{=Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Form 668 . {new Febmmzooa Notice of Federal Tax Lien P5 9? Area: Serial Number For Optional Use by Recording Office SMALL EMPLOYED AREA #2 Lien Unit Phone: (800) 913?6050 596596909 As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue Code, we are giving a notice that taxes (including interest and penalties) have been assessed against the following-named taxpayer. We have made a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid. Therefore, there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to 81948 property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these?taxes, and additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue. Name of Taxpayer INFINITY ENERGY INC, a Corporation .. 1: Residence p0 BOX 928 ?'Jd l4 HYDEN KY 41749?0928 . 162009 COUNTY .9 CLEM. IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: For each assessment listed below, unless notice of the lien is refiled by the date given in column lel, this notice shall, on the day following such date, operate as a certificate of release as defined in IRC 6325la}. Tax Period Date of Last Da for Unpaid Balance Kind of Tax Ending identifying Number Assessment Re? mg of Assessment (3) (C) (E) 720 06/30/2009 61?1398016 08/31/2009 09/30/2019 9767.58 Place of Filing COUNTY COURT CLERK HARLAN COUNTY Total 9767 . 58 HARLEM, KY 4.0831 DETROIT, MI This notice was prepared and signed at . on this, the 05th day of November . 2009. . 1-1 Signature Title REVENUE OFFICER 22?02-2720 for EVELYN KEEN (606) 258?2657 (NOTE: Certificate of officer authorized by law to take acknowledgment is not easential to the validity of Notice of Federal Tax lien Rev. Fiul. 71-466. 1971 - 2 C.B. 4091 Form {Rev 2-2004] Part I - Kent By Recordlne Of?ce 9 CAT. no 60025x 606432622? 52.16 Fax Emma 8M: (Rem. Fabauarv 2604'! 53401199 Departmen-z the Treasury - internal Raxrmue Emma Notice mi? Fedma? Tam Hem Ayea: 3mm AREA #3 Lian Unit Phone: {836} 911345350 310695016 sarial Number As pmvided ivy mains: 63311, 5322, am! am} the ?nmma! Mama Kimmie, are giving a nuke tam; ?Windham; Interest-am panama) have men 333mg? mam; 1m We have made: a demand Mr of this liability. but it remain; unpaid. Them?am them is a lien En falter the 11mm Scams". an 33% gammy and rights pmpJEYEy mummy Ms mavary?er far the amm mm mm, am?! additimi mama, imam, and mm that may name. Name: w. Taxpaver KENTUCKY FUEL COREGRATIOH a Ccmporaticn 302 JEFFERSQN ST SUITE 690. ROMOKE, VA 2mm;? 1711 .m?s a t. ENFOWTIEJN: For each amenment [is-{ad human . 1411le marine: af the ?ier: in m?md by the data given in autumn mi: notica shawl: cm the day mamwing mean data, onarata a5 a cani?cate of reieasu as {infirm 1; in EEG 632643.) Optional um by heading; Elm NI. . Tax N?ad mm of Last Mr timid ?asaanm Kiwi Tax En?iwa Mmti?wmg Rumba? ma mg as? Wmmem h) if}! 720 09f3o/20x? 12/15/301? 31/14/2925 110550.55 723 12/31/3014 159759.79 v20 05l3?f3015 08f31/2?15 5135.71 720 09/30/2015 xx-xx3?203 12f07/?015 alfnafzoaa 14559.73 v20 12331;2915 0&/13j2325 2311.90 9&0 13133j2015 02/22/2016? oafz?fzaza 1?av.as 94; 12/23/2013 01f32f2?24 36316,11 941 03131/2015 07f01/3025 3&75.23 941 06f30l2$15 03f31/2915 09f30/2025 30844.0? 941 03133/2015 11j2352015 12/23j202? 133331.75 941 12131f201$ 33?; ?vzoz asfz?izoms 311210.16 F?lma of COUNTY COURT CLERK PIKE CGUNTY fami 724122.39 This ?ance was prepared ami sigrm?i at MI rim "3113.3, the 28th day Of April 2016 Signature . My for C. COGK (793} 336-41 TME REVENUE UFFICER ?Fl ?B-?l?wiffi? mow: Cmi?cmu of oificar ?madam by law take acknowledgmant is not Eageutim to ma usiidiw of Maine mi" Marat Tax ?an new. But. 71 mm. - '2 GEL 402) Mm i Mann 5" Runaway We: STATE 05 KENTUCKY OF PIKE CLERKQ 0F AND RECDRE 23nd Sta-ta aforeaaid. cemmhanhe TA): LEEN "was on USIGQJEMB 025512? beige?xi mr mew-j, whereuwr? the same with the roman in and this. uetfi?cata ham been duly reamrdoa In my of?ce. my hand this . CLERK m??fdkL-?L 5. Farm $5801.85? {Rem 2-i?fm) CM, 500.35% 11:46 Breathnt Co 5216 Form ?a mm (Raw. Fewer-r 2004i Department of the) Trcasury Internal Kwanzaa Sewiw Notice 0! Pedant Tax Lien LEE-2 53-06 666 3817' 1 30 EE P61 42 Area: SMALL Wm AREA :13 Lian Unit (soc) 913-5050 210595616 $1;an Numb-var Fur Ciptiond?? U10 by not: A: suction 6321, 6322, and 63:23 a! the imam Meme Cede.- we are ?ying a notice that taxes (including Imam: and mantles) haw Man mad against the We have made a demand for mm: 01311111: Inability, but it rennin: napaid. harem?, there 3 a Hen En {war of the {inked 5am an nit! program and 1121113 to mummy belonging no thin? hr rim amwm a! mesa cam, and NO: 31?an Ohms RECEIVED $414.1 E19 2916 HWEQIM 1 1398 addiucnal penalties, Bum-m, and most: that my ?ea-urn. Name of Taxpayer FUEL CQRPORATION a. Cmrparation 9.53%: Residama Tu EMPORIAHT for each assessment listonl Maw. unma notice 01 tho lion I5 rmfiicd by the data given in column thins notice ?an, on the day follcwiug sum dew. ova-mm as a carti?cam of rmw?e a: do?iirwd u?n ARC 302 8T SUITE 505: ROMOKE, VA 24011-1711. Signed: 3L 11 1 mm: 11:1 11 2115 Ex- ?33 my 1?11? m1 ?Em'wrs .. .mn. 1151mm ma PRGEECO 1&3 - E141 FLIEH 1 Emma 1m Fae-M am of Last 9 m- ums? 3mm Km 01? Tax Ending ldem?fyins Numhu Assessment 1.15%: 111? a ?20 09/3or2014 xx-Kxx7202 13 15/2014 111550.55 72o 12/33f2014 03f16/2015 01115/2035 169769. 79 12a 06/30/2015 asfsx/zals 0913012025 1 51: 5 7; 720 os/sofzolc 12(0712015 01306/2026 izqaas vs 720 12K31f201s 63/1412026 oi/lafzcze 2311. so 94a L?f31f2015 02/22/2016 G3f24/2026 143? 85 941 nylsefzala 01/22/2021 E35116.11 341 o3/31f2015 06/61f2015 1 1475 23 941 06/30/2015 09(3112015 0913012025 136844.11 541 33/30/2015 xx- :xvzoa 11/2312015 12f23f2025 1??331,7b 941 12f31f2015 03/2212016 gEEzleEle Piace uf Fixing LE COUNTY CLERK 1 BREATHITT COUNTY de 124122.85 Jacxsou, KY 41339 1 mtfce was praparcd and s?gnad at i1 on this, I '1 the 28th day Oh Apr-.1 $13?13 11 1 $5.9m? MW "1mm 23 as 17.15 for C. (311.7311: (703) 335- 4111 11 worm: Conirioam 0! authorized 'w law to take actnawtudumm ls rm nuns-1:511 1n the validity of Notice of Foams! Tax liar: 19m. ?mom 1 was?. new r- fr. No 1102211 HM Hui. 7:466. 1971 - 2 6.31 4091 PM 2 Internal Mme Mka?mA Cm Primed an: 9122/2016 11:34 AM . TOTAL 1" . 0 I32 i=2 bl! DC- 9.x. C) w- c. r' 1:22:23 1 GREATHH -. magma-mm of the Treasury Intarmi Fla-2mm 222mg -i 2.2.22 222-; 2 5- 222 22225212 22? 522222 fax 2:22 953'?. Fab-mun; El?n) Area: SarLanE Numbm 7 Fur 02:th U23 2? Paceminq Gl?ficn SWEL 22421.11:me M2321 2'3 1 1 ,33. man Um Phone: (220) 913-5250 2223534616 9H: [$632815 12: M: pwaadmd by Man 6523,. 6.3322, and 3321-3 of dam Mama! Menus: ?kiwi; #515 53': .0523 cm, m: ME .2 notice that mm; (imiud?m Emma-mt and 249122521123) Jg??trawli?g: 3151' 2.22 haw hm ?am? against the :2er We Rum: mam 3?:?222wthitt. Cc: [Nari-E 5?36 359 F3002 a: demand for payment of this lSahiiky, 222 it gen-gains ma?a. 11?!?er sham- a ?ea in fawn- uf the linked $222122 an 220mm: and ?Wm! 22 mummy Mung-Ema; to this taxpayer fur 2mm of alum 22:225.. and i: Annuity-LI.? dbl-?Mm ?i additima! wraith-s, fume?, and mm ?Em my 22mm. Name of 1' KENEDUCKE 15:531.: (3313:; DRATTQN g: a amparatimu ?2.222,? E. [1 5422mm? 302 3 JEFFERBON ST a A 202222222, VA 2221.1?.1711 AL ?0 15" ?1332.- TYIDLERK Is Fur MM Hated harem, . maria-e 2f ma ?an in mm: by- The data: given in co?unm this human 5222, an the fe?uwlng dam. 522mm a of rel-2222 It: 25252222 EEC 6325M. ?Em; im D223 2! use 22 22- 32323? 34212222 Kind of Ta; ?nding :idem?fy?m Number Asa-2225mm: Email-mg as? Mum-mm (3) (hi (6) bid}- f' if} no 031?31/2016 222?3222272212 min/2222 2'22 22 221 63f31f2016 2222212222 25122? 212 06,?231?2626 13 22-? 22 .. L2 Plane Film-3 E, COUNTY CLERK . mum-2 Tami KY 41339 DETROIT MI This manta was prams 2d 22d 2592..332: i: E: - . 1?1? 5 22mm "?2222 OFFICER i! 33?03?*715 far C. 336 til-211, i' ?9mech q; cuchurimd my low :2 "wk-r: Emawmamunz? In no1 a: :wnm in} the ?1"de at New: 2 aliFWwa? Tux (inn ME. ?14938 1 2.71 2 t: .EE. 4035 1-2er Mitch?) 2.3224} M) 5100263. Pam 1 Km: Ey??vv?lm We: on 932930731625 AM . . - f" -- f; Inf}: :3 ?umv :Ct wanabw: radium :31? 1.6 1 A 5 Dwarzmam of ms Tramzaw - iratmnuf Rev-35m Sarku Emma 568 -'Fvw. ?ta-um?, 2064} Wm?ue Me?wa? Tax Man Area: 3 3Brial mug-mm, i Fw?inwnr? U39 Dy Gulze 5:41:34}: I L'crx um Mme: :acm 210595716 ?r (Quit? . #13 wwl?w by KEG-?kiwi #331; 03.32,? am! 52333 m? the int-WM: ?werme w} - I . we are giving a muck? slum, mm {Emaiudiam War A: and mm?tm} a! 4" Wm?mPagea?L-L Szzwa hem aga?nsa 5m mucvwiim-mnmd taxmwr. We? haw media a Gamma! far warmer?: ?at? iiab??t? but i: mamas: $31:ka mwe?oma there 25' a Ham in ?favor of" 0sz Sums m: at! p-ruparty and {Was an mommy ?vjm taxpayer Fm the amwm at? them mm, and addlt?am? panama, ?nmrw, and cams me may arm-use. Mama of Taxpayar FUEL a Carporatian may F03 3 83:1 EA ib?kf?P" 73m: His Jul Wig}? Wmugh RIBS-idem .9 ?r SUITE cam RDAHOKE. VA an; 311-; 7a 1 yr? 55?? qg.qntg - w; r1 ,1 1 For eacn amaasmar??: ?sts: Meow, 9y: ?5 L1 1; uniens mt'm the "an n: 'ez?lad m; the claw given in (his shank, on me W, auzh dais, sperms as cmh?icma cf misszsa dmhad We? 63.2513). Tam Wriadi 1 ?aw a! 5.59:: FM Umuai? Mi?ancg Kind of Tax Ewing Emma?yinz Human i mm m; I Mat-41:31am; i (as; an: 1 w; a 723 Emerserzoxa xM-xmg?asz l12?15?2214? aixlajzoea 110550.53 723 leafle/avzs 12325 1?3765.?9 v20 Ema/aoxzols ?n8131f2015 5135\71 723 Ina/ac/zals 3 12569.wa ?29 lefEl/Eol? xxegxx7202 ?03/14/2c16g og?l3g2035 e40 212;31/2015= xxmg?172u; asygagaczs zaav?a? 941 Ema/3n12013l glixzafzolag 31x22x2024 35315.1- aal :03K31;2015r e05j01f2015? 34?5.2 54: .osfaa/zoxs oa/aoxeaza zaawq.?? 94; .39x3of2015 Elizafzazai L38331, 941 ?oz/zzfaoia; npj24z2325 2;:21n. i 5 i I. Hate 0? Wing camarw COURT amass 9mm COUNTY Tom; mama. ail {?35 4153.23 i DE- COUNTY OF 1! $39314 gaunt; ?42m? 13min: {macaw -- . . 1, gm wavr?w -. "3 3r ~erud sum :hd?f '91 Mai. 34 ,m Ina-mi <11- recm.? Mam-Lycra (its me wid?: mmrugdm A, 2 9.1; . of Apri 201:; 1 am mmwm; 2w. My Emmy: 51:2: mam. 33? "muwm? ?um: 5m; . 7 5? - Tn?ila Ravmvs OFFICER 23 ~13 '5 ~21? 1. a for: 13001-1 {703.2 33641-11 I film?: Can?f'cata 31 c?isaa? mines-Had by iaw n; En not essentint to validz?ry? af 53'11?4211 uf ?atter-3?: Tux#971 2C a 4 . Form MEWMCJ .rq?w' 215;? I'm . Kept 3y incoming CHEM :11: 530,751,;