PEACE UNITY Kahnawake, Quebec. J01. 180 (OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL OF Tel. (514) 632-7500 words ?Fr 01Band Funds 0 5 Pl 3 or Revenue . ever IS the case, must annear In all resolutions requesting Expenditures from N074: L95 "1033 "0'93 fonds d8 nOfre bands "Capital" on re venu" salon re cas doivent parairre dens routes les resolutions Porranr sur des d?pmses a Moha'wk Council of Iva/mama m?me fes fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BA NDE INDIENNE MOHAWKS 0F KAHNAWAKE went cap?! Bale Sofde de capital 5 AGENCY DISTRICT AHNAWAKE Committed Engage? PROVINCE Current Revenue balance PLACE Solde de revenu COUNCIL OFFICE NOM DE ENDROIT Committed Engag? 5 i DATE AD 19 DAY JOUR MONTH MOIS YEAR D9 HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: Accepting Acknowledging Considering Aware Recognizing MOHAWK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. PROPOSED BY: SECONDED BY: 140/1988?89 Chief Davis Rice Chief Richard White the responsibility for the destiny of the future generations of the Mohawks of Kahnawake; and, that the manufacture, transport, sale and use of illicit and illegal drugs in the Territory of Kahnawake is a major concern; and, that the manufacture, transportation, sale and use of illicit and illegal drugs are a detriment to the individual, the family and the community; and, that illicit and illegal drugs are being sold, traded, bartered and consumed by Mohawks of Kahnawake in the Territory of Kahnawake; and, justice to control such the consequences of the need for a system of law enforcement and activities in order to protect the community from illicit and illegal drug abuse. We, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake hereby declare: The Territory of Kahnawake is a "Drug Free Zone". A quorum for consists of fix? a I Council Members Membres du Conseil this Pour cette bands to quorum est Band 7 (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor Conseil?fer) . .g?eQ illor tuber-mail} FOR DEPARTMENTAL use ONLY RESERVE AU 1:1, Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES SOLDES 3. Expenditure I 4. Authority Autorite? 5. Source of Funds 5 Code du compre . De'penses Indian Act See Source des fonds de handle A. Caplt-Jl B. Revenue Rove-Hal Revenue 5 5 Indians Reva-nu IA 135 Recommended Recommendable (3-74) 7530-21- Appro ved Approuvable Officer Ap?mu v? par Recommending Officer Recorrmande' par 023-4662 I Malian/k Council of Kabnm?ake OF THE COUNCIL or CHIEFS) PEACE UNITY 720, STRENG TH Kahnawake, Quebec. JOL :30 The words ?From our Band Funds? "Capital" or "Revenue". Band Funds Tel. {514) 632?7500 which ever is the case. must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from NOTA: Les mots ?des fonds de notre bande "Capital" ou revmu" sefon le cas doivent paraftre dens toutes les r?solutions portant sur des d?penses ?1 m?me Ias fonds: des bendes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Current Capital Ba 1a nce Solde de capital AGENCY DISTRICT Committed Engage? PROVINCE Current Revenue balance Sofde de re vent: I PLACE NOM DE Committed Engage DATE AD 19 YEAR TAKINEE Do HEREBY DECIDE, FAR LES MOHAWK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 140.1988-89 - Page 2 The manufacture, transportation, sale and use of illicit and illegal drugs in the Territory of Kahnawake is an offense against the Community and is hereby prohibited. Any person found in the Territory to be manufacturing, transporting, selling, trading, bartering, possessing or using illicit or illegal drugs within the Territory will be liable to punishment to the fullest extent which may include: Public Exposure Public Reconciliation - Public Retribution Community Tribunal Rehabilitation Court of Kahnawake - Extradition to Canadian or American Authorities Fine Imprisonment Banishment from the Territory This declaration made the 17th day of April 1989 by the Mohawk Council of in the exercise of its personal and territorial jurisdiction. I A quorum for this Band Pour cetie bande quorum est consists of a 7 Council Members Membres du Conse? 321113;": l. . J6 conseiHe-r) Ion. 6?;33" (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor - nsei?er) (Councillor consefner) Kahnawake {Councillor cmseill?er) ..-. - nci lor consa Her) 1 FOR DEPARTMENTAL use ONLY RESERVE AU MINISTERE Band Fund Code Code du compre dc bands 2. COMPUTER BALANCES SOLDES A. Capital 95 8. Revenue Revenu 3. Expenditure D?penses Indian A\ct See Art. de la Loi sur les Indians 4. Authority Auton?te? i 5. Source of Funds Source des fonds e\?efl?le ?7?31111 . 1 Cap1tai [3 i I 'r i i Date 6. Recommended - Recommendabl'e Recommending Officer - Recommande per Appro ved Approuvable Date ve? par 135 3-4652