CLERO X FIC'Uû:BUORIV 4x u+' ' AT HAM ISQ FILED IN 'rI4E MA2 23 2215 UN ITED ST ATES D ISTR IC T C O U RT H A RR ISO NBU R G DIV ISIO N ,qj y ky uuEax >EP CLERK SAR AH ELIZA BETH BU TTERS, Plaintiff. cAsExo:k5, .I5PVoao?5 V. JA M ES M A D ISON U N IV ERSITY , Defendant. CO M PLA IN T 1.Introduction 1. Thisis an action fordam ages againstthe D efendantJam es M adison U niversity for discrim ination on the basis ofsex in violation ofTitle IX ofthe Education A m endm ents of 1972,20U.S.C.j1681. 2. Sarah Elizabeth Butters was sexually assaulted by three Jam esM adison University students in Panam a City, Florida on M arch 3, 2013. The perpetrators of the sexual assault recorded their actions on video.The video ofthe sexualassaultw asthen ram pantly dissem inated am ongstJam esM adison U niversity's studentpopulation. Afterherreturn from spring break,M s. Butters endured repeated sexual harassm ent while on Jam es M adison U niversity's cam pus, in connection w ith distribution ofthe video of the originalassault. For m ore than one year,Jam es M adison University, by and through its various adm inistrators and em ployees, tacitly and im plicitly discouraged M s. Butters from proceeding w ith a sexual assault and harassm ent com plaint through U niversity channels.W hen she persisted w ith her com plaint,Jam es M adison Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 1 of 20 Pageid#: 3 U niversity ultim ately m ade form al acknowledgm ent that M s.Butters w as sexually assaulted by the three Jam es M adison U niversity students and sexually harassed on Jam es M adison University's cam pus in connection with distribution ofthe video,butonly follow ing nine separate adjudicatory hearingsoveraperiod ofmorethan oneyearafterSarah Butters'originalrepol'tof the incidentto the University.These tindingsnotw ithstanding,Jnm esM adison U niversity allow ed the perpetrators of the assault and harassm ent to rem ain on cam pus, in close proxim ity to M s. Butters.U ltim ately,Jam es M adison U niversity determ ined thatthe appropriate penalty from the University's perspective forthe series ofthree separate and distinctoffensesofthe originalsexual assaultin Florida,videotaping the assaultand then distributing the video w idely within the Jam es Madison University community,wasthe expulsionfollowing graduation ofthe three students w ho com m itted the offenses. This decision rew arded tw o of the three students w ho com m itted the offenses with degrees and diplom as, including the fu11 rights, honors, and privileges associated w ith a degree from the U niversity, and afforded the third w ith the opportunity to rem ain on cam pus indefinitely until his studies are concluded. Jam es M adison University's indifference to sexual assaultand harassm ent w ithin its studentpopulation as evidenced by the m anner in w hich the disciplinary action m eted outin response to the offenses com m itted against M s.Butters w as handled,and in particular the U niversity's im plicit acceptance of sexualassault and harassmenton campusillustrated by the unm onitored,unenforceable,tûwink and a nod''socalled ûtpunishm ent'' ultim ately im posed,fonns the foundation of M s.Butters' claim for civil dam ages. Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 2 of 20 Pageid#: 4 I1.Jurisdiction and V enue 3. ThisCourthassubjectmatterjurisdiction overM s.Butters'claim pursuantto 28 U.S.C.j133l,which gives districtcourtsjurisdiction over allcivilactions arising under the Constitution,law s,and treaties ofthe United States. Plaintiff brings this action pursuantto Title IX of the Education A m endm ents of 1972,20 U.S.C.j 1681(a),as more fully set forth herein,to redress a hostile educational environm entatJam esM adison U niversity. 5. VenueisproperwithinthisDistrictpursuantto28U.S.C.j 1391(b)(1)and(2), as the D efendant is located in H arrisonburg, V irginia and a substantial part of the events and om issionsgiving rise to this claim occurred in Harrisonburg. 111.Parties The Plaintiff,Sarah Butters,is a residentand citizen ofVirginia.M s.Butters w as a student at Jam es M adison U niversity from her enrollm ent in A ugust, 2010 through her w ithdraw alfrom the University on M ay 30,2014. The D efendant,Jam es M adison University,is an institution ofhighereducation located in H arrisonburg, V irginia. O n its 72 1 acre cam pus it hosts both undergraduate and graduate program s, has a total enrollm ent of approxim ately 20,000 students, em ploys 2,653 faculty and staff,and operateson an annualbudgetofapproximately $500 m illion dollars.Atall tim es relevant to M s.Butters' com plaint,Jam es M adison U niversity received funding from the federalgovernm ent. IV .R elevantJam es M adison University Em ployeesand A dm inistrators 8. Jonathan R.A lger isthe presidentofJam es M adison U niversity.H e assum ed that Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 3 of 20 Pageid#: 5 position on July 1,2012 and has served as the U niversity's chiefexecutive officer from thatdate to the present.ln his capacity as president and CEO ,M r.Alger is responsible for developing a vision and m ission forthe university and foroverseeing health and safety on cam pus. 9. D r.M ark J.W arneristhe SeniorV ice PresidentofStudentA ffairs and University Planning at Jam es M adison University. ln this capacity, he is in charge of a variety of departm ents w ithin the U niversity, including but not lim ited to, the Office of Student A ccountability and Restorative Practices.The O ffice of StudentA ccountability and Restorative Practicesw as re-nnm ed on June 1,2014,having been called the O ffice ofJudicialA ffairs prior to that tim e. D r. W arner is advertised on Jam es M adison University's w ebsite as the ûtliving em bodim entofJam esM adison U niversity's culture and spirit.'' D r.Jam esM cconnellisthe Dean ofStudents and StudentLife atJam es M adison U niversity.H e is in charge ofthe office thatresponds to the inform ationaland personalconcerns ofstudents,parents,faculty and staff.Hisorganizationalobjective isto supportand empower students and theirfam iliesin crisis. 11. D r.Joshua Bacon isthe Directorofthe O ffice of StudentA ccountability and Restorative Practices. H e is responsible for im plem entation and oversight of the student accountability process and, in particular, the U niversity's Sexual M isconduct A ccountability Process whereby the schooladdresses allegationsofsexualm isconduct. 12. W endy Young,form erly the A ssociate DirectorofJudicialA ffairsatJam es M adison U niversity, is the Council Coordinator for the O ffice of Student A ccountability and Restorative Practicesand w asthe tirstpointofadm inistrative contactwhen M s.Butters originally reported her sexually assaultand harassm enton M arch 27,20l3. Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 4 of 20 Pageid#: 6 V .Background M s.Butters graduated from H opew ellH igh Schoolin H opew ell,V irginia in 2010. H er cum ulative grade point average w as 8tb highestam ong her graduating class of250 students. She wasa m emberofthe NationalHonor Society,class secretary forthree years,captain ofthe soccer and field hockey team s, a m em ber of the sw im team , and also ran cross country. She received m ultiple m eritbased scholarships to assisther w ith paying college tuition,and chose to attend Jam esM adison U niversity. 14. M s.Butters enrolled atJam es M adison U niversity in the Fallof2010 to begin her freshm an year. Jam esM adison U niversity has an active fraternity and sorority presence on its Cam ptls. 16. The U niversity recognizes seventeen fraternities,tw elve sororities and four auxiliary organizations, in addition to hosting tw o Councils that preside over Greek life on cam pus.These organizations,allofw hich are form ally affiliated w ith Jam es M adison U niversity, participate in a w ide range ofsocialand philanthropic activities throughoutthe year. The stated purpose forthe fraternitiesand sororitiesatJam es M adison U niversity is to foster and develop character, leadership, scholarship, service and philanthropy am ong the U niversity's undergraduate population.For guidance in this m ission,Jam es M adison U niversity assigns one m em ber of its staff,faculty or adm inistration to advise the m em bers of each fraternity and sorority. Shortly afterherarrivalin the Fallof2010,M s.Butters and fifty-nine other fem ale classm ates,pledged the Sigm a K appa sorority.This organization has been recognized by and affiliated w ith Jam es M adison University since N ovem ber 9, 1874. W hen M s. Butters Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 5 of 20 Pageid#: 7 becam e a m em ber,the organization included approxim ately 150 students.The advisor assigned by Jam es M adison U niversity to Sigm a K appa sorority w as Paula Polglase, then A ssistant D irectorofA lum niRelationsatJam esM adison U niversity. Vl.The SexualA ssault OnSaturdayM arch 2,2013,M s.Buttersjoinedalargegroup ofJamesM adison U niversity students in Panam a City,Florida forthe U niversity's spring break.M any ofthe Jmnes M adison U niversity studentspresentin Panam a C ity,Florida,including M s.Butters and tw elve of herfriends,were staying in a single beach frontcondom inium com plex called tû-f' he Sum m it.'' 20. On Sunday M arch 3,2013,M s.Butters and severalofherfem ale friendsprepared alcoholic cocktails and w entdow n to the beach in frontofthe com plex.The girls planted a large Jam es M adison U niversity tlag in the sand to identify theirlocation forthe benefitof other Jam es M adison University students. 21. A sthe day progressed,dozens ofJam esM adison U niversity studentsconvened on the beach and spentthe day drinking alcoholand socializing.The vastmajority ofthe James M adison U niversity students present w ere m em bers of various fraternities and sororities on cam pus, and m any w ere fam iliar w ith one another from prior social interaction on cam pus in H arrisonburg. 22. M s.Buttersconsumedalcohol,hadverylittletoeat,andspentthemajorityofthe day underthe hotsun.By the afternoon,she w as visibly intoxicated. 23. M s.Buttersreturnedtohercondominium complexwhereshewasinvitedtojoin three fellow Jam es M adison University students:Jay K yler D ertzbaugh,M ichaelJoseph Lunney Jr.and N icholas John Scallion,in their condom inium which w as also located in 'i-l-he Sum m it'' com plex. Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 6 of 20 Pageid#: 8 M r.Dertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion were a11m em bersofthe Sigm a Chi fraternity. Sigm a Chiis a national fraternity w ith an affiliated chapter at Jam es M adison U niversity.M S.Butters knew these three Sigm a Chi fraternity m em bers through her aftiliation W ith Sigm a Kappa sorority and the various intra-fraternity and sorority events hosted at Jam es M adison U niversity. 25. A sthe afternoon progressed to evening,M r.D ertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r. Scallion cornered M s.Butters in the bathroom of their condom inium .They rem oved herbathing suittop and the three m en took turns groping and fondling her bare breasts.A ttem pts w ere m ade to rem ove herbathing suitbottom ,and herswim suittop w astaken from her. H erattem pts to put her top back on were repeatedly thw arted.One of the m en forcibly pulled M s.Butters onto his lap,ashe fondled her exposed breasts. 26. Throughoutthe duration ofthis sexualassault,M s.Buttersrepeatedly told the three m en thattheirbehaviortlw as notalright,''requested thatthey ûûstop,''and said ûtno.''She w as visibly intoxicated,unsteady on her feetand herw ords w ere slurred.A tno tim e did she consent, norw asshe capable ofconsenting to any ofthe sexualactivity thattranspired in the bathroom . M r.D ertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion recorded theirsexualassaultof M s.Butters on video using a cellulartelephone.A true and exact copy of the video recording is incorporated herein by reference as Plaintiff's Exhibit 1,butw illbe filed separately under seal w ith this Court. 28. Atthe tim e ofherassault,M s.Butters w asheavily intoxicated,to such extentthat she has no directm em ory ofthe event. Forthe rem ainderofthe w eek,rum ors ofthe video began to circulate am ongstthe Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 7 of 20 Pageid#: 9 Jam es M adison University studentpopulation presentin Panam a City,Florida.W hen M s.Butters confronted M r. D ertzbaugh concerning the rum ors surrounding her sexual assault and the existence ofa video,he denied both the actand the recording. Vll.SexualH arassm ent 30. Residence halls atJam esM adison U niversity reopened forstudents returning from spring break on M onday M arch 10,2013.Classes for the spring sem ester resum ed shortly thereafter. The video of the sexual assault of Sarah Butters began to circulate throughout the Jam es M adison U niversity com m unity and, in particular, throughout the m em bership of the U niversity'svariousfratem ities and sororities. 31. O n M arch 14,2013,M r.Scallion show ed the video to one ofthe m em bers ofM s. Butters'sorority and stated:$û1 could ruin her gM s.Butters'l life with thisvideo.''A similar conversation transpired betw een M r.Scallion and a differentm em ber of M s.Butters' sorority by telephone. 32. By the end ofthe firstw eek back on cam pus,M s.Buttersw as aw are that a video of her sexual assault w as circulating w ithin the student body at Jam es M adison U niversity.She w astrem endously concerned,em barrassed and confused aboutw hatsteps should be taken to rem edy this seriousproblem .A lthough she had notyetseen the video herself,m any of her fellow students addressed M s.Butters on a daily basis concerning the disturbing nature of its content. 33. O n M arch 22,2013 M r.Scallion sentatextm essage to M s.Buttersw hich states: ûtl-ley I've heard a lotof crazy rum ors aboutspring break.Listen w e don'thave any video and never m eant for there to be any problem s.W e're sincerely sorry about this and it's clearly an inconvenience for a1lofus.W e don'tw antany problem s and don'tw antyou to have to dealw ith any ofthisbullshit.This is getting blow n outofproportion and please let us know if there's anything w e can do.W e feelreally bad and apologize forthe drunken stupidity.W e're notbad guys and w e really didn'tm ean to disrespectyou like this.A nd if Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 8 of 20 Pageid#: 10 youwantletstalkaboutitin person.Again,were gsicjextremely sorry andregretthatany ofthis happened.H ope you're doing okay.'' O n M arch 27, 2013, while incessant notitication, com m ent, and discussion regarding the continued dissem ination of the video recording persisted,M s.Butters realized that her deeply personalproblem had grow n too large for her to handle on her ow n. She m etw ith the Presidentofhersorority,notified the PresidentofSigm a Chifraternity and contacted hersorority advisorPaula Polglase,an em ployee ofJam es M adison University. Sam Young,the presidentof Sigm a Chi,responded to M s.Butters' correspondence im m ediately,and asked to m eet w ith her as soon as possible. A fter M r.Y oung saw the video of Sigm a Chi m em bers sexually assaulting M s. Butters, M r. Dertzbaugh, M r. Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion w ere im m ediately expelled from the fraternity,and banned from any furtherparticipation in fraternity events. V ll1.N otification M s.Buttersand M s.Polglase m etw ith W endy Y oung,then Associate D irectorof Judicial A ffairs at Jam es M adison U niversity, on A pril 12, 2013. M s.Y oung w as the second Jam es M adison U niversity em ployee who received M s. Butters' direct com plaint of sexual assault, involving the three then currently enrolled Jam es M adison University students w ho perpetuated the Sexualassault. ln theirm eeting,M s.Buttersexplained thatshe w as intoxicated priorto the sexualassault,described in graphic detailwhat the three Jam es M adison University students did to her and explained to M s. Young that the acts w ere not consensual. M s. Butters further explained thatthe video w as being w idely dissem inated am ong the student population atJam es M adison U niversity,described the negative interactions, com m ents and pressure that she w as receiving from her peers w ho had seen the video or w ere otherw ise aw are of the assault, and Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 9 of 20 Pageid#: 11 explained that the ram pantdissem ination ofthe video continued to harass and victim ize her.M s. Butters also explained that she feared reprisal from the three students,w ho rem ained in close proxim ity to herasthe details ofthe assaultbecam e w idely know n throughoutthe Jam esM adison U niversity com m unity. 38. lm m ediately afterthe m eeting,M s.Buttersprovided M s.Young w ith a copy of the video depicting hersexualassault. 39. Beforeview ing the video,M s.Young explained thatJam es M adison University's protocolforhandling studentreports of sexualassaultw astim e consum ing,involved re-living the event m ultiple tim es,w ould require the victim to explain the facts and circum stances both in person and in writing to m ultiple individuals w ithin the U niversity's adm inistration and,in this case,would require a significantam ountoftim e and effortfrom M s.Butters. 40. W hen M s.Butters inquired aboutthe potentialsanctions facing the m en who assaulted her,M s.Young explained that James Madison University's adjudicatory process contained a variety ofsanctionsup to and including expulsion,butfurtherindicated thatexpulsion w asvery rare and highly unlikely in lightofthe facts and circum stances described by M s.Butters. ln itstotality,M s.Y oung's initialconversation discouraged and dissuaded M s. Butters from pursuing hercom plaint,and com m unicated the unm istakable im pression thatJam es M adison University's policy for handling student-on-studentsexualassaultand harassm ent,even w hen proven by video recording,was to discourage the victim from proceeding w ith a com plaint. 42. A tthe conclusion ofthis firstm eeting w ith M s.Young,M s.Buttersexplained that she w ould like forJam es M adison University adm inistrators to review the video evidence thatshe w ould provide,and to consider in particular the fact that the acts depicted in the video and the subsequent dissem ination of the recording occurred w ithout her consent.D isheartened by M s. 10 Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 10 of 20 Pageid#: 12 Young's description of the University's internal disciplinary process and fearful of social ostracism w ithin her peer group,M s.Butters also asked thatthe U niversity handle the com plaint w ithouther involvem ent.M s.Butters w as told thatJM U w ould neither investigate nor actupon the m atterindependently. A sJam es M adison U niversity intended,the policy and protocolforhandling com plaints of sexualassault and harassm ent betw een students,as explained by M s.Young,had the chilling effectofsilencing M s.Butters and dissuading herfrom m aking a fonnalcom plaint. 44. ln the im m ediate afterm ath ofM s.Buttersm eeting w ith M s.Young,she w as provided w ith the nam e and contactinform ation for a counseling center on cam pus.M s.Butters follow ed through w ith this referral,and began seeing a m entalhealth counselor to help her deal w ith the m ental,em otional,and psychologicaltollcaused by these traum atic events. 45. A side from the sanction of im m ediate expulsion from the fraternity im posed by Sigm a Chifraternity,M r.D ertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion rem ained on cam pus and participated fully in cam pus life at Jam es M adison University,while dissem ination ofthe video continued unchecked. 1X .Investigation 46. A pril26,2013 w asthe lastday ofclassesforthe Spring sem esteratJam es M adison University. During the period betw een A pril 26, 2013 and D ecem ber 6, 2013,M s. Butters received one em ailfrom M s.Y oung inquiring as to w hether M s.Butters had m ade any decisionsasto how she w anted to proceed and asking ifM s.Buttersw as alright. M s.Butters wasnotalright.She w asthe victim ofa sexualassaultby fellow students at Jam es M adison University, and continued to be sexually harassed and further victim ized as the video ofher assaultcontinued to be widely dissem inated throughoutthe cam pus Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 11 of 20 Pageid#: 13 com m unity.Jam es M adison U niversity took no action w hatsoever for a period of alm ost eight monthsto investigate,adjudicate,orotherwise respond to hercomplaintofsexualassaultand harassment. She was told that proceeding with the adjudicatory process would take up a signiticantam ountof her tim e,w ould force her to relive the event over and over,and was also told thata fonnalcom plaintw as unlikely to resultin any significantsanctionsforthe perpetrators. She feltabandoned by the institution of higher education thathad prom ised to keep her safe and Secure. 48. D uring thisperiod,M s.Butters struggled both socially and academ ically.The video of her assault and the circum stances surrounding itcam e to define her identity on cam pus. She was frequently asked aboutthe assault. Som e few students expressed the opinion that itw as her fault for having been intoxicated. She encountered the perpetrators ofthe assault regularly, despite her efforts to avoid activities where potential encounters w ith them w ere likely. M s. Butters gradually stopped attending classes and failed a1lofhercourses. 49. M s.Butters'father,W illiam Butters,is a police officer em ployed by V irginia Com m onw ea1th U niversity located in Richm ond, V irginia. On N ovem ber 4, 2013, he sent a lengthy em ailto Dr.W arner,the V ice Presidentof StudentAffairs atJam es M adison U niversity, outlining the facts and circum stances surrounding his daughter's sexual assault, detailing M s. Butters' interactions w ith M s.Polglase and M s.Young, and asking fourteen specific questions concerning the m eans and m ethods by which Jam es M adison U niversity planned to investigate the assaultand harassm entofhisdaughter. 50. D r.W arnerforw arded M r.Butters'com m unication to D r.Jam esM cc onnellw ho responded w ith an em ail indicating that Dr.Josh Bacon w as the correct person to address M r. Butters' concerns.U ltim ately, Jam es M adison University reiterated that Sarah would have to Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 12 of 20 Pageid#: 14 + fonaaallyinitiatetheadjudicatoryprocessoutlinedbyM s.Young,includingthestress,humiliation and re-victim ization associated w ith the process thathad been explained to her previously,before Jam esM adison U niversity w ould take any action in the m atter. 51. A fter review ing the video,Dr.Bacon m ade the extraordinary com m entto Sarah Butters'father thathe believed the acts depicted in the recording w ere consensual.This rem ark reinforced the perception ofboth Sarah Butters and her fatherthatJam es M adison U niversity w as not interested in im posing any legitim ate sanctions againstthe perpetrators of an obvious sexual assault, and w as m otivated instead by the desire to avoid negative publicity concerning the University. 52. O n Decem ber 17,2013,M s.Buttersw as inform ed thatJam es M adison University revoked her tinancialaid because she received failing grades in allfive classes she enrolled in during the fall sem ester. Devastated m entally and em otionally, and seeing no opportunity to rebuild her life academ ically orsocially,M s.Butters acknow ledged thatshe could nothandle this problem on her own and that she feltthatshe had no option other than to go through the form al adjudicatoryprocessoutlinedbyJamesM adisonUniversity. O n January 10,2014,M s.Butters signed paperw ork provided by Jam es M adison University form alizing her desire to proceed w ith sexual assault charges against M r. D ertzbaugh,M r.Lulm ey Jr.and M r.Scallion. X.Adjudication 54. M s.Buttersspenthourscreating atim etablesumm arizing allofthe known facts and circum stances sulw unding her sexual assault,the dissem ination of the video and a general description ofthe com m unications she had with m em bers of Jam es M adison University's student Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 13 of 20 Pageid#: 15 population regarding the incident.She provided this comprehensive document to the Oftice of JudicialAffairs. 55. ThefirstadjudicatoryhearingwasheldonFebruary20,2014.Ms.Butterswas required to testify concerning the assaultand the effects ithad upon herlife. 56. Tw o additionalhearings,identicalto the tirst,w ere held on February 21,2014 and February 23, 2014. D espite the fact that all three students participated in the assault sim ultaneously,M s.Butters had to repeat and relive the assault and hmussm ent three separate tim es. U ltim ately, a11 tlzree m en w ere found to be responsible for sexual assault and sexual harassnnent. Thedayaherthethird andfinaladjudicatoryhearing,Dr.JoshBacon metwith M s. Butters in M s. Y oung's office. Dr. Bacon advised Sarah at that tim e that he w as contem plating im posing ûtexpulsion after graduation.'' He explained to herthathe feltthe need to crafta punishm entthatM s.Butters w ould accept,butthatthe perpetrators would notappeal.M s. Butters found D r. Bacon's indifference to her victim ization concern com bined w ith an overarching regarding the likely responses of the perpetrators to whatever sanction he m ay choose,to be profoundly disturbing. 58. lt w as clear to M s.Butters that Jam es M adison University's prim al' y m otivation w as to conclude the m atter as quickly and quietly, w ith as little negative publicity to the U niversity as possible. O f equal concern, it appeared that D r.Bacon w as testing M s.Butters' response to his proposed sanction,so thathe could w eigh how m uch itw ould appease hershould itbe ultim ately im posed. 59. W hen the punishm entof ttexpulsion after graduation''w as proposed,M s.Butters satquietly and w ept. A fter severalhours ofthoughtand deliberation,M s.Butters sentan em ailto 14 Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 14 of 20 Pageid#: 16 D r.B acon stating her belief that the proposed punishm ent of ûtexpulsion follow ing graduation'' w as inadequate. 60. The nextday,Dr.Bacon notitied M s.Buttersvia em ailthatM r.D ertzbaugh,M r. Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion had been found to be responsible for sexualassaultand harassm ent, and thatthepunishm entw ould be ûtexpulsion follow ing graduation.'' D r.Bacon and M s.Butters m et on February 25,2014,so that Dr.Bacon could explain w hatthe sanction of ûûexpulsion after graduation''w ould m ean in practicalapplication. 62. Dr.B acon explained thatthere w as no protocolin place to ensure thatthe tllree m en did notreturn to cam pus follow ing graduation.In fact,one of the three w ould be allow ed to rem ain on cam pus indefinitely untilhe tinished hisdegree. Dr.Bacon suggested thatM s.Butters should telephone the cam pus police and notify them if she observed the m en on cam pus' ,there would be no proactive steps taken by the University to ensure com pliance with the sanction. W hen Sarah asked whethera representative of the U niversity w ould be presentto m ake sure that the perpetrators did not participate in the graduation cerem ony,Dr.Bacon explained that there w ould notbe a specific m onitorin place. W hen M s.Buttersasked aboutthe no contactprovision she w as again told thatifthe m en contacted hershe w ould have to callthe police. 63. ln whatappeared to Sarah to representan attem ptto delay the process,D r.Bacon advisedM s.Buttersthatsheshould appealthedecision and go through theadjudicatory process again. 64. M s.Butters' appeal w as heard on M arch 20,2014,m ore than one year after the originalassault. A gain,M s.Butters w as forced to relive the traum atic event,to confrontthe m en w ho videotaped them selves groping and fondling her bare breasts,and to discussherpersonallife and the im pactthe assaulthad on her,in the presence ofherattackers and a group ofstrangers. Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 15 of 20 Pageid#: 17 Atthe conclusion ofM s.Butters'appeal,M r.Dertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion w ere form ally expelled by Jam es M adison U niversity.A 1l three soon noted their appeals and the process restarted fora third tim e. 66. On A pril2,2014,M r.Dertzbaugh,M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion had their second hearings atthe appellate level. M s.Butters w as forced yetagain to relive the event,to discussthe effectsthe sexualassaulthad upon herlife and to address deeply personalissues in the presence ofherattackers. 67. D ue to the special circum stances that the assault w as videotaped by those who perpetrated it, the fact that the three m en w ere responsible for sexual assault and sexual harassm ent of a fem ale student was never at issue in any m eaningful w ay during either of the appellate hearings. The appellate proceedings were instead focused upon the sanction. The convoluted structureemployedby JamesM adison Universityto adjudicatecomplaintsofsexual assault betw een students operated in lieu of any fixed nzles, guidelines or sanctions, once responsibility for sexual assault and sexual harassm ent w as determ ined. The lack of fixed protocolor procedure regarding punishm ent forstudent-on-studentsexualassaultand harassm ent served to re-victim ize M s.Butters repeatedly and unduly lengthened herordeal. X l.Punishm ent 68. O n April3,2014,M s.Young sentan em ailto M s.Butters outlining the final decision rendered in her com plaint. M r. D ertzbaugh, M r. Lurm ey Jr. and M r. Scallion were expelled upon theirgraduations. 69. M s.Young explained that,as applied to M r.Lunney Jr.and M r.Scallion, expulsion upon graduation m eantthatthey could notbe on Jam es M adison U niversity's cam pus for any reason after graduation including graduate classes and events.They could notw alk at a 16 Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 16 of 20 Pageid#: 18 # graduation cerem ony. They w ere to have no contact with M s. Butters to begin im m ediately through graduation. They were only allow ed on cam pus for academ ics and classes to begin im m ediately through graduation.They m ay not participate in student clubs or organizations to begin im m ediately through graduation. A s experts in the tield, they m ust w ork w ith a staff m em ber from the JudicialA ffairs O ftice to create a 30 m inute presentation on sexualassaultfor possible presentation to studentorganizations. 70. Jam esM adison U niversity's tinaldecision to expelM r.Lunney Jr.and M r. Scallion ûûfollow ing graduation''w as rendered 396 days after the tw o m en recorded them selves sexually assaulting M s.Butters in Panam a City,Florida,which was also 372 days after the Jam es M adison University em ployeeacting asthe officialadvisorto M s.Butters'sorority wasformally notified ofthe sexualassaultand ongoing sexualharassm ent.The tw o m en graduated from Jam es M adison University and received their diplom as. 71. M s.Y oung also explained to Sarah that M r.D ertzbaugh w ould rem ain actively enrolled as a tuition-paying Jam es M adison U niversity student,and thathe w ould be perm itted to attend classes in close proxim ity to M s.Buttersuntilhe com pleted his degree. D r.Bacon further explained to Sarah that she, rather than the U niversity,w ould bear the responsibility to m onitor com pliance and provide notice ofany violations,m eaning that the only party assigned to enforce the penalty w ould be Sarah Butters. 73. ltw as abundantly clearto M s.ButtersthatJam esM adison University did not have any policy orprocedure in place to ensure thatthe three m en w ould abide by the term s and conditions ofthe supposed sanction. 74. M s.Butters failed a1lofherclasses,lostherfinancialaid,severed ties w ith m any Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 17 of 20 Pageid#: 19 ofherpeers and continues to sufferfrom substantialm entaland emotionalanguish as a resultof the methods by which James Madison University responded to,investigated,adjudicated and punished three m ale studentswho sexually assaulted and harassed her,including in particularthe gross disparity betw een the offensescom mitted by herattackers and the punishm entdecided upon by the U niversity. She withdrew from JamesM adison University on M ay 30,2014.She rdum ed to Hopewell,V irginia and resum ed herem ploym entata localhotel. Through this frustrating ordeal, Jnmes M adison University broke its m ost fundam ental prom ise to M s. Butters. James M adison University's discrim inatory conduct deprived M s.Butters of the opportunity to w hich she was entitled to learn,grow and m ature,by denying her fulland free access to the educational,social,recreational,and personalbenefitsand opportunities aforded by the University. Concurrently, Jam es M adison University sent a powerfulm essage to al1ofits students,prospective students,alum ni,faculty,employees and the outside world thatthe University values its self-interestand desire to protectitsreputation ahead ofthe safety and wellbeing ofitsstudents with regard to sexualassaultand harassment. W hen faced with the m ostcom pelling evidence thata sexualassaultoccurred,and w hen confronted by a studentw illing to form alize a com plaintin writing,the University signaled thatitwillm ire the process in red tape and bureaucracy,before ultim ately rewarding the pem etrators with a degree and a diplom a,perm anentsym bolsoftheirIifelong connection. X II.Conelusion 76. A s described in paragraphs 2 tllrough 75 herein,Jam es M adison Univcrsity has fostered and pem etuated a hostile educationalcnvironment on the basis ofsex on its campus in violation of Titlc IX and its im plcm cnting regulations. Jam es M adison U niversity and its adlninistrators have failed to take seriously sexualassault com plaints,have not provided their 18 Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 18 of 20 Pageid#: 20 students w ith the proper resources and supportthatthey require follow ing sexual assaults,and have trivialized the seriousness of sexual assault and harassm ent by rendering grossly disproportionate and egregiously inadequate penalties, even when the m isconduct is clearly proven and the guilt of the wrongdoer obvious. Fem ale students who have been the victims of sexual assaultand harassm ent have been leftisolated and m ade to feelafraid to come forward, dueto the likelihood ofbeing re-victim ized and furtherhum iliated by the U nivcrsity. The ultim ate determ ination by the Defendant Jam es M adison University to çtpunish''the three male students who sexually abused and harassed Sarah Butters by the three separate and distinctacts of the initialassault,the videotaping ofthe assault,and the deliberate and foreseeable widespread dissem ination ofthe video throughoutthe cam pus com m unity,by the grossly disproportionatetçpenalty''ofdismissalfollowîng graduation illustratesJamesMadison University's indifference to sexual assault and harassm ent within its student body. ln human term s,Jam es M adison University has system ically disregarded and discouraged fcm ale students w ho register com plaints of sexual assault and harassm ent, 9om proceeding through official University channels. The m ental and em otional fallout on victim s of sexual assault and harassm ent at Jam es M adison University is im m easurable,as dem onstrated by the University's handling ofthe m attersdescribed herein. XllI.Prayer for Relief 78. In com pensation forJam esM adison University'sactionsand failureto actasnoted herein, deliberate indifference,discrim ination based upon gender, deprivation of M s. Butters' opportunity for educational benefit,and the harm done to M s.Butters' mental and em otional well-being, all in violation of Title IX of 1he Educational Am endm enls of 1972,20 U .S.C.j 19 Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 19 of 20 Pageid#: 21 l681(a),the PlaintiffSarah Buttersseeksunspecified economicdamagesfrom DefendantJames MadisonUniversity,andsuch otherreliefasthisCourtmaydeem justandappropriate. TRIAL BY JU RY IS D EM AN D ED . R espectfully Subm itted, Sarah But By: W .ColemanAllenJr.(VSB 19847) ChristopherJ.Toepp (VSB 75519) A llen,A llen,A llen and A llen 1809 StaplesM illR oad Richm ond,V irginia 23230 Te1.: (804)257-7594 Fax: (866)631-8130 Email:Coleman.Allen@ Ckistopher.Toepp@ Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2 Filed 03/03/15 Page 20 of 20 Pageid#: 22 CIVIL CO VER SH EET ' 1.(a) PLAINTIFFS PEFENPAN'I'S SARAH ELIZABETH BUTTERS JAMES MADISON UNI VëRSITY (b) CotlntyorResidencet)1-17kIstLIstedPlainlirf C ITY OF 1-1CIPC'-VVE''LL 'v'h (C.b'(û/;/'I1N'!/..h'./3/.., .. 1/NI7/. -/.(-.. zI.$/fâ) Coulpty'tll-ResidelqceofFirstListedDefkndallt )lfj'/14A.('f('îI! q''J11r:àf.2 ( q()) p?/ ktt( )rr l()/ë ;t ' /'/ ?' , ??yk r t prp /t .zpfl t/, ' t .. 3 ' . ! ' ,r l?f /ï' eln f lnl îtï tl nf/ $p l, ?? l,Q r z' : l W .COLEMAN ALLEN,JR.AND CHRISTOPHER J.TOEPP, ALLEN, ALLEN,ALLEN & ALLEN,1809STAPLES MILLROAD,RICHMOND, /y((( )rr )t: )'sfr //kkttvlbvz() s VA 23230.(804)257-9574AND/OR (804)353-1200. I1.BASIS OF . IlJRISD ICTION tlk lt wenkl'z r' -i tïcJ,, f ?lto.k .()nl )$ U. % Geverxllllea' t 1I1.CITIZEN8HIP OF PRINCIPA L PARTIES(Illac .ef ??l'' e r'/ ??t?, peHoxprp/a??/( // (l'or./7?l'e?'A.??.p(Wxk c,$'(>êlv) X :. . ) iz'cdelAtQuqstion Plainlijf rz??f. /fltw./. ?t. ,u..#irllelï'nêl( .. p?ll Irpj,. jl' yy,y -j.'l'p' rl1.5' .(JuverttnlenlNvtakaar/-l .r l citizoloj.TllisStalc ID I II1corpolatcdt;rThIIlcipalPlauc O 4 1*7 4 et-BusinessIR'l-tlisStatq U f'iGoveljllncrll Dlvels!ly DelkIldanl (-I11zcl)otA11otltcrstalf: r7 lncorporaùcd61tulPni?cipalP1acr ll'tdlcale(7Iklzenslllpo).P#?r??t.?b ';??Itvt,t72. ,.) ef'IynsillessInAnotl,erStatr CitizeïtorSubjeçtofa t''dLyittlljtzh.t5tioa i' .' ;6 O6 li.!.',.'Irl',.Id1I,,'y IV. NATURE OF SUI' I',. '. , ' w' '',rppr ?z?t p ,... , ?,b. 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'f ' rj! ;T1 : atsslkkIuti(iofn l,ttwotltllleul AnotllttrDlsllict ttl!' JC''I , N lulti dtstf!ct Litigatioll h Ci(t.tlteLlS Civi1Statutetl1'1derlvl)ic1)you are t')llllg(J.)()! lr?/t.p '/c#//r/.&'z/?'t'tFf?z?tJ/sttttutr. s'Fka/p?y.i,t'liïwr. h'ijbb. l 20 U.S.C ti?1681 VI. CAUSE O F ACTION s,jet.aescriptiollofcause: TITLE I X OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENT OF 1972 Vl1.REQIJESTED IN D t -1IEC'KIf:'1 'è1ISISA fa .I.ASSACTION c()M PLAINT. lJNIIl= -RIItllalï23.FRCvP VIII.RELATED CASEIS) IF ANY DIISIANII$ w G <.) * 5e.w C-I -IE'CKYES()11 )/ii 'tïç' 1lk ; f1l(1 .' !1il 1ct ll nplai nt. JtJRYI>EMAND; h'' .. C1Nt) Cb' t 't ,lè'v /l' ? rt' ? lr/ l?%) Case 5:15-cv-00015-EKD-JCH Document 2-1 Filed 03/03/15 Page 1 of 1 Pageid#: 23