11103962348 08 33 24 200l?09 ?8 1J5 moment REPORT POI-ICE DEPARTMENT 1 Crime Incident mount 2 Conant-mum MARYLAND Aggravated Assault Cl 09161000616 Location on man a a: sun tam Person El Property Cl Vehicle El Miscellaneous {1731 Ru'sslen :1 gamut; Md m. 1 2 Dammit: Rotated 6m ?owed Roland Hate Crime Date 1' Time 0mm: nan?Fran- Rlp?l'ln? a 20:116i1536hrs 20cl16! 153Ell1rs F- Uril Street Code In CAD Nunbcr Ill Local-ton Elm-thy unpaid-tar 12M Farm No 2300 941 1351 MIA 13am sum '4 Case swarm as Fatwa}: lemma Code 1 sumo-"Mm ta a mum a mound by can-mun? OpenD Closed LJ accredEl ?at t: Yes El Ravens Stadium CI Yes No 6011131331an! ?ns: m. i Lu om: ?yam ergo?mot am am: or; traded] grammes: at gone: i i minim mums: on aver incur- cm- nun Hos-mallard In?ll;- 'VEIriMI-umt Head Trauma Critical was No Shock Trauma No Relation the: No 1'4 Hogarth: Home First. Ill) Ix ?oss {Ace $06 gums: [Inches ctty. Com?. Stale. Zip) imam 5mm Mm Tolson. James i i 242 29th 6L 5 5 mu: Farm Inn lust ii. MI El a cum. snail - an. [LnsL th. m} m? cm. emu. sun. 59} on Elm Ago mm Scott 269 lg SyndeyAvo ML Vernon.NY 10550 FM 30 I 0512286 {5611 175 Niall-MI Hal FndIlHar rum a eel: Sweatshirt emu Stun oasaipm mum. emu-g: 5m. um.m1t at} Hunter Shorts lei/6?06 ?Mammalian! ad?s] Monicm Point of Entry Locnl'm unseen Mmctaapo mum I:le struck Vlon w! Closed Fist 2 Weapon 1 um: at Annex Hem Used to Bun-nil Cris-nu II Type 91 Property Taken Tots Loss Vain Hands Struck Vittrn w! Closed Fist :0 Vehicle Snipes! lern S?on Towed Omar I3 mt Sills mm Yw'?ltls Model Equal-nor MungMum") tg-?lm Locked may: it Igdlim pom gm. m: Closed gluon I1 or 133m In our 55pm: on Corflruntt Lama Cl Yes No? Yes CI NojCl Yes No.0 Yes Yes NoiCl Yes Non Yes No? Yes Nut 11 Ragnst Home [Last Hm. Mu EScx E?m gan- roos was? {new on. may. snug. up) a i I i Esau-mums; ssmwurmn Him and IthNM-?owwmwu No r! Tow toaltm Toned From Mn Towed To [lured by For: Trudi Operator 5m mm" 1 ts mom unused No iinln'rlnunl um an ?ll- nun Eh:- Dat. Fleurimond 1 SD DDU [#3735 2 Oct 16 1860 ,1 I'd Elm rut-tat mnmm?a i I II hall-Won: 5 :me Citywide manual?Elmo I Wain Winona-alum! m" UYesNo Fm'wm DYasNai Victim Transparth In Hospital Copies Forwarded so i image": [Inlet-I mun-nun, hauling ms. um I F5 autumnal Incqu Ill? hill"! 26-2 Nappl, Andrew 1261 Ca'ttornl?a Road Apt. 2R East Chester, NY 10?09 MW 31 1323164 511 195 ?agghw/g/yag 9/ mun: Ne gt: FF 59L Stevens 442 iSIqueneo Noluato I Fm {mm own isqu No Isms-sun P10 J. Tolson 5 H614 (D amen! NA REPORT SHOULD BE OR LEGIBLY PRINTED IN BLACK INK 4103962343 00.33'41 2001-45-28 2 I SUPPLEMEHT REPORT 1 I Incident ?tempt 2 Complaint NW Egg-go? BALTIMORE. MARYLAND Aggravated Assault Cl 09 161000615 stout-2n un?mrmdaonl {Sherman Zip) Continuation El Follow Up 1101RussellSt. Baltimore. MD M. 2 2 Person ?cpuiy undertones Vohtde Missing Parser. Custody 4 Date Time ot?t?his Report 5 Arrest :iurnbu 2 Oct 16 r' 1530 15140694 To Unit 7 Fact or 0 segment: Area 9 soul Code to can time: it own-r Report Date rm 12 oasis- metre-it 0mm From 2300 941 1551 2 Oct 15 I 1530 In Case Status in ?ample ?amenco 15 Case Uiapoetllm ieqat-r t6 Father-up 17 Crime Code 10 Crime mutilation Ci Open Closed El Yes No Cleared El Not Cleared! El Yes El No 19mm:th Nuns Nmrra Huron rm nurse can . a: Rose a "we FM :0 Copies Femarood To 1m (nomad elect-imm- alert. {The central complaint it is 9161000616. Incident occuned in the Southern District No body cameras were present in this Incident On 10-02-16 at 1530hrs was working the Ravens game in uniform patrol in section 529 of Bank Stadium. iocated at 1101 Russell Street White on the platform in that section I was alerted by fans that there was a ?ght on the exit ramp one tioor below Emy location. i responded to the incident where i observed the victim Mr ?Iaying on his back unresponsive. 5 was then alerted by subjects standing next to the victim. of possible suspects later identi?ed as Mr. Scott Smith. and Mr EAndrew Nappl The two suspects were observed walking away from the victim down the ramp towards the exit At that time i Estopped both suspects in reference to the ?ght. i then spoke to and asked Mr. Napp' if he was involtied in the incident. At that Etirne he stated that he was involved in a verba' conironlation with the victim. Mr Nappi then stated that Mr- threw a bottle gand struck his friend. Mr. Smith. in the head. Mr Nappi then said that he approached NIL-and hit him with a closed ?st. Estriking Mr-tn the face. Mr Napp? said that he then tumed and began to walk away trom Mr. untit he was stopped Eloy me and other units. Mn- wife. Mrs. approached other police units and stated that she witnessed the incident She stated that rather Mr. Nappl struck Mr. Mr. Smith then shoved Mn- to the ground causing him to strike the back of his head. This icaused Mr. to go unconscious. Another independent witness. Mr approached the police units on scene and agave the same account of the Incident as ?At that time I placed both Mr. Nappi and Mr. Scott under arrest and transported them to the holding cells. located at the police toommand post Mr. Nappi was transgorted to CBIF under BC Mr. Scott was transported to CBIF under ill/tr. was transported to the University of Maryland Hospital Shock Trauma Center. tor medical treatment. At this time Mr -is listed as critical. but stable. condition. All events occurred in Baltimore City State of Maryland Detective Fte urimond of the Southern District DDU was advised of the incident lelnuell El 11 Reporting Put-sorts Signature Date I af?rm and declare that the statements above are true to the best of my knowledge: 22am teeteran MFA: tar-mt Esr "are 'l'olson..tames is??tlt i SD ems imam-ram Noe slot-errant "Pm'?'gt Stephens 442 i" we ?34% nus Data Enlerut By gchuencs rte goats {rm raft-vim 2t! Retort-one I 3 i REPORT SHOULD BE TYPED OR LEGIBLY PRINTED IN BLACK INK