Liil'n II 911.. - 1 FUTURE F'smj Hue-:rls {if Kahlua-Ell I. II lug-t was m3?. ?1 Waupahu Hui lather hue. ma 1 Hurt ms L-mm'lv 1h" 3'9 hm mi mm gmd'mw "0m Hn'l'll'?il Prep-a1 I 1 a. . ?in?ll-5 Tll?lj ?Din ?Inf-hm. nan-lad a *5 1M and ?iplnr and a '31 Law duct-3r A1 11m age a! ?ve. Kilt and ?'leI fr-am'n lhl' Un'wl'?'l'l' Dr Hnwm' 3' H'Eh'?m??n Elihu. F.:r marl-y 3? K'r" ?mm? the Wham "Wilding an parlan an A 1 in Egg; began hi5 publit servitn Caren: h? was waned :1 H.:uu1:- ?Mm Find 'JI'II'n'erl-il-r area. Ho qulhTm? ?rm. inalj?gnll ?amt-Em 35. ml! h?us? malarlw I?nd?r Whll'E' ll'l mu. Fart {augm . m, ramnmi heallh car-u- all ?ail-dun ll'l Hawnn. and n1 dailar: In rennin: Ina?curl fun-.15 [0 fix uur sch-cum. RUDE. I'Ilrk was; managing Ipr Irf wh?ru I'm was Im- 1ha. in. nf Ih-If! my. 51Han the: nae-r15 nr the nun-l.- uni -n Hum-dams m1 ?ahu. Iliurk alga smug-r! as. mayor, Ina-r Mun resugnad In turn In: gnu-a2 mm In 1131 D. M. mag-m and managing dira?ur. Kirk wai- the 411'le prim-unl- pmnl: {Err two the higga? taint-5 facing Elihu; Tranm Ind I1urr1y ua?l1?i?. Ha also aunt-353mm axpadila-tl $15-11 ful?l mpg-mug, an] min-13 man-r new jobs. II-ii?: was pmud In part a mam mat balanced the city's budge-IE duling the wgm: our caulan has. limit lh? 5:331 while a: same molesting vim cut-f Hull: is mania-d Danna Ti! Danna chairman the LES. F?datal Dan-mi! Insumnca Emu-Drawn and is new vice: chairman and mamhm the Managing min-em I'm lha Bani: uf Hawaii. Kirk and D1311 nu have 6 daughlar. May-a. Hniur a: Funahuu- A HUADMAP FOR OUR FUTURE Than: :25 a saving, it wzru dnn't know Whan ynu'ra nun-.- road will gm mu Imam. where- lhnn. nr? wt going as. tummuni'tlf? ?ahu tho natural Ell-?qu at car rmal and ate-as, nmall legacy.- 1Dwna. resrd?mla' Eumn?mnilius in war-p #:5er at our inland. rasnrt mans whore inumtr- wen nun-:1 rrmn-pr of our Maple wart, and that nnargv and adginnss at am marnr r-?wnu maple and pill-tan have their own personaliliu. Ihair awn ch?lungaa and needs. from {3in Hall. Thu tin-li- and Eaunw nt play-:5 a mainr ml: our quality at life. Facing everyday.- nhslinngas iusl lu- Enp lhinga working. runnier and cleaned. tn naming the public?: saint-p- [mm dimcling haw and nun-4:5 ?rm-arming lha muriw Inf uur fun-d. angry-r and water. Thu uf aur human is, til: at] all In. II 1:51: null wind: Inward a daslrud lutura. will he diminish?! Ihmugh an Indian sari-as at decision; that land us nail-mare. I spent 5 Int at Iimu this last war. in natal-luring: big and wall. listening In mambnm at our comrnuniw. Hulaan lhli?f lungs. anaran mine. finding a purl Inn-Hard ta nut ahamd tnmnirrm pans: duct-mum than rmlu at ll'lm multinna and may are this Ill-luau": ulaw inn haw ahnut getting than. II I nun: Iha appurtuniw In 5am I: Ill-our mavnr, I hian tn bl mmamhmud a who rnllad up his ?an-ms. dun til-HI]. gut l?im?. linens-Ii brought manta tonsil-m tn ?nd miran gmuncl and when Lal'a If can. tngalhur. cumin Human [at ?lm Fulum.? 1mm. madam" GOVERNING much-amth Inn..- nI'IlunII. I hallm tlull we ml?plhh mm w, aw? llml1 mgum? uml rig h'Iinq. I Im I'umu'n? far ala?inn. pick a? mu?. I run WIIHIIH arm nhlo 1L1: mnku hard d?ili?l'll and man may" . .- 1 m1 with gnu-5mm dbl!? run-.ulmn MED W131i Mtl'l I mg?m?? -l . In?ulnr cummunlulwnuile HD513- ll UPI-lam duna?munu or u?ica-n. I lead a warning muml? ?nd Warn lummhinl.mand an"; it': limo ra-un-nlu thy Pubmull train and War tl'm rm "gnu-m" ?mm madam-"a in high-th lam. I ru?am Ihu dlrurarlmr Of allGullah-walla lud?nhlp was maid and WW IIde mumgrunt-I1- nubll-I: Inter-m. I haliavl 1h! IIM- Wmmun?y. SAFE Thu ?rst raipnn?ibiht-pr {If all-.- ta ta- rm: and you: Thu stuns making mm nu attract and rnraln 1hr.- basl WIIEE ?fficer?. fire?ghters. parame?ics and and ans:qu arc unannalely- trained and ham! me Human-mm. Ir: - Clur an Iha Hmiml Earn-icy 1Elu'l5l tam-El mm sham fat-.15 during lh?' :Ihul down a! Iha Wail Duh-u hnwalals Margin-g EMS wilh the ?rs dnpanmanl Mm crilinal 5.2m. In'rlial ate-pa mu Iain-an Mail: I lh? t'rw and "lid till be ?lmed farmland. EMS will banal}: by [waiving Htl?r training and equipment and will wan-I: hand-in-hand with than Iii-alight!? In. saw hm, - White I was l'l th-u city, in map-amiun HPD and HFD and Ill? ?i??pI Cal-Inc?. pin-ad Inn: 111' milling-n1 nl' ?nlhm the budge? EIle and ta pupa"! far puma-1d- saminars Fur APEC- DUE tn mun-m planning and "lining during regular wad: hams. uur public ?fur-l.- pmuil?m mm able to thlm'tr expanding tha bu?: mane-r, creating nigni?unt Elvin-gs. that will in u?d I'ur ulhar imam-?an: nit? lunclinns in lhu ?ml war budmL Wu mum! uni-Lure than than cinr in by th! fade?! warnmant l'n-r Il'm summhn APE: rummit. uh craat?r if lh?' mum and Gil? mum-um I: .5- ci?r can he a iigniftc?l'll i T'n mum-rm: ww- Uh. hag t?n?nl and {Wibiliw l?i?lm? :Ii- 5. roads. landfilt and Iran-afar mlinn?. H~an . . mninEunance and Upgrading. If Elana numarnui bl- WI new m- 55': . eat In china In. anIum nee-d a1 cum-Ian! mania. hands-on mannar. nut rum deepest reunion Him 1M Gr and afI'i-tiern't publi: 151:]le . and mm n1an Madnr?hlp than that $11an up tha mutant my? Ira nm ninja-cl.- Iha ull'lnr is tha 5LT billiun Wranthan Fm.? wuuld nut ha waited and marl: work muld In mint}; mm mm?; create mans-ands 111' Head-ad imbue; mu. Wu will aim banal? I?m Emma-Ind "Ef?e mndhium. marl Mn! when tn work Each d-nr. 1mm m? Ill-El ?my: if?fi. rain as a businm pm. mat a inb inhihimr. This dun not - ur Inbnr Im. Wham dun: mun I: ma nit? mu mfg.- my?, .. Inlulinni quickly and smut-Hahn . Wu mad I 'city' that warh' In man island li'vl . A: a. maul: a! tough with Iha En?mnmantai F'i'umtzlinn Agar-m,- wit-Ia I waa managan EM. we want: abla tn anlor mm a transom dacraa untltu which the city mn??r tha Sand island and Hanauliulu Iraatm?'nt [atil'ili?'l- In fult ttaatrnant am. This will rauu-m building state-?Hha-an gravita- "aw Iunnals Ind new lama main pumping EtlliD-hi. Thu Eta-51' of ma aarwat umtad-as halal: bilii-n-n mar Hla nl than praiact. The ih'w in Family- ta- ful?ll fadara! anairanmantal law: and it is arm in tha city's baa-I interest In undate nut aging Updating nut sat-tags system is not tit-Iii.r an anuimnmantal issue. Ei'r working an this important infrastructure naad, we aim: Itaap the man and wuman in tha annattuctinn industry wanting- Hr that! H1 in tho Gunman: damsel art: mat met. In: EPA. can gt: bank In the fad-Ital mud and [ma than cit-i..- In impramant than undat- an ?In light? lirnatabila. which mum ntaan ?war rats payers maid haul: a mriud 411' Iirna Ia p-I'f iar Iha upgmtI-al. Sta-ping an ?hadura all-arm. mama: t-a ha ante-at! out a Hanna: patio-d inf tithe with amallar mantth inn-await- 'n?llcun'll?il may-or EB rH:I-t naming up [as-[annuuh ti: thin: var-r complex nut-mam dame-a. His inability tn plan-any nunana Havana u?gl?d? Ina muhad in HE n-hillian MINE dalatatl from Iha budget fn-ra mud dint-ta attha Sand lit-land Emu-raga TraatmantFiant. Whl?h Mara truatatl marl-of the ?wage aduan formant: fartith on [with and Instead, we mn?nuatn trunk sludg- Ihtaunh cur Ihtt Hanuuliuli martmant MIMI. cin- . I is mun" mla'?uw pal-mm fat ?as mvur In In ma. mayor. il is if" aunt-m1? [Hf W'daf ?ung man" 3 am aw: ?l?n.r wars ?ld and. a! mullwaltr hm3:333". :7 u, Emma In:- huard mmung famnrd an {hm rub-um .- [manting our waldr mil." um: and? ?ning: hon Thu granar- bin Ind hlu? bin ?m'mmln?inn .. Iltiifrinn humans It I I-uhIminn {Ha 31:55. -- ..: curb?d? hint and {mung Thin ini?l?w mm an lhruw Irra'p' and rndum our m?mm an hud?ll. - r" 9'3" mum? and in waillhlu far 1h Puh?n?: - . manna [at Ihniw In- halp {infra-r mum mill- ?Main: Iha man's" ?"hu'l tunnruclhn WI ulnar, ?mural . . Ind Mari- haw? "1 Ilrl um '1-1l1fl'l ??hll I1- Ii-t'uII-n hnIInr n10.17- 111:.1 In?. lu- au. Fruu?lt 'rhhuh In ?norm..- I: Hum-:tr-r. ll'II? ?J'll?l rh-rr [I?nnl hullm. Itch-11.- ImlurI-[u "an. Ell-91.1mm? HEW, nl Irln ruhIJI-?ll ?.mmam dn Gnhu 1mm nu: Wanna-sum Gulch merllL [enunth 111.1! Ihrr "'llril hnIFn-r arm-ug- up?. millmn and 5-43 rrIIH-nn nnrluullv lir'gr rnducmu Hm hm?lunr ul 11: mum-rain Thus D5 Inn-pt ham and runnlr'l? [I'm H-P?w?r dollar; luul l1+1l re: and ?r'lurg'p' {In-nammd hem. Murals and plat: ulna-nod arm: um ul ?ammu- al1l1n f??ull'p' :1 nd nm In tho Wilma-mm Gulch Lnnd?l'ilr. I'll-Eh i! an! bv-pr?du? r3 bun-inn dluur?tml II: land?ll II is nllahfa i: i: Iim spree-d out. mm :1 bun-came: ham: Jul-m asphalt and nun-Ls a :nnlanl. Whlre I city. 1 salaried a?urtn to IN mum use tha ?l-h Our mad-5. Innuvatiw way-nu ulnly rupurpnm garbage: and byproduct! the! an- MD om- W?Ilmannlu Gulch Land?ll nuatl In bu upland. A: as MW. than a?urll ?ll-pm until Full Hana!qu Hill- HAD MAINTEN Minna is an I . F. no? maint? IL mapnnsihilii?f. I bulimia I?unda Mi.- rapiaving mis?t! and tha rap-avian expedii-EIEI I'l'l?l?ll'll'. Bid? In. orpmi?-d. meaning 1h: city- can If: same urn-aunt ?f mum. I During ll?t hud??t nrch. 53'? fur mpwing pruim ahmin?la debt aawim.? Saving IUBEIE i3 unacceptable and disagree. Tha album?. In ill I .- 532 million. Ha?ng a marnr?'lat rs.- .- . imrish dun nut help 1m tum?fii; 'j I . . hl1fL- Imk at than afflict: and't?hl'lw anal-'Thule are way: am the n?nw mam-rid: ?it uld pram maiing War mad: that urn: baginnirl'ngminim - . ?.II. .. . '1 BRIDGES H'm ll; rammiqu f-ul' I13 hri?gu an Hm hf than bracing-5 aru- n'u-ar ?fty- gnu uld and nm b, mlm?md ID nuw ?Paw liar-duds. l: maul-m that meal-.13 In ha ?mad. WW ?Hit it Hint; vlhur than 1h! hiring of consultants, to nil-Hale 1h!- t-m-arn nl "mail!- that need fnl? Cl?air't hrid?u?L I'I't'l II will"! [Ed?raL Hill! and mum? Dir-dill. Ind 1111: prlvata sector to dmlup and implurnll'll ll cummuhens?n iilarkd-wide plan with a realistic tlmuuhh ?nd ?nancing u: rurulit uur madam.- tu- u'mrd ll I'm-nor tragedy- lhu lurunl- PERMITS Wu nudta nut mutant:- thrnu-gh Illa mm much hum. Tlmu in mun-nay Ind Ihul'azlar the city appmm Frail-PIE. th-l Tailor Itwill he cranial and the ha impmwa-u. Gill-In main-'1 tuchnatng-r. we can do a batter inb uf mulling buin tl-Irmi?tl mar-a li?cl'lntw. White I wall at the ?nal Pulh?d a pram-ct WWIEI mm building sacrum?. Thu hum-y ?ling Ihatawrwnu In pracm an and 'th-H chm-pun ln rant liml. This will lip-Hd up than Elma [tar pmmil mulrn ?ch mil-war 1n appmw nr {?ip-play! [ha- plan land arty:I chpnuasl spad?ndnmunl ul'?rna? puma. will tn further Imp-idlt?d. Far mil-t? am a urn-in tin-Ill! valun. Inn's. E'l? and Hm. I map-nu WINE I ll?lltatnr ?lm will munftur than plum lhmuanll till pan-nit app-writ m. Than will In in the managing dlratlur?: hill?. The: facilitltm will ?lth Ill th- hath {rum mil-ram ulnar and ma rota-rant city panning and permitting mull Mil-n phi: Il'l ?rst A trial min-I ha mm Man-ruin: up hunt Hamming m?upplumantu?un. and an. app-null bl HL ll . plum" that :Irmm In minimal In this warning fully. thin 1m. ltlp'ln malu?nn. 'Il' HOMELESSNESS Having :?lau?l?d' hours in .5 a Ihll know I- ruland .Mi? mmum Issul, but mil-I.r pll'l all the hug-gar i5 Evar'rbudfa It ill-m inn-?h a G?'l'll'l?l?l' h; an i IT..- and working wig]. wilh paint: [Inde in Issuarl. - It': -. sum..- hen: Dahu'l humalan .I: - -- rug: Ih-usr when Mr:nt humelan linemen Dr addi-niuns. i: made-I I'm-cums: m1 prnviu?lng sham" Inn: uurzruurl scrum; available- un-aile. Th! mud-II wart-ed wefl In 591mm! mainFa nd citing. Allhn ugh It Is Mr amanlinn, rf u: bu SEE up mI-my from rasrdanlial and bu?nu? art-.15. - mm as although Manvhumalan mun-rider: dc; nut I hen-Ewe we should find cit-r and :uunt'u' [and WM. I5 awav l'rnrn resident-as and hu?ln?ssns and allow home-lass panpla camp *5 Irmite? pariod 01 time. Wu wuuld provida twill: an? and '??llilin?. man as lampmr'r amm- - .. m: 2:1: ?Wif?d hvlha when and. must importm'dv. I .- - Hark wrll'l humerus: vaid-Bri 1D tmn?? Eiullalin. May 2-1. 15-55.} Fast in; cl Flill'?f 2-. Tl'llnl-Il ?If? ?lath, ?tuning. l[g flpm? In." "me llama hum: 'Iil'ill'l ?at-h nlhar. anti will caminua ll} MW mini mm:- 431? nu: tn global warm-nu Ind irrnmuing nur clap-urnan an [null luul. ppnr?t mil lion-lit all-?ll helium that w: can h-uii? ml ham-r. - 5m? n'l plan dun-n ll'llt'llf. Ih-nliwn Hamil lull-mu in malum :huuld re?ect what; around them. hm dulgn tn the kind: ul Hamlin! awn: wilhin - in. have an amni?r tn imp-I'm mil "Inuit burridm. gull rid of pull-.5 and pun-H Jinn. imprn'nl'? ?uid-wait: and pin-I'll trans. Mun pup-la living in arm will be impuclad :an?rucliun. in?: add In their wall. - Eur: planning Ind ?llril'l? hu- I'ln'llr. Rail mnail will mail:- um but mam mum all-active and air-cianL Hair transit will ullnw In humm- mull: mid]. - {in mining m1 mm ?rm-diam; Simply pm. we an TDD. Thu mil-rm Ihuuid ax?cinludauhln mdh-awnr?ng will-l than Bily?mmilln mung up mum guideline-a right now. Hail trunait ww?: Ii: Wing in {Int but it 1?will di?m hr la cum-m Imagina cummer "In Fl? Huh-"w. H-1. H-1. 1+3 [m Kalanilnlull Highww in Earl am The? mil-m. Ihnuuh mum ulna tlml. mm: In our ?nary-day nun-mlth Dulng naming It: Tmf?: ll lal'l build nail and llt'l build ruii DUH CITY. DUB haw alum! had I ham imam in city A Jan'- Ewrah?ml?lim I w?l applaud] urban am II mm'talim IMF planar? law: nhuut. . Th? Cit'f?l Plan il dun far I ll-?I-Ihl' mum-a pmpur planning paule Huh, WWII: and P'Il'l? WI 3? musl nut in Wind. Thar! II I - we: smart grammwuanan'timnm?mWf': a majur in ?Ihl UnHad Stalin and that -- j_ ?ahu i5 1n cur Mum. but it mun]! ul growth: it must Hanan! ?ur Inuil lln?'uff history nl?nur man-f cumin nulturu. I: I I a .. Smart in ndminllh'l?nin 2:23;; waitingand aft-mud him}. -. - with aur planning. will]: - ariantad development audit an ulnar, urban spam. 5mm will ulna. -- annual: and parks. ?na nf 111a grant that? -. lam-w mam?; .- mma nl?nur ?bi? W: mm nuighh-nrh?udl. ??iunwmam?mg l- In add?inn. Ill'l?' - Facts: Halt: whum nnaplq'r norm-r 41m: 1.5mm] ruumhnr will: 51mm. cal-:5 mum-?5 1h.-r $.th . Flanking- 5Iruclmu: wrapped Willi rnum? r-LItml; . cun'lrnunual I'uuh mu" Lam? .1ndc3rhm mum-mug: Funk-ME.? mu. If? ?any! {Erin-?lm? wrr?um II-runraIu-LI nms? lrn-riml Fm? gr I, . put-In: 55-11mm; - it'll-nun? In this NIH-?aha and Mann? whu- 'I?luwrr In- rn hurt-Br LIE-E n1 nu: urtI-nn land-II. ?f?nll?l? nur "Hanna and '11 I'd; .. - Mull.- unnu I'm Taming-3;, an.? 53mg? I. "Hill'Er ?qu ll"l ??ch?n?u ?Jr Muui 1.1mm: Inmqu lu?nthur a block In Iml?hh?rh?'?d? utmiding map-m1? l. such limr-Iaiupmu n1. aanrl! li'n'll'l?l mjlziuu and playing tug-[tar In nu: url?n rum fr I5 also abnu'l Hm ulna, aml suing thI lim-ilad urban lannl mm am can mmimlu the and 141 pun-m aver Ins-a dewlup-C-I? and undue-nng my". AFFORDABLE HOUSING Thane an! many- fnrrI-ilius in nu: cumu?mnlti? Mm If! ll mi: nf [Hm-mini] hurl-"II": hug-um 1? an nal have unnugh aHm-dahla hauling. I Mlimu lhat having tam? bulldi-nql Ian [I'm urban hulm. humus-Er urn-cu lhn- Il'lfr??tmtlul'l I: mt par unit dicta" II mm unlh am The cut-.- mum ha nn magnum: With mm" In! than Elam Inn-Hm mban ham-rug. asp-aciaH-r w?llh Mud-ulna: union. . n?-d an pal] mull- ll'nnr I Hallmark 9 our urban mm. Thain pit-Ital . I . . rimltunl [hum-Hi. .. Imm- we nnha run-r.- Elli-N up - haw: m- 'u?l?-ll "13? plan?. WM Ins: Emu-w we lama! r5 gruwi g. wart nirwly mm 1119 Ema u! it? If: . un Dahu. I cunning . - A1. .In'cur I- .- 1n flu:- Yuri iincu I war. burn in the arm] hum iungnanu Eel-:15 1-51 single: f-BlTlil'f housing. Wlthuut :hl?ii?? ?ll i?m?d?r will have suburban I]:th all thy-an Ha'ema Thi? ?5 an avnidahla tragedy. VIE 1H EWIEE an itf?im?m? emm huhmv?l?-?mm will natur. IElm Iha inside 11f tha: in?ll; Wm Em a I ?snur unreal uman dawn-alumni. Ell this m1 amt. . In! suburban sum-:1 and I I - i Whirlagrinu?ural Ilondl mm THE OTHER GREEN Historically. may-Erna: n! the: It:in and Eaunqr cr'l' Hamptqu haw bun II tha- nl Hnwnil's 511:5? tn Mama untrm inmandem I'rnrn mun mm, law-n though 930.? nl the stall?! Erma?? mngu m?mg minus Hull an ?nhu- tug-mi it up In- tl'Hh stats to Iind E?luli?-M- changu this. In Ian. I sun-tad In change thl?: while I was managing and Etc-Prim I qul 1m.- city. I began tn marl: E?'l'?tll alumna-HIE! "?ing ?1 5mm I-ghls with autumn that mm no! :1an unurgv-B?iti?m. bu! 3-1? Sum: at these- systama would Iran pub-1H: be including fallur-B'l- lh? [brunt-,- nut-r the :muwaiha and win: mn?un-unmliw. FI- mum Slim-?d '39 Oahu. I was mtg-n waiting wilth cam planing thal prizpr It: rIIJ-tr-u?l interim" ?l Ill EIT ml! bu1lrjan$ with Ii?hli. Th1: mum result In ii?ni?cln'l Imam-yr savings: and wuuld nut raqulra a total at our building: Il?l?uld bu mIm?um-J unurgy-af?nianl, mall-mini; Hilly-a. This: p-uml: Hi. drilun by In! fact that nit-Ira cm! [or hl?- gun: mmugh the haul in thin war. In .ud?iun-n: .- I'unl I mamth all municipal bu Ming-:5 Ind ?Will-"? ?'Ill IHFPUH FWD-1H: Thu muld wart with mumm- who WW II h'l ii't'?'ll?li?l lr-clrn the enemy- ganarntatl, ?ll the- nity' muld d??r?p ill .. Iunll rd?nli'l'yr unicnp?l building: an Mich to insult gun m? Iran! tap and ward: with r'r?l'lpraIita and mmuniw gmrup-I tn manna and null than ham-urn that the ?int and Eaunw at m_ batten, who}: Mala Hunts haunt. Fur ma, i- . Hunt-Julia maintaining an Mar trainer haunt-an in lip-?nding, whim ?a by adjusting tuna and fan-5.. . A pruning mummy is than Indium-urn:I In Itaup ?um. and tn auburn-n tut rm?uu with-um mayur, I will huh: fur War? MH?-mw our mm? In a main-umth wailFiscal rumnnihillhrilltw'ln managing tinnith max: at nw pmfnuiunal Ih?n in than what il mantra In mar-lg: a bum M1: main lure I ?m-rmn product dili?f?l ta, - Fur it, in ?tin can the china: t? 1h: Cit-r anti-5: Hunt?ulu- Ill-ring: human WE. 1 ?2 {II-Hitu. nut in: a min-up! hula: a I: CONCLUSION As wi1h :mv mad man. IhiE mm in not 3.3: in 5mm It will ?ange .15 our cammunlw ch annual;r but ?imam a map we will ?all,? .301 EU whan wu wa n1_ 93. Thin Ia [mu map. rm, vim-ml 1h?I1 1 sham} with I am ?mm-ling fur ya?: readmil that we can make-i1 h-E?Er. an. r' 'urn. we do nat maker our 9:351: lad-sad Em um: Harm-1'5 I: :hruugh our ghaer visiun and m?u'ng Ingmhur than gal a halter puma- fur vnur time. I Funk farward our journey together. Kirk l3-HInlzl'ul'nurII-H we Ell-1 2 grungy?. ginning? Phone: