Lease riders for current and former 1355 and 1357 Decatur Street tenants alleging that their apartments are not rent stabilized RIDER TO LEASE Landlord: DECATUR ASSET LLC- Tenant ORTIZ JAVIER APONTE Address: 1357 DECATUR STREET ZEBROOKLYN 34. Terms of this rider supersede those in this lease, 35.No pets shall be kept in the apartment at any time. 36.Tenant may not have a clothes washer or clothes dryer on subject premises during the term of the lease. 37.Utilities: Tenant shall establish forthwith in Tenant?s own name, an ascount for electric and natural gas with the appropriate local agencies. . 38.Codition: Tenant aclmowledges that the cabinets are new,clean,and in good working order and shall be in the same good working order when Tenant vacates said apertment,or landlord reserves the right to use security deposit as damage reimbursement. 39.Tenant agree to comply with the NYC recycling rules and regulations, and dispose of any and all recyclables in the appropriate way per the instruction of NYC sanitation Dep. And according to the schedule of the NYC sanitation Dep. 40.Tenant understands that the apartment is not rent stabilized and the right of the lease renewal is not guaranteed upon termination of the lease. 41 .Tenant may not sublet all or part of the premises, or assign this lease or permit any other persons to use the perimeses,without landlord?s prior Written consent.Tenant acknowledges that the sole occupants of subject premises are" ROMA MINAYLOV ,And immediate family. No other occupants will reside therein without landlord?s prior consent 42.1)? the payment not received by 10th of the month, the shall be $100.00 late fee. 43.The amount paid as security deposit may not be substituted for rent at any time during the term of the lease. 44.Added rent If the tenant fails to observe any of the agreement in this Tenancy Agreement, The landlord may perform the agreements on behalf of the tenant. The landlord may charge the cost of performing obligation to the tenant as an additional rent and shall notify tenant of any said charges. The additional rent shall be due and payable with the the next rent just like regular rent .Non payment of additional rent gives the landlord the same rights against Tenant as if the Tenant failed to pay the regular rent on time. Examples of additional rent are; late charges for late rent payment; bounced check,court costs, tiling fees,etc.and reasonable counsel fee incurred by the landlord in enforcing this Tenancy Agreement as a result of any Violations of the agreement by Tenant. 45A smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector have been installed in your apartment in accordance with the New York State ?re code regulation . The smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector have been installed for your safety. You will incur a penalty if you tamper with, remove batteries,? remove or damage either of these devices, the penalty will be $25.00 added to the following months rent. If tenant experiences any problems with your smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector,tenant must report it to the landlord as soon as possible. 46. Tenant is responsible to keep their section on hallway clean. 47 ADDITIONAL $90.00 FOR USING THE FRONT WILL BE CHARGE. Landlw. TEnant: (WQ DECATUR AS SET LLC . barrz Date 0 ?0 (new Aroma Rider to lease Landlord: DECATUR ASSET LLC Tenant: LYRIC DA. THOMPSON. ANGELLA COLLARD Address: 1355 DECATUR STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11237 34. Terms of this rider supersede those in this lease. 35. No pets shall be kept in the apartment at any time. 36. Tenant may not have a clothes washer or clothes dryer on subject premises during the term of the lease. 37. Utilities: Tenant shall establish forthwith in Tenant?s own name, an account for electric and natural gas with the appropriate local agencies. 38.Codition: Tenant acknowledges that the cabinets are new,clean,and in good working order and shall be in the same good working order when Tenant vacates said apertment,or landlord reserves the right to use security deposit as damage reimbursement. 39. Tenant agrees to comply with the NYC recycling rules and regulations, and dispose of any and all recyclables in the appropriate way per the instruction of NYC sanitation Dep. And according to the schedule of the NYC sanitation Dep. 40. Tenant understands that the apartment is not rent stabilized and the right of the lease renewal is not guaranteed upon termination of the lease. 41. Tenant may not sublet all or part of the premises, or assign this lease or permit any other persons to use the premises, without landlord?s prior written consent. Tenant acknowledges that the sole occupants of subject premises are DA momson, ANGELLA COLLARD and immediate family. No other occupants will reside therein without landlord?s prior consent 42. If the payment not received by 10:11 of the month, the shall be $100.00 late fee. 43. The amount paid as security deposit may not be substituted for rent-?at any time during the term'of the lease. 44. Added rent: If the tenant fails to observe any of the agreement in this Tenancy Agreement, The landlord may perform the agreements on behalf of the tenant. The landlord may charge the cost of performing obligation to the tenant as an additional rent and shall notify tenant of any said charges. The additional rent shall be due and payable with the next rent just like regular rent .Non payment of additional rent gives the landlord the same rights against Tenant as if the Tenant failed to pay the regular rent on time. Examples of additional rent are; late charges for late rent payment; bounced check, court costs, filing fees,etc.and reasonable counsel fee incurred by the landlord in enforcing this Tenancy Agreement as a result of any violations of the agreement by Tenant. 45. A smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector have been installed in your apartment in accordance with the New York State ?re code regulation. The smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector have been installed for your safety. You will incur a penalty if you tamper with, remove batteries, remove or damage either of these devices, the penalty will be $25 .00 added to the following months rent. If tenant experiences any problems with your smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector, tenant must report it to the landlord as soon as possible. 46. Tenant is responsible to keep their section on hallway clean. 47. The use of laundry room facilities is not subject to your lease and the landlord reserved right to close or open the room at anytime Without notice to tenant. 48. Tenant under no circumstances can or will use the security deposit toward rental payment until end of lease expiration period. 49. The rent is including me parking spot in fron oathe house . Landlord: DBCA t/ ET LLC . Lviuc DA Tacit/insert LARD . Rider to lease Landlord: DACATUR ASSET LLC. Tenant K. PETERSONSTEPHEN PETERSON Address: 1355 DECATUR STREET NY, 1 1237 34. enns of this rider supersede those in this lease. 36.1?enant may not have a clothes washer or clothes dryer on subject premises during the term of the lease. 37.Utilities: Tenant shall establish forthwith in Tenant?s own name, an account for electric and natural gas with the appropriate local agencies. 38.Codition: Tenant acknowledges that the cabinets are ncw,clean,and in good working order and shall be in the same good working order when Tenant vacates said apemnent,or landlord reserves the right to use security deposit as damage reimbursement. 39.Tenant agree to comply with the NYC recycling rules and regulations. and dispose of any and all recyclables in the appropriate way per the instruction of NYC sanitation Dep. And according to the schedule of the NYC sanitation Dep. 40.Tenant understands that the apartment is not rent stabilized and the right of the lease renewal is not guaranteed upon temtination of the lease. 4 .Tenant may not sublet all or part ofthe premises, or assign this lease or permit any other persons to use the perimeses,without landlord?s prior written consent. Tenant acknowledges that the sole occupants of subject premises are LISA K. PETERSONSTEPHEN PETERSON .And immediate family. No other occupants will reside therein without landlord?s prior consent 42.1f the payment not received by l0lh of the month, the shall be $100.00 late fee. 43.The amount paid as security deposit may not be substituted for 33333: 33 333333 333333 33333333: 3333. 333333 333 33 33333 ?33333333333333.3333 3.3 3333 333333333: 3.3333 333 33333333 3333 3:33 3333 3333333333333 333 35333353531333.3333 3::3333333333 535333. 333333333333 333333 33333333 3333 3333333 33 3333 333333333 3335 333 33333333 3333. 33333333333 333.33: 3333 333:3. 3333 3:33:13 3:335 3333 333333333333: 33333:: 333333 333 3333.. 33333333 3333 3333 33333333 333333 33333 333333. 333 333 :33 333333333 33333333333333333333333 .3333 333333.33 553333 3333 33333333333 33 333 33333333 5333. 33333. 333333 3333333333: 33333333 3333 3333 333. 33:3 33333333333 31333333333333333333333.1333 333333 3333333333 3133 3333333333 33333 33:33, 33333 3333333333333 3333 333333 3333333 3333333333. 5533333333 33: 335 3333 5353. 3333333 553333 333, 33:3 33:3 33 333:. 333333 3333 3:333 333333 3:335 33333333 333333 33.3 33333. 33333, 3333333333 33:33 3.333 33333 333333333333 333333333333 3.333333 3.333333 3.313.133. 3533333333 3533.: 333 3333. 3.33333 3333333333333. 3333333333 33.3 333333333333 33: 3333 3333333333333 333 ?33333333333, 33333 533333333: .3333 3333.333 333 3 3333.333 3335 33333 333333 3333:3333 3335 3333 333.333.333.333 :3 353313 333 -3333 3:3 3333333 333333 33 3333333333 33333333333333. 333333.333 333333.. 333. 33333 3333333333 333 3133333 3.333333333333133 33 33333333333333. 3333333 3333 53333.33: 53 3333 5553 33 533 333333 3 333333333 3333:: 333333333. 333.331.3333: 3333 3333333333 3333333333333 13-3 33 3.3333 333.33.. 333.333 333333 33333 33:33 333333: 3333533333 53333.3 333533 3333333 33 333 333:3 335 33333 3333333333 333 3333. 3333333333. 33333333 3333 333333333. 3:33 33333333333 33333.3 3335 3333.33 333.3333. 33 33333333333 33333 3:33 323535.333} 333333333 333 33:33 333333333333 333333333333 33:3 333:. 33:5 33333333 333-33333333 - 33 33:3 3333333333333 3333333 3333333 333333333. 3333333 3:33 333333333 333333333333. 33333 33333. 31333333333333.3333 33333333 33. 333 3333 3333333333333 3333 3333333 33 3333333333 . 53 333333 33 33 3333333333333. 33.3 333333 3333333 33 333333 3:33 33.333 33333 333333. 33333 33333 3333333 :33. 3333 333: 3333 $2.73 3.3 33 3 553