From: Marketa G. Walters Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2016 5:09 PM To: Ben Nevers; Matthew Block; Julie Baxter Payer Cc: Terri Ricks; Ricky Montet; Catherine Heitman Subject: Brief on Celtic/River Center Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged I wanted to let you that our original plan with the transfer to American Red Cross as the lead at the River Center and the merge of Celtic did not go as planned. In our original plan, we had hoped Red Cross would be ready to assume leadership today, with DCFS staff as support for a few days. However, ARC did not have enough staff for the transfer of authority. DCFS staff had scaled down as planned, and therefore the shelter was understaffed for a period of time. DCFS staff is returning and River Center will be ?Jlly staffed tonight. ARC will be bringing in more staff over the next few days, and DCFS will stay in the lead until we are satisfied they are ready to assume management. This affected the merger of Celtic into the River Center. The merger of the church population went as planned today and went smoothly. In the regularly scheduled 2:00 meeting, we re-wrote the merger plan for Celtic, and will begin that transition on Tuesday. The merger will span several days, and DCFS will stay in place until it is complete. Staff are telling the Celtic residents tonight of the plans for the move. We anticipate that those with pets will be especially worried, since the River Center doesn?t allow pet/owner to share space as at Celtic. All partners are included in the planning and agree with the plan. Partners will continue to meet at 2:00 each day until the plan is fully implemented. One potential area for concern is the lack of hotel space for DCFS staff. If hotel workers do not have success in ?nding space, we may need the Commissioner to intervene. If you have any questions, feel free to call me. Marketa Garner Walters Secretary Department of Children and Family Services Marketa.Walters@LA.GOV Of?ce: (225) 342-6930 1'20! 6 3:03:05