Case Document 559-9 Filed 02/24/14 Page 1 of 79 EXHIBIT 9 Case Document 559-9 .Page2 of.79 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK This Document Relates to: No- ll?MD?02293 (DLC) IN RE ELECTRONIC BOOKS ANTITRUST LITIGATION. Videotaped Deposition of Jonathan Orszag Washington, D.C. Saturday, December 7, 2013 9:00 a.m. Reported by: Laurie Bangart, RPR, CRR Job No: 32651 Document 559-9 Filed 02/24/14 Pages of 79 4 Videotaped Deposition of (Appearances ??n?nued) 2 JONATHON ORSZAG 2 ALSO ON BEHALF OF PLAINTIFF STATES: 3 3 State of New York 4 Held at the of?ces of: 4 Of?ce of the Attorney General 5 Gibson Dunn Crutcher, LLP 5 12? Emadway 6 . 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW 6 New York New York 10271 7 Washington, DC. 20036 7 (21341643267 8 (202)95 5_8500 8 By: Robert L. Hubbard, Esq. 9 9 1 0 ON BEHALF OF THE DEFENDANT APPLE AND THE WITNESS: 1 1 Gibson, Dunn Crutcher, LLP 1 2 12 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW 1 3 13 Washington, DC. 20036 1 4 (202)955-8500 1 5 15 By: E. Richman, Esq. 6 1 6 7 17 Caeli A. Higney, Esq. 8 Taken pursuant to notice, before 13 9 Laurie Bangart, Registered Professional 19 ALSO PRESENT: 30 Reporter, Certi?ed Realtime Reporter, and 20 Steve Schaal, Videographer 21 Notary public in and for the District of 21 2 2 ColumbiaAPPEARANCES 1 EXAMINATIONINDEX 2 ON BEHALF OF THE CLASS 2 PAGE 3 Hagens Berrnan Sobol Shapiro, LLP 3 EXAMATION BY MR- HUBBARD - - - . - - - 7 4 715 Hearst Avenue, Suite 202 4 EXAMINATION BY MR FRIEDMAN - - - - - - - - - 142 5 Berkeley, California 94710 5 6 (510)725?3000 6 7 By: Jeff D. Friedman, EsqCohen Milstein Sellers T011 10 EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 100 New York Avenue, NW 11 Exhibit 1 Declaration Of 12 Washington, DC. 20005 12 Jonathan Ofsmg - - - - - - - -. 9 3 By; Kit pierson, Esq 13 Exhibit 2 Contract for Professional 1 4 1?4 Services betwecn Compass 15 15 and State ofWismnsin . 13 6 ON BEHALF OF PLAINTIFF STATES: 16 1 7 Attorney General of Texas 17 8 Antitrust Section, Consumer Protectiou 18 19 RC. Box 12548 19 2 0 Austin, Texas 7871 20 21 (512)463?1262 21 22 By: Gabriel Gervey, Esq. 22 2 3 gabriel.gervey@ 23 2 4 texasattorney general(Pages 2 to 5) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, me. 450 Seventh Avenue Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9 Filed 02/24/14 7 Page senior managing director. I'm a 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins 2 member of the executive committee of the ?rm. 3 videotape number 1 in the video deposition of 3 How many senior managing directors are 4 John Orszag, in the Matter of Electronic Book 4 there? 5 Antitrust Litigation in the United States 5 A Myself and one other person are the 6 District Court, Southern District of New 6 executive committeeYork, and the deposition is being held at 7 ?rm. I believe as a matter of title, there is 8 1050 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest, 8 one other person with the title of senior managing 9 Washington, DC, on December 7, 2013. The 9 director other than myself, but that person is not 10 time on the monitor is 9:00. 1 0 a member of the executive committee. 1 .My name is Steve Schaal with the 11 Okay, and how many are on the executive 12 ?rm of DavidFeldman Worldwide. The court 12 committee? l3 reporter is Laurie Bangart in association 13 A It?s just me and Dan Fischel. 1 4 with DavidFeldman Worldwide. 1 4 Okay. 15 Would counsel please introduce 15 So that, that makes you a member of the 6 yourself and state who you represent. 1 6 professional staff at Compass Lexecon? 17 MR. HUBBARD: I'm Bob Hubbard with 17 A Yes, I am. 18 State of New York and representing the 1 8 Okay, you're there full?time? 1 9 plaintiff states. 19 Yes, I am. 20 MR. GERVEY: Gabriel Gervey with 2 0 And your role includes management of the 21 the State of Texas, also representing the 2 1 ?rm generally? 22 plaintiffs. 22 A Yes, it does. 23 MR FRIEDMAN: Jeff Friedman from 2 3 And you're responsible for assigning 2 4 Hagens Berman on behalf of the class. 2 4 staff for speci?c matters? - 2 5 MR. PIERSON: Kit Pierson of Cohen 25 A Yes, I am. Not all matters but some 7 9 Milstein on behalf of the class. 1 matters. 2 MS. HIGNEY: Caeli Higney of Gibson 2 What matters are you responsible for 3 Dunn on behalf of Apple and the witness. 3 assigning staff for? 4 MS. RICHMAN: Cindy Richman for 4 A Well, we have a somewhat ?exible kind 5 Apple and the witness. 5 of arrangement. It would not surprise you as 6 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: ?Will the court 6 economists that there's a number of staff who 7 reporter please swear in the witness. 7 generally work with one expert or another, some 8 JONATHAN ORSZAG, 8 who work with other experts, andso those experts 9 having been ?rst duly sworn, testi?ed 9 just go directly to the staff, and I don't even 10 upon his oath as follows: 1 0 know and never see those staff assignments. 11 EXAMINATION BY COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF 1 1 Some come through me, becauSe somebody 12 BY MR. HUBBARD: 12 is asking for a particular person with a 13 Good morning. Could you state your name 13 particular expertise, and since I have more 14 for the record. 1 4 breadth and knOwledge about the expertise of 15 A My name is Jonathan Mark Orszag, 15 particular people, I can give them recommendations 1 6 6 about who may be better suited for a particular 17 Is there any reason you can't testify 17 case and who may not be. 5 fully today? 1 8 MR. HUBBARD: Okay. Thank you. 1 9 A Not that I'm aware of. 1 9 I'd like to mark as Exhibit 1 the 20 You're not on any medication? There's, 2 corrected declaration. I assume no one needs 2 there's no other problems with your memory? 2 1 copies; right? 22 A Other than an Advil this morning, no. 2 2 (Exhibit 1 was marked for 23 Where are you employed? 2 3 identi?cation.) 2 4 A I'm employed by Compass Lexecon, LLC. 2 4 (Discussion was held off the 25 And what do you do there? 25 7 record.) 3 (Pages 6 to 9) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 ?Case Document 5599 Filed 02/24/14 Page MR. HUBBARD: 1 statistics. 2 You don't have a right? 2 You're currently a full-time paid 3 A No, I do not. 3 consultant, is that right, for Compass Lexecon? 4 You have a master's in economics and 4 A In addition to other roles, yes. 5 social history; right? 5 And when were you retained by Apple in 6 A That is correct. 6 this matter? 7 And what, what was your specialization? 7 A I believe it was August of this year. 8 A Well, as an undergrad I specialized in 8 And Apple is engaged in the distribution 9 applied microeconomics, and I was a student of 9 and sale of e-books; right? 1 0 Alan Krueger's. Alan then brought me to 0 A Yes, it is. 1 1 Washington, DC, and when I worked with him, I 11 And you're testifying about the sale and 12 worked at the Labor Department doing applied 12 distribution of ewbooks by Apple and others in 13 microeconomics. That would include applied 13 this litigation; right? 1 4 econometrics. 14 A Can you repeat the question. Ijust 15 And then I went to the White House and I 15 want to make sure I heard every word there. 1 6 worked on a variety of both macro and 1 6 (Whereupon, reporter reads 17 microeconomic policy issues and applied all of 1 7 requested material.) 1 8 those techniques that I learned. 1 8 THE WITNESS: And related matters, 1 9 I then Went to graduate school and I 9 yes. 2 0 came -- and I had the choice of staying in 2 0 BY MR HUBBARD: 21? graduate school to ?nish my or come back 2 1 Before your retention, how long were you 22 and learn practical experience about how to apply 22 in discussions, you or Compass Lexecon in 23 economics to real world situations, and I chose 23 discussions with Apple about being retained? 2 4 the choice of coming back to practically apply it 2 4 A In terms of this phasc of the 25 to real world situations, and so I was applying it 25 litigation? 1 3 to again both macro and microeconomics policy, 1 In terms of being retained in this 2 including industrial organization policy, labor 2 litigation by Apple, yes. 3 economics, and applied microeconomics while in 3 A It's complicated, because as you are 4 government. 4 probably well aware, we have advisad both Apple as 5 So no, no formal training in an academic 5 well as other parties in this litigation, with 6 setting, but the practical experience within 6 ethical wall provisions that go back to the ?rst 7 the 7 phase of the litigation, and so I don't know the 8 A I have formal training in -- 8 date of the original contact in the ?rst phase. 9 THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. I didn't 9 I know when I was contacted in the second phase. 1 0 hear the end of the question. 1 0 Did you or Compass Lexecon secure 11. "Within the" -- okay. Just go on. 11 plaintiff states' consent for this retention? 12 THE WITNESS: I have extensive -- longer have an 1 3 BY MR. HUBBARD: 13 agreement with the states is my understanding, as 14 Excuse me. Please let me ?nish my 14 it was suspended in July. - 15 questions. The court reporter would prefer it. I 15 MR HUBBARD: Okay. I guess we're 1 6 would-prefer it. 1 6 talking abou -- why don?t I mark this as 17 So you have no formal academic training 17 Exhibit 2. . 18 in industrial organization or statistics? 1 8 (Exhibit 2 was marked for 1 9 A That's not tnie. I have extensive 1 9 identi?cation.) 2 formal academic training in industrial 2 0 BY MR HUBBARD: 21 organizations, statistics. In fact, [was the 21 Do you recognize this document? 22 only teaching assistant that I am aware of at my 22 A Sitting here today, I mean it looks like 23 age when I was at that time to be a teaching 23 an agreement. I haven't looked at this. It's 2 4 assistant in Professor Orley Ashenfelter's applied 2 4 from August of last year, so I can't sayI 25 and advanced econometrics, which is obviously 2 5 recognize the precise form of this agreement. 4 (Pages 10 to 13) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh AveHUe - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9, Filed Did you negotiate this contract on 1 BY MR. HUBBARD: 2 behalf of Compass Lexecon? 2 But you can't point me to a document 3 A I was, I was part of the negotiation of 3 that re?ects that, oh, the suspension of this 4 this, yes. '4 contract? 5 Were you the primary negotiator on 5 A I could point you to my email exchange 6 behalf of Compass Lexe'con? 6 or my phone conversation with Mr. Baker where he 7 A I believe that both our and myself 7 said he was suSpending it. 8 participated in I don't know if I would call 8 And you have not had any communication 9 I myself primary. I focused on the con?ict 9 with the plaintiff states on that? 1 0 provisions of this agreement. 1 0 A No. 11 And you had interactions with Gwendolyn 1 1 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 12 Cooley of the state of Wisconsin on this? 12 THE WITNESS: I personally have 13 A Yes, I did. 13 not. MI. Baker or Dr. Baker called me or 14 And if you turn to page 16, that's your 14 emailed me -- sitting here today, I can't 15 signature; right? 15 tell you which one and asked my opinion 1 6 A Yes, it is. 1 6 about this. In July I said ifyou want to 17 And in the l7 suspend it, that's your choice. Suspend the 18 MS. RICHMAN: Did you say page 16? 8 agreement. And he then told me he was 1 9 THE WITNESS: It's page 15. I?m 1 9 suspending the agreement. 2 0 sorry. 2 0 BY MR. HUBBARD: 2 1 BY MR. HUBBARD: 2 1 Direct your attention to paragraph 22 I misread. Didn't have my glasses on. 22 and it de?nes the, the services here as the 23 I apologize. Yes. There are actually two page 2 3 "e?books antitrust litigation." 24 155, and it's the ?rst of the page 15s. 2 4 Do you see that? It's about ten lines 25 And is this contract effective right 2 5 down. 1 5 7 1 now? 1 A Can you point that to me more precisely. 2 A I believe it I was told by Mr. Baker 2 You said ten lines down within 1? 3 that it had been suspended. 3 If you go in section and you go 4 Did you talk with plaintiff states about 4 three, six, seVen, eight it's the e-books 5 whether it had been suspended? 5 antitrust litigation or in mediation or settlement 6 A No, I did not. 6 efforts relating to the litigation. 7 And is it based on anything other than 7 Do you see that? 8 the statement by Mr. Baker that this was 8 A Yes. 9 suspended? 9 So this is a contract related to this 1 0 A We -- Mr. Baker, after the June or July 1 0 speci?c litigation? 1 1 decision, contacted me and said that the states 11 A Yeah, as Mr. Baker was a testifying 12 were interested in either terminating or 12 witness in this case or was potentially a 1 3 suspending I forgot the precise words the 3 testifying witness in this case. 14 agreement. He asked if I had any issues with 4 Okay. I 15 that. I said I have no issues. If you want to 15 If you could turn to page 10 of this 1 6 suspend the agreement, then suspend the agreement 1 6 contract. 17 And he said he was suspending the agreement. 17 A And if I may, can Ijust look for a 18 But you've had no communication 18 moment at the other provisions? Is that okay? 19 you've not signed a document suspending the 9 Of course. 20 agreement or any other formal means by which 20 A Thank you 21 contracts are usually suspended? 21 So you'Ve had an opportunity to review 22 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 22 it? 23 THE WITNESS: I'm not a lawyer, so 23 A Ijust was looking at the various 2 4 I can't sort of -- 2 4 provisions. Now I turned to page 10. 25 2 5 Okay, and I note that you see the 5 (Pages 14 to 17) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, me. 450 Seventh AVenue Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9 FiledHOZ/p?24/1u4 Page 7'of 79 1 8 2 1 second paragraph? 1 Please, just answer the question I 2 A "The professional staff of the 2 asked, which is: You agree that this what your 3 consulting that paragraph? 3 testimony is directly related to the e-books 4 And that would apply to you; right? 4 antitrust litigation; correct? 5 You're professional staff of the consulting ?rm, 5 A That is correct. 6 which in this contract is de?ned as Compass 6 Okay, and directing your attention to 7 Lexecon; is that correct? 7 the third paragraph. 8 A Yes. 8 A Yep. 9 And -- 9 You're not with the European division; 1 0 A As long as this agreement is in place. 10 correct? 11 Right. So your position is this 11 A Well, am. Irun the European division 12 agreement is not effective now, but if it were 12 and I hate an of?ce in London, so I'm with both. 13 effective now, you would, you would be in 13 Was the, the EurOpean division work on 14 violation of this provision? 1 4 this litigation that was disclosed to the 15 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 15 plaintiff states re?ecting the work that you were 1 6 form. 1 6 doing at the time? 17 BY MR. HUBBARD: 17 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 18 Is that your testimony? 18 form. 19 A Without the approval of the expert 1 9 THE WITNESS: I don't know if I 20 committee, but this agreement I, I was told, 2 0 billed on the matter in Europe or not; 21 and our counsel when we took on the matter said 2 1 BY MR. HUBBARD: 22 that this agreement is no longer in place. We 22 So you would have overall - you worked 23 haVe a chief risk of?cer that deals with con?ict 2 3 on all matters, so you might have Worked on, on 24 matters. 2 4 both the work being done in Europe on this 25 Who is that? 25 litigation on Apple?s distribution and sale Either John McCall or Eric Miller or our 1 e~books and while Jonathan Baker was working on 2 counsel on these matters. 2 the for the plaintiff states? Is that your 3 So if this were in effect so you've, 3 testimony? 4 you've identi?ed yourself as professional staff 4 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 5 of Compass Lexecon; correct? 5 form. . 6 A Yes. 6 THE WITNESS: I just can't tell you 7 Is Dr. Kalt professional staff of 7 sitting here today, because 1 am part of the 8 Compass Lexecon? 8 European division as well. I participate in 9 A I don't know if he's technically 9 the European division meetings andI 10 professional staff, because I don't know if he's 10 participate in the management of Europe, and 11 employed by or consultant to. I think he?s a 11 I have an office in London. 12 consultant. Most of our peOpIe in that position 12 BY MR. HUBBARD: 13 who are also, who are also academics are 13 I'm trying to keep you focused on the 4 technically independent contractors. 14 question, which is: Did you work on the European 15 Would his testimony control that? Would 15 of?ce's work on Apple and the distribution of 16 he have better knowledge of that? 16 e?books? 17 A I think the, his agreement would control 17 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 1 8 that. 1 8 form. 19 And you see that as long as the matter 19 THE WITNESS: Sitting here today, I 20 is not directly related to this matter, so is 20 can?t tell you if I billed on the matter or 21 you would agree that your testimony now is 21 not. 22 directly related to the e?books antitrust 22 BY MR. HUBBARD: 23 litigation; is that correct? I 2 3 Could you describe the ?rewalls or 24 A This is in the e-books if this were in 24 ethical protections that were or are in place 25 place, but again, this was suspended. 2 5 for -- at Compass Lexecon for matters like this? 6 (Pages 18 to 21) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9__ Filed 02/24/14 Pager8 Yes. We have very extensive use of 1 then, and then turned this over to our con?icts 2 speci?c ethical wall agreements that every 2 of?ce to deal with the issues related to 3 individual has to sign who participates in, in a 3 potential con?icts. 4 case that has ethical walls, and in that case 4 Okay. 5 those ethical walls have multiple prohibitions. 5 So you said that you don't know how to . 6 One prohibition is if you have signed a 6 access, access ?les? Does that mean you have 7 ethical wall and are working on one Side of an 7 access; you just don't know how to get it? 8 ethical wall, you do not have access to any of the 8 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to fonn. 9 ?les or any of the folders of the matter, of the 9 THE WITNESS: I would, I would not 1 0 matter you are walled off from. It is actually 10 have access to any of those folders or ?les, 11 impossible as a matter of IT to get from your 1 1 because I have signed the ethical wall. That 12 computer or any computer into the, the folders 12 goes to the IT department, and it blocks, if 13 that are walled off. 13 I go through the network, any access to the 1 4 You also make a commitment not to 1 4 ?le folders on the other side of the wall. 1 5 discuss the substance of the case or nonpublic 15 BY. MR. HUBBARD: 6 information with any of the experts, et cetera, or 1 6 I was just trying to clarify your, your 17 the people on the other side of the wall, and 17 statement. You said that you don't know how to 1 8 there's other provisions that are included in 18 get access. 1 9 these written documents. 9 A I don?t even know how to get access to 2 0 Well, I'm trying to understand what role - 2 0 the actual ?les, to the ones that I am legally or 21 you had here. You seem to me to be on both sides 21 ethically able to get access to, but it still 22 of the wall. You supervise both the European 22 blocks me eVen though I don't know how to do that. 23 operation and the American operation. You were 23 So you both don't know how to do it and 2 4 the contact mm the plaintiff states for the 24 the, and the IT provisions would prevent you even 25 negotiation of this contract. I'm trying to 25 if you did? 2 3 2 5 1 understand the ethical and ?rewall provisions 1 A Yes, and if somebody actually -- even if 2 that were in place for you. 2 you try to get into a folder that you don't have .3 A For me? 3 access to, our IT systems will send a message to 4 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 4 the, to our compliance officer, telling and 5 form. Is that a question? 5 then we would receive a report that somebody has 6 MR. HUBBARD: I object to speaking 6 tried to access a folder that they do not have the 7 objections. 7 privileges to access, so that we can then remind 8 BY 8 that person that they don't have access to that 9 If you can answer the question, please. 9 folder. 1 0 A I can answer the question. 10 Okay. 11 When I was contacted and then retained 11 You also referred to you withdrew as a 12 in August, I put in place an ethical wall with A 12 manager. What form did that withdrawal take? 13 regardto me. I don't actually use the ?rm's 13 A By signing the ethical wall, then I am 14 network, 'so I have no ability to actually, I 4 sort of I take myself out of the issue of 15 don't know how to access various folders. I use 15 determining like something like a con?ict. 16 the network. I guess I should say lose the 6 And to whom is notice of your withdrawal 17 network for receiving email, but I don't know how 17 provided? 18 to get to actually file folders. 18 A It's not a formal basis. Itplace an ethical wall 19 informal basis in the sense that I say this is a 2 0 provision for me, and then for con?ict 2 decision that somebody else has to make. 2 1 provisions, turned this matter over to our counsel 2 1 This is internal within Compass Lexecon? 22 who deal with con?ict issues, for them to analyze 22 A Well, we have a little bit more complex 23 the issue, and it was their issue. 2 3 system, because we are a subsidiary of a corporate 24 So I basically withdrew myself as a 2 4 parent, and so this is also me going to the chief 25 manager when contacted as a potential expert, and 25 risk officer and saying this is we need your 7 (Pages 22 to 25) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9 Filed 02/24/14 Page assessment of this issue. 1 BY MR HUBBARD: 2 But it's internal within the business 2 So the answer is as far as you know, 3 entities of Compass Lexecon? 3 there was no notice provided? 4 A I think that's fair, yes. 4 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 5 Okay, and so it didn't include any 5 THE WITNESS: At that time his work 6 notice to Jonathan Baker? 6 had ended. He had susPended the agreement. 7 A I don't understand. What notice, of 7 BY MR. HUBBARD: 7 8 what? 8 If you could answer my question. As far 9 Well, that you were new withdrawing as a 9 as you know, there was no notice provided to 1 manager from the, the work that was done by 10 Jonathan Baker or plaintiff states? 1 1 Compass Lexecon on-behalf of plaintiff states. 11 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 12 A I don't understand the question. It's l2 Asked and answered. 1 3 not how we would work, because that would provide 13 . MR. HUBBARD: I object to Speaking. 1 4 information that is con?dential to a party that 4 It's been asked, not answered. 1 5 it shouldn't be provided to. So as a result, we 1 5 THE WITNESS: I believe I answered 1 6 would then -- he would be walled off from that 6 it, but I can answer it again, which is 17 information as well. 17 because there was no agreement in place, 18 Wait. So Jonathan Baker is not entitled 18 given that it had been suspended, there was 1 9 to know that Compass Lexecon is working on both 1 9 no need for any notice. 2 0 sides of a litigation? 2 0 MR. FRIEDMAN: Objection. 2 1 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 2 1 Non?responsive. Move to strike. 22 THE WITNESS: Well, he knew that. 22 BY MR. HUBBARD: 23 BY MR HUBBARD: 23 i We?ll let the non-response speak. 24 You told hint that you were being 2 4 Let's go to let's go to your 25 retained 25 declaration now. Can you give me a sense of what already knew that, because 1 materials you prefer to rely on in forming an 2 he knew obviously the judge's order discusses 2 opinion? 3 the fact that both Ben Klein and Rich Gilbert were 3 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 4 associated with Compass Lexecon. The judge's 4 MR. HUBBARD: I prefer you to state 5 order speci?cally identi?es both as being senior 5 just "objection." I don't want any if I 6 consultants with Compass Lexecon. 6 want any elaboration, I'll ask for it. 7 THE REPORTER: You need to slow 7 MS. RICHMAN: This is the 8 down. 8 formulation that We've been using throughout 9 THE WITNESS: States that both Ben 9 the litigation. 1 Klein and Rich Gilbert were senior 0 MR. HUBBARD: And I wasn't part of consultants with Compass Lexecon. 1 1 that formulation. 12 BY MR. HUBBARD: 12 MS. RICHMAN: Your objection is 13 I'm trying to focus on you. 1 3 noted. 1 4 A Yes. 1 4 THE WITNESS: Can 15 Was there any notice given to plaintiff 15 MS. RICHIVIAN: Please, if you 1 6 states Jonathan Baker of your withdrawal as a 1 6 remember the question. 17 manager over e?books litigation matters for 1 7 THE WITNESS: Can you repeat the 8 Compass Lexecon? 8 question so I have it precisely? 9 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 1 9 (Whereupon, reporter reads 2 0 THE WITNESS: If he had contacted 2 requested materialquestion at that point, I would 2 1 BY MR. HUBBARD: 22 have said this is a matter you should deal 22 In forming an opinion, what type of 2 3 with either Dan on, Fischel, or John McCall 2 3 materials do you prefer to rely on? 2 4 or Eric Miller. 2 4 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 2 5 2 5 MR. HUBBARD: Objection to 8 (Pages 26 to 29) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 Case Document 559-9 Filed 02/24/14 Page 10 of 79 3 3 2 speaking. 1 taking the judge's order as my starting place 2 THE WITNESS: Well, it depends on 2 for my analysis. 3 the matter at issue. 3 BY MR HUBBARD: 4 BY MR. HUBBARD: 4 Right, but it's not an alleged 5 In this matter. 5 conspiracy; it?s a conspiracy. Do you understand 6 I A In this matter, well, there would be a 6 that? 7 whole host of information, and it depends on the 7 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 8 question that I would want to be answerng as to 8 form. 9 what information would be most reliable and use?il 9 THE WITNESS: I think that's -- I'm 10 for the analysis. 1 0 an economist, and I analyze issues from an 11 In this case is the judge's opinion and 11 economic perSpective, and so the de?nition 12 order in the liability phase the most important 12 of whether it's an alleged conspiracy or a 13 thing and controls all else? 13 conspiracy when there's an appeal is 14 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 1 4 something I will leave to lawyers. 15 form. 15 I take it as given what the judge 6 THE WITNESS: It depends for what 1 6 says in the order, and I analyze based on 17 purpose. 17 that information, and so I'm using that as a 1 8 BY MR. HUBBARD: 1 8 starting point in my analysis. 19 For the purpose of you rendering an 1 9 BY MR. HUBBARD: 20 opinion. 2 0 So you have to assume that a judge is a, 21 A It's an element. It's -- actually I 2 1 is a fact?nderlin the litigation phase of this 22 start with it as abase, and I assume that it's in 22 litigation only is something that can be assumed, 23 place, and I also make the assumption of the 2 3 it can't be a given? 2 4 ?nding that she has that Apple conspired in a 2 4 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to form. 25 restraint of trade, and so I start with that as my 2 5 Calls for a legal conclusion. 3 1 3 3 1 assumption. 1 TIDE WITNESS: I'm an economist. I 2 You're taking the position that that's 2 start off with the proposition that there has 3 an assumption, that's not an established fact? 3 been a conspiracy to restrain trade. That is 4 MS. RICI-IMAN: Objection to the 4 what I start with. 5 form. 5 BY MR. HUBBARD: 6 THE WITNESS: I'm taking the order 6 Right, and you don't say there's an 7 as is. Remember, when you're a damage 7 alleged conspiracy. You say there's a conspiracy; 8 expert, which I am, and I'm analyzing issues 8 correct? 9 of whether you can, you can analyze damages, 9 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 1 and Professor Noll's model, whether it's 10 form. 1 1 reliable Noll, whether his model 1 1 THE WITNESS: It seems to me like 12 is reliable. You assume that there is a 2 these are legal de?nitions that are better 13 conspiracy in the trade. You start from that 1 3 stated to a lawyer. Whether I start off with 1 4 perspective. That is what I have done. 1 4 that there's, that there's an alleged 1 5 BY MR. HUBBARD: 5 conspiracy or there's a conspiracy, I?m 1 6 Well, the point is, We've had a 1 6 assuming that there's a conspiracy and the 17 litigation phase of this litigation, and there has 17 restraint of trade. 18 not we don't have to assume whether there was a 18 BY MR. HUBBARD: 19 conspiracy. There was a court order in place that 1 9 Well, the point is, I'm trying to 2 0 there was such a conspiracy. 2 0 understand your ability to be precise about the 21 Do you understand the difference? 21 7 legal context in which your opinion is offered, 22 MS. RICHMAN: Objection to the 22 and if you can't understand the difference between 23 form. 23 a found fact and an alleged fact, I want to know 2 4 THE WITNESS: I understand, and I'm 24 that, and if your, if your position is you do not 25 starting with that as my starting place. I'm 25 understand the difference between them, please so 9 (Pages 30 to 33) DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099 . Case lillimdi92293