Redacted AUSA Cover Letter U.S. Department of Justice United States Attorney's Office Eastern District of Virginia Dana J. Bocntc 0 United States Attorney • 2100 Jmnicson Avenue • Alexandria. VA 22314 (703) 299-3700 • (703) 299-3892 (fox) -2016 Open Whisper Systems Signal San Prancisco, CA Re: Dear Sir/Madam: You have been served with a subpoena issued in connection with a criminal investigation being conducted in this District. That subpoena directs you to produce certain records onllll2016 before the grandjmy in Alexandria, Virginia. As a convenience to you, in lieu of appearing personally before the grand jury, you may deliver the requested documents to: Special Agent , Federal Bureau oflnvestigation, Northern Virginia ~is~ovc1?' Blvd Manassas, VA 20109 ( 7 0 3 ) Any questions pertaining to the records under subpoena should be directed to the agent listed above. I appreciate your cooperation in this manner. Because premature disclosure of this request might impede the investigation in this case, you are requested not to disclose the existence of this subpoena. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. rf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (703) 299-3700. Sincerely, Dana J. Bocntc J By: ' ' Redacted E.D. Va. Subpoena AO 110 IR~\'. tl6/(}<))S~\lpocna to Testify Before a Grand Jury UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Eastern District of Virginia SUBPOENA TO TESTIFY BEFORE A GRAND JURY Open Whisper Systems Signal San Francisco, CA To: YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in this United States districl court at the time, date. and place shown below to testify before the court's grand jury. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court officer allows you lo leave. ,_...... _,. _____________ , Place: ! -1 ____, ___,._.,..' Date and Time: - U.S. District Court 401 Courthouse Square Alexandria, VA 22314 ' - - ---.· --· · - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - 'l i 2016 _J . -1 You must also bring with y:ou the following documents, electronically stored information. or objects (blank lf1101 P'b l,.asc provide any and all subscriber nceounl information and any associated accounts to include 1 app11C.FCTTIV I· OIRFC' I OR ROB[RT B. R[MAR T KfA~URrR This Jetter responds to the 2016 grand-j ury subpoena directed at Open Whisper Systems ("OWS") that seeks "subscriber account information" for two phone numbers. The American Civil Liberties Union represents OWS for purposes of responding to the subpoena. Please direct future cotTespondence about this matter to undersigned counsel. O~ listed phone numbers is associated with a Signal account: - - - -Open Whisper Systems has no record of an account associated with the second listed phone number, and therefore has no records to provide as to that number. The only information responsive to the subpoena held by OWS is the time of accow1t creation and the date of the last connection to Signal servers for account Consistent with the Electronic Conununications Privacy Act ("ECPA"), 18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(2), OWS is providing this information in response to the subpoena. See Attachment A. Although OWS does not have, and therefore caru1ot produce, other categories of infonnation listed in the subpoena, OWS notes that not all of those types of infom1ation can be appropriately requested with a subpoena. Under ECP A, the government can use a subpoena to compel disclosure of information from an electro1lic communications service provider onJy if that information falls within the categories listed at 18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(2). For other types of infonn ation, the government must obtain a court order or search warrant. OWS objects to use of the grand-jury subpoena to request infonnation beyond what is authorized in Section 2703(c)(2). OWS also has concerns about the scope of the nondisclosure order included with the subpoena. See Order, Case No. - - 2016 E.D. Ya.). Undersigned counsel expects to communicate separately with the U.S. Attorney's Office about this issue. 11100 " "~ RICAN Foundation 125 Broad Street- 18th Floor New York, New York 10004 T: 2 12.549.2603 F: 212.549.2654 ('l\.ll I IBFR l lFS L''ION rOUNDATION cc: FB I Washington Field Office, 2 Attachment A Account Information NIA Last connection date: Account created: Unix millis Unix millis Redacted OWS Letter to AUSA LEGAL DEPARTM ENT ACLU AM ERICAN CIVIL LIBE RTI ES UNION I BY EMAIL AUSA Justin W. Williams United States Attorney's Building 2100 Jamieson Avenue Alexandria, Virginia 22314 usdoj .gov /\Ml:R IC'llN CIVIL LIBfRTIES UNIOt-. FO\..NDAl lON NATIONAL orncc 12.S OROAD STHl!T. IST l l IL Nl·W YORK. N Y 10 004 · l~OO T 212 .J49 2500 Re: oena Directed at Open Whisper Systems Dear 11' \l'W. AC'LU. ORO OFrlC'CRS AND OIR EC'l ORS SUSA' N HEKMA1' PR ESIDEN1 A1'T HONY 0 ROM E RO CXCC'VTIVC OIR CC'TOR ROllPRl R R fMAR TR EASURER This letter concerns the gag order issued by Magistrate Judge Theresa C. Buchanan in connection with a 2016 grand-jury subpoena directed at Open Whisper Systems ("OWS") se~scriber account information" for 2016). 1 The two phone numbers. See Order, No. - -(E.D. Ya. American Civi l Liberties Union represents OWS in this matter. As I indicated in my 2016 letter to Special Agentproviding OWS 's response to the subpoena, OWS has concerns about the scope of the gag order issued against it. Specifically, OWS believes the gag order to be unconstitutional because it is not narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest. I am writing in the hope of resolving this matter without the need for litigation, and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss it with you at your earliest convenience. OWS seeks to make public redacted versions of: the government's cover Jetter; the grand-jury subpoena and gag order issued to OWS; OWS's response to the subpoena; and this letter. OWS also seeks to speak publicly about its receipt and compliance with the subpoena. As illustrated in the attaclunents to this letter, OWS 's versions of the documents redact, from the government's cover letter: • • 1 the date of the letter, the case-specific infom1ation in the subject line, and On 2016, OWS timely responded to the grand-jury subpoena with the responsive information in its possession by emajl to Special Agent- - • from • • • • the production deadline in the first paragraph; the subpoena: the case-specific infonnation in the header, the date and time of the scheduled grand-jury hearing, the two target phone numbers, and the date of the subpoena; from the certificate of autbenticity: • the case-specific infonnation to the right of the signature block; from the gag order: • the target phone numbers in the case caption, • the dates at the top and bottom of the order, and • the case-specific infonnation to the right of the case caption; AMllltJC'AN C'JVJL l.IDEP.TIES I.INION FOUNDATION from OWS's response to the subpoena: • the date of the response, • the case-specific infonnation in the subject line, • the date of the subpoena in the first paragraph, • the two target phone numbers, • the case-specific infonnation and date in the citation on page 2, and • two target phone numbers and responsive infonnation in the attaclunent; and, from this letter: • the date of the letter, • the case-specific information in the subject line and first paragraph, • the dates of the subpoena and gag order in the first paragraph, and • the date of OWS's response to the subpoena in footnote 1 and the second paragraph. OWS would also like to publicly explain that it received the request in the first half of 2016 for two target phone numbers, and that it later complied by sharing the only infonnation it retains-the ''last connection date" and the "account creation date"-for the only one of the two accounts as to which it possessed records.2 2 OWS notes, as it did in its letter to Special Agent that not all of the types of infonnation listed in the grand-jury subpoena issued to OWS can be appropriately requested with a subpoena. Under ECPA, the government can use a subpoena to compel disclosure of information from an electronic communications seivice provider only if that infonnation falls within the categories listed at 18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(2). For other types of information, the 2 Neither the government nor a court may constitutionally prohibit OWS' s proposed disclosures. The information OWS seeks to disclose would not reveal the target of the govemment's subpoena or any other infonnation that could reasonably impair any legitimate govemmental interest. Instead, the infom1ation OWS seeks to disclose would confinn only that it has received a subpoena for certain infonnation relating to one of its millions of users; that it complied with the subpoena; and that it is currently forbidden from identifying the target of the subpoena. The govenunent has no legitimate interest in restricting that speech, while OWS would further a signifi cant public interest in making it. The proper role, scope, and limits of govenunent surveillance are quintessential matters of public concern under the First Amendment, and electronic service providerswho have dual roles as custodians of Americans' private data and as necessary actors in the execution of govemment surveillance requests- have a critical role to play, and perspective to share publicly, about govemment surveillance practices. A MtRICAN CI V I L L I BE R11 rs UN ION FOU'I DATI ON Even more broadly, it is far from clear from the gag order that the govenunent has satisfied the high constitutional hurdle for imposing any prior restraint on OWS. The order recites the govemment's general interest in keeping its criminal investigations secret, but that general interest applies in virtually every criminal investigation, including the countless ones in which the govenunent routinely executes search warrants with notice to the targets of the investigation. See Order at 1 ("The Court detennines that there is reason to believe that notification of the existence of the attached subpoena will seriously jeopardize the investigation, including by giving targets an opportunity to flee or continue flight from prosecution, destroy or tamper with evidence, change patterns of behavior, or notify confederates."); see also 18 U.S.C. § 2705(b)(2), (3), (5). To justify the extraordinary remedy ofrestraining truthful speech, the govemment must make a greater showing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Re;;c;q_ Br~-u-fi-11_a_n_--J American Civil Liberties Union Foundation 125 Broad Street-18th Floor New York, New York 10004 T: 212.549.2603 government must obtain a court order or search warrant. OWS objects to use of the grand-jury subpoena to request information beyond what is authorized in Section 2703(c)(2), though it did not possess any such information in this case. 3 Redacted Superseding Order IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR TIIE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA Alexandria Division re r-'-·-J,__j ffil· l/~: Ir .I SEP 2 9 2Dl6 i I ~-:- - · --· .. :·: ' I, CLUl ~ .1, -.. IN RE: APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. §2705(b) RELATINQ TO A SUBPOENA TO OPEN WHISPER SYSTEMS FOR THE ACCOUNTS: AND /\I : • • • .. ,t: o; 1· Filed Under Seal SUPERSEDING ORDER O n - 2016, this Court entered an Order commanding Open Whisper Systems, an electronic communications service provider and/or a remote computing service, not to notify any person (including the subscribers or customers of the accounts listed on the subpoena attachment) of1he existence of the attached subpoena until further order of the Court. 1bis Court signed the Order upon an application for a protective order submitted by the United States pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2705(b). With the consent of the United States and counsel for Open Whisper Systems, the Order entered o n - 2016, is hereby modified to pennit public disclosure of the (1) redacted subpoena, (2) redacted Court Order and (3) redacted related documents. A copy of the redacted material is attached to this Superseding Order as Exlu'bit A. Open Whisper Systems may also release a redacted version of this Superseding Order. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED under 18 U.S.C. § 2705(b) that Open Whisper Systems is permitted to disclose the red~d versions of these materials governed by this Superseding Order. The infonnation that remains redacted shall not be publicly disclosed until further Order of this Court. ____ /s/ ~ John F. Anderson llnHe~MegblmtJJ~rson United States Magistrate Judge DTO: Olb American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Counsel for Open Whisper Systems A TRUE COPY, TESTE: CLERK, U.S. DISTRICT COURT BY~~ DEPjfr'lERK ..