c/o Cllr Donna Jones Leader of Portsmouth City Council Civic Offices Guildhall Square PORTSMOUTH PO1 2AL Cllr Roy Perry Leader of Hampshire County Council The Castle WINCHESTER SO23 8UJ 25th October 2016 Dear Roy Solent Combined Authority Thank you for your message of 21st October 2016. You will be aware that all three Councils have now resolved to make a formal request to the Secretary of State to set up the Solent Combined Authority to deliver the Solent Devolution Deal. Now that we have reached this stage and completed our respective consultations with the public we repeat our offer for Hampshire County Council to join the Solent Combined Authority as a full member. We make this offer in an open and honest way and have taken the trouble to copy in all members of the County Council so that they are aware of our current position and hope that collectively you agree to reconsider your position. To this end we would wish to state again that we value the contribution that the County Council plays in improving the lives of citizens across Hampshire and appreciate the expertise that it has both politically and professionally. We accept that the County Council continues to have some reservations about the deal but feel that these can be addressed by negotiation. In particular we feel that three areas can be worked on: 1. HCC's continuing role in relation to the key roads network 2. Arrangements to secure the early retention of business rates with the County Council 3. The participation of the County Council in the negotiations that will follow to ensure the area receives the best possible deal. Should you continue to feel unable to take up full membership, we have of course also extended our invitation of non-constituent membership to the County Council along with the Solent District Councils. We remain committed to securing a devolution deal, including the new additional £30m per year for 30 years for the Solent area, and we hope that you will reconsider your position and ensure that your members are fully briefed on the opportunity that is open to them. We would be very pleased to discuss the issues and opportunities with you further when we meet on 9th November. Yours sincerely Cllr Jonathan Bacon Leader of Isle of Wight Council Councillor Simon Letts Leader of Southampton City Council Cllr Donna Jones Leader of Portsmouth City Council