I .....---...-....-.-... .--..- ....... -.. ... .......... .: ,: . . --:?, ?...o o. o\,, ..,\.a, I.. '"? .. , ....... Lo,rnONI NtftHI ,-cl. TO w. . ---.----""-.... . ,,.,_..,_, __ ----------- ---.--.- .-...-.. R: "Richard - Research Center September 9, 1969 DEFENSE OF AROCLOR F o .F1L0IDS E. Wheeler - EWHEE General Policy Make the Govt., States and Universities prove their case, but avoid as much confrontation as possible. Comply and work with public officials to meet or-exceed requirements ahead of time o .Adverse publicity and competition are the real weapons. n Air. - Wh 1ch Aroclors are present? Where ? Analytical ] Govt. . compouncs? In forArocfor ij Water- Which . Agencies In Animals C""interfere? . .. Keep track of how.much contamination - which sources. Prove Bioharmful - Let Govt. prove.1ts case, on case by case basis. Monsanto Visit-Govt. B1olabs - in search of tox:colog1cal experiments and ?vidence va. Aroclors to keep up with progress. Monsanto Prove Bioharmless - Limited work at Ind. Bio-test "Safe" toxic level for {f an manunals fish via Rats cJri!ckens Fish Probable Outcome Seek evidence of Biodegra- dation Question evicence against us. Question shr??ptoxicology especially o:her toxic chemicals. If Aroclor bad, others must be worse. We can prove some things are OK at low concentration. Give Monsanto some defense. We can't defend vs. everything. l?sccts will be harmed. Some animals or 1'1sh or ).::-oclor degracat1on rate will be ;;.low. Tough to def',3?; ...;.:i.i,,s?. ?::-??:-.er chlorin&:cio:, cc,:.::)o..i,1ds will be wo?'?-...: _, ... :?r chj_o::-:i.ne compounds. 'l'hcre!'ore we will have to res.,-.r:i:ct uses ,_nd clean-up af o-------och c._s . ..1t,:?._.r,an, start1ne; inunE:dintely. 'r. , '' -. ... .... o . , ., ..... &,...c.l, o I ? '-.'. ! ,. : ,:; \ ,: . N?V 027584t -------- - . .- ------- -2- T.-,ererore we will have to work for alternate products in end use applications; for Aroclor production facilities. Clean Up Aroclors and substitute products where necessary and when required, before threats of publl'c'ffy and competitive activity over- whelm us. Water Pollution seems to be first issue Aroclor product is refractive, will settle out on solids sewerage sludge - river bottoms, and apparently has a long 11.t'e. Florida or Gulf Coast .- Aroclor 1254 - Aroclor 1260 present issue. 40-200 ppb - causing problem at Pensacola (Monsar1to) in plant effluent-causing " with shrimp. - can't risk shut-down of plant. Federal and State can extrapolate to other plants in Gulf area. San Francisco - Aroclor 1254 and 1260 Reported Aroclor to be present in San Francisco Bay. Reported to be thin egg shells in birds Lot or screaming Great Lakes Warf studies on DDT Aroclor 1254 will be foundt Aroclor 1242 will be found? Air Pollution - Possible spread - but less or an issue ' ?.- . :. 1-. f right now. o./i ,c:::-'.., .. . Analytical work more difficult. ,.. ......... -; . t':, } .,_,..-?' /_ . -...,!.."','? Direct Contact with Product I'\.,j,:,. t....... ... , ..,. /t.r_ ... , .. I I Doesnot seem to be an 1ssue - except for food heat transner' .- /r? t believe Aroclor is being used as carrier for We insecticide - sprayed around don 1 :: We are not positive but most uses are "closed" systems:: or products used in solid plastics ., or adhesives ., or \i sealants. 740839 NEV 027585 .y, ... / ( . :> - I, ' ? .?-: ;J"_._ . I j;..; -, , ' ... - .... -3- Possible Pollution by Possible Pollutlo? Customers Plant Operation by Customers Proc:.: F. Fluids Product Possible - See Johnsor. Motors Castings. Leakage into produc Yes, leakage external Yes, leakage external . Leakage into produc Yes, leakage from plant . In product but - Scrap materials. closed for end use 0 No, Should be clean. In product but Yes. Reworked trans- closed for end use* formers Yes. leakage external Hydraulic Fluids Air Compressor Fluids Heat Transfer. Capacitor Fluids Transformer Fluids * Capacitors can go to land fill dumps. Probably not burned, in Al containers. ** Need to take ca:re of Aroclor in discarded transrormers. Product. could be drained and reworked. Probable Conclusions Hydraulic Leakage Product could be caught at machines but will take a lot of clean-up work with customers. Will have to have replacement product - with less-sensitive components .o Work from this base on clean-up to prevent more poll-:.t1::i.on problems. Air. Compressor Fluids Hydraulic Fluids . II Must expect "shrimp" experimen1;s, West Florida State, to be 11 a1red 11 sometime soon; next few months. This will lead to bad publicity and competitive action vs. all Pydrauls. We will have to try to confine to Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260. NEV 740840 027580 -4We will have to take action be.fore that time. Gulf Coast - Action w. I .Richard Fallon/ Richard I'\, Fallon Richard/ Fallon/ Richard. Be able to replace Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260 in Pydraul AC and 625 1n 2 month's time before Nov. 15, 1969. Have trial product in hands of Gulf Coast accounts and distributor before .nee. 15. Suggest possible buy of "all phosphate" ester .from Food Machinery. Use this as one trial fluid MCS_ for insurance. Suggest possible substitution of Aroclor 5442 for Aroclor 1254 in hydraulic and compredsor blends. E. Wheeler Judges lower order or toxicity and solubility for 5442 series. Have to test product in pump test for deposits. Suggest field trials of our own all-phosphate ester. Fallon/ Kuhn/ KoWltZ Work with large customers to clean-up streams. Bring 1n F1ndett as mfg. partner in the recycle business. Get money out o? recycle operations. .,lheeler/ Richard Be close enough to Great Lakes studies to judge situation. Are there animals which are being affected by the concentrations round? Inland-Waterways- '? 1R1chard . ' ' !Richard Be prepared to .r.eplace Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260 in 4 months in hydraulic fluids and in air compressor fluids. Be ?repared to replace all Aroclor 1242 or 124r in o months in hydraulic fluids. This means replacement of Pydraul 312 series, and control or sale of Aroclor 1248 to other hydraulic accounts such as Cities Service and Mobil. NEV 027Sd7 Heat Transfer Systems will have some leakage depending st?ongly Fallon/ on engineering and rnainte11ance. Need to worl? Roush/ Kountz with ?ustomet>s on cl?c.n-up. Pallon/ :>h F(,)\J Need to replace FR e?pecie.lJ.y in .food or sens1 tJ ;re J'T'OC1'o,,t ,i,:ru:.tD .vJir. ...o': r 1..,,; p:t'o(iuo,? ,.tl7 ,.;?tt1n,:; 1.nco wa.ti=:r. Se\;.' ,..t.i...?:.. waflheX' oompouneaa. Sl:!e letter E. Wheeler tc T? Fallon. We have possible re;: .::ement product.:. ? . Them.? r Ther;.i.:.. .. 740841 : :, . ?. . o. '-'? . o oo. .. --?-.-?... o o oo o oooh o. "" -5Action Kuhn Try to assure adequate production of Therminol 66 1n face of decreased Aroclor production. H2 and terphenyl supply may become short. Switch customers to Therminol 55 or Therrninol 66 ahead- or pollution problems in customers . plant. Work with customers on plant and dumping .practices. Kuhn/ Fallon F1ndett already set up to rework. Need to make them a manufacturing arm. We get sale of recycle-rework .fluid.. Capacitor plants have re- purification and recycle systems but up to 5% or product can be lost by poor plant producers and off-quality material. Mk t. Benignus/ Bryant 5? of production could be lbs/year. This is a big Eng. -Kountz/ lR' loss for the type of Mfg-Hodges pollution we are trying now to guard against. Capacitor Fluids Action Eng. ,TSD- Plant Pol- lution Con- trol Hodges/ Kountz Action Monsanto must start to work with capacitor people to clean up plant practices.. We have set-up to accept material for rework into hydraulic fluid but this relocation 1s not a satisfactory solution. Material must be reworked to electrical grade 9r destroyed, .Whichever 1s more economical. Must start now to get control or off-grade material. Capacitor p?oducts Enclosed 1n ?l or stainless &teel for 5 to 25 year period. Will ultimately have to dispose of capaci- tor products. Recommend w? 'try to save this product for a time. Recommend r13placement of future Aroclor business with other products. Have 2 years. Monsanto must help plant cleanup o.r cuc:t:,?1.1o:.::.... :>l..1..'.;:.,. '-o?,cnntat1on, coal?scinc. a??c????o?, l:s?::;c::::;;.: o: ;;?c",;.:;..::..';)e?;.; er :.:-?cycle of ?C: .,o:.::""'?:.-...; s .. Iv;c,r.&:::.r;.:-;:. bac:.j' neeas "know-how" tor clean-up. Monsanto should seek Govt. co?}tract money for clean-up rescarQh, \See MRC il. Binning, D .. Nelson} 740842 NEV 0275d8 :..6- Transformers Action Ben1gnus/ Bryant Action Benignus/ Bryant Kuhn/Kountz Findett? Transformer Plant can operate in a clean, efficient manner with r?cycle of off-grade Product transformer.!; Aroclor. can remai? closed a?t no exposure for 25 yrz. Should advise disposal of filter element materials so as to minimize chance or water pollution. Incinerate .or dispose. Should try to r?tain Reworked transformers pose business by c'.!.e:a:.., -u::i; a threat if the Aroclor is by education o:f' c.?::;- dumped into a wat_er stream. tomers. Should try to minimize chance or dumping "old" fluid by re- working and by educating co. shops and collecting product for rework or disposal. Dalton is set up in England to rework ele c trical grade . fluid. Monsanto Plants Need rework facility here+. disposal scheme. The Dept. or Interior and/or State authorities could monitor plant outfall and find ppm of .chlorinated biphenyls at Krummrich or Anniston anytime they choose to do so. This would shut us down depending on what plants or animals they choose to .find harmed. ' } '. ,, I ? A c tion - Take steps to see that every precaution is taken to prevent Aroclor entering water streams. Try to reduce to ppb level. P.Hodges-Seek a Govt. contract on adsorption and inc inera?ion TSD cycles - MRC. Engrg o ..; Kountz _Take samples of streams and river water and mud evidence for before and after clean-up. Samples can be stored ror rurthe? analysis if we canot keep up c'4rrent w:i.tll anal;:r,t1eal determ1nat1ona. Apply Mcn"',nM??;o .... 1 l".1nno-t1;.1 methods to customer pJ.an?; (.;:.'1....,?I U_, '--'-."... 1...j,,. 4......... .."" ?.:.'.? ?J:.:......;.?"-?U:t,oC:,? o oz7589 -7Action Engrg. &: Mfg. Kountz and KUhn Evaluate liquid 1nc1nerators vs. solids handling incinerators for disposing or Aroclor and pentachlorophenol wastes. I est?mate Aroolor disposal at l-4[.f lbs/year, exclusive .of cleaning up river bottoms or outfall bottoms. Hydraulics. 20% of 4M lbs Heat Transfer 10? of 2.ff lbs . 5i of 20f:f Capacitors Transformers 5? of 15ff Boo,ooo lbs 200,.000 lbs 1,000,000 lbs 750,000 lbs 2,750,000 lbs Central Eng. & Mfg TSD Kountz & Kuhn \ Possible help from MRC Chronic Toxicity Studies - Ind. Bio-Test Wheeler Keller Ind.BioTest ... / Set up an incinerator to handle Aroclor di::.- ". . , .,,.J vr. i: , posal - preferably one which will handle . . . . . J. ?? l? solids such as muds - . slurries as well as liquids. Have in operation within 12 months. /r' ' Ideally have incinerators available different sections for disposal. . Continue studies to establish FDA t?rpe limits or toxicity on Aroclor 1242, Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260. Rework with R. Keller-S. Tucker the number of samples which are to be analyzed for Aroclor in tissue. Try to see 1f Aroclors are changed metabolically. Does concentration level off, decline if feeding is stopped? Institute studies against the most 11m1t1ng biological parameters. If shrimp are the most limiting species for Aroclor levels or toxicity, then we will have to have biological studies on these species to con- firm or deny adverse findings. NEV o,7590 740844 -8Biodegradation Studies Set up rate or biodegradation studies with Inorganic Div. on Aroclor 1242 vs. Aroolor 1254 Aroclor 5442 vs. Aroc.lor 5460 Swisher Chlorinated diphenyl ether Chlorinated paraffin vs. chlorinated naphthalene ChlorobromoAroclors 1242 and 1248 Baxter Contact Baxter and L1dgett, at MCL regularly for results on L1dgett Aroclor degradation. They are reported to be moving on MCL laboratory experiments. Establish contact with chlorophenol degradation studies of Cellu-Chem Group. .? WRR:ms w. R. Richard NEV 027591 740845 I?. o o TABLE .:IC CONFIDENTIAL ? 1.. A ooS"ooo Auoo a.u....... >-?,,L \}\e,uM er.::":' . ,-c?1_,,..?,,,1,;,, - .. I 0. ' ' LAS (i,.daP4.1) ')tVi.$' cl/ 2tJ >ff.5 ----r-------;---:::-...--?r---:i.---+----J .s- 1111? 0 2i/ ----=--:l-----..--,&-.-."' t , I ,2?r1.1, f I - 4'. q 4.f ! '? --.. ------+--------,..---------..r.:----r-----'r-----. 't s .Q<>t If o? 1 24 . /0 #IPB ", -:--------t- --;;_.--+----1---- HB-(o ? /(). 18.2:!3.2 .I 21/ J/B.t,t1,.1.1: A,l-o-Cc, .. c..> I ___-t-. _v-=.-,..-?..?.t_c,._c,,_>_,f-l_0_.+--2..;_,J._-4_M._.3_t_7.i_:,l _J._'ll_/11 ?8.8; . . ??6.i_. .-.--'--; o:Nt:8 S .. , ?J/. . .JJ1.5 ---t------;--:=---.?:--?-+_;_--+---li-:..:..:.:...._? .---..-"--r-s,_.. I.. _ -.--- _11 ____-:--?-;;:?--------,,..-' c? c,{JM? fl __-1 l?t,?li:,' Clrfle,,e. __ . J ....=?.._._--_-_l....-_-....... c,.-., _ M-?_: o? _=_-_;_-_-?--"'"".,,=-=N=-?? ----.--- ?. . o I" Ar1ek, 1221 f . .I ??oA . ,-i. /IICS /IJJPY9 S ,o -.. t. 1o _., .----'_,Lt:"f I . 10 ef{;f'_ 21re1 ... I . Cl 11..:.:o;.:.:.l:.:!'-.:':.:..'...... I 21/ .;,If If I . +'astJ.2 i .?.,t.?, .2;?--?? !l..&.1- ,io.'">t.'1:.t - -----t------.. '-'t .' ,l.l.D:t 1e.t, /iT,_0? -J>o/ ... '"r,-;' 'f__._, __?_-i::. ?;. __..,__L_: . ._, ---+-.;;, _,;-: _-OW_ -?---1.2? v,oIJ.n/)?IMllt/_11/o i-?-. '.. . f _-'t-_42. _ '+ _ .,:.. I 0 5 'J,,&, l ? ? 7 'l9:l. 7r.J.. --. ..----\----...... 1/8 Sl.2-f/S.S e;:(!/ N.Ji,%Q i . e, ...u _____ .,.______-+----??.:-:----t-------+-----tl---. I!) ' ?,.,.,,,?ld,/232 . ???._11/i_'e._'S_A_?_VI__ . ,. .. ----..- --.-.- -.- 11 ?tblCI ?? /1%/w _?,, _. _ "-?-?-%? .?ci I. I-??.. ..... '/? _._,l?f.?!IJ.8 s- . ,_,,. I 15 -- ....... _ .-. --.- , .. .. . .o J .J - 57./!l'/.J 78 . --;,.?--?::. _,,..-: - 1/8.. I . 2i.3t/5.J.