ihe- 0405L 10JUN2006 99-0ther D405L 10JUN2006 0402L 99-Other iOJUN2006 99-0ther M02L 10JUN2006 0358L 99-0Ihe( 'OJUN2C06 99,Other U35H 'OJUN20D6 (J350L 99,Oth0r '(UUN:Y.OOi::> 9':;:;O~hcr 034(1[, 1C":U"-::?GiJt; f'.'bvc!';,c::( :rj~~ lG.:l)N2CLV3 0347:'" l(b)(2) 99 Gthsi' GTMO SJA 256 euston:"!. Block Vie\v 7 0+'.'.ll~c P'Mye """ . (b)(2),(b)(3):10 USC §130b,(b)(6) iCJUN20C6 S{lCther 034;}L 10JUN2GC5 990thH (}3A4L iOJUN20C6 Movement 034~L 1CJUN20C6 G340L 8!J.-Oth.;;r 1(UUN;2G06 98--0!her Q339L 1DJUN2006 0338L 99-0ther 10JUN2000 9g-C1l1er a336L 1CJUN2006 99-0rhar 0335L 1CJUN2006 0334L 99..G ther l(b)(2) 1QJUN2CD6 0330L 99-0!rer 10JUN2CD6 gg-Ot:;er 0328L lOJUN2006 0325L Movamen~ 10,JUN2.006 99-0tr·(F ;~ I I O~"'L 1CJUNZ006 gg-Olher G,116L 10JUN2Q06 99-0ther 031; L 10JUN2006 99-0ther 0310L 10JUN2006 0305L ~v1ovem€nt 1OJU N2006 gg.. Othi3f 0303L 10JUNZOO6 03011- 10- BHS 10JUNZOO6 0300L 99-Dther 10JJN2006 0258L 29~Oth8i -iOJUr-J2006 0257L 99-.-0tht'! 1Cl.kjN20iYJ 02-:8L ~j&-G\her -; Q,J_yN2G_Ct$G_9~q\!#( ,"'?-''): .".- ,'~~ ib)(2) GTMO"i4!2UU6 SJA 257 (W2) GTMO SJA 258 usc GTMO SJA 259 usc GTMO SJA 260 usc GTMO SJA 261 usc GTMO SJA 262 usc GTMO SJA 263 usc GTMO SJA 264 usc GTMO SJA 265 usc GTMO SJA 266 usc GTMO SJA 267 DEPARTMENT OF Dt:FENSE HE-40QUMTE:RS, JOINT 1ASK, rORC~ GUANTANAMO U.S. N/>,VAL STATiCN. GlJN~TANA."ti08AV,CUBA Af'O M Q~3l>(l J IF-elMO-CDR VlEMOR.A.'.)I)C':\,1: FOR Comm.a.ccer, L .S. Southe,u Cur.an~ut1d, 35 j 1 cl-n-~" .... L._., ~ <",'7'... ,.,_ t~}r :-"CIS In.. e;;;tigation inw Clrcur11S\?.ll:.f:5 Sui~ides v!l ':);'! 0 J ltHC 2006 SLBJECT: Request Sl~rro\Uld.infi, the Detaili~e 1. IIi a tele hone confhr~nce can cnnduct~d on 2 t .! nne 2006, henn.:cn reprt;s'::ntltiv~ of JTFGTi\{O USSOIJTECO~~1. DoD Office of G;;ucl7J.l Counsel~ the Actwg, N~:,'y General COUns~l , the Di.rectorof'-:CIS~~~~;~e Dcpu ~avy JAG • ), and l'epn.:sentatl\'cs of the Depari.rncrh of Justice , NelS indicated ::hat th-:;ir suicide investigation was inrgeiy compktc. They indic~tt.:' thm m k..::cping with tlJ~ir tr!eJy by ~he ....i ctims themselves. > 2. ~ Acti'1g G:nelal COUl'i!>e{ of the \fa'.')', &n~ Directl1:- c.f':\CiS, ;:;tatt:d tMt if r-..xr.., ested by COTIunana.er, JTF-GTMO thn;ug=:e;:":SSOliTHco:\rI, they are ·.\·iiliug for NelS to icves;:i~at~~ whe.h(;[ Ijle 5uiG:des \.Vue In furtherance of a larg~ pior or had ix.~ ~rlcoumgcd or on.!.cred by other cctainees i:l!ill wh'e~hcf there is elr,y e\·idence uf otller suicide pbm. 3. Reqw.:.~S! thal Net") be torw:lHy ilsked to inc1uJG wilhill tll.:ir in\(:stigatiou: (1) \>.h.cther the suic;des ou 9/i 0 June \\.'ere rdated H,l a. plot oy aerci.ilccs to comnit Sliiclde. or were otht;1\...~se C'ncouraged, ordered, or 1t55islc,d b~l Ol1l\.-''-,- detailic:es or third pen;()llS; and.. (2) 'wh;;:.tht"lf then; CXlst5 anv c\,iJcnce ofo?.sL om.:.aing 0= fu!Ure nlot'i for d:..::ainces fo cnmmit suicid.,; . .-- . - =::"'::Jltilllii::1JlllS 4. Y!y point '--If contact for this ma~er i~ my ,~;.o;;.~;~-~\~,~;;;;~. Commander1Lb \ I ii!}uj,Y he Cl)mactoo at Dlhil:ii::;:iJ. ~-' GTMO SJA 268