Davies, Rhydian Davies, Thu 9/11/2003 12:04 PM (GMT n) all Pro RMS South Cor . [No Sublecl] Attacliments: Asset register -- Propeny.xls Team Prolecl 'Dash for Cash' As discussed at our last Managers meeting there is an imperalive lo nelp South and R55 deliver tneir numbers lo support - tne Soutanca learn - our pride in delivering - our bonuses Soutn and R05 are ootn Ialgeled on a Financial basis any lees taken are amoniseo and lhey do not leei tne lull ellect). At tnis time olyear tnerelore the only signilicanl impact lnat can be made will be in Cash lees (exit/restructuring) and GBM South is currently [Gm short and could well be [Sham shorli given both a pool August and running shol'liall on income lines We discussed 22m bul ilwe pilcn and deliver 22m lhen will not nave made a meaninglul impacl in helping Soulhi despite all our hard work. Ii we want to help and to have made a meaningful conirioulion lo Soulh then we will need Io aim (or more As such I Ihink we need to aim (or Earn This is no! to include anything from either oiihe Simon deals, This is going to be very hard oul I do Ihink is achievable and should make a serious impact, In addition have agreed a higher 24m goal (i e. exlra Elm) which would include anytning nd I can Iry and create rrom Sutton (Credil are going to need lo 'hlace Ihemselves very much an aspiration/goal and a Soulh wide learn efforl Io all do lhalwe can. So lnis is wnal we are going to do To monitor our progress we are going to create a Blue Peter appeal (located on snared Reading drive as an extra on tne lees and sanctions) wnicn all can access. On tnis will be ootn WIP and achievemenls GBM Chas nas a target list (below) which is a great lailorni lo work lrom, A number ol you have your hands lull witn Flousebuildersi elc and sub nas kindly agreed to ioin lorces across tne Soulh and neip you with any opportunities. He can sit in the background or move out lront with both credit and oust depending on what you want/need. Ann--1r Propmch- also be forwarding a base rate loan list to-and yourselves to consider opportunities olr the pack of Base to LIBOR (see pelow) Cash Fins This will principally Dome in lhe (mm a! Restructuring/Exit lees Id like you to think of ail those customers where: - They have preached covenant - Could bleach covenant (ilrevalued now) - Have or likely to have excess positions - Need exlla support - Where we may have an exit lee that we could 'ouy out' Where we can identity these situations (and others) can you liaise with either me or your Regional Head to discuss strategy. ld also like you to consider any ordinary lees and whether these could be classified as 'restructuring' {easy etc Where we take such feesy can we act as (allowing; - LIBDR . On the loans admin lorm use 'slrucluring' on the drop down box - BASE - On pack olnoe use the Fees and Commission code lam Commitment fees' in the event oi any doubt please give Alan Skivinglon a shout Please update the 'Blue Peter' appeal sheet with opportunities and then completions as you go along Base to LIEOR This project has a real henelit to South and Relay provides GEM opportunities and puts us in better stead for next year (see below). For those in any doubt that Base to LIBOR isn't important and that the noise will go away. I can advise you that have heard today that transler pricing on Base rate lending has now to be increased lrorn eoop to esop. Wef 1/9/Dam i,e. it you are lending at your return in real terms is are lending at B+75bp you are running at a loss. Currently this is only impacting South and ROE out I can also tell you that there are plans to; - Target you next year on Fl rather than Ml (Le. in line with South and UKCB) .cheerio funny moneyl - You will be charged at portfolio level with the tull impact ot as ps wet. 1/1/09 . . hello nightmarell It is in our interest therefore to ramp this up even turlher to: - t-telp South/ROE this year - t-telp yourselves and me tor next year We also need to remain tull steam ahead' on new business. OriginalionlBD have delivered some great deals this year in addition to having a decent pipeline The addition ot new loans and customers is pivotal to us retaining a ropust level of pase income in our book to give us a chance ot even getting hear to our targets tor 08/09. ltully acknowledge that the above represent new and difficull challenges, put as have always said the market tor us has chan%ed and we need to adapt and use our consideraple 'deal dolng' skills to deliver on teslrumuresi EM and pricing increases It you think that a restruclute/Base to project islwas painful id like you to rettect on how paintut doing a deal in the good times is You should be expending at least the energy commitment and tenacity on these as you have all shown on doing the unpelievaply difficull deals you have all delivered over the years These are tough times and know you are all feeling it. A pig thanks tor your ongoing eftorts and please continue to he positive in the palarice otdeliveririg income for our business and sup orlihg our cus omers. Davies Head ot Property Constructlon South Region. Corporate