OXY05994 ~6tL 'ON \!UI.Iid ,,·~·~§ OIYcl tqr£·~ur domrs h1w r1111 ir isro prurribe Vicoprofitt rials ensure that nuthItt it~troduci'1J mppftf'r tut"i.W tturma .WI"' salu tJJ/Is. During your sales calls, ing stands in the promou: these value -added services tO your way or your doctors' prescription of \'icoprolcn. physicians. l1tc best way to know whkh program All you have to do is introduce them to your ph~i­ cians during your calls! .IJM your customers percc:iYe as ha\ing \'aluc is tO ask- ®B q:::a _ '(I~k th{l empr~ss [n this newsletter, we're introducing "Ask the Empr~:ss,~ a section th~t IC:arures frequent questions Crusaders ask the EmprCS$ of Analgcsi2. We encourage you to submit questions to the Empress l'il I'Oicemail, e-mail, or fax. Crusader: How is progress toward ottr 2000 sales plan? Empress: The Crusaders h:wc made great progress, :md enabled us to gee close to our goal. Howc,•cr, we arc not meeting our plan goal :l.t prc..\Cnt, To fully meet our goal, we' ll need ~ II Crusaders to hone their focus on their key SO surgcoiU, md anesrhcsiologisu-those who ha1·c: rhe potential to widely prescribe OxyConrio and Vicoprofcn on ~ consistent basis each month. In doing so, you can build rdauonships ;md c~rablish rapport from the beginning to hdp boose access lor O,'()'Contin and Vicoprofcn 5alcs prcsenratioiU. When you'ce making calls, consider OxyContin and Vicoprolcn a coprimary situ1cion- in every 5alcs call you present both Oxyconrin and Vicoprofcn . In promoting both, you're not only growing prescriptions-you're al$0 promocin~ Abbott Pain Management as the premier company offering produces to meet thc:ir needs tor modcr· ~ce to sc,·ere pain management. Look for future wob to help you in rour Crusade .IJ'~I ABBOTI DOCUMENT PRODUCTION 8/29/03 DEVOE V. PURDUE PHARMA, ET AL., CONFIDENTIAL-SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN DEVOE V. PURDUE PHARMA ET AL CIVIL ACTION NO. MER-L-000653-02 ' ., ABBOTI1 004436 OXY05996 Gallantry in '(1ction The Roval Court of OxvContin • acknowkdges and tXt~nd) its gr.atitud~ to the Knights of the Round T~blc, .:ompos~d of various Crusaders from ~.ross the l~nd . The Knights have participiltcd in momhl~· tdcconlcrences, sharing the wisdom thcy'l·e acquired throughout the Crusade and aiding the Court in programs and litcmurc development. Round Table partidpants indude: ros Kni~hts: ~dacte redacted PDI Knights: ,-\11 hail the Knights of the Round Table in the Royal Court of OxyConcin! Qu~~t for th{l ~~~t .: .. --- ... -- -- ................................. -·- ........................................... .. : Qucrt Quiz 1H Crusaders : ' : i' .,.;u be'''""'"' 1 on the Q;test ..,_ 1 l. Tlw btphuK .1bsorJtonn 0\rConDn .we: h~:li\tt nf • · One ~-..:odin ••b/""P ~6h ~.b IQ m1 0.)-c:onm. Trtotlf•IH : : J. The ,;\.lncn~ ritRc ~cr tcUillf. bcrM.i\a , I;' • : : , : Crusader knowledge reigns supreme! One hundred : forty-two Royu Crusaders participated in our first Qucn Qui~. Rl:ward:i fur these quizzes arc being processed now. For those Crusaders curious to Ke how they performed on the quiz, the correct amwcrs to Quest Quiz , 11 are highlighted at left ..\I'M ! i' • J . l•utiuuions tOt ~,Jmpli· .uw.:c- -.irh du: Of."' IC.\HU P"in : .u.sasmcnr o~nLI~n.UW,nUc:t\L..M~l · • .Wdo bin&k·cntiey 1 b ••..\.n.alscsk ctli..:M.-y ..,m ptOI'IP' oruca c. f c'\cr op~MJ Mdr: cl'ha cl. lo:o ..:ct>minophcn ur .upirin !':.. \....L)~ 5;........ t ·\.:..~:.!".d.P. I. When patKnn 1&kin5 O~yCunUn ctpc.rial..:c "" cpltodc of'in,i.Jcnul paia. physicians~: a. Tio:r.nc U..: do .. tuls