Original application file for postconstruction (final) 421-a property tax benefits at 1355 and 1357 Decatur Street, Brooklyn THE CITY BF mew YORK DOCKET C: HCJUEIHG PRESSWATICH a 421.3 PARTIAL m: EXEMPTION 1m GOLD 1: FLOOR. NEW YORK. 10933 ESTIMATED E: OPERATING EXPEHSES E. HON-HOUSING. INCOME (NOT REQUIRED FOR COOPS OR CONDOMINIUMS) Address of Property I $35} Cw If If BLOCIC 3'1 II EII EDI?eff: . LOT: Total Number Of Zoning Rooms (Caigjlated per ?421-3? Rul?s): Es?mated date of Compleh'on of Project See 421-3 Rules, Appendbc A {Annual Schedule Of Reasonable Casts} bef-Ora aiiamp?ng 7O sample?s {his I?m-rm for rental projects. Mummy the toIaI number of mg rooms by ?ue maximum allowance for Sad-I mmw?y. men plat: the Dmde 'm the rrm??y Gallium. MuI?pIy the product by 12 Ear entry into Hm annual Column. Round O?m 1112 nears-51 daua: COmmodi?gE I MONTH HPDUSE I YEAR muss? units only) I (\WATER SEWER '33? 4.1570 GAS ll?) I I 141?: I ELECTRICITY I511 I [5353 I OTHER II i? .333 I I 455 I l's4e1 . I INSURANCE 133 I I 3953? PARTSAND SUPPLIES 5H I I H?l I I VACANCY, FEES U061 I I IOIHII 15. II I 356? I I gm Imp TOTALS: I 3391? I I ANNUAL INCOME HUM OTHER SOURCES INCOME) {PTD?frj? :15 mils sepamiaiy a'IOw in: van: Cy) PARKING COMMERCIAL SPACE (Stores, 05525, Prof. Of?ces Etc.) WASHING 8: VENDING MACHINES OTHER a. b. TOTAL ANNUAL NON-HOUSING INCOME DIET urn-tent or? HOUSING ant anvnr..a.eninnr a. {Lia RICHARD Commissioner {a 1' litiqu .. (Hg Office oF5Devel0ptnent too GOLD new iti?JH - '0 I I . (21% GERALD MGENDORF, Deputy Commissioner A 0 FINIL OF Fl ICHJII ITY Oil-k. .r a FOR :l.7.1-a Pant"th Dock?); E) W. Date rec'd 11 Block: 5 3' Lithipr To the Commissioner: The undersigned af?rms that: {Plan an where applicable) til-t exemption remains true and accurate. Documentation is attached advising you of ail physical changes math: in this pruiect since the submission of the Prelittiinary Application; and the initial rent: or selling Frees, All information previously submitted in the Preliminary Application {or a Certi?cation ofElig?ibility for partial A Documentation is attached advising you. ot?increascd development maintenance and operating costs and the need for revised initial tents or Selling prices. Each year the owner Shall make available In Tax Incentives Unit a sehedtile of tents for each unit in the building. An annual rent schedule must be mailed to 7R All units Itiat'plteen tered with the New York. State Division ,rifHousing and Conununity Renewal Date: 2/ 6 El All units in the liuiidinip?s will be (?gl?l?cti with the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal as they become oecupit?tl. [3 If I in: project is owned and operated as a L?s-rip or and if the camp or mm?, Pin? 11;? declared effective t5 months af-er the issuane: ei'a Final Certificate oi?EtigihiJity. Lite owner ii'ill register Lite tent-3i units with the NYS Division of Housing 5; Cami-minin- Renewal no later than 15 days after such if: mnnUi period. The approximate (late of completion of this project is: (D Applicant understands that pursuant to Sec. 6-05 (2) ot'the 421-a Rules that: A. The application for a Finai Certi?cate nt'iiligihility must he filed as follows: t. For a multiple dwelling owner] as .3 rental and containing more than slat units, the rppiication must be ?led prior to intention-ej- of the but no earlier than the date tiranplication for a preliminary certi?cate of I 2. For a multiple dwelling to be owned as a candomirtitun or cd-op, the application must be ?led prior to the ?rst taxable status date following the entripletion of B. The application process [or a Final ei'Eligibility must be completed within 90 days following the issuance ot'a permanent Certi?cate oi" amiiariq' or a temporal)- Certi?cate aroseupanrrf L?m'eting all residential space. In the event that ail the required documents are not time!)- ?led, benefits ni'liie itet may be revoked pursuant to See. 6-9? at the -t21-a Rules Applicant understands and agrees that, tan eseniptinn :s as .1 result nfthis application and then: is toilet: to said surtetw: within the time limit set forth in the 42] mar and ital-:5. if any tithzr intact: unit-5 i5 ceniirtitteii without curing said bteaeh within as day: after notice of same is given, the Commissis-net shall revoke the Certi?eale of Eligibility for said pierru'ses. in the event of Revocation for failure to timely COI?I'tt?lctc. the dimer shall pal-.- Uu: City. with interest. the amount oi'csentuteit taxes. Such unpaid lanes and the mines! Uteteon shall hermit: a Hui against said property. 'A?'idm'it is herewith submitted .t?ort-tgiheiigstianee cga finaJ certifica Lion?eli?ibility for partial tax exemption for the structure herein mentioned . . a 51 are or- NEW YE int: 01' Dumza CiT?roFrnaw ?ont: acumen? or 'iv??iLL/i wt?! 15L heir. duly Si't'tjn'l. deitrises and says, that, he/she is the applicant or otlicei' of applicant corp. or General Pa?ner of at Tt'iTt-Jrini: application for a Certi?cation ofliligibility for Partial Tax Exemption; lie/she has read and agrees to abide by the Regulations Tor 421-3 partial tax exemption, and lie/she understands that the City ofNew Tot}: will rely on the statements contained herein in aeLing upon this application. Sworn to before me this - '1 . clay e, .i in? II .. Signature The Oil)! of N?w York Department of Housing Preservation and Development 421??a Panfal Tat Examptlon Program masmdammj?mmr New York. NY 10038 (212) 863?8540 (212) 863-5899 (fax) COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT The dam ?comp-lulu? a! of pmiacl I: .1 wary lmpumm data for the gr amen?, It, :gn?mm that um? pmlac: autumn-ind canslruozlnn .1an F5 ?llqihie 'partial tat bene?ts. a?luavll mus! 2H: ccm?eted by the pmlu: :Mhict Jr and in HPD with the far a ?nal coriticum a! eligibility: A scpamln af?dav? must be ?led for lunch included In the Dmiec? Docket Bullding 55' n: E?ia?lutlrd?g?a . I Borsugh: Minn-1mm Bronx I Erooltl?rn _Gu?cnu Stahlnistand I I Ind-uh- human-? I?rr'ul'IrI' ?2?3 5. I, The undersigned architect er enginuor for [he proIacl. hereby cunlfy that this is a and accurmc list of all temporary and. if any, pemnnonl cerli?catcs of occupancy issuad fur the building Ihe aminencemcn: a! :annrructrun to data. I make.- thils af?davit in support of the application =ubm?mud In the of Hauslng Prat-Nation anal Development for a ?nal certi?cate of for $214 Fanlnl Tax Exemption Bene?ts. Banud an ?hc attached documnnm?um ?In connrucrlan Wu: an ?w *5 . memrlfur of the data of afthq?ral. tamporary cnr??ule ol accupancy Issued for all mldantlal area-.1. of the building . p_ mun-ant cnru?cate cl oncupancy for the amine . I - ILL - Stamina-n a: Amnneuar .- 1 11,- L, qubr-cuuo . FrIanff?n - 3 96'! ?u a ?5 fut" @751 am he 3,5, Talup?ono Rumba:- 1 i I . AderSs . . I /quz any. swamp WILL BE ACCEPTED BY HPD HEY MAY NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY G}nM2khn DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT SHAUN DONOVAN, Commissioner 421-3 Partial Tax Exemption Program Of?ce of Development-Division of Housing Finance 100 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. [0038 (212) 863-5421 iBreIiminatp @ertitirate of (Eligibility Docket TE05368 Owner: SONIA LUGO Owner Address: PO. BOX 863740 RIDGEWOOD, NY - 11386 . Construction Address Borough Block Lot Permlt Date Start Date 1357 Decatur Street Brooklyn 03431 0028 01!22/2004 03/18/2004 Total Number of Units: 6 Preliminary Initial Adjusted Rent Per Room: $330.61 Ineligible AFA: 0.00% Comments: 1. REMIC 2. FORMERLY LOT 28 J?Cadmcale issua'rise?ora Final c?ru??uit? this be??ntitled to: "'25??'YearTaxExemP??" Based upon the information contained in the Application for Preliminary Certi?cate of Eligibility for Partial Tax Exemption ?led 0317:2095 and t: determination by the Commissioner. the pursuant to Section 421-a of the Real Property Tax law and the 421-a Rules of the Department of Housing Presowailon and Development thereto. ls herein? granted this Preliminary Certi?cate of Eligibility for Partial Tax Exemption for the above premises. e-Lcept as to lhose portions of the new are non-residential and which exceed the allowable 127. of Commercial, Community Facility and Accessory Use Space. This Certi?cate is conditioned upon the filing and at a Finnt Application in he submitted to the DEpill'itnl'tl?il of Housing Presentation prior to Initial occupancy {tor multiple dwellings owned as a rental}, and prior to the ?rst taxable status date tollowlng Iha completion of constructor: tic-r muitlnt? dwellings owner! as a err-op ct canrlni. and the submiss'on nl? "15 t?nlml?a?t 0' P?f?i?n?nl certi?ca"! ?tacit-limit)? earned by the at Build-nu as the fact 1hal Inr: structure Wit-5 completed. It entities the property to bene?ts while. under construction for up in three years. it is the to complete the filing in order to obtain a Final Cortl?mln oi Eligibility This Certi?cate must Ln: tiled with the New \?nrlr Elly Duparlm cm of Finance rmmediatoly upon issuance FEB 13 2005 Date of Issuance: 35W LISA s. J3EE Director. Tax Incentive Programs inert Id eEi?i Page 2 of 2 Owner: SONIA LUGO Owner Address: PO. BOX 863740 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT SHAUN DONOVAN, Commissioner 421-a Partial Tax Exemption Program Of?ce of Development-Division of Housing Finance 100 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 (212) 863-542] iBreIiminary QEertifitate of (Eligibility RIDGEWOODI NY - 11386 Address Borough Block Lot Permit Date Docket TE05368 Construction Start Date 1355 DenaIUr Street 03431 0128 01229004 031'18/2004 FEB 13 2005 Date of Issuance: up MM 36] LISA s. J. YEE f/ 1? Director, Tax Incentive Programs FEB 132006 ?)1sz Page 1 of 2 Cir ichw'l'qu - DE ARTMEWT OF HOUSING FRESEI -'ar om? Un Uni! - .- 0f :9 al? Housing Preservation - MIN 1! I- use No. ?lm: Narnia Bum I 755 I 9:3 we or print new information in bloc letters and numbers. Use black nr blue ink only- 1( IS THE OWNER OF THE JERTY THE SAME AS USLY YES NO (Chock OmINDICATE FORM OF -iP: Indlvidu'al .1 Int Wu? Pun: ?I'Ihlp Condo coop cum- (Chod! Ono}: (Guns) In .110 58) [Gama (Gm s; {Ga b5) (runs; 1:30:95] Specify DECATU ASSETS 1002 17213 HILL IDE AVE STE 201 i 11432-4554 - ID (to 32/292322" . Curranlfy In Active usury swan x? NVC EQMIjj/onio?fl BE YES '4 2 gr?? I find/hoe 1 [3 'Coda Eabprusm?uansm 1 I Banko America .couo mom. AEH WI 0210 1321 I355 LUCIE $253,, Em, mien THAN INDIVIDUAL own ansmp ?m Dr by 0(er incivix Jill. car by an on:in nth-r than an h?vidual (Estate, Trusn Name in Section SA. Responsible PoundsNumber my helium at Finn's l- n9 .4 I (wanna? #1st73 LLC. 3?3? Q3 [him-?I Cl YESCI ND ESE. In. {Eu-amass: Sham-Im- mum our am. a: Code f?j 2,3 142M542 (Roi JAN 4:04 my 119% sspons'bio Pusan ?j in: Ham: 1. (mum; Tm. annoy in Acliw mm Sonics? Hawk Fri-a yes mo 3. (BUSINESS) Summalm. I swam City A Sun Z'pCodo mqu [7 I5 {meta 1w. 90: anv- K4 Mr use; mmoo Hum ?60. Sunle Apanmm cw Sula Zip Cod- Telephone 2,13 H9 Le [Aw 9d; 377? Arr/f MY c9673 4100 sponsibb Parson l2 fusz) it (Last Nam.) Tm Curran?y in Ac?liva Mi?ury Service{mamas} Snuer suit-(Room any 5m. 231 Code Edodusn?xims?m Home Slroall'l'lrru Apanmw City State Zip Code Telephone nszi Slda1 v) t: Prinlcd on paper containing 10% Pl l-consumcr mam-i=1. Architect?sf ElwineL-r's Certi?cation Azure-gm: Floor Area. Dwelling l'niis Emmi Buildinglof 2 Addresw l355 S?l? Block aqgi Lot 1993/ [Total of Depaxtment of Buildings Job rumba-M Floor Residential NonA.F.A. Residential 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 Dwelling Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms Units Ineligible Residential A.F.A. meg. 5 4-5 2 logs . 5 I I 5?5 3 loL?Total {39.a5n5 I Q. 3 l5-5 1 Total Finished Space in Sf ?33.x: Total Un?nished Space in Sf N91 Ii Total Balcony Space (rev. 6/ 17/04) Architect's I Engineer?s Certi?cation nl'lhc Floor A res. Dwelling Units .ll- C'uun: BuildingZofliAddress 1351 @Lo?ut? Skiff? [Total of Dcpam'ncnt of Buildings Job ?L?lock 'Lot Floor Rosidcntial NonA.F.A. Residential 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 Dwelling Rooms A.F.A. Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms Units Ineligible . Residential I A.FA. 5 7- lbbtldoTotal 32.105Total Finished Sgace in Sf Bat-Ev 5 Total Un?nished Space in Sf Total Balcony Space in Sf 4of5 (rev. 6117104) I A I . Architect 1: i Certi?cation of the Ag?regnlr Floor Arcn. Dwelline Units .1- Ronm Prniecl Building Floods) Residential Non- A.F.A. Residential 0 2 3 4 Dwelling Rooms BR Units A.F.A. BR BR BR BR Ineligible Residential A.F.A. 1 [5.5 ha a 4 3L. Total (n Total Finished Sf'All Buildings E-?l ll Total Un?nished SfAll Buildings id i A. Total Balcony Area SfAll Buildings 511;] Aildiaiunnl Information rcnulrgd for Protects that full within the Geographic Exclusion Area [23 RENT n?nzrcu 1 [m where eligibility for 411-: Pnniannx Excmniiun is based the mirth-asc- of Ni. utiahl: Certi?cates 7 .I 1? Total Net Sfofnwelling Units Al IA 7n Average Dwelling Unit 4 I. ll 5 (rev. 6/17/04) OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT t? OF HOUSING DRAFT 100 GOLD STREET NEW YORK. NY 10038 421-:1 Partial Tax Exemption Praqram FINAL APPLICATION MOSESON 8. ASSOCIATES CORP. July 1. 2015 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY. NY 11691 Docket #5 TE05368 915mb I am: Lot smitin 11:57 EM caturStreet? 515? 2ND 03431 0023 Brooklyn 1355 Decatur Street 3,513,: ,0 03431 0123 Dear 421-3 ApplicantlApplicant Representative: The above referenced application for 421-3 Partial T?ax?Exemption bene?ts has been reviewed. Your application is Incomplete or contains inconsistencies. as set forth in this checidist letter. Final Application for Certi?cation of Eligibility ls incomplete {see comments) Proof of Rent Stabilization (initial Rent Registration Af?davit) Comments; 1.i ?luasa rte-exowte Final Application to attract, (lit the times pertaining to this project. 2.Tha initial rent listed on ?Building Detaii' screen at DHCR database.- is greater than the rent listed on revised Schedule of initial Rents. the 'Rent Roli' screen of DHCR database does not list the Initi ai rent it rent stabilized units and annual rent registration in proof of oonected and complete rent registration with DHCR. incoming lo the documntatinn euhmitteti for PC E. 1355 Denim was on lot 128 and 1357 on lot 28. however according to the documentation submitted for FCE and of Occupancy 1355 Decatur is on lot 23 and 1357 on lot 123. Piano-a have the Archiletrl and Applicant explain this dismponcy [attach supporting moumonlatlnn it needed]. All damn-hams that require a signature must be original. Send reply to this checklist attention Val Spinu Should you have any questions, plotter: mnluct tho JIM-.1 Unit at 212-853-854U. Please Indicate the denim! nqu on al correspondence and documentg ans] white all! submissions gt ong iimo to the folio-Winn addl?'??i 421-3 Partial Tax Eaemplloh Program New ml: 6in [taper-Imam oi Housing Preservation and Duumtmmont . i, Ol??co Int Tint incentive Programs - 10': Gold Street (Ru-rm: 34:05]} New York. tl'f 100.1001:6411 Jag-?1% DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT <75 DONOVAN, Commissioner 8 3:3 one 1' Of?ce of Development DIVISION OF HOUSING FINANCE l'ax Programs Y1 100 GOLD YORK NY moss 8W Ii. Deputy I?ommissioner I?ll i'h'J A: I'm-nay .. Date: (7'2 d. I Docket T505358 Address: 1355 1357 DecaturISt Brooklyn. NY 1 Dear Applicant: 3 Your application has been reviuwed and your new protect has been preliminarily apnIOVetl For tat-a Partial Tax Exemption Benefits. Enclosed is our bill for the balance of the ?ling Fee. Upon receipt of a Certified Check for this balanne. We will mail you the Preliminary Certi?cate of Eligibility. Rental Progmies, Your stmeilted summary of proposed initial renls retiecling an average per room per month of 5354.90 is higher than the 421-3 formula allows. You may set your individual apartment rents to suit your marketing needs, but the maxrmum gross rental for your apartment may not exceed ?1?,249 or $330.51 per room per month. {Please note that you must submit a revised schedule of initial rents reflecting the Shot-'3 m??mums as SDDFI as gamble] Prior to the completion of vour proioct. events may occur necessitating an increase in your initial rent schedule. This must he adviser: of these changes. and documentation must be submitted in advance in support of such changes. initial rents mint:I not be increased after lho lesuanoe of Final Certi?cate ol? Eligibility except as the law permits. in the caso of rental properties. the ?rst rent becomes the base rent tor all More Inol?eases submitted tIv New York City Rent Guidelines Board A copy of the HPD approval rent stzhertulo mast be alts-tuned to all initial leases. All multiple dwellings receiving ?tit?a bene?ts must mister with the NYS Division of Housing and community Renewal to shiny the bene?ts of the dZ'I?a program. and canh owner must maintain membership of the property for the entire period the property is receiving 421-a henni?rls. Sincerely. 421-a Partial Tax Exemption Program in 1" nymgu vi'hptt OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT 3 DIVISION OF HOUSING INCENTIVES 100 GOLD STREET 5m. NEW YORK, NY 10033 nyegovII'Ipd I121 -a Part :1 art From )tion 0 ram FINAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST MOSESON at ASSOCIATES CORP. July 6, 2015 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 Docket TE05368 Eamon Adams; Elects LA Brooklyn 1357 Decatur Street 03431 0028 Brooklyn 1355 Decatur Street 03431 0128 Dear 421-3 ApplicantIAppticant Representative: The abut-Ive reierenred application [of d?1-a Partial Tax Exemption bene?ts has been reviewed. Your application is incomplete or contains as set turilI In this checklist letter. Final Application for Certi?cation of Eligibility is Incomplete (so comments) I Proof of Rent Stabilization (initial Rr25, Rent Registration Af?davit) Comment 5: 1.Piu:1:e reelecute Finn! Application to cited: oi! the horrors smrialr'IIn-rt to this prqod. initial root-simian {building detail Loreen] tor both addresses. lists. Iugi-Ier rents the revised commie of Initial ruins and Is rnIs-s'mn the rent roll and uprmmunl rents. Pier-rm reviee yum initial regimrotion to re?ect your revised mnl5 winch was approved by HPD inducing the rent toll and rent. In addition. there are no annual registrations the 2009 initial registration for both addresses. Plunge ?fe comments annuni regiutrnt-?ons {20 10-2015iwtih and submit wool of ?ling. awarding to the documentation summed tor PIJE. 1355 Damn? was. on lot 128 and 135'? an int 20, ltmvevur to the dominenratiun sutuntlled for FEE. and Certi?cates of Occupancy 1355 Decatur is on lot 23 and IJST on lot 128. have the Archited and Auptimnl earpluln this (attach supporting documentation if merit-st). All or ammonia [hut require a signature must be original. Send reply to ihtr: checklist var Spinu I Should you have any questions. please contact the 421%3 Unit at212-363-8540. tnuleagg the dot:an number on it" cm and not: nd documen rid akon at no time otho lotioth address: 421-3 Partial Tax Exemption Program New York City Department of Housing Preservation and-Development Of?ce of Tax incentive Programs 100 Gold Street (Room New York, NY 10038 n? 11 103:: 5?1] P.1 HPD Transmit Confirmation Report Jul 5 2015 03:1dpm Faxz212-883-5899 Name/Fax No. Mode Start Time Page Result 917183275737 Norma] 06.03:1dpm 0'16" 1 0 OF HOUSING 5?5 ?Ff?n I ma 5W 103.10 A I MOSESON 8: ASSOCIATES CORP. My 6. 2015 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY. NY11691 Docket TED-5363 ?1 Emma: 5.1515; 1.2 Brooklyn 135? 034.11 0023 Brooklyn 13$ new SVEI 03431 0128 Bear 4214 In m-M'nwn Tllubove Muemnd merl?-i qu' 'l'zx Emmp?nn bomh: has behaviour! ?rouapp?cwm cut-mm hwr?slendesjsulfomhl'?a awe-aunts Final Applluuon for Inca-?m [m autumn} ome Stalk-Hon (Initial our 11ml Rea-mum te-ameuh FM MM- PEN-1 2 Dru}! ruI-a: qua Jill I 'n?lrl-n I I, 51:1?- ?dm Ir/au In: \qu Irv -- 1-3: Icvh?- 0' mid: m?n ant! - mam-5H #1 or: an 11%. F'uh lulu w: Ir?hi win-Iran nay-1 ya: ~h111-1'w-1 *?13?Iniu opp-rm 17' PT warn; rm 11'? mi NIP-?ham mu! 1.- wdai'nn I arm; 51:9 1- h} hum menuz. 3234'; ("mud- D'r'm? ?ram-1mm. frH'R n1 Min; 3 human) av- mnmn'u a \gl-nu?u rc- 15Lv??v awn 51'- urn-G m! an ?w?ra In ?mum-i run: b-jC-um': se- Image, an.? u- .n .u-r In Ann-'2: ?rm In? - :n-rlnc. {gm-c1. wu'lu'mt?av?l tin-adhf} Um man-to wad-4" tn- duh-J. Send n-H'nu Ila; 3pm 5mm ynu rave any Questions, please mum's: M4214 Unl 21 212-663-5540. yul Elk?! ?1 mums ma man all - dun-nun. u. r, to PM Tu Emption Pm NowYak City Dom ofHowhg lelbn and um Glamor Tax mauve. Pmarmu 1011 Bald Stat (Room 8-4309) New Yotk. M10036 1mm {mama ?1.;me Note Certified Publir Arrauntau! 431 KINDERKAMACK ROAD ORADELL 076-19 Tcli (201) 252-4323 - Fax: (7.01) 262 4867 Email: March 12, 2010 HPD Docket: Teo# 5368 Property Address: 1355 13571Decatur Street Brooklyn, NY Block: 3431 Lot(s): 28, 128 To: The Of?ce of Development Tax Incentives 421 Program I am an independent certi?ed public accountant, registered as such by and in good standing with the New York State Education Department. My license number is 048846-1. I have examined the boolis and records of Sonia Luge, the builder/developer of the above building/s and have determined from my examinations that the actual development costs were $643,659.00. My examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests bf the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary under the icircumstances. In my opinion, the above mentioned costs were expended for the construction of the premises described above. As an independent certi?ed public accountant, I declare that I am in no way connected with the applicant, ?nancially or otherwise. I have read this certi?cation and I hereby af?rm under the penalties provided by law that the contents thereof are true of rhy own knowledgeifNOTARY: Sworn to before me this 11 ??dayof 2; Lil-f; i \i tn' smittssiotj . ?s 24; 011 cut-=1? are different than the estimated costs, please add ?the reason why the a ent costs here is different from the original costs set forth previously by th because the original costs 8 were estimated prior to the com} uction and :he amounts set forth above are the actual costs. Of?ce DWclupl-ncnl ni' TNLIN In? DULD STREET. ?ff. 10033 Department 9f Huusing Pmsemalion a: Development AFFIDAVIT OF ENERGY STAR COMPLIANCE STATE OF NEW YORK 55.: COUNTY OF FR iI-x . being duly under pcnalty of perjury. deposes and says: iamlhc (Prz?rnL-A' or ham??'61 ('15 0 [title] [name uf cnlity] . 1 owner af? premises incatcd in 11:: County of I 3 City and Scale ofNew York, idznli?ed as hlmk?? 3 l! . Imls) on ihc map of til: Gil? 0? New Vo?i- this application for li?rciirnilmrI-ii Cal-Ii In": a? Eligihiliry for a ?42l-c Partial Tu Exemption. I ceniEy. as rrqulrcd pursuant tn $1465.! ofche Administrative Code aflhc City :1me York and of Chapter 6. Title 28 ofthe Rules of City of New Yudc lint any houschold in any unit. or my household appliance um mvidls heal or hot water for any dwelling unit in Ihc multiplc dwelling. is insulled or upland with I hwuhold appliance an or a?cr I9. 2006. such new np-plilnh?: mull be certi?ed .1: Energr 5:3. or that either (A) an approprinely-slud Encrg? 5w certi?ed homahnld appliance is nu: mmu?clurcd. such that movement of walls or fixtures ??uid 11-: ?mid?! [a mum: sn?'bienl space For such appliance. mdlor (B) an Energy Star certi?ed boiler or capacity in I make lhc-sc ?stem-me: to induce Dcpu?l'mmt of Housing and orthe City of New York to giant aipmial uu'. mempliorl and know the City ochw York will rely an the vernin ul?such staleman in granting tux million. The Imbcd application is intended to be wrincn instrument as de?ned in Article 115 of the Penal Luv and I understand that my false statement is punishable I Class felony that provides term of imprisonment not to exceed four years. Stu-rpm 2-1.1? or 7? Em ?ml: Eli/mid: Name I66 DE MT @i??i?laMMm?r Cmnmiszi - "to Him: 9f Emily (?applicable-j. Jan, e: Fer pmanson at am; paragraph. [Al 'muou mp?mce? shall rncun any ml'ngemm. mum air or claim; haw-var, warm m'?alm unrl tn 1.110 mumple- wmu?Jng mar. "a prawn: Inc mar, and any :cllm' cr mace that Me: in he: want? I?m" my culling unit U1 [he multiple dwelling. and {Bi 'Emrgy Sm- mall mm inflilraDGn lrarn sums Ema-mam Medic-w Mm ur Depanrn an! at Energy hdicn?ng ma: 3 pradud meets the arr-diam swam-1: cal in?ll h? #50 NEW mm Encrm Star mam. {mum Sara :1er Yurk?h'ia?ian af?uuain? 1m! Cnmmun?y R?ncm? II . Sun-{cs Unit. Emp1m Flu. 33?111] Sm: Snzl. Albany. NY 12207 DHCR erusitr: INTI-LL14 l9. Bu?sling; szl'tru: Building Class (med: on'e') E30355 A Dan: 3 Bending Tvm: (-53:11: nn=1 NEE D5799. 1 Buildinu 91m: Addrus Building Dac?p?un (Ma: many a: app'fy] 7 [:lHotcl [IIGmi'dcu Apartment Complex 5. City. Town at illagc 4. Zip Cod: [pins 4) UCoopronda (cuter ?me balm) ((37 ['30 rsEn'c: CoaplCandn Plan Dan: I I . I. Huildlugm Numbn- CocVCundn Plan Film Own :r's N: m: LAST FIRST Mi. Financing Pu?;an (award: man? as apply) DECAM ?53427; u?Cn Emmet-n TumMmmevam- 0.631") .?tfbuflrli? :c-cp Cami: 2m: commit-m me? 0w aur?s 5mm: Addrus Tam Bf - . r? 411.; Unit: Incnnile ncsm'cmd Mada: 12;: . [73-9) ?Hiligteiz A42 SUI 610'! . . 135:: 11-14: of 11-244 (1-51) Elma: 11 :3me 9. Sum: 10. zip cm: - . [35mm 503 .- 8. City. Town, Of ?r'mngt Elmcic 14 a: 15 d. (W. 11. Taizphona Numhcr E?miihddm'. I {713 Egg? ?00 20. Types of Units in Building Number 13. Managing Mm: (indude: mm: and mutual]! amp!) 1.3. Managing Agent 5 Address RENT CONTROL w. my, Tuwu. or mung: 15. .Sut: 1'6. Zip Cad: TDTM.NUMEEF. 0F .3 HARM 11? 3111531136 1 7. Tell-29h nun Numbzr E?mnil . . ?U?nir: subjectm minimum 53?. Sun Sanctum 39-7 in i 1 m: rim-undo? aaon 15_ am Btu-mm: Btu-Sabin-cc n: Sba?h?an Ham: I Fan-?1? subm'tmd 22. AFFIDAVIT AND ~sm= :3me York. cam?"y cf ?<75ci :bring duly swam. dcpuss mad says: I an: m: (inc?viduzl owncr); (individual managing - ?ii?l: - DE: nr oftbe 573 which is Lb: ow?fmm?g?li about. MAME m: Cowman-rm OB WHIP 23-3: :1 91:: gimm gum-must;- an int. ?amm?m?m?nh?uEwE-?mmuk?m?fm u: and. was: atmruu ?fhr? can :guiah': :1 the Whining manned-Irons. Ta: rgimnsn are-.13 ?Eng-.73. making af?is Raga-man Sum-:7. =?Ie Emmi?: End-t: Mahatma mi Emmi ?main.ch Hum-?inn? ?ru th?ed or awe-?iaiun. Emery manna: i: inch ram: h, :n ah: be: if ban-Ida: 37:! Mid: mp1: 4:33- 05?? 3'33 1:2: :2 mite; :r aim-m Ipm mm. ma: a! 1111: {:u'fal 52:33:15? farm :w'd'?cd ?4 =13 351391 Sm 5? ?El-?55 53': 5?7? 3? I 3:15:31?; . .i . gym/l; I r' If] (q gums.) {21-5-3 . . - - mm: ?rf-mirm'b? mm 5-: h?ir: :rm'?am? Cm: out tank-3:: Cup}. I 11 ac}: Cupy 2 . OWNER dMy Ccmmissian Expires Jan. 21. ?21" Slate of Pit-w York Divisiuu uf mutt-sing and Cnmumnily Renewal l'mccsaim; Service-1 Unit, Hampton Plaza. 35?40 Sui: Stcel. NY 1.1107 DUCK Website: INITIAL BIRLDING SERVICES REGISTRATION 15. Building Wide Services nmvidcd by muting owner to all 1. Building ID Number tenaan in building and inciuded in rent. All services shown with an below: Building (kneel-urn 'R?tma {jam [3110151 2. Eu?ding DElecm'c-iry 0 {C37va CookingFuel Laundry Room 3. City, Town or ViJJage 4. Zip Code (11111.5 4} Trash Disposal/Removal NY Maintenance Services: 5. County Full Time Part Time Number of Employees: ti. Mimnging .?igentName [j Cc?ml Aircondj?oning LAST FIRST MI- MasterTVAntenna - I VIC-0070 f? 9'55 67:5 (. L- L, Recreational Facilities {if'nujhiine is Coon m" Cundn gm: mmnmim or nan-Lei storage Space 7. Street . 3* . gulf?? 7 Hi/ SIJQ) a0] . . . $3611 Buzer System 3. Ext}; own, orV?lage 9. State 10. 21p Code Centml Switchboard 71mm Iv /7 4 CCU, antDeskaeu-em?nl 11. Telephone Number 12. Plumhcr ofI-?loometerics 13. By: Hours/Day Door/Lobby Attendant - Hourleay mbu?dmg: 3 own? ?Tmmr Automatic Elevator 14. Fuel Type (check allrharappbd 4? on; (check number) #2 El #4 [j #6 Other?pecw ??caas Gas/Oil latex-tunable ?r El Electn'c El Steam Coal 16. Date Posted 3 x__i5__x/g2 Day Year To All Tenants: Review the mini-marina given above by ynur g?s OWner. Verify that all services provided to your building are indicated (items 13, 14, 15). Also re'ch the input-bxan Reginlratinn form Sent by the owner to all Rent Stabilized tenants. Ifyou are a Stabilizad or ETPA tenant and did not receive a copy of the Aparnnent Registration from, contact you buildmg management (items 6-11). @uu07/06? Chpy 1 - DHCR Copy 2 OWNER Cup} 3 BUILDING copy Stat: at New York Division nf?nusiq: :tnd Cum-aunt? Rarlml ?v ffg; Enrica: Univ; Hummus Fizz, 33.15 5nd. ?ktmy. NY 12201 {131:3 rah-gin: tmhtulhgf?131?nxtu~ 1mm REGISTRATION WY 19. Building Sum: 1. Building 1-D Numb-:r Building an} STIR-1. SEEM: 2. Building; 5:1th A?drcu Building Description (chad: as 1mm! :1 apply) (15? 01:11.} DHOICI DSingla Roam [:IGardcn Apartment Cumplex 4. an Cad: [plus a; DCnop/Cnnda (mm one: data bdow) 3.. City, or Villn?? If} A d/ a '7 P1111 E?'??ive 3. County EvictCuopICando PIMEifcc?vcnm . Owner?! Nam: CoopICondu Plan Filed LAST Ml. Ingram-9 (shed: a: as :pplv) FIRST Dag?Lia . .a . a . I bulimia-lg is 724mm: or g5?: smw'ninn Luna} Owner's Strut Addch Total No. of 421': Units: Ram-fated Market Raid Hams mug-rag 533a an; - Elsa: 11,243 or (1-51) DAm?glc 11 0mm. 3. or Village 9. SUI: In. 339 J?rwc? Elma: 144: 15 [35mm 592 11. ?E'slephoneh'umbtr E-mai?i Adams: Othd- (mach?) .r7lryu 20. Types of Units in Buildip-g Number 12. Managing 43Lng [includes want and m-npararily ampq Li. 7.211: 'w'A MAJ RENT NTRD g: .. gen 5 11315: CO 14- City. Tam, or ?an: 1.6. Cod: PEMWYW TOTALNUMBER or LN BUILDING TEIrpl'mna Number Bun-silA?dr-css . - 'Um'u subjecttu annual mm: rm Sc: Sum 39-7 in 1; 1' me Bookch 13_ Due Building BM 3 I 5 I, 21. If?! Numhcl: of Apartment Sn Rn: Smb??a?an Mam au- State <1me York, Canny 5f [am the (im?vidml nwnm'); (hdividuul managing 22. 411513ngde a?d says: mums] af?ne 1' Cm? ASIETS which lb: agmr. of the dumb . 9c. mum. or Com-Omnun? an awn-mm nah nil Irvin: {mutated-or wad. m: mun-ed :u be mm}: a 11:: ?mha?bnu?a? ammum hymn? hut-16.15 mmai-?inm. - 1 [an and wuil min: a: mi cal-durum: nr mar?non mdhhic m: was: .1:ng an. initial L'rm'm inhuman. belief. mist: Ed 1mm: cm: 2m ml Slam?1. Lb: Building 3 spa-'rxnt 1: whack 3:15 fur-n mum +11 Em: :35: 5mm :n act-softly mam-aim and 111: 5:3me af'h': ant-Elias; af?lh {xi-Eu turn an: wt 51-: 2: 53:5 Lem: of m: 21- m: cr 15mm? Evry in can}: 0 canrcH?J. ar mp: #111me amt ul' 1mm Amara 13mm amr?m: 1nd: If 1? [kins-1'. to 394% are $5,175. cf [?16wa a I Sigrm?.un fa Nanny Pub?: this-AMI! J?ma-srsm?mF? t? E: mm'rfsd 1:111:5-9w darmcm Na massage? 1 - Com? 1 - Nassau Ccumy My . I Jan. 1.1. State of New York Division Flaming and Renewal Service: Unit. Htirupmu Elm-u. Sum: Street. Albany, NY DECK website: I NITIAL REGISTRATION - l. BuildingID Number Eaton Ema D?oml I a. THTE (ain't: nrrt'l 2. Building Street Address /355 Decca/7L0!" S?eeW? 13. Building With: Services provided by building owner to all tent in building and included in rent. All services shown with an below: Electricity Cl Cooking Fuel Laundry Room 3. City, Town or Village 6/001: [Ytt/ m? #237 5. County 4. Zip Code fptus 4) El Trash Disposdeemoval Maintenance Services: Full Time Part Time Number of Employees: 6. Managing Agent Name FIRST #55913 C. (4 LAST Duac.cfl?ur tit' builrlinv. Coup cir Condo give empontinu or .msociution name) Ml. CI Central Air Conditioning El Master TV Antenna El Recreational Facilities Storage Space 7. Street Address \i 0.ch . Intercom, Bell Buzzer System 7.7443 fl/r Hug Sung] . ?Be? S: Buzzer System 8. City, lawn, orVillage 9. State .10. Zip Code Central Switchboard El Front DesldSecretarial 11. Telephone Number 13. Heat PnidBy: L3 Owner 14. Fuel Type {check all our apply) [Ma #4 #6 El Gas/Oil intemqm?blc Oil; (checknumber) as? Electric El Steam [3 coal [1 Door/Lobb Attendant - Horns/Di: {7/8 Haze-Hon H. Number or Elevator inbuilding: Automatic Elevator Other {itpcci?} A 15 16. Date Posted (.3 Day Year Month management (items 6-11). To All Tenants: Review the in?n-mntinn givon above by your building?s owner. Verify that all services provided to yourbuilding are indicated (items 13, 14, 15). Also review the Registration form sent by the owner to all Rent Stabilized and tenants. Ifyou are a Stabilized or tenant and did not receive a copy of the Apartment Registration from, contact you buildmg Kit-3w (pa-1107706)) Copy 1 41mm Copy 2 OWNER Copy 3 BUILDING copy alignment mluu- 3 EC [Domestic rhir?my; Na (miran a - -- Cumga Pimrrdodj? ii a: MILD DUDE hl?l? Planing: 8 v2 (mama-a 65-" 51 05-3., nm-nmrm 42" =5 W?oquu] 1? A 12 201:] mm. mm: Mai-ma?a: REE DHCR - Hampton?mazg 130915?; as Pfocessin m" ?my? emce mt uni-bit?; 38-40 State Street 5 .Alhany NY . [ta-um lor muru?lul? g. City olHewYork Uunnlf DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING .rIor. Of?ce of Housing Preservation '1 MIN: PROPERTY REGISTRATION FOF Hauw Na. Street Narnu I :55 Ni?ui i Typ? or prini new information in block mars nd numbers. Use black or blua nk uniy. USL YES NO IS THE OWNER OF THE EHTX THE SAME AS PREVIO Km? amp 2) '56 INDICATE FORM OF hdeual Jo a cfrpaullon Finn-unto Fonda 5] s) DECATUR ASSETS LLC 17213 HILLSIDE AVE STE 201 JAMAICA NY 11432-4654 .E j" rim/Team In? Bank of America ?53? RT 02 ".0032? f, I I357 mm a mom a LB 30 2'95! 33c m- mu 1. Hr hum-1 - Cunan?y in Acn'vo Hililary Sonic? YES NO Tahphma 1 001 i-32/1l0 NY 91029 ism-'1. . ode ado NP lC?m OneOTHER 1ng . why-m ormnra [mivid Enlnr Hesperuible Parsons) i1 Soc: INDIVIDUAL OWN 31:. at an antin own- Ihan an 'ndividual. Enter Cc :ara?orvPImmeIOI?Mr Name in Sedan 5A. In: 58, and SD 1A. CorpurllemWr Philly Tammi!- Domw mim- Win No One or We Finn-r: mF?lil 3C0 lion? MET: L. r?I It 5g, 26g; 2 "?65 yes N0 mu. minuswasa Sumum Sumnaun 1 Sun TohphonorEx'LbI-Ision [724; Hi (lsiclz Sam 4 (v1 51593, no 0. Haggai-LEE: (FmNama) I [Li Hm: Tm Wronnrinml?iwy Servim? Emu 0128 I: was we am. No. (BUSINESS) Struluanu I swam cu, sum apan mam-mam mum; 90c Mr use; (m (fay??w Houu minesosuca Apumm any I Sula 29cm 7mg [72.49) AU Qm J/i?Mmc ?11- NV sc. Responsible Porson 12 [FimNaI-m) IL I. Nam.) Tin- Wran?yin Adina ?Em Simon? YES N0 Simi?lmo Suime my _Slau ZipCodl Apamwm aq- Sum 21pm TeIephone i OHP Farm 52: side I (?av.3l07) a rinlcd on pipcrcunlaining 30?7- posl-conSI .1cr nutcn'aj. Transmit Confirmation Report P.1 Jun 23 2011 HPD Name/Fax No- Mode Start Time Page Result Note 91718327573? Normal 23.03:340m 0'14" 1 0 on rn1? uF OF HOUSLHO INCENTIVES me new STREET Lou-am NEW YORK. m1m I'M-hi I .EKLIST MOSESON 5 ASSOCIATES c.an 769 EMPIRE AVENUE June 23. 2011 FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 Docket E05388 hie-sir- mm am Lat Bmokiyn 1355 MM 03431 0128 Buuoklyn 1357 Decatur 5qu now one Dull 421-0 Awanh'Mml'a um ?mini-nun?: TM 1km mm application tom-.m- - amu- Ian mum-boom nu bonnminrmd Ymappruma We. wouka hummnw,, ul forth In his men am. PmoiofRIntSl?abilln?on ?mm or?: rain. Won Ana-m Gunman: 1. DHGR minim NIIr-uumi 1m m: In: but than HPD"Jay:- by pm. pm; Mu?: nu Ila-u: n'?qu?naus. mu rum: mu UIL: cl mqmnamgn. ll" El I Partial Tux Iii-'an Faun-am NW You'll. (Jr W: 0m: 1m Witt-u: 100 Gold am (Room New Yuk NY 10038 ?.13 m?w?hp? OF DEVELOPMENT DRAFT DIVISION OF HOUSING INCENTWES Wm . 1m GOLD STREET NEW YORK. NY 10033 Mann'de 42] -a Paglal Tar Exmgign Program F1NAL CHECKLIST MOSESON ASSOCIATES CORP June 23. 2011 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY, NY 11691 Docket #2 TE05368 __oy_q_Bor 59513;: 1.93 Brooklyn 1355 Decatur Street 03431 0128 Brooklyn 1357 Decatur Street 03431 0028 Dear 421-3 Representative: The above ref?f??lad tor 421-3 Partial Tax Exemption bene?t!- has been 'ranr nppiloatlnn is incomplete or contains inmnsislancles. as sol [0th In chemist letter. . Pram or Rent {Initial Error Rr?Zs. Rent Rankin-lion Af?davit} Proot of MDR (Certi?ed Copy of MDR Registration or Application tar MEIR Number with copy at check for tiling lee proul of walling and Affidavit) Cummonts: renew your-registration and'prouitle proain DHCR registration indicates that the rents are tail; hut than approqu by HPD. :11!th carted the anti provide proof. Sand replay min: Anna email Jablonska@hpd.nyc.gov I i Should you have any questions. please mntactthe 4214 Unitat 212-863-8540 Eli-35o the gag?; number on all to: and documontsa i i :1 nl a 0:111: in lowln address: 421-; Partial Tau Enamptlon Program New Yeti: City Department of Housing Preservation and Development Ulltae at T5: Incentive Program 3 ?1 10D Got-:1 Street :me 3Y1 New York. NY 10038 .7 .r map .1 AND DEVELOPMENT Of?ce of Development DIVISION OF HOUSING FINANCE Tax Programs 0 (New 01' MIRIAM COLON, Assistant Commissioner CONFIDENTIAL FACSINIILE FAX: (718) 327?5737 Pages: 2 DATE: October 4, 2006 RE: TE05368 Urgent (I) For Review Please Comment 100 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK, Y. 10038 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION SHAUN DONOVAN, Commissioner RAFAEL E. CESTERO, Deputy Commissioner FROM: Frederick J. Wiley 421?alb Tax Exemption Program (212) 863-6391 Please Reply Recycle Randi, Copy of fee letter for aforementioned 421a case ?le. Thank you, Fax gu?vg? 13121 353?5392! Cnu?deulialiw Note: This facsimile is: intended unly IJII: persun or entity In which it is :Iddremi and my contain that is privileged. otherwise pron-med from disclosure. Dissemination. distribution or coming this facsimile or the herein by olhur than the intended recipian is pmhihilucl. If yarn haw.- ruceivcd llIis l'ucsimilu: in error, please nutil?y me immediately bylciepilunu(112) 863-6391 and return facsimile by mail. Thank you. Transmit Confirmation Report P.1 Fb . HPD 3 2014 11.53am Name/Fax No. 1 Mode Start Time Page Result Note 917183275737 Normal 03,11:53am 0?15" 1 0 OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT DF Hangmn ?mew nut-:5 I, Inn I391. rJ 5:1 um. HEW ?mm, mm": but? 214 a m. MOSESON ASSOCIATES (?(1119 Fubmaiy 3. 201-1 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY. NY 11691 Dockai TE05358 mm Minn am; 1157 am: and 03431 0028 Brookryn 1355 Decaw Shed 03431 D126 cum-n What'wim?' Thu alm- telemmad tor Partial Tax Etunptlon beam has bum ruvinwod. You: applicauon Lu or contains lawman. as at in ma man-am Flrul Application r-I EJIu-hnl?y ts hemplouim common!) Pro-of Hutu! imbiIWIo-a unilw mu: Ruin. Ham Raul-pmun Immviu 0mm. 1 Submit :ruc' and um [fa W11 warm-I 2 ?rm war-z Emmy-awn lunch d! ru m1 trap-'- Mum? and re.an -.- Hum-14.1 run many: mum-II mall 14-! minim-1: war UHCR mat-n r? "em urn?! hr mum-g a: pee, Ind 3.1.1::n Ir. mm Fun: Puma-4 mud corrndun m: It? NM 'de-w- u-?M Brim a. momma dour-nan swarm tr me am on 5:5: m- .- In: "mm was .3: mam-.5 {xx-4315:; 1.155. Dim-r 1: :2 ?1137an Pim- um: tr mama I-W uni-m ?u I?'mwrn {allur- uml?-r wmunlm II nun-luv ?ktrv'n Inn; laugh. I nus-am: 5-51 can: and In am unawar- Hal It!? Shout! you have any Wm, phasa o?m ma 421.: mm at 212-363-8540. Hyma?l?uwd-WJU-ll . 42H: Pn?hl Tax Emman Program New York Gay Depanmn: of Housing 'I-mm'wl u-nl Downlole GM of Tax Incentive Program! Gm Strut (Room NewYuk, NY 10036 can :05! w: nyqavmpd OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT . DIVISION OF HOUSING INCENTIVES IuotsoLo STREET NEW YORK, NY 10033 nycaovihpd H.21?a Partial Tax Exemption Proqram FINAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST MOSESON ASSOCIATES CORP February 3, 2014 769 EMPIRE AVENUE FAR ROCKAWAY. NY 11691 Docket TE05363 Eton:th Bloc! Lot Brooklyn 1357 Decatur Street 03431 0028 Brooklyn 1355 Decatur Street 03431 0128 Dear 421 -a ApplicantlApplicant Representative: The above referenced application for 421-a Partial Tor Exemption bene?ts has been reviewed. Your application is incomplete or contains inconsistencies. as set forth in this checklist letter. Final Application for Certi?cation of Eligibility is limomplete (see comments) Proof of Rent Stabilization (Initial Rr25. Rent Registration Af?davit) Comments: 1.Submit proof of valid MDR (for both buildings). 2. Please re-execute Final Application to check off the boxes pertaining to this 3.. Annual rent registration is not posted in DHCR dalabase and initial rent registered with Di extends the tent by HPD (at issuanrre oi PC E) and the tent stated in the rev-Mu Rent Roll Submit proof of corrected and complete Ith registration with DHCR. 4. According to the documentation submitted for PCE. 1355 Decatur was on lot 128 and 1357 on lot 28. however according to the documentation submitted for FCE and Certi?cates of Occupancy 1355 Decatur is on lot 28 and 135? on lot 128. Please have the Architect and Applicant explain this discrepancy (attach supporting documentation it needed). All documents that require a signature must be original. Send reply to this checklist attention Val Spinu i I . Should you have any questions. please contact the 421-a Unit at 212-863-8540 Flange indicate the noel-tot numher on all correspondence and documean and matte all submissions at. one time to the following 11dde 421~a Partial Tax Exemption Program New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development Of?ce of Tax incentive Programs 100 Gold Street (Room BY) New York. NY 10038 1: Kim trill pd we, DE PRESERVATION DEVELOPMENT SHAUN DONOVAN, Commissioner Of?ce of Development .1 OF HOUSING FINANCE 0 Tax Program Y- IOU GOLD smear, NEW YOng 2w. moss i E. CESTERO, Deputy Commissioner COLON. Assistant Commissioner Date: 9/0 5 Deal-zeta Address: I355 85 St Brooklyn, NY Dear Applicant: The issuance of a Preliminary eni?emc of Eligibility for the captioned property requires a fee. which has been calculated as follows: Estimated Total Development Cost: $43.69 4/10 of 1% .004 Preliminary Certi?cate Fee LEFT-1.134 Credit Deposit Adjusted Preliminary Certi?cate x: 52.474464 Please forward a certi?ed check my: 1? zit-51 421(8) Fee? for the required amount. Payment must be made no later than .lg' 1s ol' the Preliminary Certi?cate of Eligibility (the above date). If payment is not mam-2h a time, a late fee of an additional one? tenth (1/10) of one percent of the total project cost shall be charged. If you have any questions concerning this fee, please call 212-863-5421, 5077, 5100 or write to Of?ce of Tax Incentive 100 Gold Street, Room 9V3, New York, NY 10338. Sincerely, 421-a Partial Tax Exemption Program 6 TELLERS CHECK "7mm SAVINGSBANKE) 01-958427-5 r13 . $93? WE April 24, 2005 PA $2,474.64 mm ?musan Fume IEUHDREE 1m FOUR and 64/100!? DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER 0F: Fimhh? Ir.? 001002427. RIDGEWOOD. NY ?335 r? - . If /1 I LEISBL 1.132130? 3.03 Fee Router 421?p COLLECTION TEO 515%? Datea-?l ME?ch 5 Prelim Fee: g? Final Fee: Called - Over 90 Days Agent Agent Phone (gag?- if 77 Received-?? 1&1 1Q: By Gil? mill-{I 0] tit-t OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT tr DIVISION OF HOUSING FINANCE 100 GOLD STREET 513;; NEW YORK. NY 10038 421-3 Partial Tax Exemption Program RECEIPT OF APPLICATION MOSESON 8. ASSOCIATES March 24. 2005 769 EMPIRE AVENUE YEHUDA MOSESON . FAR ROCKAWAY, NEW YORK 11691 Doom TE05368 Applicant: LUGO. SONIA Borough Address Block L_ot Brooklyn 1355 Decatur Street 03431 0128 Brooklyn 1357 Decatur Street 03431 0028 Dear Applicant/Agent: Your application for a Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility for 421-a Bene?ts was received by our of?ce on March 17, 2005. We are also in receipt of your ?ling fee payment in the amount of $100.00. If you are contacted and requested to submit more information, kindly refer to the above docket number when submitting this information. In addiilon. when making telephone inquiries please have your docket number available. 421-: Partial Tax Exemption Program New York City Department of Housing PreservatIOn and Development Of?ce of Tax Incentive Programs 100 Gold Street (Room 9V3) 5 New York. NY 10033 Tel. (212) 863-5421 [081:9561 nymgovihpd DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION :l i ?Jg'f-g AND DEVELOPMENT 6756 iti?ig?iir-s SHAUN DONOVAN, Commissioner ?Lip - Of?ce of Development DIVISION OF HOUSING FINANCE - CIQV *mi?iw 0 Tax Inner-ems Y1 we NEW YORK, 1003:; BW RAFAEL E. CESTERO, Deputy Commissioner COLON. Assistant Commissioner Date: ?72/?2 3/65 I lunket "11105363 Address: 55'! Decatur St Dear Applicant: The issuance of a Preliminary Certtiimtc of Eligibility for the captioned property requires a fee, which has been calculated as follows: Estimated Total Development Cost: 643 65 4/l0 of 1% .004 Preliminary Certi?cate Fee ?ght.? Credit Deposit 3% Adjusted Preliminary Certi?cate Fee Pleat: forward a certi?ed check payable to Commissioner of Finance at?! Fee? for the required amount. 1" must in mud: no later then ?In days after the approval oftilc Preliminary Certi?cate of Eligibility (the above dale]. if payment is not made within quell time. .1 late ice of an additional one? tenth (U10) oi'one percent ofthc total am 31131] be charged. if you have any questions. contouring this ice, please call Eli-3535421. 5077, 5100 or write to Of?ce of Tax Incentive Programs. Iiltl Gold Street. Room ?Vii. New York. NY H1033 Sincerely, 421-21 Partial Tax Exemption Program 3 rd m, I volrua .1 ULuJull non genlnL which, rum. unxru. mu Lu: Au; I DUDLHLIDHQL 2005~03~15 115590 DIE mm WLLARS 8: WHEN mm C- MG. NEGOTFABLE ADORESI $.qu I a Cam?s- Anoazvss?FB'b?lust:- rm. Kl uncommon: gamma-venu- 530.3]. City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development O?ice of Development Division of Housing Finance Of?ce of Tax Incentive Programs 421-a Partial Tax Examption Program 100 Gold Street, 9-V New York, NY 10038 Architect's! Eminent-?5 Certi?catign of the ?garnet-m- I-?Iner Art-n. Unit-t at Room Court: Docket it Addressiesl l355; .557 It Bumughlbiti [Bled-gal? Loris) .2 1 Total Number of Buildings l, I I certil?v that] am a Registered Architect or Professional Engineer? licensed to practice by and in good standing with the New York State Dcpanment of Education. As such, I certify to the truth ofthe following in connection with the above pending application for 421-:1 Partial Tax Exemption: l. i am the architect or engineer forthe above Project. The annexed Plans, each page ofwhich is initialed and dated by me a ofthis date, are a true copy of the rnost recent plans approved by the New York City Department ofBuil "s (hereinafter. ?Plans?). 2. The calculations on the follow-in 5 conseCUtively numbered pages ofthe following schedule, are a true and accurate effort of the layout and dimensions ofthe Plans. The room count and dwelling unit count as shown on the schedule are in compliance with Chapter 6 of Title 28 ofthe Rules ofthe City ofNew York (?4214 The calculations of the Residential and Non A gregnte Floor Area prepared In accordance with the guidelines desc 'bed in the 42 l-a Rules' and tl'Icguidnns pi?ijided in the Pit-ferment: :u1d Development's Frequently Asked bJ latesr edition ot'Depn emf-i 11 Questions; dated ?t . For purposes of this certi?cation, rooms shall be counted in aceurdance with 25 RCl?yu'Y lie-l: ".Rpcri?ii' Count shall be calculated in the following manner: Each dwelling unit with at least either ti} conelins no cooking facilities and measures at least one hundred and ?fty (150] squ?erefeff?it?r (ii) contains cooking facilitiee and mats-arcs at least two hundred and ?iirty mm] square feet. shall count :13 two and one-half rooms. Every other room in the dwelling unit Separated by either walls or doors. including bedrooms, shell count as an additional room. plus tine-hull" room t'nra balcony. provided. however. that kitchens. cooking facilities. bathrooms or corridors shall not count as an additional room. To be included in the calculation ol'"rnern count.? .1 more must meet the requirements ot'habitahility as provided in Administrative Code 27-746 and 27-75 1. EFnr purposes er" this certi?cation. Aggregnte Floor Area shall be measured in accordance with as [it?ll ?Aggregate l-?loor Area" shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal mete: ol'all of'the ?oor: at a dwelling or dwellings and structures on a lot measured from the exterior feet-s ol? exterior walls or from the center line of party walls. of: (rev. 1 i I make these stateman to induce the Department of Housing Presewaiion and Davelopment of the'City of New York to gram. :1 partial tax exemplien pursuant to Scetjun 42I-a of the New York Stale Real Property Tax Law. l-ldi and 1-245.l ol'thc Administrarive Code arch: City arNew Yuri-L. and the 421-3 Rules. I know that the of Housing and Development will rely un [he vmacity ofthese in granting tax. exemplion. I certify 111:: above Statements an: true and turned tn the best of my knowledge. under penalty Sworn to me this day of 200_ Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds ,4 I A If.) Dated? . . Seal l? RA or . v? .r L_?vl" . J. Amhitec: (Engineer Signature Jiyxw {is n: AHF Business Nam: {mum PM Jurmccegg/ In How Business Address Silo 3:327 085! 20f; (rev. 6/17/04) Tht': City of New Dtpahmcm of Housing-Prnerva?ou and Development 421AE'Par?al m: Exemgtion Program 100 Gdid Stat, 95': Floor, New York, NY I121 - 111C: 5 STEM-1. Re: Lav?? i557 Cica?u?r MfH?w I. Block: 5% Lats: 213,. I, @111 Z?mbrog?t}, arch-.2: for its Eben: pro-ram: tamby certify is! the plans? subz??cd ??7.72 apgli?a?o: 2e gm: capigs' c5211: plans submitted to and '23- :hc NFC Saga-2:1; A?iz' archite'cts seal below l. .. . 1/ Architects Signature A THEONYOPNEWYORK Dom? DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION DEVELOPMENT 421?3 TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM Date of 100 GOLD STREET. 1=1 FLOOR, SECTION submitral to NEW YORK, NY 10038 ARCH. Div: (212) 863-5421f5883/5884/5885 I AGGREGATE FLOOR AREA AND COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY FACELITY AND ACCESSORY USE AREA REPORT This form must besigned, dateiand notarized Property address: I DE If Blodc 2] Lotls: I hereby certify the following areas in the above premises are located and more as follows: The aggregate ?oor area Ofth building/s applying for 421-a bene?ts is sq. ft. Hote: Please imitate the ?oor by ?oorhrzatzdovm of ?reaggregam ?oor area on the reverse side ofthis form arm a sepamiesheet attached tub-its ton-n. will be re?ned if?m level by towel breakdown is omitted. See Chapter 6, Section 6-01 ofthe 421-3 Rnle's for?te de?nitions Maggregate ?oorarea and commercial, community and accessory use space. MED AC CESEOFY USE SPACE 1 MUST BE LISTED THE BOX Location (Le. basement. cellar? ?r'J TOTAL: Commenjal. etc. area in 215555 of12%: Note: Be: the Zoning Resolution [Article 1, Chapter?] for de?nitions of commercial, community facility, and acmsoty use Space Typical example-.3 on: retail stuns, professional af?cm. community recreation rooms, pools, exercse moms and storage space Plans outlining this space report. All indoor martian totaled not more than 23195: above curb level should not be counted as 1121-; amow use sauce. I . . . Name of ardirtect or applicant WI Zn tr: I. skiff. HERE A - r' In) 3? Signature of architect or applicant i Date: - Sworn to before me this Day of 19 14-37::- h. I 006 THE ClT?r? OF NEW YORK OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 421?3. PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM GOLD STREET SECTION lF NEW YORK NY 10038 (212) SCHEDULE OF INITIAL RENTS Address: m??-?4Kl {m 1; Nu! I .- Docket 5 (93/ Prim- the ?suancc in" :1 Ccr??ule urEllgibllity HPD mun determim: initial adjusted rent for the building and the :nillal adjusmd rant room {sec Sec. 6-04 arthe 421-2 Rul?s'l. Owners buildings must inscn in every lease a notice to the tenant that a 2.2% increase may be charged in addition to the run: increass approved by the New York City' Rant Guideline: Board. All dwelling uniu; located in 431-3 buildings are subject to rent stablliutinn for Lhr: 13': bcnx?l ptn'od; and all imas must contain a notice in at least 12 point type informing U1: tenant the deregulatinn date of the unit covered by the lame; List in formation for up: rrnrenr :mcl pro?d: totals for columns I, 3 and 4 This form may be reproduced as lung 25 it provides the samr: information requested below. 1 2 3 4 Rant G-C 1?642-00 29007.00 2?007-00 l?642?00 2:007-00 2?007-00 1. 11,312-00l THIS IS FOR DWELLINCS (NOT LESS THAN (3) DWELIJNG UNITS) THAT NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 31, 20.03, BESURE To ANSWTEHI AND PLACE A CHECKMARKDY THE APPROPRIATE BOXESCONTACT \lH?gG?q I ADDRESS 3; ZIP 7H F?li'?tif? r111 "Diff?RI (ELI :1 VI I TELEPHONE if} 761; FAX 7: M: 7'3 PROJECT INFORMATION: BOROUGH COMMUNITY BOARD EXISTING ZONING: 'l BLOCK . I-?s I. FORMER IF MERGED OR APPORTIONED jg PLOT DIMENTIONS LAND AREA IN SOFT ADDRESS OF PREMISES: . I 3 I fii'llr'lg-CIIH ti'r'ljl?i?a SITE NAME (IF APPLICABLE) ATTACH MAP THE PROPERTY OBTAIN FROM. SURVEY SECTION OF THE OF PROPERTY DIVISION NUMBER OF: 1 STORIES: L3 1; STUDIOS: 5 ONE BEDROOMS: It! TWO BEDROOMS: .g THREE BEDROOMS: FOUR BEDROOMS: FIVE BEDROOMS: OTHER: '0 TOTAL NUMBER OF ZONING ROOMS: TOTAL NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS: PLEASE CHECK: RENTAL I I CONDO I 1 LIST AND DESCRIBE ALL SPACE AND WHERE LOCATED (Attach sheets. ifneccssary) .- FLOORS: BASEMENT: CELLARS: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE OF PROJECT: WILL AIR RIGHTS BE YES I I NO IF YES. OVER AIR RIGHTS LOTE SITE ELIGIBILITY: INDICATE THE CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT SITE (AS OF 36 MONTHS PRIOR TO 0F SECTION 6-02 (F) (3) VACANT YES Ivf' NO I I PREDOMINANTLY VACANT YES I NO I11 UNDERUTILIZED YES FUNCTIONALLY OR ECONOMICALLY OBSOLETE YES I 1 NO DOES THIS PROJECT CONTAIN MORE THAN 20 DWELLING YES I NO IF YES. ANSWER AND 3(a) WERE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ON THE LAND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE START OF YES I I No [4 DOES THE NEW BUILDING CONTAIN AT LEAST FIVE DWELLING UNITS FOR EACH DEMOLISHED DWELLING UNIT IN EXISTENCE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR [If UNITS: I INDICATE THE NUMBER OF DEMOLISHED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS: IA 4- OTHER STANDARDS FOR REVIEW: (3) (8) IS THE NEW DWELLING LOCATED IN THE 42I?a EXCLUSION IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN I. NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION (MFA) OR AN AREA ELIGIBLE FOP. MORTGAGE INSURANCE PROVIDED BY THE REHABILITATION MORTGAGE INSURANCE CORPOPG-ITION NPP AREA REMIC AREA IS THIS PROJ EU IIEING CONSTRUCTED WITH SUBSTANTIAL GOVERNMENTAL PLEASE EXPLAIN AND PROVIDE A OF THE REGULATORY AGREEMENT. AGREEMENT. LOWER INCOME HOUSING PLAN. CONTRACT, ETC. ARE NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES BEING USED TO QUALIFY A PROJECT LOCATED IN THE 42jl-a GEOGRAPHIC EXCLUSION IF YES. FIT-TACH A COPY OF THE 42I-a AFFORDABLE HOUSING WRII ICN AGREEMENT. I WILL THIS PROJECT OR ANY PART OF THIS PROJECT BE RECEIVING TAX EXEMPTION 0R TAX ABATEMENT UNDER ANY OTHER PROVISION OF STATE OR LOCAL IF YES. PLEASE EXPLAIN: WAS THIS PROJECT SITE MAPPED AS A PUBLIC PARK OR UTILIZED FOR l0 OR MORE CONSECUTIVE YEARS AS A PRIVATE PARK IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO OCTOBER I. 197 I WILL ANY PART OF THIS PROJECT BE, USED AS A TRANSIENT APARTMENT HOTEL OR SINGLE ROOM DOES THIS PROJECT CONTAIN MORE THAN 100 DWELLING (SEE BELOW NOTATION) INDICATE NUMBER OF ONE BEDROOMS INDICATE NUMBER OF Two BEDROOMS HAS THE OWNER APPLIED FOR DR RECEIVED A RESERVATION FOR LOW INCOME HOUSING CREDITS FROM A HOUSING CREDIT AGENCY (DHCR or Nata: 12:15: moms?, and 2th? 15%; ?fth: unit: must tannin YES YES [1 Page 3 orFor prnjects a?plying far 421-3 bene?ts, 10% of like units must cunmin at at last 31": Inning won-I5. See section of the-4214 rules for (331.335. This requirement may he Waived, if the project provides housing excl?s?rveb' for the elder-I3- Tao 5393? CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF. HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 42.14:! EXEMPTION PROGRAM 100 GOLD SECTION F, FIRST FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10038 AFFIDAVIT STATE OFNEWYORK 1 i: SS. COUNTY or .2. Ax LE ??lmiimdg WEN. d'd 5) Blockf 5q%? 'a res Lab's 343 @2318 and Inakc this af?davit in ofthe closts submitted to the . am the applicant Ofrccord ?fths project make. these to indum? the City ochw York to grant panial tax bene?ts and know that City oquw Y?rk 'wjll My on the veracity ofsuch statements in granting 42I-a Partial Tax Ekam?tion [Jenni-?ts. Sworn this [notary I signature um 004 (303sz 421-21 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COSTS Address of Project: ?filil??hb?r Block: Lousnlg I 1. LAND ACQUISITION (ATTACH DEED) a) Purchase Price (attach contract of sale or closing statement) 5 b) Appraisal (If required-Tsee 421-2 Rules 6-05 (1) a) (A) 19? 65053 c) Ground Lease (for months) cl) Relocation and other expenses e) Air Rights 1) Other (please specify): CONSTRUCTION COSTS a) Demolition and Site Clearance Costs - b) Abnormal Foundations Conditions c) Hard Construction Costs (attach itemization to erect bldg/s) i 95% 00> d) Lawn/Plantings e) Roads/Walkways f) Site Work 9) Other (please specify) PROFIT PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER FEES a) Architect?s Fee 5 ll: [Cu-.3 I b) Engineer?s lnspection fee c) Laboratory Fees cl) Soil Investigation e) Preliminary Surveys 5 85,01 ?5?in Steam - f) Project supervision fee 9) Legal fees l1) Environmental Suweys?em? i) Controlled Inspection Fee' Accounting fees k) Consultant fees l) Appraisal fees 421-a Partial Tax Exemption Filing Fee n) Cost of 421-3 Negotiable Certi?cates (Purchase price only, include copy of contract of sale) MARKETING EXPENSES a) Commissions/Sales Expenses 13) Advertising c) Other (please specify) FINANCING AND OTHER CHARGES a) Interest Loan Fee 5 b) Rent-up lnterest c) Real Estate QTaxes d) Rent?up Real Esrate Taxes ording Expenses lnsumnce (?te?iability) Specify) O-C ?115'51 65:000-00 1 11432.. (:59 550:000-00 24,500'00 45159-00 3T COST 5 6451659-00 USE ONLY HPD - OFFICE OI- SECTION 11 VOLUME 8 IN BROOKLYN BLOCK 3431 LOT 28 EASE SCC 5 PROPERTY LOCATION: DECATUR STREET DEED DATE RETURN NO SIG AV TOTAL CONSIDERATION 311/19/01 362,613 1,292 10,000 JUAN B. ROLON JR. SONIA LUGO 02/28/00 17,168 I 1,152 0 SONIA LUGO BY THE SHERIF JUAN ROLON JR 12/28/77 495 I 4,000 5,000 MATTA FILIPPAZZO FERNANDO ROS HIT PF9 KEY FOR DETAIL SCREENS HIT PF7 KEY FOR NEXT LOT PAGE 1 we CITY OF mm name-m uopsm; ?lm) In}; Jarceawmf??uelj? 2.. 100 GOLD ism may Ice-it, 10035 1 3.1.13 see?54:1 eerie: Use 0551 2131? ?51 '1 Hm (3051' mat-m I'l'El?l - OF Excavatiun . . 3 Concrete structure]. . -. ?1 Concrete therirvr ?atworms; Lever}: 3 $750 - 7 EH .C-D 110:0 Structural Steel 0m Misc. Ornamental Iron - - heme 3 up Rough CE - -Fini5h Carpentry - Windows 5 Glazing I Need (lo-arse Metal [tn-3:5 r44 BSD . Finish 1?4?5??5 I Carat-"Lit: Tile, . :Vhl-I ha Rocfin: Leaders 5 Munimm, Insulation Painting .5 Decorating Kitchen Cabinets Entrance a Lethe Doc-:5 Elevators Compactors. refuse chute - I Heatinq and Ventilatinn hi: Ccn?itioninn letisim +55% ark-La" Intercoms Heft-i erators hail Boxes 5: Merck?ere He?icine Cabinets, I-iirr' 'anitiee - Planting. Fencin: .5 Site Hark El".in Guard Serurity? Gates . General 'Icnditions: 10mrs$55.30! see. 2 of the Estgnered?fmw "Residential Structurey'?ne H'eg [-h'nh this figureforward to Section sheets, elognent Cost and @pitizl to the appropriate . 8 ?Ck Duo 0? 5h ?Iudr Cfllu-I 14-14 I mun . uhiu nv I-nI-Uni. Emsus Int: Quay; 5131-? ELL. klarrucnm; .Jw;w.m Fizfl: MAW Man 1:339 . a; rm: _1 12]? Danni; Miami; P15 . 106 d-?ilf?? =3ch I51, Hm: harming . . Jam: {:25 32C ?aw gr? 2- 35173: -- am? 25* [muff-mm 5mm 3W "Ms ?hm: time-.1: :9 Saints . muer . amrnf. Harm.er FanL'eu'es Adequacy a! lair-:25 CanM'biw $5053 a: Mart-,1 Ccnm?au Show-Lax; Moauacy ct Hm:th [tom Baum-rm} 0mm P-J?ce Ha Fa'e mpctiau Gena?! Manama ofl'mem? FM .. 'itll?. a "rm may; Proximily. 91c PW?t1ym?11l cen'rc? nmm. a In?. . 5: . Pam: Im movements tum la an! swim: In mm; mgula?ms Tar: Lave-4 Erchdamyiac manage Amy?an 1 i :Ef?hzriln Irwo'dini??m? Km Vu' "x rah?. 4f Edger: h? err: mm of me . . .if. gmmerciai ?hm $5 has mam-J hm Fl 31:: mm mm The tin-:1th hour; 1 an: 91d ctr-runni?a. If a. rm #1 me magma {arm-?y 'n rupria ?an an (mm-Au: in may tv: or Ian Emu-a} [ammo ?n mm? 94 ma - E?s. ?J-t-lSA?m: 1 1:30:00 _4 Ammo": min-EM . 33.2-53.3. 4.00.0 '74: Gpmm'fujl Hons: Hnnu Hm T. a 4.. ,r5 As ?pm-d jpc?__ . I Mt wuul, Af- anlNEh. or SLIEJHI m- ?gums-E1 .Eig' '1 In Tm: nuimr'p: November 19 flit! .137: fit-'2 L- 9?1 . . .1: ?aw: Slew I DIGITAL :zeased demann for EDI TransmLasicn 251$ :iqinel digital signatures.The55 lay protunter security acceas codea 1 0y a3? majoz lenders and appraisal gun a; 2; upon the obso?escence is genexally .ai?n suffer from Simila: to estimate the Certification 5' - . vaJue oi -auivw-nt a: c: of an estimated market Value . 2e; the pinblem was defined and the nhvsically inspected on the exterior rl - :ad from several sources, including a Hers, Mnlt'plo Ljsning Service? and 'vi Swift Residentiai Cost ?andbbok :9 used as a guide in estimating lalyzud and reconciled a3 Shawn in 3? was planner, .P, rio:.aa . ;ouu Huli ma GIGS '9 1 estimated is based on the negatively affected by the . 1w:- 1: Le appraise: is not an expert in the Lung or detgimental conditions. The and inquiries about the subject -ation that indicated any apparent cetrimental conditions which would . 33 stated in this report. ens made a qualified hazardous wculd reveal the existence of conditimns on or around the ats value and 5uuh tn?tn or .923 5c the posa?ble chi: ance and enVi: fuzkher certifinn that: cp rt? 'ii?orm Standards of Prnfessional 3E i aha Appraisal Standards Boar? in .at the Departure Provision of the 2. My :nmpensation :5 a . 2nt upcn aha reporting of a I. i .1 Lin: L: Lit. the attainment of a a snbnequenc event. based on a requested minimum valuation, or the appzuval of a Fifth TAB-G I5: mi? ws' '31: mm by I la mode. 15141 :17 155%?! )X-cx-ruaz FEB-111: hm -. ?lrmr?' "1m; 1523? Sublent Front 1355-57 Decatur St sass ?In: 68A: 2.088 Agra: 63 Ym EH15 Sukkot Strut InmPiL?axS "Ir: Arm-x mu! mam? dH?dl?ldb 13-1-43 Comparable Photo Page . (215/06 imam [Du-meri- SonioLugo . mm ggqg_ 1355-5? DecaluLSt Brooklyn Lunar-r MA 0010!! 1.800-051? Comparable 1 1086 Hancock St Sales Price: Age: 93.000 Comparable 2 112 Cornelia St Sales Price: GER 092: 40,000 Comparable 3 1164 Greene Ave Sales Pn'ce: 70.000 GBA: Age: 557?. ?6325.03 W. m: uppralsr-i so1rware by a la mode, inc. PEN-FLRMODE Location Map Burl-wan?" Own-3!; - Eur-r1 uga . Erwin-1m. .9961?? 5159.5: Lead-1r MIA . __31a1eupJul-'1 1'21: may cm?mwj: mm: its-.1 me swam warm me. an: Ina-n man: 4 1:4 :msmaratar. 2-9. 25:. rcnwasw. mama 12:5 haw. n: 55 if r. signdm Ram in a cmnpamrJr. mm a v- uric-.- mic: u? amamth am. 51.1 sfcri?rca 51mm! Meme the Mashed 51:55am?! m. Hem- ma: sales of -. ?rs mas! 31ml}? k: :m :1er .. mam-Au mm the madual reac?on t? rm:- :lems swam": tr. or mane imam can. the. nature: macaw. Luv: mm a mum xipismm mm: 1- 5- 354.15}: men"; a Emer-n.? lc. or ?955 farawa- than in abject woman. I mad: .4 L. v. runa: the! :wc 3-. rr- at u: c.2252 ir- my ci asa'matc of mm val! in wrgaica': rsps?, I hm .4 rag-ca: alrne My; {a :he has: my mm at! sister-um in the .4 W, .l .3.er zlec- ms awa?m Hip-7d quay my 5w: puma: rm! autism-me! 3.4113359. opinions. U-d ammo-m. Mich .2-2 subleci my be cc-?mam as: iml-? nuns 5115:1in ?utierm . 1 - new a: nit-ms! in n, raf?mrf?; an thv. I ma mi a; Mama sex 27m: a .5 :ms fr; mama chaunp?JM lumre ?1155: :he ?310 I: my cum! Mm. emf. pm: m: townsa?en 10: Mom?!) $510.: awn-1:: wine a? mime. ,1 {And-elanmted 1e Cm w: sumac: c4 ?was m: mac 9? the grim! w: any Leia-'31 5351): it?? mm ?lm: 555m, gm: we: 1: rat-cam n-y um: unabym? !or 931104?an Ihe mm! .: We met! a mud: mating: Ina: 3 Ar. matte ?at war-e and wmuipam by mu Am: yandl?mud. - . mit'cnaunr .r swam yr! r- up. W: Fi?-113$ l- 'Gfma II r3. Ina'rs mm 0! its asp-Eta! I my 11:11 my mm so mad rs gum: M?ocm 'tc'efar :m urw?horiw?i Emmy: in mm. In amp-:1 mm, 5 #41 we 3. SHPEHVISHHY . 9.1ansz m: ?9:13:35. . . [only If required}: seamm Flam - .6 a 5412!: Howe 9: Exciumn 022,-. i (L. :fical-?m at LEW: 0?1! Nul mspecl new}! nag?: 25:2 Fm. Mu Faun 19048 I .v 'm 5-869 ALAMDDE REG 1 I i I I THE cm' or- r~:Ew mm: DEPARTMENT OF: HDUSWG PRESERVATION DEVELOPMENT PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION GOLD STREET. Fmon, SEmiUm NEW YORK, Irma (212) START 6F CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT Th: rjnle Uf is a wary impurfanl rials!- l'ur H'rc u! dEI-n brawls. Hm? llu: pqucl :Eqrml wmbuc?prn within t1": stuiulmy dale nn:r Uu: min.- tarry-1w fur Ule?cl?ng 0F [he "uIiI?Ii-Iax" whirl: mus! he pit-lid timing nr1:' {lu- m. 15. 20. Hiya-1:5 fullnwing U1: rumpftiivn a! roushucliun. The Ineluw n??rdavit mug! he by Hit: nrthilecl In: pm- J-sd and whmifled lo HFD wiLi- 'lEI-a aprIJicniirgn. 1. 2N0 hereby [hat the installatioh of initial foam gs and found [ft-r15 Hm above pmj'ecl wer'e' oh: 157:1 I will?!) I J: Li f" DJ ('Nnia'rjl or Seal Signature or Engineer I 3.51)] Yamiemm 7 . .m?iccf??g? Ad ress 1 It?ng 095mm, 2m lafLL 'Fel?epimne' Uni-Y. minim] Fhffi?r' MOSESON 8. ASSOCIATES 769 Empire Avenue Far Rockaway. NY 11691 Telephone (718) 327-5779 Fax (718) 327-573? July 13, 2005 The City of New York 1 Department of Housing Presen'ation and Development Partial tax Exemption Program 100 Gold Street, 9st Floor, UV New York, NY 10038 Re: 1355, 1357 Decatur Street Brooklyn, NY Block: 3431 Lot: 28, 128 whom it may concern; Please be advised that the architect for the above referenced property does not keep the PW1 ?s or the PW2 a?er he ill-:9 them. The owner ofth properties was not given the forms either so we have no choice but to prim the Work Permit Application from the internet web site NYCGOV Please continue to process this application. Sincerely, in il i?eem_ tuda f?i'lnsesnn ?rr Pennit History Page 1 of BIS Menu Application Data I Permits I Permit History 1 Back FAQs Glossary Jan18.2006 EBUILDINGS always open NYC Department of Permit History Premlses: 1355 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 38.5.2333: Block: 3431 Lot: 128 PERMIT INFORMATION PMT NUMBER SUB SEQ ISSUE EXPIRATION STATUS TYPE 301?0152?l?? 0'1 0112212004 0212212004 - ISSUED THEODORE WAGNER mamgz-m-Ne 02 0311012004 0212212005 - ISSUED THEODORE WAGNER 03 0312312005 0412612005 - REISSUED SIXTO GAVILANES If you have any questions please review these Mega Qgestlong. the Glossary. or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City. al? Mm I AM Benoit; I Permit H'storv I Beet Degnment of Pag - mggov Homefjgg - Mayo?rem City Aggng'ee - ?aw?Ice; - I\I_ews - gjly Life - Contactjg Search hrtn-Il'nR I 0-hisweh 1/18/2006 I t-?i-G - Hanoaoa I dO BBNOISSIWWOO W, - . ?m 3001:: 1mm SBIHOLS SBNITEMCI @14me mm mm asn WW .LOIHJBIG wuoads reg? BNINOZ mama xuom Jim-'7 mam? Iva/mm 'sauldxa rW aanssummr - - I JO - ?3 1 1L 9003/83/20 Xb'd (50/095210 SGNEIMEEM 19 SLHBIN 1" I, HQHOHOS HENOISSIWWOO ?W?m VBHV 8001:! - n1 SEIHOLS I SONITEIMCI HIKE 33m 380 mam-u we: .LOIHLSICI wuoads DNINOZ HHOM MEN 1?07: L/c maaums mrJEu?Est 1 50/32/30 sawdxa vomr/Eo 03n33 m ilwaad HHOAA Application Data http://a8 lO-bisweb.nyc. gov/bisweb? 16801 . BIS Menu Info Search Application Data Back FAQs Glossary Mar23, 2005 NYC Department of Buildings Application Data Premises: 1355 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN Filed At: 1355 DECATUR STREET Job No: 301680152 Document: 01 0F 1 Job Type: NB NEW emf; BIN: 3552533 Block: 3431 Lot: 23 items Regurretl Plumbing lgeg LicolPlans Hecewcd SuneduicA 1? Sulrudulu AllPermits ?DocumentOverview Plan Exam Overview Fee Accounting Overview cm A Ilcation Summer JOB PROFESSIONALLY CERTIFIED Location: Block: Lot(s): BIN: 1m 304 Apt No: Use: 1.2.3 FAMILY SPECIFIC FLOORS: CEL 001 002 003 000 000 Work Types Submitted: PL-EQ-CC-OT Applicant: Zembrano Willy Phone: 516-327-0351 AHF Architects, LLC 1981 Marcus Avenue. Lake Success, NY 11042 Prof Title: RA Lic No: 27030 Filing Representative: Zambrano Willy Phone: 516-327-0851 AHF Architects, LLC 1981 Marcus Avenue, Lake Succeszs. NY 11042 0T DESCRIPTION: GEN CONST Pre-Filed: 1210912003 Date Filed: Last Action: 03f23f2005 (R) Fees: STANDARD Estimated Total Cost: $0.00 Additional Considerations: Directive 14: Old Code: Quality Housing: Site Safety: Zoning: Landmark: LL5: LL16: Single Room Occup.: Loft Review: 1191mm 10'93 Al Application Data . Declaration: Page: Reel: Little Restrictions: NIA Curb Cut Description: CC Linear Footage: 10 (2) 1'6 splays distant 264'-8? on the west side of Decatur Street and south of corner of Decatur street and Irving Ave. Construction Equipment: FENCE CONST MATERIAL: Wood Plans SubmittedZoning Dist: R6 Map No.: 017G Occupancy Classification?t PROPOSED: MULT DWELL: HAEA a Construction Classification: PROP COMB: 2-B Building Dimension: No. Stories: 3 Street Frontage: Height: 27 Dwelling Units: 3 Total Gross Area 01? Building: 4,400 Sq. Ft. FllI: OFFSITE Site Area Characteristics: FIRE DIST. Open Spaces: Plaza: Arcade: Parking: 200 Sq. Ft Loading Berths: Parking Spaces: 1 Loading Berths: Fire Protection Equipment: SD: SP: FA: Mates and Bounds: Street Status: PUBLIC - LEGAL WIDTH 60 Beginning at a point on the WEST side of Decatur Street Dlstant 264.66 Ft. SOUTH of the corner formed by the intersection of Decatur Street and Irving Avenue RUNNING THENCE 100 FT. THENCE 20 FT. RUNNING THENCE 100 FT. THENCE 20 FT. ULT. NO. OF STORIES 3 Owner: INDIVIDUAL Non-Profit Flag: Luge Sonia Owner 1651 Welr?eld Street 917 771 - 3907 3f23l2005 10:28 Schedule A Occupancy Use Data Menu Info Search Application Data SchedA Back NYC Department of Buildings Schedule Occupancy I Use Data Premises: 1355 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN Job No: 301680152 . NO. PERS Doc. D1 . . FRM-TO CEL - PROPOSED OSP PROPOSED 06 001 - PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED LIVE I, LOAD HABIT ROOMS 0.93 GRP ZONE unins- 06 8-2 2 FAQs Glossary Mar 23. 2005 9 always open BIN: 3652883 Block: 3431 Lot: 28 Job Type: NB NEW BUILDING DESCRIPTION Open Cellar, accessory use Boiler Rm. 1 car open space Class Apt. Class Apt Class Apt. BIS Menu Info Search Application Data SchedA Back De artment of Buildln Home Pa 9 - NYC.gov Home Page Mayor?s Of?ce Cm Agencies - Services News and Features gt} Life - Contact Us - Search 1/71/7?n5 IGOR A Pro?le Overview Page 1 of I BIS Menu '1 Info Search 1 Property Profile Bank FAQS i Glossary Mar 212005 1? I EBUILDINGS WEE: NYC Department of Buildings Property Profile Overview BIN 3000000 THUS WORK WITH BIN BELOW 1355 QECATHR STREET BROOKLYN 41233" 3852883 DEC AT STREET 1355 -1357 Health Area .35 re: Block :3431h. Census Tract 409 Tax Lot 25 Community Board 304 Condo NO Buildings on Lot :0 Vacant YES View All Browse Block Browse Lot View Certi?cates of Occup: DOB Special Place Name: DOB Buildan Remarks: BLOCK 3431 Landmark Status: Special Status: NIA Loft Law: NO Local Law: NO SRO Restricted: NO TA Restricted: NO UB Restricted: N0 Special District: NIA Little Restricted: Grandfatheretl Sign: NO Legal Adult Use: NO City Owned: NO Historic Block: 3431 Historic Lots: 128 Other Ble: NONE Department of Finance Occupancy Code: Please Note: The Department 0! Finance's building classi?cation information shows a building?s tax status, which may not be the same as 0' the structure. To determine the legal use of a structure. research the records of the Department of Total open Elq'vatol? Records Complaints 0 Eleictn'cal (BEG) Applications Violations-DOB 0 Peimits ln-Process I issued ?Nations-E68 0 0 Illuminated Signs?Annual . . Inspections AgbsIFH-ngs 2 Facade Statuslnformattqn PRA I ARA Jobs 0 Marquee Annual Permits Total Jobs 2 Boiler Compliance Total Actions 0 lf you have any questions please review these Frequently Asked, Questions, the Glossary, or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City. erertmentci Buildings Home Page - him-gov Home Page Mayor's Of?ce Agencies Services - News and. Features. .0in Lite Contact Us. Search ?LvH-n- H419 1 Ink-u yak v-u In rrn'l Ink us Page 1 of 1 BIS Menu Application Data Permits Back FAQs Glossary Jan 18.2006 olwo; Cg; NYC Department of Buildings Issued and Possible Permits Premises: 1357 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN Job No.: 301680143 Job Type: NB - NEW BUILDING PERMIT INFORMATION HISTORY ISSUE N0 DATE DATE -NB Hiitgw 04 012212004 0412212005 ISSUED GAVILIANE WU Diem 04 0112212004 041222005 ISSUED GAVILIANE anaemia-DEL 01 02/06/2004 02l06l2004 ISSUED WAGNER If you have any questions please review these the Gleam. or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York Clty. 115?13an garment of Page N_YC_,goy Home Page - Mayo?g Office 3.951131% - News end Features City Life - gontact Us_ - Search htm:/l281 1/18/2006 Jul A smaxz?smazsmem AVG wreatkwa 12 05 03:14p 0? VEHV 1VJ.O.L saeaors SONITIEMCI 38? NINOZ ?l?v?lOEdS ?v 5mm saw: ?333.13 wnwaau 1.5a; f-Iil'rli'; . i Lsaaldxa [?y/90730? Gan33 ?rfmr 5 "la ""85 6736805 gammy; sawmama . 1 IN. If; In". 4 Len-1mm iv 54:! HNEN - SNI ETqu E'o7I?I7efr JESSIE GanSS wmrNI 50/90/20 r- - inn;_" - 330m VSHV 5? 380 NINOZ HHOM EICI 3:1? - J_u LL 1 05 03:14p 8738805 F. b- - d0 dip-5.." Sip-?31m . AVG ?35:11u-H?xj .. . -. AL- vow?"mu VEHV WVLOL SEHHOJS 313813 gamma/ma mm mm asn - laggism a HCJNIIEI a amamalh?y Morgana-?sh: 5343*: Mao,? I i m'm ?Wz Immom? saaldxg 507337;?" ilwaad 7 ?157 ~05 12 05 [.132 45" 6736805 P- Application Data ln?F?l BIS Menu Search Application Data Back http://aS 16801 .. FAQs Glossary Mar 23. 2005 .1). [gov always open NYC Department of Buildings Application Data Premises: 1357 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN Job No: 301680143 Document: 01 OF 1 Filed At: 1357 DECATUR STREET Job Type: NB NEW BUILDING 31141351033? Block: 3431 Lotzza items Required Plumbing 1:153 DoclPIans Received Schedule-A I All Permits Document Duorvtew Plan Exam Overview I Feel Accountino Overview Bio Application Summa? JOB PROFESSIONALLY CERTIFIED Location: Block: 3431 Lotls): 28 BIN: 3810837 304 Apt No: Use: 1.2.3 FAMILY SPECIFIC FLOORS: CEL 001 002 003 000 000 Work Types Submitted: Applicant: Zambrano Willy Phone: 516-327-0851 AHF Architects, LLC 1981 Marcus Avenue. Lake Succass. NY 11042 Prof Title: RA No: 27030 Filing Representative: Zambrano. Wily Phone: 516-327-0851 AHF Architects. LLC 1981 Marcus Avanua. Lake Success. NY 11042 01' DESCRIPTION: GEN CONST Pre?Flled: 121092003 Date Filed: 1210:2003 Last Action: PERMIT-ENTIRE 03.932005 (R) Fees: STANDARD Estimated Total Cost: $0.00 Additional Conslderations: Directive 14: Old Code: Quality Housing: Site Safety: In?ll Zoning: Landmark: LL5: LL16: Single Room Occup.: Loft Revlew: Applicaljon Data 1 Declaration: Page: Reel: Little Restrictions: NIA Curb Cut Description: CC Linear Footage: 1O (2) 1'6 splays distant on the west side of Decatur Street and south of corner of Decatur street and Irving Ave. Construction Equipment: FENCE CONST MATERIAL: Wood Plans SubmittedZoning Dist: R6 Map No.: 017C Occupancy Classi?cation: PROPOSED: J-2 MULT DWELL: HAEA Construction Classification: PROP COMB: 2&8 Building Dimension: No. Stories: 3 Street Frontage: Height: 27 DWelling Units: 3 Total Gross Area of Building: 4,400 Sq. Ft. Fill: OFFSITE Site Area Characteristics: FIRE DIST. Open Spaces: Plaza: Arcade: Parking: 200 Sq. Ft. Loading Bertha: Parking Spaces: 1 Loading Berths: Fire Protection Equipment: SD: SP: FA: Metes and Bounds: Street Status: PUBLIC - LEGAL WIDTH 60 Beginning at a point on the WEST side of Decatur Street Distant 284.66 Ft. SOUTH of the corner formed by the intersection of Decatur Street and Irving AVenue RUNNING THENCEW 100 THENCE 20 FT. RUNNING THENCE 100 FT. THENCE 20 FT. ULT. NO. OF STORIES 3 Owner: INDIVIDUAL Non-Pro?t Flag: Lugo Sonia Owner 1651 Weir?eld Street 917 771 - 3907 a Il?qf'Jan Iii-'10 A Application Data lO-biswcb.nyc Ridgewood NY 11385 OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATION: OCCUPANCY NOTIFICATION: Comments: heresy state the1 I have exermsw a prolesalonel eturtdard ul new If! usurime that "It! [lieu applicant.? is and in v.1: -. applicants laws as at {11:5 date I am aware the Ccmmiesmnar mil rul?,? upon mt: truth and accuracy at this stratum-5111 It :5 I agree to Itotlly the owner 0? lhe remedial measures. Mulch must be taken to meet Department or requlremenra I ILIFt?rer realize lltEl'l any misrepreauntetrpn ur taiellrcatumt law; made Itmwangly or negligeni'y by mu, my agent's nr urmilpynes or, admtranally try enters with my knowledge will render me liable for legal and action by 2hr.- at Emitting-F. and nine: authorities. Including termmamn at parucrpnuon In the Proteasmnul Cerb?cauon Program at the Department of Bu?dings. Items Rguired Plumbing DocIPlans Re ived ScheduleA ScheduIeB All Permits Document Overview Elan Egarn Oveglawl Fee ccountln Overview] CIOA Ilcation Summar If you have any questions please review these Fre uan Asked Questions, the Glossary, or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City. BIS Ma_ng Info Search Application Data Back De rtment of Buildin a Home Pa 9 NYC.gov Home Page Mayor's O?ice City Agencies - Services I News and Features Cm Lif Contact Us - Search 0-91 amnnm A Schedule A Occupancy Use Data BIS Menu info Search Application Data SchedA 1 Back FAQs Glossary Mar 23. 2005 always open NYC Department of Buildings Schedule Occupancy I Use Data Premises: 1357 DECATUR STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 3810837 Block: 3431 Lot: 25 Job No: 301680143 Doc. 01 Job Type: NB NEW BUILDING - - FLOORSUHW snore, a -. HABIT . . . . . .- -. UNITS. ZQNEPERS LOAD ROOMS GRP USE CEL - PROPOSED 06 3-2 2 Open Cellarr accessory use Boiler Rm. OSP - PROPOSED 06 3-2 2 1 car open space 001 - PROPOSED 4O 3 J-2 1 2 Class Apt. 002 - PROPOSED 40 4 J-2 1 2 Class Apt. 003 - PROPOSED 40 4 J-2 1 2 Class Apt. If you have any questions please review these Fr uentl Asked Questions. the Glossary, or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City. BIS Menu Info Search Application Data SchedA Back De artment of Bulldin 5 Home Pa NYC.gov Home Page Mayor's Of?ce City Agencies Services Newa and Features - Life - Contact Us - Search 1 5:1 1111I1nn< 4 :llaS 3 Property Pro?le Overview PRA i ARA Jobs 0 Facade Status Information Total Jobs 2 Mar nnuai Pe its Actions 1 Boiler Com llan OR Enter Action Type: OR Select from List; AND I Show Actions .t If you have any questions please review these Fre uen Asked Questions, the Glossary. or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City. Home Page NYC.gov Home ng_ - Mayor's Of?ce A A CityAgeneiee- Servicee- - new - -- - nF'? 1i11mnn< 1mm 1 rorm Hm. W4 [RavJ REQUEST TO REAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT BUREAU SURVEYING DIVISION FOR TENTATIVE LOT NUMBERS SEC. VOL BOROUGH ?aggka . I Draw sketch to scale BLOCK vb DATE . . Indicate North Arrow. PRESENT LOT NO. 2 2 0" 2.0.TENTATWE LOT NUMBERS If . . ifvf'o 0' (for Department of Buildings 2 ?ling only) '7 up; I 3 7-35 arra- -.. . 0 1 . 'r'l L1 3? Official change will be made on Tax Map only upon presentation of required documents. 17; LATUIZ Owner's Name LL: 6.0 TAX MAP CHANGE QOLLQL . .. .- - NOT BE MADE I I A?sistant Surveyor . . I - RECEIPT OF APPROVAL 10 0-5 Srgnature of Architect I I A: BY OF BUILDINGS . Date Departm?ht Of Hohsing'Prcserva?bn And Develbpmen?f Partial tax Examption Program 100 Gold Sheet-"91h 9V New York, NY 10038 3 RE: firth Sr. WLCKUGD (NM was: pal-at; To whom it may conc?ni: Attached to this letter is 5131; showing the form?sr house that existed 013 this lot. The ?oor area of the: former house w?as sq. ft. Emakdm-En; {1:43:57 MD The site is improvedwi?t a multiple with aggregate ?oor area of 64 sq. ft. therefore ba'scd on Se?ctio? 6.02 the ?oor area of the demolished structure was less than 70% 019th; new aggregate: ?oor area. g2 2 I Architect Signature PARALLEL WITH DECA SFREET 1 ccnsu-LI mm In: mam? uzpmruzm 35mm: GES=cm:c, EHEALUNC or: ucomu; I MASONRY ?n OH CURUS. 0R IN THE Sl?tgs SHOWN "Eggm SEWER I CAME 2 snow HERECN WAS canIHEu raw vmcus cm I, DEFARTIIEHIS Anacgm Dawn: m5 sum-nan no .3 5?5 VALVE I IYI . cu .Imi r04 ANY OF nus DAM 7? Tap or CHER 7:1 r1214, .r 1. THIS iS Ta cannrr mam: NE N0 Ems-ms OR WATER o?tf?cEA?gLEkaggo'k 055?s . 20l Ilia-IE": xi} ofoaag CDURSES In: PROPERTY AS ms sum EOUOM ar cum I- . I ELEVAIJCNS arr-an T0 crrIcuL [mun or m: Mum *chme Imuu WHICH 6 2.55 LEGAL mm: a ?u mx 6c FEET 18M ZI-I: u: AND ucm LEVEL SAND I I 5 LEGAL cur-or. warms to mu at was ?mm? Eh I I ?53 NOHVISIBLE uscumrs. RECOROED OR MOI SHOWN HCFEDN I2 I YA 7, stem-N IUE TMEN AT 25 muss "0159 SPOT 2 a? 2 .. {.33 . a 3-.- -. .53: WATER van 1 I 9. 2 I ti LL-I Elem-1: c-or i 1? chII? FOLE TOPOGRAPHIC ?23 .18 .4: i Q: AHF ARCHITECTS LLC . - PROPERTY SITUATED AT 3; In 0- PARKING) '3 33? . BLOCK 3431 LOT 23 my ?3 - L: BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN a g: I 39 a: COUNT-Y or KINGS n: a A .I Q. cm II: STATE OF NEW YORK 73:" 1? fit-- Yak SclI [in-4'31Cock-J bl "Ii: survey not hearing In: [cl-d Sml?fu'l Inked tA In I .. i [manned Seal Ian! .15! In a: lrub may . gr?rug 'w?o baud" I: ?31m: Erma-EL, 3133: I 0: Ian ?stad f??Manic at no! c' I 2U I Pu] pM-r 8 Umfuuhle ?Ia mailimI manna-36:: Jammingg5; QUE-.3 inst-r, MSED A, DATE OF SURV.T. SEP-ENGER H. 2003 can: I . um: FEth [1.21: I.- 1 53-; cw to?: a a? 5L 651? c.9251: [may I, canSIDE 59'1" T3 R?ijp?ll Iii-"If; cguc Quinn5.49; I ML: In Ia a? 1x?JlIc I542 \11II-rsas': - in? 3? 31ml 2, a; at: 55 or: 5mm sum: II 5531 I. .1 . I 3 IE ?3?55" 55? {5 Hanan" 1' 2: .I . I Ira IHAIER If: 417.01 'r I . - CL 65132 63-13 CL 555HumIf?ur? w/Trp HAW i 3 FER MAIN RAMLAN i I NDIFJJ .5: - - I PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 4W9 l? E. NYC FIVE - .zb? - - 5' II n13:_ nu In?? I. 1 i . .ID: 15145 85m AVENHEJAHAICAI NY e; 5. II II I: are: it 553- ?7 5593 Pam}; (r13) 5.255993 FAX (P13) 759 7-491 3ItIt?) 4. 11B. 'xLu? 11L I 312731 I0 HHJJEVHOS 49 ll .Hkh . 43' I1. 47 IS 'iS THE CITY CIF mew ITrrum'r hr EDIT I00 STREET, F, rm] 353-5411 In . APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION FDR PARTIAL TAX -l1l~a THE. REAL. PROPERTY TAX LA IV AND I THE NEW YDHK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE CUFF. This appiicalinn be by a Certi?ed or Bank Check for $l00.00 made payable Io C'in ofFinance.- ".1213 ?i ?I'I?i'ifi Tat-I'll L. I. F4 -. 0, 555 )357 SI- Md, To THI: COMMISSIONER: The undersigned IIcchIy railutsIs II IIrrzlim'iI'Ian.F CCIIi?ualinn nf For 42I?u I?anial Tax b? issued In him/her stating :ha: nnII imprrircmguls In conforms lo and are :Iigibiq Ihc pI' I-lpIIsinp, and Iluicu for l12 I-II Pnrlini Tux and all orluzr Laws and APPLICANT: ADDRESS: CITY. STATE 5?47 I433 (T53g applicant is a comoralinn, Iisl oncIoITIcu: NAME: . TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE If: CITY. STATE FAX II: ZIP: mam??1H3 I nppIicanI is partnership, IisI om: partner: . I NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE II: CITY. STATE FAX II.- I a. TM: is lurcwilh I'm inununc m? I?rniiminmy Cmil?isatiun uI? Eligibilin In: Ill-n Parli-?II Tn! I'm IirrciII manlinnul. APPLICANT UHDERSTAI-JDS AGREES THAT IF A [Trix EXEMPTION l5 II RESULT OF THIS THE FAILS T-TI WITH THE IIEQUIREMEIITS CONTAINED THE Int-.1 RULES woman THE or HDUSII-EG AND COMMISSIONER SHALL TIIE CERTIFICATIOI-I or awn TIIF. TAX or Tm: FOR PROVIDING on row. on VIOLATION or THESE HULK-IS SHALL CDMMEHCE 0H SUCH DATE nF REVDCATIDN. WITHDRAWAL 0F Tm: FUN. FAILLJIIE TC: COMPLETE THE BUILDING THE TIME PEITIOD SHALL WITH THE INITIAL LIME OF SUCH THE OWNER SHALL PAY THE WITI-I INTEREST. THE AMOUNT ar- TAXES WHICH HAD BEEN SUCH Amour-IT. IF UNPAID. SHALL BECOME A LJIEH THE PROPERTYCOUNTY OF- 89 mi 0? being duly sworn and says IhnI hc/shc is Applicanl or ni' Applirum Carp. or Generai Pm'Incr making this inppiiculinn For a Prcliminary Cmi?cniiun of Eligibility I'm I'nrlial Tax has read ?It! fill-a Rules "for Partial Tax Exemplion?, lhat' lhu City owar Turk run;- I'cly 1hr. conlaincd herein acling upan nppIicalion. Sworn 4:231." - - - H?a a: 6:41.55 . Public ARON MOSES [mm DIEM: or new; mm A- of Haw ?lo. 4?5325 cm can ?it P??kf?i?n l- A. -- lb 35$; "h