REQUESTED as. ?3 sets at ?is strewn Wt Fn'ed Frank Harris shavcralamhsm we ll?; Li DneHew Yer}:le 12-: ft?! r? film New ?t'erl-z. N'r' 100M Atlentien: Reuben J. Set-in, Esq. BARGAIN AND- EALE DEED THIs INDENTUEE, made as efthe as" day at September, seas by 7st FIFTH LLE, a Delaware limited liability eempany, having an ef?ee at eta Cans-see, Ina, 11325 Nerth Street. Carmel. Indiana in?ll-32 {?Gr?antar'? in few: at' FIFTH ACQUISITIDN LLE, a Delaware limited liability eernpany. haying an at ca:- Maelzlewe nape-ties. 142 West as? street. New sure, New emit male (?Grantee-?l. WITNESSETH, litat Grantee, Far and in earrsiderat'iert pf Ten Dallars and ether gear! and valuable eensideratien paid by Grantee. the whereef is hereby aeltnawled'ged. hereby grants and releases ta 1Grantee all that certain plats. pieces as pareels at" herd. Legs-the" with Ihe buildings and impratrements ?wean arrested. situate. lying and being in the City, Ceunty and State efNew Tart, mere particularly described an Exhibit A anaehed herete and made a part heredt'. TOGETHER. with all right, title and inlerest, if any. el? the in and It) any streets and reads abutting the abuse deaetihed premises tn the center lines thereof. TDEETHER with the appurtenaneea and all the estate and lights afthe Grantee in and re said premises- TD HAVE AND the premises herein granted unte the Grantee I'ereyer. AND. Granter eat-tenants that Grantee has net dene er su??hred anything whereby the sincere described premises have been eneurnhered in any way whatsaeyer. esaepl as afareeaid. AND, Eranter, in eernplianee with ?ee-Lien l3 el'tl-re Lien Law, cat'enunl? that Grantee will receive the eensideralian far this ear-treyanee and will held the right In receive such eensideratian as a trust fund In- he applied ?rst ?at the purpese at" paying the east at" the impreyemeltl and will apply the same ?rst for the purpese ef paying the east efthe impreyentent het'ere using any part er the tetal el'the same For any ?ll't?l?p?fgl??-