6/26/2015 ?97, Joint Staff Exlemal Review of Intelligence Operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba I DIA Reviewed and Defermined Some Sjpeci?c qumes are Exempt from Public Release. We Defer the Declassi?cation and Release of the remainder of the Information to Other Agency Reviewsll/wcj/l20 June 2016. rev ointment and Ill: nod some portions exempt ??om public April 2014 E0 13526 Of?ce ol?lhc Secretary. )cl?cnm Chicr?. R00. 1251). IS 15 Dale: mullurily: 13526 Dcclassiljy: "mm Deny in Full: 1?1 in Part: Reason: MDR: 9?31! .444 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Aumor?y: 50 13526 Chief. Rename Denim DIV. WHS ans 3 2015 SEER-W AGENDA I I I 5:13:59? POLICY INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS TRAINING PERSONNEL {Ill-30L! DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: E0 13526 Chief. Records 8. Declass DIV. WHS Date: AUG 30 2015 6/26/2012 POLICY DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: E0 13526 Chief. Records 8. Declass Div. WHS Date: AUG 2015 6/26/2011 amoral DEGLASSIFIED IN PART . ?0 13528 cunt. Records a. Dede? Div. WHS Date: AUG El l] 2016 ?an LONGTERM GWOT COMMITMENT legg? - ogema?og: There is no overarching coherent GTMO plan (policy, facilities. public affairs. CZ). The ?Immediate? startup of GTMO operations. short term funding focus. and use of ?as is? facilities not helpful to long term GWOT mission. No unity of effort. - Recommengations: ?6on Battle - Build USG public ter - Media strategywiti'l nested PSYOPS plan - OSD-PA. OJCS.SOUTHCOM. JTF - lnteragency Strategy - JIATFICITFIJITF - infrastructure Investment for long term Master Facilities Plan noses: 6/26/2012 We must that our nation ?faces insanely new threatframework and if we plan to win this struggle we must invest both human ca ital and infrastructure in this ?Battle Lab.? They can provide us with insight into a world whose stated go ?and intention is the destruction of the United States and we ignore such a valuable resource at our own peril. Wail to Y: DETENTION FACILITIES 05D 1.4 -. (8) - Observation: Current detention facilities provide only two levels of seg and maximum seou . PART ?0 13526 carer. Records Deciasc Div. A Date: - Recom? auditions: Request SOUTHCOM AUG 3 l] 2015 generate a ?Master Facilities Plan". including: - Medium securi camp - Improved durability 6/26/1201 35 4p 5 U.S.C 552 final decision maintenance"ii?a't? reater capacity overall; a medium security facility might be built-for much less Building medium envision more communal living arrangements on transfer recommendationg - Flequii?e exii?h?d?d a1 6% for?rnaihte?hance plan units completed a few months ago are already meted by heads 8: sinks. The exterior of all the general population facilities is also degraded. The overcrdean restricts the ability for easy The current camp would I 6/26/2011 -bI:cv: 05D 14 - Ohgmlons? Transferlreieases have not owned smenls'at GTMO set the :9 SK assessmenvmanagemem ls key t_o successful transfer pohcy Implementation Authority: 60 13526 cmet. Records 8. Declass DIV. WHB Date: - AUG 3 2016 - comma evalualelaw en remnant easement u?erla. standard of mvestlgahon append 0501.4(o (gl DECIASSIFIED IN PART Au . so 13526 Chlel. seem a. Boolean Dlv. WHB Date: AUG 3 0 2015 . ICY: MILITARY COMMISSIONS I - 'ghs?nigglons': Coti'tml'ss?loos' lack slated overall strategy within DOD 8. DOJ. - Lack of lea be a! nde ad law enforcement missions W- - Develop 8. promulgate DOD's proseeulonal strategles De?ne Military concept of operations 6126/ 201 2 'The delay in the transfer/release assessments by law enforcement is directly related to law enforcement?s inability to adequately assess the prosecutorial value of individual. The dif?culty in assessing the value of cases stems, in part, from the lackiof an overall stated prosecutorial strategy within and .127.? ghev mules-:1 . stated prosecutorial strategy, which speaks speci?cally to coordination with DOJ would allow all prosecutors, both at DOD and DOJ, to focus on the cases they will handle in the forum for which they are responsible. A lead prosecutor would implement the overall strategy, to facilitate prioritization of existing criminal cases, and to direct the transfer assessment by determining which cases have no 6/26/2011 prosecutorial value. .Brosecutors could n'me uickly dispose of cases I resulting in plea bargains Walker-Lmdh 050 1.4 (C) DECLASSIFIED IN PART AW. E0 13526 Chief. Records 8. Demos Div. WHS Date: AUG 3 2018 man: cm I. 6/26/2012 333-3 050 1.4 3, sees sag-g (83 -- a e829 ?5 ?9 "Ea e. 52?; an a- 4. W: Formtize relationships .9 i particlpatin agmidcgees ($00 3:17. errgo). on an more 5 U.S.C 552 5) dam? duties MosponsibII?lilties by 9:318 agency. ?an? a mu I - JIATF GTMO (or other formalizing organization would formalize the efforts of non-DOD players lnteragncy part pat on 9 required in deta nee opera one no on in broadly protecting US national security interests but also 0 who to retain in US control so might interest. Win reality, at the lowest eve a ayers report exce ent coopera on. Alan's. Wail (9) Authority: ED 1 Chief. Records 8- Decleeo Div. was mine a a tilt a. POLICY: PUBLIC POLICY PLAN Wm: Currently no use Pabllc Policy Strategy exists. OSD-PA, SOUTHCOM-PA. JTFs all operate independently with no overarching strategy. Numerous and uncoordinated media visits coupled with minimum guidance to JTF - Recommendations: mm: OSD-PA lead effort In coordination with Joint Staff and SOUTHCOM staff to construct Public Diplomacy Strategy? - Protect detainee operations - Build responses to potential scenarios 6/26/2012 0N0 guidance to SOUTHCOM from Higher ?Combat problems vUncoordinated media visits to GTMO: -0?Reilly factor on Air Flow day -Fthode Island television/media visits oyeed a nested overarching strategy which incorporates all aspects of public policy, media, and detainee operations Hurricane, Natural disaster, detainee death, enemy attack, accidents-- 6/26/2011 . . I INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS 626 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: 50 13526 Ghiei. Records Declaas Div. WHS Date: AUG 3 0 2015 If . ., A a . A. ml H. ?upVw 050 1.4 Ma) DECLASSIFIED IN PART Am 50 13526 Chief. Records Declass DIV. WHS Data: AUG 3 2015 6/26/20] I DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: E0 13526 66 1 .4 Chief. Records Declass .WHS Date: AUG 3 2016 M?u- L3256/26l2012. oso1.4(c\ DEGLASSIFI IN PART w.mammwus 1 AUG 3 [l 2815 oecmssupleo IN PART 61261201: 050 1-4 new AUG 3 2015 INTEL OPERA nu. Dr?? r: gm.? - .. w: 53.513" FE?-T?mi?f -. .4- A a. no 20i333?- Information Operations should be at the strategic level and prep US and international public opinion regarding the potential release/transfer of identi?ed detainees or their unanticipated death due to illness or natural causes. 35Barf-"W. 1.. ?Hwy L: 129?: "721-133;; I mil 6/26/2013 DECLASBIFIED IN AM.5013526 AUB 3 2015 necussmeo IN PART mama? so 13526 6/26/2012. Chief. Records Declass Div. WHS We" AUG 3 2018 . q: a 6/26/2012. DEGLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: ?0 13525 Chlaf. 03'an 0501.4(5.355.1..?f?bm?1g.Lgm?ibimww Recordsaoem AUG 3 2015 Dita: 6. ?uw 1.. 1.. ?nne??m I: .- . . . 1.. 0.2 . - - SSWIED IN PART A 35%:20 13525 I. Chl?f. Records Hassles: DIV. WH 3 201$ 6/26/2012- 050 ,Cg) 6/26/2012- r5911Wosoi.4(c) DEGLASBIFIED IN PART .W. 80 13525 Smut. Renata Dada" DIV. WHs page: AUG 3 2015 "Twp-,3 . v, I - rheain6126/2012 050 1.4 Cg) ms OPERA TIONS: JNTERROGATIONS 62b 20l'.? This observation boiled-down to one issue?th enior manager of the interrogation element did not have the authori that required to aceom lish The nests tasking review and assignment, in ement that can most quickly and authoritative! -This saves time and also results i Tasking 1f autholity isnow in SQUIHCOMJTZ. Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, RDD. wus ?0 13526. Section 3.5 a 8: AUG 3 2015 61261201 I If A. Wrr? we 21? H. Wt? n- 'ma. to?: I. a as I- are) - Observations: Lack of intelligence contingency funds (ICF) adversely impacts intelligence operations. 626 2012 Army has the responsibility to fund interrogation operations. Reportedly Anny Intelligence Command encountered coordination issues within the Army General Counsel?s o?ice that delayed provision of ICF to JTF-170. Per the General Counsel, 27/1440 Aug, the issue is resolved. Army INSCOM was developing procedure on how to disperse and account for ICF. Because no funds have been received by this observation should be continued until veri?cation is received that JTF-170 actually receives ICF. Recommend withdrawal of this observation upon when funded. SS anneal - Ausauzms 0501.4(Qth) IP awit?? "3?31 . . 7' CE- f? via-sin, a. - Reppmmanda?pns: - A??rqulaifgg?fbullding or construct new SCIF 636 21"! QM ITS amm?s?mm AUG 3 2015 6/26/201 3 TRAINING 6 2b IOIZ .19 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authomy: 50 13528 Chiel. Records Declaas Div. WHS Date: AUB 30 2015 6126/2012. It [Ma/pea} (We) 6/26/2012- 7 7_ ?ti?blish 3 "Terrorism University? to teach orientatio stablish a'IEi-norism University to provide a or GTMO personnel common o?c?to?on 'ciirri - Terrorism 101 - Al-Quaida 101 DECLASSIFIED IN PART - Cultural onentahon . Eo 13526 - The, Mideast Chiet. Records 8. Daciass Div. WHS AUG 30 2015 - Islam 101 - Databases/dataminin 9f 6l2612012 - Analyst Tools Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief. RDD. WHS law E0 13526, Section 3.5 Date: 30 2315 050 1.4 a (3) TRAINING: LESSONS LEARNED . beervation: ?Lessons Learned? are not being captured at Joint or Service Levels. - Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) should visit and publish :4 - Joint Uniform Lessons Learned System (JULLS) should review organization. Joint operations Service Schools harvest current operations for Lessons Learned and TTP - Intel School, MP School, CID - Army ?Project Warrior" assignments for GTMO of?cers and N005 to school-houses. MP5. lnterrogators. Counter-Intelligence Agents 6 3? Q, -Army G3 has sent ?custodial custody? team to GTMO to look at the con?nement operation. DECLASSIFIED IN PART AM. E0 13523 Chlet. Records a. Div. WHB Data: AUG 3i] Zlilli 0mm DlA-d/tfxa? 1.9(c) $26,201: 1m: IN PART AUG 3 a 2m Rgcommen?ations: Expand Strategic Debriefer Course thru-put - 0le Expand Arabic language thru-put capabilities - Incorporate more cultural sensitivity and historical background into DLI Arabic courses. Services: Evaluate linguists. interrogator. counter-intelligence training requirements and force structure IRT GWOT - Army: Resource Intel School expand basic Interrogator 6320!! courses. Courses must: - include more interrogator booth practical exercises. ?terrorism? training scenarios and "working with translators" segments Current thru-put exceeds recommended instructorlstudsnt ratios Should language be required for lnterrogator "1 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: ED 13526 Chief. Records a Dodges Div. WHS Date: AUG 30 2015 6/26/2012. 6 2h 20!: PERSONNEL ?4 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: 50 13526 Chief. Records 8- Declaas Dlv. WHS Date: AUG 3 2015 6/26/2012- 1'4 6/26/2012. TOUR - Observation: Current JTF-170 JMD tour do not enhance intelligence operations. p. Recommendg?ons: Tour must be based on mission requirements. JMD uld desi nate: . uKe billets?, Leadership._ (2 year OS accompanied): Mobilized Reservl'Sts Wearmsunaeeo 1p? his . - Staff Support personnel (179 day tours) - - CDR, Naval Base GTMO evaluate capacity to support J. 50-60 families on two year accompanied tours "if -, 52a 20!: as 1-. li? A ac-.1 22:? .3, w: ME ?irts-23W? .-. I. 1 4. . newsman IN PART way. so 13526 33m. am: a. Denim BMW I AllE an 2015 Fags-3:? . ?31, . .1 .A {All . 9i .. . 6/26/2012. 05? 1-4 (to amateur" Chief. Records 8. Useless Div. WHS 98"? AUG 30 2015 STRUCTURE - Observations: - Current Service force structures are unable to resource the number of linguists, counter-intelligence agents and interrogators GTMO will require in future. - Other commitments for low density personnel! - FORSCOM refused to task 102 Arabic FLPP ngurs -. 1997 Army FORSCOM deactivation of two Tactical Exploitation Battalions - Approve recommended JMD tour length changes - Leverage more ?coalition support? (linguists) - Army evaluate force structure for long-term GWOT - Expand/Grow inventory of "high demand! low density? MOSS 636 It"! ah oFor the past ten years, the Army has complained about the same ?high demand/low density? MOSS. Only action has been to further reduce the inventory of these exact MOSS - with 1997 the deactivation of two Tactical Exploitation Battalions (TEBs) -Prima?ly Intelligence and Military Police specialties I ~102 non-MI Arabic linguists identi?ed to Army FORSCOM -No more than one per unit -78 were E-5 and below (no key leadership) ~All receiving foreign Language Pro?ciency Pay (FLPP) 9t .. . agar6126/20] 2 -Despite many volunteers FORSCOM has refused all requests DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: E0 13526 Chief. Records a. Declass DIV. WHS Date: AUG 3 0 2015 9G .F 4 . ant-.a-v . l: A - - 05D 1.4 CL) 6/26/2012 PERSONNEL: IN TERROGATOR CLEARANCE I I I I I I lIIll ?Easy Observations: Traditionally. ?tactic?lPOW interroga ion has required only SECRET. Recommendatlone: - Upon identi?cation for GTMO assi nment. - OCMI, USA Intelligence Center examine requirement 626 2m2 DECLASSIFIED IN PART Annuity: ?0 13526 Chief. Records 8. Declase Div. WHS Jets: AUG 3 2015 Au - - - - tw?r I 0 Observatigns: The Global War on Terror presents an entirely new requirement for linguists. - Continually expanding future requirement for Arabic speakers - Both military and contract linguists - Formerly insigni?cant languages and dialects new key (Pashtu, Darl. Uighar) Machine language translation technologies - - DCI lead review of IC language requirements - Expand DLI thru-put to accommodate demand - Heritage speaker programs (bonus/incentive pay) - Contract linguists - Aggreseiva technolo gum; 62!: - 26 July memo Mr Tbnant to Rep Sherwood Boehlert IN PART AM :0 13628 Ohlef. RecomaDedosB AUG 30 2016 606/201 2 .