.1, i ?42. 165: A - 4 (?SIP TABLE OF I - OPERATION SHED LIGHT: AUTHon A Sect 1 2 - Introduction to Introduction to ion SHED LIGHT " " • . , . Col L. t. tion SHED LIGHT Phase and Methodo . . . . B - Missions and tional tional i1 i t ies 1 Col . L. Schlosser t IC-l Sections 1 Introduction 2 Comnmnica t ion 3 - Sensors, 4 Illuminators. D Altcrnative IC-3 IC-7 10nal Sections 1 - Ground-Air Combina t ions . . . . . • . . 2 - Self~Containcd Attack Aircraft 3 - Hunter-Killer. . . . . E - Conclusions and ADDENDlltl - SHED LIGHT I to 4 H. V. R. A. J, O. Tinius ions •.. Lt Col L. C. i l 1966 Lt Col L. C. UNCLASSIFIED i ID-·3 ID-33 0-77 t UNCLASS VOLUME I OPERAT SHED LIGHT: OPERATION SHED LIGHT PHASE I CHA.PTER A - INTRODUCTION Lt Col C. SECTIONS L· 2. STUDY SUMMARY ion and i l 1966 IA-l WI" , AFRSTB . QMM mm the last three our iction cover licts 1 t has and inclement weather. we mastered t not art t at WW II our n to be imately iet as ef tive as our some n tem terms however i1 his our our y. the is d serve as Since 11y, our n m are not very ef a on .a s 1 n road wat and our a one period 4: n t s were ies ts were It is ev not our s , and to s te tbat d. on e are ava t the arms a to c men at a were t actors to focus attention on as ive I anal ther cons curre tion and ac ion. ts ent s f in a 110ws: charter 1. , y current e t techni ia. 2. 3. anned tions f y e rat ve to 1 4. our t il 5. bil Y the 1 A s. i mater 1 atn movement to f t re can 1 at to for a the on and on. can f A i men mater a was to cons r bo to concentrate on the n 1 our aeve a best 101' term v a is ana al n was is usual y 11 s t there are bours ness a v:tsual have on an (e ~ g. , sensor a was all-weat etc ) t ic v thts t a n pI' Y ect t Y in the il te I re are three given at Ius a progress h y since that da deve the recomme program, in our he I I I is a comp t SHED L existence prior to , tha i of I' to t tIl€' I'ec time of this WI' t t 1 I has ss is ibed in a ?w?m??g?yig? 2 EAW E. T?g SEEB St?dy wag a ??mgamtrai?? @ff?ft tm a??lyza ali aleme??g 9% ?ag gay night S?rik? ??pa?ilityw ?mrr?mi ti??gl Eff?ff?; ayyrma?h?? I ware all ?angidara?m - .yT?a.?t?dy gr?upaam?iate? primafiiy 0f ?13 $$aff pgygammai ?uyi?g gt?dyg agai5%g??e wag Egliaite? an? ??c?iva? a 3f 31amw?a Dire?terafe 3f ?g ?fight ??immi?? Lak?y?t?yy? Limiie? Ear ?f?i?e an? Sy?t?m?-E?gi?a?rimg ?r?ugg ff?m the Fighi?r wing? tke ?ir?gt?rate 9% ?ggaiagme??g am? the ?afpwra?i?mg ?a?m wag a?gm gathefa? f?9mvtn@ ?rm? a??'?avyg :Th? wag ?at awn?mgted by g?a??afa?am?? ?agriy mf Qf ya?pia Wii? fir?tmham? ?igk? wax? Vietn?mg 7 k?ep the g?u?y within_mamag?bi? hamm??y we km primaip?i yrab?emIHEight ?tt??kg? @?righarai $ww%igm? ?g ?g ha?w? 'pr??igm? ?a tr??fim cm?iywlyia?yrma?h ian?imgg y??aypiyg Eam?imgg'mm? E?mi? SECRET STERENS . am am Lat, {12% RFMN COL {33? if? C03. MR. BR, KER. MUNME W3 gammamm?mgs - PROGRAM 'mmw Migm?w 55%?ng 55m: WONWMW mg?m - gg??P?gumifijES MLLM I ma?a A - hamcagmcm )w3a1ummwam .wa?m magma wwca mama gamma WISESPLAYS Magma avawmgam gamma ?kW-?x Mm mm . - I mm? mam CAPMWM mama; MW 155mm fiwawm IAwi? mu. Mai-i; mag: gm; Mum: rescue t were reconna d was i. y ion of our a brief cons our' ay of ion t ishment t in y cies. ies were to serve as the or Ii one bil r various the center a rev was t 1 If t s a SYSEME {31mm M?mgm MES mu 3* mm ?swag-2mm BASW gig?) mama I mam mm 3:13 ma?wg?g 33%} {:?s?mgi WWR - a??f a; if?? A .A ?Kw a? 15mm if} w: an {:gm'iamgs, gigawm?w mm ma my gamma; mg?: g?a?g?mg m; magma Eiin i?mg? ava st were t L l- all conceived ca or self tion A were, each ~ held the onel from 1st ce t a whose serv over-all met tions we t~,is Bai to WE~re is activit on t t. the c was a well eva our in terms focus i def ternative t nt wi s to y. llow w ions to t t 1 h the i me is not inte tes all t to do. d be 1 d more ta t a 1 it is a f is t to insure areas has d to convey that this s time ss mus d con t ?gga??a?yigg a C?y??ia?wigg 3? Li ?g L4 ?gwga ?g?wg Jr J: B??ng?i?ig33mg ions Team The 0 deficiencies in focus a air att effectiveness of our DL was These defic t termine ies allow t Ems Kama we at rta? by defining typi?&1 might @?iaak mi??i?m?a aaga 1a th? imv?miwfy %avim? 'gig?t atta?k aagahility? I $5 yeviaWe? ?xperienae$ in ?e?riafa$ ?ir ?ivi??m? affigef?a We g&ine? fy?m ??if Warfar? Center Wi?h impuigg ww Eggur?tiwa?y'fi?w ihw tw ca?firm raquiremanig a?d ?ux mbjaativ& wag i0 'sataiag d??igi?maiag in fu??tigmal gy?upimg?.whi?h wani? kw meggimgfm? km E?m? mm Rig'mgg . I mm. "Hm m; W953 mum - 1mgmama - 2m mm? amm . . aim? a 2325; 1mm imam mam AREA43$ MWEW mm - mm 5mm E?w? T0 Start, let?? ravi?w the tyyea 0% night air atia?k These Six baSi??mi??iG?? in tarmg 9f Sauih?agi ?gia-Qg?ra?imm?& E?w? 3mg? - 3mm MR mam/Wm QW-?gmg mm {mm MV-wmm - mam/M may mm, mm - RENBEZVWS ma?a mm mum ?at mm m2 mg. my;me mum WW3 WE mm RECWEW mm mm If?ag?g? E?m? ng first at c t under f t i t it out whi f or s area i1 ikes due to miss al tacti a aire cargo aircraft. nation f n iciencies. difficult. ai s n is t weapons del of v t e 1 bee 1 re nee marginal we J"'~ . - EIEQEET . . ?sz? Emagi??'t?i? 1% ?e a airikg at twa wia?wak in i?a marming, Th?-?maii @f?might ci??e gupy?ri ??gn?m?wwm?ria a'iy?m??dm?? ?re?it'tw ?ir ??vigimmg 37mg? Emmy? EEWEE are dr Action has been taken to flares. su Id not of new flare s a f Ii Y lity of unrel The e t descent. flare osci 1 under t ed severe vert Test s. t burni fset to in 2 to 2 which burns is the Mark 2 The 'flare in us t this. cargo posi ieming Str airel' t responsiveness has aircra control situa ion. ing at continual t desce ita of flare al itude, easy f 13 i t ca I targe .a1'e iss t a i EEQEET mm mm . - ?ma?a? wm 9? magg?em Mg mg I mfg-"am- mam; ?gmggaa gag - {3 . WW - - mam-am K?mi? On preplanned direct su ki bf aircraft in vision. argets, j he theater has been The hat the 1 1 experience foretells 2nd missions on area 'This e1' i i1 surveying, are lems for weapons de wi this t mis.s r) a he ie SEQEET . 5" w. . RANQE mm FRQM . WME ie?mgmg NEW MERQWON - . . . Ame 5mm ?Qf?ww? am "Wme (gamma - - - . . PREPLANNEQ mmBMQW ARELA Mm gamma gag-3mm mm - I {mm i?mi? -------watchers is f1 on one route in the Laos in as many as 1 It see them. t c communis vines. trel routes Fi j in t s environment is a real challenge c You can see how difficult it is in fa find the line of communication ( ) and fire as with strings of:l lme, let a the situation more an adventure. 33mm a; WEMWQM ?Mamma- m?wgi a mm, m; $333?:ng m, if 533%: {mg-4mm mm; samzi gm em ?gmrm mm: SN m. NGQW mg m. mama ing in hitting mov ng ance the most difficult t used for team has current . The we terrain 11 m ssi d target work, use of the B- nce n grou armed recce against targets ma 1 ng r opportu t canft see We human s to as as shown on ty J.s mm mm mmj?? WE 5% E?gg WE ?5 Egg? ?53m gamma i ?mmw if?Wi? gag-W Wig $5.23 3 @hg fakigwi?g ia I 3mm? . I . . "Wm mm 9?1? 2? 53%. .K DEFICIENCIES SEAORS 36 c at an support as . 37 spell out for .a stable source of cont .a i 5 see it here. There is a illumination 1 it ng is not as effective as we wou t ime not have reason is .t Ii i lity of using terrai We've used flares, expended:strike ordnance, bu 1 as a on the i ness over the ·years. can be used continuo:tlS for the e ,. haven't gre We nee easi an d operational means of time mark t making a marker out of he al weapons delivery e many factors. iveness is lots ca degrading accuracy. one of the ident .how high above the n will pull out~ with or withou f , re to make pilots flatten .dive a bombs at h not use maneuvers such as pop-ups. vision limitations in flare I ficult run long enough to kill error perspective, our 1 e a worse at night, when are too ition is ag ins to Ii are increasing be said that directed f ) the time small reach but just be t and ion as a result instal ions. areas ·have use answer. a De We nam. , Korea. ties which f the o it exist. in North has 4 the same as in Korea. safe zone is continu zone It is kind of that all airel" General i s task air att specific 1 we have no our program a called for 21 jet f for to be ±n existence s ill the again sum up, in if a review. our current t E1 I I PROBLEM . SECURE VOICE - LIMI D COVERAGE - RESPONSE TIME -- CONGESTION - COMPATI I .- -- a in a Air The must communicate t when informat ical digital will transmit the through h so ire ion time. less suscept rational theater the rsonnel, equ an increas ions are: ine, 2) to a t pro- channel ass :i.ca- between areas, near term, ization. 1. services in 1) ly theater, 1 t ve not t fully ---------_.--+----- .-I---~--!I----.----.-- ---.~---~-----+-.----"- -------- - - - . - -------- 12 tiI-. ..-- -- -------_._._-- -------_.. _- _-... iiied in were can mecba.n iza tionmust as shown on this t. cbart~ tec~nical contributes a a map inaccurac t v pro- t:e navigat I will ief discuss nav ion in this it iet nay , the inertial tom the from flight tests ienced. inert 1 in test. same system- 6 's L8to 0.9 is the next years and 1 the 0.1 It should . at the price reaction time. this time wh ing errors. knots. tem shown aeeurae nay 2 MY/DR 5 ion I that opera ional - The primary sign icance of .this accuracy advantage of inert over the reverse is true with respect to veloc is best supply velocity data, the accuracy fps, but data d can ion Since point navigation and precis The range for icant ve in inertial veloc the Mark I I tests shows ve y errors 8 iderab1e improvement has Doppler systems are inherently and .05%1 or is at 500 1/2 ips a accurac term sense than inertial 0.1%, or ve 500 here is tal tial systems, pOSition. wh measure acce Conse is on the the error a , such as ties t which can correct each ition the tions to as time requ tional to time. oscillat ire two y, the error measure ve or ion errors shown, at 's error ial ions of two tion. terns exh is error will ions. the error an d HYBR SYSTEMS 1d or tems use the teristics errors in it tern can be considerably correct one 1 accuracy relative inaccurate loop with accurate doppler velocity. , Of the I - 1 only Ise tion accuracy the least cost is by 1s ve in fl tern does ilure the various re the two a more accura te ine.rt RADIO AIDS nav princ rent operational in t aid is th~ transmitters system now being short transmitting towers. prec navigation of 600 to 250 with ies is t important d d iat ion between the measured location. is the cal a which the Loran to a to REPEATABILITY To illustrate th po , the .for Loran D is the theoretical uncerta repe.ated noise ratio repeatab y associated w 13 ions, ly, prior measurements can be accuracy t The 100 foot figlilre I prev t it10na Y account such as wh t is necessary known. naissance, either airborne or extrapolated to the is imum location. s. at an y accuracy to· be used measurements of the Loran time d often accuracy f t10ns due gation anomalies and t the the actual accurac final ana receiver noise a have be empirically is, PROGRAM The major milestones of the 681A Loran-D chart .. The prototype are shown at in the receiver ARN~85 in borne. and jeep vehicle tests', per month reach A new 20 per sc exact al ion line, line could is with 5 milts in in ion estima in is to go tractor for the ARN-85 Loran-D s a t Shown, the to how,.. to use it. be receivers ever, only those aircraft equipped. w The ARN-78A Loran-C system, which , in The Loran C/D triad in SEA is scheduled still unresolved. h air- w is at test with the prototype Loran-:D the current t the same receiver wi1 Loran.,;.C chain starting on 7 March could come tlant one conce per month t, are shown hereto not have Consequently,. the fighter is is the critical operational Loran C/O capab with month, and this program should I a tive ision , each shown outI either the a Loran or 1'5 d as a , ac- can j is now on the .a to acce IDEN1' tal ani t-attack eye itsfJlf, unaided, l' are t t t of f Ii level te1e t in the near cted ult ima tely. or i acqu ion the abi ity to detect or re the sensc>r used s. n the The se sent n , -forward uture, (~xamine j the ft- mt of do all in I sensors ny. red detection, 1'e tely. a h trat10n shows t have any one of t d wi.th each sensor se .f 1 this F'-lll i l The aire at which can substitute a suitable ;nul y will 11 it will' not be possible to cmpl t pe ion i1 tty ition II OCT 66 66 1 . (NOT MIL SPEC) RESOLUTION LINES PER PJCTURE WIDTH: MAXIMUM 600 STARLIGHT 200 700 ·500 500 '--~-'-- FIELD OF V lEW: X 40° WI DE ANGLE (SEARCH) NARROW ANGLE (RECOGNITI -~.-~ "---"-'-'-'-""--~-'-'-' .-~"-.,---~-~~ ~-------,------~----- -,,--.-~-".- .._._,--- 6° X 8° NARROW ANGLE. CAMERA TRAVERSE LIM ITS: AZIMUTH ELEV ATION +40° , 11° 14.5° 5° X 6° 1 lED LLLTV will be considered first cause it provides the d p ic is most like that which the pilot or observer nOrmally sees with h For the project to the 1-3 year and factors other than resolutiori were he purposes this chart so tha t appreciated. year period, shown here, a 1 This was db~e the resolution improvement· cou solely the be better reality, it is not known at this time what fields of view, camera. traverse lind ts, play parameters, and trade-offs iri terms oIthe probability of mission success. most effect to nbtain this know Ie developments on a is very finitely needed to p to as soon as poss t will A special ef t term LLLTV bas The first two LLLTV system deve acceler constant. una t ·linli d nis oS yed on this chart have been for operational eva ation :37 indicated first column (page in , and will b",: tured here on the left an It will diame narrow f inclusion tern will of the camera iew camera Th tar a weapon a 11 target area search and t recognition. ter and provisions 1 more. accurate weapon will beprov of t 2 to that in an for 1 and as the F- with a 6 POD-MOUNTED GING .LLLTV ONLY - PROVISI BOMBS· - PI ROC AND s L DEPLOYMENT DES IRABLE u BI L: II E TARGEfS HAVING ZO% R D 000 3- 7 RS 000 ,000 . ....".. 1--" '" ....... ...". 12,000 1- 3 RS IL 5 ~ . 6,000 .5 X 6 FOV " 6x8 0 S LI lUG The at a y resolut h of v the next seven ion , we expect the as shown on time. A 20 of the d on lines Art , eithex* twas and commun to or. covert, can enable the amount of the of i at the cQnve t per Red a was a one-of- (page in Vietnam in and on an at of in the envi.ro the required it 1 an were seen deve t lIed Lone$ome T d lunm. ag, desi do an , has reso This e lity al models with as shown in ion will be This lation has as shown in t very 1 he liver a t type d, the system ney funds f::;f dr the test a chart that the definitel and the same ices will have ion, it d have two so when tests to start. be well the f the dey thwh tic effect d range on Lonesome ted for a humid ted imate. cl a 4' X 4' .A in a road,. could be de hotter than attent I want to ar3 two sets of curves: t to y, te cl ture with ly famil is not ten ile , with FLIR, an at contE~xt which the hot This context is such a way the tected. f are characterist trade-of not typ bas provided by areas of Therefore, in the 3-7 wou climate. 4200' in a yond te time ·to improve ds, 11y very technical 1 sensitiv L z o .8 r- U I.:J.J G:i c .. 6 u... o ~ ::::i co « co .4 o 0:::: a.. .• 2 O--------~------~--------~~~~~~--~--~;-L- 1 sensor which radar and 1 the una ies are well will y and advanced Id very s the next f of forward look on this graph. F-4 off have doppler 5 miles but s made complexes in t detect With 1500' resolution at 5 miles, the t to the 'We should note that even in the only eye year time period, when we can 1 are only expected gross geographical in excess CONF F'- s. to can tion at ity man use 5 and I' sharpeni?g, forward s mov in ion As I mentioned at the beginning might have anyone or perhaps sensors just descr I te d sent, these sensors are large, heavy, make it with the slant range capabilities, these combined use now on small,high-speed aircraft. 1 gether in a large, slow aircraft arid important aspects of BLACK SPOT are shown on Besides providing an will yield invaluable t. on y capability inform~tion nn the effective -attack concept and its display/crew UNCLASS ace requirements. ! s, n 1 of the sensors I 1 d this so not require tha t and sensors other than those a can be can use art ic a 1 held for a inat seconds. hunter d I T( . VI 1.2 2 2.4 4.0 1 1.0 0 0 1.0 6. CII • , 1 0 0.2 0 7 1.0 0 1 3 3 1 2 2.1 1.5 1 1 1 2.0 0.1 0 0.5 :::: -5 1 a real reconna rol with a ca examination of ray ry space is ava ices shown on 'th obta ined. ,a chart. iewer can be any This chart ces 1 f is a measure of the s a e-of- he-art so a t i is used c are the a are ust:d in RB-57 s I 0 is in tie aperture side ide h t parallel to, but of fl At , the raw 'fhi};' on the in on film for second process is ar t us process lateral ater cted to be ava ible therca ter, t tubes of· die the same basic chart that we used in show , we see t size will be able to even 'when t 3 e for radar Also e that a UHF side 1 rational use. to machine r tect r are not moving. period, it it looking or e to detect ion of the frequenc ects as small as recoilless t me of rifles to as FOPEN foliage. This type its fbilage pene sma t ly h now becom id state cireui can the microwave' ts ith the ies DISPLAYS Early in sensors, discuss ntually Just as we postulated a mult ly I heads up, multi-sensor, and horizontal si The HUD wil aircraft s s y three s ays - tion. moni terrain w ,the mission computer projected onto the comb and a manner ing ize t tr I Such a I I avion the d is that for t ference and delivery imposed on sensor is- outside vision provide cant tus whether to night, or VFR in their sensors t ticated p,ircraft, we postulate eventual configuration as shown here. and I want to discuss d terrelationship with the sensors. right. sf-,nsor d I ment gery program. ay in the primarily a d theSe Cursors in .I t r,e- ay for fl cUeS rna 1 tion ly superr, vel te · infrared or low 1 display for the a rver's d vis a will be paralleled ay which d for im and acquisition task. nt we do not at optimum in multiple sensor d tect ays either what const the observer or the aircraf mander. A de~elop am consisting of anal concepts sp~cif ly appl s ion, and fl e to d test, is ays which accept f mult Horizontal s tion of ition and the Air t tion a mov d a new 1966. ion, map prese have been tested and FAA. the F-lll A 1 h fl scheduled to evalua gin and d giv us a capa must concern ourselves wi h the deliver our chart ind CEP's can conditions. day or n livery is for iIity and in an accuracy t. The curve shown here for the reduc ion 0 t demonstrated this technique reI to rang 60' after 1968 is computer y the same se us in command or f when we accurat h de Ivery us is the iIity a tel' techniques w h 'and al tional a ther, we to we ·how to y this tech we do not now have the accuracy w€' desire with our operahow to achieve and ni t. s of well nt 100' . isions are peculiar reqUirements of each .a ft. to to sof show here lO~20 only incI TIm s t t can be expec "IR contrast seekers or use in 5 year t sim I . - A new is Ii candlepower. it I minutes; and 1 to alert the p new flare has and y the burning t ifth the descent rate. of {if} ina tor - which burns °2 and JP an energy 1 tz ly into 1 From an a to 9 can c-aridles. Th itude of 4,000 required ~o t compares f estima prove the technical t on the same t 1 luminate an area vi .4 the convert is illustrat illuminator can be installed .on the C-123 for B to tional utilized t source, m 1 minimum 1 approximate and eva a one year ype. 1 of vels 1 to s ut the fe te the is diameter wh on an in diameter .. expectancy is 6 est 1 cost over so stu ing an 1 fice h. A report is e a d - tel' of il .are shown in level in . Ground il cand of the illumina .01 cand Forre as a funct and duration are ·economy st tz 1 ion to source, cost of is best As can is best for il ion an ations - ion, use in the new f taken to fore, that is t 1,,\8 period. is in existence. -one I is itional item but il For the MLU-3 iod, it is recomme progra that an 1 at 1 wor to some invest gree, the of surprise du!' use. the attack. be - A 1 { or can permit beam on the to a tem is ace and will be ex- perm to invest when 1 which and are exc i ted e 1 of this program is to covert mark t at wh nt has issued a tentat targe the t range act c ly tiona y Aids ( tn this th,e requ for is m and f for ise are re b and can be detected. i cons source, a on target an which can ei 11 from a ies are in aced on t s will radar or t a small aeon in an Slrom are ranges up to 6,000 y particular s d shell with accurac , on a marker, can be rece exist t equipment. a which remains inactive ive s until Q,xciby an a a , it will 1. signal which can be used a v supported to develop or to sat your passive s We also recommend repeater be considered t mark at There itse , however, is a vast ly mention cons . discussed ies calmot that can contribute classes desired ared air-to- , area area munit surf o ition tion, detection 1 These as well as new sensors ions cover I.,LLTV:~ areas thus compensat tactics dark. or mines can t af ications. to-surface missi f of can used at n t ared with t. c ith Ie h approac ·t11ree ined character tics which I t ir are: control a c-ontrol a ( I tor control us nav ion aids icable to most on-call m ions d , the· to certa the this limi tat ion of be c par and thus i·ts app be are radar of s 1 radar t ited tor are short to med power and t the line s t to t , te ai the st1'H;:e the v in can use to t of and ass matr these some of t he used. can use a t as a t1' t the h position and t the the aft t t i tion. and .He can tt he can are not mutual so four. and rad role assoeia . eommun area wi no be repea 1 t s are possi se.rve have no of , but in fee 210 to are re be used i targe aeons operations. of se aeon f alt In period, t a laser in Ese such as a ision d ise 0 t 0 have alre are lot be sof t automat ld also ex deliver nd system appear t he i a . rece t as LLLTV, where it would be laser marker f , t. to about 20 board the of 1 attac with the j en discussed, y &n D has f avai the TV~ i nt would be to provide. can serve ei ina tor for marki t to a target. the The reased f t i aX'gets or as self ShOll The th radar aeon and and· an D we n live This chart portr After acquis delivery us ion he the ree from the ate survey t radar to t target. The ns of the t is nd radar. ec to the y one a an lis val' t d achieve pe ation is t hold how accurate y t the radar; and how prec S our nt 1 be omitted systf~ms weapon leaee can be ini iated. have I accur weapon The his t are com par The a t Ie hav us 50 us de 1 This 1 a i a that be t Ie. to t GEP of t to a re 5 link for Sc n a to t the now, and jOint year. per both use. 1 as can be considerat of fi be ,vort is I is is prior o in some det The nav ial we weapon delivery 1 counters.. 1 us not-avai ith the 1 These crude ility of does have an inherent to delivery a a d the an position under t three are now summar seem to 's ison. over: one anotber--and Ground Radar Director situations Similar use considered as complementary to could t c chart--must be , Loran D titor a f i cal ground radar d to ases the .predicted re t. figure too this re we feel a . director D weapon 1 flexibil available by means at the t to t i 11 their un should do 1 to deve t this.. some In the another t ach. n techn he o ty strike c The other will alternatives recommended will in as we and f matr 1 ,the n possesses the str t t n sensors gets If-conia nay nay does not as are a necess se f for range ava ircraft, to since I it 1 is discussion 1 not deal of l.f are da ith ion systems ion ac d mind as ts role. nay ideal tion on the t It is necessary t the examine i +- ~. Iv:::> a erm b sensor that the targe sensor t range h much nay , ill tion sys to see t or says can i m~arl a ways should. n sensors. certain c 1 tends ts in search. lines the way the is easier to which to them. areas are· .. when cons no lin.es part marks very ·Points are also ints-on';"'lines the eye to the line such areas~on-lines ts. are the easiest and the ~ind due both to in contrast k la 1 y is ade on a a is about an aircraft v to a n us ft is a sensor ra t. te this the river would e to with a.very shbrt range to 1 and the road. is on two lines, the r is d target of this correct area when y at low ~ a t t n by an RF-I01. w?<.:: dur is representat iction n ic jam tar can be 1 tions are is type of hours of whe ted in an area. i ted, again with sensors mission to follow the river to the bend or ive preplann low the road to the river and the cross 5 IS The anal of te targets, is f it convoys, bui d ngs, brid~es, was t. del was fl ranges for nt~red t to release, nge, minimum re he weapon sensor de ec itudes is showh. and rna tect to a range for detect ility can then of se to ion and a a determined. d to define the sensor range can then be for the tar in a table. travel at dif ing a· time· avai so forth, was on FLIR d The 'we The on t 1 FLIR, detection ranges are Used since a.re ide-nt is more diff or 1. for this· s compared to the t envel the that ade del carried. ,as well as t as del s t is Th ion i 1 is not a v ie wi is r"equi a proper search are ith the t usee1 sear t t is na ion. ion and From t the charts, xamina ion ~ome c 1 drawn: may 1. test data to be sure of LLLTV perf do ts. operationS on spec 2. devices t fOl;'ce beus~d fie ds of tion on opt are t detect on aircraft for air-ground 3. tcat at aircraft TV wi 1 l' in t 0-5, useful for n I, 1 show expanded envelopes ar ial iew for 250 operation for o f .... .. ..'",.. HI ..""... -.. ... "".... '".... .... '".. ... 8' ..... ... '".. .. ...... .. ... .... 3 '" y s 8 DI curves are not as e use in as were to moisture in the ture we and that he and still restric to a dry desert than ina. s concerned. ice that the size of a and it d when the t can t ture contras , are more dif to to be a 11 appear the to is t than are 1 world" d than their on iIi from the FL tour d ys. ay, at times in then reverse to become ture. that us t a ide increased sensor il in degree of d d an esc;ential be erdiet c night :at or as a ions as a and radar as an ions. tem is a neeessi for of the I radar te will prov or in more portions of the t ieal 1imi is not 1 for fie 11im are more i 1 re three current to are cons and eva be issive e Spot has a mult a provides t. of superiority over and B- Second, e h ise location of are considered to be operat used on target y 1. 2. te w i ones the t a 1 1 are prese ts in open water ) s on r on cana IR FL TV 4. es on FL TV 5. no f ion. assessment most in area tar ts in order. targets so that a f f att to fire these if· ternative means of the flares 11 require a fa y run on the tar t may starte be t to f ible a f f a known to need not tion system is accurate. term ni the s I on the prev lopes for the to year time per a t this t than that of the te us sshow the f small arms fire whe ted LLLTV envelopes wi above small arms f t in is vision t the . concerns ts d near term earlier. Air fr t need itive ident a y w to. come. TS i<'v''''''''''· .... t in sensor to mark ience with the of the extent of our an 1 as well as c t in the close air flares for are ired done in to an iea d fl on the to test iction/armed reconnaissance m iguration for te, he ions in the near f will probably be a multi-sensor low speed a new FLIR th a tactical Loran nav Radar, used as a hIe. it will he a i des each sensor can be the best under vary the near term, each sensor used than the tar of a lot. ft ef w a equipped A- 11 ive t solution may well 1 in c and f te detection must have a Where nee , and ies A/e ics devel w d provide some ins in h sensor s tests and FLIR be carried teristics. is s ill requ test only. ics only {no be and upper limits of detection is t early placed on deve nsor test program wh n attack a 5 term ition mu i-sensor be transla will eventually ft. to a as answer reconna ts. use type of reconnaissance ts are 12~ 3. 4. cons A the ternat in the time 's tactical f tel' cannot attack in without assistanee. ean the neeessary ass is tance· re ae n a tack, tions of de the use I tions in de ness of i1 later .. t We mam was? ?:39 eii?gim'i?r tam: ?ha'm use sensors which enve sensor, and a the t over mach and the reso sensor. th which sensors ts v can area, v him leave the return to and t , other to remove the' if the sensors sensors that the ts may not a mon t <. the instruct t. of If the kil Th in he hunter f1 in to a attack, it if tactics be to introduce ize t d te t us now cons job t the hunter must nav t. to Next the mus ics of the d lier the or de author may Hav ain conf t can s ion ieh will enable nter can. then control the at ack as attack for anot Y is col ime must available the target. s zone; ion in ver str ike. he next mark or i l is me ans ha t t he hun ter to be te bomb the i ter must The hunter mus so that have a nav tation a tac target or must provide att to kt io~ and ide tification to call necessary to ~ecogni The d I wi detect the tectioh, n. ter must t be chosen for real the se noW' to such a mission. the use of" "is t area. sensors are requ such as ich uses f radar to nay aga as and d d to tect sets a real t viewer. reconnaissance' the real t dur far,· the v contrast fires. a our ts rver, us as s have no a lim lity to per There are three vers mov swa hs to of the indication. t nautical MTI will on e t motion down to about 10 miles y in near real time a n inch Hunt operations have us t as the hunter wi has been success, the ratio of false posit if is of the has an Mo with illumi available. 11 The t uses an field ft altitude. al'e not at ns al avai t here. A-IE's attaek ared se looks stra The v is have been used in South Viotn ion and attack An re t is ex's. on t F i in prin ing: lIt s feet· iss ions s of these review tnam. tion uses acr 1 came and will not d hawk s another aircraft in the Air , this a or a navigation capab sensors t does not now have a imagery the c i the A night hunter capability, and the hunter S ID- ay side looki it. y only. to dis he ra does not have a use ility is extremely lim ed. now let us what met ds could used to provide a hunter 1ty. ths, could prov system d il s the 13 em ination i ft tions, te h it could be used out of country, to prov ion i ility of limit its use to genee Mr, ihed d a 1 it tection ility; restricted to the use of flares. would alert the enemy be the at could made, one- year.per severa ut delivered .in system 1 th(~ mov pem:>trat or with a narrow f ts. Id of view. set tter sensors could I. I tem installed in oil various under the area. The to to tion h resoluti.on sensors. use or the B use. tests now choice in . spec downward ic sensors should await of d program to titute of ay i l nsc vis environment of knots at feet us i i irs ell' the ora flash i covert ul attac: woul be made after 1 t of the three v a carr of tems survive 1 arms f would ions two ni the terra to the au 1 for th8 t infrared or s used t on the smaller required. a crew of two, and al n y detection. y process to use to t low lines of communicat radar with moving 1 or near real ime d t tion could s the time is be used to is at t program , to invest d fol tration is over ior radar d t moves a a new radar us n Since the tion of the a craftcou be the Dolls aircraft. spring fl its fl id wit pa tech activity, the Pipsqueak ith to t instal I' tll fall of that year. ible t targe The and of area, or n test aircraft. nt to South t known issiles could be killer hed am uses the Air F6rce First fl tnam scheduled test r 1. h threat level, an RF-lll could same type of equipment as. used in the viewer to help pilot s on as a hunter. d be needed: line of commun ing sensors for target detection and real or near reaL observer .. a w downwa-rd d e side\var ays for the summarize, the use ges. the also has spec s lim within a year. A very real in for the observer. a ity t hunter could be available sensors for the p s and The seven rema this conta in se should be con- could an interim answer to the ime, f i i The n s ike ienc can d s on th You will note are not is also defic to s 1 correct taneous capabil is at have seen, some , as ture 13 can resources, a t .. The There has d as one to markingdev ing techniques can be act tors iluminescent It is select and deve delivery s, assoc 1 wh d like to mention there is no de or ava and of t ise. real th areas, v t fol it a recommended is the rea is d test to determine. to termine 1 need for our fie ds and I ia. 1 rator-f sensors. for on sensor a , a1 ude, a need to ing condi t s and a siroul the qu Ii Y a near real time as well as s t NAV ION tactical aircraft high payoff, more accurate nav sed th8 under night and weather situations, must be bu target area, to detect the required ie SOl' t. to deliver conve are all directly reI ional qual t y a nav tion ity prov D t a s ion system must ft must be prov lity of nt se -contained nav n D to cover all s b ities oited, of a me a ited. t d t n D for non-:visual weapon deliver realize the n l1y e I iver for a tide a wea tial~Loran "'""muRc; .... iate for a decision bomb- a v ) out ea circumstances, c likely. air ier, t without is is based on the when working 1 B BIAS. severa 1 1 1 i B str to the 1 Since the ( b we - v 1. not a sta this. t of action with each a hit or t once we are t v ia onl it 1 y im- str that act and recce aircraft I suc noted earl j wit a t ilit We for f ts. recommended i t renders t use.. There he io compara t i ve 1 af its use g i it to serve as a hunter res ieted as lAS a I BIAS r ·rada.r 1 t 1 SECRET , we ni t attack a1' ircraft as ick need as poss ible.. l' ov-: to install on assist t -- thus i a n f permi strike pera ion. t in rent. hey will y Helico ave a ility. as a Iti-sensor a and two man crew prov t sensor the n airc af In a a an operate primari e iro weapon an essential for Id have a t sensor When we think in terms of t;1e h we can see only one Th amounts to ance radar and a forward look a wide angle downward look posifioni this conce quired to ~ake at h Hunter-Killer approach. real time readout threat en n wi 11 sensor ( the pi IR as well as the side the observer. room it More risk is involved in this We could see no better alternat - and radar, each ith D for fixing the target wit I o i t of t d he cameras will e ilit than in any of the Other . re- s. .- .- Hag -- .- .. -, I 1 - - same 1533 or (see resume on each The in as resume on . The into mount ·will . to be system) . the y 1 T PROJECT Appropr P. E.: OBJECTlYE: To prov BIAS is 6. .4 BIAS a t ion sensors 1 t addit sensors will at t at potential systems). CURRENT BUDGET BIAS lopment Night sensor test the t, Lonesome sensors wh as we as t or c a sensors. (H) Ht: 31' ( 1 6. 06~xx.x convert an to a ) H) Hunter to an as attack c 11 self-cont s are no re at ADD-ON: anew to procure 1 a one t accurate and downwardre -t adout. a A number of ve terminat ture dec be t PROPOSED has Ie work and plann rUJlJ-'-"n pre on a system 1 use 11. be a eeL as a a mu ·tr tr we less of an assoe the deve a 1 have an d be tr aeon 1 ea t wi t and c. weapon 1'19 f-set from the a target ir irer 1 device . set iti6n to the tar te aft unit will . steering over a se t un weapon re ital data d relative to the a t ion to the pi ase x an add "-on 11 1 to the r 1 cab1 to make des t.The des accurac of 150 am test t use of ex af test extens am, one e test improved version will 1 product PROPOSED ADD-ON: We propose test program a. aircr test b. Start t c. d. ve 1 units fo t. t f tar t sys 11 be del and tes wi m~k d. tion dates are diff ted by availabiIi iet at It of suitable mater I his t because t 1 TI . xx .xx.4 he ina oper ions. is is ( ) was Th work d, instal :'\n resul s. d d ·A source batt ., i.e and evalu systems will be vels illuminat ion taIled, and t Ie source is 1. he i .4 ft candles ( itions. ) under oxygen and In the a 11 consist of s a. lum field lity of arc tube to a ra to of or 1 return the s ground 0 the requ the y on quency t to de t can be t tiona ine ante ice will we increase in FY of d to to t success, a and circu or 15 t 1 will prov to enhance secur a each t. a i :j . N .10. .4 ility to a results assessment. 1 run-in, nt i n 1 ts. f t 1 n a extent of dama such as the ited the record t irmation s