(i?ilii 6313 l! ?mall-II? llan Drug I Crime Free Addendum Become: part oftfre leer: ?meet DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. Unit No. {street addressl In Stuart: (city) FL [slate]. 34991 {zip code]. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. Lease Contract date: cert-tracts Unncr?s Name: Martin Lakeside apartments, Ltd. Residents [list all residents]: In consideration of the execution or renewal ot?the lease, Owner. Management and Resident agree as follows: 1. Resident, any member of the Resident's household. or a guest or other person af?liated with the resident shall not engage in criminal activity. including drug-related criminal activity, on or of i' the premises. "Drug-related criminal activity" means the illegal manufacture. sale. distribution. transportation. storage. use, or possession with intent to manufacture. sell. distribute. store. transport or use a controlled substance including but not limited to marijuana or cocaine andlor illegal drug paraphernalia. 2. Resident, any member of the Resident?s household. or a guest or other person alliliated with the resident shall not engage in any not intended to facilitate criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on or off the premises. 3. Resident or member ofthe household will not perm it the dwelling unit inside or out to be used for, or to facilitate criminal activity. including drug-related criminal activity, regardless ot?whether the individual engaging in suah activity is a member ot'thc household or a guesL 4. Resident or member of the household will not engage in the manufacture, sale. storage, tranSpo Nation. use, possession or distribution of? illegal drugs andtor drug paraphernalia at any location. whether on or oil the premises. 5- Resident, any member of the Resident's household. or a guest or other person af?liated with the resident shall not engage in any illegal activity, on or oil" the premises. including but not limited to prostitution, public drunkenness, lewd behavior, trespass by your guests if they have previously received a trespass warning. dangerous operation ofa motor vehicle in the premises. disorderly conduct. street gang activity. battery. assault. discharging weapons. acts ot'violcnec or threats of? violence, sexual eri mes, or any breach ot?the lease agreement that othenvisejeopardizes the safety or welfare or any persons. 6. VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE SHALL BE A WTERIAI. VIOLATION OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT AND GOOD CAUSE FOR. TERMINATION 0F TENANCY. A single violation of any of the provisions of this addendum shall be deemed a serious violation and material noncompliance with the Rental Agreement. It is understood and agreed that a single violation shall be good cause l'or tenninalion of the Rental Agreement. Unless otherwise provided by law. PRODF OF VIOLATION SHALL NOT REQUIRE CRIMINAL CONVICTION, but shall be a preponderance of the evidence. 7. In case ofconfliet between the provisions of this addendum and any other provisions of the Rental Agreement. the provisions of the addendum shall govern. or or Owner's Represent-Inn Resident or Hesiden Is (Sign: in:ch All rr dents must at here) Addendum Date asp-trams Drug Flee Addendum FL, GA, md DE 051??