STATE OF MAINE Department of Health and Human Services Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services RFP Coordinator Submitted Questions Due Proposal Submission All communication regarding this RFP must be made through the RFP Coordinator identified below. Name: David Pied Title: Public Health Educator Contact Information: All questions must be submitted to the RFP Coordinator identified above by: Date: September 27, 2016, no later than 5:00 p.m., local time Submission Deadline: October 18, 2016, no later than 2:00 p.m., local time Submission Address: Division of Purchases, Burton M. Cross Building, 111 Sewall Street - 4th Floor, Augusta, ME, 04330 TABLE OF CONTENTS PUB LIC NOTICE ************************************************* State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 3 RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services The State of Maine is seeking proposals for Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services. A copy of the RFP can be obtained by registering and downloading at the following website: or by contacting the RFP Coordinator: David Pied. The RFP Coordinator can be reached at the following email address: Proposals must be submitted to the State of Maine Division of Purchases, located at the Burton M. Cross Office Building, 111 Sewall Street - 4th Floor, Augusta, Maine, 04330. Proposals must be submitted by 2:00 pm, local time, on October 18, 2016, when they will be opened. Proposals not received at the Division of Purchases’ aforementioned address by the aforementioned deadline will not be considered for contract award. ************************************************* State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 4 RFP DEFINITIONS/ACRONYMS The following terms and acronyms shall have the meaning indicated below as referenced in this RFP: BRFSS Department Maine CDC MIYHS State ACRONYMS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Department of Health and Human Services Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey State of Maine 1. Center for Tobacco Independence The Department’s contractor for tobacco treatment, tobacco prevention and secondhand smoke exposure. Includes operation of the Maine Tobacco HelpLine. 2. Contract Agreement Administrator The Maine CDC staff member responsible for contract oversight. 3. Counter-marketing Approach The systematic application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good (in this case, public health) rather than for commercial profit. It is a process for influencing human behavior on a large scale. 4. District Coordinating Council for Public Health (DCC) A representative District-wide body of Local public health stakeholders working toward collaborative public health planning and coordination to ensure effectiveness and efficiencies in the public health system. 5. Domain An area of effort within this RFP and the connected RFP for Prevention Services (as described in Part I.C of this RFP). 6. Local The term used for effort performed at a sub-District level. 7. Maine’s Tribal Members Members of one of Maine’s Federally-recognized Tribal Nations. 8. Mass-Reach Health Communications The various ways public health information is distributed to large numbers of people. 9. Objectives Statements of intended measurable results, generally within a defined setting and time or for a defined change, identifying the total numbers of the setting and numbers reflecting the intended change. Objectives describe the intended change with the identified setting, or condition. 10. Prevention Services Public health efforts done to reduce and prevent the negative health effects from tobacco and substance use. Also used to describe “Prevention Services for Maine’s Public Health Districts RFP#201602047”. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 5 11. Public Health District (District) To improve coordinated delivery of essential public health services, the Department and the Maine Legislature approved the establishment of nine public health regions, grouped as Districts. District boundaries were established using population size, geographic areas, hospital service areas and county borders. Details about the Districts can be found at: 12. Public Health District Liaisons (DLs) Maine CDC staff members who provide public health leadership and Maine CDC representation at the District level; coordinate State public health and policy functions; provide technical assistance to municipal, county and District public health entities; coordinate District public health functions; and serve as liaisons between Local, District and State public health entities. 13. Strategies The actions performed to achieve a particular objective (i.e. the “how” of achieving an objective). 14. Young Adults Maine individuals ages eighteen (18) to twenty-five (25). 15. Youth Maine individuals ages ten (10) to eighteen (18). State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 6 State of Maine - Department of Health and Human Services Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services PART I INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Background The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (Department) is seeking proposals to provide tobacco and substance use prevention Mass-Reach Health Communications as defined in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Specifically, the Department, through the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC), is seeking a vendor to manage, oversee, develop and administer MassReach Health Communication efforts to achieve measureable results in the prevention of opioid/substance abuse and tobacco use and exposure. This document provides instructions for submitting proposals, the procedure and criteria by which the Provider will be selected, and the contractual terms which will govern the relationship between the Department and the Successful Bidder. This RFP is intended to identify Bidders who can advance meaningful progress towards helping Maine people live safe, healthy and productive lives by addressing primary drivers of chronic disease and addiction. Outcomes resulting from this work ultimately must contribute to measurable improvement in health indicators across all of Maine. The Department expects these outcomes to result from efficiencies gained through collaboration between the Mass-Reach Health Communications vendor and the vendors of recently selected Domains including substance use prevention, tobacco prevention and Youth empowerment and engagement. B. Primary Objectives Since 2001, the public resources managed by the Department have been distributed within communities across Maine and have brought together schools, health care organizations, worksites, government, civic and volunteer agencies. This RFP focuses these state and community key efforts in the areas of tobacco and substance use prevention and control to: 1. Stem the rising tide of opioid use and abuse, and decrease substance affected infants. 2. Ensure that Maine has the lowest smoking rates in the nation. 3. Prevent the development and progression of chronic disease related to, or affected by, tobacco and substance use. In addition to these Objectives, the Department is seeking Bidders that will incorporate the following core features into their overall approaches to this RFP: 1. Strong and routine use of data and assessment to drive decision-making. Use of continuous quality improvement approaches to allow for targeted Strategies to have the greatest impact on the intended audience. 2. Maximized returns on the investment of the State’s limited resources. 3. Linkage between programming relating to tobacco and substance abuse for assuring the public’s health and prevention of addiction. 4. Use of evidence-based and evidence-informed Mass-Reach Health Communication Strategies. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 7 5. Use of multi-media framework to elicit change with state substance and tobacco use across Maine. C. The Framework for the RFP The Successful Bidder will be responsible for the management, administration and oversight of MassReach Health Communication funds. As such, the Successful Bidder will develop and implement Objectives and Strategies for Mass-Reach Health Communication throughout Maine. This RFP focuses on Mass-Reach Health Communications related to the prevention of abuse of opioids, alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs as well as tobacco use and exposure. Mass-Reach Health Communication must be used to make meaningful changes in Population-Level awareness, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about substance abuse and tobacco use and exposure. Mass-Reach Health Communication can be a powerful tool for preventing initial use of tobacco and substances, promoting awareness of the dangers of tobacco and substance use, promoting treatment and shaping social norms related to tobacco and substance use. All efforts funded by the Department must promote excellence and show measureable results. This RFP closely connects with, and supports, the work of the Prevention Services for Maine’s Public Health Districts RFP#201602047. The Prevention Services RFP focuses on primary efforts for substance use and tobacco prevention and control. It also creates a structure for the delivery of public health prevention services that will demonstrably improve health outcomes at the State and District levels and serve as key partners in the health communication work. The Domains to be addressed by the RFP complimentary to this one are: Prevention Services for Maine’s Public Health Districts Domain 1 Opioid and Other Substance Use Prevention Domain 2 Tobacco Use and Exposure Prevention Domain 3 Youth Engagement and Empowerment The work of these Domains should be considered in developing a proposal for Mass-Reach Health Communications for substance and tobacco use/abuse. 1. Domains 1 and 2: Opioid and Other Substance Use Prevention and Tobacco Use/ Exposure Prevention (Domain 1 was awarded to The University of New England and Domain 2 was awarded to MaineHealth) Includes Direct Programming in the following areas: a. Tobacco and Substance use prevention and control directed at Maine’s Youth and Young Adult populations with a specific focus on the use of opioids, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs; and b. Prevention of secondhand smoke exposure across all populations. 2. Domain 3: Youth Engagement and Empowerment (Domain 3 was awarded to The Opportunity Alliance) Requires a comprehensive effort to engage Youth in tobacco and substance use prevention programming and in positive Youth development. This work involves informing Youth of the risks associated with substance abuse and tobacco use, as well as promoting positive Youth development State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 8 factors. Engagement of Youth in development and implementation of such prevention programming through Youth groups is one expectation of the work for Domain 3. D. Authority and Funding Source for this RFP Funding for this RFP comes from the following sources: 1. Fund for Healthy Maine appropriations: Community & School Grants and Statewide Coordination, Public Health Infrastructure and Substance Abuse Prevention; 2. Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA #93.959); 3. State General Funds; 4. Partnerships for Success 2015 Federal Grant (funding available until 2020) (CFDA #93.959); and 5. Other sources that may become available. E. General Provisions 1. From the time this RFP is issued until award notification is made, all contact with the State regarding this RFP must be made through the aforementioned RFP Coordinator. No other person/ State employee is empowered to make binding statements regarding this RFP. Violation of this provision may lead to disqualification from the bidding process, at the State’s discretion. 2. Issuance of this RFP does not commit the Department to issue an award or to pay expenses incurred by a Bidder in the preparation of a response to this RFP. This includes attendance at personal interviews or other meetings and software or system demonstrations, where applicable. 3. All proposals should adhere to the instructions and format requirements outlined in this RFP and all written supplements and amendments (such as the Summary of Questions and Answers), issued by the Department. Proposals are to follow the format and respond to all questions and instructions specified below in the “Proposal Submission Requirements” section of this RFP. 4. Bidders shall take careful note that in evaluating a proposal submitted in response to this RFP, the Department will consider materials provided in the proposal, information obtained through interviews/presentations (if any), and internal Departmental information of previous contract history with the Bidder (if any). The Department also reserves the right to consider other reliable references and publicly available information in evaluating a Bidder’s experience and capabilities. 5. The proposal shall be signed by a person authorized to legally bind the Bidder and shall contain a statement that the proposal and the pricing contained therein will remain valid and binding for a period of 180 days from the date and time of the bid opening. 6. The RFP and the selected Bidder’s proposal, including all appendices or attachments, shall be the basis for the final contract, as determined by the Department. 7. Following announcement of an award decision, all submissions in response to this RFP will be considered public records available for public inspection pursuant to the State of Maine Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) (1 M.R.S. §§ 401 et seq.). 8. The Department, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to recognize and waive minor informalities and irregularities found in proposals received in response to this RFP. 9. The State of Maine Division of Purchases reserves the right to authorize other Departments to use the contract(s) resulting from this RFP, if it is deemed to be beneficial for the State to do so. 10. All applicable laws, whether or not herein contained, shall be included by this reference. It shall be the Bidder’s responsibility to determine the applicability and requirements of any such laws and to abide by them. F. Eligibility to Submit Bids State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 9 All interested parties are invited to submit bids in response to this Request for Proposals. G. Contract Terms The Department is seeking a proposal(s) to provide services, as defined in this RFP, for the anticipated contract period defined in the table below. Please note that the dates below are estimated and may be adjusted, as necessary, in order to comply with all procedural requirements associated with this RFP and the contracting process. The actual contract start date will be established by a completed and approved contract. Contract Renewal: Following the initial term of the contract, the Department may opt to renew the contract for two (2) renewal periods, as shown in the table below, and subject to continued availability of funding and satisfactory performance. The term of the anticipated contract, resulting from this RFP, is defined as follows: Period Initial Period of Performance Renewal Period #1 Renewal Period #2 Start Date November 1, 2016 October 1, 2017 October 1, 2019 End Date September 30, 2017 September 30, 2019 September 30, 2021 H. Number of Awards The Department anticipates making one (1) award as a result of this RFP process. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 10 PART II SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED THE BIDDER’S PROPOSAL MUST CONTAIN NARRATIVE RESPONSES TO THE SCOPE OF WORK DETAILED BELOW. THE BIDDER’S NARRATIVE RESPONSES MUST BE PRESENTED IN A FORMAT THAT REFLECTS THE RESPECTIVE HEADER TITLES BELOW. A. Mass-Reach Health Communications Within the scope of work for this RFP there are four (4) required areas of focus: 1) Counter-marketing Approaches, 2) Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control, 3) Market Research, and 4) Websites. 1. Counter-marketing Approaches a. Describe how the Bidder will develop and implement Counter-marketing Approaches for tobacco and substance abuse prevention customized to reach all geographic areas and market segments of Maine. Counter-marketing Approaches must include statewide public awareness and must include the development of educational materials for specific audiences, including those populations with an undue burden of tobacco use and exposure, such as: MaineCare Members; rural Mainers; veterans; pregnant women; Maine’s Tribal Members; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations. The Counter-marketing approaches must be comprehensive, with a variety of message delivery methods utilized, including print, broadcast, digital and social media components. b. Describe the challenges and opportunities in developing and using Counter-marketing Approaches aimed at the prevention and treatment of addiction, with focus on populations most at risk and the issues faced in developing healthy behaviors. c. Describe how the Bidder will provide for the utilization of Counter-marketing Approaches at the state, Public Health District and community levels. d. Describe how the Bidder will connect Counter-marketing Approaches to similar prevention efforts by the State in order to avoid duplication of efforts or conflicting messaging. Describe how the Bidder will work with other organizations associated with the Department’s Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control Program including successful bidders from Domains of the Prevention Services RFP, to ensure Counter-marketing Approaches enhance or support prevention efforts. 2. Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control a. Develop and implement a statewide strategic communication plan that describes the activities that will achieve measureable progress towards the following performance measures associated with RFP #201602047: The targets are measured as the data point expected to be achieved by 2021, not as a percent decrease from the current rate. These are the long-term outcomes for which the Successful Bidder from this RFP and from the Domains of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP will be held accountable. The data sources for most of these outcomes are two of Maine’s surveillance instruments (BRFSS and MIYHS). I. Youth (Middle School) i. Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in the Home – 20% State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 11 ii. iii. iv. II. III. Current Alcohol Use – 4% Current Marijuana Use – 2% Current Prescription Drug Abuse – 2% Youth (High School) i. Current Any Tobacco Use – 12% ii. Current Alcohol Use – 22% iii. Current Marijuana Use – 18% iv. Current Prescription Drug Abuse – 4% Young Adults/Adults i. Illicit Opioid Use* (904 opioid prescriptions per 1000 people) ii. Current Cigarette Use (over 18 years) – 14% iii. Current Alcohol Use (18-20 years) – 32% iv. Current Marijuana Use (18-25 years) – 21% v. Current Prescription Drug Abuse (18-25 years) – 7% b. Within the statewide strategic plan, describe and justify what activities are needed to drive measureable change in these areas. Identify when activities can be integrated across either substance area of population area to maximize effectiveness of the activity as well as impact. Identify when activities must be targeted towards a specific substance or population in order to focus efforts as necessary. Bidders shall give special consideration to populations disproportionately affected by tobacco and substance use, assuring the planned communications include specifically tailored components to address these populations. c. Develop, produce, and distribute materials to the Department, the other successful bidders from Domains of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP, as well as State and District-level entities conducting tobacco and substance use prevention and control activities in alignment with the Primary Objectives of the Department as described in Part I.B of this RFP. d. Design and place sponsorships for the display of tobacco and substance use prevention related messaging. (Note: All sponsorships require prior written approval from the Department.) e. Design and produce training and promotional materials for training programs delivered to treatment specialists and health care providers by the Center for Tobacco Independence. 3. Market Research and Public Relations Identify the approach to be utilized in the design and conducting of market research and analysis necessary for the creation of effective approaches for engaging all audiences; articulate capacity in the utilization of the latest principles and tools of social marketing, and effectiveness using a variety of media channels; and describe how Department staff will be consulted on key decision points throughout the design, development, and implementation of all programming. Describe how market research and analysis will be utilized to provide information about specific target audiences and the subsequent needs to drive behavior change, including market segmentation, most effective media type and placement, how to best position messages relative to other marketing and advertising efforts, and the relative merit of selected Strategies and messages. Identify how market research and real time performance monitoring will be used to ensure continuous quality improvement of all communication efforts. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 12 4. Websites Develop and host a prevention-related interactive website. This website is expected to inform the public about prevention initiatives associated with this RFP, links to appropriate work products and resources, and their results. Additionally, the website must highlight success stories, disseminate evaluation results and provide links to additional proven health related resources and websites. Bidders may develop innovative Strategies and re-design options to better serve the needs of the Direct Programming associated with Domains 1 and 2 of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP. B. Requirements 1. New Materials Describe how the Bidder will propose innovative new ideas for new or existing media and print materials (e.g., fact sheets, posters, brochures) to support emerging needs related to tobacco and substance use prevention and control. 2. Cost Effectiveness Described the Bidder’s approach to the following, with detail on how these approaches will maximize cost effectiveness: a. Selection media placements that maximize effectiveness, while minimizing costs, by negotiating rates for placement and generating added value through donated placements. b. Use of existing local and national resources before developing new messages and tools. c. Integration of opportunities for messaging purposes, such as when a single message can be developed to help meet the purposes in multiple areas. These communications must be integrated, aligned, and non-duplicative. 3. Staffing a. Employ or contract for qualified professionals who have marketing expertise and the ability to manage, oversee and administer the work called for in this RFP. In order to fulfill the scope of work entailed within this RFP and subsequent contract, the Successful Bidder may find it necessary to develop subcontracts. If this is the case, the Bidder must demonstrate the capacity to efficiently and effectively administer and oversee one or multiple subcontracts. b. Explain the roles of key staff members in positions of decision-making capacity. Explain how the Bidder will ensure that assigned staff works together as a team, assuring the most efficient use of time and skills. c. Name a single point of contact responsible for overall contract implementation to routinely communicate with the Department’s Contract Agreement Administrator. Agree that the single point of contact will meet in person with the Department’s Contract Agreement Administrator at least monthly. In the first three (3) to six (6) months of the Initial Period of Performance the point of contact should agree to meet at least weekly to ensure for effective contract implementation. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 13 4. Communication and Collaboration with the Department, DCCs, and other vendors of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP a. Describe how the Bidder will ensure sufficient and appropriate communication with the Department Contract Agreement Administrator, key Department staff with responsibilities specific to tobacco and substance use prevention and control, and the Local public health infrastructure, including the District Liaisons (DLs) and local DCCs. b. Work and collaborate with other contractors employed by the Department for tobacco and substance use prevention and control efforts, including participation in regular, Departmentinitiated meetings. c. Work and collaborate with Department staff and their contractors to participate in evaluation activities, administer evaluation instruments, and collect necessary data related to the work of this RFP. Note: The Successful Bidder is expected to provide substance use evaluation work for this RFP. (Evaluation work for tobacco use and exposure is led by the Department’s evaluation contractor.) For substance use, Bidders must provide in their strategic plan how they will evaluate the effectiveness of their Strategies. The plan must include data sources to be used and methods for evaluating success. This component is not necessary for tobacco use and exposure as this effort is maintained by an alternate contractor for the Department. d. Identify whether any planning conversations occurred with other vendors and the results of these conversations. If any agreements have been developed in regard to roles and responsibilities, provide them as Attachment 9 (Part IV, B, Section II). 5. Performance and Fiscal Monitoring a. Develop and implement a reporting system or mechanism that collects both process and output data and produces real-time reports on incremental and overall Bidder and subcontractor progress for all activities, resulting outputs, and progress towards the measureable outcome targets identified in the proposed strategic plan for tobacco and substance use prevention and control. The reporting system or mechanism must provide data to inform quality improvement and accountability. b. Propose appropriate report content and types of data the Bidder might use to report progress to the Department and discuss how the Bidder will assure the Department that progress is on track and is being achieved within the agreed-upon timeframes. Include any proposed templates, either available through the reporting system or through alternate mechanism, as part of the proposal. These should be included as Attachment 10 (Part IV, B., Section II). c. Work and collaborate with representatives of the Department and its evaluation contractors to identify the particular data points that must be maintained within the reporting system or mechanism. These points must be made available to the Department as a real-time system, akin to a Dashboard or user interface, that organizes and presents information in an easy to understand format. d. Work with Department staff to develop additional ad hoc reports, as requested by the Department. e. Develop and implement monthly fiscal management monitoring reports. The reports must include a detailed summary of expenses, enabling Department staff to conduct planning based State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 14 on knowledge of remaining funds for the period as well as costs related to specific projects. These reports must be part of or linked to the progress reporting system or mechanism. f. Submit monthly activity status reports. The Successful Bidder will be required to provide additional deliverable-specific reporting, at the discretion of the Department, during peak activity periods (i.e. during health communications campaigns). These reports must be part of the reporting system or mechanism. 6. Quality Improvement & Accountability a. Propose a plan for how continuous quality control and quality improvement will be conducted to ensure that the goals of each activity are achieving the identified results. Describe how the following will be identified: activities are being implemented with fidelity; activities are effective; and activities are producing the intended results within the anticipated timeframes. Identify the process for how activities will be monitored using real time data and how activities may be modified based on this monitoring. Discuss any steps necessary to develop and implement the mechanisms to comply with this requirement. b. If subcontractors are anticipated, describe a plan to ensure compliance by the subcontractor related to continuous quality control and quality improvement effort designed by the Bidder. (Note: The State will be holding the Successful Bidder accountable for all contractual terms and conditions, including those provisions subcontracted to a separate entity.) C. Restrictions & Agreement on Use of Funds In PART II, B, are requirements the awarded Bidder must meet as part of its contract with the Department. Bidders do not have to provide a written response for PART II, B, in their proposal. However, by providing a response, Bidders agree to provide services in accordance with PART II, B. The following restrictions and agreements on the use of funds apply to all resources included in this RFP. 1. Supplementing, not Supplanting Funds awarded as part of this RFP must be used only to initiate, maintain or supplement work associated with the Scope of Work described in this document. Funds must not be used to supplant any initiatives previously supported by a different funding source. 2. Match Because the State already uses some of the funding awarded under this RFP as a match for Federal grants, the Successful Bidders or their subcontractors may not use funds as match, maintenance of effort or some other similar mechanism without receiving written permission from the Department’s Contract Agreement Administrator. 3. Professional Development Requirements The Successful Bidder(s) may dedicate resources for reasonable staff development activities. For the purposes of this RFP, the State defines reasonable as a maximum average of $500.00 per employee, per year for travel and professional development. Any amounts greater than this will require the approval of the Department’s Contract Agreement Administrator. Travel and State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 15 professional development requirements noted here are specific to staff directly employed by the Successful Bidder. However, the Successful Bidder(s) should also incorporate into their proposals similar expectations for travel and attendance at events for staff of subcontractors. 4. Travel Requirements Ensure key staff participates in educational opportunities related to best practice in tobacco and substance use prevention and control, as identified by the Department’s Contract Agreement Administrator. 5. Ownership of Materials Annually, provide the master copy of all materials developed pursuant to the contract subsequent of this RFP, including website and other Mass-Reach Health Communications, on an accessible disk or flash drive (or other appropriate medium as agreed upon by the Department). 6. Material Requirements All written, print, or digital materials produced must adhere to the following requirements: a. Ensure the text for print materials is no higher than an eighth grade reading level and strive to achieve a sixth grade reading level; b. Abide by the layout and graphic guidelines for developing materials for lower-literacy populations (see:; and c. Ensure that all websites developed and maintained comply with the Federal Rehabilitation Act Section 508 policies and standards for electronic communications/websites (see: 7. Department Staff Consultation Department staff must be consulted on the design and development of creative public health and social marketing interventions and programs, and all products must be approved by the Department prior to distribution or implementation 8. Alcohol and Tobacco Organizations Requirements Agree to not accept funds or hold contracts with the tobacco or alcohol industries. 9. Branding Comply with the branding and approval requirements of the Department for all materials produced as part of the work entailed within this RFP and its subsequent contract, including the logo(s) to be used on materials created for the successful bidder from Domains of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP. Branding requirements are found here: 10. Conferences Agree to participate in planning and supporting conferences to enhance the work of all Domains of the complimentary Prevention Services RFP. The Successful Bidder should plan to support at least one conference annually. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 16 PART III KEY RFP EVENTS A. Questions 1. General Instructions a. It is the responsibility of each Bidder to examine the entire RFP and to seek clarification, in writing, if the Bidder does not understand any information or instructions. b. Submitted Questions must be submitted by e-mail and received by the RFP Coordinator, identified on the cover page of this RFP, as soon as possible but no later than the dates and times specified on the RFP cover page. c. Submitted Questions should include the RFP Number and Title in the subject line. The Department assumes no liability for assuring accurate/complete/on time e-mail transmission and receipt. d. Be sure to refer to the page number and paragraph within this RFP relevant to the question presented for clarification, if applicable. 2. Summary of Questions and Answers: Responses to all substantive and relevant questions will be compiled in writing and distributed to all registered, interested persons by e-mail no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the proposal due date. Only those answers issued in writing by the RFP Coordinator will be considered binding. The Department reserves the right to answer or not answer any question received. B. Submitting the Proposal 1. Proposals Due: Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. local time, on the date listed on the cover page of this RFP, at which point they will be opened. Proposals received after the 2:00 p.m. deadline will be rejected without exception. 2. Mailing/Delivery Instructions: The official delivery site is the State of Maine, Division of Purchases (Please refer to the RFP cover page for submission address). a. Only proposals received at the official delivery site prior to the stated deadline will be considered. Bidders submitting proposals are responsible for allowing adequate time for delivery. Postmarks do not count and fax or electronic mail transmissions of proposals are not permitted. Any method of hardcopy delivery is acceptable, such as US Mail, in-person delivery by Bidder, or use of private courier services. b. The Bidder must send its proposal submission in a sealed package and must include an original, signed copy and one electronic copy of their complete proposal. In addition, five (5) copies of the complete proposal must be included. The electronic copy of the proposal must be provided on USB flash drive with the complete narrative and attachments in MS Word format. Any attachments that cannot be submitted in MS Word format may be submitted as Adobe (.pdf) files or Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx), as applicable. c. Bidders’ submission packages are to be clearly labeled and contain the following information: - Proposal submission address provided on the RFP cover page - The Bidder’s full business name and address - The RFP Number and Title State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 17 PART IV PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS This section contains instructions for Bidders to use in preparing their proposals. The Bidder’s proposal must abide by the Proposal Format set forth below, including the numbering and section and sub-section headings as they appear here. Failure to use the outline specified in this section, or to respond to all questions and instructions throughout this document, may result in the proposal being disqualified as nonresponsive or receiving a reduced score. The Department, and its evaluation team for this RFP, has sole discretion to determine whether a variance from the RFP specifications should result in either disqualification or reduction in scoring of a proposal. Rephrasing of the content provided in this RFP will, at best, be considered minimally responsive. The Department seeks detailed yet succinct responses that demonstrate the Bidder’s experience and ability to perform the requirements specified throughout this document. A. Proposal Format 1. All pages of a Bidder’s proposal should be numbered consecutively beginning with number 1 on the first page of the narrative (this does not include the cover page or table of contents pages) through to the end, including all forms and attachments. For clarity, the Bidder’s name should appear on every page, including Attachments. Each Attachment must reference the section or subsection number to which it corresponds. 2. Bidders are asked to be brief and concise in responding to the RFP questions and instructions. 3. The Bidder may not provide additional attachments beyond those specified in the RFP for the purpose of extending their response. The narrative response to Organization Qualifications and Experience (see Part IV.B - Section I) and Proposed Services (see Part IV.B - Section II) must be limited to a maximum total of twenty (30) pages. Additional materials not requested will not be considered part of the proposal and will not be evaluated. 4. Include any forms provided in the proposal package or reproduce those forms as closely as possible. All information should be presented in the same order and format as described in the RFP. 5. Any documents, templates or samples created or incorporated into the proposal should be representative of the quality of the work that can be expected of the Bidder’s staff and it’s subcontractors during the project. 6. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to provide all information requested in the RFP package at the time of submission. Failure to provide information requested in this RFP may, at the discretion of the Department’s evaluation review team, result in a lower rating for the incomplete sections and may result in the proposal being disqualified for consideration. 7. Bidders should complete and submit the “Proposal Cover Page” provided in Appendix A of this RFP and provide it with the Bidder’s proposal. The cover page must be the first page of the proposal package. It is important that the cover page show the specific information requested, including Bidder address(es) and other details listed. The proposal cover page shall be dated and signed by a person authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Bidder. 8. Bidders should complete and submit the “Debarment, Performance and Non-Collusion Certification Form” provided in Appendix B of this RFP. Failure to provide this certification may result in the disqualification of the Bidder’s proposal, at the discretion of the Department. B. Proposal Contents Section I Organization Qualifications and Experience 1. Overview of the Organization Bidders are to complete Appendix C (Qualifications and Experience Form) describing their qualifications and skills to provide the requested services in this RFP. Bidders are also to include State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 18 three (3) examples of projects which demonstrate their experience and expertise in performing these services as well as highlighting the Bidder’s stated qualifications and skills. 2. Subcontractors If subcontractors are to be used, provide a list that specifies the name, address, phone number, contact person. 3. Litigation Provide a list of current, past litigation within the past five years, or write “None”. 4. Organizational Chart Provide an organizational chart of the Bidder’s organization. The Organizational Chart must include the program/component being proposed. Each position must be identified by position title and corresponding to the personnel job descriptions. 5. Job Descriptions Provide job descriptions for key staff assigned to the project being proposed in the RFP. Job descriptions must include minimum qualifications. If the Bidder’s organization administers programs other than the one being proposed in this RFP, include job descriptions of the Executive Director and chief fiscal officer and any other key management staff who will be responsible for carrying out the Objectives of the program/component being proposed. 6. Staff Resumes Provide up-to-date resumes of current staff members that match up with the job descriptions requested above. Position titles must be the same as the position titles on each job description and on the organization chart. 7. Financials Provide copies of the Bidder’s audited financial statements for three (3) most recent years. 8. Licensure/Certification Provide documentation of any applicable licensure/certification or any specific credentials required to provide the proposed services. 9. Certificate of Insurance Provide a certificate of insurance on a standard Acord form (or the equivalent) evidencing the Bidder’s general liability, professional liability and any other relevant liability insurance policies that might be associated with the proposed services. Required Attachments Related to Organization Qualifications and Experience The following documents must be attached to the back of each Bidder’s proposal in the order as numbered below. The required documents will be reviewed and rated by the Department’s evaluation team under the Organization Qualifications and Experience section. Attachment #: One (1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 Attachment Name: Subcontractors Litigation Organizational Chart Job Descriptions 19 Five (5) Six (6) Seven (7) Eight (8) Staff Resumes Financials Licensure/Certification Certificate of Insurance Section II Proposed Services 1. Services to be Provided Discuss the Scope of Services referenced above in Part II of this RFP and what the Bidder will offer. Give particular attention to describing the methods and resources you will use and how you will accomplish the tasks involved. Also, describe how you will meet expectations and/or desired outcomes as a result of these services. If subcontractors are involved, clearly identify the work each will perform. 2. Implementation - Work Plan Provide a realistic work plan for the implementation of the program through the first contract period. Display the work plan in a timeline chart. Concisely describe each program development and implementation task, the month it will be carried out and the person or position responsible for each task. If applicable, make note of all tasks to be delegated to subcontractors. If the Bidder intends to hire new staff to fulfill the contract, include a timeline for the hiring process, training, and orientation, and how work plan development and implementation might be influenced by these. Required Attachments Related to Proposed Services The following documents must be attached to the scope of work narrative section of the Bidder’s proposal in the order as numbered below. The required documents will be reviewed and rated by the Department’s evaluation team under the proposed services section. Attachment #: Nine (9) Ten (10) Eleven (11) Twelve (12) Attachment Name: Roles and Responsibilities Agreements with other Vendors Proposed Reporting Templates Work Plan Any Proposed Marketing Materials Section III Cost Proposal 1. General Instructions a. The Bidder must submit a cost proposal that covers the entire period of the initial contract. Please use the expected “Initial Period of Performance” dates stated in PART I, D. b. The cost proposal shall include the costs necessary for the Bidder to fully comply with the contract terms and conditions and RFP requirements. c. No costs related to the preparation of the proposal for this RFP or to the negotiation of the contract with the Department may be included in the proposal. Only costs to be incurred after the contract effective date that are specifically related to the implementation or operation of contracted services may be included. 2. Cost Proposal Form Instructions The Bidder should fill out Appendix D (Cost Proposal Form), following the instructions detailed State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 20 here and in the form. Failure to provide the requested information, and to follow the required cost proposal format provided, may result in the exclusion of the proposal from consideration, at the discretion of the Department. a. Budget Narrative: Bidders are to include a brief budget narrative to explain the basis for determining the expenses submitted on the budget forms. Section IV Economic Impact within the State of Maine Using the form in Appendix E (Economic Impact Form), the Bidder (Bidder identified on the “Proposal Cover Page” of their proposal submission) is required to describe the Bidder’s recent and anticipated economic impact upon and within the State of Maine. The use of economic impact in making contract award decisions is required in accordance with Executive Order 2012-004, which states that certain service contracts ”…advertised for competitive bid shall include scoring criteria evaluating the responding Bidder’s economic impact on the Maine economy and State revenues.” C. Appeal Deposit Each Bidder of this RFP must provide a deposit in the amount of $5,000.00 to offset expenses incurred by the State of Maine during the appeal process. This deposit must be payable to the “Treasurer of the State of Maine” in the form of a certified, cashier’s or teller’s check. In the event the award process for this RFP involves a hearing of appeal, expenses will be assessed if the appeal request is found to be without merit, or the hearing of appeal results in a validation of the Department’s award. Otherwise, deposits are refundable to all Bidders. Bidders are to complete Appendix F (Appeal Deposit Refund Form) and submit that form with the appeal deposit check in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Appeal Deposit” with their proposal. For the purposes of this Section, failure of the State of Maine to award a contract as a result of this RFP does not constitute grounds for assessing expenses. Proposals received that do not include an Appeal Deposit will be rejected without exception and ineligible for award consideration. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 21 PART V PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION Evaluation of the submitted proposals shall be accomplished as follows: A. Evaluation Process - General Information 1. An evaluation team, comprised of qualified reviewers, will judge the merits of the proposals received in accordance with the criteria defined in the RFP, and in accordance with the most advantageous financial and economic impact considerations (where applicable) for the State. 2. Officials responsible for making decisions on the selection of a contractor shall ensure that the selection process accords equal opportunity and appropriate consideration to all who are capable of meeting the specifications. The goals of the evaluation process are to ensure fairness and objectivity in review of the proposals and to ensure that the contract is awarded to the Bidder whose proposal provides the best value to the State of Maine. 3. The Department reserves the right to communicate and/or schedule interviews/presentations with Bidders if needed to obtain clarification of information contained in the proposals received, and the Department may revise the scores assigned in the initial evaluation to reflect those communications and/or interviews/presentations. Interviews/presentations are not required, and changes to proposals will not be permitted during any interview/presentation process. Therefore, Bidders should submit proposals that present their rates and other requested information as clearly and completely as possible. B. Scoring Weights and Process 1. Scoring Weights: The score will be based on a 100 point scale and will measure the degree to which each proposal meets the following criteria. Section I. Organization Qualifications and Experience (25 points) Includes all elements addressed above in Part IV, B, Section I. Section II. Specifications of Work to be Performed (35 points) Includes all elements addressed above in Part IV, B, Section II. Section III. Cost Proposal (30 points) Includes all elements addressed above in Part IV, B, Section III. a. Cost Proposal (25 points) b. Budget Narrative (5 Points) Section IV. Economic Impact within the State of Maine (10 points) Includes all elements addressed above in Part IV, B, Section IV. a. Recent Economic Impact (5 points) b. Projected Economic Impact (5 Points) 2. Scoring Process: The review team will use a consensus approach to evaluate and score Sections I & II above. Members of the review team will not score those sections individually but, instead, will arrive at a consensus as to assignment of points for each of those sections. The Cost and Economic Impact sections will be scored as described below. The contract award(s) will be made to the Bidder(s) receiving the highest number of evaluation points based upon the proposals’ satisfaction of the criteria established in the RFP. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 22 3. Scoring the Cost Proposal: The total cost proposed for conducting all the functions specified in this RFP will be assigned a score according to a mathematical formula. The lowest bid will be awarded 25 points. Proposals with higher bid values will be awarded proportionately fewer points calculated in comparison with the lowest bid. The scoring formula is: (Lowest submitted cost proposal / Cost of proposal being scored) x 25 = pro-rated score No Best and Final Offers: The State of Maine will not seek a best and final offer (BAFO) from any Bidder in this procurement process. All Bidders are expected to provide their best value pricing with the submission of their proposal. The remaining 5 points allocated to the Cost Proposal will be used to evaluate the responsiveness of the narrative material and supporting documentation contained with this section including: accuracy and reasonableness (assumptions used in calculating the costs), budget and financial stability (see Appendix D). 4. Scoring the Economic Impact: The Economic Impact for this RFP will be assigned a score according to a mathematical formula. Recent Economic Impact: The highest recent economic impact will be awarded 5 points. Proposals with lower recent economic impact will be awarded proportionately fewer points calculated in comparison with the highest impact. The Recent Economic Impact scoring formula is: (Recent Economic Impact proposal being scored / Highest submitted recent Economic Impact proposal) x 5 = pro-rated score Projected Economic Impact*: The highest projected economic impact will be awarded 5 points. Proposals with lower projected economic impact will be awarded proportionately fewer points calculated in comparison with the highest projected economic impact. The Projected Economic Impact scoring formula is: (Projected Economic Impact proposal being scored / Highest submitted projected Economic Impact proposal) x 5 = pro-rated score *Projected Economic Impact is to be based solely on the resulting contract should the Bidder be awarded the contract for these services (See Appendix E for a more detailed explanation). Please note: If the State determines that the Bidder’s recent and/or projected economic impact information is deemed to be substantially inaccurate, then the State may determine to not award any points for economic impact to that Bidder for the applicable section(s). 5. Negotiations: The Department reserves the right to negotiate with the successful Bidder to finalize a contract at the same rate or cost of service as presented in the selected proposal. Such negotiations may not significantly vary the content, nature or requirements of the proposal or the Department’s Request for Proposals to an extent that may affect the price of goods or services requested. The Department reserves the right to terminate contract negotiations with a selected respondent who State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 23 submits a proposed contract significantly different from the proposal they submitted in response to the advertised RFP. In the event that an acceptable contract cannot be negotiated with the highest ranked Bidder, the Department may withdraw its award and negotiate with the next-highest ranked Bidder, and so on, until an acceptable contract has been finalized. Alternatively, the Department may cancel the RFP, at its sole discretion. C. Selection and Award 1. The final decision regarding the award of the contract will be made by representatives of the Department subject to approval by the State Procurement Review Committee. 2. Notification of contractor selection or non-selection will be made in writing by the Department. 3. Issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by the State of Maine to award a contract, to pay costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request, or to pay costs incurred in procuring or contracting for services, supplies, physical space, personnel or any other costs incurred by the Bidder. 4. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to make multiple awards. D. Appeal of Contract Awards Any person aggrieved by the award decision that results from this RFP may appeal the decision to the Director of the Bureau of General Services in the manner prescribed in 5 MRSA § 1825-E and 18-554 Code of Maine Rules, Chapter 120 (found here: The appeal must be in writing and filed with the Director of the Bureau of General Services, 9 State House Station, Augusta, Maine, 04333-0009 within 15 calendar days of receipt of notification of contract award. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 24 PART VI CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND CONDITIONS A. Contract Document 1. The successful Bidder will be required to execute a contract in the form of a State of Maine Agreement to Purchase Services (BP54). A list of applicable Riders is as follows: Rider A: Specification of Work to be Performed Rider B: Method of Payment and Other Provisions Rider C: Exceptions to Rider B Rider D: (Optional; for use by Department) Rider G: Identification of Country in Which Contracted Work Will Be Performed The complete set of standard BP54 contract documents may be found on the Division of Purchases website at the following link: Other forms and contract documents commonly used by the State can be found on the Division of Purchases website at the following link: Other forms and contract documents commonly used by the Department can be found on the Department website at the following link: 2. Allocation of funds is final upon successful negotiation and execution of the contract, subject to the review and approval of the State Procurement Review Committee. Contracts are not considered fully executed and valid until approved by the State Procurement Review Committee and funds are encumbered. No contract will be approved based on an RFP which has an effective date less than fourteen (14) calendar days after award notification to Bidders. (Referenced in the regulations of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Chapter 110, § 3(B)(i): This provision means that a contract cannot be effective until at least 14 days after award notification. 3. The State recognizes that the actual contract effective date depends upon completion of the RFP process, date of formal award notification, length of contract negotiation, and preparation and approval by the State Procurement Review Committee. Any appeals to the Department’s award decision(s) may further postpone the actual contract effective date, depending upon the outcome. The contract effective date listed in this RFP may need to be adjusted, if necessary, to comply with mandated requirements. 4. In providing services and performing under the contract, the successful Bidder(s) shall act as an independent contractor and not as an agent of the State of Maine. B. Standard State Agreement Provisions 1. Agreement Administration a. Following the award, a Contract Agreement Administrator from the Department will be appointed to assist with the development and administration of the contract and to act as administrator during the entire contract period. Department staff will be available after the award to consult with the successful Bidder in the finalization of the contract. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 25 b. In the event that an acceptable contract cannot be negotiated with the highest ranked Bidder, the Department may withdraw its award and negotiate with the next-highest ranked Bidder, and so on, until an acceptable contract has been finalized. Alternatively, the Department may cancel the RFP, at its sole discretion. 2. Payments and Other Provisions State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 26 The State anticipates paying the Contractor on the basis of net 30 payment terms, upon the receipt of an accurate and acceptable invoice. An invoice will be considered accurate and acceptable if it contains a reference to the State of Maine contract number, contains correct pricing information relative to the contract, and provides any required supporting documents, as applicable, and any other specific and agreed-upon requirements listed within the contract that results from this RFP. PART VII LIST OF RFP APPENDICES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS 1. Appendix A – Proposal Cover Page 2. Appendix B – Debarment, Performance and Non-Collusion Certification 3. Appendix C – Qualifications and Experience Form 4. Appendix D – Cost Proposal Form 5. Appendix E – Economic Impact Form 6. Appendix F – Appeal Deposit Refund Form 7. 8. 9. 10. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 27 APPENDIX A State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services PROPOSAL COVER PAGE RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Bidder’s Organization Name: Chief Executive - Name/Title: Tel: Headquarters Street Address: Fax: E-mail: Headquarters City/State/Zip: (provide information requested below if different from above) Lead Point of Contact for Proposal - Name/Title: Tel: Fax: Street Address: E-mail: City/State/Zip: Total Expenses: $ The proposed cost listed above is for reference purposes only, not evaluation purposes. In the event that the cost noted above does not match the Bidder’s detailed cost proposal documents, then the information on the cost proposal documents will take precedence.     This proposal and the pricing structure contained herein will remain firm for a period of 180 days from the date and time of the bid opening. No personnel currently employed by the Department or any other State agency participated, either directly or indirectly, in any activities relating to the preparation of the Bidder’s proposal. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal. The undersigned is authorized to enter into contractual obligations on behalf of the above-named organization. To the best of my knowledge, all information provided in the enclosed proposal, both programmatic and financial, is complete and accurate at the time of submission. Name (Print): Title: Authorized Signature: Date: State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 28 APPENDIX B State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services DEBARMENT, PERFORMANCE and NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATION RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services By signing this document, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the aforementioned organization, its principals and any subcontractors named in this proposal: a Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from bidding or working on contracts issued by any governmental agency. b Have not within three years of submitting the proposal for this contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: i Fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a federal, state or local government transaction or contract. ii Violating Federal or State antitrust statutes or committing embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; iii Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or Local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) of this certification; and iv Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this proposal had one or more federal, state or local government transactions terminated for cause or default. c Have not entered into a prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a response for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or services and this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The above mentioned entities understand and agree that collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. Failure to provide this certification may result in the disqualification of the Bidder’s proposal, at the discretion of the Department. Name (Print): Title: Authorized Signature: Date: State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 29 APPENDIX C State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE FORM RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Bidder’s Organization Name: Present a brief statement of qualifications, including any applicable licensure and/or certification. Describe the history of the Bidder’s organization, especially regarding skills pertinent to the specific work required by the RFP and any special or unique characteristics of the organization which would make it especially qualified to perform the required work activities. Include similar information for any subcontractors. You may expand this form and use additional pages to provide this information. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 30 APPENDIX C (continued) Provide a description of projects that occurred within the past five years which reflect experience and expertise needed in performing the functions described in the “Scope of Services” portion of this RFP. For each of the project examples provided, a contact person from the client organization involved should be listed, along with that person’s telephone number and email address. Please note that contract history with the State of Maine, whether positive or negative, may be considered in rating proposals even if not provided by the Bidder. If the Bidder has not provided similar services, note this, and describe experience with projects that highlight the Bidder’s general capabilities. Project One Client Name: Client Contact Person: Telephone: E-Mail: Brief Description of Project Project Two Client Name: Client Contact Person: Telephone: E-Mail: Brief Description of Project State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 31 APPENDIX C (continued) Project Three Client Name: Client Contact Person: Telephone: E-Mail: Brief Description of Project State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 32 APPENDIX D State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services COST PROPOSAL FORM RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Bidder’s Organization Name: State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services Cost Proposal Form RFP# (Insert RFP# assigned by Division of Purchases) Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Column 1 EXPENSES Line 1 2 3 4 Mass-Reach Health Communications 8 PERSONNEL EXPENSES Salaries/Wages Implementation Staff Fringe Benefits Implementation Staff SUBTOTAL: PERSONNEL EXPENSES Implementation Staff Implementation Staff Salaries/Wages Administrative Staff Fringe Benefits Administrative Staff SUBTOTAL: PERSONNEL EXPENSES Administrative Staff TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 9 10 STAFFING LEVELS Total FTE per 40 Hr. Week - Implementation Staff 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Column 2 Total FTE per 40 Hr. Week - Administrative Staff SUBCONTRACTS Administrative Personnel Expenses Implementation Services Operations Other Direct Programming N/A TOTAL SUBCONTRACT EXPENSES ALL OTHER EXPENSES Occupancy - Depreciation Occupancy - Interest Occupancy - Rent Utilities/Heat Telephone State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 33 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Maintenance/Minor Repairs Bonding/Insurance Equipment Rental/Lease Materials/Supplies Depreciation (Non-Occupancy) Food Program - Related Travel Other Travel Consultants - Implementation Consultants - Other Independent Public Accountants Technology Services Software Training/Education Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL ALL OTHER EXPENSES 41 42 INDIRECT ALLOCATED TOTAL ALL OTHER EXPENSES 43 TOTAL EXPENSES 44 45 Allocation Base Indirect Cost Rate State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 34 APPENDIX D (continued) Instructions for Completing the Cost Sheet General Instructions: The Cost Sheet is set up to provide reviewers a picture of the total expenses of the Bidders application, including the individual expenses of the Bidder, the total costs of all subcontracts the Bidder is proposing, and the general expenses of each subcontractor. In addition to the customary expenses called for in RFPs and budgets, the Cost Sheet asks for total and individual Full Time Equivalents for personnel, using as a basis a 40-hour work week. Please provide accurate cost assignments for each item. Please provide the name of the Bidder and the name and contact information of an individual equipped to answer any questions that the reviewers may have. Line 2: The total costs of wages and salaries paid to staff employees who will be directly implementing programming. Salary expenses for staff employees that will both implement and provide supervision should be pro-rated according to the amount of time they will spend on each focus. Line 3: The total costs of fringe benefits paid for staff employees who will be directly implementing programming. Fringe benefit expenses for staff employees that will both implement and provide supervision should be pro-rated according to the amount of time they will spend on each focus. Line 4: The subtotal of Line 2 and Line 3. Line 5: The total costs of wages and salaries that will be paid to staff employees who provide programmatic guidance and supervision of other employees, as well administrative staff. Salary expenses for staff employees that will provide supervision and also will be directly implementing aspects of programming should be pro-rated according to the amount of time they will spend on each focus. Line 6: The total costs of fringe benefits for staff employees who provide programmatic guidance and supervision of other employees as well as for administrative staff. Fringe benefits expenses for staff employees that will provide supervision and also will be directly implementing aspects of programming should be pro-rated according to the amount of time they will spend on each focus. Line 7: The subtotal of Line 5 and Line 6. Line 8: The total of Line 4 and Line 7. Line 10: The total number of Full Time Equivalents based upon a 40-hour week funded with resources from this RFP that will directly implement work. Line 11: The total number of Full Time Equivalents based upon a 40-hour week funded with resources from this RFP that will provide supervision and guidance on programming as well as administrative staff. Line 13: The personnel expenses of all subcontracts pertaining to administrative salaries and fringe expenses, including supervisory and administrative personnel. Line 14: The total costs of all implementation services to be provided by all subcontracts. (Please reference the Health Promotion, Education and Prevention Services definition for further guidance.) Line 15: The total operations costs for all subcontracts. Line 16: The total costs associated with other subcontracts that do no fall within the above three subcategories. Explain these costs in the budget narrative. Line 17: List the amount of direct programming associated with Domains 1 and 2. Include the Innovation Funds in this amount. Line 18: Sum of lines 13-17. Lines 20-39: Other expenses necessary to fulfill the deliverables of the contract. The agency may choose to include some of these expenses in the Indirect Allocated on Line 41 but not in both places. Please place a star in the cell of those categories that are wrapped into the Indirect Allocated amount State of Maine RFP#201608169 35 Rev. 08/4/2016 given on Line 41. Line 30: Program Related Travel is defined as travel expenses incurred by implementation staff. Line 31: Other Travel is defined as travel expenses incurred by staff providing supervision, oversight, and administrative services related to the work of the RFP. Line 32: Consultants – Implementation, is defined as persons retained on a consultation basis to provide programming. Consultants are considered separately from persons hired under a subcontract agreement. Line 33: Consultants – Other, is defined as consultants retained by the agency to provide work other than programming. Line 40: Sum of Lines 20-39. Line 41: Indirect Allocated, also known as General & Administrative expenses associated with the bid. Line 42: Sum of Line 40 and line 41. Line 43: All expenses associated with the bid. The sum of Lines 8, 18, and 42. Line 44: Total of agency expenses used to calculate the Indirect Allocation of Line 41. This should not be solely the expenses of this program unless this program has been assigned an individual indirect rate. Line 45: The percentage figure used to calculate Line 41. Applicants are required to use an accepted method for calculating the indirect rate. Budget Narrative: Bidders are to include a brief budget narrative to explain the basis for determining the expenses submitted on the budget forms. (Please note: The budget narrative will not count against the narrative page limit.) State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 36 APPENDIX E State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services ECONOMIC IMPACT FORM RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Instructions In addition to all other information requested within this RFP, each Bidder should complete the tables below to quantify the Bidder’s economic impact upon and within the State of Maine. The use of economic impact in making contract award decisions is outlined in Executive Order 2012-004, which states that certain contracts “…advertised for competitive bid shall include scoring criteria evaluating the responding Bidder’s economic impact on the Maine economy and State revenues.” For the purposes of this RFP, the term “economic impact” shall be defined as the “Economic Impact Factors” listed in the table below. To complete the “economic impact” section of the Bidder’s response, the Bidder shall provide the information requested, describing the Bidder’s overall recent economic impact with the State of Maine and, separately, the projected economic impact with the State of Maine that would specifically result from the awarded contract only, should the Bidder be selected. (For example, if a Bidder currently pays $100,000 a year in salaries to Maine residents, those salaries should be included under “Recent Economic Impact”. However, if that same Bidder intends to hire a Maine resident should they be awarded the contract and pay them $50,000 a year, only that $50,000 salary would be considered “Projected Economic Impact”.) State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 37 APPENDIX E (continued) Recent Economic Impact (Bidder’s overall Economic Impact over the past 12-month period) Economic Impact Factors Factors Expressed in Dollars Salaries paid to Maine residents in past 12-month period $ Payments made to Maine-based subcontractors in past 12-month period $ Payments of State and local taxes in Maine within past 12-month period $ Payments of State licensing fees in Maine within past 12-month period $ Total overall Recent Economic Impact $ In this section (and on no more than one typed page), please describe how the “Factors Expressed in Dollars” provided in the table above for “Total Overall Recent Economic Impact” were determined. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 38 APPENDIX E (continued) Projected Economic Impact (Future 11-month economic impact resulting from the awarded contract) Economic Impact Factors Salaries to be paid to Maine residents in future 11-month period as a result of the awarded contract Payments to be made to Maine-based subcontractors in future 11-month period as a result of the awarded contract Payments of State and local taxes in Maine to be made in future 11-month period as a result of the awarded contract Payments of State licensing fees in Maine to be made in future 11-month period as a result of the awarded contract Total Projected Economic Impact only from awarded contract, if selected Factors Expressed in Dollars $ $ $ $ $ In this section (and on no more than one typed page), please describe how the “Factors Expressed in Dollars” provided in the table above for “Total Projected Economic Impact” were determined. State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 39 APPENDIX E - (continued) For the tables above, the following definitions are provided:      “Bidder”: Organization identified on the Proposal Cover Page under “Bidder’s Organization Name”. “Maine resident”: Any person whose primary residence is located within the State of Maine. “Maine-based”: Any organization whose primary operations are located within the State of Maine. “Past 11-month period”: The past 11-months, starting on the date that the RFP was publicly released. “Future 11-month period”: A projection for the future 11-month period, starting upon the “Initial Period of Performance” start date (PART I, D. of RFP). Certification Statement To the best of my knowledge, all information provided in the State of Maine Economic Impact Form is complete and accurate at the time of submission and I confirm that I am authorized to make such a determination on behalf of my organization. Name (Print): Title: Authorized Signature: Date: State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 40 APPENDIX F State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services APPEAL DEPOSIT REFUND FORM RFP#201608169 Mass-Reach Health Communications for Prevention Services Instructions Each Bidder is to provide an address below they wish to have the appeal deposit refund sent to. If this address is the same as either address provided on the Proposal Cover Page (Appendix A), Bidders are still required to complete this form and include it, along with the appeal deposit check, in a sealed envelope with their proposal. The sealed envelope containing the appeal deposit should be inserted into the original proposal of the Bidder’s submission package. Bidder’s Organization Name: Attention to: Mailing Address (Street or P.O. Box): City: State of Maine RFP#201608169 Rev. 08/4/2016 State: Zip Code: 41