CENTER FOR DRUG EVALUATION AND RESEARCH APPLICATION NUMBER: 205755Orig1s000 STATISTICAL REVIEW(S) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ?6 Public Health Service an Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Memorandum Date: March 25, 2014 From: Karen Boyd, M.S., Subject: Statistics primary and secondary review The Statistics primary and secondary review was combined with the clinical primary and secondary review, signed 3/25/14. STATISTICS FILING CHECKLIST FOR A NEW NDA/BLA NDA Number: 205755 Applicant: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporations Drug Name: Ceritinib NDA/BLA Type: NME Stamp Date: 12/24/2013 On initial overview of the NDA/BLA application for RTF: Content Parameter Yes 1 Index is sufficient to locate necessary reports, tables, data, etc. X 2 ISS, ISE, and complete study reports are available (including original protocols, subsequent amendments, etc.) X 3 Safety and efficacy were investigated for gender, racial, and geriatric subgroups investigated (if applicable). X 4 Data sets in EDR are accessible and do they conform to applicable guidances (e.g., existence of define.pdf file for data sets). X No NA Comments SCE replaced ISE. IS THE STATISTICAL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION FILEABLE? Yes If the NDA/BLA is not fileable from the statistical perspective, state the reasons and provide comments to be sent to the Applicant. Please identify and list any potential review issues to be forwarded to the Applicant for the 74day letter. Content Parameter (possible review concerns for 74day letter) Yes Designs utilized are appropriate for the indications requested. X Endpoints and methods of analysis are specified in the protocols/statistical analysis plans. Interim analyses (if present) were pre-specified in the protocol and appropriate adjustments in significance level made. DSMB meeting minutes and data are available. Appropriate references for novel statistical methodology (if present) are included. X Safety data organized to permit analyses across clinical trials in the NDA/BLA. Investigation of effect of dropouts on statistical analyses as described by applicant appears adequate. X Reference ID: 3439315 No NA X X X Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/s/ ---------------------------------------------------LIJUN ZHANG 01/21/2014 SHENGHUI TANG 01/21/2014 Reference ID: 3439315