SE€R£:FIfNOfORN THE JOINT STAFF WA SHINGTON, DC 24 Apri l 20 15 MEMORANDUM FOR COMMANDER, US SPECIAL OPERATIONS COM M AND DIRECTOR. JOINT RAPID ACQU ISITION CELL SUB JECT: 3. (U) In accordance with JClDS, USSOCOM is required to submit an Assessment of Operational Uti lity no later than six months after initial del ivery of a solullon in order to provide feedback to the solution sponsor and facil itate transition. sustainment. or alternate approaches to lhis validated urgent need. SECRETlINOI'OItN SE€ R [THNOFO R ~ :Ol'-rclall:d mailers is (b)(J)(10USC § IJOb) (b1l6, Bri gadier General. CSAF Lk put) OircL:tor ror Rcquircmc nl s. .I-X Attachment : cc; Chairman . Protection Functiona l Capabilities (llu,ftC'd h~ 1 SSOCOM Ik". r;d frum MulL'pk <;'.urt~ l~ o 3rd , ~ECttET I'fNOFO R~ Ikd,st l f~ on l~{()I(1,l