'Countyt?Disu-ict Court THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO City and County of Denver, Colorado . Offense Case No. #16-682654 AFFIDAVIT AND APPLICATION FOR ARREST WARRANT AND THE ARREST WARRANT FOR THE OF: McCaslin, Billy Jack (01/26/1976), for Burglary, 18-4-1203, Class 4 Felony Theft 18?4-401, Class 3 Felony 1, Detective Moses R. Rodriquez 96029. the Amant, state under oallt that the facts known In the A?'tant which establish probable cause to believe that a criminal o?'ense was committed. and that the offense was committed by the above named parents), on.- the following On 10-24-16, a burglary occurred aqt approximately 1710 hours. Of?cer Ryan Kasperson reported that 2 unknown males entered it apanment by unknown means and were caitured on video surveillance. During the burglary the suspects stole personal items and jewelry valued at ove On 10-2546, Your Af?ant met with the victim? and veri?ed the reported facts. At this time Your Af?ant also collected video survet once evt enee. Using the video surveillance data, Your Af?ant completed a Crime Stoppers bulletin depicting the two suspects. On 10-26-16. Your Af?ant received an anonymous Crime Stoppers tip that on of the suspects was a ?Billy McCaslin? and that he pawns items frequently. researched Pawn records and found a Billy lack McCaslin (01-26-76). Along with pawn ticke?en was a photo of the suspect dated 09-26-1 6. Your Af?ant immediately recognized the susp hat was wearing the same shin captured on the video surveillance. The pawn ticket was from ?Mister Money #370" located at 9205 Washington St.. Thornton, Co. Your Af?ant contacted the pawn shop and spoke with a manger tated that she recogni and was familiar McCaslin. Your Af?am emat surveillance photos of the su t. plied back that she was 100% positive that the pictu male was that of ?Billy McCaslin?. the suspect for over one year. Based on the aforementioned information Your At?ant respectfully requests Probable Cause Warrant for the arrest of Billy Jack McCaslin (01/26/1976) for Burglary, E84203, Class 4 Felony Theft 18-4-40], Class 3 Felony i af?rm this information to be true and correct 96029 KSigtiatur-e of Af?ant mat/? 0973?" Date Time Subscribed under oath before me on DENVER POLICE DEPARTMENT ARREST HARDCOPY 2016?85950] Related Attachmentis) - PC - PC WARRANT Attachment Description: Reference Number: 70135 050 RECORDS 00:11:48 10?27-201 6 316 STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE I AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT or: 18-8828.? AB - 5 than-me [sit-(Nuns . Hilde DUB I: 2,1735 1' Lnee?on arm Anna: on: Meet me em York mane 13m OFFICER lune 184203 Burglary 18-4401 Felony Theft ESiaiemenioiProbehieCause DMIdavliforArreeiWerrani - 9%!!lit?; '1 l! jimn. ?t?uuurn-w?wllw???11" .14beanw - .-: Time Judge or Notary Pubile My commission expires ARREST WARRANT You ereherebyoommende'd to lake the penonofme defendant and bring them without unnecessary delay before a Judge of?-reCDuninetniobedeeitMm according toiow. Bel iixed e1 5 Signature of Judge Deie Printed name of Judge I HEREBY CERTIFY than I exeqned the above warrant on (deie) hyiaking (time of person arrested) into custody and placing said person In ii'Ie Jail for eaiekeeping until furiher order of the coat. Signature of Arresting O?ioer DPD zerrnw 05:13) Pouce EPARTMENT ooe'r For: P98046 Printed On: Oct-27?2016 (Thu.) Page 5 of7