4-3'5? Tia?A (3,253 Aecepw3o=?4035?o MAP AND STATEMENT OF THE WWI is SW ASHCROFT RESERVOIR COUNTY, COLORADO DIVISION No.5 WATER No.38 COURSES REFERRED TO TRUE MERIDIAN SCALE 400? CONTOUR INTERVAL SIFarest Service Approximate Location Lag, I 7? ?3557 0 ?Approx more Locatl STATEMENT Know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Coloraao nghiander Bu?lait?n Corp River Water Conservation DietriciI who" put olfice aadrus is Bax 239. I Glenwood Springs. Colorado, acting by and through it: propcr officers ih?fa? ErtTy No 94 I unto duly authorized, intend to construct the Aahcratt Reservoir, and by means thereof to appropiaie water for beneficial uses and curpaln, hac caused Core- I I to in Iocatna in Fitkin County, Water District No 38, Irrigation Division I No.5. state of Catoraao. the Ashcrofi Reservoir as shown an the uccamponr ?7 *7 inq map, and in the accompanying staiemcnt. FIRSYI- The might at dam is I40 tut. Unsurveytd us Fcrest Service I The initial point of survey at Iha high wator line at said reservoir gmner?o 4 is located at a aainl whence Corner No. 4 of Homestead entry No. 55 in tho suprll Nationat Forest, in Section l9. II, 26l' Township ll South. Range 34 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. blurs South 56? 53? West at distance or 261. t. YHIRDH The area capacity robin i. shout an thin mapI FOURTHC- The total capacity at said rnervoir is 394,509.85! cubic feet or 9,056.? acre feet (including l7.236.655 cuhlc int or 355.? acre feet of dead :torage), (or which claim is hereby made for municipal, Industrial, domestic, irrigation, stock watering, electric power generation, aiscatarial and other bene?cial use: and purpose: The source of supaiy of said reservoir is Castle Creek, tributary to the Roaring Fork Riverr SIXTHZ- water stored ln 3an reservalr is rateased into the channel of Castle Creek and diverted from the Ashcroft darn by virtura at exisiinq accrue. . WLI TRAVERSE I 'r?v?T'T?h '7 'm . . . 035;: ARE TOTAL PERM Emma AREA IN TOTAL TOTAL I BEARINGII DISTANCE SEVENTH. The eutlmated cast of sum reservoir t! OI.- OITLET SQUARE I IN FEET ACRE FEET . I OUTLET SQUARE IN FEET I ACNE FEET I I 2 I 34503.: I 328 EIGHTHI- work was commenced on card reservoir by surveys therefor an l,63835C I i I 54 I I 4,6396 3 4 I 5 l3? 46?5 I 505 June S0. 4959 I I535_aaz 207,565,207 4.?3.0mmDated and sIanea at Glanltlood Sarlnusi Colon-?I thu ?duy 5 I 4.753.339 09 I I a I 2ISISZI2OE I 5,048.7 I 6 7 03? 53jE I 59> i mac 4 reason i 6,533,646 I50 0 58 226,023,746 7 I 5 I 603 5 Ixazscm I 8,4l0585 I93 I I 53 232209.307 5,3303 I a 9 I 505" 9 33.4 . THE COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 5 2923533 0.385654 i 235 4 i at: i 238477396 Emma Izasz?es z?slo SI i 2441863769 516203 I 1 i9 30325.213 I?ii??zasi :33; i 63 1 257,667,:44 jogs i '3 3 if: 39.3 I0, @5333; 19.232003; I :2 3:3 333;; I 395;?; 31247.972 I 5565 I I 56 277574275 I 3'352,654,502 26.862274 6I6.7 I 67 28 958.405 I 5.52H I ?3 I g3; I 22; SECRETARY 2251-252: ?i?sf??i 32:; g: I 613:2,835,346 35:!8i046 1 60763 70 I I 304955049 I 6 959,4 I 33?; STATE OF COLORADO :7 2376.626 38.l 22532 I, 875.2 I II gIlgg?Jfg COUNTY OF 18 I 3052907 4I Isazoe I 944.1 I 7 I 4 TISOD I 22 23 GO. 53IE 645 . lg 3IlseIIss 4423434? a I 3 31.466504 7.47I 2: 24 I I II, *3'w 550 PHILIP P. SMITH, being only worn on In: oath, my: that he I: 2 I sIzleMo I Ross 4 74 I 33"53??353 I 7I6353 I I 22 25 02? ga'w I 494 I Engineer or Colorado mm mm Conservation DistrictIincharau of meta 2i I 3314335 I 558;?595 II ?32 $55 I gig?gi?gg; I 25 26 55? I1 724 the Ashcroft Reservoir; that the survey ot the lame and the Z: i $353577 I 27633345 I?12c.o 77 .593892 51:70 a I i: if: 33.: i moo thereof were made under Mr instruction and .upervieion, one that such 24 3:601815 5 :059243 I l:40l,7 I 78 I 56a073035 I 5.3m? 25 53; gg-E 360 survey is accurately represented on map; ana that he no: race the 25 3,705,649 I ?4,7i5974 i I 7E 1 762mm: I 8.4656 I 29 30 20" lz?w I 453 I stotamnts human and mo! the lame are true of his own knowledge. 26 3.803485 ?166330mm 72.322944 II 6603I999II67 75.273I8o 32 33 II N23: I 29 I gossosc 80.32l258 I I.6439 3% 3f I A329 ENGINE 30 4.194.828 I l,939 . . 3 4.24222l 55585593 2. O36 Subscribed arm sworn to baton me this 421a? of 32 I ?289.84 SESSIIEH I 2Il339 1953. My carnrniuion expires October 22, i981 . 33 4,337,007 97.264322 I 2,232.9 I 34 4,384,400 2.333 0 fji?? )4 35 4,43 II794 I oeoaszza 2 ,434. 2 36 I I 2,5365 NOTARY I I I a I 3; ?3:33:33. I 5:23;: Accepted rar titioa In the arm. of the State Engineer at 39 4,62l,366 24,l40,043 2,349.9 I Colorado on this ._20_7__,aoy ai? 559 40 I 4.668767 I VESJESJOS 2,556.5 I 4; I 4:49.670 5 I 42 I 4.330979 3326 45 I 43 4,:I2Ioar I I45,l56,3?8 3 286.4 I 44 4393,3074305 IssIl42I769 5II55I4 3 l58,257.628 3 633 I 47 5.236522 ?63453595 I 3,752 4 48 51.3 I755: 3 375 6 I DEPUTY as 5,39 5739 I I 74,088.856 3, 9965.562874 4 24a 2 I 52 5.543695 I 90,653,897 4.376 53 4 5,2,28924 I96I34II3OS 4 ,507. I I I COLINNI I I . I