1ef1 EASDWITE, BENSDN. TDRREE 8c LLP Iii-33- ATLANTA. HARE E- Hasuwlrz HEW HEW rue-Hr: ale-sea- nie- L435 HHGELES nmr?mmrzeeu tau-HI PM NEW-HRH 5AM m: Deteber 12,2015 Dean Banquet Eseeutiye Editer The New ?r'erlt Times see Eighth Avenue New ?i?erlt, New ?r'erlt 3 He: Demand fer Retraetien Dear Mr. Etaquet: We represent Denald J. Trump. We write in respense te the libeleus artiele published Deteber 12, l?l? by The H'w l?erii ilmes entitled Twe H?emee Say Hamid Trump Them Inapprepriefeiy. ?i?eur artiele is reekless, defamatery arid eenstitutes libel per se. It is apparent frem, ameug ether things, the timing ef the artiele, that it is nething mere than a pelitieally-metiyated effort te defeat Mr. Trump?s eandidaey. That is why yeu apparently perfermed an entime inadequate investigatien te test the veraeity ef these false and allegatiens, ineludiug why these individuals waited, in ease, it years, and, in anether ease, mere than three deeades, befere deeidiug te eeme ferward with these false and defamatery statements. Clearly, The New Fer-k Times is willing te preeide a platferrn te anyene wishing te smear Mr. Trump's name and reputatien prier te the eleetien irrespeetiye ef whether the alleged statements have any basis in feet. We hereby demand that yen immediately eease any further publieatien ef this artiele, remeye it help yeur website and issue a full and immediate retractien and apelegy. Failure te de se will leave my elient with he ttpli?n but te pursue all available aetiens and remedies. Sineerely, WES. Mare E. ?asewita