SeeREf1INOFORN 3 0 MAR 11111 MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR, FORCE STRUCTURE, RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT, 8000 JOINT STAFF PENTAGON , WASHINGTON, DC 20318·8000 SUBJECT: (U) Threat Detection and Countermeasurel to Enemy Man Portable AIr Defense SYltem Capability 1. (U) Purpo.e. Submit Joint Urgent Operationa l Need tor review and va lidation. (b)(1) 14(a) (b)( 1)1 4 {b) (b)(1)1 4 {c) (b)(1)1 4(g) S[CRETHNOFORN SECRET/fNOFORN SOVC SUBJECT: (U) Thraat Detection and Countermeuurea to Enemy Man Portable Air Delense System Ceplbility S. (U) Potentlll Non·Materiel Capability Solution• . Employ .peclal tactlca. technique • . Ind procedural (TIP) to avoid englgemont. The.e TIP. may not alway. be viable Ind could poo.lbly Impact .upport to Joint lorce commende,.. (b)IIP 4(a) (b)(1)14(C) (bjll)14(g) Ib)(3) (10 USC § 130b) (b){6) ...,. -,.' Lieutenant Gene.. l. U.S. Air For.. Vice Commlnder 2 SECRETIINOFORN