FEDERAL IHVESTIGATIDH Title: IJ- rpert- 33-123 Pram: -. l-I- math-uni: cam muni-I: alien Appreved BF: ?rafted By: Case In H: Synepeia: CEFEEFJ T- Enclesure[5}: En:l::e 1 . FEE 1: he Cl??u?ltf, ?exelan? Security ?etails: With :9 Intelligence Eraneh Ezrie: Er Cueteme end L. intelligence re'uirem w?e Eenerel Le= Li. age HUMIHT repartitg a may can it?: a HUEIHT izitietive at 1.45511} FBI Reagan: Derived Pram: are the fellewin; itema: ?ue :f U::er=:aneine Eetwe tLe EHZereement e13: the Lepertment cf canning In the -bera:ing with it :reetien 05 Annex. if the leaen Alrpert equad I-E a a $2393 t: I .. r4 eetien identify menu This EC eervee T: eutl'ne a erred 112'. 1 Beaten. t: i?entif meeitien be rate HULIHT at Legan 2e: the In?e :igatitna Epezetiene Gui?e law enfjree1e13 Limite? eE iiserete Hatters, and inatuee excaeer analytic nn? e; thine I i: intelliwenELI I'll -f infermatice1-122 LI. I'll IJ 51' i'eleumen: if enj ana- 5 :Elti 3? the Pr?p?l?? SIZE purgcaee as may intelligenee and tracking :wzte?e relating :4 terreria czgenizee :rime gr?upe. A::en?in? under Recess and examine EU II . El 'il II ELK: rewer?a, an? request infermmtian 3 frem, ether L, state, lzral. e: tribal Eireign geverymennal Inter-4 1e?: er :rivate en:itie3. pr;ve:e 'h r1 rather, we threats tc interventien and preventien Additienally, I HUMINT initiative at legan ?93? E, be there; the F3: in three use the actiens cf accerdine te nectien 5.1 cannet wait fer leads tc cene security riminal er natienai security incidents a1 er natiena; eve meet be vigilant in detecting crimin the full extent permitted hy law, with an tew early 51' hefcre they ect r. Fer enamels, te carry cut its central missien ef pretecting the natienal =-cnrity, the FE: must yreaet?vely cellect infermatien frem availahle seurees in erder te identify threats and activities and te inferm apprepri te inte_li"1ence analy Based en the autheritiee granted in trevieasly appreved Type 3 assessmentsr FEE Beaten will utinely trevide with an .t dated list cf :euntries free which varicus ats are 1ncwn tc emanate. 33?, in indi1iduals whe re and ISSUE cf cf this ?12-?11 rn, tries cf understandi1e wil query te identify ll arrive Legan air art in the subsequent 72 whe nave t.ransite ei ene er mere airpert1e) leeated in the interest. It sheuld he acted that an existing memerandun between the and GEE authcrire the sharing ?fermatien, and the FBI has i-depe1dert a.e ess tc tr vel threneh the TECE database. 1??re use sf CE P?s tireshe1d tare cetine euery serves eerely te censelidat and ereaniee the data in a manner which allews fer hulh enpicitatien Fdeserihed heiewI}. Ence individuals ehc will be arriving at legan frem ?euntries ef intere_t are identified, their n=1es and dates cf hirtn will he utleaded as a hatch query in the EEI's Investigative Data Wareheuee dataha se. I Eesten Intelligente Branch and EUMINT sued eersennel whe are 1e-leeated with 23? at the Legan annex will analyze the results te identify which in-di viduals may have acement and! -sr access 1: t: intelligence reeu1rements based en their hiegraphie inf1_1atien being referenced in ene er me re ef the databases QUEIFCUQJ ?will he tr eeuree ef centained in 13W. ?nes an individual inferentien e11de ed te fer their awareness and en what detereine :11 Id li- -l tl. HUMIKT initiative at legan Airpert. L?ht??t?eT' -4f11?? 12 [ii 1 "If! an, whether er net will create a TEES recerd emnenly referred ts as a "lecheut?} te flag that individual when they cress the herder. I hire-rt te create EECE sheuld he underscered that the FBI dees net en ind viduale. The F5: merely prevides all available intellise1ee relates tn the traveler te cleared it? eersenne; en the JTTF. it remains the respensihility cf i the intelligence may warrant, te inelude the cre itn sf a TEES rec c-rd which may result in an enhanced 1ecendary cf the individualEDD. t1 eerdinate with _ectien te share and previde intelliee-ee. This ere-arrivals Her inatien alse prevides an eppertnnity fer the FHI te sensitize CEP persenr e1 te int licence 7t?: the H1 which may interest related at and 1n a interfere I pereennelt will cend~ the passenger's placement instettien sf the and evaluate ans arcess tc intelligence cf intere t, as we_l as their will'neness tc ccepe ate with the Uni ed States Gevernment in tie future. then centact interestien fer t"e aveler ans determin: if is amenahle te being sent etec in the future te previde assis ance tt 953. Easei en the results cf each secendarv PEI peraennei Will retermine eest tc with each :1 a caserhyteaae are. These individiais whe are assesses t: have entreeriate plasenent and access, as wel_ as the *1llingness tc ver1 w1th the 533 will he aesignei ts an agent cI1 the squad fer further ecntact in acetresnee with tea Echestie Intelliee11e Ceeratitns Guide E.G These individuals the nay warrant investieatire acticn will he assigned 1: tne entrepriate investirati"e seuad fer whatever acticn deemed aepreeriate. In situaticns ruere intelligence gleaned fr:n.sesendary inspectiens meets the tnresheld te disseminate