\I ~.,-- Ø5/04/~Ø05 16: 24 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 NO. m:¡:i fENT OF ,JUSTICE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL,'-JACCO, IcmEARMS ANn EXPWS1VlCS '-i 987 (;02 Page I (1(9 REPORT OF INESTIGA nON MONl'.ORlm INVRS'l1CATION INFORMATION: , AuinlElìSElJ 1'0: Chicago Field Division FY.05 Report 026 Special Agent In Charge Chicago Field Division . nTLE OF fNVESTfGATfON: Gangster Disciples-Ida 8. Wells Housing Projects CASE NUMeER: REPORT NUMBER: 772015'°1.0086 28 x COLLATERAIJ AtPLV ¡REPORT Of'lNVESTtGATlON REPORT OF OOELLlGt~CE SUBMITTED DY (TIlle and Offce) SUBM1TTD BY (Date) Speciai Agent, Chicago ILL Field Office 04/1412005 n.lWfiWED BY (llle (Jiid OJfe) Jæ\l(£W£D BV (Dtlt~) Residen,t Agent in Charge. Chicago III Field Offce \ ~ APPROVED BY (liile lld OIfICf!) APPROVEP BY (Dai!!) Special Agent in Charge, Chicago Field Division DESCRlPTION OF ACTIVITY: 1 terview of Wilbert MOORE. SYNOl is: On April 7,2005, A TF Special Agent (S/A) Sipall Bray, DEA S/A Wmiam Waren, Jr. and Chicago Police S rgeant (Sgt.) Joseph Gonna , Clucago Sergeant Tony Di Clistofano, al1d Chicago Gang Specialist Alonzo Haris ini~rviewed Wilbert MOORE egarding his knowledge of and association with the individuals trafficking firears rd narcotics in the Ida a. ell HotlSìng Project in Ch.icago, 1Uinois elL). NARRArIV: 0) I On April 7, 2005, ATF S1A Susal1Bray, DEA S/A WilHam Warren, Jr and Chicago Police Sergeant (Sgt.) Joseph Gorman, t:hicago Sergeant Tony Pi Cristofano, and Chicago Gang Specialist Alonzo I-Iarris interviewed Wilbert MOORE regai'ding his knowledge of and association with the individuals trafficking firearms ~nd nL1rcotìi:~ in the Ida ß, Wells HOìlSing Project in Chicago, IL at the Chicago Police Departent Homan Square facílty located at 3340 West Filmore, Chicago. fL. S/A Bray read MOORE his Constitutional rights via ATF Form 3200.4 and MOORS signed an Advice Rights and Waiver. MOORE verbally waived his rights and S/A Waren began the intervìew hy (2) I of I statingto MOORE that no promises could or would be made to MOORE. S/A Waren related that a,ny cooperation and information provided by MOORE would be brought to the attention of , i The following is MOORE's statement, in summary, regarding his knowledge of and association with the indivìduals traffcking firea:tl1.s and 1'1a:rotics in the Ida B, Wells I-lousing Project in Chicago, IL. . i United State, Attorney', offce. \ me Assistant 05/Ø4/~Ø05 16:24 ¡ i! 312 35~ 8420 ~ i7461174 i I ¡ NO. 987 . i:03 DEW I lENT OF ,TUSTiq \ REPORT OF INVESTIG~rrION ! of BUlEAU ()F I\LCOlJOL.... Aceo, Fi~lLARMg AND EXPLOSJVES V Pagel AllDflESSE ) TO; MONI',fn.ED lNVESrfCATlôN TNF RMATTO : Spepial AS ant in Charge Chicago Field Division Chi9ago Field DiVsion FY-05 I Report 028 'flnJ~ OF I iJViSrlGNllOI': ! \. NUl\ I Ii CASE ER: ¡ I REPOllT l''8R: I! Gangster Disciples--lda B. Wells Housing Projects 772915-°' -0066 28 I i the Ga~gs.ie Disciple street gang in thelia Bf W,lis H.. ousing Project ! I i i extension buildings. MOe RE related that ¡he is currently unemployed and tt at h1 supports himselfby i Wells for 15-20 years. I . selling heroin and cocaine 011 a daily basis MOORE related that he has beei SeIHng\1 narcotics in Ida B. il.4) MOORE reiat.ed he is a ln¡ inber of MOORE related that he controls the "574' I building and up until thee moutls ag6 h~ sold heroin on a r daily basis from the buildi' g, He related ~at things became "too hot" at the ~Uilain1 so he temporarily céased t.affiC.king heroin out ofthi, buildi g. MOORE stated that it became ''19 ho "afer the shootig between him and Cha~Chi (Roderi.ck SMT H) that occUled in September of 2001 at the Ida B. Wells i H~us~ng Projects. M,OORE rela~ed that afer ~e shooting, the police were v ry ~res,nt atthe extension i buildings and the pohce w :re doing a lot or raids, MOORE related that he n oved toi Atlanta and began working at Harold's Chick~n. MOORE r~ated tlùs friend Andre SIMMON , a.~.a. tDre", owns the Harold's Chicken and. he ii vested $15,00000 in. the busÌl1ess, MOORErela ed that he is living with Cedric Benjamin, Or', nephew, at 2866 orfair Loop, Lithnia, Georgia (G A). I II (6) SIMONS, Andre, black raale, 6'2, 165 l~s, brown eyes, black hair, DOB: k20119~S, lR: 980228, SID: IL30925100, FeI:579163NA4, IDOC: B74775, convicted feloii, curi ent1r on parole, 29'1 Clearbrook Dnve, Marlett , GA. i \ :\ I it ! ~7) MOORE related that he C~ me back to Chi\ ago when Patrick NOONER, a,k, . "prr",lask him to èome i back to Chicago to show l im how to mix 'le heroin and help run the heroin iiSì'bU.\'on operation. 1 i . ! MOORE related that "PT' paid for his a.ir! ne ticket. I rS) I i MOORE related that ¡¡Ty~ ann" (Tywaim 3ROUGHTON), "Shock" (Roy B SNNTT), "Dog" (lIar SEALS), "Harold" (Harold OWENS) and llimself nin the heroin line known as "'Renegad,e" out of the "574" b\iilding. MOORE related the coca ne line is known as "7-11". MOORE telated that he sold heroin a day but ofthis building and the profit isdi~id~d amongst the five approxim.ately $10.000.00 of oftheni. MOORE stated he made appioxiuiately $400.00 per day sellng hetoin.\ MPORE stated that he and liDog" mixed the heroin, "Sbock" disbbu.tes the product out and ¡'Tywann" foiirts the money. I t9) MOORE related that "Dog" lives at 67tl1 aid Seeley and his aunt lives at 38th andl...ver. on, MOORE i related that "Dog" drives a gray Aurora. I ! (10) MOORE related that "TywannH lives at 5 ¡tl' and Woods with his girlfrien.d. "hnal~. MOORE related "Tywam" drives a white Chevrol.et Impalt, MOORE related "Tv.ryaimdl goes wìth NOONERls sister. MOORE relate~ HBig Folk" in his cellularitelephone is "Twyann". ~OORE related~the contacts "Twyari" on 1m cellular telephone Dum bqr (773) 2 i 7-8203 and on lI home telephqne number (773) 476.5044. I ! ) (11) MOORE related that no heroin is cUITentl~ being sold out of the "574" building. :MOORE stated that " '1 tn~ 05/04/2005 16:24 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 NO. 987 004 I -:~ I i DEPJ ,fENT OF ,l\Srict ¡ jI '¡ . , llUJlEAU Of ~LCOJlOL, '-~CCO, FIREARMS ANn :JXPWSlWS \.1 Pigc3 of9 I REPORT OF rNVESTIGA nON AUDR~~SSf~J) TO: i I . MONITOfllW INVriSTIGATION INFORMATION: Chicago Field Division FY.05 Report 028 Sp6cial Agent In Chatge / . chicago Field Oivlslon I TiT Lilt OIL Il'It:STIGA nON: i Disciples--lda a. Wells HousingPrajects Gangster CASE NUM~ER: JiEPOlll' NUMU£lt: 772l15~Ot.ooe6 28 i 102) MOORE related that one source of su~pJy for heroin is Antoinette ROJAS. MOORE related that he was previously supplied heroin f:rom Patt ROJAS, Antoinette's sister. MOORE related that Patty is now deceased. MOORE rel~ted Patt and Antoinette ROJAS are Columbian. MOORE stated that he purchased 500 grams toloiie kilogram of heroin from Patty ROJAS on approximately thiy (30) to fort (40) occasions. MOORE related that he has been purchasing heroin from Patt ROJAS since 1999. MOORE reI i . . . at.. ed that hel.w. OU1.d PUYChas. e o~.e ki.ogram of heroin from ROJAS for'$82,OOO.OO. MOORE i'elated that he began dealing with Antoine ROJAS when Patt became too il and confned to a wheelchair. MOORE d~sc.ribed Antoinett ROJAS as black female) 28.30 years bId, S'S'" heavy set. b3) , i I MOORE l'eJaied that helmet Antoinene RbJAS at the Portilo's restatirant all Ontaio in Chicago, IL a few weeks prior to Ro~eU LAWRENCE'éarest on March 8,2005. MOORE related that ROJAS showed up with one kilqgram of heroin. æi OORE related that ROJAS fronted him the kilogram of heroin. MOORE related that he agreed to ,ay ROJAS the $82,000.00 in installments. MOORE related that he gave tre kilograi of heroin to RaS'"au.n LAWRENCE, a.k.a, ~¡Jigger". MO~~. related that a week later LAWRENCE gave him $30,000.00 to pay ROJAS and he stated he paid ~P!AS the money. MOORE related that he would make $5,O~O.OO on the heroin transaction, MOORE ~tated that he contacts ROJAS on her cellular telephone riuinb~r (773) 443-2207. MOORE stated that ROJAS drives a white lorsche truck and a blue minivan. i.DORE stated that he also contacts ROJAS at her frend's cellular telephone nlllUber (773) 443-6205 , I MOORE related that he us\lally meets ROI AS at "Suziesll a hot dog stad at the intersection ofInterstate 90 and Montrose to piirchase the heroin. rOORE related ROJAS lives nearby t!js ara. 5) LAWRENCE, Rashaun, a.k.a. ¡¡Jigger", b1rck male, DOB: 4/4/1975,6'1) 235 lb~, brown eyes, black hair, IR: 992596, SID: 31p081S0, FBI: 271188PA9, a convicted felon, 52i Eat.\ 37.th Street, Chicago, 6) Rashaii LAWRENCE ti a 2004 PDntia~ 4-door, lUioois license plate 778J642! ViN: 2G2WP542841 168224, registered to him ft 575 East Browning, Chicago, IU, 60~53J LAWRENCE he.! Ilinois driver's license L652-7207.5097 issued to him at 525 East 37th Street, Clücago, IL, 60653. 7) MOORE related that Rom 11 LA WRENCH was arrested with 500-600 grams ofhcroin and it was Rashaun's heroin (C.! . N . 16112562, R.b. No. HL-223206, dated March 8, 2005). MOORE related i that Rnshaun LAWRENCE posted $)O~OOp.OO for Romells bond. 8) MOORE related tha.t LAWRENCE stil ores ROJAS $44,000.00. MOORl related that LAWRENCE is trying to sell his van an~ jewelry to niake rnoney to pay back ROJAS. MOORE related tha.i a week ago 11. I i j I ~ ~ I I LA WRENCE gave him\$8,OOO.OO to pay ROJA~ and he siated he paid ROJl\S the money. I 0~/04/2Ø05 16:24 .~. 312 3Sr 8420 ~ 97464174 No.987 Gl05 I ¡\ 8URMU OF Al.iO:~r:,L,ÁEcNJ~?ti~~SJJ~~ AND ßXPLOSlVi:S "-' I Page 4 Oti1i,9 ! REPORT OF INVESTIGATION AÐØ)~ESsiio '1'0: MONlT...ORED TNSlfGATION TNFrRMATlO~: Spe::¡al Agel't in Charge Chicago Field DiVsion \ Ch i ago Field Division ! Report 028FY.05 I I TiTqi OF INVESTJGA nON; ) .1 r . i Gangster Dlsoj~les-lda B. Wells Housing Projects NUrv!1IEß.; I 77~b15.04-0086 I 28 \ CA.S~ NUIVßt;Il: REPORT , the buildinLs. MdpRE related that. i (19) MOORE related th¡ t LA WRNCE does not have fi line in any of sells it under other peopl~ 's lines in t~íexte~siPn buildings. ¡ MOORE related LA WRNCE pays the workers on the other hnes to sell his heroin. MOORE related LA WRENCE bags' up l~s heroin and that LAWRENCE told him, "I needs to make money". MOORE stated LA WRENC said he needs to get the debt to ROJAS paid so he can purchase more heroin from her, I i ~20) MOORE related tha~ LA WRNCE is rrng to sell his i 998 black and gray conversi(, n van for : $15)000.00. MOOæE related T..AWRENCE also drives a 2000 or 2002 black Grand Prix with tited i widows. MOORE relnted that he contacts LAWRNCE on his cellular telephone number (773) 29~- /21) I.... i4703. I r r ~i !.Ii MOORE related that after Patty R!OJAS passed away six month prior, he stared/to ~urchase heroin fro~ Patnck NOONER. a.k.a. '"PT". MOORE related that for the first two weeks he p~rcn.sed 100 gras of . heroin everydaylfrom NOONER for $8,500.00. MOORE stated tht for the next 'follpwing week he heroin from NOONER for $17,000.00. MOORE related/tht he then purchased p~cliased 200 ~~s of " kiio~ of miin for $851,OOO'lO every ten (10) days to two weeks frm NDDF\' ! 22) MOORE relatedl that on one occasion he met with NOONER off the expressly righ¡ after NOONER had received a snipmeii.t ofiiarcotics, MOORE related that NOONER was driving h~ white van. MOORE stated ~e saw NOONER in possession of fift (50) kilogrms of cocaín~ and three (3) I kilograms of herpin. MOORE re~.ted that NOONER gave him a kilogram of herpin and ten (l0) , kilograms of codaine. MOORE r lated that NOPNER has a long white van that rie utilzes when he i$ goìng to i:ic~ upla load ofnarcoti s. MOqRE r~lated th~t NOONER .u~ually parks the van in front o~the a540~7 butlding. fMOORE related at NOONER¡ also dnves a blue lDlnIVan and black Dodge truck. ¡ (23) '! . MOORE related that NOONER wotùd bring him a sample of heroin to show him and to ask him what he cOl.ild do with it.. MOORE related that it is known that he knows "dope". ( II (24) Patrick NOONE.;~ bas a(2001 Chevrolet canall, !lJllOis license plate number 6039488, regiirred to~. 00. at 16781/Torrençe Avenue, Aparment 207. Lansing, IL, 60438. NOONER has 2005 Dodge carryall,: Ilinois license p~te numb.e~. 6968..672 regis.tered to Jiln at the Lansing addre~...s. ~.. DONER has llinOi~.... i i . I ¡ ! drivers license n bel' N561.665 -1099 issued to him at the Lansing address. i ' (25) MOORE related that he gavp the en (10) .kilograms of cocaine to Arnold COUNÇIL. MOORE related that COUNCIL ~an the crac¥ line known a~ .'Pink Pl:1met" Qut ûfthe 4429 Fede~ai building. MOORt reL.a.ted tha,t NOqNER woui~ gìv . hiJn one kilogram of heroin and five (5) kilogr~ms of cocaine at a time. MOORE r¡elated that le ga e the "C', referring to cocaine, to COUNCIL. rvOORE stated that he ! did not deal cocaíne but sells coc 'ne in weight. MOORE stated that he would front COUNCIL the five caine. MOO, stated tbat NOO~R woiild sell the five kilo~rams of cocaine to him (5) kilograms of leo for $100,000,00.1 MOORE related thattCOUNCIL dnves a blue Concorde or a b~ige Bonnevile. ! 05/04/tØI25 312 153 \8420 ~ 97464174 16:24 ~---'--- Ii DElA~' 'ENT Of' .JSTICE i BUREAU OF ALCOHOL.' Aceo, FIREARMS AND ßXPLOSivi:s '-I NO. 987 !. i:Ø6 '" s of~ REPORT 0 INVSTIGATION ADDßEssi~ TO: MONITORED INVESTIGATION INFOR Special Agent in Charge Chicago Field Division Chicago íìe1d DiVí~ion FY.05 Report 028 l'ON: llTL£ OF 1 VESTlGATION; Gangster iscíples-.lda 8. Wells Housing Projects CASE NLJM~ER: im'ORT NlJMDER.: I . 77201S.0r0086 26 (26) , eft nLCIL1 Arnold, black ~ale. DOB: 811411976,5"10'" 160 lbs, brown eyes, b ac hair. IR: io275~5i S N:1353-64.6539, SID: 1134024590, FBI: 577940RA7. COUNCIL has IiHno s d 'vers license I n mberC524-01276231 issued to him at 3714 South Indiana, Chicago, IL, 6065 , iOORE related that he believes that COUNCIL had someone break into his ap nt in the 11574" I i (27) bl. ilding and steal $85,000.00, MOORE related that he was out of town and "Dof (tarr SEALS) ~as st ying at his place. MOORE related that COUNCIL called "Dog" and asked hi to!meet him. ¡ in oce ed. MOORE related C OKS. i i DORE related that while "Dog" went to meet with COUNCIL the break. th t a search warant was executed at COUNCIL 's residence in May of 2004 and since this time he add C UNelL have had their differences. MOORE related that COUNCIL is associ ted with Torrence I (28) M ORE reJate~ tl~at NOONER is supplying "L" (Lamont W ~ TSON) with c~ciù e an~ heroin to sell lout! of ie '"540" budding. MOORE related that NOONER supplies WATSON with ne1filogram ofhera~ i an . five (5) kilogram, of COCaíi.ic at a time. MOORE related th...a t his heroin line i ~o. wn as "red liner' or.. "P werball". MOORE related that "Mac", WATSON1s brother, is sellng out of he '540" building. ! M ORE related that WATSON does his operation all himself. MOORE related t WATSON drives a i bl e Chevrolet Lumina \vith tinted windows aiid a maroon Impala, which is a ren 1 ciir. MOORE reiiitedl W TSON lives in Lake Meadows near 35ths Street and Rhod.es, Chicago, IL.~' i i (29) (30) (31) ORE related that he contacts WATSON on his cellular telephone number (77 ) 908.9615. I i I I 01 . I( I i , l M ORE stated that Jovan TOWERS, aka. "Vonn.ie or V-Lo" is sellng narcotic out of the "540" I bu Iding. MOORE stated that TOWERS works for Lamont WATSON. ! M ORE related tha~ 'íLittle J-J"i a.k.a. "KHJern, '(FN LNU, has a line in the liS 0" building. MOORE reI ted that "Little J.J'l is a knowii \'shooter". MOORE related that "Little J-J" w s involved in a i sh oting with GADDY (shooting occurred on March 23, 2005). MOORE stated bat "Lìttle J.r ! fol owed GADDY, who was with "Gabe" and IIF,uzz" (Leonard OIPSON) and G DDY shot at "Little! J. J" nd '¡Little 1.J" shot back at them,. MOORE d~scribed "Lìtilel J.J" as a black ale, 5'0, 15 or16 ye~rs (32) jaiL. MPORE related that ! W BOURN did five (5) years in prison. MOORE l'elated 1l1at WILBOURN, too over the 11559') M ORE stated ttat Valentino WILBOURN, a.k~a, ~'Tino"ijust got out of b u, tdiiig. , (33) MORE stated that HOabel' (Gabriel BUSH) stil has a heroin line in the HS5~)) b ildtng. MOORE reI ted that "Gab6'1 works for Wilie GADDY. MOORE related that "Oabe" hllS eeri involved in nu emus 'hootii¡' lately. MOORE related that ahout a month ago "TN' 'hft 'iabt". i I i 05/04/~0051 16: 24 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 NO. \.. I t BUREAU OF ;::~~~ (li~~;~~~i~;XlLosrvES 987 Page6 of i ~DPRESSEP TO: MONITOREIl INESTIGATION INFORMA TlDtl: ¡Special Agent in Charge Chica90 Field Division 1 ¡Chicago iie1d Division FY-05 Report 028 I I I 772015.04+1.0066 28, Iii , TITLE OffN£STICATlON, Gangster biscìples..lda 8. Wells Hoiising Fíroje s ¡CAst NUMl.ltR: 'REPORt NUMBER: ~;4) MOORE stated ththeupe" (Tiilom FUMANKS) we, arested with"Ga~'S" ¡-ire.. (FUMBANL was arested on Decem.ber 3D, 2004 for Aigravated Unlawf Use ofa wea~oni C.B No. ,\16047306); bs)! MOORE relate Bobbypn COLEMAN W. HUe caught state c.iiJ..tog theree, (GADDY i COLEMAN wereihai arrested February iid 6, 2004 forGAD~Y Possession of aa Cantrall d su~s C,B. No.!P.'i d ) I. 1572 1799/15721825). MOORE related that COLEMAN works for GADD, i \ ! (36) MOORE related that "Stank" (FU LNU controls the "575 building. MOaRE stt that Allen JACKSON, a.k.a. ¡¡Allen!", an.d Brian FORD, a.k.a. "B.Lo", work for uSta'' ín the ~'57511 building. MOORE related that ":a.Lo,i goes to NOONER ¡when "Stan" does not haV¡ any nar otics. ! i (37) MOORE related "Bìg c'l.Z" in his cellular telephone is Brian FORD, MOORE relate that he contacts FORD on his cellular telephone nu,mber (312) 208-9514. 1 ¡ i Torrence COOKS. I . i I I . COUNC~. i (JS) MOORE related that '~Uittle Reggie" (FNÚ LNU) works in the "527" buildi g and he is working for: (39) COOKS, Torrence, bla9k inaJe, DOB:. 3/5/1973,6' 1 '~, 2eO Jbs, brown eyes, black h , IR: 930227, SID: IL29272030, FBI: 809l83NA6, SSN:( 340-62-\312, 18110 Orleans Drive, Haul C st, IL. I I (40) MOORE related "Fat l\ac" in his cellular telepHone is COOKS. MOORE related tht he has not spoken I i with COOKS in approximately four months. MOORE related that he contacts COO S on his ceiiuiar i telephone number (773)! 787.9799 or on COOKS, gìrlfre~d's cellular teiephon~ nt~er (773) 339-i~39,1 MOORE related that he has attempted to meet wiih COOKS 10 seile the conflict, wi Ar Id i /' (41) MOORE related that "Ben" is selling i.n. the "527'" building and his sellng work for ¡ ird", a Black I I Disciple. MOORE reiald thïli conia.cis "Bird" on. his cellii!a, telephone numi..er 08) 653-7&54. I (42) MOORE related that NOONE~ supplies cocaine to "Mike" (Mike WILSON) from t e Ickes Housing : ¡ I . i Project. MOORE relat~d "Mike" caught a state case for a kilogram of cocaine aId $ OtOOO,OO about twd or thee years ago and Has served his time and is back ¡'hustling". ì'. . MOORE related tha,t th.he are two fireanns in the "574') building and different peop~e take them ha~e every night. MOORE related that he has had a (Hock 9mm semi-automatic pistol with a sixteen (16)1 round elip foi approximately thr,e (3.) years and "AllenJ" has as & W .40 Celihei. selni.automatic piS1Ioi. MOORE related that IlY01.inginnlCGlenn ROGERS) is known as a "stick Up" gi.iy andbreaks into houses. MOORE related that he never purchased any firearms from ROGERS, MOORE sta' d that he tred to purchase fireanns from ROGERS but ROGERS told him that he would get more rno ey for the firearms c:~_~ ...ff"....mn ~KJlADr. _010;'=" ".1_0" .__,.~. ~,(.,..."' ,r.._==~", 'Df"r~DDC' l,... ".~_~ __I.. ..r("(....m,o i 16:24 Ø5/04/~ØQl5 .:~ No.987 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 ¡;08 I DEf'J lENT OF JUSTlCE BUR.EAU OF Al.OHOL. '-dACCO, llllEAllMS A.ND EXPLOSJVILS REPORT OF INVESTIGATION \./ Page 7 of I i FY-05 ' Report 028 I AI)I)RESSE 1'0: MONITOllED INSTIGATION INFORJlATJO : Special A ent in Charge ;Chicago Field Division i Chicago ield Division TITLE OF l~'\ES'f'GA 'fION: ) Gangster riSiC¡pleS-lda B. Wells Housing Projects CASE NUM~iR: Rt;l)OR'l NUMBER.: 772015.0t~OOae 28 because NOONER paid the niost for the firearms. MOORE related that ROGERS s ld fireanns to GADDY. MOORE related that 011 one occasion he had asked ROGERS about sdme ¡rearms and ¡ I ROGERS told him that the firearriis were for GADDY. I (45) MOORE related that most of the 'freanns acquired by individuals in the Ida 13. '\ell Housing Project are pmchased from "hypes", MOO~ related that Bily WASHINGTON was kpown to ave a fireann connection from Mississippi fln~ firearms have been purchased from WASH OrO . MOORE stated '\ \ tht W ASHINPTON is curently incarcerated on a state firears charge. l (46) MOORE related that "Gabe" (Gabri.el BUSH) has recently been shooting at im. M ORE stated that at hi i ' fi st h9 thought it was WiJle GADDY shooting at him arid he called GADD an ac used GADDY of sl oting at him. MOORE related that he later found out that it was "Gabe" ot iA DY shooting at , (47.) I O~IE related tht GADDY is a known "shooter" an nobody messes will G~DD ,MOORE related D ..Y ran heroin an crak cocaine out of the "559" bU..., ílding, M.OORE r¡iateri,. w en GADDY caught sta,e case he quit sellng out of (48) the "559" buifdíl1g. I ~ oil related that .'Bìg Ant" (FNU LNU) sells weed ánd hydro out of the Ida~. ells buildings. ORE related that l'BIg Ant"i. sell a pound of hydro for $5,000.00. MOORE re~ate that "Big Ant" dr yes an older blue Monte Carlo. MOORE related he contacts "Big Ant" on his ¡cell lar telephone n ber (773) 936-6970, MOO E i¡elated "Big Ant" is a black niale approximately 0 years old. 'i (49) (50) (51) I ~5/04/200' 16:24 No.987 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 ¡;09 DIP," 'lïNT OF JUSTlCr. B'URMU OF ALCOlTOL, "-4J\CcO. F'ffI1"ftMS AND f.XPWSIVES \e.. \ REPORT OF INVSTIGATION -ÀDDRESS D TO: MONlTOliED INESTIGATION Il'FOlMAJ'IO Chicago Field Division FY-05 Special gent Charge Chicago ¡aid ¡vision Report 028 TITLE 0'" iw~ lGA TION: Gangste Disci Iss-Ida B. Wells Housing Projects R trORT NUMBER: 28 pc pie. , (52) M ORE ielated that he heard that Cha,.Chì (Roderick SMITH and COUNCIL p1d "Robert Leell $1 ,OOO.OÓ each to kil him. MOORE related that it is known that "Robert Lee" ~as been paid to kill (53) M ORE related that Sergeant WATTS worked for Housing South and worked thr I a B. Wells Housing Pr ~ects. ~OORB related that he paid WATTS a.to,alofS7,000,00. !'00RErelate that "Shock" someone and us ially pai.d WAITS. MOORE related that oneJtime aftr "Shock" paid WAITS', he told W ITS was upset and he would only deal with' "Shockl" after that. MOORE reiated 1 when the m ne.y came up Shaft,. then1he ~new that "Shock" had paid off WATTS. MOOR. re ted that Chicago P lice Offcer AI JONES \o0rked on WATTS's team and he also took the payments om ;'Shock". ! III I I, i '. M ORB related that WATTS, Al JONES and Kenny never let the white offcers lea w~at is going on, M ORE related that Mohamme1d was on the WATTS's team but is not there now. i (54) and 'IShock" meet WATTS at 59 and o/es em.! MOORE or arc tics. I M ORE related that on one occ1ssiou, he re ted that he gave WA TIS tw? rifles and ':Shock" paid WAITS $10,000.00. MO RE related that he w uld pay WATTS when he hw¡ cau.ght him or one of his workers with somethg, r ferring to a firear : rellted that on one occasiofl he was with NOONER afer NOONER hadlpm has,ed a new black (55) Navigator. MOORE retated that WATTS pulled over NOONER and him in e Navigator and A ITS came\iip an saw ~'OONER, WA TIS said "oh it's you Pat" and let the go immediately, NOONERr4 relate t1al (56) WAITS grew up togeter. -+ was paying WATTS money. MOO related that G DD decided tha~ he was not going to pay W A TIS and WArTS shot at GAOD when GADDY M 0 related thatihe had heard that GADDY .. i I I : running away. ~OORE reirted. that this incident occurred approx.imately tw6 ye s ;go. (57) ORE related that it is known that WATTS has a gambling problem. MOORE rel ted that, he has seen ITS at the HO"ishoe Casino on oumerous occasions. i I I i (58) ORE related thatahout alweei ago W ITSiOk fort (40) hags of fi tt100r of the ¡¡S59" building and turne arounr and sold the weed to "Shock". weed from th "CNngey" on the I M ORE stated that liS Dckll told him this w len he purchased orne weed from "Shock". i, ' (59). M ORE related thlhC has about $30,00 ',00 in ~a.Vings. M.. aORE related that UT.... rae ., has $20,000,00 an he has $101000. O. MOORE reL.ated t at "Tr cy" lives on 7151 and Californa1an they have a cia ghter together. 0 RE related that $6,000,0 is in an apartment in the "574'( bIding and Kim B OWN, his girlfd nd has $4,000.00. MOO, related that BROWN lives at 64 W st FountainHead, W stmont,lL. MOOR relatecl he had ~I chain rth $16,000.00 in the "S74'~ buildi g in apartent 401 wi h '.Vicky". I 0l/04/2605'I 16'24 312 353 8420 ~ 97464174 ¡NO 987 I \ (;1 o I i €NT OF WS1'CE DEPA BVREAV OF ALCOHOL, 'J'\CCO, FHUkARMS ANn EXPLOSIVES REPpRT OF INVESTIGATION \ i ADDI ESS£D ,10: -05 i " - == ~iea9o Field pivision . I go Field Division f \ TrTL Page 90f9 M~NITORED lNVESTlGA 1'101' TNFORMA 110N: Sl'ee iai'Ageritrn Charge Chic ~; R port 028 OF INViiS'IOA'lJON: 1 Gan ~ster Disciples-Ida B.' "teiis ~OUSìri9 Pr1cjects , CASti NUMBER: 772( 16.04-0086 (60) ) lutl)OllT NOMlJl.ll: 26 I i , ,J . MOORE related tht he has a 2001 ~)J)ver CL55 Mercedes m Atlanta. MOORE related It IS parked in thtts friend Tommy JONES purchased it on his behalf at an auction about a year and a half ago. the loan. MOORE related that he also has a RE stated tht he paid $3,000.00 at a time to pay off I' MOfron~ of2866 Nor, fair Loop, Lithonia, GA. MOORE related he pal,dd $60)000.00 for it. MOORE related blue issan Maxima, in Atlanta. MOORE related that he purchased the Nissan at the car ~ealership at . 71 SI an, d Western, ChiCagO'~' MOORE related that when he,purCh, ased the vehicle last Yf.ar he put l $7,000.00 as ~ down naym t. MOORE stated that he a.lso traded in a Nissan Maxa an¡. a Dodge DUJt\. go. MOORE rë\ated, at he still oW,e. s $11,000.00. MOORE related that he put the, ar in Kimerly I BRqWN's name. ¡ :(61) her at 64 West Fountaead Drive, Aparuient 203, Westmont, IL, 60559. BROWN has a 2004 blue Nissan, Ilinois license plate number 5942507, VIN: IN4BA41E54C875009, registered to her at the Westmont address. Kimberly BROWN has an Ilinois state drivers licens~ number B650.5007-9889 issued to has a 2003 KIA Sort) Ilinois license plate number Kymie2, VIN: KNDJD733135146289, BROWN registered to ~~r at the Wesipontraddress. (62) MO~RErehited that he just pure ased a red station wagon yesterday and he paid $900;,00 for the vehicle. MOORE telated that he has a co ect with Alamo Rental Cars and he usually I.itilzes rental vehicles. MOORE raiate~ that he has not Id a legitimate job! since 1990 or 1992. MOORE related that his renl in Georgia is $900.00 per month an the utìltíes are $150.00 per month. l 1 ( i i r :;