Distr. GENERAL s/13541 17 September ORIGINAL: 1979 EMG,LISH LETTER DATED 17 SEPTEMBERI.979 FROMTHE CHARGED'AFFAIRES 4.1. OF THE PERMANENTMISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSEDTO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to refer to the letter dated 13 September 1979 from the Permanent Representative of Zambia to Your Excellency (S/13539), regarding alleged acts of aggression said to have been committed by South Africa against Zambia. The situation currently prevailing in the South West African/Zambian border area can be directly attributed to the presence of SWAP0terrorists on the Zambian side of the border, where they receive the active support of the Zambian armed forces. In fact, on 13 September 1979, it was reported from Lusaka that the Zambian 'Foreign Minister, in the course of a statement on this q~uestion, did not deny that Zambia allowed the unimpeded use of its territory by SWAP0 terrorists. Moreover, the Zsmbian President himself has frequently in the past expressed his approval of and support for so-called liberation movements to use his country as a springboard for attacks on neighbourin& countries. On 23 August 1978, there was a savage and unprovoked attack on the town of Katim Mulilo. This attack with 122~mm mortars emanated from Zmbian territory and resulted in loss of life which could have been much more serious but for precautions taken on the South Vest African side of the border. torture exists Attacks such as the above, together with numerous incidents of murder, and the abduction of civilians, are the cause of the situation which now on the South !>Jest African/Zambian border. South Africa is responsible for the security of the peoples of South b!est Africa and is, therefore, seriously concerned that SWAPO's acts of terror should not be permitted to continue. South Africa re,jects allegations by Zambia of torture and harassment Of civilian population. South Africa also wishes to point out that, if Zmibia had not allowed SWAP0practical control of part of its territory, the Zambian authorities would have been aware that these acts of torture and harassment are, in fact, being perpetrated by STWAPO gangs. I should appreciate the Security Council. it if this letter could be circulated (Signed) ----79-23603 as a document of David W. STEWARD Charge' d'Affaires a.i.