CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS: HOUSING PAFIT DECATUR ASSETS. LLC. Index No. [2018 Petitioner-Landlord, against- NOTICE OF PETITION PAULA THOMAS N-P YM NT 1 7 Decatu treat Ears-n RE Petitioner?s Business Address: Brooklyn, NY 11233 AZOULAY WEISS. LLP Respondent-Tenant 864 Willis Avenue, Suite 6 Albertson. NY 11507 To the Respondent above-named and described. In possession of the premises hereinafter described or claiming possession thereof: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the annexed petition of DECATUR ASSETS. LLC verified September 9. 2016, prays for a final judgment of eviction, awarding to Petitioner possession of the premises described as follows: ENTIRE 1ST FLOOR in the premises known as and located at 1357- Decatur Street. Brooklyn, NY 11233. as demanded in the Petition. PLEASE TAKE NO11CE also. that demand is made for a judgment against you for the sum at 13,952.00 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE also that WITHIN FIVE DAYS alter service of this Notice of Petition and Petition upon you. .gou must answer. either orally before the Clerk of this Court at the Civil Court. 141 Livingston Street, reeldyn. NY 11201 ofthe City of New York, County of Kings. or in writing by serving a copy thereof upon the undersigned attorney for the Petitioner. and by ?ling the original of such answer, with proof of service thereof. in the Office of the Clerk. Your answer may set forth any defense or counterclaim you may have against the petitioner. On receipt of your answer, the Clerk will fix and give.- notice of the date for trial or hearing which will be held not Iessthan 3 nor more than 8 days thereafter, at which you must appear. If, after thetrial or hearing, judgment is rendered agahst you, the Issuance of a warrant dispossessingyeu may. in the discretion of the Court. be stayed for five days from the date of such rimsws -. 'e NOTICE thatlf you fail to Interpose' and establish any defense that you may have.- . to the. allegations of the petition; yew may be: precluded from: asserting such defense of the claim on g_ which it is based inany other proceedingoractlorr: I Pepsi ?WI-ewe? ?mushy; tr I as. A PLEASETAKE NOTICE also that under Sectien745 of the Real Property Actions and: Proceeding Law. you may be required by the Court in make a rent deposit, or arent payment to the. Petitioner upon your second request for an adloumment or If the proceeding is not settied or a ?naism - . determination has not been made by therurt within an days of the first court appearance. Failure to; - ggcemply with an initial rent deposit or payment: order. may result In the entry of a final judgement against 331:3; Sigmu depesiiset - ymentsmay resultin 63m .- - - .. Shem. PLEASETAKE nonsense that In; theeventyeu Ia Anm? and appeani judgement 35 by default will be entered againstyou butai wan'ant you: will not be. issued until the tenth-,. day following the date. of the service of this Notice of Petition upon you; x? "3.33. View .3!;8 33.51%; 3 .335- .3 I :AktDATEO: Albertsen, NewYorIr v- .. - AHOLAL 2?16 . CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT AZOULAY WEISS. LLP Attorneys for Petitioner-Landlord 864 Willis Avenue. Suite 6 Albertsen, NY 11507 (516) 739-6200.. . . I?m-1357mm?. 6031 22,: CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS: HOUSING PART DECATUR ASSETS. LLC, PetitioneI-Lendiord, malnu- PAULA THOMAS . 1357 Decatur Street ENTIRE 181' FLOOR WI NY 11233 Respondent-Tenant I NO FPETITION .- . .2_664Will e Avenue. Suite62 - -.. - .- . . 'In.? I . . I .21hemby 81mm, 086101 f0 afterwagg 5- inqury mebhmdeimcdmed' relieted . 2 . 5136?; PAW-1357M H. am CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS: HOUSING PART DECATUR ASSETS. LLC. .. Index No. Petitioner-landlord. -against- NON-PAYMENT PAULA THOMAS . 1357 Decatur Street ENTIRE 1ST FLOOR Brooklyn! NY 11233 - Respondent-Tenant. . . any: ?3.301.; .1'57goou?mange 61.57536- .- - - gang: The petition of Petitioner. DECATUR ASSETS, LLC. ("Petitioner"), shows that: 1. landlordotthepremises described below.- 2. Respondent PAULA THOMAS, Is the tenant of the premises who entered into possession pursuant to a written rental agreement made with Petitioner, as Landlord. 3.. 575.009achmonthhadvance . 5. aredescribedasfoliows: All rooms. FLOOR lnthebutiding located at1357Decatur Street. BoroughotBrooidynMIN 62%? Retrtandaddtional madeaparthereoflop-261a}- summon-get" imaozef 31.575166! :11 warm-tr, 357-ENTIRE FIRST FL I 6031 8. THE APT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE NYC EMERGENCY HOUSING RENT LAW OR THE RENT STABILIZATION LAW OF 1969 AS AMENDED. BECAUSE IT BECAME VACANT AFTER JUNE 30.1971 AND IS WITHIN A BUILDING CONTAINING LESS THAN SIX APARTMENTS. .. 9. Petitioner lacks written lnionnatlon or notice of any address where Respondent-tenant - residee/ is employed has a place of business- in New York State. other than the address of the property soug'rt to be recovered. to. The building in which the premises souu'rt to be recovered is located is a multiple dwelling. Pursuant to the Housing Maintenance Code 27-2097. et seq.. there is a current effective registration statement on file with the Office of Code Eniorcement which designates the managing agent named below, a natural pemon over21 years of age,to be control of and remelble for the maintenance and operation of the dwelling. MDR Number: 382790; Registered Managing Agent: Alen Palmoush; Business Address: 172-13 Hilbide Ave-suite 201, Jamaica. ny 11432. 11. WHEHEFORE. Petitioner requests a final judgment awarding posseMon of the premises to Petitioner for unpaid rent in the amount of $13,952.00 and a non-possessory money judgment for the amount of $0.00 in additional rent, plus any additional amounts in rent and/or additional rent that comesdueaftertherentdemand. PAKNOU1357ENTIRE FIRST FL STATEOFNEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU . .EDWABD J. WEISS, an attorney duly adn?tedtopmctioe befomthe Gonna ofthe StateofNewYonk--Q. . .- -. .t - rs.? ..-. .. . . . .. . . . FIVE (5) DAY NOTICE TO TENANT Dated: July 14, 2016 Re: Premises: 1357 DECATUR STREET. ENTIRE FLOOR Used for: BROOKLYN. NY 11233 Residential Premises T0: PAULA moms 1357 DECATUR STREET ENTIRE FLOOR BROOKLYN. NY 11233 TAKENOTICE service of this Notice upon you the sum of $10,802.00inrem rent computed as follows: 11in 2016 $1,575.00 June 2016 $1,575.00 May 2016 $1,575.00 April 2016 $1,575.00 March 2016 $1,575.00 February 2016 31.5751!) January 2016 $1352.00 occupiedbyyouastenantorin aleeJodeliverpossession ofsaid summaryproceedings Dated: Brooklyn. New York July 14.2016 DECATUR Mane Anyandall LLP at: 864 Willis Avenue, Suite 6, Albenston. NY 11507. (516) 739-62m.