UF: IJi't'l'li Uh Ell-{Tl A Pl HT: '[Zt'tti l-L'fs' UN: Ti'ili?l?s' s?tT: THAN-SCRIESEI) DETECTIVE DENIAL DEPARTMENT HUB lit}?! HOURS RESIDENCE. 22, HOURS BY D'l' This is Deteetive Winkels, Captain Jensen interviewing Kevin-at. Kevin?s address, er residenee. Tedas-"s date is Geteher 2 E??fi- Keir-"in 1mauld yell state year full aaitie please?1 Hes-in And velar date? Mlephene number? and this intereiess' is in ret'erenee tn the investigatien, is that eea'i'eet?ir ?r'es And it's a Yes And yeti eentaeted law ehl?ereenient ?T?es .?tnd why did yea eentaet law enthreelnent Kevin? I Felt that maybe I might have seen. seen stiniethini:I er that might he relevant th year ease? that might be semething yea eeLild use. And yell had teld. yea had teld as hell?ire we had turned the tape en that yea lived in St. .Ihsepli in Yes 1.. STATEN KEVIN HUMMER: PAGE. 2 H1. "ll 3 J. '12? ?r 5-1 Okay, :t-?Iau gnaw up in St. Jae"? Yap ?t?lu?ltat'a wart: wan lia'hta at lltt: that: Kat-lit? .r?tnd that waa member at" 1939'? ?t?aah :3le what waa grant airll?riana at [ha titrati-l {Ith ta yuur knawladga aha still lit-a3 in tha St. area?? ?r'aa And 1mm said yuan believe ahala marriatl naw ?r?aa glad were aut with-ha awning that Jawh was ?r?aa wa wan: at tht: rcaidcnaa all, of hat nmthar?a and whata waaltl that ha? I daft kw an: Eltarma? And wha alaa waa than: that avaninur? Ittatltar, hat .iat't- I tlnn"t ramamhar llE?J' llama. -anI:l lt?ll?t?t? than: waa anathat? lady mayha fit-?CH twa latliaa thata. playing we were all playing aartla that night. Ilhw did 3m? laarn uttha call that cit-?china? llal' mathur has a scanner that aha liatana to an a regular basis an; at, hurl har aha .lat't' being an lha I want In 5a}! tha art-:w (tr ?rs: dapanmanl Far St. Far St. luaaph. yaaln an aha liatcna ta that a lat Ami tla 15m] ramaltthar what yau an}:an haatd that ight'? eF: 14:13,th? eass Humans; ewes NUMBER: 3 .H. a lie?Cl 335.43 113:3 :e'C-i It 33:6 Really patehy, it said seinething abeut 'l'ent Thumb, um, i think it said bikes, I think it even said a mask, that?sjust really patehy we were en eur wav eat the deer, se i didn?t really get, listen te it that, that well. Kevin what happened after veu guvs heard this, what?d veu guvs de'i' Then we heard the, the peliee, (inaudible) mavhe twe er three squad ears went by her heuse heading dewn tewards Tem Thumb as we were en eur way eut the deer we decided er, te ge and leek and see what was geing en, and being that left was en the, en the, invelved in the St. .lee Fire Department that we deeided we'd ge see and see what?s geing en maybe he eeuld help eut, er semething like that, se we fellewed him dewn there, te Tern Thumb. And yen had indieated that yen, yen and Jeff went in separate vehieles? "r'es Whe went in yeur vehieie?.il Me ant- r?tnd whe?s vehieie was that? That was her, her vehieie, was driving theUgh Deseri?ee that vehiele te me?? I den?t knew the make, i knew it was silver, a silver ear kit had teps, den?l reeall the make er medel et' it, mid-sire ear Whe was in JetT?s vehieie? left?, it was him and his wife. He veu remember her name? He 1 denit And what kind et~ vehieie was that?? lie was driving a blaek Ferd truek, teur hv feur. 1ii'l?hen pen left mether?s plaee where did ven ge'i? We went dewn was it te there, tewards Tern Thumb, enee we get in Tem Thumb we did net see any lights, we were basieallv Ieeking fer the lights eftlte eep ears, we deeided te ge areund, well, I Tellewed him, se he went arennd Tent Thumb, baek bv the Del-Win and then ended up eeming up en 91*" Avenue, at that time left? get eut ef his truek I think and he said he was heading heme, that, and we still hadn?t seen any lights, se he was geing te ge heme, and then, went dewn Ell-?il tewards 2 and me and deeided that we?d drive up te the tep ef the hill and see if we eeuld see anything dewn that way. Se yen eame up 1e the step sign en 9 Yep STATEMENT CASE NUMBER: PAGE, NUMBER: 4 that: WC: 55th IND EEG F33 it: .G 311* Van turned whieh direetien?? Let?t Le? And .lelT went right IIllkay, and then where did yen ge? Went tn the tep el'tlte hill there and just when it erests yen ean everleek pretty mueh the whele area there, and I didn?t see any lights, er, anything geing en at the time, I turned left inte the driveway ef a farmer?s yard, I didn?t knew it was his yard at the time, I just knew it was a dirt, dirt read, we dreve dewn it ended up being a farmeris driveway and I turned arennd in his driveway and dreve baek eut. That was a Rassier residence, did yell knew the Rassier?s at all"? I didn't, ne, i didn't knew whe it was. ltilikay, Didn?t knew the name efanybedy there. He yen drive inte the farmyard, turn in the farmyard Yeah, turn tn the left, the left turn Hind efa eirele, Ll turn Cirele, yeah And yen drive baek up te 9 ?r?ep rind then what happens? Ah, as we?re pulling up, baek ente the tar, I, I seen eur lights shine in the diteh in frent ef us and there was I think 3 hikes laying there, I think, I?m net sure, 1 think there was three theugb Anything besides the bikes that yen netieed? He, just that there were seme hikes in the diteh, and we stepped and just leeked, leeked areund again and we talked ahent the hikes that we maybe might put them in the and take them te semebedy that we had fennel them we heard en the seantter that there was hikes invelved, thenght maybe they were stelen er semething, but we deeided against that and turned right ente Eil'"ll and went baek tewards Tem Thumb. The same reute tewards Tem Thumb that yen were Teek the same eaaet rente baek te Tent Thumb. Ukay, did yen get eut efthe vehiele at all?? Ne 1 ea; keenl? easenusteea; HUMBER: a 3313 1M3 0. 33? it?: By the bieyeles? Didnall?? Did -get eut efthe ear at all?? He Okay, hew leng did yeu sit there, de yeu remember?J Gesh, prebably three, leer minutes, semethin like that, hard te say, but we sat there and talked abeut it a little bit. See any trailie?? Nepe, there was nething. He lights, ne earsjust darkness, it. was dark eut there. [Jreye baek reward Tern 'l?bumb?? Yep And then what? As we were geing by Tem Thumb I seen that there was a, it leeked te me like an unmarked eep ear sitting in the parking let up against the sidewalk we pulled up neat te it and went inside te see ifl eeuld ?nd the peliee ef?eer whe?s ear it was, as 1 went inside I seen a guy standing there leeked like te me like a eep, he didn?t have a, a badge er anything that said yeu knew, where he was frem er anything but i asked him, i asked said lid he said he?s a medieal eep. And at the time didn?t all I heard was eep guess, se 1 asked him if he knew anything abeut, teld him my stery I heard en the seanner abeut seme bikes and the mask and and that. I had, had, had feund the bikes and if he had ealled the ear, yeu knew, he was, knew anything abeut it, he said he didn?t knew anything abeut it, and then be asked the, the kid behind the eeunter whe was werking that night if he knew anything, if he had ealled a, ealled the eeps. end the kid kind ef wisely said that ne he hadn?t but he eeuld. had at that, I leek it as yen knew, they didn?t want me in there, I didn?t feel weleeine, se I didn?t say anything further, 1 said ekay, thank yen, and I walked eut, and I walked baek,jumped baek the ear and teld, teld-lbeul it, yeu knew that, didnlt knew anything. Can yen deseribe that peliee ear te me, er what yeu theught might be a peliee ear'i' 'l'e me it leeked like, leeked like a eep ear but it was tetally unmarked, it had the the thieker tires en, leeked like peliee tires, seinething yeu weuld see en a eruiser, it bad a light en the driyerls side, just aheye, in Frent ell the deer, like mere tewards the heed, silyer light, and leeked like semething that weuld be en a eepper, Spet light?l See-t light, yeah, leeked like it was semething tier shining. And that's, it had the shape el a ear, leeked like that time, the style that they were. Se than yeu knew, I ean't remember a eeler, I think it was a light eeler, it" net white, it might have been a light gray, l, etT hand I ean?t Where was, where was that parked in relatien te the Frent deer ef the Tem Thumb?I CASE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 6 Ft LIME) tax: It I]:l '3th SEC it?: It?: It was parked tn the left ntithe tirnnt dnnr, maybe dnwn. Hnsed intn the sidewalk and I pulled up right neat tn it en the lell side nl it, Further dnwn. E?tnd the persnn that ynu talked tn inside was a male, enrreet?}I Yep I'Jid, ean ynu deseribe that persnn tn me? s?th, tall guy, maybe ti nr better, kind nf husky, maybe in his mid thirties tn ferry, he was wearing a leather jacket, tn me it lnnked like maybe a jaeket nr snrnething that a enp wear, leather, I think it? might have even had the ftlt?ly (sin) nnllar nn it, I think, and I ean?t, maybe a wider taee, a little ehunkier teen, a persnn?? I think he was between 35 and 4ft, I mean, it?s hard tn guess, guess ages, but, he wasn?t an guy, he wasn?t a ynung guy, he was ynu knnw, I?d say, I?d say in this Eds snniewhere. else in the stnre at that time that ynu can remember? There was net that, there was snmenne lnnking, at 1widens, there was a yiden department in there, yiden tapes, I think there was a enuple penple lnnking at yiden tapes. But, net that I made enntaet with nr talked tn and then the guy behind the enunter, a ynung, kid, I think he was prnbably, I?d say ynung, he was prnbably 17", In snmething like that. When, an ynu wnuld get bank in the ear with- Yep Did rn intn the stnre? he she sat in the ear. [Jkay, did where did ynu guys gn t'rnm there? there we pulled nut nt? the parking and we were gning tn gn hnme, we started nn Cnunty Read 2 headng intn St. .lne, {Jensen} ynu must mean, lEnunty Read 2, ynu must mean, 134'? aetually it turns intn [Winkelsl Cnunty Rnad l34'? 1tt'eah, l34 (Jensen) ?r'eah, 2 is the nne that gnes tn St. Stephen, tn Kremer Lake, ynu dnn?t mean that nne Uh, yeah, the 2, nus: that?s what we used tn liye nn here, {Winkels} Sn ynu went bank nn Cnunty Rnad 134 Cnunty Read [34 STATEMENT GF: PAGE NUMBER: 7 a. PC: 33G 3115-? has: It?: Whieh wenld be Main Street Minneseta er whatever it?s ealled, yeah, we went net even a hleek and there?s a dentist effiee there, er was at the time, den?t knew if it is new, but in the parking let there was a St. Jeseph eruiser, it was marked lights en tep, just sitting there in the dark se we deeided te tell him ent stery where, that we had fennd the bikes, if they were leeking fer them, we pulled up next In him teld him the stery again hew we heard en the seanner ahent hikes and the mask and Thumb and that, that we were driving arennd and we, we had seen seme hikes in the diteh up en 91*? there, and he teld me, he gees yep we knew ahent it and that?s all he said, he wasn?t really interested in anything it was like we were hethering hint. I denit knew what he was deing, his light was ell in his ear, se he wasn"t deing heekwerk er anything like that,jnst sitting there. What happened? I said ekay, Ijust kind ef was disgusted, I mean, ne ene wanted te knew ahent the hikes, se, and at that time I didn?t knew there was any ahdnetien invelved er anything like that, an then we, I think we baeked up and pulled ent ef a parking let and went haek en Main Street heading inte lU?v'r'l'I and ?W?l'll Kevin freni the time that yen lelt Lisa?s mether?s hense tn the time that yen talked te the St. lee eftieer hew mneh time had There was prehahly, prehably half henr, reughly, i wasn't keeping lraek, but it was, ahent a half heur was sitting and talking and we did, geing te the stere and, and just, and then we dreve arennd slew lneking, leeking fer the lights efthe squad ears that we never did ?nd. Frem the time that yen heard the inferrnatien en the seanner, until yen were up en Avenue and then turned arennd in the farmyard, ahent hew mneh time Between the hense and the farmyard? Frem the time that yen heard it en the seanner? That was prehahly ahent minutes, It) minutes ena we dreve past Tem Thumb up te the step sign, talked a little bit, he went, Jeff went senth we went netth, turned arean in driveway, it, it} minutes I guess, in that area. 1i?nn end up, yen take-heme er? Nepe she eame te my hense. She eame te yenr hense. Yep Okay, se then yen had indicated hefere we turned the tape en that yen later get a pltene eall frem Jeff? Yes the Tell me ahent that. During the night, I, think it was I, 3 eleleek in the rnerning semewhere in that neighherheed, a phene eall frem Jeff stating er he asked me a questien, he gees Kevin did yen, did yen ge, yen knew, did yen turn arennd in a farmer?s driveway? lteld hirn yes I did and he teld me he DF: CASE NUMBER: SQ?tl?riltl? PAGE. NUMBER: 3 WC 0 are :e TIME [3 says well, they?re up here right new, they?re taking tire ilnpressiens efa ear that turned areund in there, and then he held me that there had been an ahdnetien with same kid was kidnapped and that they*re taking tire traeks and they?re prebably geing te eeme te my heuse- And I, at that time figured maybe he teld them I turned areund and, and yen knew, they knew it was me up there, and maybe wanted te ask me questiens er what net, but he said get dressed ens they?re prebably eeming te yeur heuse. r?tnd that was left- That was left, at that time I put my elethes en and laid in bed and waited. I they were geing te eeme te tlte deer, but 1n the last 14 years have yeti eyer been interviewed by anyene ble I hayen?t In ret'erenee te this'i' Hebe, ne lane?s never talked te me. I dni? think lest eyer teld anybedy, he might. have, I, I dnn?t knew, I knew-hasn?t, well at the time she neyer teld anybedy, St. lee eep neyer teld anyhedy apparently, that I had stepped and talked te him. And yeti had mentiened earlier alse, that year l?ather had been interviewed?? "r?eah, gesh prebably abeut a menth er se, 1, i guess, maybe a menth, they earne eat with the am, what de yen want te eall it, sketeh was en the news. they had fliers eut leaking fer this persen they theught maybe had seme eenneetien tn the Wetterling kidnapping at the time my dad leeked sert eIlike that, he were a baseball eap and sente efthe, t'rent tips er whatnet, they said well this, there?s a gay dewn here whe wears, leeks like that and walks aretlnd, ens he used te walk amend and piek up eans in the neighberheed and stuff. Se they eame and enntaeted him the FBI did I think it was, it was the Flat, and they eame te his heuse and, and interyiewed him when was, What?s i??tlr Father?s name? Clkay, year had alse ntentiened hefere we turned the tape en that, that had yeu seen this unmarked squad ear a time? Yeah, What was the stery then? "that was prebably a week and a lialfl think between a week and a week and a half after the abdnetien that I was enrleus te where the had Iiyed, I had never knew them their family persenally er anything, sn 1 went up in that same direetien and dreye dewn te their heuse at that time, and seen the news erews there and 1 think there might have even been seme Sherist there even, senteene maybe talking te them, I turned amend and eante baek up past where the bikes had, I had seen the bikes and heading baek dewn tewards 134, 134?? ?ning haek nerth en 915?? ?t?eah e13: ksyna CASE HIJMHIZR: ?gfl??dl?? Pr?ttjli NUMBER: 9 a [3313 trad?J IUD {Jensen} Tewards tewn?iI Yep, and at that time I seen that same ear, that I seen at Tem Thumb eeming tewards me and we were deing maybe 2t} miles an hear and we passed eaeh ether and we beth stared at eaeh ether, I mean te eye, it was, i was seared, yen knew, 1 then maybe he was geing te turn arennd and eeme arrest tne fer semething, er yen knew, ena I, I had talked te him that night, This was At the stere Dkay, this is the persen that was in the stem? Yeah, I thenght maybe he wanted in eeine get me and talk te me er whatnet bet he just kept geing his direetien I kept geing mine, he was heading up tewards where the, the abdnetien happened er Wetterling heme, se and that?s the last I seen ef him, we jnst, went beth direetien and just stared at eaeh ether and, and kept geing. shivers up my spine, but, but that?s the enly thing, yen knew, seen ef him. {Jensen} guess ean?t think ef anything, is there anything else that yen ean think ef that we haven?t asked yen'i' Uh, ne,jnst that l, I say I talked te yen knew, seyeral different peeple eyer the last few, er last 14 years and, and nething, nethingis eyer yen knew, eetne up. I have neyer talked te an inaestigater er anything I, I talked te a lawyer ene time, beeanse l, I wanted, I felt that maybe I knew semething, er I had seen semething that night, maybe th rengh, yen knew, maybe semeene in the stere, er maybe even that guy i talked in in the stere, maybe he had semething te de with it, er, I shenldnit say this, maybe the St. .lee eep maybe, had semething te de with it, Uh?hnh r?tt the time, ena he was a new effieer in tewn that, besides the twe regulars that were in tewn. But the lawyer said that I, that I really didn?t knew anything and net in, net te say anything te anybedy, net te pursue it. 1Werry abent it. Be beeanse was, 1 was sert efaft?aid te ge Ie the Peliee Department ft?em, twe peeple that I talked te that night that thenght were eeps had, didn?t say anything abent me se thenght maybe they were trying te eeyer semething up and was afraid efthat, that wenld be in danger et'seme sert, but, that?s kind ef the reasen l?ye never said anything te anybedy, er Se if we thenght we had a eernpesite er a pietnre efthis persen in the Tem wenld yen be willing te leek at that at seme time'i' Yeah, I?d be willing, I, and I?d, his faee is pretty fresh in my mind, I meanthinking after the whele thing and it just, yen knew, l, there?s net, I always think abent it, I always think abent yen knew, every time yen hear semething en the news abent the always leek fer semething, maybe I, yen knew, maybe they'll say semething abent the silver ear that was in, I den?t knew, er hey, this, we?re leeking fer this guy that stepped and talked te this peliee et'fieer at the, at the dentist eftiee there, I always leek fer little bits, yen knew, that maybe lean help, attd it?s like I was never there, it was like they den?t want mete be there, and (Winkels) Nebedy shewed an interest in it. S't?n't?ttMENT ev: kevnv CASEHUMBER: sseesser PAGE NUMBER: we EEC ZEN: 3350 Ne ene shewed interest in me whatseever se theugltt maybe I didn?t, maybe I really den?t knew anything, i, I didn?t see anything, lint amazes me that ne ene?s ever eentaeted me with these tire traeks I mean, she had just beught them maybe a eetiple weeks befere, se they were brand new tires en a ear, ?I?en weuldnit happen te knew where she benght these? She beught them in St. Ciend, she them in the parking let, there was a tires plaee, eh, I think it?s is it Tires, Right Tire, er Tires Plus, it?s lit the Creesreads parking let, right there en Divisien. have been Sears weuld?ve it?iI He it was diseenneeted it, it was right en Divisien Like (ieed 1it"ear Cress-treads, {Winkels} where are yeti talking abeet, (Jensen) The mini mall thing, right in frent, en Divisien Street- [Winkels] What street??I Right en Divisien. (Jensen) Remember that Cined "r?ear, that tires stere, itis in the same, i denit knew it' it?s there anyntere aeress the parking let, (Jensen) right (Winkels) Between Cressreads and Divisien Street ?t?ep 'I'ewards the Teyeta er {inaudible} right between there, {Jensen} that Geed 'fear er whatever that is, er whatever it weuid have been I think 1 was even with her, I knew that her ear was getting {inaudible} Se yen en brand new tires er they were brand new. Se I, That wenld be the tire prints that they?re leeking fer they?re brand new tire prints ?r?eah, se it*sjt:st amazing that they didn?t, yeti knew, find these, net lt?s een fusing, te whe knews why that happened that night Yeah, but that all eentribtlted te me net eeming ferward, i guess, en: was really, Well ifyeti already it ferth twiee and nebedy paid an attentien, Yeah, and i was afraid that maybe that yen knew, they were already watehing er feiiewing me areund, er yen knew, I den?t knew, Ijnst, like I said, I was seared, I was 21 years bid and afraid efthe peliee effieers, well 1' STATEMENT OF: mm? CASE NUMBER: PAGEHUMEER: ls there anything else that we haven? asked yea that we should knew? That yet: ean think at?? Ft Net et?t?et?hand, itgjust the tires that, I remember that she hadjast beught these: It'jp'nu think et?semethingj we?ll leave a business eard. Tn. t?Jkay, Fm mere than happy te eall yea, This eeneludes the statement, the time is new [1:52 AM. DF D17: CASE PACE ISIIMSEE: 12 I: READ THE CUNSISTWG OF THIS PACE ASE: I I CTI IEE FACES. I FIND IT EE TELJE AME: AND AM SIGNING MY NAME AT TI IE END ASID HAVE EACH PACE. I HATE ALSCI ISITIALED ALE IN THE HIE-NED: EECEIET I, HC CE A CUFY CE THIS WHICH WAS GWEN TCI ME AT TI IE TIME I MADE AISE: SIGNED THE ITEICIEAL- IN TIIE PRESENCE UF: SIGNED: DATE: TIME: