Regular in5Mee~ Aspen City Council 1970 May 11~. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Eve Homeyer at 054: m. p. with Councilmen Edwin Vare; Ross Griffin, Francis Whitaker, City Attorney Albert Kern and City Administrator Leon Wurl. Councilman Vare moved to approve the minutes City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Councilman Ail in Fitzhugh favor, motion of April 13th as prepared and mailed by the Scott arrived. carried. Councilman William Comcowich arrived. Accounts Payable - Vare moved to approve the accounts payable a s submited by Finance Department. Seconded by Councilman Rcott.Roll call vote Councilmen Vare Payable aye; Comcowich G= fin~ i£ Councilman Accounts the aye; 1039 Reservoir Creek discuss Mr. or the Fischer~' May ~1,1970. , Aspen City: Council Regular Meeting waspresent, toCastle Secretary Engineer of the Colorado Water Conservation District.. with the Council on the reservoir for Castle Creek Ashcroft with council ~their eooperation A6hhcroft Area, Mr. Fischer Fischer fave~ it amap showing the district in which Aspen is: t0 COun~ located. ~Mr. Water Conservation District and dis cussed those the backgroundand respensibilities of the. that the City and Board co-operate on,i. e. proposed dam on Castle Creek. The status of which the BureaU of Reclamation is presently doing preliminary studi~s asthe the proposed location of the.dam. Chart House submitted items Chart House -~ Homeyer opened quired by the City Change of Location Mayor public hearing. Forms as reThere were no remonstrancesfiled,Councilman Comcowich moved to and State, were submitted to Council.~ the approve the change of location for the Chart House as sub- mitted. Seconded by CoUnCilman Scott aye;Griffin aye; Comcowich Whitaker aye; Walls Vare. Roll call vote Councilmen aye; Vare aye.Motion carried. Golf Tournament Golf Tournamnet - Parks aye; and Recreation Director Ted, presented the cup won bythe City in the golf tournament held Armstrong also submitted to COuncil on Saturday. Tournament between the City and County. Mr. Armstrong the brochure for the summer and winter recreation program. Councilmen Scott and Comcowich left Council Chambers. Mayor' s Deeds Mayor' s Deeds- Deedswere Elizabeth Lots submitted H:, H, and I Blocks 78 &of Block! 78 and F,G, Mae Anderson of Lots D, E, as Trustees of the Walter P. 8 Paepcke Life Insurance Trust for Paepcke, StephenMck~DuBrut~ Jr~ o~ H,and I in Block 8. Mr. Wur. 1 polnt. ed~ G, forGussie t thereis erty Anderson with~ oneproblem the ~ dedd easement. without an: has an in that:the: City.~ Attorney Kernto . Councilinstructed City electric line running prepare and attach to the deed a letter agreement w t stating the acrossthe~prop: grantee: give 1040 Regular Meeting . Aspen City~ Council Publlc.~ Restrooms - Administrator ~ t, 970 ' ' y,: ll,~' M~ url reported ~money h : as beem~ the~ stroomsImprovement budgeted~: under Public Commun/ty . Re~ : and~' : artlcte~ prefab on and further~ submitted a ske~ tch Fund of the': RSAfor, this purpose, restrooms. ~ Council . stated they woutd~ rather~: of: more e, esthetic b~ locat:~ rc~-.~ a~ iteCt. seedesigns ~ itding :by.a ~ Administrator ~ url:~ informedCouncil ~there were on~ y~ limited : funds for this purpose~ Council agreed are f public~ to pass~ onto! the RSA Board, the,~ City~ in' w~ oia~ f r a: ~ restrooms that, esthetically done and designed by a local architect ~.~ . Charter Convention have contacted not an ~ lected Recording Secretary - Wurl reported delegates of the Chart: Charter regarding reimbursement to the recordingSecretary since she vention delegate to the ~ onvention~. ing Con, er Administrator his office Record- is Secretary Councilman Comcowich~movedLorraine Graves City C erk,. berezmbursed at the hourly rate per number of hours of evening meetings for,theCharter Convention. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Roll call vote -Councilmen aye; Comcowich aye; Griffin aye; Scott aye; Walls aye; Whitaker aye. Motion carried. Dog Pound Vare City Attorney reported the agreement is not ready at this time. Further Dog Pound stated have CityAttorney Kern draft an agreement between: the City.andCounty ~ for one half of the animal, wardens time andone hal~of the spaces. Countywould pay their share of the costs. Agreements ready by the next meeting. Shop Addition - Administrator the County and specifications for an addition to Shop Addition the shop Wurl submitted Castle Creek bridge. Administrator Wurl reported~ he~ has writeen Grande rning their' toRio conce' :~ building whichthey desireto move, ~ in the meantime would like. m' authorization to call bids, on t~ e specificationssub ztted.Councilman Whitake~ stated forhe under the Kern deSires, to plans was concerned about the metal~ buildings. zoning allow City putting in Fur~ther is a ilding when! the Citydoes not metal b~ in this ~ rea. Administrator Wurl repprted the questionraised ontda. zoning 15. Suggestion was made R- the metal building be covered with some~ thing more~ esthetic.Councilman Griffinmoved to authorize the City Administrator to call for bids and provide for alternat bids covering the sides of the building that are misible. Seconded by Councilman Vare. Councilman Whitaker questioned the extension City to do. Council ' ' instructed ~ of , a , nonconforming use and : ' City Attorney Kern to find~out if~ the City can if not what steps are necessary to do so. Roll extend a is this permissabl for the non-conforming use and call vote -Coun: cilmen ~ areaye; Whitaker aye; Comcowich aye; Walls aye; Gr£ ffin aye; . 1041 R~ gul~Meeting Aspep City Council _. Administ= ator Wurl res-~ deht~in {hat 1, 00 000. was not May. ~1, 1970 informed Council last year the City leased our water on Hunter Creek to for the purpose 0f~irrigation at'a price of $00. 1, 000. year. The a paid to the City but was used for repairs to the Hunter Creek system. area by the people they would like to request a three year contract as will tak~this much to put the system int6 operation. Mr. Wurl suggest the City grant a three year contract, the money be paid to the City in,a lump sum and the City to do the Mr. Wurl was informed it repairs. Councilman Griffin moved to authorize the City Attorney tb revise the lease providing Vare aye; Comcowich year contract. Seconded by Councilman Vare. Roll call vote aye,; Griffin aye;Scott aye; Walls aye; Whitaker aye.Pitkin a Iron Pitkin Suit 3 for Councilmen Iron Mine Sui~Attorney ~ Kern reported the appeal has been filed, Mine Feel Attorney Ralph Clark' sstatements is on order and recommend payment of same. Councilman Scott moved to approve the payment to Ralph Clark as submitted. Seconded by Councilman call vote -Councilmen aye~ Scott aye; Comcowich aye; Walls aye; aye;vare aye. Mo~ioi~ c~ rried. CouncilmanComcowich Griffin. Roll Whi'~ aker Griffin moved to ratify the action taken at the executive session with Secondedby Councilman Walls. Ail in favor, motion carried. Resolution # 12 Resolution # 12, Series. of 1970' as follows was in full by the read~ City Clerk. Ralph Ci~ rk. Brownell Annex Resolution No. 12 Series of, 1, 970 W~ S,. City of Aspen has accep. ted aPetition annexation of tha~-'~ ty Council of the theCi, pe~ y ilarly r~ par= l~ orr~ par~ ic{Cfhat de~¢ ribe~ . ~ i~ r~ for x~ 1042 R~. r eg~!~ eeting ~ WHEREAS, no WHEREAS, t upon said conditions election accepts is the BE 1970 May 11,_ required under said act; and, e City Council determines land proposed to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE; hereby AsPen_ City Cpuncil tTRESOLVED,. Resolution # 12 Brownell Annex impose additional not to that the City terms-and Councilof~ the Cityof~ Aspen Petition for annexation. Councilman Whitaker suggest the resolution include the recommendation of the City and Planningand' Zoning Commission. Ail annexations should be reviewed by the Enginee~ Planning Zoning and Commission first as relates reets, s,~ tolotsize. st~ etc. Councilman Comcowich moved to adopt Resolution No. 12,Series of 1970. Seconded by man Walls. Roll call Councilman Vare aye; Comcowich aye; Griffin nay; Scott aye; Whitaker aye; Walls aye. Motion carried. Council vote - Councilman Vare left Council Chambers. ORDINANCE #11, SERIES 970,' ANNEXATION~ TOTHE OF~ 1'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FO~THEASPEN, COLORADO OF THAT CERTAIN TERRITORYOR REAL.~ ESTATEOrdinance # 11. THISU Brownell Annex. ORDINANCE, LYING OUTSIDE OF, BUT ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO INwas read in full by the City CITY-OF PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED. Clerk on first reading. Councilman Comcowich moved ~~ Ordinance # 11, Series of 1970 as read in to adopt full on first reading and order the sam~ published. Seconded by Councilman Walls. Roll~ call~ Councilmen Whitaker aye; Walls aye;Scott aye;Griffin aye; Comcowich vote .... aye.Motion carried to CERTAIN Vare Councilman returned AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RENACTING,' 70, Council Chambers. ORDINANCE #! 2, SERIES OF 19~ SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 17, TITLE I OF THE OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY Ordinance # 12 PERTAINING TO Municipal Judge THE MUNICIPAL COURT AND MUNICIPALJUDGES AND PROVIDING T~ LAT THE SHALL read Court A COURT OF RECORD, AND HERELY by title only, as agreed by Council, on second reading BE Municipal DECLARING EMERGENCY AN TO EXIST was AS AMEMDED, OFASPEN, MUNICIPAL COURT by the City Clerk. Councilman Scott moved to adopt Ordinance ~ 12, Series of 1970 on Roll call vote second reading and order the same published. Seconded by Councilman Councilmen Vare aye;Comcowich aye; Griffin aye; Scott aye;Walls aye; Whitaker Walls. Motion carried. Mrs.Zanger was present and submit ed to Council a petition signatures re=Cemetery questing the installation of a pedestrian and bicycle path aye. bearing the improvements the property owners pay removal and what type of sidewalk could be installed and whether the County would cooperate in installing the sidewalk on the county side or should Cemetery Lane. Lane City pointed out for sidewalk entire cost, such be dis-cussed snow in-stalled on the city Council agreed Servic~ Authority moved to Board. Walls side to have the City representative of the street. the Regional go into executive session, seconded submit by this problem to Whitaker. All in favor, motion carried. Whitaker moved to reconvene the regualr meeting and to adjourn this meetinguntil-ma~ 18, Lorraine Graves, City May Clerk Ad3ourned Meeting edto orderby. MayorEve 1970Meeting was ca%! 18~ .. H0meyerat5: 00 Aspen City 27 along Council 1043 Whitaker submitted previously his report and photographs Sidewalks discussed were:Guidd' s; Little Red Ski Hostel; Moore Realty; f" ofblock; Aspen Auto Supply; Medical Center. Discussed sPharmacy and other hal~ Parking Parking Enforcement - on violati0n~. Aspen Laundry; Carl' Violations May 18, 1970 __ Aspen City Council A~ j' d d p u~ _ Mee.t~ Dg Councilrhan those areas where head- in parking has been allowed where there are sidewalks and the sidewalk area. Mr. Whitaker recommend curbs those without sidewalks and cars parking i~ be installed. e regulations on Councilman 'Whitaker moved that the Police Department impartially enfo~ parking on the sidewalks as defined in the Model Traffic Code~ Seconded by Councilman Scott pointed out some of these items have been approved and there seems to conflict between what is allowed under the Medel Traffic Code and the City Ordinances. utilize the area~ between the curb The ordinance allows, i ~th permission of Council, to~ and sidewalk for parking areas. Reason~ for doing this is to obtain more parking area. Administrator Wurl be a to require conformance with the Model Traffic Code of granted permission under the City ordinance. Discussed whether were Councilman It areas that Griffin arrived. pointed was those out the Comcowich called for call' voteCouncilmen - Whitaker Cit~Engineer the question - All is now reviewing ayes with exception Vare aye; aye; Comcowich the curb of cut ordinance. Whitaker who voted nay. Roll nay, Walls nay; Scott aye; Griffin aye. Motion cacried. Council instructed City administrator Wurl, City Attorney Kern and City Engineer to review areas' and makea report to Councili Business Business Attorney. Councilman G~ in Priorities Priorities - Councilman Walls stated Licensing - i~ be should the forthcoming, Council' s and Sity Water Engineer, was reported the City concentrate on Hunter and the Ashcroft Rea, completed, needs to be reViewed. Licensing by problem theCity report has goneto the Planning and Zoning and a recommendation anning form the Pl~ Comcowich Dale is statedthis the Maroon creek a' Zoning very Water Water shortl~ Rights - Councilman intown Rights and nd this not do date too muchon Castle Creek recommend until Dam is settled. On Maroon Creek, Mr. Reas will be submitting four alternatives and suggest the City seriously consider the 4th alternative. Upon written report, the City should' survey and provide for bondingin the following year. Planner Planner - Councilman Walls repotted the screening office committee applicants over the weekend. Discussed with applicants of responsi~ bility,,.~ salaries. Estimate $ 20, 000 b~ interviewed two staff, space, budget line dgetthe remainder the ofthis year~ and plannershould~ be rgsponsi5le for the next 2 or 3 years $ 40, 000 or $ 50, 000 a year.Agreed the~ County Commissionersand City Council andwould work through the City Manager when working on City business. Planner would work under the RSA. People in6erviewed were adminiStrators. as well to as planner. Felt onspecific projects Committee and the two men con- sultants would interviewed felt the first six months would be spent accumulating insight on the area. Councilman Comcgwich moved to report. Seconded by Report not compelte/ DogsDogs pound is Councilman Griffin being worked this' to f~ es, Councilman reported Whitaker. Ail in Screening brought in. b~ material, cataloging, and getting adopt some this favor, motion carried. On&Way Streets~= the out with Luther Albright. Have drafted an ordinance increasing the be submitted tothe CityAttorney. Councilmmn Comeowich moved to adjourn at 6: 30 p. m.,seconded by CouncilmanGriffin. Ailin favor, meeting adjourned.