Telephone Survey of California Voters Conducted for Children NOW September 7-19, 2016 EMC Research #16-6146 n=1,000; Margin of Error + 3.10 percentage points All numbers in this document represent percentage (%) values, unless otherwise noted. Please note that due to rounding, percentages may not add up to exactly 100. Hello, my name is ________, may I speak with [NAME ON LIST]. Hello, my name is ________, and I'm conducting a survey for ________ to find out how people in California feel about some of the different issues facing them. We are not trying to sell anything, and are collecting this information on a scientific and completely confidential basis. 1. 2. 3. RECORD GENDER BY OBSERVATION Male Female 47 53 Are you registered to vote in California? Yes CONTINUE No TERMINATE 100 - Do you think things in California are generally going in the right direction, or do you feel that things are pretty seriously off on the wrong track? Right Direction 44 Wrong Track 44 (Don't Know) 12 EMC Research #16-6146 4. What would you say is the most important problem facing California today? (OPEN ENDED, ACCEPT ONE RESPONSE; CLARIFY AS NEEDED) Water/Drought Education Employment/Jobs Politics/Democrats/Republicans Immigration Budget/Government spending Taxes Economy Cost of living Environment/Climate change Poverty/Homelessness Housing Crime/Drugs/Gangs Government regulations/Big government Inequality Traffic/Congestion Healthcare Growth/Overcrowding Welfare Infrastructure/Roads Gun control Nothing/No problems Other Not Sure/Refused/NA -2- 17 10 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 7 5. Would you rate the overall quality of public schools in California as excellent, good, only fair or poor? Excellent 5 Good 34 Only Fair 39 Poor 16 (Don't Know) 6 6. Would you rate the overall quality of public schools in your area as excellent, good, only fair or poor? Excellent 17 Good 39 Only Fair 29 Poor 11 (Don't Know) 5 EMC Research #16-6146 -3- Have you seen or heard anything recently about [INSERT STATEMENT]? SCALE: Yes No (Don’t Know) [RANDOMIZE] 7. Common Core State Standards 46 8. 52 2 Changes in public school testing or assessments 39 59 2 [END RANDOMIZE] I'm going to read you some possible reforms for California public schools. On a scale of one to seven, where one is not at all important and seven is very important, please tell me how important each item is to you. (PROMPT IF NEEDED) How important is that to you on a scale of one to seven, where one is not at all important and seven is very important? SCALE: Not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 Very important 6 7 (Don’t know) Mean 0 5.65 [RANDOMIZE] 9. 10. Increasing the use of computers and technology for all school subjects. 3 2 5 10 20 17 43 Using student assessments that have written response tasks rather than just multiple choice questions. 3 2 2 9 24 22 38 2 5.70 11. Aligning high school education with college preparation, so all students are prepared for college-level work. 2 3 3 8 14 13 57 0 5.96 12. Implementing learning goals that outline what all children should know at each grade level. 2 1 4 7 18 18 48 1 5.86 13. Promoting critical thinking and pro-active problem solving skills needed for a competitive job market. 2 0 2 3 9 17 67 0 6.39 14. Measuring students on reading and writing skills across all subjects, including math and science. 1 1 2 4 15 19 58 0 6.21 15. Measuring the ability of students to describe and demonstrate how they solve problems. 2 1 2 7 16 22 48 1 5.93 Providing parents with detailed information on how their children are progressing. 2 0 2 4 9 16 66 0 6.33 Reducing the number of standardized tests students take in schools. 7 4 7 11 25 14 2 5.09 1 5.99 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 30 Raising standards so U.S. students can be more competitive with other countries. 3 1 3 5 17 15 55 Providing teachers and schools flexibility to determine what works best in their classrooms. 2 1 3 6 14 18 56 0 6.09 Providing teachers with information about how their students are performing so they can adjust or give targeted help when needed. 2 0 3 4 13 15 61 1 6.22 EMC Research #16-6146 SCALE: 21. Not at all important 1 2 -4- 3 4 5 Very important 6 7 Checking in on all kids annually to measure academic progress. 2 2 3 7 16 16 54 (Don’t know) Mean 1 5.97 22. Developing education standards based on conceptual understanding, skills, and problem solving, rather than memorization. 2 1 2 5 14 20 55 1 6.12 23. Implementing science education standards that emphasize critical thinking and investigation. 2 0 1 4 14 22 56 1 6.20 [END RANDOMIZE] 24. As you may already know, California adopted the Common Core State Standards in 2010, which established reliable and consistent learning goals in English language arts, literacy and math, outlined what a student should know by the end of each grade, and implemented new annual tests for public school students beginning at grade three. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools? Strongly Favor 24 Somewhat Favor 39 Somewhat Oppose 18 Strongly Oppose 15 (Don’t Know) 4 EMC Research #16-6146 -5- Next I’m going to read a series of statements from SUPPORTERS of Common Core State Standards. After each statement, please rate it on a scale of one to seven, where one is a not at all compelling reason to SUPPORT the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools, and seven is a very compelling reason to support the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools. (PROMPT IF NEEDED): How compelling is that as a reason to SUPPORT the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools on a scale from one to seven, where one is not at all compelling and seven is very compelling? SCALE: Not at all compelling 1 2 3 4 5 Very compelling 6 7 (Don’t know) Mean [RANDOMIZE] 25. The Common Core State Standards are designed to promote critical thinking and problem solving, and they will help prepare students for college and productive careers in today’s workforce. 9 3 7 9 17 16 37 0 5.20 26. The Common Core State Standards are simply a set of learning goals. They don’t dictate what’s taught in classrooms—that’s up to educators. The new standards actually provide teachers more choice in selecting their materials. 10 5 7 9 21 17 30 1 4.99 27. The Common Core State Standards set a high bar for all students, which is needed to prepare them for the competitive global job market. 11 4 6 11 19 15 32 1 4.99 28. By setting clear expectations for students, the Common Core State Standards provide a clear roadmap for parents and teachers so they can give students the support they need to succeed. 10 5 7 10 16 16 34 1 5.05 29. The updated Common Core tests evaluate deeper subject understanding than the old tests, requiring students to both answer each question and to explain how they got their answer. 10 4 6 9 20 18 30 2 5.07 30. The Common Core State Standards are aligned with the new SAT, so they are the best way to prepare students for that test and improve their college opportunities. 12 5 7 12 17 14 30 2 4.85 31. Students who meet the Common Core State Standards will be ready for college-level work at the end of their junior year, giving them a full year to improve their skills before college. This can save students time, money and extra coursework in the early years of college. 11 4 7 9 15 16 37 0 5.10 32. State and local leaders agree that the Common Core State Standards are good for kids and good for California, with continued bipartisan support from policymakers who approved them in 2010 as well as parents, teachers, and community leaders. 14 6 9 11 21 11 26 2 4.60 33. The old standards were outdated and didn’t represent the skills that students need to be college and career ready in the twenty-first century. 12 4 8 11 17 14 31 2 4.90 34. The Common Core State Standards will help students learn what they need to know to succeed, regardless of if they go to community college, four-year college, or straight into the workforce. 10 3 8 10 16 18 34 1 [END RANDOMIZE] 5.10 EMC Research #16-6146 35. -6- Given what you’ve heard, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools? Strongly Favor 28 Somewhat Favor 39 Somewhat Oppose 16 Strongly Oppose 15 (Don’t Know) 3 Now I’m going to read a series of statements from OPPONENTS of Common Core State Standards. After each statement, please rate it on a scale of one to seven, where one is a not at all compelling reason to OPPOSE the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools, and seven is a very compelling reason to oppose the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools. (PROMPT IF NEEDED): How compelling is that as a reason to OPPOSE the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools on a scale from one to seven, where one is not at all compelling and seven is very compelling? SCALE: Not at all compelling 1 2 3 4 5 Very compelling 6 7 (Don’t know) Mean [RANDOMIZE] 36. The Common Core State Standards are not developmentally appropriate for young children and hurt at-risk student populations including special needs kids, English language learners, and other disadvantaged students who were already struggling under the old standards. 12 8 9 11 15 12 31 2 4.74 37. Parents of elementary school students can’t help with their kids’ homework anymore because the work they bring home is too difficult or the questions don’t make sense. 20 9 8 10 14 10 28 3 4.33 38. The transition to Common Core puts students at risk of low test scores and could hurt their chances of getting into college. 15 9 11 12 16 13 22 2 4.36 39. California’s previous standards had been in place for fifteen years and student test scores were going up. There was never a need for these new standards in the first place. 18 9 10 13 16 11 21 2 4.21 40. Common Core is a top-down federal program that tramples the local authority of states and local school districts and puts schools under federal control. 18 8 9 9 17 10 28 2 4.44 41. Teachers will lose their jobs and schools will be punished if students don’t do well on tests. 22 8 10 10 13 10 24 2 4.12 42. Common Core contains too many standards for each grade level. There is no way regular education students can master each standard in the short time allowed. 13 10 11 15 17 11 22 2 4.36 43. Common Core is too rigid and limits the ability of teachers to adjust their teaching style to best fit the individual children in their classrooms. 11 7 11 12 18 13 28 1 4.72 [END RANDOMIZE] EMC Research #16-6146 44. -7- Now, given everything you’ve heard, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of Common Core State Standards in California schools? Strongly Favor 19 Somewhat Favor 36 Somewhat Oppose 23 Strongly Oppose 20 (Don’t Know) 3 Now I'd like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only. 45. Are you the parent or guardian of any child 18 or under? Yes No (Don’t Know/Refused) 29 71 0 [IF “Yes” IN Q45 (PARENT), ASK Q46-56; IF “No” or “Don’t Know/Refused” SKIP TO Q57] For each of the following, please answer Yes or No. [SHOW ON EACH] (IF NECESSARY): These questions are for statistical purposes. Please answer all of them to the best of your abilities even if they do not apply to your children. SCALE: Yes No (Don’t Know/Refused) that are not yet kindergarten age? 29 71 1 in kindergarten through fifth grade? 45 54 1 in sixth through eighth grade? 34 65 1 in ninth through twelfth grade? 41 59 1 Are you the parent or guardian of any children… 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. in private or parochial kindergarten through high school? 18 80 2 who are homeschooled? 6 93 1 in charter school? 12 86 2 28 1 in public school? 71 [IF “Yes” IN Q45 (PARENT), ASK Q54; IF “No” or “Don’t Know/Refused” SKIP TO Q57] 54. As far as you know, have you had any children who have taken the new Common Core standards test, also known as the Smarter Balanced Assessment? Yes 45 No 45 (Don’t Know/Refused) 10 EMC Research #16-6146 -8- [IF “Yes” IN Q54 (TAKEN TEST), ASK Q55; IF “No” or “Don’t Know/Refused” SKIP TO Q57] 55. Do you recall receiving a score report as a result of your child’s participation in the new Common Core standards tests? Yes 75 No 23 (Don’t Know/Refused) 1 [IF “Yes” IN Q55 (RECEIVED SCORE REPORT), ASK Q56; IF “No” or “Don’t Know/Refused” SKIP TO Q57] 56. Using a scale where one is very easy to understand, and seven is very difficult to understand, how easy was it to understand the score report? SCALE: Very easy 1 2 3 4 5 Very difficult 6 7 35 12 7 7 18 8 (Don’t know) Mean 1 3.34 12 [RESUME ASKING ALL] 57. Thinking about a political scale where one is very liberal and seven is very conservative, where would you place yourself on that scale? SCALE: Very liberal 1 12 58. 59. 60. 2 3 4 5 10 14 15 21 Very conservative 6 7 11 (Don’t know) Mean 2 4.19 15 Are you or is any member of your family a member of a union or employee association? (IF “YES” CLARIFY) Yes, Self Yes, Family member Yes, Both No/(Don’t Know/Refused) 11 14 7 68 Do you work in the education field? Yes No (Don’t Know/Refused) 15 85 1 What is the last grade you completed in school? (DO NOT READ LIST) Some Grade School Some High School Graduated High School/GED Technical/Vocational Some College Graduated College/Bachelor’s/BA/BS Graduate/Professional/Master’s/PhD/MBA (Don't Know/Refused) 2 4 17 3 24 30 20 1 EMC Research #16-6146 -9- 61. Do you consider yourself to be African-American, white or Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, bi-racial, multiracial, or something else? (DO NOT READ LIST) [SINGLE PUNCH] African-American/Black 5 Caucasian/White 51 Hispanic/Latino 21 Asian 8 Bi-racial/Multi-racial 6 Something Else 7 (Refused) 3 62. In what year were you born? (DO NOT READ LIST) 1941 or earlier (75+) 1942-1946 (70-74) 1947-1951 (65-69) 1952-1956 (60-64) 1957-1961 (55-59) 1962-1966 (50-54) 1967-1971 (45-49) 1972-1976 (40-44) 1977-1981 (35-39) 1982-1986 (30-34) 1987-1991 (25-29) 1992-1998 (18-24) (Refused) 10 6 6 11 8 7 9 6 7 9 6 13 3 THANK YOU! REGION FROM SAMPLE LA County LA Area (excluding LA County) SF Bay Area San Diego Central Coast Central Valley Sacramento/North 27 20 21 9 4 9 10 LANGUAGE OF INTERVIEW English Spanish 96 4