l4 I - - Emmi-aim {B?w?gm??dj?a? 32 {$333 @?mwi?gg; ?m'??mwm?m Eigemiw ?w?m?ga - . Nat au'tmmia?faa?y ?dgtiami?w - ?sra ?agmmm}? magi? PHOJECTS oF AS TIUS HEPORT HAS B ~ .UV~'Jl~~ Director, Operations THE oF TACTICA 3 1 AUGUST N TIUS IvON1HLY ACTIVITIES REPORT REPLECfS THE CURRENT STA11JS OF USAFTAWC. IT OUrLlNES TIlE BACKGROUND OF EACH PROJECT, PROVIDES A BRIEF TESTED, AND PRESENTS TIlE PROGRESS TO DATE. THE BODY OF THE MONTIILY ACfIVITIES REPORT IS DIVIDED INTO OF OFFICIAL NlMBERED TAC TESTS. ~'ECfION II CONTAINS TEST CENTER ""'-IA',,"',," EFFORTS AND JOINT TEST PARTICIPATION mAT DOES N<.1f FALL UNDER SECTION I OR PURE IS COMPRISED OF SELF-GEf\1El~ATED IT IS HOPED WAT 11-IE USAFfAWC MON'nn;y HOWEVER~ ECHELONS OF CQVIMANDS OR REPORT ll/lEIlTS IN ORDER TO ENABLE TIUS IEAlJOHJ\RTER.C;; TO PROVIDE ALL ADDRESSEES AlIJD CONSTRUCI'IVE CQ\MENTS ARE INVITED AND MAY BE ADDRESSED TO USAFfAWC OF PRO..JECT TITLE TABLE OF ,-""nT.:;"-'·" SECTIOr. _ TAe TESTS Wild Weasel IV-C Wild Weasel IV··D SEE-SAMS F~105 Installation (QRC-3l7) EB-66 Modification OT&E EB··66 MOD 1903 . APR-·25/26 Modification/SPOT SAM/RECO Jammer F-4D/APR-25/26 Compass Strike (QRC-334) V 7 RIVET TOP Tactical Application of LORAN C/D (Joint) AN/TRC-97A Category III Test Inverse Mode TACAN System Digital Message Entry System (DMES) Operational Evaluation Tactical Satellite Communication Program (TSCP) 10 Test SHED LIGHT YAS~2D/AS-2D Self-Contained Night Attack Tropic Moon II Quick Look Continuation Tropic Moon IIA Gun Ship II Dancing Falcon Dancing Sparrow Combat Lady OT&E CS-l Filled BLU-52/B IWi Phase A ii II TUSTS , 60-Kl'i USAFl'AWC Exploratory Test (Rotary Combustion SECTION II I A.\lD JOINT TEST SUPPORT TEST TAl\C MONITORED LORAN D (Joint Test) Forward Air Control Post Cat II (.Joint) Forward Air Control Post Category III Test of Two Lightweight Tropo Radio Sets LIEP - Loran Integrated Equipment for Tactical JVlonitoring RC1D J\nti-SAMProjec.ts Giant Stride IV llriteye Hare [\I1U-32/B and Launcher LAU-55A Flare l\ILU-4411 awl Dispenser LAU-62/ A Thunder Stick II Cargo Aircraft Launcher (C-130) :V1K-24 Black Spot., Lonesome Tiger (FLIR 1) .. TESTS P-lllA ECM & RliAl\' Capability SPECIAL PROJECTS Active ECM for Fighter Aircraft Dukes Mare PROPOSED 11;STS BIAS. Ilunter (llunter 1) Night Rider LOHII."J IntegTation Equipment fo:r Tactical Air Wnrfare 11 A . SEETXQN 3 ?nr ar" 3- . . - MOMTHl Y STATUS REPORT IV-C (S) 1~ Wild Weasel IV-C aircraft were reconfigured at McDonnell Co, Witil an Tape Recorder. This equipment is. located in tile left forward .,... "'''''...'''...., well of the F-4C serve as the prototype for tile Wild Weasel rv~c to be procured fiscal 67. The oro be absorbed in the modification line at a later date. PROGRESS One aircraft was assigned to Eglin APE for ar&li~ and the otiler to APE for vibration Equipment performance was satisfactory. A TWX rt 07370 was ~JL:"P""\""'!!I:lU Eglin AFB for 3 to 4 weeks to test modifications made to tile (5) 14 sorties. MONnu. Y STATUS REPORT PFH)JECT DESCRIPTION lS) WHd Wea~el IV D been modified with the Thtt Wild Wea~,el IVD ancraft will be containmg the KA 71A camera and the the F· 4D configured weapon PH-OGRESS (8) From initial cOllective action to McDonnell for the feasibility of APGC will Stlppm:t "'4'l.UIJPC;U is in response to a CSAP directlve to conduct in F·IOSF aHcrafL TIle AFSC eVclluiltlon was with APGC FlOOF results checks with other F 105F Weasel program An to include '-.<.\.. ''''''''"''''' spar SMt at Eglm AFB. Fla. began on 24 training radars; phase SEESAMS test objectives were and result:::. SAM modification was not evaluated because it dId not ftmction equipped F·IOSF aircraft are in SEA and "'r'eport is in preparation, use ,.;ill be TAe Test 66110 PROJECT MANAGEfl/SYM80L/PHONE NO -.IAC!lAWC/AfJ.GC/.3~TI"l\f_. ___ _ PRIORITY PROJECT DESCRIPTION An Or&B of the modiflC,llOn and the ALR 20 Pf'QGRESS testing Some ot the effective P·4D PROJ EeT OESCRIPT ION PR9GRESS (S) The APR 25;26 ITIodlilcatlOns fmd SPOT SAM test has been was establi5hcd but tunctionmg problems an flight because ot overheating, Test items were returned been resolved and an Eep is bC)1ng subml Hod to WRM1A (5) CSAP (5) AFSPJ':QE 81760, 2 Aug 67, • Cmnbat provide mini jammers fOT F 4C/D, RF-4C, and QRC 373 1, 8 lV~lz unit1 373'2, 100 ~IHz umt; 373 3, 150160 iv!Hz unit; 800-900 NIHz will be initiated by AFSC :is participation, c c NUMBERIS) TAe Test 6 26 PRO] ECT MAN.~GER!SYM80U PHON E NO f}.LthllL:L_Qk~n .. _Capl~_11.sl.\ElnSU8B~3 59} . TEST LOCATION(S) .~gJj.J:LM:1i,,_J:lQXjgL. ___ _ PARTICIPATING/COORO AGENCYIS) _TA~Jd.N?.GiL~Itw._ PRIORITY PROJECT DESCRIPTION (5) This Joint TAWC/APCC test productive sorties are will also be tested evaluate APR 25/26 with a lIth wnducted by PAGA} WIth aSsIstance trom --------".-'-_.... ---'"-.-."----"-,-,-.~.,----.-----,.- PROGRESS (8) Three TAC F 4D aircraft 1967" The TAWC received a information is being obtained A, 13, C, Dec 67 Aircraft GTound~ RFI and Environmental test ZI Flight Test D, SPJ\ Operational Evaluation A joint ASD/APGC/TAWC meeting was conducted Dec 6'1 Dec 67 ~lar Feb 68 68 the week of 28 {30 (3%me NUMBER(SI TAC Test No, (C) 66~183 Phase T completed 10 July 1967. Advance party and RIVET TOP aircraft deployed on 24 1967 ~ Main body of deployment force in place on 9 Aug 1967" Phase II began on 9 Aug 1967, System checkout flight 15 August 1967; aircraft went NORS-G for actuator ETIC 1 September 1967 Supply problems are being encountered; action is being taken to alleviate MOI''niil Y SI ATUS REPORT NUMBER(S) TAC Te~~ m-Jooi UNCLA..SSIFlED ,-~~,----__------~--~~-c--~·-------~------~~·-~--~:~~,~~~~·~-~~~~. APGc 1TITLE ,--------------CONCEPT _liBlAYL Tactical Ap~ic~~_~?2'=-of L~~__ ~LD_~oint) (U) ________.___ 'br.~eCroOl'lDd'uCclti:edcttEo~d"et1t~ea:lal:'rl~Sil~i' PROJECT MANAGER/SYMBOL/PHONE NO Robert F, Arndt _ 882~4661 PROJECT OFFICER/ORGAN/SYMBOL/PHONE NO Robert F, Arndt, Major, USAF, TAWC (OCT), 882.,4661 "" UI LU '-' ANjARN-85 LOHAN receiver system would meet -.~.---.~--.-.--, Anny and the Air Force for a high TAC was directed to support the test in tactics which would be used in fulfil mission .. ~;!~:~~:~~-~:~~CY(S)---------~=~-~=~~-==-~---=:~ lt7}G!~i;T~J~~:~~~~Lr D~;f. US ArnIy_,_J1q _~as!_~'::l.il_:::!.~_:APGC, TAIVC Trxm __:~~~~~i~~~lJl\~_]~__________ :-::-__ -]~~;-~~~:~()~?]~~;~~~~:EST~-PROJECT DESCRIPTI9N The tactical deployment of llIunitions, persormel, and supplies IS 1 re')tricted to VFR conditions mission, The precise positIOning capabillty which is available through LORAN C or D should enhance the permit 24 hour, all weather operations the AN/ARN 85 15 compatible to both the LORAN C and j) environments. reconnaIssance; i.nterdiction, tactica.l airllft, lose au support and rendezvous tactics The test Egl m ranges and will be under the operatlOnal control of the APGC lDHAN j)Joint The 85 and 1S mounted on Rl3 66, F4C, and C130 test.becl aircraft PROGRESS The test order \vas dis tributed on 23 ~larch 1967, Personnel outl incd in the test order armex to the test order, oil specific operational tactics; The test plan A) was tests started 15 May 1967, C47 accuracy tests have been completed. The F4C is problems grounded the aircraft for three weeks The C 130 is currently modified to The C.,130 modificatIOn will be completed on 8 Sep 67 fot continuation of accuracy tests, <{rerational tests as outlined in TAC Test 67,300 were started on 14 July 1967 for the F Hans are being conducted concurrently with the engineering tests, The tri-·senilee test eliminate, certain portions of the operational testso The reviewed test plan will be of TAC Test 67-300., " ..,. . ~ MONTHI.. Y S'T ATUS PROJECT MANAGER/SYMBOL/PHONE NO _. Jol~b McCraD-i~Ca~llin)·~rDCL) g82~4673 PROJECT OFFICER/ORGAN/SYMBOL/PHONE NO PROJECT DESCHIPTION The operational mission of the TACS is to provide the commander of the 1\1 r Force componeni: of a Joint Task Foret' exerci.ses communications lmks between elenients of the TACS, It \ViI be ,m""'''ri~' Support Squadrons, and Direct Air Support Flights of TAC, PACAF) II test objectIVes wi 11 be further refined or verified in the CAT III test objectives detennine the effectiveness of to maintain the --_...... - ....__. .-----_._....__."---'-----'------_.•._--_.._.. PROGRESS L Testing of the AN/fRC,97A is complete and distribution has been made of the and reportec.l on in the final report are now accomplished. These are mental control and (2) Detel1l1ine the effectiveness of the Air Command not indicate that air conditioning units are for The evaluation of and maintain the AN/TRC,,97A after brief OJ'!' in field, 2, The final report revealed the following general conclusions: a, It is compatible with the existing equipment with '- USA~\1SAFfAWC(DCTJ-,-'§'§'?'·!l:iiJJ1 __-,-____________ ____ publishea by ESDTACSAICOll;! TEST LOCATIONISI Egl~n AFE, Bergstrom AFh, Shaw AFB, fASSIGNED DATE J:ST COMPL OAn' tio.nal tests will beconduct~>cl. Pope MacDlll AFl3 _______ 2_0J~E.cl~tJ?_, :3.9J2!~Ei~_~!~_,tJ.:?_ . eadl user conmtand, Tests will determine PART~CIPAT~NG/COOR_D A_GENCYI~I, , IN~TIATOR I access satellite using UHF and SHF to PROJ ECT MANAGER/SYMBOL/ PHON E NO I o~l~gL rAC , l2AtLJAtL rAw~-·--TEs TfiEPORT-oATE-J·PHAS-EO-F'T¥S~¥NG_Unass igI!~Q__ ____________ ~___ LtJ.Qvel1l\~L~~bQ XlilllIl:iDK________ PR I -------·--1 llS er requirements, _ _ . 1 _______ _ (S) The TACSKfCOM tests will involve networks of airborne anu ground terminals been previously checked out in tests using LES 5 and LES (j satellites" TAC Test 67 30,2 1;1111 detennine the Tactical Air Control System, Satellite cOllUlIunicat ions will be employeci in six primary nets' Ihrect Air to TACP ABCP to ground and_ airborne forces, JIF to ground forces, TAce/ALec to al rcraft, Airborne aircraft and grOlll1d terminals will be placed at Eglin, Bergstrom, MaclJill, Shaw Altus. over the nets and results evaluateci to determine feasibiE ty of using multiple access satellite conullunications in a collect design parameters for future systems, Operational testing is scheduled to begin in ,June 1968 and continue ~i}l rep'!'S5el~t.J:h:C throughout __this_~~L______ .. . _____ __ PROJECT DESCRIPTION j PROGRESS (U) Coonlination meeting on the Master Plan were helel in April and May 1967 The Op Test for terminal equipmerft have been let., Current plans call for satellite launch in .July 1968, A TAe Test conullit TAC resources to the support of this program and will be fonvarded for TAC approval in Nov 196 7 , Operational Feasibility Plan with a proposed augmented equiprllent package that 1111.11 test nets" increased funding approval, Preliminary tests with LES 5 in July 1967 have ShOi"irl . satellite and should provide a good data base for the Tactical Satellite . / intervaL· ; autornatl., . ., mm mm: . 2D Self-Contained TEST Eglin Air Porce Base~ Florida PART Ie I PA T ING;COORDAGENCY~------'---'--ASD This "-. 66. PROJECT OESCRIPTION eC) The S-ZG is a Navy anti-submarine aircraft being modified Grumman Aircraft interim self··contained night attack aircraft, The aircraft contain low primary weapons delivery avionics, The S-ZG program is divided into two to be used in this program are all retrofits of airframes, The n1'\r\'l',~t'"\rn" aircraft have been designated AS-ZD, PROGRESS (C) Plans call for modification of two Gnzmnan S-ZD aircraft time schedule, and normal APSe procedures for \'i'eapon to a draft and final contractor work statement and "-/>-/>"',nrl,c>r1 a UMD for deplOYIng ten AS 2Ds to SEA has been nr",..,,,.,.,,,rI receipt of PACAFis comments,a meeting between TAC system to SEA is Qtr FY 1969, A contract has under way, A decision on the go",ahead for not later than 3 Sep 67, Based on the recovIlIJle~nd;at CSAF~ MONTHl Y Sf ATUS REPORT PROJECT OFFICER/0RGAN/SYM80L/PHONE NO i t Col WIlham.i .Allsnn/TA\IJC/DLT/88.2 .:>.L)'"'''' Radar Alltonetics information pes SAWC with liI: 2, (C) APGC test project directive completed on 7 June 1967. and a 3" (C) R·57 aircraft arrived at Eglin during month of 1967 without infrared "'~I.U"'!JIII<"j ~~~~~M~on~i~'____-r~_~________'____________ NUMbERISl 'rAe Test No 66-·33/ APGC PI' . N _lli.9Ql _ _ ....lJ,~m~~91!)!::.-'!.;t,g~r. ..tt!-!~..lL.J..!LL.....__.___ ._._......._.____ -----......--1 PROJECT MANAGEH!SYMBOL/PHONE NO PROJECT Major John R~owe:r/J~CLDLTL882-393S TEST LOCATIONIS) E lin Ai! Force Ba~.J::J...9.r.ida _______ .. __. ___._______+_~'.L.,"_l"'_L_"'."__"'L.....L._"""""'i""_" ...."""'_'"._'--1 PARTICIPA-rtNG/COORO AGENCYISl INITIATOR USAF 1PROJ ECT OESCRIPTION (C) The Forward Looking (FUR 1) system was gun nose section of the aircraft was modified to crew compartment and is equipped with a CFT type .~~_,,.,.~,~, compartment of the aircraft. Texas Instruments scanner and master controls -------..-------- PROGRESS ~ompleted I. CU) Tests 13 July 1967. 2. CU) Lonesome Tiger II reports are being drafted, Lonesome I will he 1-3.4? SECTEGN 1v P?ejaaT? Amy yam?mg?? ,9 SPECIAL ) MONTHl V S1 AllJS REPORT AGENCYIS) PROJECT DESCRIPTION (C) TAWC will continually monitor the development of these F-lllA experience in these fields. When changes in the enemy '""'!I"""""".L they have on F-lllA requirements. Recommemlations will <, PROGRESS (S) Radar Homing and Warning. A thorough initial analysis of the and recommendations were made to TAC. TIllS study concluded that the Specific'clmnges have been recommended. TAe has submitted to ASD a consolidated list of APS-I09 deficiencies which must be :C11lB. The majority of these have been incorporated for Harvest aircraft aircraft r~ceive similar mods. Electronic, Countermeasures: TAWC has made recomnendations to TAC ",...'nF'~',"" Trackbreaker, and TAe has provided CSAF reco~nendations for the overall A meeting on F-'111APenetration Aids was held on 4 TAe is reviewing possible equipment for these at TAe at which ASn hriefed MONTHL Y STATUS REPORT PROJ ECTDESCRIPTION (S) TAWC is monitoring all efforts to develop E(J'v1 for control panels and pylons to pennit use of equipment, both pylon~mounted and internaL TAWC modifications, tactics or testing as required, tE5 jSS The QRC-160-·1 EOvl pod is presently being used by F·lOS and Fire Can radars" All of the original QRC ·160-1 are in the time,. The 8TFl'1 is presently modifying both aircraft and to missions have been flown with aircraft ASD is final developing an internal power mod for TIle QRC'160,8 is an improved ECM pod that has a used by the QRC·160L 'Ihe ···8 pod consists of three can be used at a time, A joint APGC/TAWC test 15 S"band TlVS and AM The results were sent to were the recommended modes. A test is The Giant Stride IV testing was suspended due to poor evaluation, The next phase of the test will be to evaluate The QRC"335A (SEED SESAJl.ffi) is a program to active Sband TWS and AM~ ·C" band TWS and the missile fUle has been f1own~ in the mode, in APGC tests in the simulatoI' at Fort ASD.directed APGC tests be data is available to PRO 0 MOHTHl Y !iT ATUS REPORT CONCEPT PARTICIPATING/COORD AGENCY(S) PRIORITY or TESTING PROJECT DESCRIPTION For reasons of project sensitivity, det