SEAN PATRICK MALONEY 1529 Lowowonm House BUILDING DC 20515 18111 DISTRICT NEW YORK [202} 2255441 ON AGRICULTURE GRAND ST ewaunon 1 COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION 345 561 1259 AND INFRASTRUCTURE a 5901152 of Representatives Washington, EQ 20515?3218 October 18, 2016 Clifton C. Seagroves Assistant Director for Diplomatic Property, Tax, Services, and Bene?ts US. Department of State 600 19th St NW Washington, DC 20431 Dear Director Seagroves: I write in regards to the tax exempt status of several parcels of land in Somers and Yorktown currently owned by the Government of the People?s Republic of Angola. It has recently been brought to my attention that the People?s Republic of Angola has been claiming tax exempt status on nine pieces of land totaling 196 acres in these two towns. The justi?cation being employed by the government of Angola for this exemption is that these parcels of land are currently being used as the residence of the country?s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. 1 can certainly appreciate the need for exemption from state and local taxes for member nations of the UN. and their representatives and the reciprocity that the United States Department of State and its delegates rely on in carrying out their mission. However, I believe that the exemption of 196 acres under the claim of being a residence, despite the fact that many of these acres are completely vacant, is a ?agrant misuse of this exemption. It is my understanding that entitlement to exemption from these taxes is at the sole discretion of the Department of State. I would therefore ask that you reexamine the status of this exemption and work with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to determine its validity. My constituents in Somers work hard and pay taxes on their property. They deserve to know that foreign nations and individuals are not taking advantage of our tax laws and enjoying bene?ts to which they are not entitled. I appreciate your attention to this matter and stand ready to work with you to resolve this issue. Please feel free to contact my of?ce with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Sean Patrick Maloney Member of Congress PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER