Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 1 of 30 EXHIBIT 25 - Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 2 of 30 it?: I ?53/5? ILS. DayarWent of Hammad Security I Emu-o Citizenship I U?'qu?uqem MJus?cc -. OMB No; Expires 1:50:05 Exam-W" 055?? Application for ?ying}, aggro:- gf Rem?val Stm?f?m Henge Zip-rari?ri?t BMCKINIC. SEE THE 9MLET FOR ABOUT Am FILE THIS APEFLICATION. (Note: These is we ?iing the far this? anthem.) Flame check-tits box ifyo?vgx'also want-to apply fat. Mowing oxi'mmawi under the Convention Against Tom. PART A. I. ABOUT YOU 1. mmgimzim ill. "?rst-Nun6.. Wha/Io?tcr havt { d?as?s.) inrthe v.33. Tetmmei??mez - me I A - - Street Number and Name. I 0 Address in-ihe 11-3.. if other titan above - Tet: hue; Number m: . . . REDACTED l- w? Stree?ifumh?msi?i?we - A- Na. MA 13% City State 1:99.26 ?6235!? . KIA NET-A - 9. sex a Male {3 Female Marital Status: [3 mg: Er Married [3 Widcrwad n. . @g/anffr} I2. C?yandCounu-y of-Birth Cochabamb.a.-, Bolivia 13. Pm-Na?ona?ty (cg?gammy; - 14. Nationality 15.. .m antribsiimup 16. Bolivian Bolivian Latino Catholic 1 1.7, 3,53 gist-Ozang that ay?ffeS-r I {have ?ever been in hmnigm?an I b. {am-now in Wibh-mm prccoedjingsimmigration cam mowediags, but 1' haw hasdid gen 23; image 3mm- mmay? mama-gmyour current 1.94 Humming? 7 6 50 1.0.7 519- 1' 1 c. Please ?st each entry to the US. hcgirming with your most recent entry- List data {Mo/Wei, pare, amiyaur smfor and: em. (Attach skeet: as needed) ham. 7?7 e0 5 Plant: ?i anti 3mm ?711 Date Status Expires 7?7 "05- pm 5?2-05 mm. Miami Status Date Place. Status {Bi Wh?i coumxy gem-jam pwspon unresch 20. Passpozt . - . 11} Date ?3 1V1-a Travel mgl?aghg . 3? 2' ?08 22. What is yoga- nqtive tanguage? . 23, Am jun- tin E?g?sh? 24. What other languages do you speak ?umdy? Spanish 5. Yes Na: FOR USE ONLY F03 BCIS USE Action: Int?view Date:- Decision:- I ?Approval Date: '1 ?Dcnia.i Daze: Refemai Daze: Asylum Officer .. Form 1-539 (REY. 07mm}? Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 3 of 30 .. Jung It. mmii?;m?ei? {11%an your spam Eighty": (Skip r9 hem.) (may) (Tiara?) -- 3. w'?fmm 4. Social'Sc-mtity (Kemp . - MIA 5. Complete Lasmame 6.1FirstNaxpc 7.. Middle Name 3 3. Maidm Nam - - Wit. i (Moan:er m. Placcof.Maniage n. City-antiCounIryofBitth . 9w]. 1?19.82 Coohabamba Bolivia 1 5 ?12. Na?anaiity mime) 13'. Group - Seat: 13' Mai: Ems Bolivian hailinjb .. 15. personin axe-0,3,? emigre; 24.; No (Shecf?ilocatian) 16. Place Dfiast 'in the-13.5. 133.; Stains Mi ami - 3? 9?06 1: {fury} 20, What is younpou?a's 21. 22. is in "Ii-?migration Ifmviousiy make current swam? his'metiw?w?wdismy? ifmr? court pmceedings? of'prgviaus arrival {Ma/Day/E?Engage 24, If in the 11.3., yam-390mm be indn?edfin this-.agplmation? {Check the appropriate box.) E3 Yes" (Mack One Wagr?a?afww?mwet?z?e rig?! 93 the app?w?nn?bmitwa??r Na Y-Our Children. Please iist ALL of your children, regardless of-ag'e, location, at maritai' steals; If] I do an: havcany childmn. (Shpm PM: A. Hts, Infama?an about Yaw Hackgroumi} . Ida have d?ldm Total number of- citii?zm 2 (Use Supplemenz A Fem 1-589 a?r anac?addi?guzzt have more (djsakiid?mza) . .- .. . 3"mi1315tatmi'Married; 4. Shela} . 1. gen Mamba 2, Passport?DCard No (Ifan gage: Divorced. Wj?owed) many} my WA. "Single - "ii/A 5? {:93ka . First-the I 7. 93113 9. City and Cuuntmoii?ir?l 101.1?Ciifizensfz?o) 11- Sex We El Femaie . . r: I no 13. Is this child in the Yes (Camplefe block: 14 to 21.} ?3 Na (Spec??: Location) n. 1 -- tin-1.1.5.? 15. Damofiastentxyin?mUSR {at 134mg? 23:3, . mm? Mame - (I?m 0mm?) F1 daild? mew? 19.Whatislhec wig"; daze'ofhis?mr 129.15 owch?d 'mimmi tationwun' ?3 '3 18 SC autham??"_ my gs 'hY_ 232. gr: nu 21. If in the US, is. thi'; chem to be included (Check me approprier 1m} [3 Ygs?tzat-J: one?} phatagrqn}: q?ww' chifd in the upper right lqu corner ofpage 9 on the am: cap}: afzke appifcanbn saz?mfttea?for the: Person) ENG Form {-589 {Rich GWMIOBEY Page 2 A. n. canREN (35?.an I 1. Mien Number g. A 4. social: fin; arm) 2.. {?asspozz?DCard No. may} 3. Marital 11mm. an. Singt'e. Divor?ed Widmvw 3 Fizst?amc 7, mam-Mme a. Date ?sf-Bird: (max/m} 9.City m3 ofBir?l Ram. qr'rtihawmp WE. ;1j Is this child 35! Yes {Complete I";ng mo 21.). [3 No (.5315cm I 4. mm met-m ih' the Miami gm i6. 1m? gm. daild?s shims? . :3 mp expira?tm date or '20- 15 your chifdlia imigration ?2 1113512: au?mzcd stam'ifm}? [3 Yes No I I {Ma/Dade i} EETND 5 21. {fin-1:133 Uqu isfthis child to this application? mam-m @prwwe a Yes {34mg}; an; ofyom- ciu?ld in the we: rigid quage 9 aim-1kg arms mpy afthe am?mh'm submmed?r'mifpwm} Alien'Regi??wlim?mw Xf 1' i 2. Passpn?im can: 3. mega sim- Mm: Singze. 4. Sociai. No- (gm) Dirafc'ed.? WWed) I 5. Complete-Las?ma??m 2 1.5 In Fiat-Name 1 Middle-Name "f 3. Date ofBirth (gamma) 1 . ef??ymmcamy a:me Nationaiity Ii- Emi??tr'?mmhaii?imr? -12. Sex Ell: 153Yes {Campzeze blacks {436521.} .145 . (3;;me Lacedin 2 r4. Fiat-r, brim mtty in the! mo entry in an; 133:?- ll 15? {.94 No- ?17. when East mm (Ma/Dayxm we. 'Efanr) 18. your child?s current slams-'3 19. What a; the. miga?mdm :3qu 20. Isynur child in inmigmtion-Oouit Manned stay. If any? mmdin?? a Yes 1: No 1m 53513.3, is this am in he. includsd in this application? (cm; Wprkuc Cl Yes (Ami: ?ne (I) phat'qgrapk afjow?ca?zi?d in the upper n?g?t W?mmeraqugz 9' gm i?z- exam copy of?ce .appfa?caEar; submitted pamsz p- . Alien" Regith Nmnber 24 3. warm: 4. Soda: Sean-1:5; No. may) $5915. Divmed. Wido wed) 2-. Passpor?ID Card . Com 1am {wtv?me A .6. First Name 7- ?ddle-Name i a. Bama??irth (Mof?ay?'rj 9. City md'cggmuy grew 19.- ?aionaiiry (Citizenx?ipj i1. Rm,?3ttmicor 'Z?z?ibai (?ning: in 35,: Maia a Fmaia l3. child lathe 33.3.? Yes (comm block: 14 to :1 No Location} 1'4. Pia?cc oflast entry mum U33 15. Dale ofiast entry in the i6" {#94 No. {If any) . 1'1- Saws iast admitted {mm way} What is your current status? {3 cau? may, if any? {MafDayfFrthe 11.5., is this child to include? in This applicalion? (Check me apprapriate 170x.) CI Yes (Ami: one phatagmp? ofwa ck?d in the. upper right hand earner ofpage 9 or: me emcopy af?x: app?cali?n-Mmi?ed?r this parsen.) (imam)? 3 Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 5 of 30 . "Hwy"- PART A. KI. INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BACKGROUND 1. Please list your last address what you lived before coming to the US. If this is not the com)! whore yon {our persecution, also inst in the (room when: you fox momma". {Lisa Adah-?55. Cichown. qu'tmem, Province, or State. and Cam.) (Use Supplement Form 1?589 er addirimai sheets oquaer ifmoessmy.) Number and Street City?'own Province or State Country Dates (Pram amiabfe} FrogPaz Bolivia 12?96 10?03 TCochabamba Cochabamba Bolivia 12-?92 10-433 1 . ma?a: the fo?owing information about your during the last ?ve years- List your present address ?rst. (Us: Supplement Form or additional sham afpapzr {foams-my.) - Number and Stuck City??own 4 Department, Province or Sm: 1 Country Dates From (Mo/Yr) To (Wit) REDACTED kc.) Provide: the {?owing infomtalion about your oducmim hegirmingvorii the: most. recent. (Use Squpkmem 3 Farm [-589 or add?iaoal sheets of - Name of School Type of School Location (Address) Attended From (go/Yr} To {Mun/Yr) - Student Pilot Ta?iami Airport, FL 02?05 05m06 University of Hiami English College oral Gables, FL 02*04 07-04 Universidad San Si on ?niver?tty Cechabamba, Bolivia 02?76 12?81 Colegio La Salle Elementary/High Cochabamha, Bolivia 02?65 11?76 4? Provide the {gnawing infomntinn about your during the last ?ve: years. List you: prawn ?rst {Use Swtemen: Form or add?ianaf sheets ofpaper ifnecesmry.) . . Dues Name, and Addtess of You? 0mm? Emm mom-z mt Esngdieod?sABo?a?os 02?06 Gobierno de Bolivia (Government Bel) Defense Hinister 08w03 10~03 Gobierno de Bolivia (Government 301.) Ministro Ere?i?e??i3238?02 02?83 Congreso de Bolivia {Congress Bol.) Diputado National 08-97 08*02 5_ E?mvidc the follong mfommion about your mas and sib?ngs (Mother and sisters)- Check box ifzhe person is domed. {Use Supplement 3 Form 1?58? or additionaz' Show: ofpaper g?necexswy.) I I Name 1 Ola/How and Com of Birth {3mm Localion REDACTED Form 9689 {sz Page 4 Case Do'cument 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 6 of 30 REDACTED I PART 9.. MOWTIONABOW mug APPLICATION I (Use Sugpz?emenr?' Form 1?589 or {mach Miami sheets 9pr a: need?drb complete yourr'r??p'om??rm the quem'ms' in When answeringiihe asyium or other pml'ection daim (Withhgi?'mg of removal ofthe Actor" withholding of met-?itconmntiun- Against Tome) yourshauld provide and :3?me basis afyour claim to asylum: or To the best ofyour ability, provide speci?c cfat'es, pi?aeea and descriptions abom each event or action. . demibed. Yea-should dbcuments evi?eacing the gale-ta! meditions in the- ooUntry-from which you seeking asyium Or other protection and an which yen: are relying to your claim. if this ?ocumania?on?fis unavailable or ya u? are not _prcviding=ihis dmuenta?on with 3mm appiica?on, please why in your-responses to the ??l?t?ing questions. Refer To {nail-13mm, Part I: Instructions, Sectian LI, ?Basis of 9m 8, Section V, ?Comparing the Form,? Part 331i, ?Additional Documents that You Should Submit" for-maze informz?anpn completing this of the form. Why are you appbxing for asylum of rerun vai under- section 14 of the Act,- for wi?dtoidingi of remove} under the Convention Against Torture? Check the appran box?csjhelow and then gravid: "detailed answers [30;que3tim A 3316 3. below: am geekizzg as?me or withhniding of'temovai' based on: Race Religion [3 Nmion?lity Ppiiti?cal opinion .. Whip in a panicqu sacial group Team Convention; A. f??ien?ds or colicagues ever experienced ham: qc-migreaanem or the past by anyone? 3 Ya; {Hour-answer is "Yes," What happened; .2.) When the harm or mistreatment or trusses occurred; 3) W110 caused the harm or misu?ement or threats: and 4) Why you believe the mistreamem or threats occurred See 5 ta-c he (I stateajre m: B. De- you fear harm or mistrcaimem' ifyou return to your home county? [3 No Yes Ifyour answer is "Yea" explain in-de?taii: 1) What harm or mistreatmentyou Whoyou believe would or mi'sireat you; and I Why you beiieve-you maid or maid be banned or m?iStreatead. .See attached statement Form 1-539 (Rev. 9730mm Page-5 Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 7 of 30 REDACTED t?etiRMATmN 2. Haveyeu'or your family mem?ers- ever accused, charged, arrested, interrogated-,acaavictad and? Sentenced, or imprisoned in any country other than the United States? Ne Yes It? and reasvns for the action. 3. A. Eave you or your family members ever belonged to. er?. been associated with any Organizations or group's {33011: home eumtry, such as, but notiixzjited "to, a. political paxty, student gmup, labor union, religious or paramilitary gmup, cin?ii- patrol", guerrilla group, human rights gwup',_ tithe press or media? No Yes. If ""1569," describe for each [Jensen the level ofPB-f??ipation, any leadershig or other-positiens held, and the n. I-lcagt?a of time. yea; or. your family members were-ijgvoived in each-organization or activity. ee Su 133;: leaner: form a tacked . B- .1139 you Or your family members" centiuue to paniclpate in any way in these-organizationser groups? No [31 Yes If ?Yes,? ficscribc for each gezson. your or your-family members" qua-tent tevei of partiefpation, any Li??d??higi other 9955th mgr-rend}; heid, and the of time you; or ynur famiiy members have} been invoked" in "each "organization or group. a I was the former Executive Secretary of the Me?imientoi?gcienalista Reeclucionarie The is one of 1Q majox ?blitital paftiea in Bolivia? Since going into exile} I no longer hold this pesition. 44 Areyouafraid of being subjected to torture in your home munh?y 0r any other countzy in which you may he named? No Yes if ?Yes,? explain why yen are afraid and describe the: name of the torture; you fear,.by where, and why it would be in?ic?d- See-attached statement. Form (Elev. 'r?agc. ?3 Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 8 Of 30 REDACTED mm" c. momma; mw mm 1353?:91' am wheat: ofpeper as m?dedjo complezeyow re g; to ?er question: .1. Have: yen, speese, you: child{m), yeer parents:r or. yoursibiings ever appiiedsto zlie United States Govermuent for refugee stewaesylm or withhetding of marvel? 1} No [3 arm :If?Yes? explain the decisien and whai'happened in any 3mm you, your yam child?en), year parents, or your sittings received a: a tesuit-ef-ihat decision. Fleese indicate whether or net you we?-itzclud? in a'parenter spouse?s application. Ifso, please inelude yogp?ent or. spGuSe?s? tit-number in your response. ifyoe have been: denied 353313;; by an knmigmion Judge 03' the Board at? Im'migra?ne expects-is, phase describe any changc?} in conditions in you": ur?your cum personal circumstances since-z?iedate-ef ?ute deniai that may affect your for asyium. 2, A. from which you are blaming "did you 0: your who are new in the States'?reveiittzmugh er- reside in any other country before entering the Unirceisezese a Na a Yes [flew yea, your your or otherfami-iy-membets- such as year-perems orsibl-iegs eVer $91163 fez or any stems in any came?; {Hirer thaathe enei??dm which you elaimin'g asyhm? {fict- Yes .ij ?Yes-"to either or both questions Genet:er 1.33 provide for cash person; fo?iijdwing: the nettle-afgmh and the length ofstay; the personfs_.stams white. thereahegreasens' for leaving; whetheuhe person'is entitled'to-retum for?iawful residence gurposes: age. Whether :the- persen. eppiied fer re?tgee Status for i113: asyium while mere, if not, why he or she-did not: do so. The 6,3. Dapartment cf State arranged for my direct arrival into the United States after fleeing Beiivia. Sinte arri?ing in the ?nitad States and ebtainigg my eerrent non-immigraet visa, 1 have travele? to other countties as-a tourist. g'Heve'gyetzg. your Spouse, or chiidtzen) ever ordered, incited, assisted, or otherWE'se: patieipated in causing harm or suffering ta xanyipemn because efhis: or her race, rei?giom nationaiim membership in a. par?cutar Social gran}: or belief in a particular {peli?icai opinion? No {3 "Yes If "Yes?" describe in detaii eaehrsuehinei?ent and I- 5391:9439. 073.3 303}? Page Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 9 of 30 REDACTED ?mew-M5, . . . . . PART c. mama-omen mmM??N A??tfi? 31mm Cantinueti 4. you where you were harmed or I?m- did you menu-to that-com? . No Yes If "Yes," describe in detail the chumstames of your visit {fdr exanxapie-i the We}, the, put-9056(5) of the tripgs)? anti of time you remained in that country fo; the visit(s)). 5. Are. yen ?lingithe applicatim: mem'than one year see: your lasggsag?val in the United' "133140 If "Yes," expiain why you did not ?le the'?zst ycax after youmi'ved You shouid. be greparead'm-explain atyour. er- hearing why you did not ?le yum-agglm application within. after 3:01! Fengui?iaace in see instructions. I?art l: Filmy-Was, Sectienjvi. ?E?etjnpie?ng the Form,? See 5 up 13 lame I11: fa rm aztit aghed . 5, Haue'yeu or'any member of your famiiy inciuded initheaayp?ca?on ever crime andfor snagged, wavicted and named for any crimes in the UnitedSmIes? No El Yes If ?Yes,? for each instanCe, speci {y in your msponse what named and the circumstances; dates; length of the duration of the detention-er knprisenmem; the reasgm(s) for the detention er convictiim; my formal. charges {that wene lodged against you or your reimives included in your'appiicatiom the reasoms) for release. Attach documents. referring IQ these incidents, if they are avaiiahie, er. an expianazion of Wit}- duenments are not aVaiiabie. Form 1-539 (Rev. 07103103}? Page. 8 Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 10 of - PARTB. YOUR-SIGNATURE A?gp?ggdg?g. (Jae panama: in the law-actions. adisignhiaw- {fsmem 523130le Paris?" undermhy afpaju'ry under mints-of the of?mcrica, that this applian and th? Etna-33mm Carma: Title 1546. provides a; as. umicf'pcm?ty of pajury under Sectioni'??soff'fi?c '23. 'Unitcd States Code. knawingiy subscribes as any with respect a: a gammy amiin af?davit, or knowingiy present: any Such appficatjum-a?ida?t, or other (Emmet-1t laws ori- _rcgujations prescribed Mam?, or mowineg present: any such a??dat'it, arome any such fame-stamenth Faiis to contain any magma basis-in law (st-fact mm with this tit-Is a: imprisoned not may: ?ve years, or both-? i Natasha-Ideas: of Ema: my {word which tho and Immigration Services needs {amine for tit: bcm?t I am seeking, Agg?canxs?hn "are in titernimi States illegaiiyarc=suhject to rmovai if their asyhm-hr'withh' . an. Asylum macaw Any in?fomgmp provided in completing this appiichti?oh;my be usui'as 1 ins-(in; .gr-agg?amm remnvs'i-Eamgulinga avw.?.?g hyglicatinn is {alter witMan. (lamina! in nude 3 {?n-ohms apyiiga'?ans?ir asylum will he permanan iqc?gi?lc for my bene?ts under the immigration ami Nations ?ty Act? meme of'izhc act-ma 3103:: 208.20. PrintComplete Writeyomnameinyour native-31E?th I i Jose Sanchez Berzai? wawe ggew.-a0 No Yes Did your or assist you in mmpie?ng thisagpliicaiicn?? {Mamba}; {Rafa-firm. Tia) mam)? said mag. or macaw? No E1 ?gs em a} :A'sy?ln'i "'nsel, piwided mm a as: ?hogna?ay-i-beavaiiabte to assist-yen, . - ass-mm claim? KING. Yes iSiggatm 9f Aw?m {me persanm Farm Sign yaw name sou-mi appuais mme the macaw ?at? Hf PART 12:. DECLARATION-0F PERSON IF 0mm THAN on cram I declare max I have same-reqmsz-ofme namp? in Pan that'thc mponscs we on ail bitmaan of whiqhit have provided :M-appiim and Wtheicgmgietcdapp?ca?on was maxi to in his or her native int-Meme language he ?at veri?cation before he applicali?n in my pm. I am ?W?r?e?m the knowing placement of false int!) '01} un?t-Fem I589 may also subject; Inc-m {3240:}. a" Print Compiez'c Name 33- Victar X. Eerda I Daytimc Tcicphohc I I i Address cfahd._Name ?We {2-9-3290-4? 20-5-23. 700 12th St 151w. Suite 1150 No? City a i t. 0 3:13:13 2%33305 PART F. BE COMPLETED AT INTERVIEW You will be asked to compz?gte ?nk .E'an when you appear before O?ioer af?wUS. Sammy. and Imigmifan Services {rem-5r an fmrhigratior; Judgz'qfthe Departmen! ofjmzice. Executive. Ww?r Immigration for i sweat: {af?rm} that I know the contents 0f application thati an: signing, intending the documents and supplements, that they malt- true to the best of my knowledge taking into acmun! ?0 mm were made by me nr 31. my request. Signed and swam-to rm: by the above named appiicaat on: Signature of Applicant Date Write Your Name in. Your Nati we Alphabet Sigmm O?ioar or immigration Form 1-539 {Rem Page 9 Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 11 of REDACTED SUEFLEMENI A FORM-L589 A #(Ifava?abfe; Base ?d ?f f} SK m. 53 $30? 0:47- . Mpiicant?s?ame Appliwnt?s' Signature - . JOSE Car'lgLSa-n-c-he-z Bargain - ALL OF STATUS. - E??xethm madam to 3W Kim-hm more (mgwa 2. I?assport?t} Cde No. {{fany) (magi-3mg; ?bt?alSecuri Nu. . ?hwrced??bbwed} (am) 5. Complete LastName 6. First Name Name panoramrmmaym 9. City and Country 9mm 10. Natianalitj/ (arisen-355:3} I in. Race? E?mic or Tribal Group I. 513in Male $m?e . Is this was: 31:113.? Ci Yes (empress Nomi: 14m i3 3 14. i?iaoe entry indie (Mongl??r) 15. Date Gflast try in the H.82- .- Status 315,, ?fam?) is titan?) 13. Whatis you: chews-mm: m? I What {he expime {FE-?ight witherich '?tay; 'ifany?? (Mo/13mm} 20. in Yes 13 No No- '23- 1mm- tobcin?i?ded {cm-an 'appraprme my Yummy? chagrin tat-upper?gf?r hand-comer ofpag??g ought? gxa-a copy athe this perm) 1. Alien 1. PasspurtfiD Card No- (gang)? 3; Mag-ital Status Married, Sega-2; 4; Divorced Widowed} -- ?fany) I "CampieteLast Nam:- 6. First Name. 7; 'hr??dic Name a. Date 9. City and Cumin; 4;:me 9 to. Nationality gamma};- Mate 13- Magic Yes {Complete bfecks 14:02:.) Race: ofiast try in the 15* Date oflast entry in the-ESL?- 16. {-94 No. many) '17- Status when 13's: admitted {Visa we. {may} 18. What is your child?sth 19. What-35m expira?'en date stay, if any? (Mofquffr) 2:1. 15 your child-m Migration court pmceedtags? Yes . No Chic: - 21. Ifiu the U.S., is this child to be included-in this application? (Chad; the appropriate box.) [3 Yes (Am am: ch?d 1?31 the upper right hand corner {fpage 910:1 the-extra my afthe app?mi?an mines-{for this person) form {-539 A (Raw. 07mm)?: Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 12 of 30 REDACTED - $9?me 1; 5w: 1-5815? I @Dm??n mammwou ABOUT ?mun ?to ASYLUM. I {Iiiavdebz?e}. A .3 (9,5 .Aypgicmz's Name case Carlos] Sanchez .Bzerzain Use this a: a page any" infarnw?on requested. "Hem copy W'compiete as Heated .1 v9" WW "tita?tiw?j'?v? PART gum (gm LA 38?93 to 12-94 1.2-9.4 to 12-96 12-96 1-97 3~97 3-97't0 8-97 8-02 2-02?to 3?02 8-92 f0! Parliamc?t POSITION Mi-Bistl?o dc Presid?mia (Chicfrof'Staff to PreSident) Ministm d3 Gobieme party candidate fer President Mi-rtist'ro dc: Gobicm? to MNE candidate Speaks-Is ?hief of .. Presidential Candidate (303312210 Lo'zada- . Presiai?cncia 0f. Staff to .Pimsident Case Document 48-26 EnteLed on FLSD Docket 03/17/2 0 8-93 to 10-17-03 1-- Ba?a-?i 2_ 001mm ommumz. 3.4 Defense Miz?ster for 1 o?tieai Af?irsxfor President Gonzalo Sanchez "Lozada. ?Eur-:7 90% duh} 4% . 'gL-E-v-vwn am. he Bonn. Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 14 of 30 REDACTED smirLE MENTION ABOUT T0 I A a? {frame} NHL :1 ?ake a 9?9 Jase ?ag: 10's :San'rcheez Use this im- a Gamma Mg: an}? may: lique?ed. P172332 Impy and gamma: as needed. I I :App?cant?i-Signamte may Mitonal Dac?uments re?ne QUESHON - New: be submitti?g ad?itional supperting to inaiu?e - I. ?oonies ofnawspapcr articles and translated relevant texis {3f pub?c investigativempnm 301E132. i am amenity- 12an the articles into English antiwi?i'i?e then-beforc?or at the With-?ne I President mg, I my-agglica?dngag what-imam posts: ew?h. . .. 1 I ?l?'mla?bns are son-1131M I Ewart}; tins :gddtaaual backgmu??: fan?. Earn; {.539 (aw. D?f03f03)? Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 15 of REDACTEB was: . "gamm?. mom YOUR - . {Ham I. . Iihpp?cam?s-Harnm- I Applicahfs-Sigmm . th?hav: Ray-vain'du's'as a ma?mtiqzi if i: requested. mm copy PART In consultation with {1me I ?ed Boiivia fawn-Bolivian mzada resigned i1} 1 ramming to Bolivia-to again particigatc the political -pmc'es?s ones the situation .311..QB:QIivia' and 'pth? when: The recent election and of by Evo'Mmales as Presidmt-z?in Enemy-2006 has any . postsih?itjr ofme manning th?diiviarcalized the me In claim asylum mn?y ans-the new President in me'aud ?rmer While: Eve Morales" previausly arranged-3:141. his new asi-QItgsident of given the: capability to fasten his me. for-my: 'poiitical ac?vi'??s and opium I can no; longer safer Bb?via risk to my life and "Mom and must not-vi appiyfor asyium Farm saga-swim: (Rev. wants}? Case . Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 16 of Ease Ca?os'Sanehez Stalemant in Support of Claim for Asylum Page. '1 of. Statement of Jase? My game-E Jase Callas 'Sa?ebez and i pres??t statement in suppertiefmy-L claim for 'peiitical asyi?z'mz. The basis for my ef persecution is-that elected 301mm President ?Evo Morales "has threatened me in ?p?ast based__-en my political opinion. Now, as he has: acquired the of pmecuting and {gauging-me :iff'l were-"to rem t0 :Bgliivia? 'B-eiOW-are details regarding my asylum claim claim 'feripm'tecitipn the GenVen?en Torhzre. Over the: East 13. Ihave heir}. Memes senior positions] in the Gevexmnenttef ?Beli?vtia1 Chief. ef-S?taffto- fenner~Presideht Gang-ale Sanchez dc 31. ?ll: Ester ofgowmem {mime for Belivia?s counter natee?c e??ert and .naiienai to in. Relivia?snetional Congress, icy-being the eff De?nes for befete foreiny departing?em my country with tamer de-Zmzada-and arriving in the" States with the ef ?ies: be: "i foState. $633863 133 I have had numerous with current Em While he served as the leader "commas" (?063 113 my numereus government; positions,? ed? thei?o?viais and the inma?mal pursuant to the Against 'miw' ??35 me?Pt?Si?t-E??-Of??le PTBSiden?al Admir?stra?en I served mm? and 1'hddkey 179133 5W3 Productie'n and trade, and ceardina?ng 0111* ago-?535 in "9315351351? narcotic and: .U-.-S. 'Depamnent of see. ae?itziais in. i?t?m??enal anti-drug conventions; My Views and suppmt for ?fezgi {3(1th many cun?a?m?o?s. ng Mgmles One of the ear?m don?'ietsi I had 'withMI; Morales invelszed his efforts to aveid the efferfs meats. in 1995. At the United States maveyed a streag warning to Bolivia?s Government that it 'weeid be decet??ed as a eombating narcotics, which would not only tarnish ?Beiivia?is; and then?Presi'de?tts?enz?e Sanchez de lezada?s Wmtien in the intemafieml Weuld have also rest?ted ecenomic sane?ens against. Belivia and teaminated US. bit?lateral empera?e? In orderxe {Remain certi?cation. and avoid intmaiiena?t meme the States required signi?cant impmvemeni in em- iliegal coca eradiea?en efferts over a threemeuth The Gevemment 0f Bolivia agreed to meet these requirements. and the: Minster of Govmmem [was responsible far executing and meeting these requisite criteria to maintain our certi?cation. During Mr. Morales publicly expressed his strong opposition to our e??erts and .iyubliely accused Fresident- Sanchez dc: Lezada and me efbeing guberdmetes ef-the. Uni-ted States govement, To oppose eureffortsa Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 17 of RED (?atware: in Suppe?-efCiaim tor Asyth ACTED English Transiatien; Page-2.0135 and his mealero organization's archeetratedmmy' of against:- ei?v?iam authorities and tan-armed civilians; ramming and deathS- a ma?tion in the Bolivian CengIeSS'vmea and approved itinpietne?ta?on {3f de 'Sitiq" which au?xo?zed the was: Morales and ?le of the seeialere . organizations had that Was eel-taint regions Df?our country. As the 0f my department was :Ieeponsihle for executing the megm?sienally appmved ?Ecstatic tie Sitio-" The. National. Police, the law enfereement branch, a?d the Public Prosecutefs Of?ce exeeafed-?te arrest at" Eve and certain leaders of the violent-famous from". the @6de movements. While the Government the authority-to prescient}. with erin?n-a?li "charges, Ipersanally negotiated. a settlement- -wi_th Morales wherebyhe' agreed not to with the century?s- illegal eradication: in exchange not pressiIi-g .25? i3. .- es and releasing. ibis-assistants. I achieved a .resehltiengte: {a crisis, I aim-realized. the": Eve Morales would continue: his ventiEftaagainst'me for the positiezl's Itodk against illegal :eoeaproduction and. .sugport of BOIi?a-?s and the "United :S'trauies?I manta]: .nareotieefforts. Indeed, shortly- his release, Eve Morales made allegations against me and. ether gavemeet of?cials of being mistmaied while under arrest Mr. and allegations. were iiwestigated by independent iavestigatere-..and feu?d. to-be witheut chrsonaliy He'll}! ?hall?Weed- dimer widence 0f abuse :9 the mime media never presented e?deace. ei?ier yubli'ely or ta my agmoy. Mr. ultimater- did. not pursue :ja?_egetions and lateg I that he had been mistreated. idmied and. cen?eue-te deny any" mistreahneut of Mr. Morales: while. he Was Moraies . making these?allegations after being ?ned? With having to; eerrobareting evidence: or suppert. Un?artueately, this weuld- not mark the Last Morales vii-quid make allegme against Rather; this pattern; 'ef'threats and allegations would :ceetiuue to manifest gen} of discrediting me. and hawng me .Subject to 31181g?$ (In 1997, after down {mm goveimmt service and was elected to Congress, Merales would continue his harassment-311d vendetta against me by presenting charges to the Bolivian Congress against me "and other government of?cials. In this instance, he charged me with parti'eipa?ng intthe-era?ieation of illegai eoca and 0f causing eeonorr?e and physical to. ?le coca preduein'g At that time, my political. party, the not the majoritypartm and-the Congress, ineleding members hem. Modest-party, was responsible for investigating his allegations. The ef Cemb?iee me?eeted the Levestiga?tiee and. heid pub fie hearings 91-1 the :?ai-Ie?g?atiom. Busing this period of investigation, Mr. Morales. eentinuously berated, sien?iered, and ?lreatened me in public, often stating that I was r?pensible for the deaths, and injuries to members ef'tile Omelet-o population-based-oe counter-drug efforts and my smart of Bolivian and (LS. counteamareotie policies-to Ieduee cocaine production in Bolivia Onee agajm the ?nding and ultimate mnelusion exceereted me of all 0f the Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 18 of 30 REDACTED Jorge "Sanchez Berzaia Statement in Supper-t 0f Claim for English Translation Page B-ef's allegations by Morales me._ (Sac August 2002 Reselueion Congtfesal 51131 investigative reqmi?t). . The animosity anger Morales maintained against me increased in; 'i?teinsity when. .. i in 2003, as the minerity may ieader inBGIi?ttia?s agreed to suppart "men? President Jozj'ge and the ruling majoritpr at the time for .-expu18ion;50m Congress, 1:9: in 'iude E-removal ofhi's Congressional immunities, for prosecution based an instigation of vioth glutamate led to ?lf: deaths and. sexiew inij ofinnmen?zf ?vic?ms. harder ta initiate such an aetien of Cengr?ssie?el- removal, 2I3r'ds. of Congress to vote in "of "such aetion. I agreed the ruling party, President Quiroga, and. aenatition of?t?iuority parties that Mr. Morales, 31211181 time 'a member of Coagress, had in fact been {invented certain violent events efpublic disturbances and-should face the-amen: of his role and any I note that Met-ales personally ?sited discuss my pending decisien 011 whe?ier my would vets fer the mew-at among this. wnversation, Morales offered. repay-me in pelitieal support if wet-mi diIeCtmy party to vote-against?ljeremov?l M??e meeting {gag-13536:! ThiIIl-I'lwould mt agree toh'is my Cleeision to 5119901?; remon {?er Congress bemused: feat-he involved imidentst this enragerl ?rs-491211651- mil-y exacerbated ffi lbs-expressed against me Ultinmiely, 2f3rds of?le?otivian my party, voted to flame :Merales- banished on offis support for Wei-behavior by the macros festeredepisodee .of'vielenee. - Merales Was removed ?gm?te?engress but his acti??es as the. leader .pf?the illegal coca grewers, I ream-get}? back it) .govemm??tisewiee as then-Pm??i?ent Gonzalo Sanchez de I-xozadais (sf Staff eels. Again, Mr. Morales emhestrated public events the 'narcoticspelieies and maintained his vendetta myseif and the In 2003, along with President Sanchez de Lozada once again- persena?y negati?aiec?i wi?1.Mr. apeace?? end to his e?erts to. prevent the reductifcm 43f illegal accepteduction in ?les-Cochabemba state in 2003-. White 'Merales public that at predictably resulted in vialenoe mad harm in innocent civilians, it View and :geal when dealing with Mr. Morales to negotiate a resolution to ?nematter. ?esp?e my geed~faith e?brts to geace??ly address befienl?aleksr conceals; {was subject ta his con?xmed public targeting harassmenfha'sed on my pasture against sesame productiqn- 331:1 of Boiivian anti 35-3; Fer em-npie, e?e: a failed attempt by a ofheavily armed: 'kers to assassinate President Sanchez .de at the Fresidem?al Palace in. February of 2003, Mr. Morales once again. too}: this as an oppommify to publicly accuse rue-and the PreSident of the deaths of the attackem, - civilian authorities, and civilians dtni?g this attack. He pubiicly express-? support for I "this violent episode. These allegaiiens, as in ail his allegatiensv against me, were investigated; to Exclude an investigaiien by the Organizalion 0f American States,. and Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 19 of 30 REDAC TED Jase Carlo?i Sanchez Berzain Statement in Slugpett at" Claim for Asylum EnglishITranS-lation Page of 5 ?'eteamined to be unfounded. There were no negative ?ndings against me- in, the OAS "investigative and-the Boliyian Attorney??eaetal?s o?ce did net supporti?g prosecution. and dismissed Mr. Moi'ales accusations. - Momles? centinued public weeks-against me for-my stand against illegal preductiom and my Salipert of Boiiviaegand counter narmtie goals until but departure fomer'i'Pres'ide?t'GOHZ?e Samba: de in - 'October of 2003. Mr. Morales the lea?et .eifgani-zer of the anti-demo and seditious action; illegal bleekades that and createdreivi! "unmet, and violently overthrew the. Administration,. resulting in my .GOnzalez Sanchez de forced Departmentof?tatees'sistance. It is. unfortunate election as anti ef?theecapabilities against me hassonceizagain emboldened-him to publicly :dispiay. his political vendetta me aad Presith Gonzalez Sanchez de Shortly after his swearing~ia in Ianuary 2006., Etesi?e?tmerales publicly singled: me and fame: President Genzaie ?16 Lozada forgetseeu?on, President Morales publicly and in an intema?guali?Dmm meritless and slandem?g-allega?ons. against me the few: E?reeident calling for the to when as . to Bolivia. Te date I have net-been noti?ed cf any Charges being alleged agmeme?by-Ptesident Memles?s Once againghe; unfounded and ?unsubstantiated allega?ons against-meats a Way'te strike back at my unter narcotic efforts and and: placate the and violent segments he must now pacify and govm sin fact, in to my views andpast after-take advecaied in the intebmaxienait 'eemmunity .thefi-egalization of illegal coca pro?uction would only ultimately produce mere cocaine-in megiebal market. "The mtensity of President; Morales' threats against me were recently when, while menacing ?le: 0f the Bb?vian Ambassaer to the. Uniteti States, he emphatically stated that the new Ambassad?r?s ?rst-p?ority would be to obtain the physical rem of-me and fame: President (30122310 Sanchez de t0 Bolivia The past history of untbunded allega?ens plus his ?ew aversigzt of the legal judicial {atoms in Bolivia as President wouid most me to be in a-sham process fabricated and orchestrated by him am! his supportere whe he has appoi?ted to key positions in the: gavel-11mm. Unlike the past where President Morales had. to prove and sustain his allegations against me before independent inves?ga?Ve Em, be new tied: himself in the 'pesitien of being in control either directly or .throughhis .appeinted aft-1%. entireereswgteriel lemme. Even if I were to survive a grocess lacking legal and due process protections, judicial independence, transparency, I would-be left with no protection to defeat}; mySeif'fmm thenetmiOusly violent cocaine .otganizations in Bolivia and Colombia that are prosPering under Eve?s strong public bugger: fer illegal meet productinn and maintain a presence in Batista. Mr. Morales mid his supporters exert control. over the Ideal 3811 federal police forces in Bolivia, leaving me subject to albinary arrest and. torture-er tie a de?facto sentence of death rendered {in behalf Case 1:07ecv-22459-JIC Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 20 of w? Jose Catlas'Sanchez Bargain Statemmt in Support of Claim for Asylum English Translation Page 5 of 5 9f President Mat-ales and his modemsupparters by the drug erganiza?ons. [have smriveii numan unfounded. allegations against axe-by? Momles in the past, but I now fear that his as. 'Pr?sident will '??aliya'?ew him be anus and: [far all siience my saunter drag ?aws; - - A?er 'E'Glivia, I amisionedau in the future to Bolivia- after the-period of turmoil subsided aad process werezrerinsgate?. It is deep that I once again 1331 emboldened Preside?t Morales who Clearly vendetta-against Hie-3nd his to persecute ma based on my prior actions and ?aws against 01? cam growers and name ha?cking. based-on his Genduct toWards-smc, his history- of making unfounded against me and against 013w: government of?cials, anti. his recent public-stawmetiis since becoming-Miami: that he would utilize all the anther-meg and resources hemwcomands as Resident to persecute and mm me ifI were-to mm. to Beli'?a, youin advance for-yam delicate matter. {Sf Tease Smchez. Remain Cer??ca?on of I, Am Lissa Armada tam competenz?mf this easement-?rm Spani?h; to English and-that this transialien is to the 'Qfmy abilities. 05-May Ana Lissa Amado Case Document 48-26 Entered on: FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 21 of - RE 'Declaraci?n dc .1935-S?gchei mm a 'su salicimd lie Asilo Mi- nambreres Carla's Sa'mbez 3? astray esta mmo .apuyo a. solich de asiio politice; "El mic-ado (use. de esque .el Presidente recithan elegido, Eve Mbmlees, me ha. en repetidas el; Hay en dig, .mmo President; 61 'haxadquiri'do: la dc -p?rSeglli'rme texturarme Si es qua: ye a retomar a Balivia. hay "aha seri? die can respm a mi soiicit'ud' dc asilo dc. - Tatum i193 ?13 ?ne, he Varies altos ?1 Gehiemo dc Bolivia, que B?ni'stm de La Preside (16} ex Presidents: Gimzalo Sanchez? Lezada, {is Gobiezno. comm e! an '?pli?a de a Jefe chBancadagde. 1a Oposici?n, ah?nistm dc Defensa per temas Que mire quc salir dc ip'ais per i& ?mza 511 EX President: 80112219 Sanchez dB 'ilegue a 105 Esiaddsi Uhidbs con la del Departamnio (if: 110$ Unidoa \En: el dc sates .13 varias mn?antacioncs a! mi Morales, cl ejarcia 11? Biting dc 19$ (306316103; diferentes cargos en el yo apoy? 10$ tie Bolivia Vima en- w?ira 651' de. dc 13- cine 'es-prmeida a la {a cocaine. $3.011: criminales. Esta em 1a posici?n d'el' 'Gohieznsa ai 3: 6:11:61. m1 ye pue'stes'claves para la tucks: La 'ptoducci?n dc ei narcotr??m 1y meshes. ?s?iegzos conjm?o's eon .autoridadesv-de. {norm-comm 61 tie Estados Unidos 5: dc! Departamento de Esme-?e: Unidos, adhiti?ndoms- a Convenciones -- . 'ianales en? the lag: Mi posici?n @034) 1a.- palitica emu: ?mama a much-as can Eva disminnir Ia dc coca ilegal Violantoa Um 103 mn?ictos gm tuve 31 Sr. Mamas mm) qua can 513:; para swim: ios es?wmos arradicaci?n die ilegal en 1995;. En ese memento, 31 Depaztamanto d3 Estado de las Estados Uni?es. habia enviad? una dura advertencia a! thimn dc: Beiivia en la que maliwa qua Balivi'a iba a set . idesmitji?ca?a came an pais que a les nam??cos, situaci?n que, no 501:) :empa?'agria a Baiivia 31 mg d3 (30112310 3339th de ante la :cgr?unida? intermeth sine .quertamhi?n hubiera rasui't?a?o an micms?men?micas ext comm dc Boiivia? hu?icrsa can la coupemci?n biiatsral de- Estados Unidds. Para poder mammer cer??caci?n, 1a verg?enza. h?emaciona! las smiones Estados Unide's requiri? 1112ij signifmtiva en 31113321195 es?zerzos de ertadicmi?n de caca iiegal en peri0= 626 has meses. EE-Gobiemo dc Bolivia 63mg d'e mde an aloanzar astos {Shjeti'ms some dc Gobiem?; yo era 81 responsabie de la ejecuci?n de dichos obje?vos para mautenet 11116383 certi?caci?rz. Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 22 of I 30 - REDACTED Sr. es, exam? - 'p?bli?camenie Sn umsici?n: a .nuesiro' :31 Pmsidente Samba: de Lazada a mi dc sear del dc Unitlos. Pat-?3. openers: a nucstm? es?lcrza's, Morales 3213 I isms cacalaras ?lcron Ids ?nches antes dc ?olen?ija- an d3 [31? ram" (185 civiles de noarmados__ antes, an . y'i-lmiom. -- En mm mm . del ?trail! 3' aprob? laT implemenm 7611 :de m: We def. Sitio' .que el dc gm Max-ales 3; dc otras: dB": orgamsz?? qua :3 1m caos que "an "algtmas d3! pais. Como dc Gamma; mi 61' 8.3me dc. Sitio p01: 51' La iPoIicfa 1a rama civil c1131 aumplir?ento de la Icy 13?}an cl de Evo Morales 'dc-al'gunqs- dc lag (is {as imovimienms magma-A pesarde 2.61 1a con la i-Wi?n penal, ye unmade cog-Eva interferir can has dc madicaci?n dc; il'egal an at pats 21 0925941260 de- que no iniai?rames cl process en ('13 Cine 10 a a sus que yo llegu? a uggmi?ci?n .paci?ca a ma. patencial, tambi??a me .que Evo Morales iha a 331' Vendetta en mm per la yosici?njque asumigien contra. de la producci?n dc: iileg'fal en @0310 (1: Bolivia 3; d6 en comm dc .LEfectivamente,. dcspu?s dc qua sea ?Eva Merales farmula contra en -- .5. qua. mientras estaba acumiuness?er Eve. Momles . par yi?leton Sin i?mdamanto. Y9, a] Sr. a IEVBIE Esme Ia pry-c1133. national El tie: evidencim ni p?tibiicamaante 511i asalgtma agenda tie A1 ?nal, '61 Sr; Mart?116$ no con?nu? can mmimaes p?hlicamenta: diij habia side psicol?gicamante. Yo Sign mgando cmlquiEI '3 Eve Mimics su smash). El Sr. Morales hacer cstas acmacims Sc vie obligadc presenter pruebas qne esa? no la- vez que el 31'. Monies .acusac'ianes sin mun-a, En. vez', este dc amenazas acusasioms can?nnan?an sus otje?vos de de' desameditarme y-tenenncsujeto a acusacionss sustento. 1-997, despu?s dc qua me haya alejado .ch .gobiemo haya aide zclegido al 61 Sr. Mosaics '?on?nu? con su acose su. vendettaen mi contra. a1 demandas 31 Congress en contra mia 3r atras autcridades .gubemamentales- Esta vex, me: (is hall-er particlpadi} en la wadicaci?n dc coca: - 'ilegal dc habcr causadc y?sioos a. pobla?i?nde pmductores das- coca. En .es'e 1110131613105 mi ei IE) era-6i par??g Con ia may?ria en 61 :congreso, e! Co?gresogimlnyendo a delp?art'ido politioo dc Eva era "resptansabl? {is la invas?gaci?n desus antlsaciones. La Comisi?n. the Cons?tuci?n condiljo la investigaci?n sesame audi?ncias p?b?cas? en at 0:180. Durante est?: periodo dc- ixwestigaci?n,? 61 Sr. Mamie-,3 ca?ti?umnente me ?ifamaba: 3r de fax-ma ptijbiica, 3 11361019210 diciendo gm: 3.0 2.333 responsable-de de .las lesienesde miembms de la Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 23 of .. I 30 REDACTED 'qulaci?n-de wealeros, ba?ndusc mitig- es?Je-rzas {en-mm dc drogas y. mi apuyo a poiitic'as Boiivianas an com 44:16-14:33. pan .13. "dc: cacainzten Belivia; Emma-mas, las de?c'lii'sione'si exoneramn de todas. las? amsaxti-Qnes hechas per 61' St. Masks en (tantra. adjunto Resoluci?n 'CongresaL de :initestigaci?m) .v La at. chain 5313:: 61 Sr. intensi?ed 10me en 31 2003, came Jefe dc de un pat-tide de. .31 Con-grease Nada-5:31, .awrd? en apoyax a} enton' Jorge Quiroga a} o?cialista mayoria,? qua en. 63:: 'hic?icmn maci?n? 1a (tel Sr. Morales helix-gentle .lazemoci?nda parlamentariast 5* - en un su, Sinstigaci?n d5 pretestase $36ch 113mm a I iesiones.. ?chmas' civiles inseam . um; .. mman- qae a faves: dc mi?cidia can 31 particio-o??i?a?sta, tel-presidents (1m "raga 3: can ?ealici?n dc particles 61.1 Que '61 Sr. an as": magnate miembm {Set grew estado__ .. en dc ?19103 'vi?lcmos- die. :_?bi?os p?blicos- y-qnc-sdebcna? :en?bntax m1 precast). jque deuterium ?a-suml qua ta hubiere- Debt) mat-at; qua 61 Sr. Mamie-"s - mc?vi?sit? Manta, can 3:351 . mg: :de?aocimm 'de esta convers'adi?n! 311 Sr.- Morales 61139030 politico: Si 325;} a mi parade as; - comm-dd En csa reuni?n yo no accpta?a; su solicitudy qua mi" decisi?n era lad'e :1wa an desa?m?m sen?a? que 31 Si invdluCrado - violentes. Came era ?esw'en?xreci?. 3010' 313mm cl yel adio-Expresado d3 ahi en' . final, dos taming {131 p. luyendo votamn- a {fever d6! dcsa?lero del ?51; habizi dado a conductas a. favor de 103 disturbing eras: dc violencia. at Sr; Mattias fue dc} cantinu? can 503 actividaties dc 'Dizigentsc dc las die. c033. ilegal, yo retom?- an :61 2003 a sex-visit) gcibim k?mi Ia .Prcsidmia dei entances de- Lem v.33,- ei Sr; mama?s: 333M116 dishwbics p?blicos an de las poii?cas. dc comm 105- merit-ms; 2y su vendetta en mi y' dc! Presidents. Ene1'2003, a! y'ye' vez- m?s negociamospersonalmente. can :31 Sr. Morales; an 'paci?co a la reducci?'n de {a .produmi?n d6 coca-?egal ext-cl Mie?tras Eve Moralea defendia 103 diswrb'ws plime qua ea aigans mementos resultaban en violencia- 3! en da?o a civiles ?mi posici?n objetivo cuando lidiaba con at Sr. era negociar unazseluci?n paci?ca al 3313910. A 9653.1" tie. qua :31me me di?gia a. 1.33 preacupacienes del- Szj. Mora-[es it: Basia bum. fe fbnna paci?ca, ye; ccn?nu? siendo ?Stl estaha sujeto a su ?0030 p?blico per term 1131a en contra de la 'pmdmi?n dc cocaina en @0ch a [as politicas Bolivianas Estasdsotmidenses en contra de las ?rogas- For ejempie, despu?s de ma interim fal'lido de asesinar a! hesidc?t?-Smchez dc Lozada en Palaciq de- Gabiemo pot d: un grupo de atacantes armados en fe'bmm dc 2003, 6.1 Sr. Case Document 48-26 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/17/2008 Page 24 of -- . 30 REDACT ED aproth esta vez at a mi "la mm de Ins 31mm, eiviles 3r .este 311-311on a este via-lento episodic. mm_ 'todas vans dcm?s anusaaioneg invest-team: -im?es?gmi?n ?3 W?n 53; qua qua. 31 infomg d3 la DEAHQ sc en mi mm 3? la?- ?de_-ia Rep?blica no em hashes den Elgar 3 1a persecBCi?ini del Sr. Morales, .31 Morales contimm? con amass p?bii?ooa an perk;- quit 6?11 contra'del laymeiucci?n e] ,a .105 anti? nam?ticos tie Balivia 'Unidos el Presidbme Gonzalo 'S'W?cz dc Lozada yo mvit?nos: dc ,?E'wia en Gambia da- 2003.? Morales fue- el tider . I . ., .bhqauws ile?gales (1113 6311331911 a. disturhios civ?zs 3; gas a trav?s de la ?ammia. .al Gomez-m, 'que?como rem?t'a?o :21 Presidents 831161182 (15 LOW y-yo: qua salir Emerita can la "Deparmmeato de- Unido's. E's ,que' miemmtecci?n comp Presidents-y El'a d: [a pain" a calm we en comm mic, V6.2: 191:1;aym envalen'tado: para que; 3311me 31:] zen congrats; en ex Presidents 2dr; Lazada 53909 $11 1811- d3 indiv??u?i?? a1 Samba? El. Mattias, dc fem p?blica-y en tm forbsi?temacional dcsmeregederas: en mi mama any delaex =Prat$i