Case ECF No. 1-3 filed 06/07/16 PageID.22 Page 1 of 1 4w? EaStem High Year: 2015-2016 3 {m . . . . Dissipiinary Action Form Report: ?08801 School Phone Number: 517~755~1050 LastName F431Namc~ huddle Mama. Gender: Grade: Bii'lziDale' - Female - Perm l3" Home Exlertwn. Home Room: Home Room Teacher. .. . . - ,l mm.? -. . Moms: I Type I I ?P?ion?l .E'itehslon': I Home Mmher Tvae Phone: Extensmn: ?39??Disciplinary incident :M?mm-ru?mm' am. "w . any? -: am. -m m; lsu v-w Incident Dale: lncidenilTime Incidenl?lf?i'r Ent?lgd fly ??ferred By. 10l13l2015 1:00 PM 1629 Stevens, Glenn Rogers. Will Violation?? I I I I Handbook infraction Obscene andlor Lewd Behavior Active participant in?a? seXualactivity in the Jerome/Penn staiMell. Student s?eMce?s meeting will he sgheduled. I A - I -v Locatl?n? I I Location Yer! Hallway Action Taken wit/wanaimhi A walls. m. a. 7 mmit?ll! 7 $555.? My: 332? ?rs-:Disposition Dam End Oats Disposmon Coda Days Haunt Staff Name 10?2712015 Suspended 10.00 0400 Stevens. Glenn 5 Dear Parent. From lime :0 time, pan of a mind's gig-wing; placess "wolves mum-g mus-takes ai school. The purpose of this report Is to inform you 0? gallon taken by the scl'loul Hall to hulp your correct hisfher mistakes. YOU are encouraged lo discuss {his E0 5.95390? 36??an Sig natu res .rhx?kr 11/ DIM charges were explained to Parent/Guardian ., 7 . i. - studehL The student was I is (camp: of form only) given the oppomnily?Ito explain hisfhar Student ?mun, man-M -. i; mam-a: . A - EXHIBIT 3