East Liverpool] mm. . 5341 116 Wild Pallet: Department Eu: map-u. on . I134 . Af?dav-t rm Emu I??idgnt Rapuw?f?da?t Indium l: airman rut-part Data: WM. September aura Call type: DRUG m? 1 at turn me EAST mm 15411320 And WHOM 15:11:03 Sup-driller: U11 PATRICK pram Human ?55 WNW L39 Cup-In To: hum-d: 15:11 15:13 Mind: 11:ch chm-d: ram ram: 952 Entry't'ypa: ARA Ham-r: MML I . WE: mum El?n?: ARA. Nam-I: hand. Jamal La-a darn-mass Milan any: that than: in pinball]: to Milan that lit: dafcudlnt committed an uncut, lined Ip?l?l at the fut: below. To Wit: To Wit: OnWadnaaday Saptamhar 2013 at or about 1511I1ra I was tr'arrat'm on St Clairmra in my paramal which. Iwaa fulldwinn a dark Explornrwith West 1'i'irgii'lla mammal Thu auapact midtewaadrhring varyarra?cmauing back I pairrtpupila. IMMaatuwtutwaaguinganJam-aa hu-apttal. Harman ?gearshift. lhadtdl'each in and ?lakaya. Iataa Hawaalatar ldantt?ad Tha driver eventually want complataly Wm. Rhonda was completely unnamciam and turning htua. an ambulance: and attampta-d to trap har airway rip-arr. Lifataam EMS responded atang with Frau Ftati and Patrolman Shawn Long I mtad Lifataarn administered several rounds at a darn Irma as Harcan 'lohi?'l is mummy uaad to mama an ppiata W. Both repaian Hospital paparwaa [mated on tho hm Lana. a Imall ammnt dfa pint: prmdarjr substance. Tha avtdandawaa packaged and will ba aanttatha crime tabtar analysis. Tha Haticiawaatpwad 3-. Ff'fi'l': T- 15 End-arc: 'nrz. ?raw aunuunua-aya ctr-m Pic! 1