i1 0 7 8 ?i 6 FILED Jm Sectotary OfSta'to 3123'? 12 . State of California i 8 2015 IMO CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 0 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The undersigned hereby certify that: 1. They are the Chief Executive Of?oer and the Secretary of Center on Renewab'lo Energy, a California corpomtion. 2, Article ONE of the Arlicies ol?lncorporntioo ot'tho corporation is amended to read as follows: The name of this corporation is California Local Enorg?y? Advancing Renewablos. 3. The foregoing amendment ot?the Articles of incOrpot-?alion has been duly approved by the corporation ?3 board ot'directors. The corporation has no members. We further declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the matters set forth in this Certi?cate of Amondme are _r o-aodLom: of our knowledge Date: January 21. 2016. Date: January 21, 2016. Diane Coombs Secretary - Stateof California Secretary of State Statement of Information F389793 (Domestic Nonprofit, Credit Union and General Cooperative Corporation's) I LE In the office of the Secretary of State. Filing Fee: $20.00. if this is an amendment, see instructions. IMPORTANT -- READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM of the State of California 1. CORPORATE NAME ON RENEWABLE ENERGY FE 3-09 2016 2. CALIFORNIA-CORPORATE NUMBER 03124922 This Space for Filing Use Only Complete Principal Office Address (Do not abbreviate the name of the city. Item 3 cannot be a PO. Box.) 3. STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN CALIFORNIA, IF ANY CITY STATE ZIP CODE 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104, SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 I 4. MAILING ADDRESS OF THE CORPORATION CITY STATE. ZIP CODE 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104, SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Names and Complete Addresses of the Following Officers (The corporation must list these three of?cers. A comparable title for the speci?c officer mayr be added: however, the preprinted tities on this fonn must notice altered.) 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE JOHN STUMP 4391 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104, SAN DIEGO, CIA-92110 e. SECRETARY ADDRESS I I CITY I STATE ZIP CODE DIANE CCOMBS 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104, SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE WILLIAM POWERS 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104. SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 Agent for Service of Process If the agent is an individual, the agent must reside in California and Item 9 must be completed with a California street address, a PC. Box address is not acceptable. if the agent is another corporation, the agentmust have on file with the California Secretary of State a certi?cate pursuant to California Corporations Code section 1505 and Item 9 must be left. blank. 3? NAME OF AGENT FOR SERVICE or: PROCESS islets; The pee-son oesagnatoc as {its agent MUST have agreed to act 52?: that prior to the risergnationg JOHN STUMP 9. STREET OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF IN CALIFORNIA, IF AN INDIVIDUAL CITY STATE ZIP CODE 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUITE 104, SAN DIEGO, CA 9211-0 Common interest Developments 10- Check here if the corporation is an association formed to manage a common interest development under the Davis~Stirling Common Interest Development Act, (California Civil Code section 4000, et seq.) or under the Commercial and industrial Common Interest Development Act, (California Civil Code section 6500, et seq.). The corporation must file a Statement by Common Interest Development Association (Forrn as required by California Civil Code sections 5405(a) and 6760(a). Please see instructions on the reverse side of this form. 11. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT. 02/09320-16- DIANE COOMBS SECRETARY DATE TYPEIPRINT NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING FORM TITLE SIGNATURE Sl-100 (REV orrzore) APPROVED BY SECRETARY CF STATE I6~05259i . .N. State of California Secretary of State 122 Statement of Information (Domestic Nonprofit, Credit Union and General Cooperative Corporations) FILED Filing Fee: $20.00. If this is an see inStruction's. Secretary ofSta?te IMPORTANT - READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM State Of'Caltfomia i. com-romaine MAY n5I 2015 Catifomla Local Energy Advancing Renewables 2. CALIFORNIA CORPORATE NUMBER 03124922 . This Space for Filing Use Only Complete. Principal Orifice Address (Do not abbreviate the name of the city. item 3 cannot be a PD. Box.) 3. STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN CALIFORNIA, IF ANY CITY- STATE ZIP CODE 2413 Shamrook Street. San Diego CA 92105 4. I MAILING ADDRESS OF THE CORPORAITION I I GITY I WI II STATE ZIP ()0le 2413 Shamrock Street San Diego CA 92105 Names and Complete Addresses of the Following Officers {The corporation must list these three of?cers. A comparable title for the specific of?cer may be added; however. the preprinlcd titles on this form must not be altered.) 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP cone John W. Stump - 2413 Shamrock Street San Diego CA 92105 c. SECRETARY I ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 0005 Diane Coon'I be 6424 Del Paso Avenue San Diego CA 92120 7. enter: FINANCIAL ADDRESS I I on? I STATE ZIP ccoe William PoWers 4821 Lornitas Drhre . San Diego 92116 Agent for Sunrise of Process It the agent is an individual. the agent must reside in Caliiomia and Item 9 most be. completed with a California street address. a P.0. ?Box address is not acceptable. It the agent is another corporation. the agent. most have on ?le with the California Secretary of State a certificate pursuant to California Corporations Code section 1505 and Item 9 must be left blank. 3. NAME OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS John W. Stump 9. STREET ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA. IF AN INDWIDUAL CITY STATE ZIP CODE 2413 Shamrock Street San Diego CA 92105 Common interest De vetopmente 10? Check here It the corporation Is an association formed to manage a common interest development under the Davis?$tirling Common interest Development Act. (California Civil Code section 4000. ei seq.) or under the Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developmenl Act, (California Civil Code section 6500. at seq.). The corporation must file a Statement by Common Interesl Development Association (Form as required by California Civil Code sections 5405(3) and 0760(3). Please see instructions on the reverseside of this form. 11. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT. I Diane Ccornbs Secretary DATE I NAME or: PERSONHCOMPLETING FORM TITLE .. SIGNATURE Sl-100 (REV 01mm) APPROVED BY monomer OF STATE oral/o