ORT"ANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT 8.0.11 Date o4 / ze / za]-e Time 10 34l.49 Page KLAYTON ORI # : FL0480400 OPD 8.L1 Case Number : 2016-OOl_7105G Description : Ottrer Sex Crimes Case Details Location 04/2s/20l-6 t2:52 Reported Occured From I 02 /18 /2015 1o : 30 Occured Thru 02/t8/2016 10:30 : Common/Bus j-ness Grid/Subgrj-d : / 1084 7084C District: C2 Report:-ng Officer : 30043 - WALCZAK,STEVEN,V, Assigned Burea.u : SpecVictim Spec Circumst.ance Approving Officer : a6O2t - SANDERLIN,PAUL,W, Scene Processed by: Case Status Disposition : : FW rNV REV 04/26/2076 No. of Offenses Signi-ficant Event : ShotsFired.:No : No. of Victims No. of offenders AssociaLed Cases Case # No : 2006-00100700 ORI # FL0480400 FL0480400 FL0480400 FLO4B04O0 2007 -o0L96479 20].2-002380a9 2014-00210399 Relationshlp Prlmary Primary PrimarY PrimarY Offenses : ::===========:================================================= ========== Crime Code Stat Type Atmpt/Commit Counts NO. croup ORI StaLute 1 OSU09 St.at.e 0 SUSPICIOI.JS OTHER Stat.us : Location Type : Med, Off. Cri-m Activity 1: N/A Gang Releat.ed : Propert.y Damage: Entry Method : NA Exit Methtod : NA off Alch Relatd: No WeaponCode.:N/A Sub-j ect Suspect. Status Date . : Location Type 2: Crim ActivtLy 2: . i Domest.ic Aband Structure: : Entry PoinL Exit Point Off Drug Relatd: Weapon Feature : NO Occupancy Code : Arson Type : Crim Activi-ty 3: Hate Crime : Sub-Code . : No Premise Entered: oo1 USeO Off Comp Relatd: No : No. Subiect. Name 1 BASISHT, GOPAL, KRISHAN, Committed OTHER 'I : Adults Present : Phone Number YES Home He j-ght Hair Soc Sec f* : Unknown : 5'06" : Gray N,/A No D.O.B. 628-2'77r t7/]-8/43 1751 LAKE BERRY DR WINTER PARK, FL 32789 Race 001 offense Date : 02/18/20t6 AL Occur : Weight 170 Ethnic ity tiur-Io Eyes Brown CompJ-exlon DL #/state 8223297434780 MaIe e 72 72 . ; Not HisPnc / ORI,ANDO POLICB DBPARTMENT 8.0.11 page Date 04 /26/2016 Time 10:14t49 KLAYTON ORI # : FLO480400 OpD Case Number : 2016-00171-065 Description : Other Sex Crimes Suspect TyPe : Suspect Resident TYPe : N/e InjuryTYPel :NA ExtenE fnjurY : Not Appli Resident Status: N/e Injury Type 2 : Transported To : Related Offenses : 8.1_1 SLatement Type : None rnjury Type 3 : DescripEion No. Group/oRt Statute n 1 State SUSPICIOUS OTHER YES Victi-m Home Ce11 At Occur Race Sex Hair Soc Sec . Weight . Eyes DL #/st,ate HeighL # Victim TYPe Resident TYPe Disposition ' Injury TYPe 1 Extent, Injury Arrests : Complexion / : Resident St.atus: Fulf Year : Conditi-on Injury Type 2 Transported To : : NA : Not Appli Victim Offender Relationship Name No. Off Suspect Ethnicity BuiId ler*srv : Related Offenses No. Group/ORI Statute 0 1 State 1 : : : Statement Type : Written Vic Inf Right.s : Yes Injury Type 3 : i : : Description SUSPICIOUS OTHER : Relat ionshi Acquaintance BASISHT, GOPAL, KRISHAN, : ============================================================================:============== Suspects Vehicles : =========================== ========= Property = ========:=============:============:== : ================-========================================================================== Case NarraLive : ===============::========================:::= ==-_====== cAsE TiiIARRIITTVE 4/25/20L5 10 229 AYt On 4/25/L5, aE approximately 1400 hours, I, officer S' Walczak (30043), responded to 10O South Hughey Avenue (Orlando Police Headquarters), in reference to a possible sex crime. r made contact with the victim, .- provided the following verbal and sworn written statementt 2/L8/:-6, at approximately 1030 hours, had a fo11ow-up appointment wit,h Dr. Gopal Basisht Upon arrival, = ORI,ANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT 8.0.11 Date o4/26/2016 Time L0:34:49 Page KLAYTON ORr # : FLO480400 oPD 8. 11 Case Number : 2oL6-00171066 Description : other Sex Crimes regardino rheumatologric issues; this appoinLment was her second visit explained the issues she was having to Basisht. Basisht closed the door to the examination room and laici down on the examinatlon table. Basisht then placed his bare hands underneath her pant. and underwear and began to massage ' stated tshaL she felt the ri.ght surface of her vagina. extremely uncomfortable, but was in shock and could noL move or speak. Basisht then placed his bare hands underneath the top of shirt and began massaging directly above her breasts ' The nurse (NOI) that was in the room on the first vj-sit was not present during this visit. Aft.er the examination, Basisht and : entered an open room as he proceeded to writ'e a prescription. ,Just. prior to leaving the office, Basisht faced , grabbed her by the shoulders with both hands, and pu1Ied her close Lo him. BasishL began to speak very slowIy and '; however, she was so uncomfortable that she softly to did not know what he said. c began Eo cry. Basisht t.hen put both arms around : t hugged her, and then sLated f love you. mother (NOI) was present when Basisht grabbed, hugged, and staLed I love you to , but she was stated tshat she not present during the examj-nation. is unsure regarding prosecution, because she is confused about the process. : stated that she did not report it sooner because she was so uncomfort.able with Lhe incident that she did not know what. to do. I conducted a review of record and discovered four complaj-nts simil-ar which are i-n nature (reference oPD case #s 2005-100700; 2007-1-96479i 2OL2-238080; and 2014-210399). The final disposition for OPD case # 20!2-23BOBO was that charges were fil-]ed on Basisht with the Office of the St.at,e Attorney for Sexual Battery. A11 other incidents did not have formal charges pending. Detective .f. Gardner (11680) was notified regarding this incident' r advised ---that this case witl- be followed-up by SVU and t.hat she can also file a complaint with the Florida Medj-cal Board in was Tallahassee, FL regarding this incident as well. provided with a VicLims RighLs PamphleL and oPD case number. ********************************************************************* I Swear or affirm the above sEaEements lofficer Name/rD# (Print) are correct. and Lrue. I I (Signature) I I I I I Sworn to and subscribed before ffi€, the undersigned AuthoritY, rhis day of Notary Public I I ,20 Law Enforcement officer l-l orlando Emp# i PD I I - Orlando Police Department 8.11 Supplement Report Page: Case Number : 20t6 -t7 L065 Supplement Number: 1 1 Date Of Supplement: 05/20/201- Date/Time Reported: 4/2s/L6 :.2252 Hrs. Location Occurred : Reportlng Officer : 30043 WALCZAK,STEVEN,V, Primary Unit Assj-gned to Investigate : SpecVictim Assigned Investigators : 1158 GARDNER, ,JAMES, W, 0 PRIIICIPALS LIST I Ttre following subject was added to the case: Phone: FLORTDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ( 400 w RoBINSON ST 5827 FL 32801 ORLA}iDO Contact: Residence Type. Statement Type. : N/A N/A N/A : NA : of Injury: Injury Type . ExEents Status : N/A Condition. i Resj-dence Medical Treatment: Injury Type. Transported By HospiEal/Clinic : RelaEed Offenses: : : 1 Ttre followiug subject was added to the case: rnf ormt.nal : rSA.lEwICz, ,JAI4ES, , ON FILE FLORIDA DEPT. OF HEALTH Home Phone: ( Work Phone: (407) 245-0975 ) Race : Unknown Sex: Male D. O. B: Age: r' Wgt : HgE : Hair: Eyes : , Build. : Complexion: EEhniciEy: Driv Lic #: St: Soc Sec #: Occupation: School: Cit,izenship: Residence Type. : N/A Statement Type. : None Ext,ent of Injury: N/A Injury Type Hospital/Clinic Related Offenses: : NA Residence Status : N/A Condition. Injury Type. Transported By : . Medical Treat,menL: : : 1 Narrat.iwe lilame: fNVESTIGATIVE NARRATTV 5/20/2016 9:27 AI,tt or1 04/25/:-6, Officer Walczak #30043 met with at Orlando Police Headquarters in reference t.o a complained of what s}.e complaint regarding Dr. Gopal BasishE. Orlando Police Department 8.11 SuPPlement Report : Case Number Number: SupplemenL 20L6 -].7 l-066 Dat.e 1 2 Page: of SupplemenE : 05 / 20 /207 felt was inappropriate touching during an examination which occurred on 02/18/16 at Dr. BasishL-s office focated at The complaint outlined touching on the top of her vaginal area and also above her breast area which made her feel- uncomfortable during 'as unsure abouE prosecution. Based on the an examination. description of the ewents provided in Officer Walczak's report, if the touching was not. justified during his examinaEion it would be tanEamounL to a Battery and not a sexual- offense. Officer Walczak spoke with me during his investigation and documented four previous complaints to the Orlando Police Department on Dr. Basisht. A11 of the complaints were similar j-n nature' One. in 2oL2 was fil-ed aL-large with Lhe state at.torney's office which was not pursued by the state. . upon reviewing officer walczak-s report., f determined there is insufficient evidence to support the touching was outside Lhe scope of his medical duties to constitute a criminal case. with the previous cases and suspicj-ousness of Ehe complainL I conLacted the Florida Department of Heal-th which oversees such complainEs regarding this profession. I made contact with James Isajewicz from their statement and Officer Walczak's report office and provided to him for their office to investigate. I made contact with and encouraged her Lo make her own individual complaint Eo Ehe Florida Department of Health and let her know I woufd be referring her complaint to that agency. This case should be considered Administratively ResoLved and turned over to the Florida DeparLment of Health. ********************************************************************* I Swear or affirm the above statements are correct. and true. ( Signature officer Name/ID# (Print) ) e undersigned AuthoritY, of NotarY Publj-c t_l This_DaY ,n Law Enforcement officer l-l orlando Emp# END OF SUPPLEMENT NUMBER PD