Chambers Creek South Area Master Plan Concept One Plan Enlargement 1 LEGEND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 Trail Connection to North Area of Park Adventure Fitness Area with Parkour and Climbing Components Concrete Quarry Relic Multi-Use Plaza Event Pavilion Food Truck Parking and Seating Seat Wall Open Lawn Multi-Purpose Deck Stairway Sound Overlook Sloped Path to Top of Existing Concrete Relic and Sound Overlook Playground Restroom Sand Volleyball Courts Native Plant Gardens Existing Railway Edge of Wastewater Treatment Plant Parking 0 30 60 90 2 3 17 A1 5 4 9 7 A 8 6 11 10 120 feet 3 1" = 30' 16 12 13 15 15 14 SECTION A-A1 0 1 2 3 4 feet 1" = 1'-0" Pierce County Parks & Recreation Department Chambers Creek Regional Park Update Native Buffer Planting Link between North and South Areas of Park Trail Connection Multi-Purpose Deck Stairway to Lower Deck Built on Existing Concrete Quarry Relic Sound Overlook Open Lawn Concrete Quarry Relic Flexible Space for Events-Food Trucks-Passive or Active Use Multi-Use Plaza Walkway Buffer Planting 19