Legion of Black Collegians Executive Uf?ee Ll'l 35m] Student {3:12 [1 33:45le IltL' To Whom It May Concern: At approximately l!:50 PM on Tuesday September Nth. 20th. two Black students were verbally assaulted in an obscene manner with regards to their racial identity: again. two more Black students were called ?Niggersli on the University of Missouri?s campus. its a group of sin to seven white male and female students passed the members of the Legion ofBlack Collegians Activities Committee. one of the white female students from the group shouted. ?look at those niggers looking at us.? At this moment. other members of the Activities Committee were contacted to join the two 1Women. as they were concerned about their safety. Noticing the disruptions caused by the group. the police approached the members of the Legion to assess the situation. It was at this moment, outside of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity house. that while police were attempting to etc-escalate the situation. members of the fraternity began recording the interaction. as well as shooting a variety of obseenities at the Committee. These obsecnities included. but were not limited to. PC. Cnls. B?"es. with a plethora of other micro-aggressions. 1While sonte ot'the police of?cers proceeded to disperse the developing crowd. some attempted to control members of the Legion as opposed to controlling those yelling out ot'the windows: another of?cer used eseessive verbal force his hand on his gun. in attempts to calm one of the Legion?s members. who was rightfully infuriated about the events that had just transpired. Even though one ofthe suspects has been identi?ed. and will be talten in for questioning. a simple wanting is unacceptable. Any student that selects to intentionally use hate speech on a campus that pushes the morals of?inclusivily" and "diversity.11 does not belong. and their presence continues to foster the apparent dichotomy amongst Black and white students. To say that we are disgusted is beyond an understatement. It is often said that history repeats itself. but the ignorance that occurs on the University of Missouri's campus always seems to be too familiar. Due to the continuation of an intolerant culture. students of color have been attacked yet again. As if students did not JUST experience similar disparities in equality last year. and are not all still attempting to heal from those iniuslices: as IF students have not been ?continuing the conversation". They have experienced yet another triggering event to remind them that students still walk amongst peers who feel superior in their privilege. It is blatantly obvious that all ofthis super?cial worlt has been nothing more than a discussion with little action behind it. Quite frankly. WE. ARE. SICK. DP. Rightt?ul action will be talten to not only correct these wrongs. but to prevent such acts of hate from happening further. We are currently working with members oft?tdministration in order to develop policies and identify follow up actions to eradicate these instances in the new and in the future. Enough is Enough. The Legion of Black Coilegians t3; Ifljt ?il Itl?l'tllt'i'l??l?l'h' Alt-"t