?055353 MA SOC Filing Number: 201152084030 Date: 8/22/2011 3:01 :00 PM The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Minimum William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division One Ashburton Place, 17111 ?oor Boston, MA 02108-15i2 Telephone: (617) 727?9640 Articles of Organization (General Laws, Chapter 180) Federal Employer Identification Number: 001059733 (must be 9 digits) ARTICLE I The exact name of the corporation is: FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL HEALTH SERVICE, INC. ARTICLE II The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the following business activities: SAID CORPORATION IS ORGANIZED EXCLUSIVELY FOR CHARITABLE, RELIGIOUS, EDUCATIONAL, AND SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES, INCLUDING, FOR SUCH PURPOSES, THE MAKING OF DISTRIBUTIONS TO ORGANIZATIONS THAT QUALIFY AS EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS UNDER SECTION OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, OR THE CORRESPONDING SECTION OF ANY FUTURE FEDERAL TAX CODE. NO PART OF THE NET EARNINGS OF THE CORPORATION SHALL INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF, OR BE DISTRIBUTABLE TO ITS MEMBERS, TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, OR OTHER PRIVATE PERSONS, EXCEPT THAT THE CORPORATION SHALL BE AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED TO PAY REASONABLE COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES RENDERED AND TO MAKE PAYMENTS AND DISTRIBUTIONS IN OF THE PURPOSES SET FORTH HEREIN. THE PROPERTY OF THIS CORPORATION IS IRREVOCABLY DEDICATED TO THE CORPORATIONS PURPOSEIS) AND NO PART OF THE NET INCOME OR ASSETS OF THIS CORPORATION SHALL EVER INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF ANY DIRECTOR, OFFICER, OR MEMBER THEREOF, OR TO THE BENEFIT OF ANY PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL. NO SUBSTANTIAL PART OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPORATION SHALL BE THE CARRYING ON OF PROPAGANDA, OR OTHERWISE ATTEMPTING TO INFLUENCE LEGISLATION, AND THE CORPORATION SHALL NOT PARTICIPATE IN, OR IN (INCLUDING THE PUBLISHING OR DISTRIBUTION OF STATEMENTS) ANY POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ON BEHALF OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO ANY CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. NOTWITI-ISTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THESE ARTICLES, THIS CORPORATION SHALL NOT, EXCEPT TO AN INSUBSTANTIAL DEGREE, ENGAGE IN ANY ACTIVITIES OR EXERCISE ANY POWERS THAT ARE NOT IN FURTHERANCE OF THE PURPOSES OF THIS CORPORATION. ARTICLE A corporation may have one or more classes of members. If it does, the designation of such classes. the manner of election or appointments, the duration of membership and the quali?cations and rights, including voting rights. of the members of each class. may be set forth in the by-laws of the corporation or may be set forth below: CORPORATION WILL HAVE A SINGLE CLASS OF MEMBERS AS SET FORTH IN ITS BY- LAWS. ARTICLE IV Other lawful provisions, if any, for the conduct and regulation of the business and affairs of the corpOration. for its voluntary dissolution. or for limiting. de?ning. or regulating the powers of the corporation. or of its directors or members. or of any class of members. are as follows: (if there are no provisions state UPON THE DISSOLUTION OF THE CORPORATION, ASSETS SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED FOR ONE OR MORE EXEMPT PURPOSES WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. OR THE CORRESPONDING SECTION OF ANY FUTURE FEDERAL TAX CODE. OR SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, OR TO A STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. FOR A PUBLIC PURPOSE. ANY SUCH ASSETS NOT SO DISPOSED OF SHALL BE DISPOSED OF BY A COURT OF COM PETENT JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE CORPORATION IS THEN LOCATED. EXCLUSIVELY FOR SUCH PURPOSES OR TO SUCH ORGANIZATION OR ORGANIZATIONS, AS SAID COURT SHALL DETERMINE, WHICH ARE ORGANIZED AND OPERATED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SUCH PURPOSES. Notes: The preceding four alricies are considered to be permanent and may only be changed by filing appropriate Articles of Amendment. ARTICLE The by-Iaws of the corporation have been duly adopted and the initial directors. president. treasurer and clerk or other presiding. ?nancial or recording of?cers. whose names are set out on the following page. have been duly elected. ARTICLE VI The effective date of organization of the corporation shall be the date approved and filed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. If a later effective date is desired. specify such date which shall not be more than thirty days after the date of filing. ARTICLE VII The information contained in Article VII is not a permanent part of the Articles of Organization. a. The street address (post office boxes are not acceptabie) of the principal office of the corporation in Massachusetts is: I9 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON State: No. and Street: City or Town: Zip: 02108 Country: USA b. The name. residential street address and post office address of each director and officer of the corporation is as follows: Address [no PO Box} Address. City or Town. State. Zip Code Expiration of Term Title Individual Name First. Middle. Last. Suffix PRESIDENT VANESSA KERRY MA 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA TREASURER VANESSA KERRY WA 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA CLERK VANESSA KERRY NM 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE BOSTON. MA 02108 USA DIRECTOR SARA AULD WA 250 10TH ST NE #3302 ATLANTA. GA 30309 USA 250 10TH ST NE #3302 ATLANTA. GA 30309 USA c. The fiscal year tax year) of the business entity shall end on the last day of the month of: December d. The name and business address of the resident agent, if any, of the business entity is: Name: DR. VANESSA KERRY No. and Street: 19 LOUISBURG SQUARE, City or Town: BOSTON State: Mg Zip: 02l08 Country: USA l/W?e, the below signed incorporator(s), do hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that l/we have not been convicted of any crimes relating to alcohol or gaming within the past ten years. l/We do hereby further certify that to the best of my/our knowledge the above-named of?cers have not been similarly convicted. If so convicted, explain: IN WITNESS WHEREOF AND UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES 0F PERJURY, l/we, whose signature(s) appear below as incorporator(s)tand whose name(s) and business or residential address (es) beneath each signature do hereby associate with the intention of forming this business entity under the provisions of General Law, Chapter [80 and do hereby sign these Articles of Organization as incorporator(s) this 22 Day of August, 20] 1. (ll/an existing commotion is acting as tncorporator, {tyne in the exact name oft/1t: business entity, the state or via-here it was incotporated, the mane oft/re person signing on behcd/?Qfsaid business entity and the title lie/she holds or other authority by which such action is taken.) DR. VANESSA KERRY AND DR. SARA AULD ?2001 - 2011 Commonwealth of Massachusetts All Rights Reserved w. . uh.? .. rt u' lt.? MA SOC Filing Number: 201152084030 Date: 8/22/2011 3:01 :00 PM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I hereby certify that, upon examination ofthis document, duly submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative to corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said articles; and the ?ling Fee having been paid, said articles are deemed to have been ?led with me on: August 22, 2011 03:01 PM WILLIAM FRANCIS CALVIN Secretary qffhe Comn-meeu/rh 54 {5 C11